Trafic Managment System Project
Trafic Managment System Project
Trafic Managment System Project
Team Members
NO Name ID
May 2024
Arbaminch, Ethiopia
First of all, we would like to thank God for helping us to reach this time. Then Special thanks for
our advisor, Mr. Advisor name for his continuous support in every phase of the project and who
continuously provides us his valuable advice to prepare this project document. Also, thanks to
the Arbamich Town Road Transport Authority employee and Arbaminch Town Traffic control
officers who give us a correct requirement for the system developed by our group members.
Lastly, we would like to acknowledge all our friends for their morals, idea, materials and
financial support during the courses of the years.
Table of Content
Table of Content...............................................................................................................................i
List of Tables...................................................................................................................................v
List of
CHAPTER ONE..............................................................................................................................1
1. INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................1
1.1. Background.......................................................................................................................1
1.2. Problem of statement........................................................................................................2
1.3. Objective...........................................................................................................................2
1.3.1. General Objective......................................................................................................2
1.3.2. Specific Objective......................................................................................................2
1.4. Scope.................................................................................................................................3
1.5. Limitation of the project...................................................................................................3
1.6. Tools and Methodology....................................................................................................3
1.7 Project Feasibility Study...................................................................................................5
1.7.1 Technical Feasibility..................................................................................................5
1.7.2 Economic Feasibility.................................................................................................5
1.7.3 Operational Feasibility...............................................................................................5
1.7.4 Schedule Feasibility...................................................................................................5
1.7.5 Legal Feasibility........................................................................................................6
1.8. Methodology.....................................................................................................................6
1.8.1. Data Collection..............................................................................................................6
1.8.2. Design and Implementation Methodology....................................................................6
1.9 Work Plan.........................................................................................................................7
1.10 Cost breakdown.................................................................................................................7
1.11 Team organization.............................................................................................................8
CHAPTER TWO.............................................................................................................................9
2 System Requirement Analysis..................................................................................................1
2.7 Existing system analysis...................................................................................................1
2.7.1 Problem of the Existing system.................................................................................1
2.7.2 Performance problem.................................................................................................1
2.8 Overview of proposed system Analysis............................................................................2
2.9 Requirements Analysis.....................................................................................................2
3 System Modeling......................................................................................................................7
3.7 System use case.................................................................................................................7
3.7.1 Use case Diagram......................................................................................................8
3.7.2 Use Case Description.................................................................................................8
3.8 SequenceDiagram...........................................................................................................22
3.9 Activity Diagrams...........................................................................................................37
3.10 State Chart Diagram........................................................................................................50
3.11 Class Diagram.................................................................................................................53
List of Acronyms
APN:……………………………………………………….Access point
In 2005, the Ethiopian government reorganized the transport sector and although the previously
independent Urban Transport Authority, the Railway Regulatory Authority, the Aviation
Authority, the Airport Administration Authority and the Maritime Regulatory Authority merged
into the Ethiopian Transport Authority, the Road Transport Authority remained independent.
The Arbaminch town road transport is branch of RTA which is responsible to SNNPR Road
Transport office. Existing System in Arbaminch town road transport authority is manual record
System. It has around 50,000 records of drivers including their name, number, category, age, ID
and any information regarding their status like they have punished or not by traffic police. The
punishment record has the following information: - name, driver license no, time the event has
arrived, place, kind, level, plate number.
The main purpose of Arbaminch town road transport office is to give driver license by providing
an exam for candidate drivers who finished course from legal Drivers training centers.
1.2. Problem Statement
The data in this system are kept manually especially after each driver is punished which makes it
difficult to search that data after several months or years when a traffic police need it to know the
profile of the driver, when the driver need it to know his/her profile, to renew his license, to pay
his/her penalty and the data will be destroyed by disaster. It takes time to search large number of
files. In addition to this the existing system has several limitations it is time consuming to record
and search files, Wastage of material, Duplication of paper, retrieve in bringing document to
those who need it, no system for properly transferring or removing of inactive files which are
occasional reference documents, Files get lost, Expensive, not efficient, Error prone, Difficulty
to integrate data, Data redundancy and Difficulty of locating & finding files dependent each
1.3. Objective
To develop a Web-Based Traffic Control and Management System for Arbaminch Town.
Although, design concepts, outputs and other components of the Project can be used for whole
Ethiopia, the implementation of this project is on only for Arbaminch town transport authority.
The scope of the project mainly deals with providing information about traffic polices and
drivers, accessing driver profile, register vehicle information. The main users of the projects are
traffic polices or Members and system Administrators.
1.4. Limitation
The Ethiopian transport authority system is very wide institution and the activities also wide. So,
by understanding the time to finish the project there is necessarily a limit to fulfill the required
goal in specified time. The new system cannot include the following modules: the scope of our
project is only for Arbaminch town, it doesn’t support local languages and our system needs
network connection.
