Haemolytica, Alcaligenes Faecalis) - in General, Bacte-: Acteria
Haemolytica, Alcaligenes Faecalis) - in General, Bacte-: Acteria
Haemolytica, Alcaligenes Faecalis) - in General, Bacte-: Acteria
the fact that bacteria that are as yet taxonomically
undescribed can be isolated from a variety of avian
species. Some of these bacterial strains have been
erroneously classified as taxons (eg, Pasteurella
haemolytica, Alcaligenes faecalis). In general, bacte-
rial adaption to an avian host minimizes cross-spe-
cies transmission from birds to mammals. Non-host-
adapted transmission usually requires large
numbers of organisms, repeated exposures, specific
susceptibility or immunosuppression. Some host-
adapted strains may form biovars that are specific to
one avian species (or a few closely related species) as
compared to the dominant species.
Because the isolation of “unusual” bacteria can be
expected from avian samples, the clinician can en- The members of the Enterobacteriaceae family typi-
hance results by providing the laboratory with a cally grow well on commonly used media. Enterobac-
thorough anamnesis, exact species of the bird in teriaceae are divided into genera based on specific
question, and as far as possible, the names of particu- biochemical and serologic characteristics. Many spe-
lar bacteria that may be suspected in the case. This cies are further divided into biotypes and serotypes.
latter point is especially important if special media In these species, complete identification requires dif-
or environmental conditions are needed for bacterial ferentiation between the O, K and (in motile species)
isolation. In addition, with some organisms, special H antigens. Serologic differentiation between the
transport media and shipping methods (eg, on ice) genera is often difficult since group-specific antigens
may be necessary to preserve the organism. (lipopolysaccharides) can cross-react.
Blood cultures are considered a definitive diagnostic Enterobacteriaceae are able to propagate in the envi-
tool in humans and some mammals. In these species, ronment if they are in the proper conditions. Entero-
samples are, as a rule, taken during a period of fever. bacteriaceae are ubiquitous and considered to be part
A febrile period is difficult to determine in a bird and of the autochthonous intestinal flora in many mam-
is generally considered of minimal importance. In mals, including humans and some species of birds
birds, organs as well as blood are not necessarily (Table 33.2).
sterile, although the number of bacteria is extremely
low. Generally, the isolation of small quantities of
FIG 33.1 A seven-year-old male Amazon parrot was presented for weakness and diarrhea. Abnormal clinical pathology findings included
PCV=22, WBC=33,000, SGOT=476. A Gram’s stain of the excrement revealed 70% gram-negative rods. Radiographs indicated ileus (gaseous
distension of the bowel), a full crop and microhepatia. Dried excrement is visible pericloacally. The dilated bowel loops are displacing the
proventriculus (p) cranially and the ventriculus (v), liver (l) and heart (h) ventrally.
thought that galactans found in the E. coli capsule metastases from infected air sacs. Infections are usu-
stimulate the granulomatous reaction. ally chronic in nature, with untreated birds eventu-
ally dying from salpingoperitonitis. Genital tract in-
Affected birds develop diarrhea, polyuria and chronic fections in males are less common, but when they do
weight loss. Granulomatous dermatitis is occasion- occur they usually result in orchitis and permanent
ally noted. Grayish foci of varying sizes in the liver, sterility.
intestinal subserosa and spleen or kidney are typical
findings at necropsy. These granulomas are distinct Secondary colonization of joints and bone marrow
from those induced by avian tuberculosis because can occur following E. coli septicemia. These lesions
they lack an opening into the intestinal lumen. The are rare, but when the do occur they are most fre-
center of the foci may be mineralized. Histologic quent in nestlings and fledglings. Some of the finch
changes are characterized by multinucleated giant species seem to be particularly susceptible. Bone
cells and a few heterophils around a central necrotic marrow infections appear to be very painful, and
region. Acid-fast staining should be used to rule out affected birds are usually reluctant to move.
E. coli can cause a primary rhinitis but is generally a Polyserositis and granuloma formation are lesions
sequela to infections elsewhere in the body. Air sac suggestive of E. coli infections. Specific diagnosis
lesions can be severe and may extend to the perito- requires culturing the organism from infected tis-
neum, causing a fibrinous polyserositis. Except for in sues. Serotyping is of academic importance.
geese, E. coli pneumonia is rare. This is due to the
special anatomy of the avian lung. When pneumonia Treatment
occurs, it is most common in young chicks that have The ability of a selected drug to penetrate target
inhaled a high number of virulent E. coli with con- tissues or granulomas must be considered (see Table
taminated dust. Affected birds are usually dyspneic 33.7). Oral antibiotics may be effective in treating E.
and cyanotic. In contrast to mammals, pneumonia is coli infections limited to the intestinal mucosa, but
not associated with prominent respiratory sounds. parenteral antibiotics are necessary for treating most
E. coli infections. In addition to antibiotics, therapeu-
Hens can develop E. coli infections characterized by tic considerations should also include administration
fibrinous salpingitis or oophoritis originating from of avian lactobacilli in an effort to lower the intestinal
organisms that ascend from the cloaca or by imprint
tract pH and help establish a proper autochthonous spp. that can cause devastating outbreaks. Some
flora. Mammalian strains of lactobacillus can be ef- salmonella strains are host-adapted (eg, S. galli-
fective in changing the intestinal pH but require the narum-pullorum to chickens, S. typhimurium var.
administration of large quantities of product over a copenhagen [in two biovars] to either pigeons [malon-
three- to four-week period. Lactulose may also be ate-negative] or European finches [malonate-positive]).
helpful in lowering the intestinal pH. Providing a
nutritional diet is important in improving gastroin- Transmission
testinal physiology in malnourished birds. Salmonella enters the host principally through the
oral route. Contaminated dust from feces or feathers
may be involved in aerogenic spread in some cases.
Salmonella (S.)
Egg transmission can occur with fully walled and
The genus Salmonella includes approximately 2000 L-form salmonella. It is most common with adapted
species divided into five subgenera. Subgenus I is the strains but is possible with any S. sp. Experimental
most important in birds. Subgenus III (S. arizonae, studies indicate that patent infections in embryos
Arizona hinshawii) has occasionally occur with fewer than ten bacteria. These infected
been reported in birds, particularly
those that are in contact with rep-
tiles. Most strains are motile and
grow on common media. The subgen-
era are determined by specific bio-
chemical profiles, and species are dif-
ferentiated serologically (O, K [Vi]
and H antigens). Lysotyping is used
for further characterization at the re-
search level. Propagation can occur
outside the host if the correct ambi-
ent temperatures and proper nutri-
ents are available.
chicks then hatch and spread salmonella by direct nella is no exception, and some cases of food poison-
contact throughout a nursery. If an embryo has more ing are linked to this bacterium. Indirect death
than ten bacteria, it usually dies before hatching.47 In through endotoxin contamination of food is rare in
freshly hatched chicks, salmonella often serves as birds; most avian salmonella problems are associ-
the first bacterium to colonize the intestines. This ated with direct infections. Interestingly, both viru-
organism becomes host-adapted during the egg incu- lent and nonvirulent strains of a given Salmonella
bation period, and the hatched chick can then serve sp. can exist simultaneously in a host. Virulent
as a subclinical carrier. In some cases, the salmonella strains are those that can penetrate an intact intes-
infection can eventually induce a septicemia and tinal mucosa, and nonvirulent strains are those that
death. Subclinical carriers allow an infective cycle to require a mucosal lesion to enter a host. Nonvirulent
occur in the absence of other vectors. Vertical infec- strains often colonize the gut, resulting in asympto-
tions may also occur if infected hens feed their young matic infections and intermittent shedding. Once
contaminated crop contents. virulent or nonvirulent strains have passed the mu-
cosal barriers, they induce a septicemia that results
Pathogenesis in an immune response or colonization in tissues and
One of the characteristics of the group Enterobacte- eventual death of the bird. In some cases, Salmonella
riaceae is that they all produce endotoxins. Salmo- sp. may cause chronic infections that are charac-
terized by intermittent septicemia and clinical signs.
