Official League Rules: (Full Length Version)
Official League Rules: (Full Length Version)
Official League Rules: (Full Length Version)
1) P = Protected All players with P in status column are NOT eligible for retention beyond the current season. 2) UFA Have a 1 year no cut/no release contract. Can be only traded off your roster. 3) RTM College draft pick has 2 yr contract with original drafting team (ODT) and 3 year right to match. The ODT can retain this player for 1 more year by electing to match the top Auction bid. 4)Free Agent players not on any roster who may be acquired at the auction, by silent bids and/or waivers 5)Waiver Claims Any dropped player, temporarily Locked then available through a Waiver Wire process. 6)NPN A 1st year college drafted rookie requires no protection needed and is exempt from your protect list. 7)IR or I/R 3 spots available for ANY INJURED PLAYER. Cant be traded, dropped or activated! (New Rule) 8)BBB Blind Bids Budget refers to acquisitions by silent bids ONLY. Max. OOPE is $125 for us all. (New Rule) 9) OOPE Out of Pocket Expense = actual amount incurred to be paid to the league (not fantasy dollars) 10) Salary Cap Fantasy dollars. Cap is $700 for all teams; never to be exceeded! 11) Adjusted Salary Players ending the season on a roster, have automatic 10% salary increase applied. 12) FCFS First Come First Served is the manner in which owners can sign UFAs in Step 3 (see below) 13) POUP The pool of unprotected players left exposed by returning league members.
Initial Fee $100.00 due on Auction day and applied as a deposit against games lost and all transactions. Silent Bids: Direct OOPE for silent bids. Bids start at $1 with no ceiling. Blind Bids Budget (BBB): Capped at $125 for us all, for the year for silent bids. (New Rule) Trades - $3 charged per player and draft pick traded away OOPE Waiver Claims - Players claimed off waiver wire cost $3 each OOPE (Not deducted from the FAAB) Game Losses - Each regular season/playoff game loss costs you $15.00 (12-4 record = 4 losses = $60) OOPE Weekly High Score - $10 credit for highest weekly game score Weekly Low Score - $5 debit for scoring fewest game points in a single week OOPE Weekly High Score - $5 credit for highest Confidence Pool pts earner Linkage: Members who bring in another member to the league are responsible for any default of payment by the latter.
Ranked 18th Overall Ranked 17th Overall Ranked 16th Overall Ranked 15th Overall Ranked 14th Overall Ranked 13th Overall
= Rolls 6 dice = Rolls 5 dice = Rolls 4 dice = Rolls 3 dice = Rolls 2 dice = Rolls 1 dice
The League Champion, Runner-Up, 3rd and 4th Overall teams will select 18th to 15th respectively. The balance of teams ranked 7 th to 14th during the regular season shall be ranked based on the Power Rankings through to Week 12 ending the regular season. Expansion teams draft last after returning members.. C. Trading College Draft Picks: Trading draft picks is allowed in the regular season (up to week #10) and only for the coming draft. You cannot trade draft picks for 2 seasons in advance. Draft pick trades must involve a minimum of 1 active roster player from each team being included in the trade. No team may acquire more than 2 first round draft picks in any single season. D. Anti-Collusion Rule: If the member from whom you acquired a LOTTERY pick does not return the next season, the pick you obtained via trade will fall to the end of the overall drafts first round and all other teams below the original spot move up one. C. Collegians/Rookies/RFA's and RTM's: Players selected at the college draft are guaranteed a 2-year contract with salaries at $1(Yr 1) and $15 (Yr 2). After year 2 and provided they have remained continuously on your roster (not waived/traded etc) during the 2 seasons they become RFA (Restricted Free Agents) aka RTM (Right to Match) players...At the Auction they are bid upon by all other members (youre excluded) but you have the right to match" the winning bid. If you "match" you sign the player [for 1 final season]. Note 1: In order to be RTM eligible this player's first 2 seasons must be played with the original team drafting him. If prior to the 2 years, he is traded, reacquired or released, he is not RTM eligible. Note 2: NO owner can nominate his own RTM player for bidding at the auction. If any owner does not have an available spot for the RTM nominated player, he forfeits RTM rights Draft Yr (Year 1): $1 Salary..... Player excluded from protected 11 but salary applies against the $700 cap. Year 2: $15 Salary..... Player, if protected, is included in protected 11 and salary applies against the $700 cap. Year 3: RTM (Right to Match the highest bid for your player at the Auction)
