National Lampoon v1n19 1971-10 - Back-to-School
National Lampoon v1n19 1971-10 - Back-to-School
National Lampoon v1n19 1971-10 - Back-to-School
NO-RISK GUARANTEE: If not delighted. I may return the introductory
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Copyright © 2007 National Lampoon Inc.
Dear Walt: I'm sure you won't print this, and, if
Outfoxed again, you devil! My turn: you do, you'll probably misspell my
What is the difference between a cat and name. It's F-R-I-S-B-Y. That's with a
a comma? "Y," not an "E-E."
Philip, Duke of Edinburgh Dobson Frisbee
Buckingha.m Palace Salad Forks, Minn.
Dear Sir: Gentlemen,
If some morning we wake up and find Please send me posthaste a sample of
that there's only one kind of ice cream your remarkable product which you have
in all the stores and long lines for pork advertised extensively as being capable
chops and m a n d a t o r y marijuana injec- of ridding even the most redolent domi-
tions and no more nylon and the ham- cile of the ill you describe as "housi-
Dear Phil: mer-and-bicycle flying from the Statue
Why did the little moron take off his tosis."
of Liberty, we'll know who to thank! Roderick Usher
Ralph Putrillo Usher Manor, Pa.
Hon. Walter Annenberg
Sun Beach, Calif.
U.S. Embassy
London Dear Sirs: Deer Citty Slikkers,
You know what I say? I say, go to If you luk insied this note, you wil
Deal Walt: hell you rotten bums, that's what I say. fined an important bottel!
I give up—why did he take off his Bill Morola The Old Switcheroo
kneecap? Freon Park, N . J . Penobscot, Me.
Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
Buckingham Palace Gentlemen:
London Dear Editors, So that's why. All right, the hell with
You think you're so smart? O.K., if it. By the way, I noticed you misspelled
Dear Phil: you think you're so smart, why aren't
m y name as I thought you would. It's
To see if there was any beer in the you the head of the Sales Department F-R-I-S-B-Y. That's from the Norse,
joint! over here at Standard Faucet like George
Tuna? Well? Answer m e that. I dare and it means "he who brought the whisk
Hon. Walter Annenberg broom." F-R-I-S-B-E-E is a kind of toy.
you to print this.
U.S. Embassy Dobson Frisbee
London George T u n a Salad Forks, Minn.
Condom, Ohio
Gentlemen: Sirs:
You know what I think? I think you How much wood could a woodchuck
chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck
Making love guys are sick, that's what I think.
Tony Quent wood?
is your Barabbas, Tex. Sincerely,
Herbert Marcuse
business. San Francisco, Calif.
Dear Sirs:
Keeping it Hey, how about a spoof on shaving- Sirs:
private cream cans? You know the way too
much shaving cream always comes out
This time you have gone too far. Free-
i is ours. and when you get to the end there isn't
dom of speech does not imply the right
to print "fuck" in a crowded magazine.
Whether you live in a big city with its enough air left in the can, and it just
kind of sputters? Sincerely,
crowded drugstores, or in a small town Oliver Wendell Holmes
where people know each other so well, Roger Sendow
obtaining male contraceptives without Washington, D.C.
Fort Beaver, B.C.
embarrassment can be a problem.
Now, Population Planning Associates Sirs:
has solved the problem . . . by offering Gentlemen: I am seeking an unbiased opinion.
reliable, famous-brand male contra- You know what gets under my skin? Which do you prefer: Bob or Bobby?
ceptives through the privacy of the Pocket fluff. You could really do a good Mr. Robert Darin
mail. Popular brands like Trojan and parody of pocket fluff, and I know a lot Hollywood, Calif.
Sultan. Exciting British imports... the of other people feel the same way I do.
Fetherlite and the NuForm...available Dave Horst Sirs:
nowhere else. And many more. All are Slowville, Va.
electronically tested and meet rigorous I overheard this one the other day,
government standards of reliability. and have been telling it so much lately
Dear Sir:
We'll be glad to send you our free il- that my husband suggested I send it in
I fink, therefore I am.
lustrated brochure which describes the to a magazine. He was joking, of course,
Sidney Zion
products and services that we have but I figured . . . why not? (The joke is
New York, N.Y.
been bringing to 10,000 regular cus- just a little racy, however, so I would
tomers for nearly two years. Or send Gentlemen: appreciate it if you wouldn't give out
just $3 for a sampler of a dozen con- I imagine you get hundreds of inter- my name.)
traceptives - three each of the brands
described above — plus our brochure. esting, informative, and thought-provok- M O T T O ON B A T H R O O M WALL:
Money back if not delighted! ing letters from your readers each month. THAT'S T H E WAY T H E
For free brochure or $3 sampler Why don't you print them instead of SPANISH FLY!
mailed in plain package, write: running juvenile "parody" letters with Terrific, wasn't it? I know where I can
Population Planning Associates, Dept. C-8
fanciful plans to end the war, unlikely get a million just like it if you want them.
105 No. Columbia, Chapel Hill, N.C. 27514 hate letters, "joke" junk mail, and fake Martha Mitchell
love letters? Washington, D.C.
Thank you for letting us see your
manuscript, The Sensuous .
We regret, however, that it does not
meet our needs at the present time.
Lyle Stuart, Publisher
New York, N.Y.
You guys probably never heard of
me on account of I play defensive right
end for the Oakland Raiders and I
wouldn't expect a bunch of phony Ivy
JUNE, 1970/BLIGHT: With Sludge Magazine, Beauty Tips for Mutants, Our Threatened Nazis, Jean
League intellectual assholes like you to Shepherd's S.P.L.A.T., Mort Gerberg's Pollutionland, and Michael O'Donoghue's Extinction Game.
know a goddamn thing about football.
