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DLL Grade3 1stquarter WEEK5

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Teaching Dates and Time -September 19-22, 2022 Quarter FIRST QUARTER – WEEK 5


The learner demonstrates understanding of The learner demonstrates the ability to The learner demonstrate understanding of
The learner demonstrates understanding of whole numbers up
Content Standards grammatical structures of English to be able formulate ideas following the conventional ways of sorting materials and describing them
to 10,000, ordinal numbers up to 100th and money up to Php
to communicate effectively in oral and format/patterns of written language. as solid, liquid, or gas based on their
written forms. observable properties.
The learner shows proficiency in The learner uses expanding knowledge and The learner should be able to group common
The learner is able to recognize, represent, compare and order
Performance Standards constructing grammatically correct skills to write clear coherent sentences, objects found at home and in school
whole numbers up to 000 and money up to Php 1,000 in
sentences in varied theme-based oral and paragraphs, short stories, letters and poems according to solids, liquids and gas.
various forms and contexts.
written activities. from a variety of stimulus materials..
Learning Competencies/ Use different kinds of sentences in a Uses the combination of affixes and root words Describe changes in materials based on the
Objectives dialogue. Adds mentally the following as clues to get meaning of words. effect of temperature
Write the LC code for each EN3G-Ic-1.3 numbers using appropriate MT3VCD-Ic-e-1.5 S3MT-Ih-j-4
Estimates the sum of 3 to 4 strategies:
digit addends with a. 2-digit and 1-digit numbers
reasonable results without or with regrouping
M3NS-Ie-31 b. 2 to 3 digit numbers with
multiples of hundreds

Kinds of Sentences Estimating sums of 3 to 4 Adding mentally 3 to 4 digit Affixes

II. CONTENT digit numbers with and without Changes in Solids, Liquids and Gases
1. Teacher’s Guide TG pp.46-47 ,MELC p.132 TG pp. 55-57 ,MELC p.206 TG pp. 63-65 ,MELC p.206 TG pp. 39-42 ,MELC p.373 TG pp. 31-34 ,MELC p.376
2. Learner’s Materials pages LM pp. LM pp. 65-67 LM pp. 71-72 LM pp. 36, 39-40 LM pp. 27-36
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR)
Other Learning Resources www.commons.ph


A. Reviewing previous lesson Reading Drill: Let the pupil pick up a card Have the pupils solve and Recall the story “At The Park”. Let the pupils do the simple activity by
or presenting the new lesson Read words, phrases and sentences with in the box and answer the write the answer to these Post pupils the strips of paper with the events In following the instructions.
short vowel sounds. written exercises on it orally. exercises using chalkboards or the story. Ask the pupils to describe the hot and cold
1500 + 100 300+200 show me boards materials they identified.
a. 27 more than 31 is what Ask the pupils what they can say about the
number? temperature of tap water as compared to the
b. 35 increased by the sum of 6 temperature of hot water.
and 8 is equal to what number? What can you say about the temperature of
the materials?
What happens to solid/solid when heated?
b. Establishing a purpose for Let the pupils read the following sentences Distribute show me boards to Show a box of toys. Read the story, “Doing Things for Mother”. Group the pupils.
the lesson strips posted on the board. Let the pupils the pupils. Show the number Ask pupil volunteers to pick up Arrange them in the correct order or sequence Do the activity Is it Hot or Cold on LM.
read them aloud, correctly and fluently. wheels. Spin the wheels and some toys they like most from by writing 1-5, where 1 is the first event.
let the pupils see where the box.
pointers stop. Instruct them Have them tell the class their
to round the number where reason for choosing the toy.
the pointer stops.
C. Presenting Post on the board the chart for the Kinds of Show the pupils line Tell the pupils this story about Using the sequence of events in the story Do the activity on LM.
examples/instances of the Sentences. segments on the board. two brothers. “Doing Things for Mother”, write 5 sentences Measuring the Temperatures of Hot and Tap
new lesson Post the sentence strips under the kind of Have them study each Ask: in paragraph form to summarize the story. water
sentences they choose. segment of the number line. Who are the brothers? Observe the mechanics for writing. Orient pupils with the kinds and parts of
Ask what number each one Why did their father give them Look at the checklist that will be their guide in thermometer, the proper way of using it, and
starts and ends. rewards? writing the one-paragraph summary. some precautionary measures.
How many were given to
Arvin? To Nico?
D. Discussing new concepts Discussion: Ask: Present the two boxes with Say: Activity 3: Small Group Activity
and practicing new skills #1 In which hundred is 142 marbles to the pupils. Aside from these counters, count words are also What happens to naphthalene and candle wax
nearer? Ask: used to form the plural of mass nouns like: when heated?
In which thousand is 2535 What would you do to find the A cupful of sugar Give necessary precautions and instructions
nearer? total number of marbles? A bowful of raisins in doing the activity.
Ask the other pupils to write Lead the pupils to give Ask:
the rounded to nearest answers by putting together How many words are there in the word cupful?
hundreds and narest and counting all the marbles in What are these words?
thousand. the two boxes.
Ask other pupils to write the
rounded off numbers on the
board then add.
Have the pupils compare the
actual sum with the
estimated sum.
E. Discussing new concepts What are the PUNCTUATION MARKS Present other examples. Try another example. This Show a picture/real object of a cup of coffee. Activity 2: What happens to Liquid When
and practicing new skills #2 used in the sentences? Ask pupils to identify the time, adding numbers mentally Say; Heated
hundreds and thousands each with regrouping. Have them This is a cupful of coffee.
number is closest. write 46 + 38 on their show me What does the word cupful mean? Give them materials needed and other
486 5245 312 boards. Discuss the meaning of each word in the chart necessary instructions in accomplishing the
Then, recall the rules of Let them follow the steps. through illustrations and demonstrations. task.
rounding numbers using the 1. Split each number as to its
given numbers. place value.
Lead the pupils to find out 2. Add the ones.
that the numbers are rounded 3. Add the tens and ones.
in their highest/greatest place 4. Put together the tens and
value. ones.