1.6. Methodologies
The methodology involves data collection through various means, followed by design and
implementation using object-oriented principles. This approach ensures clarity, maintainability,
and flexibility throughout the development process.
Data Collection
The method which enables us to capture information about requested system is called
Methodology. The methods we employed in the data collection are site observation, interviews
and document analysis that are references or indirectly related to sodo town traffic control
management system.
The project will utilize PHP, HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, MySQL, and other software tools for
development. PHP and MySQL are chosen for their efficiency, flexibility, and cost-
1.7. Project Feasibility studies
The feasibility study is the preliminary study that determines whether a proposed system project
is financially, technically and operationally feasible. Feasibility study is essential to evaluate the
cost and benefits of the new system. The alternative analysis usually include as part of the
feasibility study, identifies viable alternatives for the system design and development.
A detailed work plan outlines project activities from proposal preparation to implementation,
ensuring timely completion within the specified timeframe.
Activities Time
April May June July August
Proposal 30
Preparation Days
Requirement 30 Days
System Design 60 Days
Documentation 1 Day
2 Pen 3 15 45
3 A4 Size Paper 1 Destin 420 420
4 Print 78 2 156
5 Flash Disk 1(8GB) 250 250
Total 30, 871
A cost breakdown analysis includes materials required for development, such as computers,
stationery, and software tools, ensuring effective budget management.
Web Based Traffic Control Management System for Arbaminch Sodo Town
2. - Designer
3. - Data collector
4 - Designer
5 - Data collector
Some of the activities which are performed under the existing systems are:
Information Problem
The existing system has many drawbacks concerning data security such as Lose of data may
occur, due to manually collecting of data, there is a redundant record and inconsistency
problems, Inaccurate data and information may produce, Incorrect information leads to poor
decision making, Poor flow of information between City traffic police and Transport office as
well as Higher Authorities like Zone and Regional Offices.
Data storage problem
Problems like Lack of a well-organized database system, Data are not easily accessible due to its
integration and placed in different location, Difficult to update information, Data redundancy that
leads to inconsistency, it is exposed to Disaster like, Fire, Flood, Volcanic eruption are main data
storage problems.
Efficiency Problem and Security
The efficiency of the existing system is not optimal, because storing and locating data takes
much more time and Redundancy flow of information.
Control problem
The current system can be accessed by unauthorized person, since it doesn’t have any
authentication and authorization system.
Arbaminch town traffic control and management system is web based application, designed to
help drivers and traffic polices. Our software is easy to use for both beginners and advanced
users. It provides user-friendly and attractive user interface, combined with strong searching,
Insertion and reporting capabilities.
That describes user goals or tasks that the users must be able to perform with the system. User
requirements therefore describe what the user will be able to do with the system.
The user interface shall be menu driven, it shall provide friendly dialog boxes; drop
down lists, radio buttons, and text boxes for user input.
The navigation from one screen to the other must be easy.
The bill officer wants to get real report according to the report type.
Buttons and labels would be indicating exact function that it represented known,
example submit represent save, add but not retrieve from database.
Drivers, Vehicle and traffic police must fullfil the business rule to be registered.
Functional Requirement
Functional requirements are the description of the facility or feature required. Functional
requirements deal with what the system should do or provide for users. They include description
of the required functions, outlines of associated reports or online queries, and details of data to be
held in the system. In general, our system is Web based application. The web application enables
to create Register Employee, Vehicle, Driver, Traffic police, view Employee profile, Vehicle
profile, Driver profile, and Traffic police profile and generate report. The functional requirement
of this system Actor includes the following.
REQ-1: The system shall require login before provide any function for administrator.
REQ-2: The system shall display an error message “Incorrect password or username” when
administrator try to login with wrong password or username.
REQ-3: The system shall allow the administrator to control the overall activities in the system.
REQ-4: The system shall allow administrator to change his /her account information.
REQ-5: The system should allow the administrator to create user account for the system user.
REQ-6: The system shall Inquiry all current enrolled/registered users to view their details except
REQ-7: The system shall remove wrong entries from the system.
REQ-8: the system shall view reports in different operations in the system.
REQ-9: The system shall give permission categorically, also enabling or disabling of user’s
permission can be set.
REQ-10: The system shall give the administrator to enable and disable users of the system.
REQ-11: The system shall ensure that the information entered is of the correct format.
REQ-1: The system shall require login before provide any function for any staff user.
REQ-2: The system shall display an error message “Incorrect password or username” when staff
user tries to login with wrong password or username.
REQ-3: The system shall allow the staff user to register the drivers (here the driver must pass the
exam provided by the organization).
REQ-4: The system shall allow the stuff user to change his/her account information Example
password, profile picture.
REQ-5: The system shall import vehicle information from vehicle database when required.
REQ-7: The system shall allow uploading notice from the staff members/users.