Recurrent infections usually result in progressive
TABLE 33.3 Percentage of Psittaciformes Shedding
Gram-negative Bacteria and Yeast
organ involvement; the CNS and joints are fre-
quently end-stage sites of infection.
goldfinches and siskins, geese, birds of prey, Amazons Clinical Disease and Pathology
and African Grey Parrots), infections are not de- Y. pseudotuberculosis may be associated with per-
tected until late in the disease process when respira- acute, acute or chronic clinical disease. Peracute
tory signs occur. Encephalomyelitis is occasionally death without clinical signs is common in infected
noted in terminal cases. While systemic klebsiella Piciformes and Musophagidae. Clinical signs associ-
infections are most common, local infections involv- ated with acute disease include lethargy, dehydra-
ing the sinuses, skin, oral cavity and crop may also tion, diarrhea and dyspnea. Emaciation, wasting and
occur, particularly in Psittaciformes. The diagnosis is flaccid paresis or paralysis are common with sub-
made by isolation and identification of the organism. acute or chronic cases. Birds with a wasting syn-
The rule-out list is the same as with salmonella. drome appear similar to animals infected with tuber-
culosis. Infected ducks frequently develop tarsal joint
Yersinia (Y.) swelling. Canaries may be severely dyspneic prior to
The genus Yersinia currently consists of eleven spe-
cies.1 Unlike other Enterobacteriaceae, which are Gross changes associated with peracute infections
strictly rod-shaped, Yersinia spp. form ovoid-to-coc- include swelling of the liver and spleen and bloody-
coid rods that replicate in the environment at ex- to-fibrinous exudate into the body cavity. Submiliary-
tremely low temperatures (+4°C) if provided the to-miliary, sharply demarcated grayish foci within
proper sources of organic nitrogen. Because the or- the liver, lungs, spleen and kidneys are common with
ganism can grow effectively at low temperatures, the acute course. Chronic infections are charac-
infections are particularly common during the winter terized by granuloma formation in organs and the
months. skeletal musculature. Ascites and osteomyelitis may
or may not be present. Ulcers in the proventriculus,
Y. pseudotuberculosis appears to be the most impor- ventriculus and duodenum may occur in infected
tant avian pathogen. Y. intermedia, Y. frederiksenii canaries. Tarsitis chronica deformans with caseous
and Y. kristensenii are frequently isolated from vari- exudate in the joint cavity is frequently seen in
ous avian species, but their pathogenicity remains ducks.
Coagulation necrosis and thrombophlebitis are the
When grown at 20-28°C, Y. pseudotuberculosis is mo- common histologic changes. In acute and chronic
tile; when grown at higher temperatures it is nonmo- cases, inflammatory cells infiltrate the necrotic areas
tile. Six serovars have been distinguished. Serovar 1 and eventually induce granulomas.
is most frequently isolated from birds. Y. pseudotu-
berculosis has been recovered in an L-form from free- Diagnosis
ranging urban pigeons. The histopathologic changes, along with the identifi-
cation of gram-negative coccoid rods, are suggestive
Transmission of Y. spp. infections. Definitive diagnosis requires
Y. pseudotuberculosis is thought to be indigenous to isolating the organism from affected tissues. Placing
northern and middle Europe. The occurrence of this contaminated samples in a cool environment for two
bacterium in other parts of the world including Can- weeks may help in recovering Y. spp. Isolating avian
ada, the United States, Africa and Australia is strains of yersinia appears to be more difficult than
thought to have arisen from the movement of Euro- isolating mammalian strains. Because there are no
pean birds and rodents to other suitable geographic demonstrable biochemical or serologic differences, it
locations. An unknown percentage of the free-rang- has been assumed that avian strains are more diffi-
ing birds in Europe are considered asymptomatic cult to grow due to different nutritional require-
carriers. ments. The most consistent isolation results have
been obtained by placing fecal or organic material in
Y. pseudotuberculosis infects a wide range of hosts, heart-infusion broth with 5% glucose and storing this
including many bird species and various mammals, material in a refrigerator for two weeks. The mate-
particularly rodents and including humans. Toucans, rial is then inoculated on blood agar plates with 0.2%
toucanets, aracaris, barbets and turacos appear to be Tween 80 and 50 ppm tellurite and incubated at 37°C
extremely susceptible. for two days. Yersinia causes a reduction of the tellu-
rite, turning the colonies black.25
Ae. hydrophila. Removing waterfowl from ponds dur- noncholera Vibrio can be recovered from healthy
ing these periods is a good control measure. birds.
Spirochaetaceae Diagnosis
Blood smears stained with Giemsa or examined by
Borrelia (Bor.) anserina (syn. Spirochaeta gallina-
darkfield microscopy are useful for diagnosis. Cultur-
rum) is a gram-negative, helical motile organism that
ing Bor. sp. is very difficult. Antibodies (agglutina-
stains with Giemsa. A granular form of the organism
tion, fluorescence techniques, immunodiffusion) can
may occur in ticks and the blood of the birds that
be demonstrated from the 4th to the 30th day post-
have recovered from a disease. The host spectrum
includes geese and ducks, turkeys, chickens, pheas-
ants, grouse, partridges, pigeons, crows, magpies,
House Sparrows, starlings and African Grey Parrots.
Treponema (T.) spp.: Treponema spp. are helical taxonomically classified. Some isolates designated P.
motile organisms that are much smaller than Spiro- haemolytica (gram-negative, polymorphic rods) are
chaeta spp. An unclassified Treponema sp. (0.5 µm improperly classified and do not belong in this genus.
wide with 13 to 15 flagella)12 is the cause of a watery, The characteristics of these strains resemble those of
intermittent typhlitis in chickens. The organism is the genus Actinobacillus. Reports on isolation of P.
antigenically related to but distinct from T. hyodysen- pneumotropica from birds are questionable. This spe-
teriae. Chickens are the only defined host and lose cies appears to be host-specific and is found in rats or
weight in response to a malabsorption syndrome.12,22 other rodents. Similarly, P. ureae is believed to be
Histopathology shows an increased number of goblet host-specific for humans.
cells in the cecal mucosa, focal epithelial desquama-
tion and many Treponema organisms in the small Pasteurella has been associated with disease in Pha-
fissures of the epithelium. The incubation period is sianiformes, Anatiformes, Psittaciformes, Columbi-
one to seven weeks dependent on the infective dose. formes and Passeriformes. There is variance in spe-
Culture is possible on spectinomycin blood agar in an cies susceptibility. The clinical presentations and
anaerobic atmosphere. Fluorescent antibodies de- pathomorphologic changes are similar to those de-
signed for T. hyodysenteriae can be used to demon- scribed for yersiniosis. Propagation outside the host
strate the organisms in affected tissue. can occur but requires very specific conditions of
temperature, relative humidity and pH. Such condi-
Spirochaetaceae Undifferentiated: A non-classified tions may occur in large bodies of water, and in these
spirochete from choanal and tracheal mucus of a situations Pasteurella spp. can survive for long peri-
cockatiel has been described. The organisms were 0.3 ods. Epornitics are most common in the northern
to 0.4 X 10 to 15 µm in size and occurred in large hemisphere from November to December. Outbreaks
numbers on the mucosa. Two other cockatiels have in tropical climates peak with seasonal highs in am-
been found to harbor similar organisms in the respi- bient temperature and humidity.
ratory passage. Histopathology showed a mild in-
flammatory reaction in the nasal sinus, but not in the P. multocida: The etiologic agent of fowl cholera, the
trachea. In the lower parts of the respiratory tract, species is divided into strains based on 16 serologi-
the organisms could not be demonstrated using ar- cally distinct endotoxins and 4 capsular polysaccha-
gentation. The significance of these findings is un- rides. Serotypes 1 and 3 and capsule types A and D
known. Interference with the ciliary activity of the are most commonly isolated from birds. Three sub-
respiratory mucosa is conceivable.65 species, P. multocida (m.) multocida, P. m. galli-
narum and P. m. septica, have been distinguished
Spirochetes were demonstrated in a pharyngeal based on differences in virulence. The latter is con-
swab of a cockatiel that was depressed and sneezing. sidered to be the most virulent.
