Cutting Edge Advanced 3rd sb-7-16
Cutting Edge Advanced 3rd sb-7-16
Cutting Edge Advanced 3rd sb-7-16
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online contact
Work in groups. In your opinion, which of the 5 List five advantages and five disadvantages of
following have happened in your country as a globalisation. Use vocabulary from exercise 3 and
result of globalisation? Compare your ideas and your own ideas. Then work in pairs and compare
give reasons. your answers.
There's more immigration/emigration.
There is greater tolerance of cultural and 6a ~ 1.1 Listen to six people talking about globalisation
religious diversity. and make notes on the questions below.
People mix more with people of other races 1 What aspect of globalisation do they discuss and
and cultures. what examples/pros and cons do they mention?
Our way of life has changed considerably. 2 Are they for or against globalisation? Or do they
There is a clash of cultures within our society. have mixed opinions?
We have become a multi-ethnic society.
Our culture has become very Americanised.
There's more freedom and choice. b Work in pairs and compare notes. Listen again if
• There are more multinational corporations and necessary to complete your answers. Do you agree
fewer local businesses. with the speakers? Why?/Why not?
• Mass tourism from abroad has really changed
so me parts of the country. c Look at audio script 1.1 on page 162. Add any useful
• Peo ple eat more imported food rather than words and phrases to the word web in exercise 4b.
local produce.
• Peo ple have a higher standard of living.
• Th ere has been a 'brain drain' of talented people 7 Work in pairs and take turns to describe the
goi ng to work abroad. difference between each pair of words/phrases.
any of the goods we buy are made in 1 emigration, immigration
sweatshops in other parts of the world. 2 multinational. multi-ethnic
e are more vulnerable to global financial crises. 3 cultural diversity, a clash of cultures
· Jeople have become obsessed with global brands. 4 a business, a corporation
5 your standard of living, your way of life
Reading and vocabuLary
b Work in pairs and compare your answers. Check the
meaning of any words/phrases you don't know. How
1 Work in pairs and discuss. How has your town or
many can you use to describe your town/city or a
local area changed since you were born? What
place you know well?
problems, if any, have the changes caused?
The capital of my country doesn't have the
2a Look at the words/phrases in the box. Tick the ones infrastructure to support the millions of people
you know, write a question mark next to the ones who live there.
you can guess, and cross the ones you need to check.
umans are good at building cities - after all we've been doing it for nine
H millennia - but a few years ago, for the first time in history, we officially
became an urban species. More of us now live in cities than in the
countryside . That's over three and a half billion people and this global trend is
heading ever upwards. Experts believe that by 2050, seven billion of us will be
living in an urban environment, and the numbers just keep rising . The speed
and scale of this change is unprecedented; just to keep up with demand, we
are currently building a new city the size of Washington DC every three days.
Building more ofthe same, however, is just a temporary solution, as fast-
growing cities bring with them numerous issues such as overcrowding, slum
housing, congestion, crime, pollution and more.
Part of the problem is that despite the number of people they house, cities
only occupy three percent of the earth's land surface. That's an awful lot of
people to fit into such a small space and most cities just weren 't designed to
cope. Sao Paulo, for example, suffers traffic jams of up to 180 kilometres on
a bad day and everywhere from Abu Dhabi to Zurich, limited availability and
unlimited demand are driving property prices sky-high. In turn, this is leading
to a massive global growth in slum housing. In Dhaka, for example, the capital
of Bangladesh and a city which will soon be bigger than Beijing or Mexico City,
60 percent of residents live in shanty towns. So what, if anything, can be done
about urbanisation?
Perhaps the solution is to knock down our old cities and start again. City
planners are always coming up with hare-bra ined schemes like this, and the
famous French architect and designer Le Corbusier was no exception. He
devised a plan in the 1920s to demolish the centre of Paris to make space for a
series of high-rise buildings. To Le Corbusier, th is was just a sensible solution
to the dirt and squalor of Paris at the time, but had he succeeded, it is doubtful
that Paris would be attracting nearly 30 million tourists a year, as it is today.
