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Tense is the form in which a verb is used to express

when an action, is , was or will be performed
Classification of Tenses Perfect
Perfect Continuous

Singular Plural

1st Person I We

2nd Person You You

3rd Person He/She/It/ They

“Flora” “Tom “
Verb: Eat
Present Indefinite Present Continuous Present Perfect Present Perfect
I eat rice. I am eating rice. I have eaten rice. I have been eating

Past Indefinite Past Continuous Past Perfect Past Perfect

I ate rice. I was eating rice. I had eaten rice. I had been eating rice

Future Indefinite Future Continuous Future Perfect Future Perfect

I will eat rice. I will be eating rice. I will have eaten rice. I will have been eating
Classifications of Tense Structure
Present Indefinite Tense Subject + Main Verb*Present form (Third person singular=s/es)
+ Object V1-Present
Form of
Present Continuous Tense Subject + am/is/are + Main Verb(ing) + Object
Present Perfect Tense Subject + have/has + Main Verb*Past participle form + Object
Present Perfect Continuous Subject + have/has + been + Main Verb(ing) +Since/For V2-Past
Tense Form of
Past Indefinite Tense Subject + Main Verb*Past form+ Object
Past Continuous Tense Subject + was/were + Main Verb(ing)+ Object V3-Past
Past Perfect Tense Subject + had + Main Verb*Past participle form + Object Participle
form of
Past Perfect Continuous Subject + had + been + Main Verb (ing) +Object

Future Indefinite Tense Subject + shall/will + Main Verb*Present Form + Object

Future Continuous Tense Subject + shall/will + be + Main Verb (ing) + Object
Future Perfect Tense Subject + Shall/will + have + Main Verb*Past participle Form+
Future Perfect Continuous Subject + Shall/will + have + been + Main verb (ing) + object
Present Past Past Participle
Am/is/are Was/were been
Have/has Had had
Draw (আঁকা) Drew Drawn
Do ( করা) Did Done
Eat (খাওয়া ) Ate Eaten
Drink (পান করা) Drank Drunk
Come (আসা) Came Come
Sing (গান করা) Sang Sung
Go (যাওয়া) Went Gone
Give (দেওয়া) Gave Given
Run ( দেৌড়ান) Ran Run
Rise (উঠা ) Rose Risen
Ring (ঘণ্টা বাজান) Rang Rung
Know (জানা, দেনা) Knew Known
Mistake (ভুল করা) Mistook Mistaken
Speak (কথা বলা ) Spoke spoken
Write (দলখা) Wrote Written
Win (জয়লাভ করা) Won Won
Take (লওয়া ) Took Taken
Swim (সাতার কাটা) Swam Swum
Stand (োড়ান) Stood Stood
Get (পাওয়া) Got gotten
Present Past Past Participle
Fly (উড়া) Flew Flown
Drive (চালান া) Drove Driven
Become (হওয়া) Became Become
Begin (শুরু করা) Began Begun
Find (দেখনে পাওয়া) Found Found

Forget (ভুনল যাওয়া) Forgot Forgotten

Forgive (ক্ষমা করা) Forgave Forgiven
Choose (পছন্দ করা) Chose Chosen

Break (ভাঙ্গা) Broke Broken

Sit (বসা) Sat Sat
Sink (ডুনব যাওয়া) Sank Sunk
Get (পাওয়া) Got Gotten
Know (জা া, দচ া) Knew known
Present Form Past Form Past Participle
Ask (জজজ্ঞাসা করা ) Asked Asked
Agree (সম্মে হওয়া ) Agreed Agreed
Believe (ববশ্বাস করা ) Believed Believed
Build ( ব মাণ
ম করা ) Built Built
Burn (দপাড়া ) Burnt Burnt
Buy ( দক া) Bought Bought
Catch (ধরা) Caught Caught
Decide (ঠিক করা) Decided Decided
Keep (রাখা) Kept Kept
Say (বলা) Said Said
Send ( পািান া ) Sent Sent
Show ( দেখা ) Showed Showed
Work (কাজ করা ) Worked Worked
Teach (বিক্ষা দেওয়া ) Taught Taught
Tell (বলা ) Told told
Think (বচন্তা করা) Thought thought
Present Past Past Participle

