Fenestration System
Fenestration System
Fenestration System
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Fenestration System
ROLL NO.: 180004S.B.P.C.O.A.D
Abstract: The paper is developed to assess various glass engineering professional so they can more efficiently
type and their effect on building energy. Consumption. design, build and operate buildings. With BIM, designers
The research will help to understand the effect of types can create 3D model that include data associated with
of glass considering its parameters which are VLT physical and functional characteristics. BIM collaborate
(visual light transmit) and SHGC (solar heat gain architects, Engineers and contractors on coordinated models
coefficient). The analysis is done to see effect on energy giving everyone the insight of the project and help them
consumption by changing glass type firm single to work more efficiently. It provides insight into the design’s
double to triple glazing. The analysis is done with the constructability, improving the efficiency and effectiveness
help of BIM software Autodesk Revit with Insight of the construction phase and also provide better
plugin. Use of various types of glass is used. The study is understanding of the building’s future operation and
limited to commercial building with G+5 floors located maintenance.
at Ravet. Also, to study varying WWR (window to wall
ratio) to varying glass types is done. This paper seeks to Autodesk Revit Architecture is a robust architectural
integrate the use of BIM based energy analysis in design and documentation software application created by
predicting the energy consumption of a Library Autodesk for architects and building professionals. The
building. tools and features that make up Revit Architecture are
specifically designed to support building information
Keywords: BIM, Autodesk Revit, Autodesk Insight, Energy modeling (BIM) workflows. Revit was intended to allow
Analysis architects and other building professionals to design and
document a building by creating a parametric three-
I. INTRODUCTION dimensional model that included both the geometry and
non-geometric design and construction information, which
New design methods primarily focus on developing is also known as Building Information Modelling or BIM.
both low emission and energy-efficient. Climate change has The 3D model of a building required for the energy analysis
established itself as a major issue, which requires an urgent process is created using this Revit software.
and coordinated global response. Over the last few years,
several studies have been performed in this direction. Autodesk Insight is a cloud-based Energy Analysis
Program which helps to improve energy and environmental
One of the methods is to design fenestrations according performance throughout the building life cycle by letting us
to climate, to maintain good environment quality inside the integrate Energy analysis, lighting analysis and solar
building, and to save energy. Fenestration is an architectural analysis for a holistic approach to building performance
term that refers to the arrangement, proportion, and design design. This tool is only available to subscribers of
of window, skylight, and door systems within a building. Autodesk software and students for a period of 3 years.
Fenestration components include glazing material, either
glass or plastic framing, mullions, dividers, and opaque door The aim is to study different fenestration types by
slabs, external shading devices, internal shading devices, which the heat gain is minimized to make an energy
and integral (between-glass) shading systems. fenestration efficient air-conditioned space. The objective is to study
and fenestration systems refer to the basic assemblies and types of glass of window opening with respective to heat
components of exterior window, skylight, and door systems gain. The study each window to wall ratio for all types of
within the building envelope. Fenestration can serve as a glass chosen. The use parameters of glass, VLT and SHCG
physical and/or visual connection to the outdoors, as well to select fenestration to reduce heat gain and maximize
as a means to admit solar radiation. The solar radiation daylight. The scope is to understand the optimization of
provides natural lighting, referred to as daylighting, and heat usage of glass for building envelop. The study about wall
gain to a space. Fenestration can be fixed or operable units window ratio and glass types. The study inter relation
can allow natural ventilation to a space and egress in low- between wall window ratio and glass type to reduce in
rise buildings. Fenestration affects building energy use energy in consumption. The paper has certain limitations, it
through four basic mechanisms thermal heat transfer, solar is studying the glass with respective value of VLT and
heat gain, air leakage, and daylighting. commercial. It will SHGC only and not considering any other parameters. Type
be G+5 floors located at Ravet. In built material in software of building is be used only.