JULY, 1970/BAD TASTE: Don't miss The Liz Taylor and Richard Burton Gift Catalogue, the Special
Anyway, around our locker room your Mediocrity Supplement, A Photographer's Guide to Art and Pornography, and the Most Tasteless
"magazine" ("piece of shit" is more like Article Ever Printed!
it) is about as popular as a brain tumor. AUGUST, 1970/PARANOIA: What would America be like as a second-rate power? Read We're Only
The way you four-eyed, smart-assed Number Two. Also, a Paranoia Map of the World, Is Nixon Dead? (well, is he?) and The Secret of
mental cripples dump all over our most San Clemente.
sacred institutions is enough to make SEPTEMBER, 1970/SHOW BIZ: Get your mezzanine seats now for the MGM Blackmail Auction,
Screen Slime Magazine, Raquel Welch Laid Bare, Diary of a New Left Starlet, and College Concert
me want to puke, and is probably trader- Comix!
ous to our country, too. After talking NOVEMBER, 1970/NOSTALGIA: A spin out on Memory Lane. Read reminiscences by Jean Shepherd;
about this over a few beers last night, the 1896 Sears, Roebuck Sex Catalogue; The Fifties: A Special Section; 1936: A Space Odyssey;
me and some of the guys on the team and The Death Song Game.
that still love America decided we would DECEMBER, 1970/CHRISTMAS: Prepare now for the next ghastly hollydaze with Gahan Wilson's
come to your office on our next trip to Xmas Horrors, The Santology Handbook, I Remember Jesus, and Tricia and the Prince Comics.
the Big Apple and maybe tapdance on JANUARY, 1971/WOMEN'S LIBERATION: Combat the Pink Peril with the Women's Lib Naughty
Pinup Calendar, the Anti-Sexist Children's Book, a special Cosmopolitan Parody, and the expur-
your temples. Would Monday, October gated best seller. . . The Censorless Woman!
18, at 3:00 be okay?
FEBRUARY, 1971/HEAD ISSUE: Learn the mind-expanding powers of Kitty Litter in Michael
Ben Davidson O'Donoghue's Bummers, the Natlamp Special Stoned Section, Hermann Hesse's Siddhartha Clas-
Oakland, California sic Comic, Madison Avenue, Marijuana Packs, and the 1971 Rolling Stone parody ("Mozart, We'll
Miss You!")!
Dear Abby: MARCH, 1971/CULTURE: Tote that tome and lift that pinkie with Michael O'Donoghue's How to
I have a problem with a tattoo. You Write Good, The Gracie Slick Handbook of Radical Dos & Don'ts, The Undiscovered Notebooks
of Leonardo da Vinci, The Mantovanl Strain, and The Life and Times of Captain Bringdown.
see, my last boyfriend insisted that I APRIL, 1971/ADVENTURE: Good God, Professor, it's . . . it's . . . Derby Dames on Parade, Tarzan
have his name tattooed on my tummy of the Cows, Real Balls Adventure Magazine, The Philosopher Detective, The Great American
in order to "prove that I loved him." Cereal Box, and free Booblegum Cards.
Now my new boyfriend wants to "do MAY, 1971/THE FUTURE: Hop into our steam-powered Time Trolley and stumble backward into the
it," but I am afraid of his reaction when World of Tomorrow. You'll be delighted that you won't live to see: the Zero Gravity Sex Manual
he sees my tattoo. I have tried to re- (The NASA Sutra), Time Warp Comics, the Special Pull-Out " I f " Section, the 1906 National Lampoon,
Attack of the 90-Foot Macrobes, and Toilets of the Extraterrestrials.
move it, using everything from Oxydol
JUNE, 1971/RELIGION: Listen, it's getting to be a real pain in the ass coming up with kicky lead-ins
(with green crystals) to Nair with Cocoa to stuff like Natlamp's Inferno, Magic Made E-Z, The Prophet by Kahili Gibrjsh, I Dreamed I Was
Butter, but to no avail. I have put my There In Overdose Heaven, and Buckminster Fuller-Charles Reich-Marshall McCluhan-Kate Millett
boyfriend off up until now, but he is Utopia Four Comix.
beginning to suspect that I'm "not that JULY, 1971/PORNOGRAPHY: Get it up, off, and out of your system with My Secret Life by David
kind of girl," and if he spreads that Eisenhower, The Breast Game, Dirty Dick & Jane, Filthy Sherlock Holmes, Are You a Homo? and
around you can imagine what it will Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex (Aren't You Sorry You Asked?).
AUGUST, 1971/BUMMER: Have a bad trip without illegal substances with Defeat Comics, Welfare
do to my reputation. Have you any Monopoly, the Special Canadian Supplement, and Right On!, the flick Jane Fonda was making
ideas? while you thought she was working for the revolution.
Signed, SEPTEMBER, 1971/KIDS: Visit Eloise at the Hotel Dixee, meet high adventure with the Hardy
14 and worried, Boys, laugh along with Children's Letters to the Gestapo, and test your wits with Commander
Barkfeather's spicy rebuses.
Clasmy, Tex.
To order these back issues, just check off the ones you want in the coupon below. Return the
Sirs: coupon to us with $1 in bill, check, or money order for each copy you'd like.