Cut (কাটা) Cut Cut

Put (রাখা) Put Put
Bring (আ ায় করা ) Brought Brought
Call (ডাকা) Called Called
Cry (কাাঁো ) Cried Cried
Hate (ঘৃণা ) Hated Hated
Deny (অস্বীকার করা) Denied Denied
Hold (ধরা ) Held held
Divide (েযাগ করা) Divided Divided
Enter (প্রনবি করা) Entered Entered
Invite (ব মন্ত্রণ করা) Invited Invited
Look (দেখা) Looked Looked
Like (পছন্দ করা) Liked Liked
Lie (বমথ্যা বলা) Lied Lied
Laugh (হাসা) Laughed Laughed
Learn ( বিখা) Learnt learnt
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Sentence: When we want to express our thoughts we use a
group of words. A group of words that makes complete sense is
a sentence.

Classification of Sentences

1. Assertive sentence
2. Interrogative sentence (?)
3. Imperative sentence
4. Optative sentence
5. Exclamatory sentence(!)
! ?
An assertive sentence is a sentence which simply asserts something.

Subject + verb+ extension/object

He is not a good men.

They are playing.

Classification: (i) Affirmative sentence

(ii) Negative Sentence

(i) Affirmative sentence:

An affirmative sentence is an assertive sentence which affirms something.
He is a good man. (Affirmative)
He is not a good man.(Negative)
(ii) Negative Sentence:
A negative sentence is an assertive sentence which denies something.
He is not good.
He did not come here.
May, might, should, can, could, shall, am, is, are, was, were– এর পর NOT ববসনয় Negative Sentence করনে হয়।

• Example:
• He may Come. (Affirmative)
• He may not come.(Negative) MAY

• I can do it.(Affirmative) MIGHT

• I can not do it.( Negative)
• We shall go.(affirmative)
• We Shall not go. (Negative) COULD

• I am a student.(affirmative) MUST
• I am not a student(Negative)
• They were tired( Affirmative)
• They were not tired.(Negative) WOULD
Present Indefinite Tense এ (DO/DOES) NOT ববসনয় NEGATIVE করা হয়।

I eat rice.(Affirmative)
I do not eat rice. (Negative) Present Indefinite Tense

I speak English. (affirmative) Negative Sentence

I do not speak English.(Negative) +
I read books.(Affirmative) +
I + do + not + read books(Negative) Not

I sing a song. (Affirmative)

I do not sing a song.(Negative)

He eats rice.
Negative: He does not eat rice.
He speaks English.
Negative: He does not speak English.
Past Indefinite Tense এ (DID) NOT ববসনয় NEGATIVE করা হয়।

I ate rice. (Affirmative) Past Indefinite Tense

I did not eat rice. (Negative)
Negative Sentence
She went there.( Affirmative) +
She did not go there.(Negative) Did
He sold fish.(affirmative) Not
He did not sell fish.(Negative)

He spoke English.(Affirmative)
He did not speak English.(Negative)
Present Indefinite Tense & Past Indefinite Tense বানে বাবক সব Tense এ Auxiliary Verb এর পর NOT ববসনয়
NEGATIVE করনে হয়।

I am doing the work.

Negative: I am not doing the work.

They were walking.

Negative: They were not walking.

She has done this.

Negative: She has not done this.

You will go .
Negative: You will not go.
Interrogative Sentence:
An interrogative sentence is a sentence which asks a question.(?)

Am, is , are , was, were, have, has এ VERB গুনলা Helping verb/Auxialiary verb বহনসনব বযবহার া হনয় Principal/main
Verb হনল am/is/are/was/were/have/has + subject + object বনস।(present Indefinite/Past indefinite)

I am a teacher.
Inter: am I a teacher?
He is honest.
Inter:Is he honest?
They are happy.
Inter: are they happy?
She was angry.
Inter: was she angry?
I have a cow.
Inter: have I a cow? do I have a cow?

They were tired.

Inter: Were they tired?
#2 present Indefinite Tense এর assertive sentence দক Interrogative করা হনল subject এর পর main verb থ্াকনল
(do/does) বসানে হয়।

1. I go to school.
Inter: do I go to school?

2. He goes to school.
Inter: Does he go to school?

3. Rahim reads a book.

Inter: does Rahim read a book?

#3 Past Indefinite Tense এর assertive sentence দক Interrogative করা হনল subject এর পর main verb থ্াকনল
(did) বসানে হয়।

1. He went there.
Inter: did he go there?

2. She came.
Inter: did she came?

3.We played football. Inter: did we play football?

