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Lahoucine Ettaleb
B. Sc. Ecole Hassania des T. P. Casablanca, 1987
M . Sc. A. Ecole Polytechnique Montreal, 1994






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July 1999
© Lahoucine Ettaleb, 1999
In presenting this thesis in partial fulfilment of the requirements for an advanced
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Department of ^lg-^VW <~»X gu^«k Cs^^ovW— wxWi^

The University of British Columbia

Vancouver, Canada

DE-6 (2788)

In this thesis an analysis of process control loop performance based on the Harris's performance
index is given. Good and poor performances will be defined and it will be shown that poor
performance may be obtained when some loops are cycling. Then a procedure for localizing
the oscillating loops in a cascade multiloop system will be introduced. The procedure uses
data collected under normal operation and assumes knowledge of the different frequencies of
the periodic component of the output signal. An oscillation index is introduced to characterize
the oscillating loops.
The estimation of time delay is a major step in assessing control loop performance. To
overcome some difficulties of the available methods for its estimation, a new off line extended
Least-Squares technique for parameter identification and time delay estimation will be intro-
duced for processes where acting disturbances are white noise (i.e. C(q^ ) = 1).

The Harris performance index for single-input single-output (SISO) systems is a very use-
ful tool, therefore its extension to multivariable systems becomes necessary. The multi-input
multi-output (MIMO) performance indices available in the literature involve use of the MIMO
time delay matrix, also called the interactor matrix, to perform the assessment. The method
proposed in this thesis does not require knowledge of the interactor matrix. The method uses
knowledge of the delays between different input/output pairs of the process and defines an
absolute lower bound on the achievable output variance for each output. This bound is then
used to define a performance index associated with each output. The sum of these bounds is
used to characterize the overall control loop performance. The results are independent of the
matrix time delay representation, or interactor. This method is evaluated by application to the
loops controlling a lime kiln in a Kraft pulp mill.

Table of Contents

Abstract ii

List of Tables vi

List of Figures vii

Acknowledgment ix

1 Introduction 1

1.1 Control Loop Performance Monitoring 1

1.2 Outline of this thesis 8

2 Control Loop Performance Monitoring: SISO case 11

2.1 Minimum Variance Control (MVC) 11

2.2 Evaluation of performance 15

2.2.1 Evaluation of I using time series

v 15

2.2.2 Evaluation of I using Laguerre network

p 18

2.2.3 Time delay estimation 19

3 A n Extended off-line Least-Squares Method and Time Delay Estimation 22

3.1 Introduction 22

3.2 Least squares parameter estimation 24

3.2.1 Least-squares method 24

3.2.2 Generalized least-squares 26

3.2.3 Extended least-squares 29

3.3 An ARMA model for a closed-loop system 30

3.4 A n off-line extended least-squares method 34
3.5 Off-line time delay estimation 39
3.6 Case of colored noise 45
3.7 Conclusion 46

4 Realistic Performance Assessment in the SISO Case 47

4.1 Introduction 47
4.2 Problem formulation 47
4.3 Satisfactory and unsatisfactory performance 50
4.4 Control chart 54
4.5 Tuning procedure 55
4.6 Simulation Example . 57
4.7 Conclusions 60

5 Monitoring Oscillations in a Multiloop System 61


5.1 Introduction 61
5.2 Background 63
5.3 Monitoring the oscillations 65
5.4 Accuracy of the Describing Function Approach 72
5.5 Some Limitations 73
5.6 Simulation example 73
5.7 Conclusion 83

6 Control Loop Performance Monitoring in the M I M O case 84

6.1 Assessment strategies based on MIMO minimum variance control (MVC) . . . . 85

6.2 Ultimate output variance bound 88
6.3 MIMO Performance Indices 91
6.4 Estimation of the lower bounds 95
6.5 Simulation examples 98

