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8417QUESTIONS BANK FOR 12 - 22-23 - FINAL - MODIFIED - 20 Pages

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Senior Secondary :: (Affiliated to CBSE, Delhi)

(Session:– 2022-2023)
Class:– XII
Subject:– Physics (Code:–042 )


SECTION- A (each of 1 mark)
1. A metallic solid sphere is placed in a uniform electric field. Which path, the lines of force follow
as shown in figure?
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4
2. If a charge q is placed at the centre of line joining two equal charges Q such that the system is
in equilibrium then the value of q is
(a) Q/2 (b) –Q/2 (c) Q/4 (c) –Q/4
3. When air is replaced by a dielectric medium of dielectric constant k, the maximum force of
attraction between two charges separated by a distance
(a) Decreases k times (b) remains unchanged
(c) Increases k times (d) decreases k2 times
4. An electron is moving round the nucleus of a hydrogen atom in a circular orbit of radius r. The
coulomb force 𝐹 between the two is
𝑒3 𝑒2 𝑒2 𝑒2
(a) - k𝑟 3 𝑟 (b) k𝑟 3 𝑟 (c) - k𝑟 3 𝑟 (d) k𝑟 3 𝑟
5. Figure gives electric lines of force due to two charges 𝑞1 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑞2 . what are the signs of the two
(a) Both are negative. (b) Both are positive.
(c) 𝑞1 is positive but 𝑞2 is negative. (d) 𝑞1 𝑖𝑠 negative but 𝑞2 is positive.
6. Torque acting on electric dipole of dipole moment 𝑝 placed in uniform electric field 𝐸 is
(a) 𝑝 × 𝐸 (b) 𝑝 . 𝐸 (c) 𝑝 × (𝐸 × 𝑝 ) (d) 𝐸 . 𝑝 / 𝑝2
7. A point P lies on the perpendicular bisector of an electric dipole of dipole moment p. If the
distance of P from the dipole is r (much larger than the size of the dipole), then the electric
field at P is proportional to –
(a) 𝑝−1 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑟 −2 (b) p and 𝑟 −2 (c) 𝑝2 and 𝑟 −3 (d) 𝑝 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑟 −3
8. A point charge +q is placed at the mid-point of a cube of side L .The electric flux emerging
from the cube is
(a) 𝑞/∈0 (b) 𝑞/6𝐿2 ∈0 (c)6𝑞𝐿2 /∈0 (d) Zero
9. If the electric flux entering and leaving an enclosed surface respectively are ∅1 and ∅2 .The
electric charge inside the surface will be
(∅ +∅ ) (∅ −∅ )
(a) (∅2 − ∅1 ) ∈0 (b) 2∈ 1 (c) 2∈ 1 (d) (∅1 − ∅2 )
0 0
10. The force per unit charge is known as
(a) electric flux (b) electric field (c) electric potential (d) electric current
11. Electric field lines provide information about
(a) field strength (b) direction (c) nature of charge (d) all of these
12. Three charges +3q, +q and Q are placed on a straight line with equal separation. In order to
make the net force on q to be zero, the value of Q will be
(a) +3q (b) +2q (c) -3q (d) -4q
13. In an electric dipole is kept in a uniform electric field then resultant electric force on it is
(a) Always zero (b) never zero
(c) depend upon capacity of dipole (d) NONE
SECTION –B (each of 1 mark) (case based questions)
14. Electric field strength is proportional to the density of lines of force i.e., electric field strength at
a point is proportional to the number of lines of force cutting a unit area element placed normal
to the field at that point. As illustrated in given figure, the electric field at P is stronger than at

(i) Electric lines of force about a positive point charge are

(a) Radially outwards (b) Circular clockwise (c) Radially inwards (d) Parallel straight
(ii) Which of the following is false for electric lines of force?
(a) They always start from positive charge and terminate on negative charges.
(b) They are always perpendicular to the surface of a charged conductor.
(c) They always form closed loops.
(d) They are parallel and equally spaced in a region of uniform electric field.
(ii) Which one of the following patterns of electric line of force is not possible in field due to
stationary charges?

(iii) Electric field lines are curved

(a) In the field of a single positive or negative charge
(b) In the field of two equal and opposite charges.
(c) In the field of two like charges.
(d) Both (b) and (c)
(iv) The figure below shows the electric field lines due to two positive charges. The magnitudes
EA, EB and EC of the electric fields at point A, B and C respectively are related as

(a) EA>EB>EC (b) EB>EA>EC (c) EA=EB>EC

(d) EA>EB=EC
SECTION-C (each of 2marks)
15. Four point charges Q, q, Q, and q are placed at the corners of a square of Q q
side ‘a’ as shown in the figure. Find the (a) resultant electric force on a
charge Q.
16. Deduce an expression for the electric field at a point on the equatorial plane
of anelectric dipole of length ‘2a’. q
a Q
17. Consider two hollow concentric spheres S1 and S2, enclosing charges 2Q
and 4Qrespectively as shown in figure. Find out the ratio of the electric flux through
them. How will the electric flux through the sphere S 1 change if a medium of
dielectric constant 𝜖𝑟 is introduced in the space inside S1 in place of air?
18. A long charged cylinder of linear charge density +λ 1 is surrounded by a hollow
coaxial conducting cylinder of linear charge density –λ2. Use Gauss’s law to obtain expression
for the electric field at a point (a) in the space between the cylinder.
19. A hollow cylindrical box of length 1 m and area of cross-section 25 cm2 is placed in a three-
dimensional coordinate system as shown in figure. The electric field in the region is given by
𝐸 = 50𝑥𝑖, where E is in N/C and x is in m. Find (i) net flux through the cylinder.
20. Two identical charges, Q each, are kept at a distance r from each other. A third charge q is
placed on the line joining the above two charges such that all the three charges are in
equilibrium. What is the magnitude, sign and position of the charge q?
SECTION-D (each of 3 marks)
21. (a) Define electric flux. Is it a scalar or a vector quantity? A point charge q is at a
distance of d/2 directly above the centre of a square of side ‘d’, as shown in the
figure. Use Gauss’s law to obtain the expression for the electric flux through the

22. (a) Use Gauss’s law to derive the expression for the electric field (𝐸 ) due to a straight
uniformly charged infinite line of charge density λ C/m.
(b) Draw a graph to show the variation of 𝐸 with perpendicular distance r from the line of
23. (a) An infinitely large thin plane sheet has a uniform surface charge density +𝜎. Obtain the
expression for the amount of work done in bringing a point charge q from infinity to a point,
distant r, in front of the charged plane sheet.
24. (a) Derive an expression for the electric field E due to a dipole of length ‘2a’ at a point distant r
from the centre of the dipole on the axial line.
(b) Draw a graph of E versus r for 𝑟 >> 𝑎.

SECTION-E (each of 5 marks)

25. An oil drop of 12 excess electrons is held stationary under a constant electric field of 2.55 x 10 4
NC-1 in Millikan’s oil drop experiment. The density of the oil is 1.26 g cm -3. Estimate the radius
of the drop, (g = 9.81 ms-2 ; e = 1.60 x 10-19 C.)
26. A particle of mass m and charge (-q) enters the region between the two charged plates initially
moving along x-axis with speed σx, (like particle 1 in figure.) The length of plate is L and a
uniform electric field E is maintained between the plates. Show that the vertical deflection of
the particle at the far edge of the plate is qEL2/(2m υx2).