F. Developing mastery (leads Now, look at the chart. Which sentences are Perform the activity in pair. Have pupils work in pairs. Answer Activity 7 on LM. Give some laboratory instructions in
to Formative Assessment 3) in the wrong column? Correct them and Estimated sum to the nearest Ask them to work with their accomplishing the activity.
let’s read them again. hundreds/thousands partners in giving the answers
1) 532 + 526 to the exercises in the table What Happens to Liquid/Solid when cooled?
2) 2 345 + 3 637 like the one shown on the
board. Give each group 5 minutes to present their
Instruct them to use any of the output.
strategies they learned in
comparing for the answer
G. Finding practical Let the pupils work on the following Let pupils find the estimated Refer pupils to Activity 1 in Differentiated activity Show the class a chart.
applications of concepts and Learning Stations. sum and the actual sum in the LM. Have them give each Identify if the changes in the materials
skills in daily living Learning Station 1: Read aloud with the the exercises under Activity sum orally. Tell them that Group I - Mix and Match happens when heated or cooled. Check the
group the words, phrases and sentences 2 in the LM. knowing at once when to Match the counter with the mass noun. correct column.
with short vowel sound. LM Activity 37 regroup is very important and 1. a cupful materials cooled heated
Learning Station 2: Pupils read the words, should become automatic. 2. a basketful Ice
phrases and sentences (commands) in LM – Emphasize the rule of not Hot Coffee
Activity 39. using paper and pencil Group II – Spread the Word Melted
Learning Station 3: Show pictures. computations. Write the root word and the suffix from the candle
Complete the sentences by filling the word. Then write its meaning.
correct punctuation marks at the end of 1. plateful
each sentence. 2. handful

H. Making generalizations What are the kinds of sentences? What have you learned on How do we add mentally? What are suffixes? What happens to solid and liquid materials
and abstractions about the today’s lesson? when heated/cooled?

I. Evaluating learning Write five examples of sentences for each Ask the pupils to read the Let the pupil perform the Independent Practice Answer the assessment test on LM
kind of sentences. situation in Activity 3 of the exercises under Activity 3 in
Lm. Have them answer the the LM without using paper Answer Activity 8 on LM
question that follows. and pencil. Then have them
1) 4 000 solve Activity 4 in the LM.
2) 2 000
J. Additional activities for Ask the pupils to work on Tell the pupils to count and Answer Activity 9 on LM. Choose any activity and perform them at
application or remediation ACTIVITY 4 in the LM. add the following mentally. home. Video the task and send it to the
Have them write their answer teacher’s messenger.
in their notebooks.



