Morphology of Flowering Plants by Rakshita Singh

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Chapter Objectives
Morphologyand modifications: Internal morphology of diferent paris of flouwering plants, Rot, stem, leaf, inflorescence. loru

fruit and seed


Concept Clarified

Morphology deals with the study of forms and features of different plant organs like roots, stem, leaves, flowers,
seeds, fruits etc.
The plant body of typical angiospermic plant is differentiated into an underground root system and an aerial shoot

The shoot system consists of stem (branches), leaves and flowers. The roots, stems and leaves are vegetative parts

of a plant and flowers constitute the reproductive parts.


Root is the direct elongation of the radicle in the form of soft structure which moves toward the soil. It develops
and forms primary root. Primary roots grow and branch extensively to form secondary roots.

Types of Roots:
Roots are divided into three types: () Tap roots (i) Adventitious roots (ii) Fibrous roots

(i) Tap root: It develops from radicle which is made up of one main branch and other sub-branches, eg
growth of primary root stops and then roots de-
(i) Adventitious roots: In some plants, after sometime the

adventitious roots,
part of plant which are branched or unbranched, and are known
velop from other
eggrass, monstera etc.
number of roots.

(ii) Fibrous roots: In monocot plants, the primary root is short lived and replaced by large
is a

These roots originatefrom the base of the stem and constitute the fibrous root system, e.g, Wheat plant.

Regions of the Root:

structure called the root cap. It protects
Root cap region: The root is covered at the apex by a thimble-like
(a) the tender apex of the root as it makes its way through the soil. In aquatic plants (Pistia and water hya

cinth) root cap is like a loose thimble, called root pocket.

is the region of meristematic activity.
(b) The
Region of meristematic ceils: A few millimetres above the root cap
cells of this region are very small, thin-walled and with dense protoplasm. They divide repeatedly.
(c) Region of elongation: The region is next to the meristematic region where the celis undergo rapid elonga
tion and eniargement and are responsible for the growth of the root in length.
differentiate and mature. Hence, this
(d) Region of maturation: The cells of the elongation zone gradualy
zone, proximal to region of elongation, is called the region of maturation. From this region some of the
epidermal cells form very fine and delicate, thread-like structures called root hairs which absorb water
and minerals from the soil.
Modified Roots:
lap roots and adventitious roots are modified to different forms and perform special functions. Such roots are

called modified roots.

(0) Storage roots: Tap roots of carrot, turnip and adventitious roots of sweet potato are modified for storage
of food.
ii) Stilt roots or brace roots: When root arises from lower nodes and enter in side the soil and form a rope
like structure are known
as stilt roots,
eg, Maize, sugarcane, Pandanus (Screwpine)
(ii) Prop root or pillar roots: When root arises from branches of plant and grows downward towards soil and
tunction as supporting stem for the plant. These type of roots are called prop roots, e.g, Banyan
(iv) Respiratory root: In some plants such as Rhizophora growing in swampy areas, many roots cone out of the
ground and grow vertically upwards. These roots are called pneumatophores as they help to get oxygen
for respiration.

Stem is a part of plant which lies above from surface of soil i.e., it shows negative geotropic growth. It has nodes and

internodes. Branches, leaves, flowers, buds and bracts are developed from nodes. It develops from the plumule of

the embryo of a germinating seed.

The main function of the stem is spreading out branches bearing leaves, flowers and fruits. It conducts water
minerals and photosynthates. Some stems perform the function of storage of food, support protection and of

vegetative propagation.

Modifications of stem:
Sub-aerial modifications: These are creeping stem.
(a) Runner: When stem grows and spread on the surface of soil. Roots are developed at lower side and leaves
from upper side from node, e.g, Cynodon dactylon (Doob grass), Oxalis.
b)Stolon: In stolon, brandhes develop from the lower part of the main stem growing somedistancelike

arch and finally touching ground to give rise to new shoot, e.g., Fragaria (Wild strawberry), Jasmine, Pep-
(c) Sucker: The main stem grow in the soil but branches develop from nodes and comes out obliquely from

the soil, eg, Mint, Pineapple, Chrysanthemum.

stem. Internodes of offset are small &
(d) Offset: Generally these occur in aquatic plants which have fragile
thicker. It is also known as aquatic runner, e,g., Pistia, Eichhornia.

