Traffic Management System Project
Traffic Management System Project
Traffic Management System Project
November, 2021
A Research Project submitted to the School of Science and Computing in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the award of a degree of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science.
This project is my original work and has not been presented for the award of any degree in any
Signature: __________________________ Date: _____________________________
This research proposal has been submitted with my approval as the University supervisor
Name: Caroline Onkangi
Signature: ___________________________Date:______________________________
I dedicate this project proposal to my parents who have tirelessly sponsored my university studies.
I also dedicate it to my siblings who have constantly motivated me throughout the four-year journey.
It is with gratitude that I take this time to acknowledge the people who aided in the success of this
proposal. First, I would like to thank almighty God for giving me the knowledge and understanding and
the skills to write and complete this project proposal. I would also like to thank my parents to the support.
Thank you, my supervisor, Mrs. Caroline Onkangi for being there when I needed to consult on the
progress on the proposal.
Table of Contents
DECLARATION .................................................................................................................................................................... 2
DEDICATION .................................................................................................................................................................... 3
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................................................................................ 9
LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................................................................ 10
ABSTRACT...................................................................................................................................................................... 11
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................................ 12
1.1 Background of the Study......................................................................................................................................... 12
1.2 Statement of the problem ........................................................................................................................................ 12
1.3 Objective of the Study............................................................................................................................................. 13
1.4 Research Questions ................................................................................................................................................. 13
1.5 Justification of the Study......................................................................................................................................... 13
1.6 Scope of the Study .................................................................................................................................................. 13
1.7 Significance of the Study ........................................................................................................................................ 14
2.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................................................. 15
2.2 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................. 15
2.4 Related Work .......................................................................................................................................................... 16
2.5 Gaps in the Literature .............................................................................................................................................. 17
2.6 Approach ................................................................................................................................................................. 17
3.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................. 18
3.2 Research Design...................................................................................................................................................... 18
3.3 Target Population .................................................................................................................................................... 18
3.4 Sampling Design ..................................................................................................................................................... 18
3.5 Sample size determination ...................................................................................................................................... 18
3.5 Data Gathering ........................................................................................................................................................ 19
3.6 Data Analysis Methods ........................................................................................................................................... 19
3.7 Development Methodology..................................................................................................................................... 19
CHAPTER FOUR................................................................................................................................................................. 21
DATA ANALYSIS, INTERPRETATION OF FINDINGS AND SYSTEM DESIGN ................................................... 21
4.0 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................. 21
4.1. Presentation of Findings. ........................................................................................................................................... 21
4.1.1 Questionnaire Return Rate ................................................................................................................................... 21
4.1.2 Category of Respondents ..................................................................................................................................... 22
4.1.3 Computer Usage Skills......................................................................................................................................... 23
4.1.2. Interview ............................................................................................................................................................. 23
4.2. Summary of the Findings. .......................................................................................................................................... 24
4.3. System Analysis ......................................................................................................................................................... 24
4.3.1. Description of the Existing System. .................................................................................................................... 24
4.3.2. Description of the Proposed System. .................................................................................................................. 24
4.3.3. Requirements Specifications. .............................................................................................................................. 25
4.4. System Design. .......................................................................................................................................................... 26
4.4.1. Sequence Diagram .............................................................................................................................................. 26
4.4.2 Use Case Diagram................................................................................................................................................ 27
4.5 Interface Design .......................................................................................................................................................... 29
4.5.1 Login page for admin ........................................................................................................................................... 29
4.5.2 Home Page ........................................................................................................................................................... 29
4.6 Database Design.......................................................................................................................................................... 30
4.6.1 Driver table .......................................................................................................................................................... 30
4.7 System Implementation and Testing ........................................................................................................................... 30
4.7.1 System Testing ..................................................................................................................................................... 30
4.7.2 System Output – Reports ..................................................................................................................................... 31
CHAPTER FIVE .................................................................................................................................................................. 32
SUMMARY OF FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ....................................................... 32
5.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................. 32
5.2 Summary of findings................................................................................................................................................... 32
5.3. Conclusions ................................................................................................................................................................ 32
5.4 Recommendations ....................................................................................................................................................... 32
5.5. Suggestions for further studies................................................................................................................................... 33
REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................................................. 34
APPENDICES ...................................................................................................................................................................... 35
Appendix A: Questionnaire .............................................................................................................................................. 35
APPENDIX A: PROJECT BUDGET ................................................................................................................................... 37
APPENDIX B: IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE............................................................................................................ 38
APPENDIX C: Hardware Requirements .............................................................................................................................. 39
Table 3: Hardware requirements ....................................................................................................................................... 39
a). For Server ................................................................................................................................................................ 39
b). For client .................................................................................................................................................................. 39
APPENDIX D: Software Requirements ........................................................................................................................... 40
Appendix E: Sample Code ................................................................................................................................................ 40
Home page .................................................................................................................................................................... 40
Admin Page ................................................................................................................................................................... 42
SEKU – South Eastern Kenya University
PHP – Hypertext PreProcessor
SDLC – Software Development Life Cycle
SPSS – Statistical Package for Social Sciences
RSC -- Road Safety Commission
IoT - Internet of Things
Figure 1: Conceptual framework.…………………………………………….………………………...…16
Table 1: Questionnaire Return Rate…………………………………………………….....….…………21
Table 2: Occupation……………………………………………………………………………………..22
Millions of vehicles pass via roads and cities every day. Various economic, social and cultural factors
affect the growth of traffic congestion has major impacts on accidents, loss of time, cost, delay of
emergency etc. Due to traffic congestion, there is a loss in productivity from workers and delivery get
delayed leading to increase cost. With the modern technology we can rely on Traffic Management System
to minimize traffic congestion and its negative effects. This system is composed of a set of applications
and management tools to improve the overall traffic efficiency and safety of the transportation sectors.
