Model: Battery Maintenance Requirements: Battery Care 2022-03-02
Model: Battery Maintenance Requirements: Battery Care 2022-03-02
Model: Battery Maintenance Requirements: Battery Care 2022-03-02
This Service Information bulletin (Revision 21) replaces SI B61 18 08 dated September 2020
What’s New
(Specific text highlighted):
Models specified for Electric Vehicles’ charging parameters
Added Battery Log Form for 2022 Calendar Year
Claim Information
All (new vehicles in BMW center inventory)
Proper battery maintenance is vital when BMW vehicles are in your center’s inventory. Allowing a vehicle’s
battery voltage to drop below 12.0 volts (12.0V) permanently reduces the battery life expectancy and can lead to
premature failure of the battery. For vehicles, equipped with a high-voltage battery (hybrid/electric vehicles),
failure to properly maintain this battery may lead to a greatly discharged HV battery, requiring replacement.
We provide a flexible battery maintenance system every BMW center can use to meet their particular needs. This
bulletin explains the Battery Charging Calendar (see attachment), charging system categories and a simplified
tool and battery voltage checking procedure below.
Starting July 1st, the Battery Care key read is no longer needed.
This procedure details the required battery care at the following points while the vehicle is at the dealership.
During receiving inspection at dealership
Assignment of vehicle usage (3 categories)
(1) Put on the lot (New vehicle display or supplemental inventory)
(2) Battery is disconnected, vehicle in storage
(3) Vehicle is put in display stock (showroom or show display)
Vehicle battery is recharged
Vehicle is delivered to customer
NOTE: The vehicle arrives marked with a color-coded round sticker on the windshield. Do not remove this
sticker under any circumstance until the vehicle is retailed.
a. Remove the BATTERY LOG FORM (see attachment) from the glove compartment and complete section “A.”
b. Check if the car is due for charging according to section “B” in the charging calendar (is car assigned to the color
of the current week?) on the BATTERY LOG FORM.
If YES, please check the State of Charge (SoC). If it is below 71% (12.5 V), recharge the car before it goes
into storage. On hybrid/electric vehicles, the battery must be charged if the SoC is below 25% or one or fewer
blue bars are present on the SoC display. This situation can occur because of delays in transporting the vehicle
to the dealer. Go to step c.
NOTE: The HV battery in the BMW i3 and i8 cannot be charged above 30% when transport mode is active.
If NO, go to step c.
c. Check the instrument cluster for battery-related check control messages to determine the condition of the 12-
volt battery. Refer to the chart below for all applicable check control messages.
d. Open the vehicle and make sure it is in transport mode. Press the Start/Stop button and wait until all check
control messages are displayed. Refer to the updated chart below for all applicable check control messages
pertaining to the 12V battery.
If an indicator shows that the battery is less than 30% SoC (12 V), perform the following steps:
1. Enter a comment with the VIN in the Bill of Lading (Delivery Receipt).
2. Perform energy diagnosis to check if there is a vehicle malfunction.
3. Submit a warranty claim with the comment: “Battery was delivered heavily discharged.”
NOTE: Using a multi-meter upon delivery is not recommended, because an accurate voltage value is only
guaranteed after the 12V battery has been sitting for at least 4 hours.
The new vehicle battery maintenance tracking system provides for 3 distinct categories of vehicles while in
dealer stock. Each category has different recommended actions:
The vehicle may be in storage (back lot) or in a new vehicle display (not in the showroom).
The vehicle may or may not be in Transport Mode.
A four-week charging cycle and calendar have been recommended for this category of vehicles.
a. The vehicle arrives marked with a color-coded round sticker on the windshield. Do not remove this sticker under
any circumstance until the vehicle is retailed. The respective color dot on the windshield (four options) indicates
when the vehicle’s battery voltage must be checked in accordance with the section “B” of the BATTERY LOG
FORM on a four-week cycle.
b. Recharge whenever the battery voltage is less than 12.5V or 71% SoC.
BMW recommends using the LED 12V Charging Indicator to determine if a certain vehicle has to be
recharged (For testing and charging equipment, refer to SI B04 23 10).
This LED indicator has to be connected to the vehicle permanently, and eliminates the need to unlock
the vehicle for measuring the SoC of the 12V battery. The colors below apply to the charging
calendar’s SoC thresholds, and are as follows:
Green: Voltage is > 12.5V (71% SOC)
Yellow: Voltage is between 12.0V and 12.5V => Recharge
Red: Voltage < 12.0V (30% SOC) => Replace battery on new vehicles
c. Every time a battery is checked, record the voltage in section “B” of the BATTERY LOG FORM. Additionally, if
equipped, the HV battery SoC must also be checked at these intervals and charged if below 25% or one blue bar in
the SoC display.
IMPORTANT: The LED indicator has to be connected to the car for at least 4 hours in order for it to
indicate the correct battery condition!
a. To ensure the battery charge is maintained, connect the battery via the under-hood charging terminals to a
suitable power supply (refer to SI B04 23 10). For hybrid/electric vehicles, the HV battery must still be maintained
on the four-week charging cycle, since the power supply will NOT charge or maintain the HV battery.
b. If the showroom vehicle battery has to be disconnected due to state regulations, check the battery voltage on a
regular basis to ensure the state of charge is maintained above 12.5V or 71% SoC. We recommend default charging
every night.
c. Record when the battery is recharged in section “C” of the BATTERY LOG FORM.