The bird had spent ten minutes with another cocka-
tiel that was showing similar clinical signs ten days P. pneumotropica is indigenous in rodents and occa-
before being presented for evaluation. sionally causes disease in aviary birds and pigeons.
Infected birds develop pneumonia and may exhibit
dyspnea shortly before death. Detailed information
Pasteurella (P.) on the pathogenesis and clinical progression of P.
pneumotropica in companion birds has not been re-
The family of Pasteurellaceae currently includes the
genera Pasteurella, Actinobacillus and Haemophi-
lus.49 All three genera can be pathogens in birds. P. gallinarum appears to have a similar host spec-
trum as P. multocida; however, P. gallinarum is
Pasteurella characteristically exhibit bipolar stain-
thought to be much less pathogenic. If the organism
ing in tissue smears or from first culture passages
is able to colonize the respiratory mucosa, it can
when fixed in methanol and stained with methylene
induce conjunctivitis and respiratory signs including
blue. There are presently eleven species within this
coryza, rales and dyspnea. P. gallinarum has been
genus, but others will undoubtedly be added. P. mul-
isolated from the choanae and nostrils of Psittacifor-
tocida, which causes fowl cholera, and P. gallinarum
mes with concomitant Aspergillus spp. infections in
are two of the most commonly encountered species.
the lungs and air sacs. Aspergillosis is one of the
The latter is usually considered a secondary patho-
triggering factors that allows this secondary patho-
gen. Some of the Pasteurella organisms isolated from
gen to overcome host defenses. Postmortem findings
waterfowl, pigeons and Psittaciformes have not been
associated with P. gallinarum include catarrhal to
tions. Vaccines for P. multocida are commercially signs developing in goslings each season. At necropsy,
available, but their effectiveness is poor. Failures liver necrosis, salpingitis, peritonitis, endocarditis
associated with the vaccine occur because of the nu- valvularis and fibrinous arthritis are typical lesions.
merous different serotypes and the fact that endotox- In young geese, polyserositis and arthritis are promi-
ins are more immunogenic than the bacterial cap- nent.
sule. The production of vaccines from strains that
persist in an aviary may provide successful long- Diagnosis and Treatment
term control. Isolation and identification of the causative agent is
necessary for diagnosis.
Actinobacillus (At.) E. coli and other bacteria, particularly anatipestifer
The genus Actinobacillus consists of a group of organ- infections in waterfowl, have to be considered as
isms provisionally differentiated into more than 20 causative agents for the salpingitis, peritonitis and
biovars, some of which have a rather high host speci- polyserositis.
ficity. The taxonomic reclassification of the Pas- Tetracyclines and chloramphenicol are indicated for
teurellaceae is intertwined with the genus Actino- initial therapy. Sensitivities for many strains are
bacillus. Because of these classification revisions, difficult to interpret because of oversized inhibition
even the actinobacilli that are pathogenic in birds zones. In young geese, antibiotics must be given
have not been named. The situation has been compli- during the first week of life or lesions become too
cated in recent years because many new strains have extensive to be reversed.
been isolated from Psittaciformes, Columbiformes,
Anatiformes and Fringillidae. One biovar has been
referenced in the literature as P. haemolytica syn. At. Haemophilus (H.)
salpingitidis. However, this classification is not
The haemophilus strains that infect companion birds
valid. The knowledge of the biology and pathogenic-
have not been properly classified. Chickens are con-
ity of the members of the genus is limited.
sidered to be the only definitive host of H. paragalli-
Actinobacilli are polymorphic rods that may exhibit narum, which is the agent of coryza contagiosa galli-
bipolar staining similar to Pasteurellae. Most strains narum. Experimentally, Columbiformes and
grow only on blood agar plates or media containing Anatiformes are resistant to infection. Several
serum. Some strains, particularly of At. salpingi- Haemophilus spp., including H. avium a n d H.
tidis, hemolyze avian and bovine erythrocytes or pro- paravium, can be isolated from birds with coryza;
duce exotoxins that are capable of causing arteritis. however, their involvement in the disease process is
Some strains are considered to be primary patho- questionable. They probably serve as secondary in-
gens, but the majority of this genus is comprised of vaders that sustain upper and sometimes lower res-
opportunistic organisms. There are no simple labora- piratory tract disease.11,35
tory tests for differentiation between primary and
secondary invaders.
Details on the pathogenesis of Haemophilus spp.
There is little information on routes of transmission. strains that infect Psittaciformes and Columbifor-
It has been proven that egg transmission of some mes are scarce. H. paragallinarum is known to pro-
strains occurs in chickens and geese. Incubation pe- duce a number of cellular toxins, including neu-
riods in the avian host are not known. raminidase, nitratase and catalase. Birds do not
appear to develop an immune response following
Clinical Disease and Pathology infection, and relapses are common.
Many infected birds die acutely. Birds with a more
chronic course typically develop joint lesions. Spe- Clinical Disease and Pathology
cies-specific strains that infect geese morphologically Haemophilus infections generally cause a rhinitis
resemble P. influenzae. This organism has been ref- that results in a serous-to-mucoid or even fibrinous
erenced as a cause of chronic disease in the gosling,26 exudate. Conjunctivitis and sinusitis may also occur.
characterized by emaciation, failure to thrive, poor The most common postmortem finding is catarrhal-
feed conversion and arthritis. Egg transmission may to-fibrinous rhinitis. Bronchopneumonia and air sac-
cause reduced hatchability. Asymptomatic infections culitis are frequently described but are usually the
are thought to occur in adult breeders, with clinical result of concomitant infections (virus, other bacte-
ria, Candida spp.). For those lesions supposedly and the condition of the host must also play a role.
caused by Haemophilus spp. apart from H. paragalli- The incubation period in ducks ranges from three to
narum see Table 33.4.32,35 Histopathology reveals un- ten days.
characteristic lesions.
Clinical Disease and Pathology
TABLE 33.4 Clinical Disease Caused by Haemophilus in Avian Species
Infected ducklings (two weeks of age) usually die
peracutely. Mortality rates in this age group can
Blue Crane Pneumonia (together with staphylococci) reach 75% of exposed young. Acute disease develops
and necrosis of liver tissue
in older birds and is characterized by sinusitis, con-
Pigeon Rhinitis
junctivitis, coughing and diarrhea, followed in two
African Grey Parrot Pneumonia, air sacculitis days by tremors, ataxia and convulsions. Survivors
Plum-headed Parakeet Sinusitis, swelling of the liver together are stunted and fail to grow. Fibrinopurulent polyse-
with E. coli or related organisms
rositis is the characteristic postmortem finding.
