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SO2e UI Achievement Test 3

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Upper Intermediate Achievement test 3 (Units 5–6)

Listening Grammar
1 Recording 5 Listen to the radio interview and 3 Find and correct two mistakes in each
complete the sentences below with no more sentence.
than three words.
1 The highest mountain in the South America is the
1 The newspaper headlines have been rather Aconcagua.
alarming this week. 2 They’ll probably have sleeping by now. You
2 As we all know,                                               as
should phoned them tomorrow.
MRSA have been infecting hospital patients for
a number of years now. 3 They missed last bus home but fortunately they
3 Hospital staff and visitors are now in the habit of were able get a taxi.
with antiseptic gel when entering or leaving wards. 4 If we were to pay deposit on the house, when
4 An increase in international could we to move in?
tourism is believed to have caused the spread of 5 If you’ll get up at five, you’ll be able to see sun
highly resistant bacteria. rise over the ocean.
5 Unlike                                             , antibiotics are
6 Come and have the lunch with us. Mum will have
generally only taken for short periods of time.
6 Alexander Fleming, the scientist whose prepare it by now.
penicillin made him famous, was aware of its
drawbacks. 5
7 People often insist their doctors give them
antibiotics when they have a cold, 4 Choose the correct answer to complete the text,
or cough. a), b), c) or d).
8 If you stop taking antibiotics but don’t complete
the full course, you increase the risk of bacteria There is no longer 1   d   ‘right’ age for doing things
becoming                                              . – you just 2           to be in reasonably good health. In
9 As this is a global problem, governments need to the past, 3           people were supposed 4            ‘act
work with                                               to find new their age’, which meant that if you were over
ways to fight these superbugs. twenty-five, you 5           go backpacking around the
world, as people do now. If you 6          , you were
8 seen as rather eccentric. 7           you were a teenager
forty years ago, you 8           not have been allowed
2 Recording 5 Listen to the radio interview again to watch TV or chat on the phone for hours, much
and write true (T) or false (F). less 9           with your parents. People are now living
longer, and many of the elderly are busy taking
According to Dr Reynolds:
cruises and logging on to social networking sites.
1 Hospital hygiene has been greatly improved
Who knows what we 10           doing in twenty years’
in the NHS. T 
time? How much more 11           life have changed?
2 A new gene called NDM-1 increases the
effectiveness of antibiotics.     1 a) the b) − c) an d)   a  
3 Very few people now travel abroad for
2 a) may b) should c) have d) can
cheaper medical treatment, such as kidney 3 a) the b) − c) a d) any
transplants or cosmetic surgery.     
4 a) to be b) to being c) being d) to
4 Research into the development of new 5 a) won’t b) can’t c) wouldn’t d) hasn’t
antibiotics is not cost-effective for
6 a) would b) do c) have d) did
pharmaceutical companies.      7 a) As b) Since c) If d) Provide
5 Drugs such as antibiotics tend to become
8 a) has b) would c) was d) had
ineffective after a short period of time.      9 a) argue b) argued c) argues d) arguing
6 Alexander Fleming advised that the use of
10 a) are b) ’ll be c) ’ve been d) ’ll
antibiotics should be tightly controlled.      11 a) will b) is c) will the d) the
7 People wrongly believe that antibiotics are
an effective cure against colds.      10
8 Our obsession with hygiene at home is
reducing our capacity to fight off bacteria
and making us resistant to antibiotics.     

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Upper Intermediate Achievement test 3 (Units 5–6)

5 Complete the second sentence with no more 7 Complete the sentences with the words in the
than five words so that it means the same as the box. There are three extra words you do not
first. Use the word in CAPITALS. need to use.
1 The table was large but we finally got it through breakdowns breakthroughs criticises
the door. despair immature mature
MANAGED reject travelling unwilling
The table was large but we finally managed to get
it through the door.
1 The thought that he was going to lose his job filled
2 When I was young I often used to play outdoors.
Daniel with despair as he knew it’d be virtually
impossible to find a new one.
When I was young, I                                               .
2 One of the greatest medical                 of the
3 I shouldn’t have told her.
twentieth century was the development of
a vaccine against polio.
I                                                                        her.
3 If you’re                 to run the distance, you
4 I can’t drive until I’m 18.
shouldn’t enter the race.
4 My boss always                 everything I do and I’ve
I                                                            until I’m 18.
lost my confidence as a result. I feel that whatever
5 You can have a party if you clean up afterwards.
I do, it’s wrong.
5 If 17-year-olds are legally responsible enough to
You can have a party                                         .
drive, then why are they considered too                
6 They won’t be able to travel if they don’t have a
to vote?
6 I was told that                 alone makes for a real life
experience and it’s so true.
They won’t be able to travel                                .

