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(Question bank solution)

Q. 2 A) Give scientific reasons.

1) Pollution is a very broad concept.
Ans : (i) Unnecessary and unacceptable change in the surrounding environment
due to natural events or human activities is called as environmental pollution.
(ii) Various reasons like population explosion, fast industrialization, and
indiscriminate use of natural resources, deforestation, and unplanned urbanization
are responsible for environmental pollution.
(iii) Various types of pollutions like that of air, water, sound, soil, thermal, light,
pollution occur around us.
(iv) Thus, pollution is very broad concept.
2) The role of human beings in environmental balance is important.
Ans : (i) Humans stepped on the Earth long after it’s formation . Humans proved
their superiority as compared to other animals with the help of characters like
intelligence, memory, imaginary ability, etc.
(ii) Human beings established domination over the nature. Humans utilized all the
natural resources as much as possible.
(iii) In an attempt to live a satisfactory life, humans kept on snatching from the
nature as much as possible and this lead to increase in problems.
(iv) If humans have disturbed the environmental balance, then humans only can
conserve and improve the quality of nature.
Thus, humans have a crucial role in maintaining the environmental balance. \
3) The various food chains in the ecosystem maintain the environmental
Ans : (i) Ecosystem is formed by biotic and abiotic factors and their interactions
with each other. Each factor plays very important role in the ecosystem.
(ii) Producers like plants are important. Herbivores like deer, goats, sheep, cattle,
horses, camels, etc. feeding upon producers are also important.
(iii) Predators like lion and tiger which prevent the overpopulation of herbivores are
also equally important.
(iv) Caterpillars, termites, insects present in dung are responsible for cleaning the
(v) Thus, the various food chains in the ecosystem maintain the environmental
4) Without the existence of nature, human existence is almost impossible.
Ans : (i) We are totally dependent on nature for our basic needs such as food,
shelter and clothing. Our energy needs are also fulfilled by nature.
(ii) If we utilize all the natural resources as much as possible and keep on
snatching from nature it will lead to increase in problems.
(iii) It is said that we have got this Earth planet on lease from our future
generations and not as an ancestral property from our ancestors.
(iv) Thus, without the existence of nature, human existence is almost impossible.

Q.2.B) Solve the following sub questions

1) What are the meanings of symbols A, B, C shown in the figure with
respect to environment?

Ans : A) This sign indicates ‘Waste Management’.

B) This sign indicates ‘Save Energy’.

C) This sign indicates ‘Save water’.

2) What is environmental pollution? Which are types of pollution?
Ans : (i) Unnecessary and unacceptable change in the surrounding environment
due to natural events or human activities is called as environmental pollution.
(ii) Various types of pollutions like that of air, water, sound, soil, thermal, light,
pollution occur around us.
3) Which are two components affecting the environment? State two examples
of each. (REDUCED)
Ans : The two components affecting environment are,
1) Natural components : Earthquake, tsunami, forest fire etc
2) Man made components : Deforestation, fishing, hunting, etc.
4) Complete following concept chart.

Endangered Rare species


Vulnerable Indeterminate
species species

5) Complete food chain.

Grass  grasshopper  Frog  snake  Eagle
6) What is the moral of the story of Jadav Molai Payeng?
Ans : (i) The jungle in Kokilamukh of Jorhat district of Assam is the result of
Jadav Molai Payeng’s hard work for 30 years. He has been awarded with the

prestigious ‘Padmashree’ award by government of India for this unparallel work .

(ii) The moral of the story is that many people come together to destroy the forest,
but a single person, if determined, can establish a new forest!
7) What are vulnerable species? Give two examples.
Ans : (i) When the number of organisms is extremely less and continues to decline.
Such organisms are called vulnerable species.
(ii) Continuous decline in their number is worrisome reason. Example, Tiger, Lion.
Q. 2 B)II. Write short notes.
1) Sacred Groves
Ans : (i) The forest conserved in the name of God and considered to be sacred is
called as sacred grove.
(ii) Sacred groves are in fact ‘Sanctuaries’ conserved by the society and not by the
government forest department.
(iii) As they have been conserved in the name of god, they have special protection.
(iv) These clusters of thick forests are present not only in Western Ghats of India
but in the entire country.
(v) More than 13000 sacred groves have been reported in India.

Q.3 Answer the following questions.

1) Explain the given concepts with the help of examples.
Ans : (a) Genetic Diversity : Occurrence of diversity among the organisms of same
species is genetic diversity. For example, each human being is different from the
(b) Species Diversity : Innumerable species of organisms occur in nature. This is
called as species diversity. Species diversity includes various types of plants, animals
and microbes.
(c) Ecosystem Diversity : Many ecosystems are present in each region. Ecosystem is
formed through the interaction between plants, animals, their habitat and changes in
the environment. Each ecosystem has its own characteristic animals, plants, microbes
and abiotic factors. Ecosystems are also of two types are natural and artificial.