Eastern Rosella Sinusitis, swelling of the liver together
with E. coli or related organisms Other changes include lung congestion, hepa-
Budgerigar Rhinitis (possibly together with tomegaly, splenomegaly, pericarditis and perihepati-
Pasteurella or E. coli) tis. Cytophaga-induced spondylitis with compression
Muscovy Duck Rhinitis, sinusitis of the spinal cord was reported in turkeys.10 Diffuse
Andean Goose Rhinitis, hemorrhage, jejunitis fibrinous meningitis with lymphocytic infiltration
Turkey Sinusitis, air sacculitis around the meningeal blood vessels was a charac-
Golden Pheasant Sinusitis, diphtheroid surface lining of teristic histologic lesion. There was exudate forma-
the beak cavity tion within the ventricles as well as proliferation of
Siamese Fireback Necrosis of the lung tissue. microglia in the subpial and periventricular
The occurrence of polyserositis is highly suggestive of
an infection. Isolation and identification of the causa-
Other Gram-negative Rods tive agent is necessary in all other cases. An ELISA
can be used to survey a flock for serologic response.
New Duck Disease (Duck Septicemia)
Tularemia is caused by Francisella tularensis, a mo-
The etiologic agent of duck septicemia has been sus- tile, short rod, 0.2 X 0.3-0.7 µm in size. Isolates are
pected to be Pfeifferella, Pasteurella or Moraxella reported occasionally, mainly from birds that inhabit
anatipestifer. The causative organism has recently the northern and subarctic regions of the northern
been placed in the genus Cytophaga, which is a hemisphere, such as the Common Pheasant, Wax-
semiaerobic, nonmotile rod.49 The genus contains at wing, Ural Owl, Rough-legged Hawk and Common
least 19 serovars; serovars 1-3 are most common in Raven. Rodents are considered to be the primary
Europe; serovars 1, 2 and 5 are most common in the reservoir. Nothing is known about the clinical signs.
United States; serovar 3 is frequently isolated in The pathology resembles that of Pasteurella or
Australia. This organism is known to infect ducks Yersinia infections. Francisella previously has been
and geese, free-ranging waterfowl, turkeys, pheas- classified with these two genera. The organism is
ants and Psittaciformes. There is no information on considered to be a zoonotic agent.
its virulence or ability to survive in the environment.
Experimental disease does not occur following oral Acinetobacter calcoaceticus (An.)
administration, and the respiratory tract is thought
This organism forms either cocci (fresh culture) or
to be the primary portal of entrance to the host. Egg
rods. It grows on commonly used media, even on
transmission resulting in high morbidity and mortal-
some selective media for Enterobacteriaceae. The
ity of ducklings is a substantial factor for the flock.
host spectrum is wide, and many avian orders can
The pathogenicity of cytophaga is undetermined. Un- harbor the organism in the respiratory or intestinal
doubtedly, there are strain differences in virulence, tracts. Egg transmission is possible in many avian
species. No reports conclusively describe consistently
occurring lesions in any avian species. Therefore, it studied sufficiently to determine their importance in
is assumed that the organism has a low pathogenic- birds. Staphylococcus protein A, which is found in the
ity, and infections indicate a compromised host. bacterial cell wall, is capable of binding to the Fc-
fragment of immunoglobulin, thereby inhibiting
phagocytosis of the organism. The correlation be-
tween protein A production and the virulence of
avian Staphylococcus strains is poorly documented.
Gram-positive Bacteria Members of the genus Staphylococcus (apart from S.
of Clinical Significance aureus) are commonly recovered from many avian
species and are considered part of the autochthonous
flora. When present in diseased tissue, they are gen-
erally considered to be secondary invaders. Because
Staphylococcus (S.) S. aureus includes the most virulent strains, the
following discussion applies mainly to this species.
Staphylococcus infections can induce sporadic or en-
zootic disease in many avian species. Clinical mani-
festations may include acute septicemia or subacute- S. aureus
to-chronic arthritis, osteomyelitis and osteitis. Less
Avian strains of virulent S. aureus are relatively
common clinical problems include vesicular dermati-
species-specific and rarely induce disease in mam-
tis or omphalitis. Staphylococci, particularly S.
mals. The organism is found in abundant quantities
aureus, can function as primary pathogens or may
in air and dust. Isolation of the organism can fre-
complicate other infections as secondary invaders.
quently be accomplished from the skin and the mu-
Isolation of the staphylococci is relatively simple us- cosa of the respiratory or digestive tract of clinically
ing common media and growth conditions. Taxonomy normal birds (Figure 33.6). S. aureus, like other
literature50 currently lists 21 Staphylococcus spp., 14 Staphylococcus species, is relatively stable in the
of which can be found in birds and are given here in environment and can remain infectious for long peri-
order of decreasing frequency. S. xylosis is considered
almost apathogenic. S. sciuri and S. lentus (the latter
a former biovar of S. sciuri) have some pathogenicity
markers. S. aureus includes more virulent strains
than any other species. These four Staphylococcus
species are further divided into several biovars. Be-
cause some of these biovars are recovered only in a
limited number of closely related bird species, they
may represent bacterial organisms that have
adapted to specific hosts. Other less commonly iso-
lated species include S. intermedius, S. hyicus, S.
cohnii, S. saprophyticus, S. haemolyticus, S. warneri,
S. hominis, S. epidermidis, S. gallinarum and S.
capitis. S. epidermis was frequently cited in earlier
literature but, using current diagnostic tools, is today
rarely found in birds. The isolation of these less
common species frequently depends on the internal
or external environment of the patient, and limited FIG 33.6 A five-year-old Amazon parrot was presented with an
information is available concerning their pathogenic- acute onset of picking at the feet and legs, which caused hyperemia
ity. and scab formation. This syndrome, called Amazon foot necrosis,
has been reported in Amazona spp., and Staphylococcus spp. are
frequently isolated from the lesions. However, staphylococci are
Staphylococci have several pathogenicity markers part of the autochthonous flora and are probably not the primary
including production of the clumping factor, hemolys- cause of this problem. This affected Amazon parrot belonged to a
ins, DNase, phosphatase, protein A and leuko- client who smoked, and when the owner started washing her hands
after smoking (presumably to remove nicotine sulfate, a potent
cidine. The presence of the clumping factor seems to toxin), the foot and leg lesions resolved. The client eventually
correlate closely with pathogenicity in avian pa- stopped smoking and the bird had no further episodes of Amazon
tients. Other pathogenicity markers have not been foot necrosis.
ods of time outside the host. Given proper conditions, Exogenous infections usually result in localized skin
the organism can propagate in an external environ- disease, although subsequent septicemia can occur in
ment. Like many bacteria, Staphylococcus can also some cases. Birds, unlike mammals, are generally
develop resistance to disinfectants following continu- resistant to wound infection. To become established,
ous exposure, and frequent changing of disinfectants exogenous bacteria typically require epithelium
is required to prevent the development of resistant damaged by other infectious agents (particularly
strains. clostridia or poxvirus), immunosuppression (includ-
ing immunosuppressive viruses such as retroviruses
Techniques for differentiating between avian and or reovirus), environmental stressors or prolonged
mammalian strains of S. aureus remain unsatisfac- application of an antibiotic.
tory. Evaluating the type of lesions caused by experi-
mental subcutaneous infection of S. aureus in birds Localized problems associated with Staphylococcus
may prove valuable in differentiating between avian spp. can also result from a delayed hypersensitivity
and mammalian strains. reaction. This type of response is considered to be one
of the major factors in treating staphylococcus-re-
Pathogenesis lated bumblefoot.
