Week 7-8

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WEEK 7-8

Prepared by:

Teacher II
Anao High School
This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to comply with the regulatory
and organizational requirements for occupational health and safety such as identifying,
evaluating and maintaining occupational health and safety (OHS) awareness.


At the end of the lesson, learners are expected to:

1. Know the basic Infection Control, its principles and the principles of medical asepsis.
2. Identify the waste management coding.
3. Determine infections, their types and the types of microorganism causing infection.
4. Explain the standard protocols for all health care intervention.
5. Enumerate the principles of Proper Body Mechanics.


Identification: Identify the following and Write the correct answer on the space provided.

____________________1. An invasion of body tissue by microorganisms and their proliferation

on the site.
___________________ 2. Refers to measures designed to prevent the spread of infections or
potentially infectious microorganisms to health personnel, clients and visitors.
___________________ 3. includes all the practices used to prevent the spread of
microorganisms that could cause disease in a person.
___________________ 4. These are the practice techniques and procedures designed to produce
the number of microorganisms in an area or an object to decrease the likelihood of their transfer.
___________________ 5. This infection control called Medical asepsis.
___________________ 6. Infections that is associated with the delivery of health care services in
a health care facility.
___________________ 7. When a culture of the person’s blood reveals microorganisms.
___________________ 8. If the microorganisms spread and damage different parts of the body.
___________________ 9. Limited to the specific part of the body where the microorganisms
___________________10. Lives on other living organisms
___________________11. Includes yeast and molds
___________________12. Consist primarily of nucleic acid and therefore must enter living cells
in order to reproduce.
___________________13. The most common infection-causing microorganisms.
___________________14. because of its complexity, the health care setting is potentially
___________________15. Occurs when the newly introduced or resident microorganisms
succeed in invading a part of the body where the host’s defense mechanisms are ineffective and
the pathogen causes tissue damage.
 Infection control includes all the practices used to prevent the spread of microorganisms
that could cause disease in a person.
 Traditionally, infection control procedures have been divided into medical and surgical

 These are the practice techniques and procedures designed to produce the number of
microorganisms in an area or an object to decrease the likelihood of their transfer.
 It is also referred to as “clean technique”.
 Gives an added importance in the presence of individuals who are more susceptible to
infection because of illness, surgery, or immune suppression.

The caregiver must be aware of the principles of medical asepsis to avoid the ff:
1. Transferring microorganisms from a patient to caregiver.
2. Transferring microorganisms from the caregiver to a patient.
3. Transferring microorganisms from the caregiver to a co-worker.
4. Transferring microorganisms from one patient to another.


1. Microorganisms move on air currents.
2. Microorganisms are transferred from one surface to another whenever objects touch.
3. Microorganisms are transferred by gravity when one item is held above another.
4. Microorganisms are released into the air on droplet nuclei whenever a person breathes or
speaks. Coughing or sneezing dramatically increases the number of microorganism
released from the mouth and nose.
5. Microorganisms move slowly on dry surfaces but quickly through moisture.
6. Proper hand washing removes many of the microorganisms that can be transferred by the
hands from one item to another.
7. Blood-borne infections maybe spread to another person through contact between blood
and body substance that contain the blood borne organism and open wounds, sores or
mucous membranes and through penetrating injuries with contaminated items.
8. Some body surfaces, such as feces, urine, nasal secretions, vomitus and sputum do not
contain blood borne organism, but they may contain large quantities of bacteria that their
removal through hand washing is difficult.
1. Standard precautions apply to blood fluids, secretions, excretions, non intact skin and
mucous membranes.
2. Hands are washed if contaminated with blood or body fluid, immediately after or gloves
are removed, between patient contact, and when indicated to prevent transfer of
microorganism between their other patients or env’t.
3. Gloves are worn when touching blood, body fluid, secretions, excretions, non intact skin,
mucous membranes, or contaminated items. Gloves should be removed and hand washed
between patients cares.
4. Masks, eye protection, or face shields are worn if patient care activities may generate
splashes or sprays of blood or body fluid.
5. Gowns are worn if soiling of clothing is likely from blood or body fluid. Hands are
washed after removing gown.
6. Patient care equipment is properly cleaned and reprocessed and single-use items should
be discarded.
7. Contaminated linen is placed in leak-proof bag and handled so as to prevent skin and
mucous membrane exposure.
8. All sharp instruments and needles are discarded in a puncture resistant container.
9. A private room is unnecessary unless the patient hygienic is unacceptable. Check with
infection control professional.

Waste Management Color Coding

Black  Non-Infectious, Dry
Green  Non-Infectious, Wet
Yellow  Dry & Wet chemical & other Potentially infectious,
pathologic Chemical waste
Orange  With Trefoil Sign-radioactive sign.
Puncture-proof  With lime- Sharps.