are only considered. Variation in glass manufacture is not
taken in considered BIM is an intelligent model based
process that connects architectural, constructional and
Passive building systems are fundamental to achieve For the purpose of the energy analysis of building with
high energy efficiency and comfort in built environment. the help of Autodesk insight and Revit software, the study is
Based on a typical residential case in Hong Kong, this study limited to commercial building with G+5 floors located at
aims to analysis the integration of various passive cooling Ravet.
techniques on annual and hourly building energy demand
with whole building simulation. thermal characterization of The three-dimensional model of the building is created
this glazing technology is presented [1]. Experiments and using Revit architecture and the model is further analyzed
data analysis led to the characterization of the behavior of using Autodesk insight. The energy simulation of a building
the thermotropic glazing both when this technology is used involves the following steps:
alone (single glass pane) and when it is integrated in a generate the Drawings and information about the building
multilayer fenestration (a triple glazed unit. Switchable to be studied.
windows are glazing technologies that exhibit dynamic Create a 3D model using the Autodesk Revit software with
optical properties and may thus be used to improve the the help of the drawingscollected.
energy performance of buildings [2]. The method to Change the energy setting WWR,type of glazing etc. as
evaluate energy consumption of buildings is Energy analysis per your need.
using Building Information Modeling (BIM) tools – Locate your building using Internet Mapping Service
Autodesk Insight, BIM is an intelligent 3D model-based inbuilt in Autodesk Revit to get on site co-ordination and
process that gives Engineers the insight tools to more climatic parameters.
efficiently plan, design, construct, and manage buildings and Locate your building using Internet Mapping Service
infrastructure. The energy analysis needs to be amalgamated inbuilt in Autodesk Revit to get on site co-ordination and
into the design phase of the building with respect to the climatic parameters.
increased regulations required all over the world [3],[4]. Automatically create a building energy model using the
analyse panel in Revitsoftware.
Analyse and run results in the Autodesk Insight over the
cloud softwareEstimate the energy use of the building.
Compare and analysis the various output to determine the
most energy efficient(fenestration system).
Parameters for simulations.
Area: 600sqm
Project type: office area
Operating schedule: 12/6
No. Of floors: g+5
Location: ravet
SGU glass: 6mm thk performance glass
DGU glass: 6mm thk performance hs glass+ 12mm thk argon filling +6mm thk clearhs glass
TGU glass: 6mm performance hs glass +12 mm thk argon filling +6mm thk+12thk argon filling +6mm thk clear hs
Glass area for 100 percent glazing: 2000sqm
Glass area for 75 percent glazing: 1500sqm
Glass area for 50 percent glazing: 500sqm
Fig. 1: A 3d Model Is Created Using Autodesk Revit Software With The HelpOf Plans Availabe Of Building
Fig. 6 : To reduce the overall energy use intensity of the building, we can change the range of each design criteria and see how
much the change in design of individual features like window to wall ratio, operating schedule etc. can affect the energy
consumption of the whole building
Fig. 7
2000 50 1000
2000 75 1500
Table 1
B. ENERGY USE INTENSITY calculated by dividing the total energy consumed by the
The energy consumption of the building will be building in one year by the total gross floor area of the
calculated as Energy Use intensity (EUI) in kWh/m2 per building.
year based on the energy setting of the project. EUI is
SINGLE GLAZING Rs.1200 0.81 0.88 190 kWh/m2 200kWh/m2 220 kWh/m2
DOUBLE GLAZING Rs.2300 0.55 0.7 134 kWh/m2 147 kWh/m2 178 kWh/m2
TRIPLE GLAZING Rs.9000 0.62 0.68 114 kWh/m2 120 kWh/m2 155 kWh/m2
Table 2
Table 3
[1.] https://www.researchgate.net/publication/342276421_
[2.] _Cooling_Techniques_on_Building_Energy_Performan
ce_A_Residential_Case_in_Hong_K ong.
[3.] https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S187
[4.] https://www.irjet.net/archives/V6/i1/IRJET-
[5.] https://www.irjet.net/archives/V4/i7/IRJET-