6.5.1 First example 98

6.5.2 Second example 101

6.6 Conclusions 104

7 Performance Assessment of Control Loops on a Lime K i l n 106

7.1 Process description 106

7.2 Lime kiln process 108

7.3 Loop performance assessment for the lime kiln 112

7.4 Conclusion 115

8 Summary 116

8.1 Contributions of this thesis 116

8.2 Recommendation for future work 117

Bibliography 118

List of Tables

3.1 Results 43

6.2 C i = 0.9 <TI = 1 CT = 1

2 95
6.3 Reference values for example 2 101

L i s t of Figures

2.1 Process control 12

2.2 Process control 13

3.3 Covariance of the residual 33

3.4 White noise and its estimate 34

3.5 Estimation value of the coefficient a 41

3.6 Estimation value of the coefficient b 42

3.7 Estimation value of the time delay d 42

3.8 Loss function V 43

3.9 Estimation value of the coefficient a by ordinary least-squares 44

3.10 Estimation value of the coefficient b by ordinary least-squares 44

3.11 Estimation value of the delay d by ordinary least-squares 45

4.12 Process control 49

4.13 I and steady state error versus P-gain

p 49

4.14 A single nonlinear loop 51

4.15 Saturation characteristic 51

4.16 Nyquist Diagram 52

4.17 Partition of Ip curve 52

4.18 Performance analysis 54

4.19 Process approximation 55

4.20 Process control 56

4.21 Process control 57

4.22 Comparison of true and approximate model 58

4.23 Estimated curves versus Controller parameters 59

4.24 Estimated curves versus Controller parameters 60

5.1 Process control 63

5.2 Process control 66

5.3 Process control 73

5.4 The output y(t) of the outer loop, example(5.6.1)-test 1 75

5.5 The output yi(t) of the inner loop, example(5.6.1)-test 1 76

5.6 The output out\(t), example(5.6.1)-test 1 76

5.7 The output outfit), example(5.6.1)-test 1 77

5.8 The output y{t) of the outer loop, example(5.6.1)-test 2 78

5.9 The output y\(t) of the inner loop, example(5.6.l)-test 2 78

5.10 The output out\(t), example(5.6.1)-test 2 . 79

5.11 The output out2(t), example(5.6.1)-test 2 79

5.12 The output y(t) of the outer loop, example(5.6.2) 80

5.13 The output yi(t) of the inner loop, example(5.6.2) 81

5.14 The output outi(t), example(5.6.2) 81

5.15 The output out (t), example(5.6.2)

2 82

5.16 The output outfit) versus iri2(t), example(5.6.2) 82

6.17 On line performance index estimation kl=0.08 and k2=0.05 104

7.18 Lime cycle 107

7.19 Lime Kiln 108

7.20 First bump test 110

7.21 Second bump test Ill

7.22 Validation of the model 112

7.23 On-line performance indices 114


I am grateful to a number of individuals who greatly assisted me throughout the course of this
thesis. Without their support this work would not have been be achieved. In particular I wish
to thank:
Both Dr. Michael S. Davies and Dr. Guy A. Dumont my thesis supervisors for giving me
the opportunity to work under their guidance. The research reported in this thesis reflects true
interactions, inspiration and encouragement from both of them. I am very grateful for their
direction and their financial support.
Dr. Ezra Kwok for his valuable suggestions and help with my research work.
Rita Penco, the magic Librarian for providing any required documentation right on time.
Georgina White, Ken Wong, Brenda Dutka , Lisa Brandly, Peter Taylor and Tim Paterson
for their outstanding assistance. Thanks are also due to Brian D. McMillan for computer
support and to my student colleagues and friends at the Pulp and Paper Centre.
Ministere des T.P. of Morocco, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research of Canada and
Networks of Centres of Excellence of Canada for providing the financial support.
Dr. Abdelhaq Elhakimi, Dr. Mohamed Y. Tachafine, my colleagues at Ecole Hassania des
T.P. for their moral support.
John Ball from Canfor pulp and paper mills and Bruce Allison from Paprican for providing
lime kiln data used in chapter 6.
My wife Fatima Elmourabit, my children: Sarah, Fatima Azzahra and Hamza for their
unconditional love and unselfish support.
My large family, brothers, sisters and friends back in Morocco.
I pay special tribute to Sandra Davies for her kindness and care. She was always there when
myself or my family needed some one to help. I am indebted to remain grateful to her.

Finally, it is to my mother Hajja Zahra Irramed that I dedicated this thesis for her eternal

love and encouragement.

Chapter 1


1.1 Control Loop Performance Monitoring

The purpose of on-line surveillance of control loops is to obtain information on the performance

of plant components while the plant is operating, without disturbing its normal operation.

This information is used for a number of purposes such as 1) to provide information on the

performance deterioration with time and its correlation with operating conditions so as to help

the diagnosis of a problem; 2) to allow improved control of normal operating conditions so that

the plant can run closer to its limits. The analysis of this information guides decisions on what

repair work or other modifications will be needed at the next shutdown and whether continued

operation is safe under the normal conditions.

On-line surveillance is a general concept, and research in the area is widely treated in the

literature because the problems addressed are as old as the process industry itself Mah [53].

When process measurements and data acquisition were regularly carried out by plant operators

and engineers, the accuracy and consistency of the data were checked on the basis of their

knowledge and experience of the process. Now these functions are performed automatically by

computers; hence, a far greater volume of process data may be checked and processed without

requiring of human vigilance and intervention.