Just what in blue blazes is "animal
husbandry," anyway??? Up until now THE NATIONAL LAMPOON, Dept. NL1071, 635 Madison Ave., N.Y.C. 10022
I've been so afraid that if anyone caught Send me the following:
me and Boo-Boo out behind the fire No. of copies Issue No. of copies Issue
tower, none of the "nice" bears would JUNE, 1970 MARCH, 1971
date me again. Now I find "animal hus- JULY, 1970 APRIL, 1971
bandry" listed as a bona fide U.S. Gov- AUGUST, 1970 MAY, 1971
SEPTEMBER, 1970 JUNE, 1971
ernment career!!! What gives??? (Besides NOVEMBER, 1970 JULY, 1971
Boo-Boo.) DECEMBER, 1970 AUGUST, 1971
Perplexedly, JANUARY, 1971 SEPTEMBER, 1971
Ranger Smith FEBRUARY, 1971 TOTAL'
Posthole, Wyoming I enclose a total of $. at $1 for each copy requested. This amount
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Copyright © 2007 National Lampoon Inc.
perky mood including even Pat, who Dick cashes in they'll put his puss on a
has a terrific sweet tooth and had only coin that's 20 percent silver, 40 percent
that day discovered that they make an copper, and 40 percent cottage cheese,
orange-flavored chapstick. I don't think ho ho, give me your nines. Dick smiled,
I've seen her so happy since the day that but I noticed that he gave Hank a little
Onassis tramp came to the White House kick under the table, and Hank said if
to pick up some of her hoity-toity antique they ever make one for Spiggy they'll be
sculptures and Pat told her that the Girl worth their weight in gold because any
Scouts had already picked everything coin with every word misspelled is bound
up and made them into planters. to be a collector's item, hee hee. Well,
As we played, I noticed that Spiggy this time I really put my foot down and
was giving Hank funny sidelong glances, made Spiggy turn the card table back
and I realized that he might still be car- over because he was making a mess and
rying a grudge from that day in Dick's Dick made a conciliatory (it pays to in-
office. My fears were confirmed when crease your word power!) joke about the
Spiggy started making cracks to Hank criminal mentality. John said speaking
about his trip to China, like do they of criminal mentalities, several million Would you buy a new
really take American Express at those of them are going to get the vote in '72
way-out massage parlors, give me your and we'd better get cracking, because tee shirt with this used
fours. (Spiggy was still prickly about when that tunnel gets filled in after the man's picture on it?
Dick giving Hank an American Express convention it'll only hold about 700,000 Check box(es) below for desired item(s) and
card on the company for his trip. All or so. Just then Hank blinked his eyes underline color. Price includes all state and local
Spiggy got for his was a big roll of bills and said not to worry because he'd taxes and all handling charges. Make check or
with a twenty wrapped around the out- picked up some ideas on his trip from money order payable to:
side and a lot of ones on the inside.) the way Chou handled the Red Guard. TACTION 23B montgomery st. suite 1515
Hank shot a look at Spiggy over his Maybe a good way to start, he said, was X X RT, inc. san francisco. California 94104
cards and said hey Spiggy that's quite a if Dick had a little red book made up
• Tee shirts (white only) $3.00 each. S.M.L.
tan you picked up on your trip, but of some of his sayings. Then they could D Tank-tops ( navy) $4.50 each. S.M.L.
you're back now so why waste all that see if the Supreme Court would let them • Sweatshirts (white, cinnamon, light blue,
salad oil on that beak of yours, give me use Dick's sayings instead of the pledge navy) $6.00 each. S.M.L.
your fives, ha ha. Spiggy made a face of allegiance, which was getting sort of Name
and said that Hank had forgotten to give out of date anyway. Dick smiled and
him his cards this time and was he try- said that he had had exactly the same Address
ing to deal him out of the game? Hank idea himself, and, as a matter of fact, City.
laughed and said hell no, I don't have he had been making little jottings in a
them but it wouldn't hurt to give John notebook lately of his thoughts for just State Zip
Connally a call, heh heh, give me your that reason. He took out a little spiral Dealer inquiries welcome. (please print)
sevens. notebook with some penciling in it and
asked us if we'd like to be the first to
Well, I decided to sit out a hand and hear some of his thoughts and of course
change the subject (I noticed John had we all said yes yes. Dick turned a little
slipped the old maid into Dick's sock pink and cleared his throat and said
anyway), so I showed Pat some of the well here's one I think is sort of on the
* *
souvenirs we picked up in Spain, par- beam: When going to the laundry, the
ticularly the funny little miniature head foolish man does not ask for heavy
of an actual Communist set in a plastic starch. On the other hand, the wise man
cube that that nice Mr. Franco gave to does ask for heavy starch because his RIGHT W I N G
Spiggy as a paperweight. Pat said it was shirt can be worn several times longer PARAMILITARY
very nice and would I care for a chap- due to it's added stiffness at the collars
stick but Hank cut in again and said and cuffs and still present a fresh, neat
that it was just a piece of cheap tourist appearance to employer and fellow em-
junk and when he was in Peking he got ployees alike. Dick stopped and cleared and proud.J
to watch as they spray-painted Mao for his throat again and looked a little shy
the diplomatic banquet. Right then Dick and asked if we'd like to hear another.
woke up and giggled. Spiggy's ears got
^of it!
red and he said speaking of state secrets, OR PERHAPS A
Well, there was a bit of nervous "LEFT WING COMMIE
it's a good thing that Ellsberg didn't get
coughing and people sort of shifted in OR MAYBE A ANARCHIST"
a hold of the taxidermist's estimate to
their seats waiting for somebody to
work over Pat's body for the '68 in- "CREDIT CARD CARRY-
speak, but I kept remembering Thump- INC CAPITALIST RIG"
auguration. Well, Dick stood up and 0R A
er's words to Bambi, which are, if you
everybody started shouting and I thought "ROT HEADED RINKO
can't say something nice, don't say any-
there was going to be Trouble, when a OR EVEN A REACEFREAK"
thing at all. Luckily, however, the phone
crash from the kitchen reminded us that
rang and Spiggy picked it up, chuckled, "MIDDLE OF THE
Martha was still in there sampling. By
and gave it to Dick saying it was some ROAD MILQUETOAST"
the time Pat and I got her cleaned up
chink who says he's been trying to reach
and John put her on the daybed in the
laundry room, everybody had simmered
down, and Dick had even taken the op- From Dick's face as he listened, dear
portunity to stick the old maid into a Diary, it was plain to me that Mr. Kai-
pleat in John's trousers. shek had never even heard of Thumper.
*8S SONLY $2£°
All for now, 'J™'" "° BOX 1 5 7
T h e party's mood turned gayer and TT T U T T i • GWYNEDD.PA.
everybody talked about the new Eisen- - I LIT iiy.inC. 13/4-36
hower silver dollar and Spiggy said when
Copyright © 2007 National Lampoon Inc.