Underground modifications:
Generally, this type of modification occurs for food storage and vegetative propagation.

(a) Tuber: The tips of branches become swollen in the soil, eyes' are found on them which are axillary buds
and covered with scaly leaves, e.g, Potato.

internodes which
Rhizome: It is fleshy and horizontally found below in soil. It bears small nodes and
covered by scaly leaves, e.g, Ginger, Turmeric, Canna, Water lily.

structure which grow vertically under the soil, surface, e.g, Colocasia, Zaminkand,
(c) Corm: It is a condensed

(d) Bulb: This stem has a disc-like structure and surrounded with numerous fleshy scaly leaves. Many roots
arise from its base, e.g, Onion,

Aerial modifications:
bud forms tendril in place of branches and helps in climbing of those
(a) Stem tendril: In this type, axillary Watermelon.
weak stem, eg, Grapes, Passiflora, Cucumber, Pumpkins,
plants which have
modified into a (Opuntia), fleshy and cylindrical (Euphorbia) green leaf-like struc-
b) Phylloclade: Stem is are modified into spines, e.g, Opuntia, Euphor
ture that carries out photosyrthesis like a leat. The leaves
bia, Casuarina.
from cortex and
epidermis and found at nodes or internodes. It
(c) Prickle and hooks: These develop only
in origin, eg., Rose, Smilax.
helps in climbing. It is exogenous
It is developed from ax1llary bud or terminal bud of the stem. It may bear leaves and
(d) Stem thorn Thorn:
Carissa (Karonda), Bougainvillea, Pomegranate, Citrus.
flowers. It is endogenous origin, e.g,
Leaves develop from the nodes. Their main function is photosynthesis. Axillary buds are found in its axil. Leaves
originate from shoot apical meristems and are arranged in an acropetal order.
Leaf is divided into 3 main parts:
(a) Leaf base: The part of leaf attached to stem. In some leguminous plants the leaf base becomes swollen to form
(b) Petiole: This is the part of the leaf that connects the lamina with the branch or stem. Petiolated or stalked leaves
are known as petiolate and when petiole or stalk is absent, leaves are called sessile. In Eichhornia petiole swells

and in Citrus it is winged.

(c) Lamina (Leaf blade): It is the broad and flattened part of leaf. Its main functions are photosynthesis and tran-


Leaves of some plants have lateral appendages on either side of leaf base, known as stipules.

If stipules are present in leaf, it is called stipulated leaf, if absent then leaf is called ex-stipulated.
Duration of Leaf:
Persistent /Evergreen: Leaves of such plants are found in all season and do not (fall) shed, e.g, Pine, Saraca

indica, Datepalm.
(b) Deciduous: All leaves of such plants are shed at the same time, e.g, Azadirachta, Ficus
(c) Caducous: Leaves are shed when the bud formation takes place, e.-g, rose.


The arrangement of veins and veinlets in the lamina of leaves is known as venation. It is of two types:
() Reticulate venation: It is found in dicots. Exception Calophyllum (t has parallel venation). In this typeofve
nation many veins are divided into various branches (veinlets) and form a net ike structure. Examples: Guava,
Peepal, Mango, etc.

(b) Parallel venation: It is found in monocots. Exception-Smilax (Tt has reticulate venation). In this type ofvena-
tion, all veins run parallel to each other and they do not form network. Examples: Banana, Coconut, Wheat,

Sugarcane, Grass etc.

Modification of Leaves:
Leafs in some plants change their shape and structure and become modified to perform functions other than
photosynthesis, transpiration and gaseous exchange. Following are the different types of modification that occur

in leaves:
(a) Leaf tendril: In this, whole leaf is modifed intoa thread-like structure which is called leaf tendril, e g, Suet

b)Leaf spine: Leaves any part of leaflet are modified into pointed spine for defence and help the plant to climb


around a support, e.g, Opuntia, Aloe, Argemone.

