WEEK 3 119 LEC 2 - Leadership - and - Management PDF

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Overview, Theories, Styles, LEADERSHIP x AND
Types, Philippine setting

OVERVIEW OF LEADERSHIP AND - Gave a legitimate source of power due to

the delegated authority that accompanies
their position
- Manipulate people, the environment,
- “The act of handling or controlling
money, and time to achieve
something successfully” or the “skillful
organizational goals
handling or use of something such as
- Direct willing and unwilling subordinates
- Management process of leading and
- “Process of leading and directing all or
directing all or part of an organization
part of an organization through the
- Practice of managing, handling,
deployment and manipulation of
supervision, or control
- Practice of handling, managing,
- Art of motivating a group of people to act
supervising, or controlling
towards achieving a common goal
- A profession: universities offer
- A process of persuading and influencing
professional degrees in management
others toward a goal and is composed of
(nursing administration)
a wide variety of roles
- A science: can be achieved through the
- Point of polarization for group
scientific method
cooperation (meaning separation or
o Empirical measurement of data
o Causal links among phenomena
- Social transaction in which one person
o Logical organization of internal
influences others
- Is a dynamic, interactive process that
o Conclusions that may be validated
involves: the leader, the followers, and
through further experimentation
the situation
and more
- Roles
- An art: having things done through people
o Inspiration and director of action
is management art
o Possesses combo of personality
- A class of people : group of people within
and skills that others want to
the organization that has the legal
authority to control and direct the
o Decision maker
o Communicator
- A resource : materials, capital, and labor;
o Evaluator
creates and controls change
o Facilitator (etc.)
- Flaws
- Have an assigned position within the
o Lack of energy and enthusiasm
formal organization
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Overview, Theories, Styles, LEADERSHIP x AND
Types, Philippine setting

o Acceptance of their own mediocre - Similarly, leadership without

performance management results in chaos and failure
o Lack of clear vision and direction for both individual and the organization
o Having poor judgement MANAGEMENT THEORY DEV’T
o Not learning from mistakes SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT
o A lack of interpersonal skills - Frederick Taylor: father of scientific
o Failure to develop others management
LEADER - Development of true science
- Often do not have delegated authority o Organizing work must be replaced
but obtain their power through other with scientific methods using time
means (such as influence) and motion studies and expertise
- A job title alone does not make one a and experienced workers
leader; behavior determines if he/she o Work can be scientifically designed
hold a leadership position to promote greats
- Have a wider variety of roles than that of - Scientific selection of workmen
managers o Establish scientific personnel
- Focuses on group process, information system
gathering, feedback, empowering others o Employees may be hired, trained,
- Emphasizes interpersonal relationships promoted based on technical
- Directs willing followers competence and abilities
- Have goals that may or may not reflect o Abilities and limitations can be
those of the organization identified so that workers could
- More dynamic than management have a job match
- Can make mistakes that can result in the - Scientific education and development of
loss of followers the workman
LEADERSHIP ROLES AND MANAGEMENT o Workers should be able to view
FUNCTIONS how they fit and how they can
- Leadership is viewed as one of the contribute to the overall
management functions, while productivity
management is the one and only role of o Provides common goals and
leadership sharing an organized mission
- Management emphasizes on control: o Financial incentives may be given
- Leadership increases productivity by as a reward for work accomplished
maximizing workforce effectiveness - Intimate and friendly cooperation
- If a manager guides, directs, and between the management and the men
motivates leaders and empowers others,
then every manager should be a leader
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Overview, Theories, Styles, LEADERSHIP x AND
Types, Philippine setting

o Relationship between managers staff development, employing

and workers should be cooperative socialization and team building
and interdependent o Directing – human resource
o Work must be shared equally management responsibilities
o Roles are not the same (motivating, managing conflict,
o Managers’ function for men is to delegating, and facilitating
plan, prepare, and supervise collaboration)
- Result: productivity and profits rose o Controlling – performance
dramatically appraisal, fiscal accountability,
- Many agreed that Taylor lacked quality control, legal and ethical
humanism control, professional and collegial
- Developed by Max Weber (1922): father PARTICIPATIVE MANAGEMENT
of organizational theory - Mary Paker Folett (1926)
- Legal-rational authority - Managers should have authority with,
- Saw the growth of large-scale rather than over, employees
organizations and predicted that this - In the 1920s, worker unrest developed.
growth required a more formalized set of Industrial revolution had resulted in great
procedures for the administration numbers of relatively unskilled workers
- Failure to include the human element working in large factories on specialized
- Henri Fayol (1925) - Human relations era developed the
- Organizing framework using the POSDC concepts of participatory and humanistic
o Planning – determining philosophy management, emphasizing people rather
goals, objectives, policies, than machines
procedure, and rules in carrying - Satisfied both sides without having one
out short-range objections fiscal side dominate the other
o Organizing – establishing structure - Elton Mayo (1927-1932)
to carry out plans, type of patient - Refers to a type of reactivity in which
care delivery, grouping activities individuals modify an aspect of their
to meet unit goals, structure of behavior in response to their awareness
organization, and understanding of being observed
the power - Done in an attempt to correct the
o Staffing – recruiting, interviewing, shortcomings of the bureaucratic system
orienting, hiring staff, scheduling