A. Player Contracts: Players acquired by Auction, bids or waivers receive 2-year contracts (that is, they are eligible to be protected for one more season beyond the season of acquisition unless they already have P status). Players acquired in trades bring with them their salaries and contract status. Players with the designation "Protected" or "P" mean they are in the final year of their contracts and cannot be protected for next season. All players eligible for protection the coming season receive an automatic 10% increase in salary (min $1 raise). The longest you can own any single player is 3 years continuous (2yrs + RTM) B. Protected Lists: College drafted players are excluded in your list of 11 protected players but their $1 salaries count against the $700 cap. College draft players are excluded in your Auction day roster of 26 players! You protect the following 11: 6 Players on OFFENCE/5 Players on DEFENCE. Add up your protected players salaries, UFA salary if any, plus your collegian, then deduct them from $700...the resulting balance will be the fantasy amount you have at the Auction to bid on the rest of your required 26 roster players. After the season begins your overall roster assumes 6 more roster spots for 32 in total. C. Trading Protected Players: Once protected lists are submitted player trades can begin up to the auction. Trades of protected players can involve any position for any position, any quantity of players odd or fees apply! Salaries of players traded away, follow them to their new team and you assume existing salaries and contracts of players received in the trade. All trades at this time do not require league approval. D. Injuries to Protected Players (IR): If a protected player sustains a season ending injury in pre-season you can
A. Date/Time The auction date and time will be determined each season by a general consensus of the best date and time for every team in the league. The Commissioner will be responsible for contacting every team in the league to determine the best date and time for the auction. Once the auction date and time have been set, if a team cannot attend the draft, they have the right to send a replacement to draft for them. Failing this, one can still participate in the league but his team will be stocked after the auction based on the MFL lists of remaining available players (Top ranked). B. Auction Order The GOD Champion will nominate the first player to be auctioned, naming the player, NFL team, position and bid. Seating order at the auction is determined by best to worst record from the previous season (wks 1-17) followed by expansion members. All members shall have their turn to nominate players, until all rosters have been filled. C. Time limit Each member will have a 1:00 minute time limit per nomination. If a team does not draft a player within the 1:00 minute time limit, they will skip their nomination for the next member, and then be returned to right after and given 1:00 minute more to nominate. Failing to do so, the member forfeits his turn and cannot participate in bidding on the next player nominated. Both Offensive and Defensive players can be auctioned at random.
E. Roster Positional Minimums/Maximums - The minimum at any position on your roster at any given time is ONE! You cannot complete ANY transaction that would take you below this minimum. Auction rosters included! Maximum players you can have at any position are as follows: QB/TE/PK/PN/OL/C/: Max 3 each RB: Max 4 WR/DL/LB/DB: Max 5 each
Component 1: Flex Offence: (Choose ONE formation) a) Pro Set: RB: 2 WR: 2 TE: 1 b) Single Back: RB: 1 WR: 3 TE: 1 c) Double Tight: RB: 2 WR: 1 TE: 2 d) Ace: RB: 1 WR: 2 TE: 2
Component 3: Flex Defense: (Choose ONE formation) a) 4DL/DT, 3LB, 3DB (4-3-3) b) 3DL/DT, 4LB, 3DB (3-4-3) c) 3DL/DT, 3LB, 4DB (3-3-4) B. Coach - Do not neglect to start a Coach for your game. You will earn two times the minus points from our scoring system based on the largest margin of defeat of an NFL coach that week. (see scoring table below) D. Lineup Submissions - It is the sole responsibility of each OWNER to make sure they submit a valid line-up prior to kick-off of the first NFL game in which he has active players. He can submit the balance of his players as long as it is prior to the start of their NFL games. Once submitted, line-up changes are allowed only if the NFL game has not started. If a valid line-up is not submitted, the teams line-up from the previous week will be used. The UFFL site will not allow incomplete submissions. You must also submit one tiebreaker player apart from your 20 starters. E. NFL Games other than Sunday - In the event of NFL games played on other than Sunday, OWNERS can submit only those players they want to start for those games by kick-off of the game. All other players can be submitted by game time on Thursday/Saturday/Sunday/Monday. I. MFL Site Issues - If an OWNER cannot access the MFL site or is refused Log In your starters will be accepted ONLY if submitted by e-mail or cellular phone to the Commissioner and before their NFL games kick-off.
A. Trades -Teams are allowed to propose trades once all protected lists are received, thereafter up to and during the Auction until the trade deadline on Week 10. Proposed trades will be automatically posted by the GOD site and require league voting (trades up to and including the Auction are exempt) by all teams in the league during a 24-hour voting process. An e-mail will be sent to all members in the league with the option to vote Yes or No to the proposed trade. Approval requires 2 YES votes for every 1 NO vote (9 Yes to 5 NO = Vetoed). Once the teams involved have accepted a trade and the voting process has begun, the teams involved in the trade may not pull their players out of the trade. You can trade any position for any position and for unequal quantity (3 for 1 if it will fit your rosters) but you must ALWAYS maintain 1 player at every required roster position (enforced by the site). Weekly restriction: NO TRADES WITHIN 24HRS PRIOR TO THE START OF THE NFL WEEK AND 24 HRS AFTER THE END OF THE NFL WEEK A trade posted at the Sat 1:00PM deadline means voting continues until noon Sunday 12 NOON to determine the trade's fate.