Ho ho . . . bound to please. Get it?
Hee hee.
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Campus Unrest
at Tom Paine:
The Inside Story
By now, most graduates, wherever they are in these United
States, must have heard something about the disturbance here
at the school. Sensational stories about so-called "riots" ap-
peared in all the papers and on national TV—and while it was
a thrill to see the old alma mater getting all that publicity,
it was unfortunate that the story was covered by reporters
from the "crime" rather than the "education" beat.
For alumni who may not have heard the story yet, and to
set the record straight for those who got the hysterical mass-
media version, here's what really happened.
Saturday morning began quietly, with no signs of trouble.
Most of the boys were busy in the potato fields, while some
of the younger students (all of them first offenders, we might
add) were down at the pigpen playing with Rosie, the Old Principal Toomey, in his office, looks over the equipment
School Sow.
brought out of the tool shed after the recent campus hijinks
They were taking turns with Rosie, in the time-honored and deplores the sensationalism of the mass-media reports.
Tom Paine tradition, but one of the fellows was taking a little (See his open letter on the following page.)
too long, at least in the opinion of those in line behind him.
In an effort to hurry him along, someone shouted, "Off the Ramparts* reported "hunger strike" is a gross exaggeration).
pig!" The boys raided the staff pantry and made off with armloads
A new member of staff, a recent transfer from the "Big of steaks, after indulging in a little roughhouse with Cookie.
House" faculty, misunderstood, lost his head, and opened fire (Cookie will be released from the hospital shortly, and has
on the crowd. (Rosie escaped uninjured, those of you who been given a permanent pension by the state.)
harbor a sentimental attachment will be pleased to learn.) For two days, the realization that the unruly students had
Despite intensive investigation, the incidents of the next access to the contents of the shed—shears, saws, pitchforks,
half hour remain unclear. It is certain that a dozen or so stu- etc.—discouraged staff members from interrupting the party,
dents rushed over to the kitchen building (there had been the but when, early Wednesday morning, a gasoline fire broke
usual grumblings about "chow" for the preceding weeks, but continued on page 2
"Fritz the Screw" (R.I.P.) at the height
of his popularity as a Tom Paine staffer.
an "initiation rite" for new boys, and Fritz's highest compliment was: "I vipped
your father, also, unt he vas also scum like you!"
But, however stern and fierce Fritz appeared in the classroom or workshop, we all
knew he had his tender, gentle side, too. Many a young Tom Painer, invited under
threat of severe punishment to one of Fritz's "midnight suppers," discovered that
the tyro of the campus was human, all too human, as he feasted them on Rhine
Caught by the camera in an uncharacter- wine and strudel before he shyly showed his secret collection of unusual leather
istically light mood, he is pictured here equipment.
with one of the treasures from his leather
collection. For the last few years Fritz had been unwell and was relieved of all official
duties at the school. But he remained a familiar figure around the dorms and wash-
rooms, as he befriended, in his gruff manner, each of the new boys in turn.
The end came suddenly, and as Fritz and his friends would have wished it.
Fritz was enthusiastically demonstrating his leather collection to a young favorite
by Sean Kelly and Anne Beatts when his old heart stopped. He died with his boots on.
Copyright © 2007 National Lampoon Inc.
Campus Unrest continued from page 1
Office of the Warden
out beside the building (its cause remains unknown), the Dear Alumni and Other Friends of Tom Paine,
students voluntarily vacated the shed and thoughtfully brought To me, one of the most encouraging facets of the last few
out with them such implements as they could carry. trying weeks have been the many letters of sympathy and
They were met enthusiastically by heavily armed staff mem- concern which have poured in from our Old Boys after having
bers, and a brief, but spirited encounter took place. heard of our Campus Difficulties.
We are certain we speak for all our readers in expressing Many of you have written to suggest a return to "more old-
our deepest sympathies to the parents or guardians of Willie fashioned methods" of maintaining discipline. But may I re-
"LumpLump" Maguire (Breaking and Entering, Class of '73) mind you that Tom Paine is a progressive institution that must,
and Claude Frazer (Attempted Auto Theft, Class of '74) who while respecting the tried and true traditions of the past, move
passed away in the skirmish. with the times. Besides, you'd be surprised how effective
Everything has returned to normal now on campus, and modern "psychological" methods can be.
survivors of the three-day prank have not even been expelled. Let me in closing assure you that the boys now under my
One healthy result of the incident is that new channels of charge are as fine a group of delinquents as I have ever met.
communication have been opened between faculty and stu- It would indeed be a shame if we let a small and untypical
dents, with the placing of a suggestion box outside the chap- group of troublemakers give them all a bad name. •
lain's office.
Principal Toomey has best summed up the long-term mean- Yours truly,
ing of the whole affair in the open letter to concerned alumni,
which we are glad to publish here in the Squealer.
Bill Toomey
when you've worked very hard,
and succeeded very early.
When you've published your
thesis before your roommate has
written his.
Sometimes, you want to take a
know •m:
H piit in your
'•', a t
- '•aj
y&a -
••L '•%*•* _ - 4
Enroll n o w a n d r e c e i v e absolutely
free a f u l l - c o l o r , w a l l - s i z e d , Equidistant Z e n i t h a l
P r o j e c t i o n M a p o f t h e N e t h e r l a n d s , y o u r s t o k e e p e v e n should you f a i l t h e c o u r s e !
"Geo" students enjoy a cup of coffee in the recently Department head Dr. Howard Lundgren, seen
renovated da Gama Lounge while discussing the here explaining the Indian border, is never
rivers of Brazil. too busy to lend the personal touch. As he
puts it, "My door is always open!"