SECTION-A (each of 1 mark)
1. Angle between equipotential surface and electric field lines is
a) Zero b) 900 c) 450 d) 1800
2. Four point charges –Q, -q, 2q and 2Q are placed, one at each corner of the square. The
relation between Q and q for which the potential at the centre of the square is zero is
1 1
a) Q = -q (b) 𝑄 = − 𝑞 (c) Q = q (d) 𝑄 = 𝑞
3. A conducting sphere of radius R is given a charge Q. The electric potential and the electric
field at the centre of the sphere respectively are
a) 4𝜋𝜖 and (b) both zero (c) zero and 4𝜋𝜖 (d) 4𝜋𝜖 and zero
0𝑅 4𝜋𝜖 0 𝑅 2 0𝑅
4. Three concentric spherical shells have radii a, b and c (a<b<c) and have surface charge
densities 𝜎, - 𝜎 and 𝜎 respectively. If 𝑉𝐴, 𝑉𝐵, and 𝑉𝐶, denote the potentials of the three shells,
then for c= a + b, we have
a) 𝑉𝐶 = 𝑉𝐵 ≠ 𝑉𝐴 b) 𝑉𝐶 ≠ 𝑉𝐵 ≠ 𝑉𝐴 c) 𝑉𝐶 = 𝑉𝐵 = 𝑉𝐴 d) 𝑉𝐶 = 𝑉𝐴 ≠ 𝑉𝐵
5. A point charge +q is placed at the origin O as shown in the figure. Work done is
taking another point charge Q from the point A(0,a) to another point B(a,0) along
the straight path AB is
1 𝑞𝑄 1 𝑞𝑄 1 𝑞𝑄 𝑎
a) ( 4𝜋𝜖 . ) √2𝑎 b) ( − 4𝜋𝜖 . ) √2𝑎 c) ( 4𝜋𝜖 . ) √2 d) zero
0 𝑎2 0 𝑎2 0 𝑎2
6. Charges +q and –q are placed at points A and B respectively which are at a distance 2L apart,
C is the midpoint between A and B. The work done is moving a charge +Q
along the semicircle CRD is

𝑞𝑄 𝑞𝑄 𝑞𝑄 𝑞𝑄
a) 2𝜋𝜖 b) c) - 6𝜋𝜖 d)
0𝐿 6𝜋𝜖 0 𝐿 0𝐿 4𝜋𝜖 0 𝐿
7. Four electric charges +q, +q, -q and –q are placed at the corners of a square of side 2L (see
figure). The electric potential at point A, midway between the two charge +q
and +q is
1 2𝑞 1 2𝑞 1
(a) 4𝜋𝜀 1 + √5 (b) 4𝜋𝜀 (1 + )
0 𝐿 0 𝐿 √5

1 2𝑞 1
(c) 4𝜋𝜀 1 − √5 (d) Zero
0 𝐿
8. Three charges, each +q, are placed at the corners of an isosceles triangle ABC
of sides BC and AC, each equal to 2a. D and E are the mid points of BC and
CA. The work done is taking a charge Q from D to E is
3𝑄𝑞 3𝑄𝑞 𝑄𝑞
a) Zero b) 4𝜋𝜀 c) 8𝜋𝜀 d) 4𝜋𝜀
0𝑎 0𝑎 0𝑎
9. A, B and C are three points in a uniform electric field. The electric
potential is
a) Maximum at A b) maximum at B
c) maximum at C d) Same at all the three points A, B and C.
10. The electric potential at a point (x, y, z) is given by V= −𝑥 2 𝑦 − 𝑥𝑧 3 + 4. The electric field 𝐸 at
that point is
a) 𝐸 = 𝑖2𝑥𝑦 + 𝑗( 𝑥 2 + 𝑦 2 ) + 𝑘 (3𝑥𝑧 − 𝑦 2 ) b) 𝐸 = 𝑖 𝑧 3 + 𝑗𝑥𝑦𝑧 + 𝑘 𝑧 2
c) 𝐸 = 𝑖 2𝑥𝑦 − 𝑧 3 + 𝑗 𝑥𝑢2 + 𝑘3𝑧 2 𝑥 d) 𝐸 = 𝑖 2𝑥𝑦 − 𝑧 3 + 𝑗𝑥 2 + 𝑘3𝑥𝑧 2
11. In a region, the potential is represented by V(x, y, z ) = 6x -8xy -8y +6yz , where V is in volts
and x, y, z are in metres. The electric force experienced by a charge of 2 coulomb situated at
point (1,1,1) is
a) 24 N b) 4√35 N c) 6√5 N d) 30N
12. If potential (in volts ) in a region is expressed as V(x, y, z)=6xy-y+2yz, the electric field (in N/C)
at point (1, 1, 0) is
a) – (6𝑖 + 9𝑗 + 𝑘) b) – (3𝑖 + 5𝑗 + 3𝑘) c) – (6𝑖 + 5𝑗 + 2𝑘) d) – (2𝑖 + 3𝑗 + 𝑘)
13. Identical charges (-q) are placed at each corner of a cube of side b. Then, the electrostatic
potential energy of charge (+q) placed at the centre of the cube will be
4√2𝑞 2 8√2𝑞 2 4𝑞 2 8√2𝑞 2
a) - b) c) - √3𝜋𝜀 d)
𝜋𝜀 0 𝜋𝜀 0 𝑏 0𝑏 4𝜋 𝜀 0 𝑏
14. An electric dipole of dipole moment ‘p’ is placed in an electric field of intensity ‘E’. The dipole
acquires a position such that the axis of the dipole makes an angle 𝜃 with the direction of the
field. Assuming that the potential energy of the dipole to be zero when 𝜃=90°, the torque and
the potential energy of the dipole will respectively be
a) pE 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃, −𝑝𝐸 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃 b) pE 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃, −2𝑝𝐸 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃
c) pE 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃, 2𝑝𝐸 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃 d) pE 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃, −𝑝𝐸 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃
15. A parallel plate capacitors with oil between the plates (dielectric constant of oil, k=2) has a
capacitance C. If the oil is remove, then capacitance of the capacitor becomes
a) √2 C b) 2 C c) √2 d) 2
SECTION –B (each of 1 mark) (case based questions)
16. An electric potential is the amount of work needed to move a unit of electric charge from a
reference point to a specific point in an electric field without producing an acceleration.
Typically, the reference point is the earth or a point at infinity, although any point can be used.
This value can be calculated in either a static (time- invariant) or a dynamic (varying with time)
electric field at a specific time in units of joules per coulomb, or volt. The electric potential at
infinity is assumed to be
(i) In bringing an electron towards another electron, the electrostatic potential energy of the
(a) Increases (b) Decreases (c) Remains unchanged (d) Becomes zero.
(ii) Some charge is being given to conductor. Then, it’s potential
(a) Is maximum at surface
(b) Is maximum at centre
(c) Remains the same throughout the conductor
(d) Is maximum somewhere between surface and centre.
(iii) A point charge +q is placed at the origin O. Work done in taking another point charge –Q from
the point A (0 ,a) to another point B(a, 0) along the straight path AB is
1 𝑞𝑄 1 𝑞𝑄 1 𝑞𝑄 𝑎
(a) (4𝜋𝜖 , 𝑎 2 )√2𝑎 (b) (− 4𝜋𝜖 , 𝑎 2 )√2𝑎 (c) (4𝜋𝜖 , 𝑎 2 ) (d) 𝑍𝑒𝑟𝑜
0 0 0 √2

(iv) Two charge q1 and q2 or placed 30 cm apart .A third charge q3 is moved along the circular path
of radius 40 cm from C to D. The change in the potential energy of the system is 4𝜋𝜖 𝑘, where
k is
(a) 8q1 (b) 6q1 (c) 8q2 (d) 6q2
(v) The electric potential at a point (x, y) in (x-y) plane is given by𝑣 = −𝑥𝑦. The field intensity at a
distance r from origin varies as 2:
(a) 2 (b) 1 (c) 0 (d) 3
SECTION-C (each of 2 marks)
17. Two capacitors of unknown capacitances C1 and C2 are connected first in series and then in
parallel across a battery of 100 V. If the energy stored in the two combinations is 0.045 J and
0.25 J respectively, determine the value of C1 and C2.
18. Two identical parallel plate capacitors A and B are connected to a battery of
V volts with the switch S closed. The switch is now opened and the free
space between the plates of the capacitors is filled with a dielectric of
dielectric constant K. Find the ratio of the total electrostatic energy stored in
both capacitors before and after the introduction of the dielectric.