The surveillance in a wide sense includes many activities such as performance monitoring,

fault detection and state or parameter estimation. A common characteristic among these tech-

niques is the use of collected data. But the objective of each method is different. Performance

monitoring attempts to state whether satisfactory system performance standards are met. If

not, then fault detection procedure is to be initiated to locate the faulty component. If there

Chapter 1. Introduction 2

is none, then an engineering modification must be undertaken.

Degradations in control performance can be caused by an inaccurate sensor reading due

to bias, or an actuator which is not responding properly to control signals due to a non-linear

phenomenon such as backlash or stiction, or any leaks in pipelines. These malfunctions are

refered to as failures or faults. In some cases these faults can be modeled as an additive

disturbance, and therefore they can be detected using Kalman filter-based state estimators.

Observing changes in the mean and variance of the main process variable can also indicate that

a failure has occured because faults introduce changes in the properties of system components.

Taking this fact into account, some recent methods of fault detection are based on that principle

and many detection algorithms using recursive parameter estimation are now available in the

literature as detailed in [8]. A review of the most significant methods for fault detection is given

in [46, 7].

Fault detection and parameter estimation are two wide areas of research well treated in the

literature. The main focus in this thesis will be on control loop performance monitoring based

on the use of the minimum variance controller as benchmark.

Control loop performance has recently received great attention from researchers and man-

ufacturers who realize that it is a key to manufacturing high quality product. In the past,

statistical such as Shewart control charts were used. Recently, focus has been placed on the de-

velopment of multivariate statistical control charts[55]. Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

and Partial Least Squares are among the best known methods for processes with a large number

of measurements. The idea behind these methods is to compress the highly correlated informa-

tion contained in the data into a lower dimensional space which allows use of univariate control

charts. These charts can also be generated using methods from chemometrics[69].

As mentioned before, the ultimate goal of performance monitoring is to improve product

quality by reducing process variation, Smith [60].

The most commonly used measure of performance is the variance or standard deviation

of key process variables. Standard deviation is used for monitoring because reduction of this
Chapter 1. Introduction 3

quantity implies control and manufacture of a uniform product in the face of randomly varying

raw materials and chemicals[9]. It was shown in Astrom et al. [3] that by using the concept of

minimum variance control (MVC), it is possible to control the process variability, so that the

remaining variations are due only to a random noise which, when dead time is present, may

be correlated. In some cases it is not possible to implement MVC, and time series analysis

tests exist which identify whether minimum variance has been approached. Pryor [57] discusses

some aspects of the use of autocorrelation and power spectra to analyze paper machine dynamic

data. The analysis of control performance monitoring from dynamic data was also addressed

by Staton [63]. The approach of Harris [35] for control loop performance assessment is based on

the use of routine operating data and little prior knowledge of the process. Although the control

objective may not be to minimize process output variance cr , Harris proposes the use of the

minimum achievable output variance as a benchmark to assess the performance of a regulator.

To determine the minimum variance <T^„ , the process time delay of Td sampling intervals must

be known and a model of the closed loop output data must be estimated. An A R M A model of

the form y(t) = H(q~ )e(t) is used. The first Td terms of the impulse response of the filter H

(hi,..,hT -i)
d are feedback-invariant and are used to estimate c r ^ as 2

a 2
mv = (l + h + ... + h _ )al
Td 1 (1.1)

This last equation requires knowledge of the process time delay Td- The estimation of this entity

is a well known problem in the literature and, many methods have been developed, among them

the techniques described in Zheng et al.[71] or in Elnaggar and Dumont [22]. The method of the

last reference is used in many applications and proved to give good results[52, 30, 56]. But, it

has also some limitations[52]. In the third chapter, for processes where the acting disturbances

are white noise i.e. the polynomial C(q~ ) = 1 a new method will be proposed.

Other performance measures have also been used in the literature. Notable is that used by

Astrom [2] and Astrom et al.[6] for assessing achievable performance using PID control.

Harris's technique has been used successfully to improve quality and uniformity of products

in many applications, for example [56, 52]. Unfortunately, this method has some limitations.
Chapter 1. Introduction 4

One of them is that the Harris's performance index is only valid for linear minimum phase

systems. Tyler and Morari[66] proposed an extension to a nonminimum phase systems by

taken into account unstable system poles and zeros.