#4 Present Indefinite Tense & Past Indefinite Tense বানে বাবক সব Tense এ Auxiliary Verb থ্ানক। Auxiliary
Verb ---Subject এর আনগ ববসনয় Interrogative করনে হয়।
Structure: Auxiliary verb + subject + Main verb + object?

1. I am eating rice.
Inter: am I eating rice?

2. She has done this.

Inter: has she done this?

3 I have been reading a book for an hour.

Inter: have I been reading a book for an hour?

4. She was swimming.

Inter: was she swimming?

5. They will go
Inter: Will they go?
6. They will be eating. Inter: will they be eating?
WH Questions (when, where, which , what , who ,how ) এর পর auxiliary verb ববসনয় Interrogative -When
Sentence করা হয়। -Where
1. When did he go? -what
2. Where will he go? -who
3. Where did he go? -How
4. Where will he go?
5. How does he do it?
6. How did he do it?
7. How has he done it?
8. How will he do it?
9. Which pen do you want?
10. Which pen will you buy?
11. Who went there?
12. Who did it?
13. Who will do it?

An imperative sentence is a sentence that express an order , a request or an advice.

Doctor: Take this medicine every other day.

Take care of your health.
Do the work.
Do it at once.
Give him a chocolate.

# Let:

Let me go.
Let him go.
Subject Object
Person Singular Plural
Ist I We I Me(আমানক)
2nd You You We Us(আমানেরনক)
3rd He/She/It They You You(দোমানক)
I know the boy. He Him(োনক)
The boy knows me. She Her(োনক)
He knows the teacher.
The teacher knows him. It It
She knows the teacher. They Them(োনেরনক)
The teacher knows her.
We know the teacher.
The teacher knows us.
They know the teacher.
The teacher knows them.
They are words ( or sometimes phrases, or just noises) that we use to express sudden feeling, for
example, surprises, pleasures, pain etc.
#They usually have an exclamation mark(!)

Hurrah! Ouch! How pretty!

Oh! Ugh!

Hurrah! We have won the match.
Oh! You have been to Italy.
Hello! ! This is the book the book I wanted.
Ouch! That hurt me.
Quarrel- ঝগড়া (verb)
He quarrels. Hand(হাে) (verb) Handsome(সুেি ম )(adj)
দস ঝগড়া কনর। Quarrel- ঝগড়া (verb) Quarrelsome(ঝগড়ানট।)(adj)
Tire- ক্লান্ত করা(verb) Tiresome-ক্লাবন্তকর।(adj)
He is very quarrelsome.
দস খুব ঝগড়ানট।
Fear- ভয়।(verb) Fearsome-ভয়ংকর।(adj)
Tire- ক্লান্ত করা।(Verb)
Tiresome-ক্লাবন্তকর। Trouble-সমসযা।(verb) Troublesome-সমসযাজ ক।(adj)
Walking tires him.
The journey was tiresome.
How(বকভানব) However(যাইহ াক)
Fear- ভয়।
Fearsome-ভয়ংকর। What (বক) Whatever ( যা- বকছু)
When(কখ ?যখ ) Whenever (যখ ই)
Where(দকাথ্ায়) Wherever (দয খান ই দহাক)
Troublesome-সমসযাজ ক
Who(দক) Whoever (দয ই দহাক)
Whom(কানক) Whomever (যানকই দহাক া দক )

Which(দকা ঠট) Whichever( দয দকা ঠট দহাক া দক )

Why(দক ) Whyever (দক ই বা ববরজির সানথ্)

What do you want?
I will give you whatever you want.

When will he come?

Whenever he comes, call him to me.

Where is he going?
Find him wherever he is.

Who is he?
It doesn’t matter whoever you are, you have to follow the rules.

Which pen do you want?

You can take whichever pen you want.

Whom he will give the money?

You can give it to whomever you like.

how are you?

He is my brother. However, I don’t know him very well.
Milk Milkman
Wash Washer-man
Fish Fisherman
Repair Repairman
Camera Camera-man
News Newsman
Sports sportsman
Ferry Ferryman
State Statesman
Police Policeman
Newspaper Newspaperman
Boat Boatman
Craft Craftsman
Gentle gentleman
Post Postman
Business businessman
Horse horseman
Sales salesman
Rule-1: (now, at this / the moment, at present, day by day, increasingly, rapidly) = present continuous tense.
Example: i) Mobile phone users are increasing day by day.
ii) He is eating now.

