Sci-2 mp2
Sci-2 mp2
Sci-2 mp2
Vulnerable Indeterminate
species species
Conservation Control
3) What is the meaning of the following symbols ? Write your role accordingly.
Primary Secondary
consumer consumer
Energy in sunlight
Kinetic energy in
Turbine Generator
5) Draw the flowcharts for the given power stations.
a)Thermal energy based electric power plant
Ans :
(iv) Using this heat energy steam is generated to drive the turbine and generator .
(v) The solar reflectors play a very important role of reflecting and concentrating
solar energy.
10) Why are absorbing/controlling rods used in atomic reactors?
Ans : (i) Nuclear power plants work on the principle of controlled chain reaction.
(ii) When slow moving neutrons strike the uranium nucleus, it splits into Barium and
Krypton with release of three neutrons and tremendous amount of energy (200 MeV).
(iii) Three neutrons strike on three more uranium nucleus and fission continues
creating tremendous amount of energy which can become dangerous.
(iv) The reaction is controlled by using neutron absorbent material like boron steel
and cadmium rods which absorb excess neutrons and heat generated can be used for
welfare of mankind.
(v) Thus, controlling rods are used here to maintain a controlled chain reaction.
11) Complete the table.
Limitations of solar energy Limitations of wind energy