Geography 2 Syllabus - PCU
Geography 2 Syllabus - PCU
Geography 2 Syllabus - PCU
Course Information
Course Name Geography 2 Course Code
Pre-requisite Subject Course Credit 3 units, 3 hrs/wk (18 weeks, 54 hrs total)
Course Requirements
Grading System: Grading System : Attendance - 10%, Assignment - 10%, Quizzes – 20% , Recitation - 20% , Major exams – 40%
Geography 2
Course Learning Outcomes BTIs
At the end of the course, the pre-service teachers should be able to:
A. demonstrate an understanding of the geography of the Philippines and the world applying the basic geographic skills
and tools; and 1.1.1
B. demonstrate and understanding on the spatial characteristics of the various phenomena associated with the spheres
of the Earth. 1.1.1
Time Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) BTIs Content Suggested Teaching Learning Suggested Assessment BTIs
Allotment Activities
Weeks At the end of these weeks, the pre- I. Introduction and Orientation
1-2 service teacher (PST) should be able [CLO of the Course
to: A,B] AV Presentation Lecture- Recitation 5.3.1
1. Concept of Discussion
a. discuss the Concepts of Environmental KWL (Know, Want to Know, Written Quiz 5.1.1
Environmental Geography; 1.1.1 Geography Learned) /Buzz Group
b. identify the Gross Features of the 2. Gross Features of the Group Output Presentation 5.3.1
Earth; 1.1.1 earth
c. •define and explain the relations 3. Environment and KWL (Know, Want to Know, (The effects of Environmental
of Environment and the Social 1.1.1 the Social Sciences Learned) /Buzz Group Problems to Human Life)
Sciences; 4. Environmental Problems Active Class Participation/Role
d. explain the effects of 5. Objectives of
Play the effects of
Environmental Problems to Environmental
Environmental Problems to
Human Life; and Geography
e. discuss the Objectives of 1.1.1 Human Life
Environmental Geography. Peer Teaching
Geography 2
Weeks At the end of these weeks, the pre- II. Spheres of the Earth
3-5 service teacher (PST) should be able [A,B]
to: 1. The Atmosphere AV Presentation Recitation 1.1.1;
a. define the Different Spheres of 1.1.1 2. The Hydrosphere Lecture-Discussion Written Quiz 1.1.1
the Earth;
b. illustrate and discuss the Layers 1.1.1 3. The Lithosphere and the Group activity/Buzz Group
of the Atmosphere; Earth’s Processes Presentation of group output 5.1.1;
c. analyze the significance of 1.1.1 AV Presentation 1.7.1
Balance Ecosystem; 4. The Biosphere, Ecology
d. explain the significance of 1.1.1 and Ecosystem Lecture-Discussion Essay Writing/Reflection Paper 1.5.1
Human Sphere and its (Man’s Impact on the Spheres of 5.1.1
Implication to Population 5. The Human Sphere Peer Teaching the Earth)
Growth; and and Population Growth
e. identify and explain the factors 1.1.1
that shaped the country’s socio-
cultural and economic
Weeks At the end of these weeks, the pre- III. The Philippines, Its
6-8 service teacher (PST) should be able [A,B] Geography, Physical and Natural
to: Resources AV Presentation Recitation 5.1.1
Lecture-Discussion (Location,
a. identify the size and shape of the 1.1.1 1. Geographic Resources Size and shape of the Philippines) Written Quiz 5.1.1
Philippines and its location on a. Location, Size
the world map; and Shape Buzz Group (Climate and Weather) Presentation of the composed 5.3.1
b. explain the meaning of climate 1.1.1 b. Climate and Weather song/ jingle/rap about Land, 1.1.1
and weather; c. Landforms and Composition of Song/Jingle/Rap Water, Forest, Mineral, etc.
c. explain the significance of 1.1.1 Resources (Land, Water, Forest, Mineral, etc. Resources
natural resources to human life; d. Water forms and Resources)
and Resources Comic strip related to the topic 3.3.1
1.1.1 Preparing an economic map 5.1.1
Geography 2
d. discuss the importance of e. Forest and Mineral Reading of the Essay 3.3.1
agricultural resources on the way Resources Essay Writing about the Implication of 5.1.1
of living of the Filipinos. f. Agricultural Resources (Implication of Industrial Industrial Development to Human
and Industrial Development to Human life
Development life) 1.1.1
Presentation of economic map 3.3.1
Geography 2
/Role Play (Pantomime) about Air,
Water and Land Pollution
Weeks At the end of these weeks, the pre- IV. B. Major Environmental
13-14 service teacher (PST) should be able [A,B] Problems: Some Possible
to: Solutions
KWL (Know, Want to Know, Recitation 5.3.1
a. explain with gathered evidences 1.1.1 1. Depletion of Learned) /Buzz Group/ Peer
proving that man has caused the 1.5.1 Natural Resources Teaching 5.1.1
degradation of the natural
environment in the midst of his 2. Agricultural Production AV Presentation Written Quiz
effort to improve his habitat. Lecture-Discussion
Weeks At the end of these weeks, the pre- V. Basic Laws on Environment
17-18 service teacher (PST) should be able and Natural Resources in the
to: [A,B] Philippines
AV Presentation Recitation 5.3.1
1.1.1 1. Air Lecture-Discussion
2. Land
3. Water
Geography 2
a. explain the Basic Laws on Group activity (Debate)/ Talk Written Quiz 5.1.1
Environment and Natural Show/Buzz Group
Resources in the Philippines; 1.1.1 Presentation of the composed
Composition of song/ jingle/rap about the 3.3.1
b. discuss possible ways on how Song/Jingle/Rap (about the Natural Resources 1.5.1
Philippine government Natural Resources 1.6.1
implement the Basic Laws on 5.1.1
Environment and Natural 1.1.1 Peer Teaching 1.1.1
c. discuss on the issues concerning
the implementation the Basic
Laws on Environment and
Natural Resources
Suggested References
Maguigad, R. B. & Ponciano, P. D. (2012). Fundamentals of world geography with geography and natural resources of the philippines. Manila. Libro Filipino Enteprises
Mostiero, A. P. (2012). Environmental science-protect our planet. Manila. Educational Publishing House
Marshall, T. (2016). Prisoners of geography: Ten maps that explain everything about the world (Politics of Place)
Geography 2