Silent Bids
FREE AGENT ACQUISITIONS ARE PERMITTED FOR ALL TEAMS THROUGH TO WEEK 17 but the players released are Locked from Weeks 12 to 17) A. Free Agent Acquisitions: The free agent system will be a blind bidding process. Each team will start with $125 free agent real dollars for the season (also known as BBB (Blind Bids Budget) and will be permitted to acquire 3 free agents on a weekly basis. No team will be informed of any other teams free agent bids until after the winning bids have been awarded. The Commissioner will also be locked out so no bids can be known. There is not ceiling on bidsbid from $1 to $125 on a player.but The amount of the winning bid will be deducted from the winning teams BBB ($125). When this BBB has been used up, the team can no longer participate in silent bids. Blow it all by Week 4 and youre done with bids for the year. All bids must be in increments of $1 (no cents). B. Bidding on Free Agents: You can acquire 3 free agents by bids per week keeping in mind you have a $125 budget for the year. All bids are OOPE. There are 3 ROUNDS and within each round you can place as many bids on different free agents as you like, but do not place different bids on the same free agent. The multiple players within the round are called conditional bids (if you dont get player A, then you may get B, C D etc,) THE WINNING BID BECOMES THE PLAYER'S SALARY and deducted from your $125 BBB. How do the Rounds work for Blind Bidding?
Answer: The term "Round" for blind bidding is merely a placeholder for additional bids when using Conditional Bidding. These rounds hold no prioritizing value as they do in Waiver Request, but simply hold additional bids when more than one player is desired. Bids will be awarded on the highest winning conditional bid regardless of the round that it is entered.
Answer: Conditional bidding allows an owner to bid on player A and if not awarded, then bid on player B. The owner would only get one of the two. Note that in Conditional Bidding you would enter players in multiple rounds in order to receive several players, but the Rounds are merely placeholders for these bids and have no weighted value. Can we drop Multiple Players for Blind Bids or Waivers? (New Rule)
Answer: Yes, you can drop multiple players without acquiring a player in return. C. Free Agents acquired with silent bids of $20 or more can now be dropped anytime. (New Rule)
Any player dropped in favor of a free agent acquired via bidding goes on the waiver wire and is available after a designated time. The player is first LOCKED until a designated time within which all owners may view them. Cost is $3 each (OOPE) and is a separate fee not deducted from your $125 BBB. The Rules of Waivers NO WAIVERS BEYOND WEEK #11 PLAYERS DROPPED ON WK 12 ARE LOCKED FROM WEEK 12 TO 17 Any players dropped during the silent bids period go on the Waiver Wire. Existing salaries are inherited but contract status other than P are NOT! If a player goes unclaimed on the waiver wire, they become an unrestricted free agent and they are eligible for silent bidding in the next transaction period. Players clearing waivers will have their salaries reset to zero but their "P status/contracts remains applicable. Tie-breakers for free agent bids and waivers: If multiple teams bid on the same player, the player is awarded to the team seated lower in the most recent posted standings; thereafter Power Rankings become the tie breaker.
Tiebreakers for regular season standings and Wildcard teams are determined collectively based on the first 5 criteria shown below. The 6 th then 7th (if needed) are the final tie-breakers. Initially only the first 5 apply: 1) Best Winning Percentage 2) Most Total Points Scored 3) Best Regular Season Conference Record W/L 4) Head 2 Head W/L (vs. common opponents only) 5) Power Ranking 6) All Play Records (W/L/T) (if needed) 7) Tied teams W/L records vs the balance of all playoff bound teams (if still tied after #6 applied)
A. Cash Payouts - Grand Prize1ST, 2ND and 3RD The Fantasy Bowl Champion receives 55% of the Prize Pool. The Runner-Up receives 20%. Third Place receives 5%. 10%.... Total Points Champ (Regular Season Only Wks 1-12) 10%CONFIDENCE POOL Champion Prize pool consists of the fees earned for game losses and transactions. Administrative costs incurred by the league and all cash disbursements for prizes are paid out first before ALL other % based prizes awarded. B. Trophy - The Fantasy Bowl winner will also be awarded the Trophy that will have their name, team, and year engraved on it. The trophy will be given to the champion (at the Commissioners discretion) along with their monetary winnings. At the Commissioners discretion, the Champion will retain possession of the trophy during the season of his reign and must return the trophy back to the Commissioner in a timely fashion before the next Auction. The Champion assumes all responsibilities and liabilities while the Trophy is in his care, custody and control. Damage to the Trophy shall be the sole responsibility of the Champion and any repairs or replacement shall result in full compensation to the League by the Champion or liable parties. The trophy value is $700 USD.