Note: For those BMW centers which have established their own working battery maintenance procedure
which fulfills BMW guidelines, Section C can be used to track the charging of those vehicles.
For BMW ActiveHybrid vehicles: Refer to SI B61 37 12 for special High-voltage Battery care instructions
when using an external 12 volt battery charger.
Since BMW uses only maintenance-free or AGM (absorbent glass mat) batteries, DO NOT ADD DISTILLED
If, at any time, the battery open circuit voltage should drop below 12.0V, or a battery replacement is indicated
during the CBS handover inspection, perform Energy Diagnosis (refer to SI B61 13 05) to determine the
cause. Any necessary repairs should be carried out and the battery MUST BE REPLACED. The replacement
battery must be registered using the service function in the diagnosis equipment.
Charging Parameters:
Battery charging must be performed using an approved battery charger (recommended charging voltage 14.8V).
Refer to SI B04 23 10 for recommended chargers.
For an optimized charging procedure, the ambient temperature should be between 60°F and 75°F. Under these
conditions, the battery can be considered fully charged when the charging current has fallen below 2.5 Amps.
Charging below 60°F should be avoided if possible, since the capacity of the battery to take up current is reduced
and the charging time is extended considerably. However, if provisional charging below 60°F is performed, the
charging voltage must be set to 14.8V. Charging shall be discontinued no earlier than when the charging
current falls below 1.5 Amps.
Procedure for high-voltage battery PACKS (hybrid Vehicles and electric vehicles)
High-voltage battery packs should be checked at the same maintenance intervals as for 12-volt batteries.
Hybrid vehicles:
Charge the high-voltage battery pack by starting the engine and letting it idle until SoC > 75% has been
reached (approximately 15 minutes). If the vehicle is inside a building, exhaust extraction must be used. If the
vehicle is outside, the vehicle must be in a secure area.
Electric vehicles:
Connect an approved 110 V or 220 V charging cable to the vehicle’s charge port until SoC ≥ 30% (in transport
mode, maximum SoC is limited to 30% (I01, I12, I15) or 20% (G26 BEV and I20)) has been reached
The12V battery is very small. On an i3, it has a capacity of only 20Ah, but is permanently charged by the high-
voltage battery.
Note: When the high-voltage battery goes to SoC of 0%, the 12V battery will discharge quickly.
The CBS Handover Inspection must be performed as the last process step, immediately before delivery
to the customer! Refer to Service Information bulletin “New Vehicle Preparation and Maintenance
Requirements” for the affected vehicle model.
Note that the procedures outlined above are meant to be guidelines to assist BMW centers in assuring a
sufficient state of charge of vehicle batteries at all times. Following these procedures, however, will not
guarantee a sufficient state of charge on all batteries. There may be exceptional cases (for example, frequent
movement of back lot vehicles) of excessive current which may call for more frequent recharging than otherwise
The above guidelines for proper battery maintenance are meant to provide maximum flexibility for every BMW
center. Regional BMW personnel will be happy to assist with setting up an effective charging and monitoring
Refer to the attachment to this bulletin for the procedure flowchart.
The pre-printed version of the Battery Log form will no longer be provided since the demand was very low.
Reimbursement for the battery maintenance step, one (1) FRU, is included to the applicable QC1 labor
Please refer to the SI B01 01 08
: QC I Claim Payments for additional information.
Technical inquiries Submit feedback at the top of this bulletin
Please contact the Warranty department by either using the Live Chat that’s
Warranty inquiries available in the Warranty Documentation Portal or through IDS by selecting
Coverage, Policy, Coding Questions and Mileage Corrections
Parts inquiries Submit an IDS ticket to the Parts Department
Attachment to B611808 September 2021
This form should be filled out when the vehicle is received and updated according to the proper
procedure (display vs. storage vehicle). It should be placed in the vehicle history file when sold.
Note: Failure to maintain batteries as recommended and documented with this form will be considered sufficient
cause to reject warranty claims.
Model Chassis#
A Vehicle Receipt
Center # Voltage as received Inspected by Date received
B Vehicle In Storage - Checked Every 4 Weeks Color indicates battery is to be checked during the week of . . .
Voltage Voltage Voltage Voltage
Week Voltage Charged Week Voltage Charged Week Voltage Charged Week Voltage Charged
Hybrid Hybrid Hybrid Hybrid
Of (12V) / By Of (12V) / By Of (12V) / By Of (12V) / By
LED 0 Qr Qw Er F LED 0 Qr Qw Er F LED 0 Qr Qw Er F LED 0 Qr Qw Er F
Charged by
Charged by
Battery Log Form Stock #
This form should be filled out when the vehicle is received and updated according to the proper procedure (display
vs. storage vehicle). It should be placed in the vehicle history file when sold.
Note: Failure to maintain batteries as recommended and documented with this form will be considered sufficient
cause to reject warranty claims.
Model VIN
A Vehicle Receipt
Center # Voltage as received Inspected by Date received
Charged by
Charged by
Attachment to B611808 July 2019
Vehicle delivery Battery check during vehicle Battery monitoring & Check battery during pre- Vehicle hand-over to the
NEW: Red CC message
hand-over inspection recharging process delivery check customer
Battery charge
Battery OK Battery Start engine. Replace battery.
% State of charge % Start engine.
Battery charge
very low.
Energy diagnosis
Vehicle delivery Battery check during vehicle Battery monitoring & Check battery during pre- Vehicle hand-over to the
NEW: Red CC message
hand-over inspection recharging process delivery check customer