The importance of Staphylococcus infections in birds
is clinically underestimated. Individual strains may Clinical Disease and Pathology
cause clinical problems in one bird while being con- Staphylococcus can induce a wide range of clinical
sidered normal autochthonous flora in another. Lipo- and pathologic lesions, including high embryonic
teichoic acid, a major component of the staphylococ- mortality, yolk sac or umbilical inflammation, septi-
cal wall, is instrumental in the specific capacity of cemia, arthritis-synovitis, osteomyelitis, vesicular
this organism to bind to host cell receptors, particu- dermatitis, gangrenous dermatitis and bumblefoot.
larly in the respiratory system. Such binding is a
precondition for colonization and subsequent infec- Endogenous infections usually cause internal le-
tion. However, avirulent strains can also bind to the sions, while exogenous infections frequently result in
same receptors and may compete for receptor sites, dermatitis and bumblefoot. Staphylococcal lesions in
preventing colonization of virulent strains. This the umbilical region are typically either dry and
process is called “bacterial interference.” Suitable brownish or smudgy, reddish and edematous. Clini-
strains of Staphylococcus have been used as prophy- cal problems are most common in newly hatched
lactic tools, especially in poults. Some of these chicks (up to ten days of age), in which the yolk sac
apathogenic strains also produce bacteriocin, which in the body cavity is not absorbed normally, with
can inhibit the growth of a variety of bacteria. possible decomposition of its contents.
Although endogenous infections can be primary, they Staphylococcus septicemia may be characterized by
are frequently secondary to respiratory tract coloni- nonspecific clinical signs including lethargy, ano-
zation and progress to septicemia. If an infected bird rexia, a kyphotic posture, ruffled plumage and sud-
survives the acute septicemic stage of the disease, it den death. The acute occurrence of necrosis to the
will typically develop localized changes. Focal lesions distal digits or adnexa of the head and neck is sug-
occur as a result of thrombi formation in the arteri- gestive of a thrombi-inducing infection, which can be
oles and capillaries, which leads to ischemic necrosis. a sequela to staphylococcus septicemia. During the
Clinically, these necrotic areas are frequently local- initial phases of the ischemic process, the involved
ized at the tips of the extremities and in the skin. In digits may be swollen, congested and painful, and
addition, infarction can also cause necrotic lesions in many affected birds exhibit lameness. The acute on-
internal organs, particularly the liver and kidneys, set of tremors, opisthotonos and torticollis can often
which are more difficult to discern clinically. The be linked to staphylococcus-induced necrosis in the
central nervous system (CNS) is another site prone CNS. Gross lesions associated with staphylococcus
t o Staphylococcus-induced lesions. Postsepticemic septicemia include petechiae and ecchymoses of in-
development of arthritis, tenovaginitis, osteitis and ternal organs. Chronic infections may result in endo-
osteomyelitis followed by chronic skeletal changes carditis valvularis. Histologic changes vary with the
are considered together as one disease process (Fig- clinical course of disease but typically consist of a
ure 33.7). These problems usually occur after a four- heterophilic and granulomatous response.
to seven-day period of septicemia.
Arthritis-synovitis, characterized by the formation of
serofibrinous or fibrinous inflammation of the
FIG 33.7 Staphylococcus spp. can cause osteomyelitis either secondary to septicemia or following an injury that allows colonization of the
bone. Chronic osteomyelitis, as demonstrated in this radiograph, typically requires surgery to remove necrotic tissue and long-term
antibiotic therapy, preferably with clindamycin because of its high affinity to bone and bone marrow.
synovial membranes of tendon sheaths and articular rus (or other immunosuppressive agents) may be
bursae, is frequently noted with staphylococcal infec- involved in the disease process. Histologic evaluation
tions in gallinaceous species. Any joint may be in- of biopsy samples is required to confirm an underly-
volved but there appears to be a predilection for ing poxvirus.
colonization of the tarsal and metatarsal joints. Fol-
lowing antibiotic therapy, staphylococcus may be pre- Staphylococcus-induced gangrenous dermatitis is in-
sent in its unstable L-form, which is difficult to treat. itially recognized by the occurrence of subcutaneous
edema and hemorrhage followed by inflammation of
In immature birds with active growth plates, Staphy- the skin. Affected skin is typically blackish and
lococcus frequently localizes in the epiphyseal area smudgy and feather loss is common. Clostridium
with secondary invasion of the bone marrow, result- perfringens or another Clostridium sp. is a common
ing in osteomyelitis. Endogenous osteomyelitis is secondary invader. Both Staphylococcus and Clos-
considered to be impossible after consolidation of the tridium require a triggering factor (often damaged
growth plate.46 Infection of the growth plates often epithelium) to enter the tissue. Gangrenous derma-
leads to chronic skeletal abnormalities. Infections titis is rare in most bird species.
are frequently localized to the proximal epiphyses of
the femur, tibiotarsus, tarsometatarsus and fifth to Advanced bumblefoot is a necrotizing abscess on the
seventh thoracic vertebrae. Vertebral injury may plantar surface of the foot. Depending on the location
lead to clinical changes described as “kinky back” and chronicity of the abscess, infection may or may
(Figure 33.8). Swelling and colliquation associated not extend to neighboring joints, tendon sheaths and
with the infection cause deformation of the vertebral bones. The condition is frequently described in rap-
spongiosa, which may lead to narrowing of the verte- tors but may occur in other avian species. The precise
bral foramina and compression of the spinal cord. pathogenesis of bumblefoot is undetermined (see
Chapter 16). Although staphylococci are frequently
Staphylococcus-induced vesicular dermatitis is char- isolated from these lesions, they are by no means the
acterized by the formation of vesicles containing yel- only bacteria that can be recovered from diseased
lowish exudate that form brownish to blackish crusts tissue. Systemic infections that result in other le-
following rupture. Concomitant infection with poxvi-
FIG 33.8 An eight-week-old African Grey Parrot was presented for an inability to stand or ambulate properly. On physical examination,
the bird was BAR, in excellent weight (325 grams) and had a palpable spinal deformity. Radiographs indicated scoliosis. Bacterial infections
including Staphylococcus spp. can cause spinal deformities. In this bird, the WBC was normal and the etiology of the problem was
undetermined. Congenital abnormalities appear to be particularly common in African Grey Parrots and may have been the cause of this
sions or death can occur secondary to bumblefoot dust and air), and some strains can survive for long
caused by virulent strains of S. aureus. periods in the environment. They are sensitive to
most commonly used disinfectants.
Staphylococcal colonies, like Micrococcus spp., have Sc. and Ec. are considered part of the autochthonous
opaque pigments (from white to yellow). Clumping flora of the skin and the mucosal surfaces of the
factor-positive strains are likely to be virulent, and digestive, respiratory and reproductive tracts. Sc.
require an aggressive therapy based on antibiotic and Ec. transition from normal flora to disease-in-
sensitivities. ducing agents depends on the functional state of host
defense systems. Predisposing factors to disease in-
Serologic diagnostic techniques using agglutinins, clude immunosuppression, concomitant infections
antihemolysins or antitoxins are of little value in and exposure to a variety of toxins and pathogenicity
diagnosing staphylococcosis. Cross-agglutinins, par- factors that may be produced by some strains of Sc.
ticularly against Salmonella gallinarum-pullorum, and Ec.
frequently result in false-positive reactions.
The ß-hemolyzing, pyogenic streptococci, frequently
found in mammals, are rare in birds. In comparison,
Streptococcus (Sc.) and Enterococcus (Ec.)