8 Complete the sentences with the correct form

Vocabulary of the word in brackets.
6 Underline the correct alternative. 1 Liane has always been great at dealing with
unfamiliar (family) situations and seems to enjoy
1 Try not to worry. Life is full of ups and the challenges they create.
drawbacks/downs. It’ll all work out in the end. 2 With all due respect, your ideas on how to manage
2 The film didn’t contain any surprises. It was very staffing costs are completely                 (logic)
immature/predictable. and make no sense at all.
3 Once I turned fifty, I started experiencing age 3 I think you might have                 (interpret) what I
obligation/discrimination at work. meant when I said I wanted more freedom. I was
4 He saw/raised a gap in the market and exploited it. talking about work and my desire to set up my
5 The party was absolutely dreadful/crazy. Not only own business.
was the music terrible but no one was there! 4 I’m ever so sorry but this plan is completely
6 It’s not easy running/charging your own business (real). Although it may look feasible on paper, in
with the economy as it is. reality it’s never going to work.
7 Sally was upbeat/dreading having to tell her mum 5 The creation of the internet has                 (able)
that she’d failed the exam. people to have access to a huge amount of
8 What’s the minimum/mortal age if you want to information from all around the world.
ride a motorbike in this country? 6 The invention of electricity                 (revolution)
9 The last time I visited the U.S., my nephew was people’s lives and has since developed into
just reaching/coming of age. a necessity for those people who have it.
10 Unfortunately, the celebrity sportsman we had in
mind wasn’t interested in adjusting/endorsing our 5
new sports drink.
11 I wish he wasn’t so gloomy. He never looks on
the light/bright side of life.


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Upper Intermediate Achievement test 3 (Units 5–6)

Function Reading
9 Underline the correct answer, a), b) or c). 11 Read the article. Underline true (T) or false
(F) on page 4.
1   b   he needs to look for a job.
a) Shouldn’t b)  Surely c) Doesn’t Brain change
2 I think we should go           brighter colour walls
this time. What do you think? Do you frequently interrupt what you’re doing to
a) at b) for c) to check your emails or text messages? Or find it
3 He can’t decide whether or not to take the difficult to concentrate on reading a long newspaper
promotion. He’s torn            his family and his article, or a book? Do your children complain
career. because you’re too busy writing tweets or checking
a) between b) from c) of social media to play with them? It’s likely that most
4 Would you            taking my mother on holiday people nowadays would answer ‘yes’ to at least one
with us this year? of these questions.
a) accept b) consider c) agree
5            we do more to help underprivileged We are only a decade or so into the internet
children in our own society? revolution but scientists are already engaged in
a) Don’t b) Shouldn’t c) Unless a lively debate about the effect it is having on our
6            you see that he’ll never change? brains. They say that multi-tasking is changing how
a) Don’t b) Isn’t c) If we think and behave, and that our ability to focus on
what we are doing is being damaged by frequent
5 short bursts of information. According to recent
research, these ‘bursts’ play to a primitive impulse
in us to pay attention to new information. In the
10 Complete the conversation with words and
past, this would probably have meant danger
phrases a)–k) below.
nearby: a lion or some other kind of enemy. The
A: How does the idea of retiring 1  b   you? equivalent nowadays is the ping of a new message
B: Retiring? But I’m only fifty-five! or email, provoking a feeling of excitement that can
A: Yes, but don’t you 2        should take it easier? become very addictive. Without it, people feel
I think you work too hard. bored.
B: So, what you’re 3        that I should stop working
for the company! While many people think that multi-tasking makes
A: I think we’re on the 4      here. To be 5       , I’m them more productive, this has been shown to be
only trying to helpful as you have had problems false. Researchers say that heavy multi-taskers have
with work this year, haven’t you? more trouble concentrating and find it difficult to
B: No! In fact, I have 6         that I think I’m doing ignore irrelevant information. They also experience
my job better than ever. more stress. On the other hand, the use of
A: With respect, I’m afraid I 7        as sales have technology can also benefit the brain in some ways.
been falling steadily for the last year. Web surfers are said to be better at finding
B: So, 8        you think it’s all my fault? information, while some videogames give users
A: Well, 9       , as the acting marketing manager, to better visual coordination.
a large degree, yes.
B: So in 10        , you think I should resign? Generally speaking, no one would deny that mobile
A: Well, I certainly think it 11        better if you phones and computers have transformed life as we
seriously considered early retirement. knew it. People have more freedom to work
anywhere. The world has shrunk and computers can
a) disagree g) would be deal with boring daily tasks, giving us more free
b) strike h) saying is time to enjoy life. Nevertheless, we should also be
c) honest i) to say aware of the dangers of these recent discoveries.
d) other words j) wrong track The time may soon come when we will cherish our
e) agree you k) actually ability to be able to ‘think for ourselves’, of
f) basically switching off the computer and reading a good
book, of being human: in other words, of paying
10 more attention to the people around us.