19. Define an equipotential surface. Draw equipotential surfaces:

(i) In the case of a single point charge
(ii) In a constant electric field in z-direction
Why the equipotential surfaces about a single charge are not equidistant?
20. Derive an expression for the total work done in rotating a dipole through an angle 𝜃 in uniform
electric field E.
21. Two parallel plate capacitors X and Y have the same area of plates and same separation
between them. X has air between the plates while Y contains a dielectric medium of 𝜅 = 4.(v
=15 v)
(i) Calculate capacitance of each capacitor if equivalent capacitance of the combination is 4 mi
(ii) Calculate the potential difference between plates X and Y.

SECTION-D (each of 3 marks)

22. (a) If two similar large plates, each of area A having surface charge densities +𝜎 and – 𝜎 are
separated by a distance d in air, find the expressions for
(i) Field at points between the two plates and on outer side of the plates. Specify the direction
of the field in each case.
(ii) The potential difference between the plates.

23. A parallel plate capacitor of plate separation d is charged to a potential difference ΔV. A slab of
thickness d and dielectric constant k is introduced between the plates while the battery remain
(i) Find the ratio of energy stored in the capacitor before and after the introduction of the
dielectric slab.
(ii) What happens to the charge on the capacitor?
(iii) Find the change in capacitance after the introduction of the dielectric slab.
24. A parallel plate capacitor is charged and disconnected from the source. If distance between the
plates is doubled, explain how the following will change:
(i) Electric field between the plates, (ii) capacitance, (iii) energy stored in the capacitor.
25. After charging a capacitor, the battery is disconnected. Now a dielectric material is introduced
between the two plates. What would be the nature of change of charge, capacitance, potential
difference, electric field, energy stored?
26. Calculate the potential difference and the energy stored in the A
capacitor C2 in the circuit shown in the figure. Given potential at A
is 90 V, 𝐶1 = 20𝜇𝐹, 𝐶2 = 30𝜇𝐹, 𝐶3 = 15𝜇𝐹. C1 C2 C3
27. Derive an expression for the energy stored in a parallel plate capacitor. Hence obtain an
expression for the energy density of the electric field.
SECTION-E (each of 5 marks)
28. Two tiny spheres carrying charges 1.5 μC and 2.5 μC are located 30 cm apart. Find the
potential and electric field:
(a) at the mid-point of the line joining the two charges, and
(b) at a point 10 cm from this midpoint in a plane normal to the line and passing through the
29. A charge of 8 mC is located at the origin. Calculate the work done in taking a small charge of −2 × 10 −9
C from a point P (0, 0, 3 cm) to a point Q (0, 4 cm, 0), via a point R (0, 6 cm, 9 cm).
30. (a) If two similar large plates, each of area A having surface charge densities +𝜎 and – 𝜎 are
separated by a distance d in air, find the expressions for
(i) Field at points between the two plates and on outer side of the plates. Specify the direction
of the field in each case.
(ii) The potential difference between the plates.
(iii) The capacitance of the capacitor so formed.
31. A parallel plate capacitor of plate separation d is charged to a potential difference ΔV. A slab of
thickness d and dielectric constant k is introduced between the plates while the battery remein
(i) Find the ratio of energy stored in the capacitor before and after the introduction of the
dielectric slab.
(ii) What happens to the charge on the capacitor?
(iii) Find the change in capacitance after the introduction of the dielectric slab.
32. A parallel plate capacitor is charged and disconnected from the source. If distance between the
plates is doubled, explain how the following will change:
(i) Electric field between the plates, (ii) capacitance, (iii) energy stored in the capacitor.
33. After charging a capacitor, the battery is disconnected. Now a dielectric material is introduced
between the two plates. What would be the nature of change of charge, capacitance, potential
difference, electric field, energy stored.


SECTION-A (each of 1 mark)
1. A block has dimension 1 cm, 2 cm, 3 cm. Ratio of maximum and minimum resistance between
any two point of opposite faces of the block is
1. 1:6 (b)1:9 (c) 9:1 (d) 18:1

2. n identical cells, each of emf e and internal resistance r, are first connected in series and then
in parallel. What will be the ratio of emfs in the two combinations?
(a) n : 1 (b)𝑛2 : 1 (c) 1: 𝑛 (d) 1 ∶ 𝑛2
2. Two copper wires have a ratio of 1:4 between their diameters. If the same current passes
through both of them, the drift velocity of the electrons will be in the ratio of
(a) 16 : 1 (b) 4 : 1 (c) 1 : 4 (d) 1 : 16
3. When 5 volt potential difference is applied across a wire of length 0.1 m, the drift speed of
electron is 2.5× 10−4 𝑚𝑠 −1 . If the electron density in the wire is 8 × 1028 𝑚−3 , the resistivity of
the material is closed to
(a) 1.6 × 10−8 𝛺. 𝑚 (b) 1.6 × 10−7 𝛺. 𝑚 (c) 1.6 × 10−6 𝛺. 𝑚 (d) 1.6 × 10−5 𝛺. 𝑚
4. The reciprocal of resistance is called
(a) Susceptance (b) impedance (c) conductance (d) conductivity
5. The resistance between the terminal points A and B of the given infinitely long circuit will be

(a)(√3 − 1)𝛺 (b) (1-√3) 𝛺 (c)(1+√3 ) 𝛺 (d) (2+√3) 𝛺

6. A bridge circuit is shown in the fig. The equivalent resistance between A and B will be

(a) 21 𝛺 (b) 7 𝛺 (c) (252/85) 𝛺 (d) (14/3) 𝛺

5. The current in a conductor varies with time t as 𝐼 = 2𝑡 + 3𝑡 2 , where I is in ampere and t in

second. Electric charge flowing through a section of the conductor during 𝑡 = 2 𝑠 𝑡𝑜 𝑡 = 3 𝑠 is
(a) 10 C (b) 24 C (c) 33 C (d) 44 C
6. A galvanometer connected with an unknown resistor and two identical cells in series each of
emf 2 V, shows a current of 1 A. If the cells are connected in parallel, it shows 0.8 A. then the
internal resistance of the cell is
(a) 0.7 Ω (b) 1 Ω (c) 1.4 Ω (d) 2.8 Ω
7. The resistivity of alloy manganin is
(a) Nearly independent of temperature (b) Increases rapidly with increase in temperature
(c) Decreases with increase in temperature (d) Increases rapidly with decrease in temperature
8. The specific resistance of a rod of copper as compared to that of thin wire of copper is
(a) Less (b) more (c) same (d) depends upon the length and
area of cross-section of the wire
9. The length of a conductor is halved. Its resistance will be
(a) Halved (b) doubled (c) unchanged (d) quadrupled
10. In following figure shows currents in a part of electrical circuit, then the
value of /(in ampere) is given by
(a) 0.3A (b)0.5A
(c)1.3A (d) None of these