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Overview, Theories, Styles, LEADERSHIP x AND
Types, Philippine setting

THEORY X AND THEORY Y - Earlier times focused on traits and

- Douglas McGregor, 1960 behaviors of a leader
- Theory X: managers believe that their - Leadership theories have been dynamic;
employees are basically lazy, needing that is what is known and believed about
constant supervision and direction, and leadership continuing to change over time
are indifferent to organizational needs - Great Man Trait Theories
- Theory Y: managers believe that their o Some people are born to lead,
workers enjoy their work, are self- whereas others are born to be led
motivated, and are willing to work hard o Great leaders will arise when the
to meet personal and organizational situation demands it
goals o Some people have certain traits
- Also in an attempt to correct the that make them better leaders
shortcomings of the bureaucratic system than others
EMPLOYEE PARTICIPATION o According to research, effect of
- Chris Argyris (1964) followers and the impact of the
- Managerial dominance causes workers to situation were ignored
become discouraged and passive o Contemporary theory: leadership
- If self-esteem and independence needs skills can be developed, not just
are not met, employees will become inherited
discouraged and troublesome, or may o Examples include: intelligence,
leave organization judgment, personable,
- Employee participation in decision adaptability, tact, diplomacy, etc.
making is needed in an organization LEADERSHIP STYLES
- Many bureaucratic environments are still - Theorists believed that leaders had a pre-
practiced, making it difficult to apply a dominant leadership style and used it
participatory approach in management consistently, but they believed that most
o human relations was never time- leaders did not fit a definite picture of
consuming, leading to unmet any one style but fell somewhere on a
organizational goals continuum between authoritarian,
o every employee who liked working democratic, and laissez-faire
in a less structured environment - They also came to believe that leaders
led to greater recognition of the moved across the continuum in response
need to intertwine management to each new situation
and leadership - This recognition was a forerunner to what
LEADERSHIP THEORIES is known as the Situational/Contingency
- Strong management skills were valued Leadership Theory
more than leadership skills
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Overview, Theories, Styles, LEADERSHIP x AND
Types, Philippine setting

- Leadership skills can be learned, though - Criticism is constructive

some individuals have some certain - Appropriate for groups who work together
characteristics/personality traits that for extended periods of time
make it easier for them to assume - Promotes autonomy and growth in
leadership roles individual workers
AUTHORITARIAN - Effective when cooperation and
- Strong control is maintained over the coordination between groups are
work group necessary
- Others are motivated by coercion or - Less efficient quantitatively than
directed with commands authoritative leadership because many
- Communication flows downward people must be consulted; takes more
- Decision making does not involve others time, thus may be frustrating for those
- Emphasis is on the difference in status who need a decision made rapidly
(“I” and “you”) LAISSEZ-FAIRE
- Criticism is punitive - Is permissive, with little to no control
- Results in well-defined group actions are - Motivates by support when requested by
usually predictable, reducing frustrations the group or individuals
in the work group and - Provides little to no direction
- Giving members a feeling of security - Uses upward and downward
- Productivity is usually high, but creativity, communication between members of the
self-motivation, and autonomy are group and Disperses decision making
reduced throughout the group
- Found frequently in very large - Places emphasis on the group
bureaucracies (Ex: Armed Forces) - Does not criticize
- In chaotic times, leaders become more - Non-directed leadership; thus can make
autocratic to increase efficiency and it frustrating
achieve greater control - Group apathy and disinterest can occur
DEMOCRATIC - If all groups are highly motivated and
- Less control is maintained self-directed, it can result to high
- Economic and ego awards are used to creativity and productivity
motivate - Appropriate for cases when problems are
- Others are directed through suggestion poorly defined and brainstorming is
and guidance needed to generate alternative solutions
- Communication flows up and down and - A person’s leadership style has a great
Decision making involves others deal of influence on the climate and
- Emphasis is on “we” rather than “I” and outcome of the work group
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Overview, Theories, Styles, LEADERSHIP x AND
Types, Philippine setting