()Fleshy leaves: In some plants such as onion and garlic, fleshy leaves store food.

(d) Leaf pitcher: Leaves of certain insectivorous plants are modified to pitcher shape, eg. Nepenthes, Dischidiua.
(e)Leaf bladder In some plant, leaves are modified into bladder like structure, eg, lUtricularia.

(9 Phyllode: Petiole becomes flat and function as normal leaf. The leaves are small and short-lived eg, Austral-
ian acacia.
Simple and Compound Leaf:
(a) Simple Leat: A leaf which may be incised to any depth, but not up to the midrib or petiole then this type
leaf is called simple leaf.
(b) Compound leaf A leaf in which the leaf blade is incised up to the midrb or petiole, thus dividing it itosev
eral small parts or leaflets. It is of two types:

() Pinnately compound leaf: In this type of leaf, midrib is known as rachis, Leaflets are arranged on botn
sides of rachis, eg. Neem.
(ii) Palmate compound: In this type incision of leaf are directed from leaf margin to apex of petiole and all
leaflets are attached on the upper end of petiole, e.g, Silk cotton.
It is a pattern of arrangement of leaves on the stem or branch. This is usually of three types:
Chinarose, Suntlower
Alternate: In this type a single leaf arises at each node in alternate manner, e.g., Mustard,
to each other. It is of
(i) Opposite: In this type of phyllotaxy a pair of leaves arise at each node and lie opposite
two types:
(a) Superposed: When the pair of leaves stands directly over the lower pair, e.g,
next one, eg, Calotropis.
(b) Decussate: Each successive pair of leaves stands at right angles to the
(ii) Whorled: If more than two leaves arise at each node. It is called whorled phyllotaxy, e.g, Alstonin,
racemose and cymose,
Arrangement of flowers on floral axis is called inflorescence. It is mainly of two types:

off flowers
and does not terminate in a flower and give
In this type of inflorescence the main axis continues to grow

on the upper
on the lower side and young flowers
laterally in acropetal manner (where old flowers are arranged

a flower. The older
flowers are present at upper portion
In this type of inflorescence, the peduncle terminates in
is called basipetal succession.
and young buds are arranged towards base. This arrangement

Special Types if Inflorescence: structure on the margin of it secretory
cup shaped
fused to form a
Cyathium: The bracts or the involucre become earlier. Due to
female flower is found, which mature
structure a
glands are found. In the central part of cup shaped structure. Female flowers are
surrounded by small male
the growth of pedicel this come out from the cup shaped mature earlier than the flowers
male flower which lie toward centre
flowers. These are also found on pedicel. The

which are towards periphery.

Formore details,
5. FLOWER Scan the code
on flower stalk which
called bract. Flower is borne short or long

The part from where flower arise is

or conical which is called
of pedicel is swollen, spherical shaped
is called pedicel. The upper part
are present on it.
thalamus/ receptacle. Floral leaves
on the thalamus. These
flower, has four different kinds of whorls arranged successively
A typical

are corolla, androecium and gynoecium.

Symmetry of Flower:
then it is called cyclic flower.
If the floral leaves are cyclic arranged in a flower,

then it is called spiral or acyclic
If floral leaves are spirally arranged vertical plane into two equal halves,
then it is
/radial /regular: When flower is divided by any
a) Actinomorphic

flower e.g, Mustard, China rose,

Datura, Chilli.
called actinomorphic one vertical plane,
then it is
divided into two equal halves only by
When the flower is