Perhaps these women are flinging an alluvial deposit that contains a The. rock he gives the boot to may be telling him of riches beyond his
flawless star sapphire, or maybe it's only run-of-the-mill Moenkopi wildest dreams, if only he'd been trained to listen!
sandstone, hardly worth mentioning! How would they know?
Bright Future or Tarnished Dream? that would earn them top dollars and the fore it's too late! Our classrooms are al-
Ever notice how some guys never seem envy of their friends, they majored in ready overcrowded and, as more and more
to make it? They knock around the bot- some dreary, lackluster subject such as students discover the advantages of GE-
tom of the ant heap, holed up in a dead- Anthropology or Semantics, whatever OLOGY, we'll be forced to deal with ap-
end job, dragging home a puny paycheck those are. Instead of "cashing in on plicants on a "first come, first served"
for breaking their hump all week, even rocks," they ended up with a twenty-year basis. However, at this time, the GEOL-
though they have a college degree! "How mortgage and a secondhand Volkswagen. OGY Department does have a few openings
can this be?" you're undoubtedly asking for a select number of sincere applicants,
yourself. "How can guys who have 'the GEOLOGY—A Head Start Down the if they can meet our rigid standards*. <
old sheepskin' fail to make a bundle?" Road to Success
Don't make the same mistake! If you Are You Geology Material?
A "Major" Disaster want to be prosperous and influential, Needless to say, not everyone is capa-
The answer is obvious: they chose the enter the field that has brought happiness ble of learning this precise and exacting
wrong majorl Instead of picking a field to thousands—GEOLOGY! Do it today, be- science. Are you?
A Word to the Wise: Think twice before you pass up this tremendous opportunity only to spend the rest of your life kicking
yourself because you missed the boat)
It's true! Gals all over campus are "getting with" the big swing to MATH because
they realize that a guy who knows his numbers is a guy you can count on. So why
ADD to your income
SUBTRACT dreariness from your life
MULTIPLY your opportunities for advancement
DIVIDE and conquer the girl of your dreams
Sign up for CALCULUS! You'll be glad you did.
And so will she.
Copyright © 2007 National Lampoon Inc.
o e o o o * ooof o
This Game
May Shock
YouSome will say it's going too far. But
they said that about Galileo. They said
it about Lenny Bruce. And how many
of them would dare to say it now?
Right On! The Campus War Game is
an education in itself. It has been played
by the underground for years, and is
now standard equipment in army think r^^^^^^^|
tanks. Soon you'll be able to buy it in
your local supermarket. Isn't it time you
knew the rules?
Here, in a specially edited version for
young readers, is your chance to become
deeply involved with the issues of yester-
day. This is the game that tells it like
it was. Right On! You've used the ex- ^^R^B
pression—now find out what it means.
Object of the Game
Right On! is a game of strategy for two
players, the Radicals (Red) and the Es-
tablishment (Blue). The game is played
on a map-board representing a typical
strife-torn campus. The Red side of the
board belongs to the Radicals, the Blue
side belongs to the Establishment.
The object of the game is to score a
higher number of PR Points than the
opposing player. PR Points are awarded
for various maneuvers, notably the oc- ic
cupation of enemy Buildings.
Each player begins the game with a
fixed number of markers—Red or Blue,
depending on which ideology he has
elected to defend. At the start of the
game, the markers are deployed about
the Campus in Buildings of their own
color, except for a token number behind
enemy lines. In addition, each player
has a reserve force in the Bleachers along
his side of the board.
Yellow markers, including the Press,
make up the Common Pool and can be
moved by both players. Positioned along
the Time Chart at the top of the board
and in their own Bleachers, they are
The Dean
Establishment uating Buildings, see the sections on
Weathermen, National Guard, Bombs,
and Tear Gas.)
Red and Blue Reinforcements. Each
A well-meaning marker with an EFF of zero. If he is captured, the Radicals player begins the game with forty Rein-
gain 250 PR Points for sheer nerve. Like it or not, the Establishment must forcements in the Bleachers at his side
ransom him back at the cost of another 250 PR Points. Opening position: in of the board. After hostilities commence,
the Administration Building, just back from Washington. either player may bring on as many of
Faculty Yes-Men his Reinforcements as he likes, as long
The Establishment has ten Faculty Yes-Men under its thumb. Public outcry as he does not move more than ten
at their capture results in a loss of 250 PR Points by the Radicals. If a Faculty markers in one turn. Reinforcements
Yes-Man is caught in the Bushes with a Coed or Women's Lib, the opposing must be called up according to the al-
player gains 25 PR Points. phabetical order of their sections in the
Coeds Red and Blue Reinforcements enter
These fifteen cheerleaders, sorority girls, freshettes, and home-economics the Campus through the Gates at the
majors are willing victims of male chauvinism. regular movement rate (double on
Straights Roads). The Radicals use the West Gate,
These fratmen, ROTC types, commerce students, engineers, and science majors the Establishment uses the East Gate,
don't believe in rocking the boat. They can be distinguished by their crew-neck and both may use the Main Gate. If
sweaters, slide rules, and attendance at various sporting events. Twenty-five, entry to the campus is blocked by op-
including Reinforcements. posing markers inside the Gates, a way
must be cleared from within before the
The Dealer Reinforcements can enter.
The Dealer appears to be one of the Straights, but his true identity
links him with the Radicals. Lurking among the Establishment mark- Initiating Hostilities. Play begins at 12:00
ers, he is moved as though he were a Straight. Yet, at any moment noon. The Leader has called a meeting
he may wipe out the adjacent Blue markers with a dope rap. Un- of the Radicals. At least ten of them
fortunately, this blows his cover, and he is busted along with the must have assembled in the Dell in front
rest, costing the Radicals 100 PR Points. of the Arts Building before the Leader
can take up his position on the Founder's
Jocks Tomb. Meanwhile, the Establishment,
There are fifteen of these brawny animals, including Reinforcements. They sensing trouble, rounds up ten of its
are likely to start fights whenever they are not busy demonstrating their virility most trusted markers. Taking it upon
by doing push-ups. himself to represent the voice of reason,
the Dean shows up in the Dell. Hostili-
Pigs ties commence immediately.