No. of learners who earned

80% in the evaluation

No. of learners who require

additional activities for
Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?


Teaching Dates and Time September 23, 2022 (FRIDAY) Quarter FIRST QUARTER – WEEK 5

Pamantayang Pangnilalaman Inaasahang nasasabi na ng mga mag-aaral ang pangunahing diwa ng tekstong binasa o napakinggan at Ang mag-aaral aynaipapamalas ang pang-uanwa sa kahalagahan ng mga lalawiagn sa rehiyong
nakapagbibigay ng kaugnayan o katumbas ng teksto, nagagamit ang mga kaalaman sa wika, nakababasa kinabibilangan ayon sa katanginag heograpikal nito
nang may wastong palipon ng mga salita.

Pamantayan sa Pagganap Nakakaya ng mga mag-aaral na ipakita ang kasanayan sa pag-unawa at pag-iisip sa mga narinig at Ang mag-aaral ay nakapaglalarawan ng pisikal na kapaligiran ng mga lalawigan sa rehiyong
nabasang teksto at ipahayag nang mabisa ang mga ibig sabihin at nadarama kinabibilangan gamit ang mga batayang direksyon , lokasyon, populasyon at paggamit ng mapa.

Mga Kasanayan sa Pagkatuto

Isulat ang code ng bawat Nakasusunod sa nakasulat na panuto na may 2-4 na hakbang Natutukoy ang pagkakaugnay-ugnay ng mga anyong tubig at anyong lupa sa mga lalawigan ng sariling
kasanayan. F3PB-Ic-2 rehiyon

III. KAGAMITANG Pagsunod sa Panuto na may 2-4 na Hakbang Pagkakaugnay-ugnay ng mga Anyong-Lupa at Anyong – Tubig sa Sariling Lalawigan at Rehiyon

Mga pahina sa Gabay ng
Mga pahina sa Kagamitang TG pp. 36-38, MELC p.151 TG pp.37-41, MELC p.135
Mga pahina sa Teksbuk LM pp. 22-25 LM pp.37-42
Karagdagang Kagamitan
mula sa portal ng Learning
Internet Info Sites Learning Activity Sheets from DepEd Commons PH and LRMDS

