I have been playing (yo he estado jugando) I had been playing (yo había estado jugando)
• Las formas pasadas WAS y WERE solo van acompañadas del verbo en ING
• El añadir una S al final en la tercera persona solo es el PRESENT SIMPLE
• La forma pasada de HAVE/HAS es HAD
• Las formas PERFECT siempre van acompañadas de HAVE/HAS/HAD seguido de
• La forma PERFECT Continuous se compone de HAVE/HAS/HAD + been + v. -ing
• Cuando un verbo acaba en ING siempre llevará delante una de las siguientes formas:
o Be (en infinitivo)
o Am, is, are (presente del to be)
o Was, were (pasado del to be)
o Been (participio del to be)
• DO/DOES = present simple // DID = past simple
Future simple
Pronombre + Will + verbo en infinitivo
La forma del future simple “be going to” siempre lleva el verbo to be (am, is, are) + going to +
el verbo en infinitive.
Zero If + present simple = present simple
Will Would
Can Could
May Might
• Past perfect
• Might
• Could
• Should
• Mustn’t
Además de esto, también cambiarán los pronombres en las frases de Reported Speech.
Labour costs (costes laborales): the money needed to pay workers in a company or a country.
Fee (tarifa): an amount of money that you pay to do something, to use, something, or to get a
Promotion (promoción): when someone is given a more important job in the same
Inflation (inflacción): the rate at which prices increase, or a continuing increase inprices.
Accountant (contable): someone whose job is to keep or exanime the financial records of a
company or organisation.
Lease (alquilar): to make an agreement by which someone pays you money in order to use
something for a particular period of time.
Go into liquidation (entrar en liquidación): to close a business because it has no money left.
Recruitment (reclutar): when you try to persuade someone to work for a company or to join an
Resign (renunciar): to officially tell you employer that you are leaving your job.
Redundant (redundante):