Any use of these ten markers is defined as police brutality. They are all family The Establishment player, if he has
men who are just doing their job. any moves left, completes his turn ac-
National Guard cording to the post-hostilities rules
These ten armed men are very nervous and equipped with Tear Gas. They (which allow entering Bushes, stacking,
are bound to put any small-town college on the map. capturing by jumping or surrounding,
and the introduction of Reinforcements).
Tear Gas If either the Leader or the Dean fails
Tear Gas may not be lobbed at random, but only used for clearing out oc- to show up by the time both Red and
cupied Buildings. When the occupying force has been flushed out, both players Blue Clock Markers have been ad-
must wait until the effects of the Tear Gas have worn off before entering the vanced to one o'clock, the other player
Building. The penalty for resorting to Tear Gas is twice the PR value of the gains 1,000 PR Points, and hostilities
Building in question. The Establishment has two Tear Gas canisters. commence out of boredom nonetheless.
Rentapigs Tactical Hint. The Leader and the Dean
The Establishment should not place too much faith in these five men. They are should be protected at all times. Since
ridiculously underpaid, and most Radicals know them by their first names. any Longhair on Campus might well be
Their sole function is to keep the Heads circulating so "that they don't block the Fink, and any Straight may prove to
the thoroughfare for the Establishment. They are not qualified to make arrests. be the Dealer, the Leader should be kept
Position at start: one at each of the three Gates, and two playing gin rummy away from Longhairs, and the Dean
on the lower Campus. away from Straights. The Leader and the
Dean both lay themselves open to attack
when venturing out for a Press Confer-
ence. They can also be endangered by
the Chaplain, who can pin down one
or the other when placed on top of him.
This freezes the Leader or the Dean to
the spot and makes him a sitting duck
when the Chaplain's presence is lifted.
Copyright © 2007 National Lampoon Inc. 39
Common Pool be placed on top of any enemy marker, engaging it in con-
® /S5\ Students
( • ) The forty Undecided Students are two-sided,
v J L ^ with a Red question mark on one side and
a Blue one on the other. At the start of the game, they are
versation and immobilizing it for an hour. At the end of this
time, the player who has been victimized must transfer the
Chaplain onto an enemy marker, or be stuck with him for
lined up in the Bleachers at the bottom of the board. When- another hour. The Chaplain's position is inviolable, and a
ever a Building is occupied, ten of them are sufficiently im- marker or stack of markers underneath him cannot be cap-
pressed to make themselves available to the occupying player. tured, surrounded, added to, or taken away from.
They are not brought on through the Gates, but appear out
of nowhere wherever groupies are needed. The Press
When jumped, Undecided Students are not considered cap- These five markers represent reporters, photogra-
tured, but only won over by their attackers. They are flipped phers, TV cameramen, documentary-film makers,
over and may be moved immediately by the player who has novelists, and other parasites essential to our way of life. One
acquired them. There is no limit to the number of times after the other they appear where the action is as they are
Undecided Students can change their allegiance in this way. displaced by the Clock Markers. Newsworthy actions, such as
If one Undecided Student jumps another, both are flipped the capture of the Dean, are worth more PR Points if actually
over, each defecting to the opposite side. witnessed by the Press from five or less spaces away.
The first Press marker to witness an event doubles the PR
Concerned Mothers Points scored, thus creating a new score which is again doubled
The five Concerned Mothers become available as by the second Press marker present. The presence of a third
they are displaced by the advance of the Clock Mark- Press marker then doubles this new figure, and so on, from
ers. They are positioned on Campus wherever they are most local coverage through wire service to network television.
likely to get in the way. Either player may move any Concerned Either player may manipulate the Press to his advantage.
Mother already on the board. The Concerned Mothers act as Press Conferences are held to bring the Leader or the Dean in
a deterrent to violence, protecting any markers adjacent to contact with the Press to gain PR Points. Each player is en-
them from capture by jumping or surrounding, as well as pre- titled to hold one Press Conference of his own, in addition
venting them from attacking others. to taking part in the one held by his opponent.
/^Zj\ The Chaplain
UeHSu The player who first allows one of his Buildings to
v.2^/ be occupied wins the services of the Chaplain in
compensation for this act of aggression. The Chaplain may
PR Point Chart Right On! The Campus War Game was developed by Michel
Choquette in collaboration with Anne Beatts, Sean Kelly, and
Event PR Points For Ivan Rezucha, Jr. Board and markers designed by Araneus
Leader Captured 250 Blue Ltd., Montreal.
Dean Captured 250 Red It is technically unfeasible to play the game according to
Leader Ransomed 250 Blue the above rules. But if you're that keen, and you can keep a
Dean Ransomed 250 Red secret, you might as well be the first to know that the real game
is coming out soon. Fill out the coupon, and we'll keep you
Leader Caught in Bush 250 Blue informed. In the meantime study this article, so that when
Dean Caught in Bush 250 Red the actual game appears, you'll be very confused.
Leader at Press Conference 250 Red
Dean at Press Conference 250 Blue Please consider my qualifications to play Right On! I am
Faculty Sympathizer Captured 50 Red totally committed to the following cause:
Faculty Yes-Man Captured 50 Blue • Radical • Liberal • Conservative
Faculty Sympathizer in Bush * 25 Blue • Fascist D Other
Faculty Yes-Man in Bush 25 Red
Red Building Occupied PR value Blue
Blue Building Occupied PR value Red Address_
Bomb 2X PR value Blue Length of Hair
Tear Gas 2X PR value Red
Copyright © 2007 National Lampoon Inc.