This system collects information from various sources and exploit them to identify hazards that may
potentially degrade the traffic efficiency and provide services to control them. This includes installation of
a system to supply information on road and traffic conditions, necessary for drivers, through a resident
traffic manager, in addition to the traffic control system to control the traffic signal lights.
Sometimes the public might have a view of a given road. Having a system that will allow the public to
raise their views will have a great influence on the same. Traffic Management System offers just that. The
need to allow the public give feedback, that is, complaints or comments based on a particular road
condition, for example road construction or road accidents will be highly profitable.
1.1 Background of the Study
Most of the densely populated cities in Kenya such as Nairobi has an average population of about
4,922,192 (2020). This number keep increasing day by day while infrastructure such as road networks
grow at a slow phase when compared to the population increase. Furthermore, statistics revealed that the
number of vehicles continue to increase thereby causing huge traffic jam in most parts of the cities.
Faulty traffic systems, narrow road spaces and unnecessary overtaking by drivers create road
congestions. This congestion causes delay at work. This in turn causes serious air and noise pollution
hence the overall environmental condition. Traffic jam is a problem on many roads in the cities because
it causes traffic accidents, incremental delay, and vehicle operating costs such as fuel consumption,
pollution emissions and stress that result from interference among vehicles in the traffic stream. It also
causes economic activities difficulties.
Following these numerous problems, there is need to design and implement an efficient traffic
management system that will control the traffic on the roads and minimize the average commute time.
Many traffic light systems operate on a timing mechanism that changes the lights after a given interval.
Designing a system that will sense the presence or absence of a vehicle and reacts accordingly will be
highly important in handling traffic and traffic related activities.
Access to major roads provides relative advantages which commercial users locate to enjoy the
advantages. Modern business, industries, trades and general activities depend on transport and transport
infrastructure, with the movement of goods and services from place to place becoming vital and
inseparable aspects of global and urban economic survival.
1.3 Objective of the Study
1.3.1 Main Objective
The main objective of this system is to provide convenience to the management team by developing a
digital system to make processes regarding Traffic Management easier.
1.6.2 Content Scope
The study was focused on how traffic work and their performance.
2.1 Overview
This chapter overview the broad areas and review of developmental technologies and platforms used as
well as the review of related works concerning the traffic management system.
2.2 Introduction
In the recent past, researchers have tested a wide range of technologies in an attempt to find improved
methods of monitoring traffic conditions. Traffic system comprises one of the many areas of current
research. A brief survey of technologies explored during the past decade and a half is given below to
provide an understanding of the level of research interest in traffic system technologies.
AT&T experimented with the use of applied acoustic and digital signal processing technology to produce
a vehicular traffic system (Nordwall, 1994). Labeled the SmartSonic Traffic System (SmartSonic STS-1),
the project was intended by AT&T to replace the traditional traffic management detection systems. This
technology was originally developed from research used by the U.S. Navy for submarine detection
purposes. Mounted above passing vehicles, the SmartSonic STS-1 listens to the acoustic signals of
vehicles and is capable of distinguishing between larger trucks or buses and smaller vehicles. Applications
were to include traffic monitoring and vehicle counting, with the potential for incident detection being an
area for further research.