SECTION –B (each of 1 mark) (case based questions)

11. Whenever an electric current is passed through a conductor, it becomes hot after some time.
The phenomenon of the production of heat in a resistor by the flow of an electric current
through it is called heating effect of current or Joule heating. Thus, the electrical energy
supplied by the source of emf is converted into heat. In purely resistive circuit, the energy
expended by the source entirely appears as heat. But if the circuit has an active element like a
motor, then a part of energy supplied by the source goes to do useful work and the rest
appears as heat. Joule’s law of heating forms the basis of various electrical appliances such
as electric bulb, electric furnace, electric press etc.
(i) Which of the following is correct statement?
(a) Heat produced in a conductor is independent of the current flowing.
(b) Heat produced in a conductor varies inversely as the current flowing.
(c) Heat produced in a conductor varies directly as the square of the current flowing.
(d) Heat produced in a conductor varies inversely as the square of the current flowing.
(ii) If the coil of a heater is cut to half, what would happen to heat produced?
(a) Doubled (b) Halved (c) Remains same (d) Becomes four times.
(iii) A 25 W and 100 W are joined in series and connected to the mains. Which bulb will glow
(a) 100 W (b) 25 W (c) Both bulbs will glow brighter (d) None will glow brighter
(iv) A rigid container with thermally insulated wall contains a coil of resistance 100 Ω, carrying 1 A.
Change in its internal energy after 5 min will be
(a) 0 kJ (b) 10 kJ (c) 20 kJ (d) 30 kJ
(v) The heat emitted by a bulb of 100 W in 1 min is
(a) 100 J (b) 1000J (c) 600 J (d) 6000 J
SECTION-C (each of 3 marks)
12. A cell of emf ’E’ and internal resistance ‘r’ is connected across a variable load resistor R. Draw
the plots of the terminal voltage V versus (i) R and (ii) current I. Using the plot, show how the
emf of the cell and its internal resistance can be determined.
It is found that when 𝑅 = 4Ω, the current is 1 A and when R is increased to 9 Ω, the current
reduces to 0.5 A. Find the values of the emf E and internal resistance r.
13. (a) Define the term ‘conductivity’ of a metallic wire. Write its S.I. unit.
(b) Using the concept of free electrons in a conductor, derive the expression for the
conductivity of a wire in terms of number density and relaxation time. Hence obtain the relation
between current density and the applied electric field E.
14. (a) The potential difference applied across a given resistor is altered so that the heat produced
per second increases by a factor of 9. By what factor does the applied potential difference
(b) An ammeter A and a resistor of 4 Ω are connected to the terminals of the source. The emf
of the source is 12 V having an internal resistance of 2 Ω. Calculate the voltmeter and
ammeter readings.
15. Answer the following:
(a) Why are the connections between the resistors in a meter bridge made of thick copper
(b) Why it is generally preferred to obtain the balance point in the middle of the meter bridge
(c) Which material is used for the meter bridge wire and why?
16. Find the relation between drift velocity and relaxation time of charge carriers in a conductor. A
conductor of length L is connected to a D.C source of emf ‘E’. If the length of the conductor is
tripled by stretching it, keeping ‘E’ constant, explain how its drift velocity will be affected?
17. n cells, each of emf 𝜀 and internal resistance r are connected in parallel across an external
resistance R. determine the condition of maximum current in the circuit.
18. Use Kirchhoff’s rules to find the values of the currents I 1, I2, and I3 in the circuit diagram shown

SECTION-E (each of 5 marks)
19. (i) State with the help of a circuit diagram, the working principle of a meter bridge. What do you
mean by balance condition of the bridge?
(ii) What happens if the galvanometer and cell are interchanged at the balance point of the
(ii) Why is it considered important to obtain balance point near the
mid-point of the wire?
20. In the given circuit, assuming point A to be at zero potential, use
Kirchhoff’s rules to determine the potential at point B

21. The number density of free electrons in a copper conductor

estimated is ,8.5 × 1028 m-3 . How long does an electron take to
drift from one end of a wire 3.0 m long to its other end? The area of
cross-section of the wire is 2.0 × 10-6 m2 and it is carrying a current of 3.0 A. State Ohm’s
law. Write down its two limitations.


SECTION-A (each of 1 mark)
1. Tesla is the unit of
(a) electric flux (b) magnetic flux (c) electric field (d) magnetic induction
2. The magnetic field 𝑑𝐵 due to small current element 𝑑𝑙 at a distance 𝑟 and element carrying
current I is
 𝐼 𝑑𝐼 ×𝑟  𝐼 𝑑𝐼 ×𝑟
(a)𝑑𝐵 = 4𝜋0 × (b) 𝑑𝐵 = 4𝜋0 ×
𝑟 𝑟2
0 𝐼 𝑑𝐼 ×𝑟 0 𝐼 𝑑𝐼 ×𝑟
(c) 𝑑𝐵 = 4𝜋 × 𝑟 3 (d) 𝑑𝐵 = 4𝜋 × 𝑟 4
3. The magnetic field at a distance r from a long wire carrying current I is 0.4 tesla. The magnetic
field at a distance 2 r is
(a) 0.1 tesla (b) 0.2 tesla (c) 0.8 tesla (d) 1.6 tesla
4. A straight wire of diameter 0.5 mm carrying a current of 1 A is replaced by another wire of 1 mm
diameter carrying the same current .The strength of the magnetic field far away is
(a) Twice the earlier value (b) one half of the earlier value
(c) one quarter of the earlier value (d) same as the earlier value
5. Two long parallel wires P and Q are both perpendicular to the plane of the paper with distance
of 5 m between them. If P and Q carry currents of 2.5 A and 5 A respectively in the same
direction, then the magnetic field at a point half-way between the wires is
√3   3 
(a) 2𝜋 0 𝑇 (b) 𝜋0 𝑇 (c) 2𝜋0 𝑇 (d) 2𝜋0 𝑇
6. Two equal electric currents are flowing perpendicular to each other as shown in
the figure. AB and CD are perpendicular to each other and symmetrically placed
w.r.t the currents. Where do we expect the resultant magnetic field to be zero?
(a) On AB (b) on CD (c) on both AB and CD (d) on both OD and BO