!N f<b/W
And how's this for a se- Just take a look at these original
ries—You Know You're feature ideas—Guns & Butter,
Really Tall When, They Birds & Bees, Needles & Pins,
Know You're Really Tal Dot Vs. Dash, Colon Vs. Dash,
When, and You Know and Vice Vs. Versa. And how
They're Really Tall about my MAD Specialized
When? And here's a twist Greeting Cards for Left-Handers,
— They Know Y o u ' r e Korean War Veterans, Lip-Read-
Really Tall If! ers, Tree Surgeons, and People
• with Type O-Positive Blood?
This is just more of the same old crap we've been turn-
ing out for years and we're not going to do it anymore.
"I grow old, I grow old . . ."—J. Alfred Newman
Luggage . . . Then and Now 15 PRIMER
Tuna-Fish Sandwich 28
Sixth Floor, Second Aisle From The Right 23
A MAD Look At Roller Skates. 9
A MAD Look At Hippies Wearing Roller Skates 10
A MAD Look At Hippies Wearing Roller Skates
And Falling Down A Lot 11
Hey, gang, have ya noticed how over the years a certain magazine
has dropped its standards, its values, its commitment—but NOT its
price? Didja ever wonder, "Wha hoppen?" Huh? Didja? Well, won-
der no further, for here's the epic struggle of that mag's downhill ARTIST: ERNIE COLON
metamorphosis as presided over by its publisher...
No, you idiot. His last words. Intriguing, right? Here was Bring me "satire" dead or
That's what distinguishes a man who assembled and con- alive. It's probably some-
man f r o m other men trolled the Establishment humor thing very simple. Go ask
Gaines's last words were magazine, yet at the end, the everyone who made Gaines
satire. only thing on his mind, his last laugh.
words, were satire. Why?
But I does right by the brat anyway and invests his gags in tax K . . . the kid was great. He
sheltered comic books, plus I gives him a nice allowance of / couldda been another Henny
socko punch lines and setups, which he squanders on his S Youngman, but he meets this
pals • • • ; 4 ( Harvey Kurtzman a n d . . . s
Hey, didja hear the one about • • • M Take my wife... please! j I wanna start a comic book
that people will laugh at. I'
There was this traveling ..-. so the Indian says, prepared to invest all my
salesman, see... "Matzos?l thought they
were suppositories!"
j Half man, half goat. Right? Wrong! It's a streetcar, Uh, puddon me. Don't ask me, I only draw what they give me. I
like in a Streetcar Named Satire. I'se lookin' fo' mah wife, Satire!
4 <
. . . you start going to movies they . . . you discover that you have ac-
don't do spoofs of. quired a secret power that enables you
to know the contents of every issue
before you even open it.
MAD W h e n . . . MAD W h e n . . . MAD W h e n . . .
. . . you adopt complicated ruses to . . . you realize that the "Now" in . . . you find a richer source of humor
avoid being seen reading it so your their "Then and Now" articles is in everyday things, like rocks,
friends won't consider you "imma- 1957.
MAD W h e n . . . MAD W h e n . . .
... you find out what @ @%$&$%( . . . you give the charity drive a ham-
means. ster cage, your brother's chemistry set,
a butterfly net you used to catch crap-
pies, The Golden Book of Squids,
ARTIST: JOHN LEWIS Meet Mr. Weather, and all your back
Copyright © 2007 National Lampoon Inc.
Thanks for coming over, Mr. Sure you're confused, son, and But when the going gets . . . so then me and Jimmy, that's
Berg. I wish more citizens had maybe a little bitter, too, but, tough, that's when the Jimmy Trinelli of 364 Baycrest,
your community spirit. heck, who wouldn't be in this tough get going! I mean, are you getting all this? Like I say,
crazy, mixed-up world, what with you want to leave the world me and Jimmy took the stuff to
the A-bomb and the current wave a better place for your hav- Rico's, you know, to fence i t . . .
Just doing my part, Of of permissiveness. Let's face i t - ing been here, right? You
ficer. I was a kid once things are in one hell of a mess, see, I have this theory that
too, you know. deep down inside, people O.K., Mr. Berg, I
if you'll pardon my French!
are basically good, and . . . think that does it. If
we need you again,
we'll call.
I • «
Package for Mr. Dave Berg. Say, No kidding, you're the guy who Hey, you're putting me on! \ \\ i
you aren't the same Dave Berg does that Lighter Side thing? You really write all that stuff 'iV-l L
who draws for MAD magazine, about baby-sitters and blind
are you? dates and drive-in movies?
FASCIST PIG! COMMIE QUEER! There are two sides to every You see, I've found that all WISHY-WASHY
DUPE OF T H E PAWN OF T H E question. And after all, it takes to bridge the gener- LIBERAL FINK!
MILITARY IN- KREMLIN SLAVE- everyone's entitled to his ation gap is a willingness to
DUSTRIAL COM- MASTERS! GET A own opinion. Variety is the meet the other guy halfway,
PLEX! ALL HAIRCUT! spice of life, so let's live and a little give and take. Now
POWER TO THE let live. I'm sure there's something
PEOPLE! you two can agree on.
imflfr p
vkjt+^iiu. _^\$
What kind of a magazine do you think you're in,
anyway? This isn't one of your perverted porno
rags! You've got young, impressionable minds
out there!!
:: s, LOOTCH
^m ^' ' .-
Copyright © 2007 National Lampoon Inc.
"The magazine developed through the years
from a somewhat sophomoric, meat-cleaver type
of humor into what I regard as the sharp satiric
style it features today."* To see how this wonder-
ful transformation was accomplished, fold page
in as shown. *MAD writer Frank Jacobs, in the Travel section of the
New York Times, Sunday, July 1 1 , 1971
WHAT ru,
OF .
^ /*
^ffT0? >
W. < # »
4% s
,Soi M
x '/
, «
ru *£/ WHAT,
* &
* CO*?
Copyright © 2007 National Lampoon Inc.
MV 60N£ (
1/ * \teV\OW '•l;>m?**0,t
THERE \5 one
poetfoi PAUL'S m&\c is puc<m RUBBISH/, ' ' ^ V t f * * ' " /&ATTLE PARTS, ANP THERE
we yew* HAVS
NoreseN ^—
KINO... X l /; « . !