Demolishing and rebuilding cities to meet modern needs is clearly impractical,
so what are the alternatives? The brand new city of Songdo in South Korea and
the more historic city of Medellin in Colombia offer two exciting but contrasting
visions of how to cope with the problems of urbanisation.
Global living I 01
official language in
speakers in India
Did you know?
~ There are far more non-native speakers of English in the ~ Special, simplified versions of English exist to help
world than native speakers. It's hard to calculate, but various professionals to communicate internationally,
it is believed that there are around 375 million native for example, 'air-speak' for pilots and air-traffic
speakers and over 1.125 billion non-native speakers - controllers, 'police-speak' to help deal with international
a total of about 1.5 billion . crime and 'doctor-speak' to simplify communication
~ English is an official language in 55 countries . The USA between doctors.
has the largest number of English speakers (250 million), ~ Modern British people probably wouldn't have been able
followed in second place by India (125 million), then to understand the English spoken in Shakespeare's time.
Pakistan (89 million), Nigeria (79 million) and the Pronunciation and grammar were different and many
UK (59 million) . words had different meanings. For example, 'nice' meant
~ Most linguists agree that English has the largest 'foolish' in the 16th century.
vocabulary of any language in the world. It is almost ~ The relationship between spelling and pronunciation in
impossible to say how many words there are, but some English is notoriously irregular: the combination' ough'
peop le say there are over a million . It is said that a new can be pronounced in nine different ways! The following
word enters the language every 98 minutes, sentence contains them all: A rough-coated, dough-
on average. faced, thoughtful ploughman strode through the streets
~ More English words begin with 't' than any other letter- of Scarborough; after falling into a slough, he coughed
about 25 percent of all words. and hiccoughed. Turn to page 106 to see how this is
pronounced .
~ There are estimated to be about 175 dialects of English
arou nd the world .
Listening and speaking 3 Read the statements below. Tick the ones you agree
with and cross the ones you disagree with. Then work
English in a changing world in groups to compare your answers.
1 I am more likely to use English to speak to native
1 Work in groups and discuss. In what circumstances speakers (e.g. British or Australian people) than I am
and with w hom do you think you will use English in to use it to speak to non-native speakers.
the future? Think about work, travel, social situations, 2 Learners of English should try to pronounce the
the internet , etc. language as closely as possible to the way that
native speakers do.
2a Read the fact s above about the English language. 3 It is very important for learners of English to have a
Then work in pairs and guess which two pieces of good command of British and American idioms.
information are false. Turn to page 106 to check 4 People can't understand you when you speak a
your answers. foreign language unless you use grammar correctly.
5 English doesn't just belong to native speakers; it
belongs to everyone in the world who uses it.
b Work in pairs and discuss. Do any of the facts 6 When I speak English, I don't want to imitate a
surprise you? Why? British or American person. I want to keep my
own identity.
Global living I 01
4 ~ 1.2 Listen to Doctor Jennifer Jenkins talking about 7 Put the words in brackets in the correct order to
English as an international language. Which ideas introduce the rest of the sentence.
from exercise 3 does she agree/disagree with? Why? 1 (point / the / that / main / consider / be / would /
to) it's important to give learners a choice.
Sa Doctor Jenkins mentions the following language 2 (Global English / advantage / a / of / that / is /
areas in relation to international English. Have you further) it makes using the internet easier.
had problems with any of them? 3 (problem / one / possible / be / British English or
American English / that / with / might) it isn't what
• the pronunciation of th-
learners need.
• British and American idioms
4 (reason / pronunciation problems / most / the / for /
• uncountable nouns like information
that / is / obvious) learners don't have the sound in
• the third-person -s in the Present simple
their first language.
I. 11
a Discussing tips and suggestions
One thing that I think is very useful is ...
I think he would benefit from .. .
~ He needs to concentrate on .. .
Her main priority should be .. .
a Organise your sentences from exercise 5 under 4 Work in pairs and discuss. Which accent do
headings. as in the report in exercise 2a. The main you like best? Which do you find easiest to
body of your report should have at least two understand? Which are you most likely to come into
sections. Then write the first draft of your report. contact with?