Rule-2: (yesterday, one day ago, once, last, after a few days, last night, once upon a time, in the past, previously) =
past Indefinite Tense.
Example: i) I received your letter yesterday.
ii) One day I borrowed a book from you.

Rule-3: Modal Verb – (Can, Could, may, might, shall, should, will, would, must, used to, have to, need, dare, ought
to) + V1 (present form of verb)
Example: i) He can do the sum.
ii) It may rain today.
iii) Tamim must study to night

Rule-4: (just, just now, already, yet, ever, lately, recently, immediately) = present perfect tense
Example: 1) He has transferred from Dhaka recently.
2) We have shifted to safe place immediately
Rule-5: (mind, worth, without, get used to, got used to, be used to, cannot help couldn’t help, would you mind) + verb + ing
Example: i) Would you mind having cup of tea?
ii) He can’t help smoking.

Rule-6: (had better, had rather, would better, would rather, let, must, need, dare, make, would sooner, had sooner) + verb
(present form)

Rule-7: (It is time, It is high time, wish, fancy) = past indefinite)

Example: i) I fancy I turned a pale.
ii) It is high time we developed our country.
A sentence is a group of words that makes complete sense.

1. Assertive
2. Interrogative
3. Imperative
4. Optative
5. Exclamatory

Sentences may be joined by conjunctions.

1. Simple Sentence
2. Compound sentence
3. Complex sentence

Simple Sentence (one subject and one verb)

Compound sentence (simple sentence + conjunction(and/or/so/but) + simple sentence)

She opened the bag and took out a book.

Complex sentence
(principal clause + subordinate clause)
Simple Sentence:
A sentence that has only one verb is called simple sentence.

The boy opened the door.

Did the boy opened the door?
Open the door, please(request).

Compound Sentence:
A sentence that is made of two or more simple sentences joined by a conjunction
Or conjunctions is called a compound sentence.

John works hard and Richard is lazy.

The boy opened door and walked into the room.

Complex Sentence:
Dependent clause + Independent clause (simple sentence)
A dependent clause is a sentence that does not make complete sense by itself.
It depends on another clause—a main clause for its meaning.

This is the bicycle(Independent) that my uncle gave me(dependent).

Here are the cakes(independent) that I bought.(dependent)
Complex Sentence:

(i)Principal clause /Main clause/Independent clause:

A main clause may form part of a compound sentence or a complex sentence, but it also makes sense on its own, as in this
He was eating a bacon sandwich. [main clause]
I love sport and I’m captain of the local football team.
[main clause] [conjunction] [main clause]

(ii)Subordinate clause/Dependent clause:

A subordinate clause depends on a main clause for its meaning. Together with a main clause, a subordinate clause forms part
of a complex sentence. Here are two examples of sentences containing subordinate clauses:

After we had had lunch, we went back to work.

[subordinate clause] [main clause]

I first saw her in Paris, where I lived in the early nineties.

[main clause] [subordinate clause]

Group words that make sense but not complete sense.
Structure: (Preposition + Other words(Nouns))
John went into the house.
I left home at nine o’clock.
We saw the boy. (Sentence)
In the garden. (Phrase)
Open the door. (Sentence)

(1) Article (a, an , the)

A cow
The cow
An apple

(2) Demonstrative
This cow (4) Number
That cow Two umbrella
These cows Three boys
Those cows Many birds
Some girls
(3) Pronominal + Noun A few trees
I –me-my car.
We-us-our car.
You-you-your car.
You-you-your car.
He-him-his car.
She-her-her car.
They-them-their car.

1. Normal Sentence Structure: Subject + Verb + Object

2. Object Subject
(active voice এর object change হনয় passive voice এর subject হয়) Subject + Verb + Object

3. Subject + Suitable (Auxiliary verb) Active Voice: I write a letter.

(Subject অ ুযায় Auxiliary Verb বনস---I am, He is)
4. Main verb (Past participle form) Passive Voice: A letter is written by me.
(Passive Voice এ Main Verb এর Past Participle Form বনস।)
Active: Subject + Verb + Object
5. Add the preposition “BY”
(active voice এর subject change হনয় passive voice এর object হয়।
এর আনগ preposition “BY” বসানে হয়।)
Passive : Subject + Verb + by + Object
6. Subject Object
(active voice এর subject change হনয় passive voice এর object হয়।)
Subject Object
I Me
We Us
You You
You You
He Him
She Her
They Them
It It
Active Voice Passive Voice

Present Indefinite: Present Indefinite:

Subject + Main Verb (Present form) + Object Subject + am/is/are + Main Verb(Past Participle form) +
by + Object.

