118 RLE Infection Control PDF
118 RLE Infection Control PDF
118 RLE Infection Control PDF
implementation of the infection
control program in every HC
− By the 1960s, HAIs (Hospital
Acquired/Based Infections) control INFECTION
efforts have been established in
− Disease or condition of the body that
scattered hospitals throughout the US
occurs when harmful germs get in the
− The number of hospitals with high control
body and grow in number
programs increased substantially in the
− Harmful germs to people include
1970s bacteria, fungi, viruses, and parasites
− High control programs were established
− As HC workers, there lies a huge
in virtually every US hospital by the early
responsibility to protect oneself, one’s
family, and patients from danger
− All due to Dr Ignaz Semmelweis, a 19th
century Hungarian doctor who was
a. Work environment encourages
known as the pioneer of handwashing
• Discovered the wonders of the
b. Patients are susceptible to
now basic hygienic practice as a
diseases (pediatrics, elderly,
way to stop the spread of sickly)
infection in 1847 during an
c. Healthcare is always facing new
experiment in a Vienna hospital’s dangers
maternity ward
− The emergence of life-threatening COLONIZATION, INFECTION, AND DISEASE
infections (SARS) and re-emerging
diseases (e.g plague, TB) have − Colonization: describes microorganisms
highlighted the need for efficient present without host inference or
infection prevention and control in all interaction
healthcare settings and capacity − Infection: indicates host interaction with
building for HC workers so they can the organism
implement them • Example: patient colonized with
• A breach in infection control Staphylococcus aureus may have
practices facilitates transmission staphylococci on skin without any
of infection from patients to HC skin interruption/irritation
workers, other patients, and − Infectious disease: the infected host
attendants displays a decline in wellness caused by
• Important for all HC workers, the infection
patients, their family members,
friends and close contacts to INFECTION CONTROL AND PREVENTION
adhere to the infection control
Guidelines followed by HC settings are based
guidelines strictly
on the ff organizations:
• Responsibility of hospital
administrators to ensure − World Health Organization
Additional ways of breaking the chain of
infection: − Interval when acute symptoms of
infection disappear
− Washing hands frequently
− Length of recovery depends on severity
− Covering coughs and sneezes with tissue of infection and patients host resistance
− Disposing of used tissue in bin
− Recovery may take several weeks to
immediately months
− Practicing social distancing
− Using PPE appropriately
− Cleaning frequently touched surfaces HEALTHCARE ASSOCIATED INFECTIONS (HAIs)
SOURCES OF AGENTS OF HCAIS “All staff have a responsibility to reduce the risk
for healthcare associated infection.”
− Exogenous - hands, instruments,
catheters, respiratory instruments, “All staff have a responsibility to remind staff
transfusion, IV system, linen and air members of the need to perform hand hygiene
− Endogenous - oropharynx, respiratory, and educate patients and watchers.”
gastrointestinal and skin
“All staff have a responsibility to procure hand
hygiene products in CSR if supplies have run out
Contaminated surfaces increase cross- and need restocking.”
CDC estimates nearly 2 million patients in the US
Abstract: the risk of hand and glove get an infection in hospitals, 90 of these patients
contamination after contact die as a result of infection.
Phenolics 2% (Lysol)
Recommended Precautions
Alcohol Use