2) Complete the concept map. (REDUCED)

Conservation Control


3) What is the meaning of the following symbols ? Write your role accordingly.

Ans : A) This sign is used to indicate ‘Save Water’.

We must close the taps which are left open, not to waste water.
B) This sign indicates ‘Solar Panel’. We can save energy by using solar energy.
C) This sign indicates ‘Save water’. We must use water very carefully and
consider it a precious resource.
4) Complete the concept map. (REDUCED)


Green plants consumers Bacteria

Primary Secondary
consumer consumer

5) Why is it said that pollution control is important ?

Ans :
(i) Natural environment consists of air, atmosphere, water, land, living organisms.
(ii) Continuous interactions occur between biotic and abiotic factors. Their
interactions are very important.
(iii) Environmental balance is maintained through continuous operation of various
natural cycles like biogeochemical cycles.
(iv) When some natural factors of environment and some artificial polluted
factors harm the environment, it creates imbalance between various factors of the
environment and ultimately affects the existence of biotic factors.
(v) In environment management, we take the task of protecting, conserving and
preserving the natural components of the ecosystem.
(vi) If there is minimum pollution, then the nature cycles will continue without
any disturbance and biodiversity can be enriched.
6) a) Write the given food chain in appropriate sequence.
Grasshopper - Snake - Rice field - Eagle – Frog
Ans : Rice field – grasshopper – frog – snake – eagle
b) In which ecosystem given food chain is included ? Explain the ecosystem.
Ans : The given food chain belongs to paddy field ecosystem.
(i) Paddy is cultivated on large scale in various states of South India.
(ii) Paddy fields are frequently attacked by grasshoppers.
(iii) Similarly frogs are also present in large numbers in the mud of paddy fields
to feed upon grasshoppers and snakes are also present therein to feed upon their
favorite food. i.e frogs.
(iv) Eagles feed on snakes which keeps a check on the number of snakes, in the
c) If the frog population declines all of a sudden what will be the effect on
paddy fields?
Ans : Paddy crop production will go down as the population of grasshoppers will
increase and they will damage the paddy crop.

7) Complete the table.

Mining industry and

Asiatic lion and wild bison search for natural gas
Dams and indiscriminate
Manas sanctuary use of water
dams, deforestation,
Sunderban sanctuary excessive fishing
8) Explain the classification of threatened species of animals with an example.
Ans : Classification of threatened species:
(i) Endangered species: Either number of these organisms is declined or their
habitat is shrunk to such an extent that they can be extinct in near future if
conservative measures are not implemented.
Example: Lion tailed monkey, lesser florican
(ii) Rare Species: Number of these organisms is considerably declined. Organisms
of these species being endemic may become extinct very fast.
Example: Red panda, musk deer.
(iii) Vulnerable Species: Number of these organisms is extremely less and
continues to decline. Continuous decline in their number is worrisome reason.
Example, Tiger, Lion.
(iv) Indeterminate species: These organisms appear to be endangered but due to
some of their behavioural habits (like shyness) there is no definite and substantial
Example: Giant squirrel (Shekhru)

Question 4. Solve the following questions.

1) i) Explain my role in the environment based on the following points (Write
two actions each ) (REDUCED)
Ans : a) Control : 1. Preventing the harm. 2. Stopping the harmful activities.
b) Conservation : 1. Conserving the available resources 2. Preserving unknown
c) Production : 1. Revival of harmed factors of environment. 2. Attempting
d) Preservation : 1. Preserving whatever has been leftover. 2. Remedies to prevent
further loss
e) Awareness : 1. Education 2. Guidance
2) What initiatives will you take regarding environmental conservation? Write
Ans : i) Initiative (1): Tree plantation and cultivation: This program is necessary as
only if people come to know the importance of a tree, plantations will increase and
‘cutting the trees‘ will never take place.
(ii) Initiative (2): Save water: In this project, people and students will be made
aware of the importance of water. At the same time, various methods of water
conservation will be taught.
(iii) Initiative (3): Wildlife conservation: Various places like sanctuaries, national
parks can be visited to know more about the wild animals and we can make efforts
to protect them.
(iv) Initiative (4): Minimise or avoid use of plastic: With this activity, we can create
awareness about the hazards of plastic and various programs can be conducted to
create awareness about minimizing use of plastic and conserving the environment.
3) What are the endangered species of animals and plants? How can they be
Ans : Populations of various species of animals and plants have decreased due to
activities of human beings. Such animals and plants are endangered.
(i) Animals and plants are the sources of income for some people. Hence, poaching
takes place which becomes a big threat to the existence of animal and plant life.
(ii) Animal skin, flesh and bones are used for various purposes and thus they are
(iii) Wood, medicinal plants, gums, resins are the plant products which are useful,
hence plants are brutally cut.
(iv) Animals and plants have demand abroad for research and for medicines. Due to
this, hunting takes place which resulted in making certain varieties endangered.
(v) Because of all these reasons, certain animals and plants became endangered.
(vi) We can save the remaining animal and plant life through environmental
education, awareness programs, strict rules and regulations, implementing various
environmental acts, and prohibiting poaching can prevent the loss of varieties of
plants and animals.
(Question bank solution)