(b) Zygomorphic/Bilateral:
Gulmohur, Cassia.
called zygomorphic
flower, e.g, Pea, bean, from any plane, then it is
be divided into two equal halves
When the flower cannot
(c) Asymmetrical /Irregular:
flower, e.g, Canna.
Insertion of Floral
to floral parts and on this basis, it is divided into three
with respect
The relative position
of gynoecium changes

parts. and stamens are situated

below the ovary, the flower is called
condition: When petals, sepals
China rose, Brinjal.
(a) Hypogynous be superior, e.g, Mustard,
this condition ovary will
in flower and located on the
hypogynous and centre and other parts of the
gynoecium is situated in the
Perigynous condition:
called perigynous. The ovary
in this condition is said to be
(b) at the same level; it is
rim of the thalamus Peach.
Rose, Plum, above the ovary, then the ovary is said
to be
half inferior, e.g, &r stamen are situated
condition: When petal, sepals Cucumber and the florets of Sunflower.
Apple, ray
(c) Epigynous Guava,
of the floral parts are superior,e g,
inferior and rest
(a) Bracteate: The flower which arises from the axil of bract is called bracteate flower
b) Involucre: The whorl of bract surrounding peduncle is called involucre.
(c)Spathe: When large bract completely encloses whole inflorescence, then it is called spathe - eg. Banana,

(d) Petaloid bract: When the size of bract of flower is greater than size of flower and these are of various colour
then it is called petaloid bract, e.g, Bougainvillea.
(e) Glumes: Small,dry, scaly bracts are called glumes, e.g, Wheat, Grass.
The outermost whori of flower is called calyx. Each member of this whorl is called sepai. When all the sepals are
free from each other, then it is called polysepalous condition e,g, Mustard, Radish. When the sepals are fused with
each other then it is called gamosepalous condition, e.g, Cotton, Datura, Brinjal.


The second whorl of flower is called corolla and each member of it is called petal. Corolla lie above calyx. When
the shape and size of petals are similar then it is called symmetrical while when they are not similar then they are
asymmetrical. When all the petals are free, it is called polypetalous condition. When petals are fused, then it is

called gamopetalous condition.
Forms of Corolla:


(a) Cruciform: In it 4 petals are found. The lower part of petal which is narrow is called claw while the outer
broad part is called limb. These petals are arranged crosswise. Cruciform petals are found in family Bras-
sicaceae. eg, Radish, Mustard.
(b) Caryophyllaceous: It consists of 5 petals, the claw of petals are short and the limb of petals form right
angle to the claw, eg., Dianthus.

(a) Campanulate: In this type of corolla 5 gamopetalous petals are present. It's shape is similar to bell, e.g,
Tobacco, Raspberry, Campanula.

(b) Funnel shaped or infundibuliform: In this type also 5 gamopetalous corolla is found. It's shape is similar
to funnel, e.g, Datura.
(c)Tubular: In it 5 gamopetalous petals are found which form tubular or cylindrical structure, e.g, Disc flo-
rets of Sunflower, which are situated in centre.

Zygomorphic Polypetalous Corolla:

Papilionaceous this type five petals are found. I's posterior part is largest and is known as standard or vexilum
Vexillum covers two lateral petals which are called as wings and the innermost basal parts are united to form a keel

or carina. Both lateral parts covers the keel, eg, Pea, Gram, Arhar.

The mode of arrangement of sepals or petals in floral bud with

respect to the other members of the same whorl is known as


aestivation. It is of following types:

(a) Valvate: When the petal of a whorl lie adjacent to other
petal and just touches it e.g, Calotropis, Custard-apple.
(b) Twisted: In this type one margin of a petal covers adjacent
petals and the other margin is covered automatically by
posterior petal, e.g, Cotton, Ladyfinger, china rose.
(c) Imbricate: If the margins of sepals or petals over lap one Valvate Twisted Imbricate Vexillary
another but not in any particular direction as in Cassia and Fig: Different types of aestivation
gulmohur, the aestivation is called imbricate.
In pea and bean flowers, there are five
(d) Vexillary: petals, the largest (standard) overlaps the two lateral petals
(wings) which in turn overlap the two smallest anterior petals (keel); This type of aestivation is caled a
vexillary aestivation.
Androecium: For more details,
scan the code
Androecium is the third whorl of the flower which lies inner to the corolla. It is the male
reproductive part which is composed of stamens. Each stamen consists of a stalk or a filament
and an anther.
Each another is bilobed and each lobe has two chambers, the poilen sacs. The pollen grains are
produced in pollen sacs. A sterile stamen is known as staminode.
Cohesion of Stamens:
When the floral parts of similar whorl are fused, then it is called cohesion.
When the stamens of an androecium are free from one another, it is called polyandrous condition.
) When stamens are united by their filament only, it is called adelphy. It is of following types:
(a) Monoadelphous: When all the filaments are united into a single bundle but anthers are free from each
other. In this type of cohesion a tube is formed around the gynoecium which is called staminal tube e.g

Cotton, Holyhock, Ladyfinger.