Iba pang Kagamitang Panturo


Balik-Aral sa nakaraang Balik-aral: Ipabigkas sa mga bata ang isang ikhang tula tungkol sa mga anyong lupa at anyong tubig ng laalwigan
aralin at/o pagsisimula ng Pagbabay ng mga salitang may dalawa hanggang apat na pantig. at rehiyon.
bagong aralin. Pagtukoy sa mga salitang hiram at salitang klaster. a. Ano ang mensahe ng tula?
b. Naniniwala ka ban a magkakaugnay-ugnay ang mga anyong lupa at anyong tubig sa ating
Paghahabi sa layunin ng Ipagawa sa mga bata: Iugnay ang pagtukoy sa mapa sa PANIMULA sa LM. Talakayin ito upang maunawaan ng mga mag-
aralin 1. Isulat ang buo mong panaglan sa isnag malinis na papel. aaral ang aralin.
2. Gumuhit ng isang malaking bilog na may bituin sa loob.
3. Kulayan ng pula ang bituin.
4. Pumalakpak ng tatlong beses.
5. Maupo ng maayos.
Nasunod ba ang mga panuto?
Pag-uugnay ng mga Magpatugtog ng isang awit na maaaring sayawan. Magpakita ng mga larawan sa mga bata na nagpapakita ng pagkakaugnay-ugnay ng mga anyong lupa
halimbawa sa bagong aralin. Sabihin sa mga bata na sundan ang mga kilos na ipinakita sa kanila. at anyong tubig. Ipabasa ang mga katanungan at sabihing unawain upang masagaot ito pagkatapos ng
Tingnan kung nasunod lahat. aralin.
Pagtalakay ng bagong Ipagawa sa mga bata ang mga panuto na nakatala sa pisara. Ipabasa ito sa mga bata at ipagawa sa kanila Itanong sa mga mag-aaral ang mga sumusunod gamit ang malikhaing istratehiya.
konsepto at paglalahad ng habang ginagawa ang mga panuto. - Anong anyong lupa ang nag-uugnay sa malaking bahagi ng Luzon na makikita sa unang
bagong kasanayan #1 larawan?
- - Ano naman ang anyong tubig na makikita sa iba’t ibang bahagi lalawigan?
Pagtalakay ng bagong Basahing muli ang mga ibinigay na panuto. Ipabasa ang babasahin tungkol sa aralin sa TUKLASIN MO sa LM at pasagutan ang mga tanong.
konsepto at paglalahad ng Patingnan sa kaklase kung nakasunod nang maayos ang kaniyang kapareha.
bagong kasanayan #2 Palagyan ng tsek (/) kung nasunod at ekis (x) kung hindi nasunod ang bawat panuto.
Ipabalik sa mga bata ang iniwastong papel ng kaklase.
Paglinang sa Kabihasaan Itanong: Ipagawa nag PANGKATANG GAWAIN at ipaliwanag ang GAWAIN A sa LM.
(Tungo sa Formative - Ano ang ginawa mo at nasunod mo ang lahat ng panutong ibinigay? Gamitin ang rubric sa pagtasa ng output.
Assessment) - Bakit hindi?
- Ano ang kahalagahan ng pagsunod sa mg autos/tuntunin?
Paglalapat ng aralin sa pang- Ipagawa sa mga bata: Ipagawa ang GAWAIN B sa LM. Sundin ang panuto na nakasaad ditto. Magbigay ng kaunting
araw-araw na buhay a. Gumuhit ng tatsulok at isulat sa loob nito ang nais mong maging paglaki. “background” tungkol sa proyektong “Kapit Bisig Para sa Ilog Pasig Program”. Basahin ito para sa
b. iguhit sa loob ng isang bilog ang isang taong iyong hinahangaan. sarili upang magkaroon ng “background information”.
c. Isulat at guhitan ng dalawang beses ang gagawin mo upang maabot ang iyong pangarap.
Paglalahat ng Aralin Ano ang natutuhan mo sa aralin? Gabayan ang mga bata upang mailahad ang kaisipang natutunan sa aralin.

Pagtataya ng Aralin Sagutin ang Gawain sa LM. Pasagutan ang NATUTUHAN KO sa LM.
Karagdagang Gawain para sa Ipalaro: “Utods ng Hari” Gumawa ng mapa ng iba pang anyong-lupa at anyong-tubig na magkakaugnay sa ating lalawigan.
takdang-aralin at remediation Tumawag ng isang bata na tatayong “hari” na siyang magpapakita ng mga kilos na aggayahin ng iba Gumamit ng rubric sa pagpupuntos ng natapos na aralin.
pang bata. Ang batang hindi makasunod sa mga ipinapagawa ng hari ang siyang susunod na magiging


Bilang ng mag-aaral na
nakakuha ng 80% sa
Bilang ng mag-aaral na
nangangailangan ng iba pang
gawain para sa remediation.
Nakatulong ba ang remedial?
Bilang ng mag-aaral na
nakaunawa sa aralin.
Bilang ng mga mag-aaral
namagpapatuloy sa
Teaching Dates and Time September 23, 2022 (FRIDAY) Quarter FOURTH QUARTER – WEEK 5


The learner demonstrates understanding of the The learner demonstrates understanding of The learner demonstrates understanding of the
Content Standards basic concepts of rhythm. The learner demonstrates understanding of lines,
body shapes and body actions in preparation for importance of nutritional guidelines and balanced
texture, shapes and depth, contrast through drawing.
various movement activities diet in good nutrition and health
The learner performs simple ostinato
The learner shows a work of art based on close
Performance Standards patterns/simple rhythmic accompaniments on The learner performs body movement shapes The learner consistently demonstrates good
observation of natural objects in his/her surrounding
classroom instruments and other sound sources and actions properly. decision making skills in making food choices
noting its shape and texture
to a given song.
Learning Competencies/
Objectives Play simple ostinato patterns with classroom Describe ways of life of people in the cultural Performs body shapes and movements Discusses ways of preventing the various forms of
Write the LC code for each instruments and other sound sources. community. PE3BM-Ic-d-15 malnutrition
MURH-Id-h-5 A3PL-Ie H3N-Ief-15
Ostinato Landscape Drawing Let’s Sit and Create Shapes
II. CONTENT Are you Over Eating?