Q. 2 A) Give scientific reasons.

1) The schematic of a turbine also varies according to the type of power generation.
Ans : (i) Every power plant uses a different kind of source to rotate the turbine.
(ii) In thermal and nuclear power plants, steam produced rotates the turbine.
(iii) In hydroelectric power plant, flowing water is used to rotate turbines and wind is
the medium in windmills.
(iv) Hence, The schematic(design) of a turbine also varies according to the type of
power generation.
2) It is essential to control the process of nuclear fission in a nuclear power plant.
Ans : (i) Nuclear power plants work on the principle of controlled chain reaction.
(ii) When slow moving neutrons strike the uranium nucleus, it splits into Barium and
Krypton with release of three neutrons and tremendous amount of energy (200 MeV).
(iii) Three neutrons strike on three more uranium nucleus and fission continues creating
tremendous amount of energy which can become dangerous.
(iv) Thus, the reaction is controlled by using neutron absorbent material like boron steel
and cadmium rods which absorb excess neutrons and heat generated can be used for
welfare of mankind.
3) It is possible to produce energy from mW to MW using solar photovoltaic cells.
Ans : (i) A silicon solar cell of dimension 1 cm 2 generates a current of about 30 mA and
potential difference of about 0.5 V. Thus a silicon solar cell of dimension 100 cm 2 will
generate about 3 A (30 mA / cm2 × 100 cm2 = 3000 mA) current and 0.5 V.
(ii) If solar cells are connected in series the potential difference gets added but current
remains the same. If solar cells are connected in parallel the potential difference remains
the same but the current generated is the addition of current from individual cells.
(iii) By using this principle we can obtain power of desired quantity.
(iv) Hence, solar photovoltaic cells can be used to obtain mW to MW power.
4) Hydropower, solar energy and wind energy are called renewable energy.
Ans : (i) Hydroelectric energy, solar energy and wind energy are all obtained without
burning of a fuel.
(ii) They do not cause air pollution and are thus, eco-friendly.
(iii) Sunrise, rainfall, wind are natural phenomena. These phenomena are constantly and
continuously happening on earth.
(iv) By setting up hydroelectric power plant, solar panel and wind mills we can obtain
these energies continuously and at low cost. Hence, these sources are called renewable
energy sources.
5) Energy saving is a need of the hour.
Ans : (i) Energy is necessary to perform work and day by day the use of energy for
various purposes is rising.
(ii) If we do not harness new sources of energy, the reserves of fossil fuels would get
exhausted faster. It is estimated that the current reserves would get over in nearly 200
(iii) If we save energy today, we may use it for longer period of time.
(vi) Thus Energy saving is a need of the hour.

Q. 2 B)II. Write short notes.

1) Lake Tapping (REDUCED)
Ans : (i) A lake tap includes digging a tunnel approximately to the water or
rock contact and then blasting out the final protecting rock to allow water to
suddenly inflow into the tunnel from the lake.
(ii) The first lake tapping was conducted out at Koyana dam 13 years ago.
(iii) This process enables the lake water to flow down from that tunnel. This
type of lake tapping was first established in the Asian continent.
Lake tapping is done for various reasons:
1. To purify the lake water.
2. To limit the lake water.
3. To effectively drain out the lake water.
2) Nuclear Power Plant
Ans : (i) When fuel U-235 is bombarded with a neutron it becomes unstable and
splits into Barium, Krypton and 3 neutrons with a lot of energy (200 MeV)
(ii) By using this energy, water is boiled to form steam.
(iii) By using kinetic energy of steam the turbine is rotated.
(iv) Then the kinetic energy of the turbine is used to rotate the generator and
electricity is produced.
3) Problems due to nuclear power plant
Ans : (i) Products of nuclear fission called nuclear waste are all radioactive. The
disposal of nuclear waste is a big challenge.
(ii) Sometimes accident can occur which can leak harmful radiations.
(iii) Radiation pollution can be most dangerous.