They make cars in Germany. Cars are made in Germany.

Present Continuous: Present Continuous:

Subject + am/is/are + Main Verb (ing) + Object Subject + am/is/are + being + Main Verb (Past Participle
form) + by + Object
Mother is baking a cake.
A cake is being baked by Mother.
Active Voice Passive Voice

Past Indefinite: Past Indefinite- subject+ was/were+ Main Verb( past

participle) + by+ object
Subject + Main Verb(Past Form) + Object
She praised them. (Active) She praised me. (Active)

They were praised by her. (Passive) I was praised by her. (Passive)

Past Continuous: Past Continuous: subject+ was being/ were being+

Subject + was/were + Main Verb (ing) + Object Main Verb ( past participle) + by+ object

She was praising me. (Active) Example:

She was praising them. (Active)
I was being praised by her. (Passive)
They were being praised by her. (Passive)
Active Voice Passive Voice

Future Indefinite: subject + shall / will + Main Future Indefinite- subject + shall be/will be+ Main Verb(
Verb(Present Form) + object past participle) + by+ object
Example: Example:
She will praise me. (Active) She will praise me. (Active)
I shall be praised by her. (Passive) I shall be praised by her. (Passive)
She will praise him. (Active) She will praise him. (Active)
He will be praised by her. (Passive) He will be praised by her. (Passive)

Future Continuous: subject+ shall be /will be + Main Future Continuous: subject+ shall be being/will be
Verb (ing) + object being+ Main Verb (Past Participle) + by+ object
Example: Example:
She will be praising me. (Active) She will be praising me. (Active)
I shall be being praised by her. (Passive) I shall be being praised by her. (Passive)
She will be praising them. (Active) She will be praising them. (Active)
They will be being praised by her. (Passive) They will be being praised by her. (Passive)
Active Voice Passive Voice

Present Perfect Tense: Present Perfect Tense- subject + has been/ have been
Subject + Have/Has + Main Verb (Past Participle Form) + + Main Verb ( past participle) + by+ object
Object Example:
She has praised me. (Active)
She has praised him. (Active) I have been praised by her. (Passive)
He has been praised by her. (Passive)

Past Perfect Tense: Past Perfect Tense- subject+ had been+ past
participle+ by+ subject’s object
Subject + had + Main Verb (Past Participle Form) + Example:
Object I had been praised by her. (Passive)
She had praised me. (Active)
Active Voice Passive Voice

Future Perfect Tense: Future Perfect Tense- subject+ shall have been/ will
have been + Main Verb ( past participle) + by+ object
Subject + shall have/will have + Main Verb ( Past Example:
Participle form) + Object She will have praised him. (Active)
She will have praised me. (Active) He will have been praised by her. (Passive)
I shall have been praised by her. (Passive)
Active Voice Passive Voice

Modal Verb: Modal Verb:

Subject + (may/might/can/could/must/ought to/going May/might/can/could/must/ought to/going to-
to/should) + Main verb (Present Form) + Object যুক্ত Sentence-এর দেহে passive voice-এর structure:

Example: Subject + may/might/can/could/ must/ought to/going

to/should + be + Main Verb (past participle) + by +
You must write the poem. (Active) object
The poem must be written by you. (Passive) Example:
We ought to obey our parents. (Active)
She may help you. (Active) Our parents ought to be obeyed by us. (Passive)
You may be helped by her. (Passive) We are going to organize a party. (Active)
A party is going to be organized by us. (Passive)
1. She writes a letter. 1. I had written a letter.
2. My friend gave me a storybook. 2. Akhtar likes tea.
3. I know the man. 3. The students will have written the poster.
4. Flood has damaged many buildings. 4. The teacher teaches us English.
5. The teacher gave suresh an excercie book. 5. You must write the answers on one side of the paper
6. I am writing a poem. only.
7. He does not paint the wall. 6. You should buy the essential books.
8. I received a phone call. 7. I want a storybook to read.
9. They are painting the house. 8. The rich should help the poor.
10. You should do your homework. 9. We are eating the beef curry.
10. I am watching the television.

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