 An invasion of body tissue by microorganisms and their proliferation on the site.
 Such a microorganism is referred to as infectious agent.
 Occurs when the newly introduced or resident microorganisms succeed in invading a part
of the body where the host’s defense mechanisms are ineffective and the pathogen causes
tissue damage.
Types of infection
1. Local Infection
 Limited to the specific part of the body where the microorganisms remain.
2. Systemic Infection
 If the microorganisms spread and damage different parts of the body.
3. Bacteremia
 When a culture of the person’s blood reveals microorganisms.
 When bacteremia results in systemic infection, it is referred to as septicemia.
4. Nosocomial Infection
Infections that is associated with the delivery of health care services in a health care
Can develop during a client’s stay in the facility or manifest after discharge.
Most common nosocomial infection sites includes: urinary tract, respiratory tract,
bloodstream and wounds.
When the microorganisms that caused the nosocomial infection originated from the
client, it is referred to have originated from an endogenous source.
 If it originated from hospital environment and hospital personnel, it originated from an
exogenous source.

Factors that contribute to Nosocomial Infections

1. Iatrogenic Infections –direct result of diagnostic or therapeutic procedures.
2. Compromised host –normal defenses are lowered by illness or surgey.
3. Insufficient hand washing

Most Common Microorganism Causes
A. Urinary Tract  Improper catheterization technique
Escherichia Coli  Contamination of closed drainage system
Enteroccocus Species  Inadequate hand washing
Pseudomonas Aeroginosa
B. Surgical sites/wounds  Inadequate hand washing
Staphylococcus Aureus  Improper dressing change technique
Enteroccocus Species
Pseudomonas Aeroginosa
C. Bloodstream  Inadequate hand washing
Coagulase-negative  Improper intravenous fluid, tubing and site care
Staphylococci technique
Staphylococcus Aureus
Enteroccocus Species
D. Pneumonia  Inadequate hand washing
Staphylococcus Aureus  Improper suctioning technique
Enteroccocus Species
Pseudomonas Aeroginosa
Types of Microorganisms causing Infections
1. Bacteria
 The most common infection-causing microorganisms.
 Several hundred species can cause disease in humans and can live and be transported
through air, water, food, soil, body tissues and fluids, and inanimate objects.
2. Viruses
 Consist primarily of nucleic acid and therefore must enter living cells in order to
 Common virus families include the rhinovirus, hepatitis, herpes and HIV.
3. Fungi
 Includes yeast and molds
 E.g. candida albicans –yeast considered to be a normal flora in the human vagina.
4. Parasites
 Lives on other living organisms
 Includes protozoa such as the one that causes malaria, helminthes and antropods.

 Refers to measures designed to prevent the spread of infections or potentially infectious
microorganisms to health personnel, clients and visitors.
2 systems:
1. Category-Specific Isolation Precautions
 Strict isolation
 Contact Isolation
 Respiratory Isolation
 Tuberculosis Isolation
 Enteric Precaution
 Drainage/Secretion Precaution
 Blood/body fluid Precaution
2. Disease-Specific Isolation Precautions
 Provided precautions for specific diseases.
 It delineated the use of private rooms with special ventilation, having the client
share a room with other clients infected with the same organism, and gowning to
prevent gross soilage of clothes for infectious diseases.
A. Tier 1: Standard Precautions
 Used in the care of all hospitalized persons regardless of their diagnostic or possible
infection status.
 They apply all blood; all body fluids, secretions and excretions except sweat, non-intact
skin, and mucous membranes.
B. Ties 2: Transmission-Based Precautions
 Used in addition to standard precaution for clients with known or suspected infections
that are spread in one of three ways:
1. Airborne Precautions
 Used for clients known to have or suspected of having serious illness transmitted
by airborne droplet nuclei smaller than 5 microns.
 Examples: measles(rubeola), varicella, and TB
2. Droplet Precautions
 Used for clients known or suspected to have serious illness transmitted by particle
droplet larger than 5 microns.
 Travels short distance (1 to 3 ft)
 Examples; diphtheria, mycoplasma pneumonia, pertussis, rubella, streptococcal
pharyngitis or scarlet fever of infants and young children.
3. Contact Precautions
 Used for clients with known or suspected to have serious illness easily transmitted
by direct client contact or contact with items in the client’s environment.


All caregiving skills must include certain basic steps for the safety and well-being of the
client and the caregiver. Remember that these steps are essential and must be followed to deliver
appropriate and responsible care.