7. Magnetic field intensity at the centre of a coil of 50 turns, radius 0.05 m and carrying a current of
2 A is
(a) 0.5 × 10−5 𝑇 (b) 1.26 × 10−4 𝑇 (c) 3 × 10−5 𝑇 (d) 4 × 10−5 𝑇
8. Current I is flowing in a wire as shown in the figure. The magnitude and
direction of the magnetic field at the centre of the semi-circular part is
𝜇0𝐼 𝜇0𝐼
(a) ; into the page (b) ; in outward direction
4𝑅 4𝑅
𝜇0𝐼 𝜇0𝐼
(b) 4𝜋𝑅
(2 + 𝜋) ; into the page (d) 4𝜋𝑅 (2 + 𝜋) in outward direction
9. A charged particle of charge q moves with a velocity 𝑣 = 𝑎𝑖 + 𝑏𝑗 in a magnetic field
𝐵 = 𝑐𝑖 + 𝑑𝑗. The force on the particle has magnitude F, where
(a) 𝐹 = 0 𝑖𝑓 𝑎𝑑 = 𝑏𝑐 (b) 𝐹 ∝ (𝑎2 +𝑏 2 )(𝑐 2 + 𝑑 2 )
(c) 𝐹 = 0 𝑖𝑓 𝑎𝑑 = −𝑏𝑐 (d) 𝐹 = 0 𝑖𝑓 𝑎𝑐 = −𝑏𝑑
10. If the beams of electrons and protons move parallel to each other in the same direction, then
(a) Attract each other (b) repel each other
(c) No relation (d) neither attracts nor repel
11. A circular current loop of magnetic moment M is in an arbitrary orientation in an external
magnetic field B. The work done to rotate the loop by 30° about an axis perpendicular to its
plane is
√3 MB
(a) MB (b) MB (c) (d) zero
2 2
12. Two thin long parallel wires are separated by a distance r and carry a current I each. The
magnitude of the force per unit length experienced by one wire due to the other is
μ 0 I2 μ 0 I2 μ I
0 μ I
(a) (b) (c) 2πr (d) 2πr0 2
r2 2πr
13. The cross section of two long wires are A and 2A respectively. When currents of same
strength flow through them separately, the ratio of the magnetic field at equal distances from
the wires is
(a) 2 ∶ 1 (b) 1 ∶ 1 (c) 1 ∶ 2 (d) 1 ∶ 4
14. The expression for the magnetic field inside an ideal solenoid is
μ 0 ni μ 0 ni
(a) 4πμ0 ni (b) (c) μ0 ni (d)
4π 2πr
15. In a uniform magnetic field directed vertically upward a negative charge particle is projected
towards north. The particle will
(a) be deflected vertically upwards (b) be deflected vertically downwards
(c) Rotate in vertical circular path (d) rotate in horizontal circular path

SECTION –B (each of 1 mark) (case based questions)

16. Two long parallel conductors ‘a’ and ‘b’ separated by a distance d and
carrying (parallel) currents la and lb, respectively.
The conductor 'a' produces, the same magnetic field Ba at all points along
the conductor 'b’. The right-hand rule tells us that the direction of this field
is downwards when the conductors are placed horizontally. Its magnitude
μ 0 la
is given by, Ba = 2πd
The conductor 'b' carrying a current lb will experience a sideways force
due to the field Ba. The direction of this force is towards the conductor 'a’. This force is Fba,
the force on a segment L of 'b' due to 'a’. The magnitude of this force is given by,Fba = lb LBa =
μ 0 l a lb

The currents flowing in the same direction attract each other. We can also show that
oppositely directed currents repel each other. Thus, Parallel currents attract, and anti-parallel
currents repel.

(i) A square loop, carrying a steady current I, is placed in a horizontal plane near long straight
conductor carrying a steady current I1 at a distance d from the conductor as shown in figure.
The loop will experience.

(a) a net repulsive force away from the conductor
(b) a net torque acting perpendicular to the horizontal plane
(c) a net torque acting downward normal to the horizontal plane
(d) a net attractive force towards the conductor
(ii) Two parallel wires in free space are10 cm apart and each carries a current of 10 A in the
same direction. The force exerted by one wire on the other (perimeter length) is
(a) 2 × 10−4 N(Attractive)
(b) 2 × 10-7 N(attractive)
(c) 2 × 10-4 N(repulsive)
(d) 2 × 10-7N(repulsive)
(iii) Two long conductors, separated by a distance d carry current l1 and l2 in the same direction.
They exert a force F on each other. Now the current in one of them is increased to two times
and its direction is reversed. The distance is also increased to 3d. The new value of force
between them is
(a) -2F (b) F/3 (c) -2F/3 (d) F/4
(iv) Two long parallel wires are carrying currents of 5 A and 12 A respectively. If the force per unit
length between these wires is 3 × 10−5 N/m , the distance between them should be
(a) 400 m (b) 4 m (c) 0.4 m (d) 0.04 m
(v) Two long straight wires are set parallel to each other. Each carries a current in the same
direction and separation between them is 2r. Intensity of magnetic field midway between them
i i 4
(a) μ0 r (b) zero (c) 4μ0 r (d) μ0 i r

SECTION-C (each of 2 marks)

17. Write the expression, in a vector form, for the Lorentz magnetic force due to a charge moving
with velocity V in a magnetic field B . What is the direction of the magnetic force?
18. Write the condition under which an electron will move undeflected in the presence of crossed
electric and magnetic fields.
19. A proton and an electron travelling along parallel paths enter a region of the uniform magnetic
field, acting perpendicular to their paths. Which of them will move in a circular path with a
higher frequency?
20. Two protons of equal kinetic energies enter a region of the uniform magnetic field. The first
proton enters normal to the field direction while the second enters at 30° to
the field direction. Name the trajectories followed by them.
21. Consider the circuit shown here where APB and AQB are semi-circles. What
will be the magnetic field at the center C of the circular loop?
22. Which one of the following will have a minimum frequency of revolution,
when projected with the same velocity v perpendicular to the magnetic field B:
(i) α – particle and (ii) β – particle.
23. An ammeter and a milli-ammeter are converted from the same galvanometer. Out of the two,
which current-measuring instrument has higher resistance?
24. The figure shows a circular loop carrying current l. Show the direction of
the magnetic field with the help of lines of force.
25. An electron is moving with velocity v along the axis of a long straight
solenoid carrying current I. What will be the force acting on the electron due to the magnetic
field of the solenoid?
26. State two properties of the material of the wire used for suspension of the coil in a moving coil
SECTION-D (each of 3 marks)
27. State the principle of working of a Galvanometer. A galvanometer of resistance G is converted
into a voltmeter to measure up to V volts by connecting a resistance R 1 in series with the coil.
If a resistance R2 is connected in series with it, then it can measure up to V/2 volts. Find the
resistance, in terms of R1 and R2, required to be connected to convert it into a voltmeter that
can read up to 2V. Also find the resistance G of the galvanometer in terms of R 1 and R2.
28. An iron ring of relative permeability µr has windings of insulated copper wire of n turns per
metre. When the current in the windings is I, find the expression for the magnetic field in the
29. Two identical loops P and Q each of radius 5 cm are lying in perpendicular
planes such that they have a common centre as shown in the figure. Find the P
magnitude and direction of the net magnetic field at the common centre of the
two coils, if they carry currents equal to 3 A and 4 A respectively.
30. A uniform magnetic field B is set up along the positive x-axis. A particle of charge ‘q’
and mass ‘m’ moving with a velocity v enters the field at the origin in X-Y plane such that it has
velocity components both along and perpendicular to the magnetic field B. Trace, giving
reason, the trajectory followed by the particle. Find out the expression for the distance moved
by the particle along the magnetic field in one rotation.
31. Derive an expression for the force per unit length between two long straight parallel current
carrying conductors. Hence define one Ampere.
32. (a) State Biot-Savart’s law and express it in vector form.
(b) Two identical circular coils, P and Q of radius R, carrying currents 1 A and √3 A
respectively, are placed concentrically and perpendicular to each other lying in the XY and YZ
planes. Find the magnitude and direction of the net magnetic field at the centre of the coils.
SECTION-E (each of 5 marks)
33. (a) State Ampere’s circuital law. Use this law to obtain the expression
for the magnetic field inside an air cored toroid of average radius ‘r’,
having n turns per unit length and carrying a steady current I.
(b) An observer to the left of a solenoid of N turns each of cross-section
area A observes that a steady current I flows in it in the clockwise direction. Depict the
magnetic field lines due to the solenoid specifying its polarity and show that it acts as a bar
magnet of magnetic moment 𝑚 = 𝑁𝐼𝐴.
34. (a) Write using Biot-Savart’s law, the expression for the magnetic field B due to an element dl
carrying current I at a distance r from it, in vector form. Hence, derive the expression for the
magnetic field due to a current carrying loop of radius R at a point P distant x from its centre
along the axis of the loop.
(b) Explain how Biot-Savart law enables one to express the Ampere’s circuital law in the
integral form.


