LAC - Capacity Building Accomplishment Report
LAC - Capacity Building Accomplishment Report
LAC - Capacity Building Accomplishment Report
The first session of capacity building was also attended by teachers from the following
departments: English, AP, ESP and SHS.
Ms. Shella Marie A. Reyes does a walkthrough of the Google Classroom and is able to
incorporate Google Meet as a teacher's platform in their follow-up discussions. A tutorial on the
following was highlighted: creating a class, turning in assignments, posting materials in
classwork, adding students and customizing themes.
The last session of capacity building was also attended by six Math teachers and the
Head Teacher. Mr. Mark John M. Magsanide led the opening prayer. Mr. Rome S. Cheng and
Mrs. Sheribeth S. Cafe discussed the “The Law of the Catalyst” taken from the book of Dr. John
C. Maxwell, 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork. It is in this light that Mr. Cheng highlighted the
following concepts of teamwork: “Winning teams have players who make things happen”, three
kinds of people on a team (People who don’t want the ball, People who want the ball but
shouldn’t have it, People who want the ball and should get it). He also emphasized the biblical
perspective, “Jesus the good shepherd as an example of a servant leader”. According to
Maxwell, there are nine qualities of being a catalyst, which was elaborated by Mrs. Sheribeth S.
Cafe. It was presented as follows: Intuitive, Communicative, Passionate, Talented, Creative,
Initiating, Responsible, Generous and Influential. Mrs. Cafe pointed out that it is not necessary
to possess all those traits. Most importantly, doing the best in every work. On top of that, the
Math department believed that, “We may or may not become a catalyst , but we will at least
become the best we can be”.
Prayer - sioderator- mam