 Armband for client identification
 Consent form (if required by agency policy)
 Clean disposable gloves (if contact with body secretions is anticipated)

Before the skills
1. Verify physician’s order if skill is dependent or collaborative interventions.
Rationale: dependent and collaborative interventions include most invasive
procedures, such as medications and urinary catheterization. Check agency policy.
2. Identify client by checking armband and having client state name. (if able to do so)
Rationale: armbands are standard procedures for client identification in most
agencies. Clients who have difficulty of hearing or have altered level of
consciousness may answer to a name other than their own. Some agency use
armbands to communicate special safety concerns such as allergies.
3. Introduce yourself to client, including both name and title or role, and explain what
you plan to do.
Rationale: clients have the right to know what will be done and by whom, as well as
those involve are students.
4. Explain the procedure and reason it is to be done in terms client can understand.
Rationale: understanding what is being done enhances clients’ ability and
willingness to cooperate. Client has the right to relevant, current and
understandable information.
5. Assess clients to determine that the intervention is still appropriate. (Each skill has
an assessment section that includes appropriate specific findings)
Rationale: clients have the right to make decisions about the plan of care before
and during the course of treatment.
6. Gather equipment and complete necessary charges.
Rationale: some equipment is reusable and is kept at the bedside. Some equipment
is disposable and charged to the client as used. Check agency policy.
7. Wash hands for at least ten seconds before each new client contact.
Rationale: handwashing is the most important technique in prevention and control
of the transmission of microorganisms.
8. Adjust the bed to appropriate height and lower side rail to the nearest you.
Rationale: this minimizes muscle strain on caregivers and helps prevent injury and
9. Provide privacy for client. Position and drape client as needed.
Rationale: respect for privacy is basic for preserving human dignity. Clients have
the right to privacy.
During the skill
10. Promote client involvement
Rationale: participation enhances client motivation and cooperation.
11. Assess client to tolerance, being alert for sign of discomfort and fatigue. Inability
to tolerate a procedure is prescribed in the caregivers notes.
Rationale: Clients’ ability to tolerate interventions varies depending on severity of
illness and disability. Caregivers need to use judgment in providing the
opportunity for rest and comfort measures.
Completion protocol
12. Assist client to a position of comfort, and place needed items within reach. Be
certain client has a way to call for help and know how to use it.
Rationale: clients may attempt to reach items and risk falling or injury.
13. Raise the side rails and lower the bed to the lowest position.
Rationale: this minimizes the risk of clients getting out of bed unattended.
Caregiving judgment may allow alert cooperative clients to have the side rails
down during the day without risking injury.
14. Store or remove and dispose of soiled supplies and equipment.
Rationale: see guidelines for handling and disposal of contaminated
15. Wash your hands for at least ten seconds after each client contact and after
removing gloves.
Rationale: wearing gloves does not eliminate the need to wash hands. Hand
washing is the most important technique in prevention and control of the
transmission of microbes.
16. Document client’s response and expected and unexpected outcomes.
Rationale: quality documentation enhances continuity of care.

Safety –because of its complexity, the health care setting is potentially dangerous. The structure
is spacious, with heavily traveled hallways, steps and elevators. For reasons of economy
most hospitals are constructed on a high rise or pavilion plan. Monitoring areas for unsafe
conditions and needed maintenance constantly poses problems and requires the vigilance
and assistance staff.
1. Use good body mechanics
2. Walk, avoid running
3. Keep the right hallways
4. Turn corners carefully
5. Open doors slowly
6. Use breaks on bed, wheelchair and stretchers
7. Place elevators on “hold” when loading or unloading


1. Weight balanced best when the center of gravity is directly above the base provided by
the feet. In this position the individual can maintain balance and stability with least
amount of effort.
2. Enlarging the base support increases the stability of the body.
3. A person or an object is more stable if the center of gravity is close to the base of support.
4. Enlarging the base of support in the direction of the force to be applied increases the
amount of force that can be applied.
5. Tighten or contract your supporting muscles before beginning a lifting task to prevent
6. Facing in the direction of the task to be performed and turning the entire body in one
plane, lessens the susceptibility of back injury.
7. Lifting should be undertaken be bending the legs and using the leg muscles rather than
using the back muscles.
8. It takes less energy to move an object on a level surface than to move it up a slanted
surface against the face of gravity.
9. Less energy is required to move an object when friction between the object surfaces on
which it rest is minimized.
10. It takes less energy to hold an object close to the body at a distance from the body. It is
easier to move an object that is close. Muscles are strongest when contracted and weakest
when stretched.
11. The weight of the body can be used as a force to assist in lifting or moving.
12. Smooth, rhythmic movement at moderate speed requires less energy than rapid, jerky
ones. Smooth continuous motions also are more accurate, safer, and better controlled than
sudden, jerky movements.
13. When an object is pushed, it absorbs part of the force being exerted, leaving less force
available to move the object. When an object is pulled, and the force exerted is available
for the task moving.
14. It takes less energy to work on a surface at an appropriate height than it does to stop or
stretch to reach the surface.
Identification: Identify the following and Write the correct answer on the space provided.