α-hemolyzing streptococci are quite common. It has
Streptococci and enterococci consist of numerous spe- been suggested that most of the latter species should
cies that readily grow on most commonly used media. be included into the newly established genus Entero-
Differentiation between the species is based upon coccus.45,54 Enterococci are less fastidious than strep-
morphologic, biochemical and serologic charac- tococci, and many will grow on selective media used
teristics. These organisms are ubiquitous (mainly in for isolating Enterobacteriaceae. Numerous species
Mycobacterium (M.)
Colony morphology of pathogenic mycobacterium
may be smooth or rough and change through succes-
sive in vitro subcultures. Most strains are nonphoto-
chromogenic and may become yellow with age. Some
strains are scotochromogenic and have bright yellow
isolated from Wood Pigeons and free-ranging rumi- Serovar 8 has been isolated worldwide and is prob-
nants. The agent causes paratuberculosis in mam- ably the most frequent serovar reported. Birds living
mals and mycobacteriosis as well as paratubercu- in aquatic environments are particularly susceptible
losis in birds. to infections, which can be subclinical. Recently, se-
rovars 25 and 27 have been isolated from sick birds.
M. intracellulare is designated as a distinct species In addition, M. avium strains have been recovered
and is considered less pathogenic to birds than M. that do not belong to serovars 1 to 28. These newly
avium (whether justified or not). Morphologic, bio- isolated strains vary serologically, have a broad host
chemical and serologic differentiation between M. spectrum and are considered as virulent as serovar 2.38
avium and M. intracellulare are relatively difficult.
These two species are routinely grouped together Transmission
into the M. avium-intracellulare (MAI) complex. MAI Avian mycobacteriosis primarily involves the alimen-
complex strains are serologically distinct and have tary tract. Transmission occurs mainly through con-
been divided into serovars.64 M. avium is divided into taminated feces, although aerogenic routes of trans-
serovars 1 to 11; M. intracellulare into three subspe- mission are possible. Arthropods can serve as
cies (subspecies 1: serovar 12 to 17, 19 to 28; subspe- mechanical vectors of M. intracellulare and M. avium
cies 2: serovar 7; subspecies 3: serovar 18). Serovar 1 subsp. avium. Egg transmission can occur but is
is most prevalent and pathogenic in the United epornitically unimportant because M. avium bacter-
States, while serovar 2 is most common in Europe. To emia causes an immediate cessation of egg produc-
date, serovar 3 has mainly been isolated in Europe. tion. Mycobacteria may persist in contaminated soil,
litter and, less frequently, feed. Birds of prey can be
secondarily infected while consuming infected
TABLE 33.5 Zoonotic Potential of Bacteria From Companion Birds quarry. The incidence of mycobacteriosis in free-
ranging birds is estimated to be less than 1%.59
Bacteria Zoonotic Potential
Actinobacillus None reported Pathogenesis
Alcaligenes None reported The main portal of entrance in birds is the intestinal
Bordetella None reported tract, which typically results in a visceral infection.
Campylobacter Undetermined, possible Initial colonization occurs in the intestinal wall. Sub-
C. laridis – diarrhea in children
clinical bacteremia occurs early with subsequent
Clostridium Negligible
spread to the liver through the portal circulation
E. coli Possible during the infectious process (relatively low numbers
Prevention – good hygiene
of organisms in the blood). The lack of lymph nodes
Erysipelothrix Persistent dermatitis
Avoid contact with infected birds allows unabated hematogenous spread within the
Haemophilus None reported host. The lungs can be secondarily infected during
Listeria Conjunctivitis when infected from birds bacteremia. Avian mycobacteria are removed from
Klebsiella Theoretically possible the endothelium of the vessels by reticuloendothelial
None reported cells, mainly in the liver, spleen and bone marrow.
Humans – Friedländers pneumonia Locally, avian mycobacteria induce cellular reactions
Megabacterium Avian-specific governed by the cell-mediated immune system. In
Mycobacterium Possible contrast to this typical M. avium infection, Columbi-
Immunosuppressed humans
formes, Anseriformes and some weaver finches of the
Pasteurella Rare human cases genus Textor develop lesions only within the lungs
Pseudomonas Possible (Figure 33.11). An acute bacteremia is frequently
Prevention – good hygiene
observed in cranes (Gruiformes), the Hermit Ibis,
Salmonella Negligible (see text)
Columbiformes and some Passeriformes. Tubercles
Staphylococcus aureus Negligible
Avian-adapted strains that form at the site of infection in the intestinal wall
Streptococcus/ Negligible commonly remain open to the intestinal lumen. This
Enterococcus Birds may be infected by humans allows for constant shedding of M. avium into the
Francisella tularensis Possible/unlikely from birds feces (open infection). In birds, three different types
Vibrio Mild enteritis of lesions can be recognized although the pathogene-
Yersinia High potential sis has not been clarified: 1) classical form with tu-
pseudotuberculosis Transmission documented bercules in many organs; 2) paratuberculous form
Humans – difficult to treat with typical lesions in the intestinal tract (prone to
The pathology associated with M. avium infections
varies widely, probably based on the species of bird
infected and the serovar of the bacterium. Specific
relationships between avian hosts and individual se-
rovars have not been defined. The presence of miliary
to greater-than-pea-sized nodules in the wall of the
intestinal tract and in the liver, spleen and bone
FIG 33.11 In Psittaciformes, mycobacteriotic lesions are generally marrow are characteristic of M. avium infections.
not limited to the intestinal tract. In Columbiformes and some
other species, atypical granulomas may form in the lungs. Myco- These typical lesions have been described in Falconi-
bacterium avium was recovered from the lungs of this pigeon that formes, Accipitriformes, Strigiformes, Phasianifor-
was presented for severe emaciation and severe dyspnea. Radio- mes, Charadriiformes, Ciconiiformes, Cuculiformes,
graphs indicated soft tissue masses in the lungs. Abnormal clinical
pathology lesions included WBC=54,000 and PCV=19. Piciformes and Ralliformes. Granuloma formation
can occur in any organ but is generally localized to
the intestinal tract and reticuloendothelial organs.
develop this form of myobacteriosis are Amazona, The nodules are frequently necrotic in the center and
Pionus, Brotogeris, Psittacula species and the in chronic cases may be calcified. In contrast, Colum-
Horned Parakeet); 3) non-tuberculous form, which biformes, Anatiformes, Passeriformes and most of
may be difficult to recognize at necropsy (many Psit- the Psittaciformes do not form typical granulomas.
taciformes). Acid-fast rods are found distributed throughout the
parenchyma of infected organs. An infected liver or
Clinical Disease spleen may be only swollen or may show necrotic foci
In some bird species the clinical course is atypical, or even general induration. In pigeons, liver lesions
and acid-fast rods have been detected more or less may resemble Trichomonas abscesses. In pelicans,
accidentally. This is particularly the case with small greasy tumor-like swellings like those seen in leuk-
Passeriformes, especially the Hooded Siskin.19 Clini- osis may be observed. The lungs, particularly of
cal signs associated with mycobacteriosis are highly geese, weaver finches (genera Queleopsis, Quelea and
variable. Adult birds usually develop a chronic wast- Euplectes) and some Amazona spp., develop necrotiz-
ing disease associated with a good appetite, recurrent ing or ulcerating lesions. Paratuberculous lesions are
diarrhea, polyuria, anemia and dull plumage. Imma- characterized by the occurrence of clubbed villa con-
ture individuals frequently develop subclinical condi- taining acid-fast rods in the intestinal mucosa. Le-
tions. Intermittent switching lameness may occur as sions may also occur in glands of Lieberkühn, with
a result of painful lesions in the bone marrow. Arthri- characteristic proliferation of their epithelial cells.