(b) Diadelphous: When the filaments are united in two bundles but the anther remains free e g, Gram, Pea,
In these plants out of 10 stamens, 9 stamens are arranged in bundle while 1 remains free.

(c) Polyadelphous: When filaments are united into more then two bundles, e.g, Castor, Citrus.
(i) Synandrous: When anthers as well as filaments of stamens are united through out their whole length.

eg. Colocasia, Alocasia, Momordica and Cucurbitaceae family.
(i) Syngenesious: Only anthers are united in bundle, but filaments remain free, e.g, members of Asteraceae

Adhesion of Stamens:
When the stamens are attached to other parts of flower, then it is called adhesion of stamens.

(a)Epipetalous: When stamens are attached to petals, e g, Brinjal, Datura, Tobacco, Sunflower, Potato.
(b) Epiphyllous: When stamens are attached to tepals, e.g, Onion, Lily.

itis the fourth and last whorl of the flower Gynoecium is the female reproductive part of the flower and is made
up one or more carpels. A carpel is made up of the following three parts:
Ovary: It is the basal, swollen part of the carpel. Eachovarybears one or more ovules attached to a flattened,

Cushion-like placenta.
(i) Style: The tube-ike structure which connects the stigma to the ovary is known as style.
(ii) Stigma: The stigma is usually at the tip of the style and is the receptive surface for pollen grains

Cohesion of Carpel
If only one carpel is present in gymoecium this condition is called monocarpellary.

If more than one carpel is present in gynoecium this condition is called polycarpellary. If all the carpels in
polycarpellary /multicarpellary condition are free, then condition is called apocarpous.

If all the carpels are fused together, then condition is called syncarpous.
In syncarpous gynoecium four types of cohesion are
form syncarpous ovary. In syncarpous ovary, stigma and style are
(a) When many ovaries are fused, than they
separated from each other e.g, Dianthus, Plumbago.
are not fused, e.g, In Malvaceae family.
(b) In carpels, ovary and style fused, but stigma
and style are free, e.g, Calotropis, Cassia fistula, Nerium.
(c) When stigma are fused but the ovary
condition is found in maximum flowers, eg, Mustard, Radish, Tomato.
(d) Carpels are completely fused. This
In syncarpous gynoecium how many carpels are fused, can be detected through
1. Number of stigma 2. Number of style 3. Number of lobes of ovary 4. Number of placenta.

The ovules attached on ovary walls on one or
more cushion called The manner in which
placenta. placenta are
known placentation. It is of following types:
arranged on ovary wall is

is found in monocarpellary gynoecium. The placenta develops along the

( ) Marginal: This type of placentation
Pea and other leguminous plants.
junction of two fused margins, e.g,
(b) Parietal: This type of placentation is found in unilocular syncarpus ovary. In it, the ovule is formed by the
fusion of two or more carpels by their adjacent margins and two or more placenta forms. In this type of pla.
centation, the number of placenta is equal to number of carples, e.g. Cucurbita, Argemone and Brassicaceae
family (Mustard).
(c) Axile: It is found in multicarpellary syncarpous gynoecium. The fusing margin of carpels grows inward and
meet in the centre of the ovary. Thus, an axis forms in the centre of ovary, and ovary becomes multicham.
bered. The ovules are born on the central axis. Number of these chambers are equal to the number of carpels,

eg. Potato, China rose, Onion. Lemon, Orange, Tomato.

d) Free centra: This type of placentation is found in syncarpous gynoecium. The ovary is unilocular and the
ovules are borne on the axis in the centre of the ovary.
Placentation is axile in beginning. After sometime walls of chamber destroy and only ovulated central axis left,
eg. Primrose, Dianthus (Caryophyllaceae).
(e) Superficial: This type of placentation is found in multicarpellary syncarpous ovary. The ovules are attached

on the walls of loculi, eg. Nymphaea (Water lily).
Basal: The ovary is unilocular and a single ovule is borne at the base of ovary, eg, Marigold, Sunfower

(Asteraceae family).