1. Teacher’s Guide TG p. 20-22, MELC TG p. 140-143 , MELC TG p. 232-235 , MELC TG pp. 367-368
2. Learner’s Materials pages LM p. 32-36 LM p. 147-150 LM p. 281-288 LM pp. 454-455
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR)
Other Learning Resources Learning activity sheets


Reviewing previous lesson or Drill: What is visual texture? Routinary Warm up Activities Activity 1: A letter For My Friend
presenting the new lesson Tap the following rhythmic patterns.
Let the pupils perform the different kneeling 1. tell the children that they are going to read a
Review: positions learned. letter.
a. Tap/clap the chant
b. Read the chant 2. Ask them to read the letter aloud.
c. Read the chant while tapping the rhythmic
pattern. 3. Let them answer the questions orally after each

Establishing a purpose for the Show a picture. Ask the pupils to show the pictures of land formation Tell the pupils to look at the pictures and do the Show pictures of children eating food. Let the
lesson Ask: they brought to class. Let them say something about following activities. children describe each pictures.
What can you say about the pictures? it. Activity 1: Sing and Move with Me
Have you been in the background? Introduce a guessing game of land transformations Activity 2: Look At Me
What do you play in the playground? and landscapes by describing their characteristics.
Sing “See-Saw” while clapping/tapping the
steady beat.
Presenting Clap the rhythmic pattern repeatedly until Tell the pupils that there are famous landscape and Demonstrate the correct execution of the Activity 2: Eat All You Can!
examples/instances of the pupils become familiar with it. land formations in the Philippines. Introduce some of different sitting positions:
new lesson Sing the song while clapping/tapping/walking these with the aid of pictures. Let the pupils observed and imitate the position Ask the pupils to get a piece of paper and
the rhythmic pattern. demonstrated. draw/write all their favourite foods. Give them
three minutes.

Discussing new concepts and How did you show steady beat? Ask: Did you perform the different positions with Ask:
practicing new skills #1 What rhythmic instruments can be used to What objects in the picture appear nearest to the correct body mechanics?
accompany the song? viewer? Yes/No? A. Is it okay to eat food as much as we want?
What objects in the picture appear farthest to the Why?
viewer? b. What will happen if we eat food more that the
right amount?

c. Do you think it was the reason why the friend in

the letter became fat?

Discussing new concepts and What did you notice with rhythmic pattern that Refer to THINK ABOUT THIS on LM What particular sitting position did you find Write the word OBESITY on the board and tell
practicing new skills #2 we used while singing? difficult? them that it is a kind of over nutrition where there
is excess of body-building and energy-giving
nutrients in the diet.

Developing mastery (leads to Group Activity Art Activity: Do Activity 3 on LM Study their answers on the activity given.
Formative Assessment 3) Group A – children will sing the song Refer to BE CREATIVE on LM CREATING BODY SHAPES
Group B – children will do the ostinato pattern Use the Rubric to rate the performance of each Give them sets of foods and let them identify or
Group C – childrenwill do the ostinato patterns group. choose which food they should eat.
using rhythmic instruments
Finding practical applications Do the performance activity on LM. Refer to TAKE THE CHALLENGE on LM. Group Work: SITTING RELAY Answer Let’s Remember on Lm
of concepts and skills in daily
living Show your artwork and share your experiences while
doing the activity.
Making generalizations and How do you create an ostinato? How is balance shown in the picture? What have you learned on today’s lesson? What have you learned on today’s lesson?
abstractions about the lesson

Evaluating learning Draw a star for best, smiling face for better and Refer to BE PROUD on LM Let the pupils sing a song “LOOK AT ME” Answer LET’S CHECK on LM
triangle for good performance. with actions
Additional activities for Make a simple ostinato pattern to accompany Draw the traditions in your community. Let the pupils practice different sitting positions Make a list of food you eat for the whole week
application or remediation the song “Mga Alaga Kong Hayop” Show your artwork to the class on the next meeting. at home. using the table given by the teacher.



No. of learners who earned

80% in the evaluation

No. of learners who require

additional activities for
Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?

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