____________________1. An invasion of body tissue by microorganisms and their proliferation

on the site.
___________________ 2. Refers to measures designed to prevent the spread of infections or
potentially infectious microorganisms to health personnel, clients and visitors.
___________________ 3. includes all the practices used to prevent the spread of
microorganisms that could cause disease in a person.
___________________ 4. These are the practice techniques and procedures designed to produce
the number of microorganisms in an area or an object to decrease the likelihood of their transfer.
___________________ 5. This infection control called Medical asepsis.
___________________ 6. Infections that is associated with the delivery of health care services in
a health care facility.
___________________ 7. When a culture of the person’s blood reveals microorganisms.
___________________ 8. If the microorganisms spread and damage different parts of the body.
___________________ 9. Limited to the specific part of the body where the microorganisms
___________________10. Lives on other living organisms
___________________11. Includes yeast and molds

___________________12. Consist primarily of nucleic acid and therefore must enter living cells
in order to reproduce.
___________________13. The most common infection-causing microorganisms.
___________________14. because of its complexity, the health care setting is potentially
___________________15. Occurs when the newly introduced or resident microorganisms
succeed in invading a part of the body where the host’s defense mechanisms are ineffective and
the pathogen causes tissue damage.

Multiple Choices:

_______1. A heavily researched topic in infection control is about the single most important
A. Gloving
B. Face mask using
C. Handwashing
D. Changing linens
_______2. What should be worn if the patient care activities may generate splashes sprays of
blood, body fluid?
A. Masks, eye protection
B. Gloves
C. Gown
D. Mouth piece
_______3. Which of the following situations may cause droplet transmission of microorganism?
A. Facing clients who is coughing and sneezing with a distance of 3 feet.
B. Eating contaminated foods.
C. Entering in to a room, with infected patient.
D. All of the above.
_______4. All but one is the most nosocomial infection sites?
A. Urinary tract
B. Respiratory tract
C. Enteric
D. Blood stream and wounds
_______5. It is the single most effective and least expensive method to prevent nosocomial
A. Gloving
B. Handwashing
C. Wearing washable mask
D. Gowning
_______6. What should be worn when touching blood, body fluid, and secretions?
A. Face shields
B. Gloves
C. Gowns
D. Eye protection
_______7. On a traffic light, yellow means “proceed with caution”. In the field of healthcare,
where do you discard your used tissue papers?
A. Yellow bin
B. Orange bin
C. Green bin
D. Black bin
_______8. Precaution recommends that the use of standard personal protective equipment (PPE)
to prevent cross contamination. Which is not considered a piece of PPE?
A. Face shields
B. Cover gown
C. Eye wear
D. Gloves
_______9. Which of the following is not a type of microorganism that cause a disease.
A. Bacteria
B. Fungi
C. Parasites
D. Virus
E. All of the above
F. None of the above
_______10. Refers to measures designed to prevent the spread of infections or potentially
infectious microorganisms to health personnel, clients and visitors.
A. Handwashing
B. Isolation
C. Infection control
D. Medical asepsis
Matching type: match Column A with Column B. Write your answer on the space

A(Caregiving Practices) B(Principles)

_______1. Avoid clean object touches dirty object A. Microorganisms move slowly on
dry surfaces
_______2. Do not cough sneeze over the sterile area/clean area B. Microorganisms are
transferred by gravity
_______3. Avoid passing over clean/sterile area C. Microorganisms are
transferred from one surface to another.
_______4. Discard the uncapped needle and syringe into container D. Microorganisms are
transferred by droplet
_______5. Use dry towel to turn off faucet E. Blood-borne infection may be
spread to another person through

A(Waste) B(Garbage)
_______6. Blades A. Green
_______7. Packaging of gloves B. Orange
_______8. Gauze C. Black
_______9. Radioactive materials D. Puncture-proof
_______10. Left over foods E. Yellow
_______11. Needles
_______12. Styrofoam
_______13. Plaster
_______14. Cotton balls
_______15. Candy wrappers

True or False: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is incorrect.

_______1. Wearing gloves does not eliminate the need to wash hands.
_______2. Nosocomial infections are not acquired by health personnel.
_______3. Microorganism can also be transferred by way of equipment.
_______4. Wash hands when they are obviously soiled.
_______5. Never touch with bare hands anything that is wet coming from a body surface.
_______6. Hands are washed after removing gown.
_______7. A person or an object is more stable if the center of gravity is away to the base of
_______8. Enlarging the base support increases the stability of the body.
_______9. Invasion of privacy is basic for preserving human dignity
_______10. The most common infection-causing microorganisms is the virus.

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