The seeds are protected inside the fruit. But in some fruits, seeds are not found like in grapes, Formore details,
scan the code
banana and such type of fruits are called parthenocarpic or seedless fruits
Pericarp: After ripening, the ovarian wall changes into pericarp. This pericarp may be thick

and fleshy or thick and hard or thin and soft. Pericarp is made up of 3 layers:
(a) Epicarp: It is the outermost layer which is thin and covers hard or soft part of fruit. It
forms outermost layer of fruit which is also called rind in oranges, lemon etc.
b) Mesocarp: It is the middle layer which is thick and feshy as in mango, peach, date palm. In coconut, this

layer is made up of fibres which is also called coir.


(c)Endocarp: It forms the innermost layer, it may be thin membranous (eg. Orange, Datepalm) or thick and
hard (eg, Mango, Coconut).
True fruit: When the fruit develops only from the ovary, the fruit is called as true fruit, e.g, Mango, Coconut,

False fruit or pseudocarp: In some fruits, in place of ovary, some other parts of flower like thalamus,
inflorescence, calyx are modified to form a part of fruit. These types of fruits are called false fruits, e.g, Apple,

In mango and coconut, the fruit is known as drupe. They develop from monocarpellary superior ovaries
and are one seeded. In these fruits endocarp is hard and stony so these fruits are also called stony fruits. e g
Mango, coconut. In mango, the outermost cover or rind is called epicarp. dible fleshy part is mesocarp and

the part where seed is protected is called as endocarp.

In coconut, epicarp is hard and thin while mesocarp is thick and consists of hard fibres. The endocarp is hard and
seed is protected in it. The sweet water and edible part of coconut are liquid and solid endosperm, respectively.


After fertilization the ovules develop into seeds. A seed is made up of a seed coat and an embryo. The embryo is
made up of an embryonal axis and one (as in wheat, maize) or two cotyledons (as in gram and pea).
Structure of a Dicotyledonous Seed:
(a) Seed coat: The outermost covering of a seed is the seed coat made up of two layers, the outer testa and the
inner tegmen. The hilum is a scar on the seed coat through which the developing seeds were attached to the
fruit. The micropyle is a s1mall pore above the hilum
(b)Embryo: Iik consists embryonal axis and two cotyiedons. The cotyledons are full of reserve food material.
At the two ends of the embryonal axis are present the radicle and plumule.
(c) Endosperm: In seeds such castor, the endosperm formed as a result of double fertilization stores food.
plants such as bean, gram and pea, the endosperm is not present, and thus are non-endospermous
Structure of Monocotyledonous Seed:
(a) In the seeds of cereals such as maize the seed coat is membranous and generally fused with the fruit wall.
(b) The seeds are generally endospermic but some as in orchids are non-endospermia. The endosperm stores tood

and is bulky. The outer covering of endosperm separates the embryo by a proteinous layer called aleurone
() The embryo is small and situated in a groove at one end of the endosperm. It consists of one large shield
cotyledon called as scutellum and a short axis with radicle and plumule. The sheathe enclosing the a
radicle and plumule are called coleorhiza and
coleoptile respectively.
Semi-technical Description of a Typical Flowering Plant:
(a) Various morphological features are used to describe a flowering plant.
The description has to be brief, in a simple and scientific language and
presented in a proper sequence.
(b) The plant is described beginning with its habit, vegetative characters:

roots, stem and leaves and then floral characters, inflorescence and

flower parts. After describing various parts of plant, a floral diagramn
and floral formula are presented. The floral formula is represented

by some symbols. In the floral formula, Br stands for bracteates, K

stands for calyx, C for corolla, P for perianth, A for androecium and
Floral diagram and floral formula
G for Gynoecium, G for superior ovary and G- for inferior ovary, d for
of Mustard
male, 9 for female, for bisexual plants, for actinomorphic and % for

zygomorphic nature of flower
(c) Fusion is indicated by enclosing the figure within bracket and adhesion by a line drawn above the symbols
the floral parts. A floral diagram provides information about the number of parts of a flower, their arrange-
ment and the relation they have with one another (Figure).
on the top of the floral dia-
(d) The position of the mother axis with respect to the flower is represented by a dot

(e) The floral diagram and floral formula in the figure represents the mustard plant (Family: Brassicaceae).