SECTION-A (each of 1 mark)
1. In a permanent magnet at room temperature
(a) magnetic moment of each molecule is zero
(b) the individual molecules have non-zero magnetic moment which are all perfectly aligned
(c) domains are partially aligned
(d) domains are all perfectly aligned
2. Which one of the following characteristics is not associated with a ferromagnetic material?
(a) It is strongly attracted by a magnet
(b) It tends to move from a region of strong magnetic field to a region of week magnetic field.
(c) Its origin is the spin of electrons
(d) Above the curie temperature, it exhibits paramagnetic properties
3. Consider the two idealized systems: (I) a parallel plate capacitor with large plates and small
separation and (II) a long solenoid of length L >> R, radius of cross-section. In (I) E is ideally
treated as a constant between plates and zero outside. In (II) magnetic field is constant inside
the solenoid and zero outside. These idealized assumptions, however, contradict fundamental
laws as below:
(a) Case (I) contradicts Gauss’s law for electrostatic fields.
(b) Case (II) contradicts Gauss’s law for magnetic fields.
(c) case(I) agrees with E. d𝑙 = 0
(d) case(II) contradicts H. d𝑙 = len
4. If the angular momentum of an electron is J then the magnitude of the magnetic moment will be
𝑒𝐽 𝑒𝐽 2𝑚
(a) (b)2𝑚 (c) 𝑒𝐽2𝑚 (d)
𝑚 𝑒𝐽
5. If the distance between two magnetic poles is halved force between them becomes k times,
where k=
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 4 (d) 1/4
6. The unit of magnetic dipole moment is
(a) ampere metre (b) ampere metre– 1 (c) ampere metre– 2 (d) ampere metre2
7. The S.I unit of magnetic pole strength is
(a) ampere metre– 1 (b)ampere metre (c) ampere metre2 (d) ampere metre– 2
8. Torque acting on a magnetic dipole of magnetic moment M placed in uniform magnetic field
B is
(a) τ = B × M (b) τ = M × B (c)τ = B . M (d) τ = M . B
9. Torque acting on a magnet held at angle θwith magnetic field is maximum when θ =
(a) 90° (b) 180° (c) 360° (d) 0°
10. Potential energy of a magnetic dipole is zero when θ =
(a) 0° (b) 90° (c) 180° (d) 360°
11. Potential energy of a magnetic dipole of magnetic moment M placed in uniform magnetic
field B is
(a) U = M . B (b) U = − B × M (c) τ = B × M (d) U = − M × B
SECTION –B (each of 1 mark) (case based questions)

12. An electron with a speed v0 << 𝑐moves in a circle of radius r0 in a uniform magnetic field. This
electron is able to transverse a circular path as magnetic field is perpendicular to the velocity
of the electron. The time required for one revolution of the electron is T0 . The speed of the
electron is now doubled to 2 v0 .
(i) The radius of the circle will change to

(a) 4r0 (b) 2r0 (c) r0 (d) r0 / 2

(ii) The time required for one revolution of the electron will change to

(a) 4T0 (b) 2T0 (c) T0 (d) T0 / 2

(iii) A charged particle is projected in a magnetic field B = 2i + 4j × 102 T.the acceleration of the
particle is found to be a = xi + 2j ms −2 .Find the value of x.

(a) 4 ms−2 (b) – 4 ms−2 (c) – 2 ms−2 (d) 2 ms −2

(iv) If the given electron has a velocity not perpendicular to B, then the trajectory of the electron is

(a) straight line (b) circular (c) helical (d) zigzag
(v) If this electron of charge (e) is moving parallel to uniform magnetic field with constant velocity
(v), the force acting on the electron is
Be B
(a) Bev (b) (c) ev (d) zero

SECTION-C (each of 2 marks)

13. Relative permeability of a material p = 0.5. Identify the nature of the magnetic material and
write its relation to magnetic susceptibility.
14. Two magnetic materials A and B have relative magnetic permeability of 0.96 and 500. Identify
the magnetic materials A and B.
15. The susceptibility of a magnetic material is -0.085. Identify the type of magnetic material. A
specimen of this material is kept in a non-uniform magnetic field. Draw the modified field
16. A uniform magnetic field gets modified as shown below when
two specimens X and Y are placed in it.
Identify the two specimens X and Y.
17. Define neutral point. Draw lines of force when two identical magnets are placed at a finite
distance apart with their N-poles facing each other. Locate the neutral points.
18. The susceptibility of a magnetic material is -2.6 x 10-5. Identify the type of magnetic material
and state its two properties.
19. Write the expression for the magnetic dipole moment for a closed current loop. Give its SI unit.
SECTION-D (each of 3 marks)
20. Name and define the magnetic elements of earth’s magnetic field at a place. Derive an
expression for the angle of dip in terms of the horizontal component and the resultant
magnetic field of the earth at a given place.
21. Derive an expression for the magnetic dipole moment of an electron revolving around a
nucleus. Express it in terms of angular momentum of the electron. Hence define gyromagnetic
ratio. What is Bohr magneton? Write its expression.
SECTION-E (each of 5 marks)
22. Write the expression for the magnetic dipole moment for a closed current loop. Give its SI unit.
Derive an expression for the torque experienced by a magnetic dipole in a uniform magnetic
23. A short bar magnet placed with its axis at 30° with an external field of 800 G experiences a
torque of 0.016 Nm. What is the magnetic moment of the magnet?
24. Name the three types of magnetic materials which behave differently when placed in a non-
uniform magnetic field. Give two properties for each of them.
25. The susceptibility of a magnetic material is 0-9853. Identify the type of magnetic material.
Draw the modification of the field pattern on keeping a piece of this material in a uniform
magnetic field.
26. Draw the magnetic field lines due to a circular loop of area A carrying current l. Show that it
acts as a bar magnet of magnetic moment m = I A .
27. Derive the expression for the magnetic field due to a solenoid of length ‘21’, radius ‘a’ having
‘n’ number of turns per unit length and carrying a steady current T at a point on the axial line,
distant ‘r’ from the center of the solenoid. How does this expression compare with the axial
magnetic field due to a bar magnet of the magnetic moment ‘m’?