Copyright © 2007 National Lampoon Inc.
Gerald R. Leslie, Ph.D.
President, National Council on Family Rela-
Hi, I'm Big Rat.Welcome to 125th Street, the television show that teaches ghetto children their place.
This shows the color black. What color does this show?
Hi, Oreo! Come and help me talk B has a Buh sound. B-b-b-bag. Bag.
about the AG family. -*
Copyright © 2007 National Lampoon Inc.
With the letters SK we can make an- The final word for today is Drag.
other word in the AG family. Skag. D-R-A-G. What a drag!
Can you fit these triangles and rec- Probably not. But this square is the
tangles into this square? room the Jackson family has to
move into next month.
Copyright © 2007 National Lampoon Inc. 77
Who are the people in your neigh- The grocer sells the things you eai
borhood? Like gristle, chuck, and rotten meat
Holler for help and he never appears, It's exciting to think about some c
Rip something off—get. fifteen years. the other jobs people do in you
(Unless he takes a cut from you— neighborhood.
He's got to make a living, too!)
Pusher. Pimp.
Let's talk about hot and cold. When you feel hot, the hydrant help
you cool off.
Copyright © 2007 National Lampoon Inc.
Whatever food you're looking for, Can you recognize The Man in this
[f you are poor, then you'll pay more. picture ?
Fireman. Exterminator.
The mayor will let you have all the Then you will be cool. You will not
free water you want. burn down buildings or loot store
windows.Wanna snortlWanna snort!
Copyright © 2007 National Lampoon Inc.
Free Diploma
This diploma certifies that-
(please print)
is fully qualified to repair TV sets in his spare
time, drive the big rigs, program computers,
bronze baby shoes, investigate accident claims,
reweave invisibly, grow Japanese Ming trees, de-
velop a mighty forearm, and flash a big bankroll
to impress his friends. ,
W i t n e s s U * » * £ 4 & M > » * }.
Vincent D. Delgado"
(Notary Public)
shell, like the rest of them. It's not a Where can I get six gallons of cocktail
manity." abruptly. "Jeff, we've got to get some-
"Oh, Jeff, somebody, please stop him, thing to distract those beasts' attention!"
don't let him do it!" "How about this contents list from the
"And just how do you plan to talk National Lampoon!"
to those overgrown appetizers, Doctor?" "It just might work. Let's have it."
"With mathematics, the universal lan- City of the Living Dead/A weekend in
guage. Now open that door!" Philadelphia!
"Do as he says, Professor," said Hazle- Dragula/From deep within the brood-
ton. ing mountains of Transvestia comes this
Horror "You'll be able to hear me through tale of the Queen of Darkness, a gay
"It's no use, Professor Havemeyer," this," said Carstens, pocketing a walkie- vampire able to assume the form of a
said Hazleton, as he turned the rheostat talkie. "Now all of you, get out of my poodle . . . and worse!
to overload. "The pleonastic electro- way." Bill Kunstler at the Salem Witch Trials
stator doesn't even slow them down! The T h e outer door closed with a heavy If Bill had defended the Salem 6, they'd
giant clams are still coming!" thud. be alive today!
"Our puny weapons can't stop those "He's mad, completely mad," said Sick Jokes of the Seventies /What weighs
mollusks," insisted Carstens, his voice Hazleton, putting his arm on Doris' VA pound and crawls? Why a fat Biafran
filling with emotion. "Nothing our sci- shoulder. baby, silly! And many more boffs guar-
ence can create is powerful enough. But "I'm getting'something on the radio," anteed to make you throw up all over
if we could only communicate with cried Havemeyer. your hand-tooled boots . . . and worse!
them, reason with them. After all, any "A2 plus B2 equals C2. A2 plus Coffins of the Great and Near Great/Is
civilization that can build a service for B2 equals C2. A2 aaaaaaaaaaaaaagh!" it Jackie Kennedy's casket or a hand-
ten capable of spanning the stars must "Oh, it's horrible," cried Doris. some piece of Vuitton luggage? Only her
be enormously intelligent. Think of the "So much for peaceful contact," said undertaker knows for sure!
benefits for mankind: the cure for can- Hazleton bitterly. The Phantom of the Rock Opera Clad
cer, immortality, maybe even an answer "Wait a minute," barked Havemeyer. in a ghastly pink shirt, a weird charcoal-
to the servant problem!" Something he said, something about gray suit, and curious suede shoes, the
"I don't know about you, Dr. Car- there being nothing science could create last of the Sparkletones haunts the Fill-
stens," said Hazleton, "but I wouldn't powerful enough to stop them. Nothing more, breaking Peter Townsend's guitar
want to trade small talk with a fifty-ton science . . . that's it!" . . . and worse!
cherrystone that just ate South Bend, "What is it, Professor?" And much more, including rubber spi-
Indiana! "It's only a chance," continued Have- ders, trick teeth, electric noses, the Da-
Carstens snatched a soldering gun off meyer, frantically dialing the telephone. nish-modern novel, cruel and unusual
the workbench. "I'm going out there," "I just hope the lines aren't down. Hello, punishments, autos-da-fe, culs-de-sac,
he hissed, "and anybody that tries to hello, get me General Brycewell. Yes, silver pullets (1: "Who was that man?"
stop me is going to be wired for sound!" yes I'll wait. You see, Jeff, maybe we 2: "I don't know, but he gave me this
"Put that thing away, you fool," cried were on the wrong track, maybe the silver pullet!" 1: "Maybe he kills were-
Professor Havemeyer. "You don't stand answer is . . . hello, General Brycewell, chickens!"), and a free lifetime subscrip-
a chance. You'll end up on the half this is Havemeyer at the observatory. tion to Scanlan's magazine! •
it works like a
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Copyright © 2007 National Lampoon Inc.