Description of Some Important Families:


Family Fabaceae:
This family was earlier called Papilionideae, a subfamily of family Leguminosae. It is distributed all over the
Vegetative Characters

Trees, shrubs, herbs, root with root nodules


Stem: Erect or climber

reticulate reticulate.
Leaves: Alternate, pinnately compound or simple, leaf base, pulvinate, stipulate,
Floral Characters

Inflorescence: Racemose.

Flower: Bisexual, zygomorphic.


imbricate aestivation.
Calyx: Sepals five, gamosepalous,
of a posterior standard, two lateral wings, two anterior
Corolla: Petals five, polypetalous, papilionaceous, consisting

stamens and pistil), vexillary aestivation.

ones forming a keel (encdosing
Androecium:Ten, diadelphous, anther
mono carpellary, unilocular
with many ovules, style single.
Gynoecium: Ovary superior,
Fruit: Seed one to many, non-endospermic.
Floral Formula: 9 K G+2+0A+19G
Economic Importance:
the family are sources of pulses (gram, arhar, sem, moong, soyabean, edible oil (soyabean,
Many plants belonging to todder (Sesbanúa, Trifolium), ormamentals (upin, sweet pea);
fibres (Sunhemp);
groundnut); dye (lndigofera);
medicine (muliathi).
Family Solanaceae:
called as the potato family. It is widely distributed in tropics, subtropics and even
It is a large family, commonly
temperate zones.
Vegetative Characters:
Plants mostly, herbs, shrubs and small trees.
Stem: Herbaceous rarely woody, aerial, erect, cylindrical, branched, solid or hoilow, hairy or glabrous, underground
stem in potato (Solanum tuberosum).
Leaves: Alternate, simple, rarely pinnately compound, exstipulate, reticulate venation.
Floral Characters:

Inflorescence: solitary, axillary or cymose as in Solanum.
Flower: Bisexual, actinomorphic.

Calyx: Sepals five, united, persistent, valvate aestivation.

Corolla: Petals five, united; valvate aestivation.
Androecium: Stamens five, epipetalous.

Gynoecium: Bicarpellary, syncarpous, ovary superior, bilocular, placenta swollen with many ovules.
Fruits: Berry or capsule.
Seeds: Many, endospermous.

Floral Formula: HK, CiAG
Economic Importance:

Many plants belonging to this family are source offood (Tomato, Brinjal, Potato), spice (chilli); medicine (Belladonna,
ashwagandha); fumigatory (Tobacco); ornamentals (Petunia).
Family Liliaceae: It is commonly called the Lily family'. It is a characteristic representative of monocotyledonous
plants. It is distributed world wide.
Vegetative characters:

Perennial herbs with underground bulbs /corms /rhizomes.

Leaves mostly basal, alternate, linear, exstipulate with parallel venation.
Floral characters:

Inflorescence: solitary/cymose, often umbellate clusters.

Flower: Bisexual; actinomorphic.

Perianth: Tepal six (3+3), often united into tube, valvate aestivation.
1. Androcium: Stamens six, 3+3.

2 Gynoecium: Tricarpellary, syncarpous, ovary superior, trilocular with many ovules, axile placentation.
Fruit: Capsule.
Seed: Endospermous.
Floral Formula: GP,+3As+s G)
Economic Importance:
Many plants belonging to this family are good ornamentals (tulip, Gloriosa), source of medicine (Aloe), vegetables
(Asparagus), and colchicine (Colchicum autumnale).

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