XL3t Part9

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The Data Entry Settings Menu

The Data Entry

Settings Menu

Figure 1-26. The Data Entry Settings Menu Path

Selecting the Data Entry Settings icon opens the Data Entry Settings
Screen, enabling changes to the data entry settings for various modes.

Figure 1-27. The Data Entry Settings Screen

By selecting the down arrow at the right of the “Num of Data Entry Boxes”
field, you may choose between Up to 5 or Up to 8 from the drop down
menu, changing the number of data entry boxes in the Data Entry Screen.

1-96 NITON XL3 Analyzer User’s Guide Thermo Scientific

The Safety Settings Menu

The Safety Settings


Figure 1-28. The Safety Settings Menu Path

Selecting the Safety Settings icon opens the Safety Settings Screen,
enabling changes to the location of the rear interlock button.

Alt Interlock Disabled (Default) Alt Interlock Enabled

Figure 1-29. The Safety Settings Screen

By selecting the checkbox, you can toggle between the rear interlock
button’s normal location, and it’s alternate location as the center “Select”
button on the four-way touch pad.

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The Adjust Calibration Screen

The Adjust
Calibration Screen

Figure 1-30. The Adjust Calibration Menu Path

The Adjust Calibration Screen enables you to change calibrations for

Mining Modes. Select the mining mode you are using from the list.


Figure 1-31. Select Mode Screen

The Calfactors Screen will now appear.

1-98 NITON XL3 Analyzer User’s Guide Thermo Scientific

The Adjust Calibration Screen

Select Radio Select Edit

Button Button

Figure 1-32. The Calfactors Screen

Select the radio button of the Calibration Factor you wish to edit, then
select the appropriate Edit Button. The Calibration Edit Screen will open.

You cannot edit the Factory Calibration. You may edit and store up to four
alternate calibrations per Mode.

Select here to edit

this element’s
Select here to edit
this element’s Slope

Figure 1-33. The Calibration Edit Screen

Thermo Scientific NITON XL3 Analyzer User’s Guide 1-99

Calibration Factors

Calibration Factors Although the FP software automatically corrects for most inter-element
matrix effects, NITON tube-based analyzers cannot currently detect
elements lighter than magnesium. As a result, the oxidation state of elements
can bias measurements of other elements. In many cases, this bias is small,
and uncorrected results provide sufficient accuracy, especially when data is
for screening purposes only. For cases when more accurate results are
required, NITON has provided slope/intercept calibration software with the
instrument to improve the quality of the data. The calibration software is
element specific, and calibration factors can be entered for individual
elements, independent of the other elements. A user may choose to correct a
single element or a suite of elements.

The degree of severity of the bias should be evaluated before proceeding

with routine measurement. A few test samples should be carefully measured
by another technique, or by an outside lab. These samples should then be
analyzed using the analyzer. If the agreement is good enough to provide the
accuracy required for the application, the instrument can be operated as
shipped. If it is determined that a bias correction is necessary, the procedure
for establishing calibration factors should be followed. As site characteristics
change, it is good practice to run a few check standards to ensure that the
instrument results are still within an acceptable error range.

Note With the exception of Mining Mode, Calibration Factors cannot be

changed at the User Log-in level. This must be done while logged in at
Supervisor level. See the NDT manual for details.

1-100 NITON XL3 Analyzer User’s Guide Thermo Scientific

Oxides vs. elemental concentrations

Oxides vs. elemental Labs and other XRF instruments often report data as oxides. We can only
concentrations report data as elemental concentration. Therefore, oxide data must be
converted to elemental concentration for comparison with NITON results
using the conversion factors and equation below. This factor can be
multiplied by oxide concentration to convert to elemental.

Formula Conc. (metal) = Conc. (oxide) * Mol.Wt. (metal)/Mol.Wt. (compound).

Table 1-1. Oxide Conversion

Oxire Conveersion Factor
MgO 0.603
Al2O3 0.529
SiO2 0.467
SO3 0.400
K2O 0.825
CaO 0.715
TiO2 0.5995
V2O5 0.5602
Cr2O3 0.6842
Mn3O4 0.7203
MnO 0.7745
Fe2O3 0.6994
FeO 0.7773
Co3O4 0.7342
NiO 0.7858
CuO 0.7988
ZnO 0.8034
PbO 0.9283
Fe2O3 0.6994
Bi2O3 0.8970
ZrO2 0.7403
MoO3 0.6665
WO3 0.7930
Ta2O5 0.8190
Nb2O5 0.6990
SnO2 0.7876

Thermo Scientific NITON XL3 Analyzer User’s Guide 1-101

The Sort Element Display Menu

The Sort Element

Display Menu

Figure 1-34. The Sort Element Display Menu Path

Select the Sort Element Display icon to configure sorting criteria used for
analysis display. Selecting the Sort Element Display icon opens up the
Sort Criteria Screen.

Figure 1-35. Selecting the Mode from the Sort Element Display screen

Select the mode you wish to change, and the Sorting Options Screen will

1-102 NITON XL3 Analyzer User’s Guide Thermo Scientific

The Sort Element Display Menu

Figure 1-36. The Sort Element Display

Element affected

Current display option

Top Arrow Button
(Move up in rank)
Bottom Arrow Button
(Move down in rank)
Scroll bar for elements
Display Options
Drop-Down Menus

Reset Button
Save Button
Close Button

Figure 1-37. The Sorting Options Screen

Thermo Scientific NITON XL3 Analyzer User’s Guide 1-103

The Sort Element Display Menu

On the left of the display are elements, each with its currently selected
display option beside it to the right. The element list is ranked by
importance, with the most important element on top, and each one lower
down of less importance than the one above it.

By selecting an element and using the arrow buttons to the right of the list,
you can change its ranking. Use the Top Arrow Button to move an element
one rank closer to the top with each click. Use the Bottom Arrow Button to
move an element one rank closer to the bottom with each click.

Figure 1-38. Changed Sort Order

Display Options The Display Options Drop Down Menu allows you to change the display
status of any element to one of three states:

• Normal - The standard state. Element displays only when the elemental
value is greater than the limit of detection.

• Always - Always display the results for this element. Use this state for
elements critical to all of your analyses.

• Never - Never display the results for this element. Use this state for
elements which are unimportant to your work. This makes your
instrument display less complex.

1-104 NITON XL3 Analyzer User’s Guide Thermo Scientific

The Sort Element Display Menu

Select the element you want to change, then select the menu option
corresponding to your choice of display status. The currently selected
element is displayed in white on black.

Figure 1-39. Changed Display Options

Select the Save Button to save your current status as the new default. After
saving, you will go back to the Element Display Menu.

Close Button Select the Close Button to exit without saving. When you select the Close
Button after changing the display state of any element, a screen will open
asking you if you want to save the changes you made. Selecting “Yes” will
save these changes as the new default. Selecting “No” will return you to the
Element Display Menu without saving the changes.

Thermo Scientific NITON XL3 Analyzer User’s Guide 1-105

The Sort Element Display Menu

Figure 1-40. Save Changes

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