tis, mainly of the carpometacarpal and the elbow
joints or tubercle formation of the muscles of the Histopathologic identification of foci of single or con-
thigh or shank can be seen occasionally. These clini- fluent epithelioid cells in affected organs is sugges-
cal changes are particularly common in Falconifor- tive of an M. avium infection. Parenchymal lesions
mes and Accipitriformes. Skin over the affected joint generally consist of epithelioid cells or multinu-
is often thickened and ulcerated. Tubercle formation cleated giant cells (mostly the foreign body type, only
in the skin is rare, but when it is present, pinpoint to rarely the Langhans type) and occasionally contain
pigeon egg-sized nodules filled with yellow fibrinous lymphocytes and plasma cells. Acid-fast rods in vary-
material may be noted. Granulomas may be seen ing quantities can be demonstrated in the affected
within the conjunctival sac, at the angle of the beak, epithelioid or multinucleated giant cells. Acid-fast
around the external auditory canal and in the oro- rods may also be noted in tissues in the absence of
pharynx. Mycobacteriosis should be suspected when cellular reactions. Some infected birds will have cell-
tumor-like lesions recur after surgery. Greater Rhea free acid-fast rods in the proventriculus or jejunal
frequently develop granulomas in the upper phar- villi without an inflammatory response. It has been
postulated that the acid-fast rods may actually be Several indirect tests have been discussed for diag-
contained within lymphatic vessels in the villi. M. nosing Mycobacterium. The tuberculin test (aller-
avium infections frequently induce depletion of lym- genic test) and the slide agglutination test (serologic
phocytes in the spleen (particularly the white pulp) test) have both been used in birds with some success.
and a proliferation of macrophage or reticular cell The tuberculin test is frequently associated with
types in the same tissue. Depletion of the splenic false-negative results, particularly in early and late
lymphocytes and lymph follicles may induce an im- stages of the disease and is no longer recommended.
munosuppression. The slide agglutination test requires fresh plasma or
serum and is evaluated against a bank of antigens for
Diagnosis the different serovars; there are cross-reactions be-
The demonstration of acid-fast rods in tissues or on tween the different serovars. Unfortunately, only se-
cytologic preparations is suggestive of mycobacte- rovar 2 antigen is commercially available. To esti-
riosis. False-negative staining can occur by not ob- mate the probability of an acute disease process,
taining an adequate sample. The demonstration of serotitration (using the Gruber-Widal scheme) is pos-
acid-fast rods in the feces has been suggested as a sible. Only titers greater than 1:64 are considered
useful diagnostic tool in subclinical birds. Mucus positive. Psittaciformes may exhibit a cyclic reduc-
present in the feces can interfere with test results, tion in titer and mycobacterial excretion, which may
and samples should be processed with one of the lead to an incorrect suspicion that natural healing or
sputum solvents used in human medicine before a successful therapy has occurred. An ELISA system
staining. The most consistent results can be obtained has been tested to distinguish between M. avium
by centrifuging the feces and then spreading the serovars but has been hampered by a high degree of
surface of the pellet on a slide for staining. This test cross-reactivity.
is relatively insensitive and requires the presence of
approximately 104 bacteria/g of feces to be positive. Treatment and Control
The clinician must differentiate between pathogenic Several treatment modalities have been discussed
and nonpathogenic strains of mycobacteria, both of for birds with M. avium infections. However, treating
which may be present in the feces. In general, non- infected birds is not recommended because:
pathogenic strains are wider and are not granular. All M. avium isolates that have been tested are
Demonstrating acid-fast organisms in the stool is not totally resistant to the antituberculous drugs rou-
diagnostic for a mycobacterial-induced disease. tinely used in humans. Recent information re-
vealed that ethambutol, while ineffective, does
Culture is required to make a distinct diagnosis.
change the cellular wall of M. avium in a manner
Some strains of M. avium-intracellulare require my-
that allows other tuberculostatics to enter the
cobactin and will not grow on egg medium. M. avium
organism.21 However, successful therapy is then
subsp. paratuberculosis and subsp. silvaticum can be
dependent on pharmacokinetic conditions and re-
separated by responses to six parameters: subsp.
quires a combination of drugs to be available at the
paratuberculosis has a mycobactin requirement,
same time, at the correct concentration and at the
grows on egg medium, tolerates cycloserine (50
correct anatomic location. The pharmacokinetic
µg/ml), is stimulated by pyruvate but not by pH 5.5,
data necessary to ensure that these parameters
and has no alkaline phosphatase. The subsp. silva-
are met are not available for a single avian species.
ticum has the opposite characteristics.62
M. avium infections are considered to be “open,”
Unfortunately, most of the mycobacterial strains allowing infected birds to continuously shed large
from Psittaciformes have not been cultured. The fu- numbers of organisms into the environment.
ture availability of species-specific antibodies will There is potential danger to man, and there is no
help in delineating infections. Endoscopy (with biop- appropriate method of treatment for infected hu-
sies) can be used for diagnosis in cases of advanced mans.
classical tuberculosis. Radiographs may indicate
granulomas in respiratory tissues in some cases. Birds that are definitively diagnosed (biopsy of af-
Biopsy is required to differentiate between mycobac- fected tissue with histopathology and culture) with
terial and fungal granulomas, which radiographi- M. avium or M. intracellulare infection should be
cally appear similar. euthanatized. Contact birds should be removed from
the contaminated area, quarantined for two years
and tested every six to 12 weeks to determine if they
The role of L. monocytogenes as a
primary pathogen is controversial;
however, there is no question that
ingested bacteria can lead to a latent
or abortive infection. Acute disease is
characterized by bacteremia pro-
gressing to death within one to two
days. The subacute and chronic
forms of the disease involve reactions FIG 33.12 Encephalitis caused by several bacterial pathogens including E. coli, Listeria,
of the cell-mediated immune system. Salmonella, Staphylococcus and Klebsiella spp. can cause neurologic signs characterized
by torticollis, tremor, ataxia, depression, paresis or paralysis.
Intracellular bacteria like L. monocy-
togenes typically induce cell-medi-
ated immunity.
samples. Listeria isolates must be speciated, because
L. ivanovii, L. innocua and L. seeligeri are commonly
Clinical Disease and Pathology recovered from birds.8 There is little information on
Clinical disease is usually associated with sporadic the pathogenicity of these Listeria spp. although L.
deaths in a collection. Epornitics can develop in ca- innocua is considered apathogenic.37 Latent infec-
naries and related birds that are maintained in tions limit the diagnostic value of serologic tests
dense populations. Chronic infections can induce le- (slide agglutination).
sions in the heart, liver and, rarely, the brain. If
clinical signs are noted, they are generally associated
with CNS signs and include blindness, torticollis, Clostridium (Cl.)
tremor, stupor and paresis or paralysis (Figure The genus Clostridium includes a group of ubiqui-
33.12).41 Subacute-to-chronic cases usually cause a tous bacteria that are considered to be
severe monocytosis (10 to 12 times normal). autochthonous flora in raptors and in birds with well
developed ceca, including Phasianiformes (gallina-
The presence of serofibrinous pericarditis and myo-
ceous birds) and Anseriformes. In birds in which the
cardial necrosis is considered suggestive of Listeria.
cecum is small or absent, clostridium is rarely iso-
There are usually no gross lesions evident in the
lated from the intestinal tract and when it is, it is
brain. There may be no lesions in birds that die
often considered to be transitory.
acutely, or there can be a few petechiae present.
medications, or during some viral infections (particu- The differential diagnosis includes salmonellosis, en-
larly reovirus). Experimental reproduction of disease terotoxic E. coli and drug overdoses. Newcastle dis-
by using a culture alone is usually not possible, and ease virus can induce ulcers called “boutons” that
clostridial organisms are considered to be opportun- resemble those induced by Clostridium.
istic pathogens. Following colonization, pathogenic
clostridia produce exotoxins, which then induce clini- Gangrenous Dermatitis
cal lesions or death. Gangrenous dermatitis can be caused by Cl. perfrin-
gens type A, Cl. septicum, or Cl. novyi. These organ-
It is best to discuss clostridial infections by grouping isms can directly colonize damaged skin. Microscopic
them under clinical signs because a clostridial spe- epithelial lesions caused by abrasions, avipoxvirus or
cies can cause differing clinical signs, and various staphylococci can become secondarily infected with
clostridial species can cause similar-appearing dis- Clostridium spp. The patient’s immune status may
eases. also play a role in the overall pathogenesis.