SECTION-A (each of 1 mark)
1. Lenz’s law is a consequence of
(a) Conservation of linear momentum b) Conservation of angular momentum
(c) conservation of energy d) conservation of charge
2. A bar magnet is dropped along the axis of a hollow cylinder of copper as shown in the figure
beside. The acceleration of the magnet within the copper cylinder is [neglect air resistance]
(a) 9.8 𝑚𝑠 −2 (b) greater than 9.8 𝑚𝑠 −2 (c) less than 9.8 𝑚𝑠 −2 (d) zero
3. Current i is flowing in the straight wire as shown in the figure. If the current start to increase the
induce current in the circular loop beside will be
(a) Clock-wise (b) anti-clock wise
(b) either clock-wise or anti-clock wise (d) zero
4. Which of the following cannot be the value of coefficient of coupling?
(a) 0 (b) 0.5 (c) 1.0 (d) 1.5
5. The magnetic flux across a coil, of 50 turns and of diameter 0.1 m changes from 3 ×
10−4 Wb to 10−4 Wb in 0.02 s. the emf induced in the coil is
(a) 3.9 mV (b) 10 mV (c) 15 mV (d) 196 mV
6. Two identical circular loops of metal wire are lying on the table without touching each other.
Loop A caries a current which increase with time. In response, the loop B
(a) remain stationary (b) attracted by loop B (c) is repelled by loop B
(d) Rotate about its centre of mass with centre of mass fixed.
7. A circular disc of radius 0.2 m is placed in a uniform magnetic field of induction 𝜋 Wb/m2 in
such a way that its axis makes an angle 60° with the field. The magnetic flux linked with the
disc is
(a) 0.01 Wb (b) 0.02 Wb (c) 0.06 Wb (d) 0.08 Wb
8. The self-inductances of two coils are 16 mH and 25 mH, and they have mutual inductance of
10 mH. The coefficient of coupling is
(a) 0.025 (b) 0.05 (c) 0.25 (d) 0.5
9. A square of side L meters lies in the x-y plane in a region, where the magnetic field is given
byB = B0 2i + 3j + 4k T,where B0 is constant. The magnitude of flux passing through the
square is
(a) 2 B0 L2 Wb (b) 3 B0 L2 Wb (c) 4 B0 L2 Wb (d) √29B0 L2 Wb
10. A loop, made of straight edges has six corners at A (0, 0, 0), B (L, 0, 0), C (L, L, 0), D (0, L, 0),
E (0, L, L) and F (0, 0, L). A magnetic field B = B0 i + k Tis present in the region. The flux
passing through the loop ABCDEFA (in that order) is
(a) B0 L2 Wb (b) 2 B0 L2 Wb (c) √2B0 L2 Wb (d) 4 B0 L2 Wb
11. If a coil of metal wire is kept stationary in a non-uniform magnetic field, then
(a) An e.m.f. is induced in the coil (b) A current is induced in the coil
(c) Neither e.m.f. nor current is induced (d) Both e.m.f. and current is induced
12. A conducting rod of length l is falling with a velocity v perpendicular to a uniform
horizontal magnetic field B. The potential difference between its two ends will be
(a)2 Blv (b) Blv (c) 2 Blv (d) B2 l2 v 2
13. There are two coils A and B as shown in the figure. A current starts flowing in B as
shown, when A is moved towards B and stops when A stops moving. The current in
A is counterclockwise. B is kept stationary when A moves. We can infer that

(a) (there is a constant current in the clockwise direction in A

(b) there is a varying current in A
(c) there is no current in A
(d) there is a constant current in the counterclockwise direction in A
SECTION –B (each of 1 mark) (case based questions)
14. An emf induced by the motion of the conductor across the magnetic field is called motional
electromotive force. It is given as, ε = − Bvl.This equation is true as long as the velocity, field
and length are mutually perpendicular.The minus sign associated with the Lenz's law.As
shown in fig, a rectangular loop MNOP is pulled out of a magnetic field with a uniform velocity
v by applying an external force F. The loop is R.
(i) Find the current in the loop
(a) (b) (c) (d) vBl
(ii) Find the magnetic force on the loop
B2 r2 v 2 B2 l2 V B2 r v2 B2 r2 v 2
(a) (b) (c) (d)
R R R 2R
(iii) Find the external force F needed to maintain constant velocity
B2 r2 v B2 r2 v 2 B2 r2 v 2 B r2 v 2
(a) (b) (c) (d)
R R 2R R
(iv) The power delivered by the external force is
B r2 v 2 B2 r2 v B r2 v 2 B2 r2 v 2
(a) (b) (c) (d)
R R 2R 2R
(v) The thermal power developed in the loop is
B2 r2 v 2 B r2 v 2 Brv B2 r2 v 2
(a) (b) (c) (d)
R R R 2R

SECTION-C (each of 2 marks)

15. State Lenz’s law. Explain it.
16. How can the self-inductance of a given coil having ‘N’ number of turns, area of cross-section of
‘A’ and length T be increased?
17. How does the mutual inductance of a pair of coils change when
(a) the distance between the coils is increased and
(b) the number of turns in the coils is increased?
18. The motion of the copper plate is damped when it is allowed to oscillate between the two poles
of a magnet. What is the cause of this damping?
19. Predict the polarity of the capacitor in the situation described below.
20. An air-cored solenoid has self-inductance 2.8 H. When the core is removed,
the self-inductance becomes 2 mH. What is the relative permeability of the core used?
21. The figure shows a horizontal solenoid PQ connected to a battery and a switch.
A copper ring R is placed on a frictionless track, the axis of the ring being along
the axis of the solenoid. What would happen to the ring as the switch S is
SECTION-D (each of 3 marks)
22. Define self-inductance of a coil. Write its S.I. unit. Obtain the expression for the energy stored
in an inductor L connected across a source of emf.
23. Derive the expression for the self-inductance of a long solenoid of cross-sectional area A and
length l, having n number of turns per unit length.
24. What are eddy currents? How are they minimized? Mention two applications of eddy currents.
SECTION-E (each of 5 marks)
25. (a) Define mutual inductance and write its S.I units.
(b) Derive an expression for the mutual inductance of two long co-axial solenoids of same
length wound one over the other.
(c) In an experiment, two coils C1 and C2 are placed close to each other. Find out the
expression for the emf induced in the coil C1 due to a change in the current through the coil

26. (a) A rod of length l is moved horizontally with a uniform velocity ‘v’ in a direction perpendicular
to its length through a region in which a uniform magnetic field is acting vertically downward.
Derive the expression for the emf induced across the ends of the rod.
(b) How does one understand this motional emf by invoking the Lorentz force acting on the free
charge carriers of the conductor? Explain.


SECTION-A (each of 1 mark)
1. Determine the Q-value of a series LCR circuit with L=2.0 H, C=32 μF, R=10 Ω.
(a) 0 (b) 25 (c) 75 (d) 100
2. SI unit henry(H) can be written as
(a) Wb. 𝐴−2 (b) 𝐽. 𝐴−1 (c) 𝑉.s. 𝐴−1 (d) 𝛺. 𝑠
3. If a current I passes through a pure inductor of self-inductance L, the energy stored is
𝐿𝐼 2 𝐿𝐼 2 𝐿𝐼 2
(a) 𝐿𝐼 2 (b) 2 (c) 4 (d) 8
4. In an LCR circuit voltage across L, C and R are 10 V, 20 V and 10 V respectively. Voltage
across the whole combination is
(a) 30 V (b) 10√3 V (c) 20 V (d) 10√2 V
5. An alternating current is given by the equation 𝐼 = 𝑖1 sin 𝜔𝑡 + 𝑖2 cos 𝜔𝑡. The rms value of the
current is given by
𝑖 1 +𝑖 2 𝑖 1 −𝑖 2 𝑖 12 +𝑖 22 𝑖 12 +𝑖 22
(a) (b) (c) (d)
√2 √2 2 √2
6. In the given network, reading of the ammeter (A) and the voltmeter (V)
across the resistor are respectively
(a) 2A, 820 V (b) 2.2A, 220V (c) 2.2A, 300 V (d) 2A, 100 V