Prior to the installation of a Traffic system in Houston, a cellular phone demonstration project was
performed (Levine and McCasland, 1994). Researchers recruited 200 volunteers to participate in the
program, which required them to call a traffic information office when they passed specific freeway
locations during their morning and evening commutes. The lessons learned from the cell phone project
aided in the development of the data analysis, processing and dissemination techniques used for the
Traffic system that was later constructed.
In this brief survey, more distinct traffic system technologies have been identified as the subject of
research efforts since 1990. The amount of attention given to the research field of traffic surveillance
clearly suggests that a surveillance system that can provide reliable and accurate travel time data would
have a great potential.
2.3 Conceptual Framework
Data storing
2.4.2 Video Analysis
Video analysis consists of a smart camera placed which consists of sensors, a processing unit and a
communication unit. The traffic is continuously monitored using a smart camera. The video captured is
then compressed so as to reduce the transmission bandwidth. The video analysis abstracts scene
description from the raw video data. This description is then used to compute traffic statistics. This
statistic includes frequency of the vehicles, average speed of the vehicles as well as the lane occupancy.
2.6 Approach
This paper gives a real time traffic monitoring and management model to solve the problem of traffic
congestion in urban areas. It uses technologies like IoT, cloud computing and other advanced technologies
to collect and analyze real time traffic data. The proposed system will help in reducing traffic jams and
waiting times at traffic lights and achieve traffic fluency.
3.5 Data Gathering
Data gathering is a collection of faithful information about the old system and its essential step, because
we easily find out the required information of current system unless we accomplish it.
We have collected this faithful information from different resources; the primary technique for
information gathering during in the analysis phase is interviewing the people who worked and have
experience about the current Traffic Management to know the quality and the intensity of the information
we need. We used different techniques to collect the data some of those are Individual meetings,
Interviews and observation.
Figure 2: Waterfall model
4.0 Introduction
The results of the descriptive statistical analysis of the data and their interpretations are presented. The data collected from
the respondents who were the students at the university and drivers of the SEKU-KV road and Kitui-Nairobi road was
summarized and tabulated. In aid of analysis, I used Excel Sheet. The descriptive statistics used are the frequencies,
percentages and graphs. The descriptive statistics help to develop the basic features of the study and form the basis of
virtually every quantitative analysis of the data. The results are presented in terms of the study objectives.
21 Pie chart representation
Position Distribution Graph
Frequency and Percent
admin staff police driver
Frequency Percent
4.1.2. Interview
Face to face interviews was carried out on the drivers of the Kitui-Machakos road. The aim was to find out their
experience about the condition of the traffic on the said road and to understand how they feel about it
4.2. Summary of the Findings.
The study reveals that traffic management should enforce laws in accordance with the following:
a) Careless and inconsiderate driving.
The offense is committed if a driver drives on a ‘road’ or other public places without dye care and attention or
without reasonable consideration.
b) Speeding
A driver is guilty of speeding if he drove a vehicle on a road at a speed exceeding a limit prescribed by the road
c) Failure to give info as to the identity
The driver is required to provide information about themselves of a specified vehicle at a specified location on a
named date.
d) Failing to stop or report an accident.
It imposes an obligation on the driver of a vehicle, when an accident occurs and there has been injury or damage,
to stop and give details required by the police.
e) Expansion of an area traffic control through the interconnection of sub-areas around the city center.
f) Improvement and expansion to achieve an advanced system which can control traffic quickly and in a timely manner, in
response to real changes.
The system will be conceived with the improvement and expansion done in the following three stages:
1st stage: installation of terminal equipment in the city center and traffic signal local facilities, and individual linear
controls and surveillance systems on major radial roads,
2nd stage: improvement of traffic control operation transit to area traffic control, and
3rd stage: Operational start-up of a concentrated-control advanced system.
8. Interfacing- The system must offer an easy and simple way of viewing the current traffic offense status.
Login Offence_record Driver_magnt Report Offence_list User_magn
d t
Login to page add/edit record
Add/edit driver
Manage Records details view reports create/delete list delete/add/edit
save/update record users
List/delete driver
Manage driver details
Check type of user
Manage reports add/delete report status
Manage user
Offense records
Driver list
Offense List
User List
Login to System
offense record
Manage Driver
View Reports
Create Reports
Manage User
Change System
4.5 Interface Design
4.5.1 Login page for admin
4.6 Database Design
4.6.1 Driver table
Column Type Attributes Null Default
driver_name varchar(100) No
id Int(30) No
Licence_id_no varchar(100) No
status tinyint(1) No
date_created varchar(100) No
date_updated varchar(100) No
Individual modules of the system were tested to ensure that they functioned as per the requirements. For example, if data
were entered by a traffic police officer, the data is automatically uploaded to the system. If the status of the offense is
changed from “pending” to “active” or “paid”, the system accepts without a hitch.