REQ-8: The system shall provide the calendar to the staff members’.
REQ-9: The system should allow staff user to search for any Driver and vehicle detailed
REQ-1: The system shall require login before allowing manipulation of vehicle information.
REQ-2: The system shall allow the authorized user to modify vehicle information example
vehicle type, level, owner.
REQ-3: The system shall allow search for any vehicle detailed information.
REQ-4: The system shall generate annual reports of the vehicle.
Traffic police:
REQ-1: The system shall require login before provide any function for Traffic police.
REQ-2: The system shall display an error message “Incorrect password or username” when
Traffic police try to login with wrong password or username.
REQ-3: The system allows Traffic police to change his /her account information except user
REQ-4: The system should allow Traffic police to view drivers detail information.
REQ-5: The system shall calculate number of records of the Driver for any Traffic police.
REQ-4: System allows Traffic police to punish the driver and update Driver details to the
REQ-7: The system shall search for any driver detailed information to the Traffic police.
REQ-8: The system shall approve Driver License and vehicle plate number.
Traffic police Administrator (TPA)
REQ-1: The system shall require login before provide any function for TPA.
REQ-2: The system shall display an error message “Incorrect password or username” when TPA
try to login with wrong password or username.
REQ-3: The system shall allow the TPA to control the overall activities of the Traffic police.
REQ-4: The system shall allow TPA to change his /her account information.
REQ-5: The system should allow the TPA to create user account for the Traffic Police.
REQ-6: The system shall Inquiry all current enrolled/registered Traffic police to view their
details except password.
REQ-7: The system shall give permission categorically, also enabling or disabling of traffic
Police permission can be set.
Non-Functional Requirements
Non-functional requirements are requirements that are not directly concerned with the specific
services delivered by the system to its users. They may relate to emergent system properties such
as reliability, response time, and store occupancy. Alternatively, they may define constraints on
the system implementation such as the capabilities of I/O devices or the data representations used
in interfaces with other systems. Non-functional requirements, such as performance, security, or
availability, usually specify or constrain characteristics of the system as a whole. Such as
The system provides a help and support menu in all interfaces for the user to interact with
the system.
The user can use the system (app) by reading help and support.
The user can use the system (app) by looking descriptive icons
The system provides username and password to prevent the system from unauthorized
The user’s password must be greater than eight characters including letters, numbers and
special characters.
Traffic Polices can be registered by the authorized staff admin only
Drivers registered by staff admins
The system response time for every instruction conducted by the user must not exceed
more than a minimum of few minutes and seconds.
The system work at high performance rate when executing user’s input and should be able
to provide response within a short time span for highly complicated tasks.
The system uses Advanced Languages to retain good performance like Ajax
The system should always be available on web app for access at 24 hours, 7 days a week.
Also, in the occurrence of any major system malfunctioning, the system should be
available in hours.
The system should be available on the internet always to allow administrators and other
staff to keep in touch everywhere
3.1. System Modeling
Alternate course 4.1 The system Displays ‘no such Employee/Traffic police found’
of Action message.
Table 3:Enable Account Use Case Description
Alternate course 4.1 The system Displays ‘no such Employee/Traffic police found’
of Action message.
Table 4: Disable Account Use Case Description Logout
Sequence diagrams are the most popular UML artifact for dynamic modeling, which focuses on
identifying the behavior within your system. Objects, classes, and actors are depicted in sequence
diagram. Sequence diagrams are typically used to model:
1. Usage scenarios. A usage scenario is a description of a potential way your system is used.
The logic of a usage scenario may be part of a use case, perhaps an alternate course. It may also
be one entire pass through a use case, such as the logic described by the basic course of action or
a portion of the basic course of action, plus one or more alternate scenarios. The logic of a usage
scenario may also be a pass through the logic contained in several use cases. For example, a
student enrolls in the university, and then immediately enrolls in three seminars.
2. The logic of methods. Sequence diagrams can be used to explore the logic of a complex
operation, function, or procedure. One way to think of sequence diagrams, particularly highly
detailed diagrams, is as visual object code.
3. The logic of services. A service is effectively a high-level method, often one that can be
invoked by a wide variety of clients.
1. LogIn Login
Class diagrams show the static structure of the model, in particular, the things that exist (such
as classes and types), their internal structure, and their relationships to other things.
Figure 33: Class Diagram
1. Dr. Pavitar Parkash Singh “Sales management”
2. Everce Kyomuhendo “An Inventory and Sales Management System”
3. Joey F. George, Dines Bart, Joseph S. Valacich, Jeffrey A. Hoofer “OOSAD”
4. Yohannes Tadesse. (March,2023) “The Effect of Sales Promotion on The Sales Volume:
The Case Of Anbessa Beer In Addis Ababa”
6. Rashmika Gaddam Ms , (8, 2023)”Sales and Stock Management System”
7. Object oriented programing courses