3 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education Limited 2016

Upper Intermediate Achievement test 3 (Units 5–6)

According to the text:

1 People can’t read well nowadays. T/F Writing
2 Parents sometimes pay more attention to 13 Underline the correct alternative.
their mobile phones than to their children. T/F
3 Scientists have been researching into the Hi Wendy,
effects of the internet. T/F I’ve just heard that Etherwood is playing at the
4 Exposure to lots of short texts makes it Okehart Festival in July! 1How about coming over
easier to concentrate on one thing. T/F to/I’d be most grateful if you visit me so we can see
5 People often feel bored when they them together? Tickets have just gone on sale so I’ll
receive new texts or emails. T/F get some as soon as you 2 let me know if you’re
6 People who do more than one task at coming/accept my invitation. Check out the festival
a time work less effectively. T/F website and tell me if you can make it or not.
7 People who do a lot of multi-tasking are A few friends from college live near Okehart so 3 the
usually more stressed. T/F best idea/my preference would be to stay at theirs.
8 The use of technology can be very good I’ll get in touch with them and 4 let you know/inform
for the brain. T/F you if that’d work. They may want to come with us
9 The arrival of computers and mobile to the festival. Is there anything else you’d like to do
technology has had little impact on when you visit? 5I would be interested to/I’d be so
our lives. T/F happy if you could stay a few days. I really hope
10 People have less free time now. T/F you make it. 6I am looking forward to hearing/Can’t
11 The writer thinks that interaction with wait to hear back from you!
other people is less important than Lorraine
making new discoveries. T/F
14 Write an email to accept the invitation in
12 Read the text again and underline the correct Exercise 13. Use the prompts below. Write
answer, a), b) or c). 170–220 words.

1 These days many people c . 1 Accept the invite

a) don’t even read short newspaper articles 2 Give dates you can visit
b) play with their children on social media 3 Mention two things you’d like to do on your visit
c) are unable to concentrate for long 4 Ask about the best way to travel there
2 Scientists believe that            is changing our 5 Arrange to call your friend
brains. 6 Sign off
a) our ability to multi-task                                                                            
b) social media                                                                            
c) how we now view danger                                                                            
3 Research has shown that people are more likely to                                                                            
become           .                                                                            
a) bored with messaging after a short time                                                                            
b) addicted to modern means of communication                                                                            
c) productive if they multi-task                                                                            
4 People who frequently multi-task           .                                                                            
a) may be prone to higher levels of stress                                                                            
b) find it easier to dismiss useless data                                                                            
c) are better able to focus on tasks                                                                            
5 It has been found that some videogames           .                                                                            
a) reduce levels of stress in individuals                                                                            
b) aid eye to hand movement                                                                            
c) improve people’s ability to find information on                                                                            
the internet                                                                            
6 In the future, we might           .                                                                            
a) miss doing repetitive and boring tasks                                                                            
b) wish we had more free time
c) miss having real human contact 10

5 Total: 100

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