Necrotic or Ulcerative Enteritis The sudden occurrence of regional feather loss with
Clostridia-induced enteritis can occur in many avian a blue-red or almost black skin discoloration is a
species. Flock outbreaks are most commonly associ- characteristic lesion. Affected skin may also be ede-
ated with Phasianiformes, especially those within matous and painful as a result of gas accumulation
the subfamilies Tetraoninae (grouse) and Odonto- in the tissue. Sick animals typically develop toxemia
phorinae (New World quail) or captive and free-rang- and die within 24 hours. With screamers (genus
ing lorikeets.44 Ulcerative gastritis, not enteritis, is Chauna), their corneous-lined bony wing spurs can
the most common form of clostridial infection re- cause prick-like skin injuries predisposing them to
ported in the ostrich.60 Clostridial enteritis in game clostridial diseases.
birds (Tetraoninae) is usually associated with Cl.
perfringens type A. On rare occasions, types B, C or The occurrence of emphysema, edema and hemor-
D may be the etiologic agent. Cl. perfringens type E rhages (with or without necrosis) in the subcutis,
is vary rare in Phasianiformes. Ulcerative enteritis skeletal musculature and myocardium are charac-
in the Bobwhite Quail is usually caused by Cl. teristic necropsy findings. A confirmed diagnosis re-
colinum (species incertae sedis). This organism is quires isolation of Cl. spp. from affected tissues.
also thought to cause necrotic enteritis in the other Aeromonas hydrophila, s t a p h y l o c o c c i a n d
Odontophorinae, grouse, chicken, turkey and domes- avipoxvirus can induce pathologic changes similar to
ticated pigeon (Köhler, personal communication). those caused by Cl. spp. Rapid production and sys-
temic release of toxins usually prevents successful
Necrotic enteritis usually occurs in young birds after therapy.
the second post-hatching week. Adult birds are more
resistant. In the acute form of the disease, clinical Botulism (syn. Limberneck)
changes include diarrhea (with or without blood) and
polydipsia, followed by death within a few hours. Cl. botulinum neurotoxins are typically ingested in
Birds with chronic lesions exhibit retarded growth contaminated foods. Rarely, clinical disease may re-
and weight loss before dying. sult from primary colonization of the alimentary
tract. Cl. botulinum has been found to produce six
Pathologic changes include diffuse or focal hypere- thermolabile exotoxins (designated A to F). Types A
mia of the mucosa, which develops into necrotic areas and C are predominantly involved in inducing
or ulcers. These lesions are most common in the pathologic changes (occasionally also type E). High
upper jejunum. Lesions start as pinpoint foci and concentrations of clostridium toxins are common in
progress to include a necrotic center with a wall and decaying meat and vegetation. Fly larvae (maggots)
a reddish halo. Ulcers may coalesce and perforate the that feed on decaying material are resistant to the
intestinal wall. Swelling and necrosis of a grayish toxins but can serve as a source of intoxication for
liver, spleen and kidney are common. those species that eat maggots. With a few logical
exceptions, most birds are probably susceptible to Cl.
Identification of characteristic lesions and isolation
botulinum toxins. Free-ranging waterfowl are par-
of the organism are confirmatory. If Cl. perfringens is
ticularly susceptible, and enzootic intoxications are
the etiologic agent, a diagnosis can be achieved by
common following periods of drought or flooding.
demonstrating toxins in the serum, intestinal con-
Vultures seem to be resistant to the toxins (by a still
tents and liver homogenates (sterilized by filtration).
of gram-negative and other pathogenic bacteria. How- Isolation of megabacteria is difficult, and biochemi-
ever, there are strong indications that many groups of cal descriptions that would allow appropriate taxo-
birds have specific lactobacilli that can effectively colo- nomic classification have not been performed. This
nize the gut. Strains derived from soured milk do not organism has a unique morphology and is a large (1
colonize the avian gut and must be given daily for two x 90 µm) gram-positive rod.13 Successful culture re-
to four weeks in order to lower the gastrointestinal quires the use of Merck’s MRS medium; however, not
tract pH. This drop in pH will favor the colonization of all megabacterial strains have been found to grow on
autochthonous microorganisms. Inhibitory expulsion this medium. The colonies are rough and measure 3
itself takes from four to six weeks, provided no serious to 4 millimeters in diameter with a dented margin.
triggering factors interfere.23 Development requires 48 hours in a moist chamber.
Subcultures are progressively more difficult and the
organism may stop growing in successive passages.28
FIG 33.13 A group of budgerigars was presented for occasional
melena and chronic weight loss over a prolonged period. Large (1
x 90 µm) gram-positive rods (suggestive of megabacteria) could be
detected in the feces. Radiographs in various affected birds indi-
cated a,b) proventricular dilatation and c,d) filling defects and
ulceration in the proventriculus. At necropsy, the filling defects
were found to be globules of mucin that had a propensity to
accumulate at the isthmus. It should be noted that the presence of
a dilated proventriculus is not diagnostic for neuropathic gastric
dilatation (courtesy of Nina Ungerechts).
Morphologically similar strains of megabacterium involve intermittent periods of recovery. Severely af-
that were considered normal components of the fected birds may pass digested blood in the feces.
budgerigar proventricular flora have been de- Contrast radiography typically indicates a sand-
scribed.53 glass-like retraction between the proventriculus and
ventriculus (Figure 33.13). This finding is considered
Some researchers believe that megabacterium is the highly suggestive of megabacteriosis.31 Megabac-
causative agent of progressive weight loss (“going terium is shed in the feces and can be detected by
light syndrome”) in budgerigars. The name “going gram-stained samples from severely sick birds.
light syndrome” should provisionally be replaced by
megabacteriosis, because weight loss is a clinical At necropsy, a proventriculitis or proventricular ul-
sign of a variety of chronic diseases. Experimental cer with or without hemorrhages can be observed.
infections with pure cultures of megabacterium in- Lesions are most common in the pars intermedia
duce disease only in English standard budgerigars gastris. The organisms lie densely together in the
and not in the normal breed.28 These findings suggest necrotic tissue foci. There is usually little inflamma-
that birds vary in susceptibility to the organism, and tory cellular reaction associated with the organism,
other factors are involved in the pathogenesis. Spon- which can be seen readily at low magnification from
taneous recovery was common in experimental cases. proventricular scrapings. Impression smears from
The host spectrum includes canaries34 and related the liver and spleen may be useful in detecting the
finches, cockatiels, lovebirds, chickens and young bacteria, which can be encapsulated in the tissues.
(3-week-old) ostriches (Hüchzermeier, unpublished). There is no treatment because of resistance to all
antibiotics commonly used.
Clinically infected birds develop chronic emaciation
over a 12- to 18-month period that may or may not