Q. 2 B) III. Distinguish between following.

1) Conventional energy sources & Non- conventional energy sources
Ans :

2) Thermal Power Plant & Solar thermal power plant

Ans :
3) Electricity generation from solar cells & solar thermal power generation
Ans :

Q.3 Answer the following questions.

1) Observe the given diagram and answer the questions given below

Answer the questions with the help of diagram:

a) What is the name of machine given in the diagram
Ans : Turbine
b) Write down the function of this machine in short.
Ans : To generate electricity based on the principle of electromagnetic induction, we
need a generator. Turbine is used to rotate the magnet in the generator. When a flow
of liquid or gas is directed on the blades of the turbine, it rotates because of the
kinetic energy of the flow. This turbine is connected to electric generator. Thus the
magnet in electric generator starts rotating and electric energy is produced.
c) How does it gets/forms the motion
Ans : A turbine has blades .When a flow of liquid or gas is directed on the blades of
the turbine, it rotates because of the kinetic energy of the flow.
2) Observe the given diagram and answer the questions.

a) Which type of energy is generated?

Ans : Electrical energy is generated using wind energy.
b) This power station depends on which factors ?
Ans : Electricity generation using wind-energy depends on wind velocity.
c) Is it environment friendly ?
Ans : Yes, this process is environmentally friendly as it does not involve the

burning of fuels which produce harmful gases as by products .

3) Complete the table.
Advantages of hydroelectric power Disadvantages of hydroelectric power
1. Since no fuel is burnt in hydroelectric 1. The back-water due to storage of water
power generation, there is no pollution in dam may submerge villages or towns
resulting from combustion of fuels. in that area.
2. If there is sufficient water storage 2. This can also submerge forests
in the dam, it is possible to generate as well as fertile land.
electricity as and when necessary.
3. Although water reservoir is used for 3. The obstruction of the flow of river
power generation, it can be water may have adverse effect on living
replenished during rainy season. world in the river.

4) Complete the following flow charts.

Energy in sunlight

Kinetic energy in

Turbine Generator
5) Draw the flowcharts for the given power stations.
a)Thermal energy based electric power plant
Ans :

b)Power generation plant on energy of natural gas

Ans :

6) Explain the stages in electric generation from the given

schematic diagram.
7) Draw the schematic diagram of natural gas power plants and answer the
following questions.

a) Where is the power plant based on natural gas in Maharashtra ?

Ans : Anjanvel (REDUCED)
b) Why is there less pollution by natural gas power plants?
Ans : Natural gas does not contain sulphur, so burning of natural gas results in
less pollution.
8) Give the example of eco-friendly electric power generation plants.
Ans : (i) The eco-friendly energy is called green energy.
(ii) The energy production which does not cause any damage to environment is
actually a green energy.
(iii) Solar energy, wind energy, hydro electric energy do not harm the
environment as there is no combustion involved and there is no air pollution
(iv) Thus, energy obtained from these sources is eco- friendly.
9) What is the importance/ function of a solar reflector?
Ans : (i) Thermal energy can also be generated from solar radiation and can
be used for electricity production.
(ii) Many reflectors reflect and concentrate solar radiation on absorbers.
(iii) There solar energy is converted into heat energy.

(iv) Using this heat energy steam is generated to drive the turbine and generator .
(v) The solar reflectors play a very important role of reflecting and concentrating
solar energy.
10) Why are absorbing/controlling rods used in atomic reactors?
Ans : (i) Nuclear power plants work on the principle of controlled chain reaction.
(ii) When slow moving neutrons strike the uranium nucleus, it splits into Barium and
Krypton with release of three neutrons and tremendous amount of energy (200 MeV).
(iii) Three neutrons strike on three more uranium nucleus and fission continues
creating tremendous amount of energy which can become dangerous.
(iv) The reaction is controlled by using neutron absorbent material like boron steel
and cadmium rods which absorb excess neutrons and heat generated can be used for
welfare of mankind.
(v) Thus, controlling rods are used here to maintain a controlled chain reaction.
11) Complete the table.
Limitations of solar energy Limitations of wind energy

(i) Solar radiations are available only

in day time. (i) Slower wind produces 9 kW power while
if there is lot of wind then around 7 MW
power can be generated. If there is not
enough speed of wind, generation of power
will be less.
(ii) Storage equipment are costly and
initial installation cost is very high. (ii) Wind turbines involve high upfront
capital investment.
(iii) Radiation intensity is not constant
throughout the day, hence it is not an (iii) Installation can take up a
even or uniform source. significant portion of land

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