Answer: These are merely extra games for fun. The survivor pool just has each owner pick the winner of one NFL game for the upcoming week of the season. If the owner picks correctly he/she gets to pick the following week. If incorrect, they are out and cannot pick in any subsequent weeks (unless the pool is restarted for the entire league). The catch with the Survivor Pool is you can only pick a team one time to win for the length of the pool. Each week survived increases the lone survivors winning prize by $10.
In the slightly more advanced Confidence style pool, owners must additionally place a weight (or confidence value) on each match-up winner. In NFL weeks without any byes, there are 16 NFL matchups. The matchup that you feel most confident of your winner should be assigned "16" confidence points and the matchup you feel least confident of your winner should be assigned "1" confidence point. Unlike the pick'em style where 16 correct picks equates to "16" pick'em points, 16 correct confidence picks equates to (16+15+14+...+3+2+1=) "136" confidence points.
Failure to start a Coach in any game = Minus pts are awarded and deducted from your game score. How? For the week without a game-day starting Coach, you will assume the NFL Coach with the greatest margin of defeat for that week.. (e.g. You have no Coach for Week 1. The greatest margin of defeat in NFL Week 1 is 31pts, therefore you will have 16pts deducted from your game score for Wk 1. You will be awarded negative points as follows: 1) NFL Coach loses his game by 29 pts or more you will earn MINUS 8pts x 2 = Minus 16pts 2) NFL Coach loses his game by 22 to 28 you will earn MINUS 7pts x 2 = Minus 14pts 3) NFL Coach loses his game by 15 to 21 you will earn MINUS 6pts x 2 = Minus 12pts
B. GAME SCORING SCHEMES USED - Combination Scoring Method - combines a) and b). a) Basic Scoring Method - Scoring System that rewards fantasy owners pts for their starters based on actual points scored in their NFL games such as 6pts for a TD, 4pts for FG etc. Basic Method scores points for each player in direct correlation with the number of points the player actually scored during a given game (i.e. - a player who rushes for a 17-yard touchdown scores six points, the point value given by the NFL for a touchdown).
b) Player Performance Method - Scoring is based on yardage gained and can be positive or negative quantity. The Performance Method not only rewards points to a player who is involved on scoring plays, as in the Basic Method, but also rewards a player for yards achieved through-out the game.
Anti-Dumping/Collusion/Line-up Tanks
A. The Lineup Tank - There may be situations where owners have an incentive to deliberately dump players or throw games to improve their draft standing, influence playoff seeding, or any other reason. However, this is contrary to the competitive spirit of fantasy sports, and detrimental to the league, and could also throw off the playoff balance. Therefore, the commissioner has the ability to review the starting line-up that a team has submitted given a protest from another owner. If the commissioner views the starting line-up as a deliberate attempt to throw the game, he will edit the line-up to reflect the best possible line-up in his judgment. B. Transactions Attempts to manipulate rosters, offer draft picks or trades and deliberately disregard or attempt to circumvent the rules will be met with immediate expulsion. Any trade made under suspicious circumstances, collusion, or with the intent to deliberately discontinue membership for the following season shall cause all transactions to be either reversed or adjusted with the participating partner, whether knowingly or not, to lose the benefit of the transaction and be placed at the end of any drafting order or waiver wire.
Conduct Clause: Members of the league are expected to act is a respectful way and display a high level of sportsmanship. Please remember at all times that this is a game and it is done in fun. At anytime, the commissioner or asst commissioner reserves the right to take any action to correct any conduct that is determined to be detrimental to the competitive balance of the league. If an owner that is considered to be detrimental to the league repeats disruptive conduct, the commissioner or asst commissioner may request a league vote to immediately remove the owner from the league without refund. The majority will rule in this instance and the accused member will not have a vote. If the owner is voted out, the commissioner or asst commissioner will immediately replace him. Again, if an owner fails to submit a line-up for 3 straight weeks, their team ownership will be forfeited, and a replacement owner will be found. Any money that is won by a team that was replaced mid season will be given in half to the new owner and the other half will be divided evenly between the other payout winners. No moneys paid will be refunded if you are removed for rule/conduct violations.