Validations on data also proved to be sufficient enough.
4.7.2 System Output – Reports
The system shows the total number of offences every day and the total number of drivers listed by the field traffic police
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Summary of findings
Traffic Offence Management System is designed to overcome the problems encountered with the existing system i.e
manual such as data redundancy, time wasted in searching for records, poor security and protection, misplacing and
mismanaging of files. The new system is designed in such a wat that records about traffic offender is stored in a database
for easy retrieval of the data. The new system also helps the Road Safety Commission to have an organized traffic
documentation system to eradicate the use of the manual system.
5.3. Conclusions
The Road Safety Commission in Kenya was established to control the rate of road traffic accidents and control road users.
It is a good start towards the eradication of road accidents which has claimed a lot of lives, but the system used presently,
back in the days when the commission was first established, the manual system was effective.
But presently the world has gone global and so should the Road Safety Commission.
They should embrace and develop the computerized ideal of documenting Traffic Offences to help the function better and
achieve the goal for which it was established.
5.4 Recommendations
The following are the recommendation required in order to effectively use the new design:
The hardware and software requirements should be specified.
Staff should have basic knowledge of computer operations such as adding/editing/deleting records in a file. The
Road Safety Commission should budget funds for adequate training of all personnel and the staff of Commission
should be paid well in order for the to work effectively and yield maximum results.
The Road Safety Commission on their own should employ well educated graduates with the right discipline and
qualifications to occupy right positions to function effectively and improve their efforts to serve the nation and
mankind better.
5.5. Suggestions for further studies
Due to limited resources, funds and time the researcher suggest that, other researchers who wish to embark on the mission
of further improvement of the Road Safety Commission, should advocate for the adoption of the project which is the
computerization of Traffic Offence System. Researcher should push for this project to be passed as a bill to the National
Assembly and ensure it should be approved for the welfare of the Nation.
21st Century operations Using 21st Century Technologies. U.S Department of Transportation Federal
Highway Administration.2008-08-29. Retrieved 2008-09-25.
Zeng, Na, Ke-jing Qin, Jun Li. Intelligent transport management system for urban traffic hubs based on an
integration of multiple technologies. Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IE & EM).
2010 IEEE 17Th International Conference on. IEEE, 2010.
Bitam, Salim, Mellouk A. Its-cloud: Cloud computing for intelligent transportation system. Global
Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 2012 IEEE, 2012.
Appendix A: Questionnaire
Your Name*
Your e-mail address*
Year of Study*
Which traffic speed do you believe would be most desirable along SEKU-KV road?
o 30mph
o 20mph
o Don't know
By how much time does traffic delay you to school or back home?
o less than 20 minutes
o more than 30 minutes
o an hour
o Unfriendly
o Very unfriendly
Are there enough vehicles to carry students to and from SEKU?
o Yes
o No-how many more do you need and what type?
Table 8: Gantt chart
APPENDIX C: Hardware Requirements
Table 3: Hardware requirements
a). For Server
CPU Intel Pentium 4
APPENDIX D: Software Requirements
Table 4: Software requirements
Operating System Windows 10/11
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Admin Page
<h1>Welcome to <?php echo $_settings->info('name') ?></h1>
<hr class="bg-light">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-12 col-sm-6 col-md-3">
<div class="info-box">
<span class="info-box-icon bg-light elevation-1"><i class="fas fa-calendar-day"></i></span>
<div class="info-box-content">
<span class="info-box-text">Today's Offences</span>
<span class="info-box-number text-right">
$offense = $conn->query("SELECT * FROM `offense_list` where date(date_created) = '".date('Y-m-d')."' ")-
echo number_format($offense);
<?php ?>
<!-- /.info-box-content -->
<!-- /.info-box -->
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<div class="col-12 col-sm-6 col-md-3">
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<span class="info-box-icon bg-info elevation-1"><i class="fas fa-id-card"></i></span>
<div class="info-box-content">
<span class="info-box-text">Total Driver's Listed</span>
<span class="info-box-number text-right">
$drivers = $conn->query("SELECT id FROM `drivers_list` ")->num_rows;
echo number_format($drivers);
<!-- /.info-box-content -->
<!-- /.info-box -->
<!-- /.col -->
<div class="info-box-content">
<span class="info-box-text">Total Traffic Offenses</span>
<span class="info-box-number text-right">
$to = $conn->query("SELECT id FROM `offenses` where status = 1 ")->num_rows;
echo number_format($to);
<!-- /.info-box-content -->
<!-- /.info-box -->