CONTINGENCY LEADERSHIP STYLES situation, skills of the manager and

- Really depends on the situation abilities of the group members
- Suggests that no one leadership style is - Theorists argue that effective leadership
ideal for every situation depends on an even greater number of
- Situational and contingency: variables such as:
o Leadership style should vary o Organizational culture
according to the situation or o Values of leaders and followers
individuals involved o Work environment
o Contingency approach – no one o Influence of leaders and managers
leadership style is ideal for every o Complexity of the situation
o Various formations can be TRANSACTIONAL LEADER
effective depending on the - Focuses on management tasks
situation and the needs of the o Is directive and results-oriented
worker o Uses trade-offs to meet goals
- Organization as a social system o Does not identify shared values
contingency: o Examines causes
o Interrelationships between the o Uses contingency reward
groups’ leaders and its members TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADER
are most influenced by the - Identifies common values
manager’s ability to be a good - Inspires long-term vision; Looks at
leader effects; Empowers others
o Tasks to be accomplished and - In leader-follower interactions, both have
power are variables the ability to raise each other to higher
o Productivity, tasks, people, and levels of motivation and morality
relationships - Leads followers to levels of higher morals
- Leadership style is most appropriate in because leaders do the right thing for the
each situation based on the level of the right reasons, treat people with care and
followers’ maturity compassion, encourage followers to be
o As people mature, leadership style more creative and innovative, and
becomes less task-focused and inspires others with their vision
more relationship oriented - Provides the energy required to move
o Managers need varying mixtures towards the future
of autocratic and democratic - Although transformational qualities are
behavior highly desirable, they must be coupled
- The primary determinants of leadership with more traditional transactional
style should include the nature of the
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Overview, Theories, Styles, LEADERSHIP x AND
Types, Philippine setting

qualities for day-to-day managerial role, o Examines the ever-changing

or else the leader will fall reality of the world seeking revised
- Transactional leaders will focus on tasks organization to keep pace
and getting the job done, while
transformational leaders focus on the
vision and empowerment
- They think longer term
o Due to rapid dramatic changes in
nursing and healthcare industries,
it is important for nurses to
develop skills in both leadership KOUZES AND POSNER’S FIVE PRACTICES FOR
and management functions EXEMPLARY LEADERSHIP
o For them to function at their - Modeling the way
greatest potential, both qualities - Inspiring a shared vision
have to be integrated - Challenging the process
o Both visionary and futuristic; - Enabling others to act
effects of decisions range in years - Encouraging the heart
- They look outward, toward larger - To be a great leader, one must be a
organization servant first
o Do not become narrowly focused - Good leaders find ways to provide
o Think about how the unit fits into employees with more predictability,
the bigger picture understanding, control, and compassion,
- They influence others beyond their own and the reward is long term loyalty
group - Put serving others (employees, customers,
o Rise above an organization’s community) as the #1 priority
bureaucratic boundaries - Many individuals placed in positions of
- They emphasize vision, values, and authority become less mindful of others’
motivation feelings and needs, so subordinates
o Sensitive to others and to the devote tremendous energy watching and
differences in situations interpreting actions of their leaders =
- They are politically astute toxic tandem
o Cope with conflicting requirements - Listening skills are enhanced; they are
and expectations from others tolerant of imperfection, recognizing that
o They think in terms of change and sometimes things just need to be “good
renewal enough”
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Overview, Theories, Styles, LEADERSHIP x AND
Types, Philippine setting

- Acceptance and empathy are greater in HIYA OR EMBARRASSMENT

servant leadership - Combination of feelings of inferiority,
- Respect and valuing one as a unique embarrassment, shyness, and of
individual, affirmation of professional alienation
judgement and fair treatment regarding - For a Filipino, going through a feeling of
workload, collaboration with hiya is the most painful experience
administration in a spirit of willingness UTANG NA LOOB OR OBLIGATION
- Goal for organization is to have a greater - Feeling that develops when one has
sense of goal setting received a favor from another


- This shows that the Filipino desires
smooth interpersonal relations
- Involves centralized decision making, with
- Individuals who are frank and outspoken
the leader making decisions and using
in their expressions or opinions are
power to command and control others
considered “uncultured”
- Participatory; Authority delegated to
- Result of the definition of the rights and
- Uses expert power and the power base
obligations which are inherent in the
afforded by having close personal
structural positions of individuals in the
Filipino kinship system
- Sometimes found to be passive,
permissive, and leaders defer decision
- The practice of using go-betweens
among Filipino families
- Representative of the power and prestige
- Literally, it means to walk, but the term
of the entire structure
used here means to arrange or fix
- With definite authority (bureaucratic
something for someone
leadership approach)
- Selfless commitment and devotion to duty
- Bata relationship between a superior and
- Being a servant leader
a subordinate
- Taken literally, bata means child, but
here, it means either a protégé , a favored
- Core: the need of the Filipino to be
individual , a close friend , or a comrade to
treated as a person and NOT as an object
rely on in time of need
- it is a deep sense of dignity, the violation
of which he/she is most sensitive to

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