7. In an ac circuit alternating voltage 𝐸 = 200√2 sin 100𝑡 volt is connected to a capacitor of

capacitance 1μF, the rms value of the current in the circuit is
(a) 10 mA (b) 20 m (c) 100 mA (d) 200 mA
8. In an LCR series ac circuit the voltage across each of the components L, C and R is 50 V. The
voltage across the LC combination is
(a) 50 V (b) 50√2 V (c) 100 V (d) Zero
9. Reciprocal of impedance is
(a) susceptance (b) conductance (c) admittance (d) resistance
10. If instantaneous current is given by I = 4 cos ωt + ϕ ampere, then rms value of current is
(a) 4 A (b) 2√2 A (c) 4√2 A (d) 0 A
11. In an AC circuit, peak value of voltage is 423 volts. Its effective voltage is
(a) 400 volts (b) 323 volts (c) 300 volts (d) 340 volts
12. If the rms current in a 50 Hz AC circuit is 5 A, the value of the current 1/300 seconds after its
value become zero is
(a) 5√2 A (b) 5 A (c) 5/6 A (d) 5/√2 A
13. The peak value of 220 volts of AC mains is
(a) 155.6 volts (b) 220.0 volts (c) 311.0 volts (d) 440 volts
14. The impedance of a certain AC circuit is 50 ohms. If the net resistance in the circuit is 25 ohms
then the power factor of the circuit will be
(a) Zero (b) 0.5 (c) 1 (d) 0.25
15. The phase angle between e.m.f. and current in LCR series AC circuit is
π π π
(a) 0 to 2 (b) 4 (c) 2 (d) π

16. An alternating current generator has an internal resistance Rg and an internal reactance Xg . It
is used to supply power to a passive load consisting of a resistance Rg and a reactance XL.
For maximum power to be delivered from the generator to the load, the value of X L is equal to
(a) zero (b) Xg (c) – Xg (d) Rg
17. Which of the following combinations should be selected for better tuning of an LCR circuit
used for communication?
(a)R = 20 Ω, L = 1.5 H, C = 35 μF
(b)R = 25 Ω, L = 2.5 H, C = 45 μF
(c) R = 15 Ω, L = 3.5 H, C = 30 μF
(d)R = 25 Ω, L = 1.5 H, C = 45 μF
18. In a series LCR circuit, resistance R = 10 Ω and the impedance Z = 20 Ω . The phase
difference between the circuit and the voltage is
(a) 30° (b) 45° (c) 60° (d) 90°
SECTION –B (each of 1 mark) (case based questions)
19. An interesting characteristic of the series RLC circuit is the phenomenon of resonance. The
phenomenon of resonance is common among system that has a tendency to oscillate at a
particular frequency. This frequency is called the system's natural frequency. If such a system
is driven by an energy source at a frequency that is near the natural frequency, the amplitude
of oscillation is found to be large. A familiar example of this phenomenon is a child on a swing.
The swing has a natural frequency for swinging back and forth like a pendulum. If the child
pulls on the rope at regular intervals and the frequency of the pulls is almost the same as the
frequency of swinging, the amplitude of the swinging will be large.
Suppose a resistance R, inductance L and capacitance C are connected in series and fed by
an alternating source of voltage V, the frequency of alternating current source be f. This series
RLC circuit is said to be in resonance only if the frequency f of applied alternating source be
such that the current flowing in circuit and voltage applied are in the same phase. At
resonance in RLC series circuit impedance is minimum (i.e., Z = R). For an RLC circuit driven
with voltage of amplitude Vm and angular frequency ω0 is given by
ω0 =
At resonant frequency, the current amplitude is maximum
i.e. im = R

(i) To reduce the resonant frequency in an LCR series circuit with a generator
(a)the generator frequency should be reduced
(b)another capacitor should be added in parallel to the first
(c) the iron core of the inductor should be removed
(d)dielectric in the capacitor should be removed
(ii) The natural frequency of the circuit shown in the fig. is
√2 LC
(c) 2π
(d)none of these
(iii) In an ac circuit the emf (e) and the current (i) at any instant are given respectively by
e = E0 sin ωt
I = I0 sin ωt − ϕ
The average power in the circuit over one cycle of ac is
E 0 I0 E 0 I0 E 0 I0
(a) E0 I0 (b) (c) sin ϕ (d) cos ϕ
2 2 2
(iv) An ac voltage is connected to two circuits as shown in fig. the current through resistance R in
the circuit (I) and (II) at resonance respectively is

(a)0 A , 0A (b) R , 0 A (c) 0 A , R (d) R , R
(v) The resonant frequency ω, of a series LCR circuit with L = 2 H, C = 32 μF and R = 10 Ω is
(a) 125 rad s−1 (b) 130 rad s −1 (c) 135 rad s−1 (d) 140 rad s−1
SECTION-C (each of 2 marks)
20. The instantaneous current and voltage of an a.c. circuit are given by i = 10 sin 300 t A and V =
200 sin 300 t V. What is the power dissipation in the circuit?
21. The instantaneous current and voltage of an a.c. circuit are given by i = 10 sin 314 t A and v =
50 sin 314 t V. What is the power dissipation in the circuit?
22. Define the term ‘wattless current’. Explain.
23. Mention the two characteristic properties of the material suitable for making core of a
24. Prove that an ideal capacitor in an a.c. circuit does not dissipate power.
25. Define capacitor reactance. Write its S.I. units.
26. Why is the use of a.c. voltage preferred over d.c. voltage? Give two reasons.
SECTION-D (each of 3 marks)
27. A horizontal conducting rod 10 m long extending from east to west is falling with a speed 5.0
ms-1 at right angles to the horizontal component of the Earth’s magnetic field.
28. A voltage 𝑉 = 𝑉0 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜔𝑡 is applied to a series LCR circuit. Derive the expression for the average
power dissipated over a cycle. Under what condition
(i) no power is dissipated even though the current flows through the circuit?
(ii) maximum power is dissipated in the circuit?
29. (a) Determine the value of phase difference between the
current and the voltage in the given series LCR circuit.
(b) Calculate the value of the additional capacitor which may
be joined suitably to the capacitor C that would make the
current in the circuit maximum.
30. State the underlying principle of a transformer. How is the large-scale transmission of electrical
energy over long distances done with the help of transformers?
31. Prove that an ideal inductor does not dissipate power in an a.c. circuit.
32. A 15.0 µF capacitor is connected to 220 V, 50 Hz source. Find the capacitive reactance and
the rms current.
SECTION-E (each of 5 marks)

33. A device X is connected across an ac source of voltage 𝑉 = 𝑉0 sin 𝜔𝑡. The current through X is
given as 𝐼 = 𝐼0 𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝜔𝑡 + 2 .
(a) Identify the device X and write the expression for its reactance.
(b) Draw graphs showing variation of voltage and current with time over one cycle of ac, for X.
(c) How does the reactance of the device X vary with
frequency of the ac? Show this variation graphically.
(d) Draw the phase diagram for the device X.
34. (a) State the principle of an ac generator and explain its
working with the help of a labelled diagram. Obtain the
expression for the emf induced in a coil having N turns
each of cross-sectional area A, rotating with a constant
angular speed ‘ω’ in a magnetic field 𝐵, directed perpendicular to the axis of rotation.
(b) An aeroplane is flying horizontally from west to east with a velocity of 900 km/hr. Calculate
the potential difference developed between the ends of its wings having a span of 20 m. The
horizontal component of the Earth’s magnetic field 5 × 10−4 𝑇 and the angle of dip is 300.
35. A device ‘X’ is connected to an ac source 𝑉 = 𝑉0 sin 𝜔𝑡. The variation of voltage, current and
power in one cycle is shown in the following graph:
(a) Identify the device ‘X’.
(b) Which of the curves A, B and C represent the voltage, current and the power consumed in
the circuit? Justify your answer.
(c) How does its impedance vary with frequency of the ac source? Show graphically.
(d) Obtain an expression for the current in the circuit and its phase relation with ac voltage.



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