Another limitation is that when comparing the output variance to the minimum output

variance cr^v o m
Y the extreme situations are well defined: good variance performance when

the performance index (ratio of the actual output variance to the minimum achievable output

variance noted I ) is equal to one, and poor performance when the index is large. In practice,

the index takes on values between these extremes and it is necessary to determine whether the

actual controller performance is acceptable, acceptable with a small tuning correction, or so

unacceptable that redesign of the controller is needed.

Another issue related to the minimum variance benchmark limitations is whether the per-

formance index itself is appropriate. In practice, the ability of the controller to reduce the effect

of noise on the output variance is only one of several desirable attributes. Therefore, having

I ~ 1 for a certain controller may be too narrow as assessment of performance. In similar fash-

ion, I = 1 is obtained when implementing a minimum variance control strategy (MVC) for a

minimum phase system. As discussed by Isermann [45], minimum variance strategy may result

in slow output tracking of setpoint changes if the process zeros are too slow. This strategy may

therefore, not always be useful. To overcome some limitations of the minimum variance bench-

mark, Kozub and Garcia[49] propose a performance index which allows an exponential decay

of the closed-loop response. Horch and Isaksson[39] introduce a modified performance index

which does not require more knowledge than the original one. Huang and Shah[41] propose a

"user-defined benchmark" which requires knowledge of the disturbance model. They assume

that the disturbance model is either an integrator or has to be estimated from data.

However, a good control strategy is often obtained when compromising between output

variance as a performance criterion and other measures such as steady-state rejection of distur-

bances. These points will be discussed in more detail in chapter 4 where it is also shown that

poor performance may result when loops are cycling. Oscillations have an impact on product
Chapter 1. Introduction 5

uniformity, and can cause increase energy consumption and waste of raw material. In a recent
paper Clarke [16] showed that by eliminating oscillations in control loops, 6% saving in the
steam consumption of a batch temperature controlled process was possible. Bialkowski [9], in a
survey, indicated that 30% of all control loops in Canadian paper mills were oscillating because
of sensing and valve nonlinearity problems. Most of the valve nonlinearities encountered in the
pulp and paper industry are caused by backlash or stiction. Backlash is due to the difference in
motion response between an increasing and a decreasing output usually caused by mechanical
gearing. Backlash does not typically result in cycling, except in integrating processes, but it
does degrade control performance by limiting the loop's ability to attenuate load disturbances
and respond to set point changes. Stiction, on the other hand, affects the valve control element
and is more severe than backlash, almost always resulting in loop cycling[68]. Stiction causes
the actuator force to continue to increase without a change in the valve position until the force
overcomes the friction force. Then, the valve will move suddenly to a new position. Stiction
causes reduced valve resolution and results in a limit cycle due to the controller's inability to
position the valve to maintain a setpoint[68]. It is important to mention that although these
valve problems cannot be eliminated by controller tuning, they can however be minimized. But
only repairing or replacing the valve can eliminate them. Oscillations may also be due to bad
control tuning.
Dealing with detection of oscillations due to non-linear problems is a subject of many articles
in the literature. In Horch and Isaksson[38], extended Kalman filter was used to generate
two sets of residuals: One describing a valve with an acceptable level of friction and another
describing a valve with unacceptable amount of stiction. A generalized likelihood ratio is then
used to decide which of the sets of residuals is more likely to correspond to the measured data.
In Taha et al.[65] a friction index is proposed which measures the deviation of the valve's input-
output characteristic in normal operating conditions from its static characteristic established by
the manufacturer. The index measures the degradation of the valve due to its use. In chapter
5, the oscillating loops are first located and then the cause of the oscillations is found. The
Chapter 1. Introduction 6

procedure uses prior knowledge of different frequencies present in the periodic component of the
output signal. A n oscillation index will be introduced to characterize the oscillating loops. The
prior knowledge of oscillation in the loops can be obtained by techniques such as the Discrete
Fast Fourier Transform (DFFT) or Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)[47].

The Harris method has been extended to Multi-Input Single-Output (MISO) in Desborough
et al.[18] and very recently to Multi-Input Multi-Output system (MIMO) by Huang et al.[42]
and Harris et al.[36]. The last two references use minimum variance control as a benchmark. In
fact with no explicit time delay structure, the key steps in the derivation of SISO and MIMO
minimum variance control strategies are:

• A predictor for the time shifted variable £(q)y(t), where £(q) stands for the matrix time
delay representation, is developed.

• The noise term ^(q)N(q~ ) is factored into future and past noise terms as

Z^Niq- )1
= F(q) + Riq' )

where F(q) = F qd
+ ... + F q and ^ ( g ) is a proper transfer function.

• Under M V control, and in steady state, the tracking error is shown to be a finite moving
average polynomial of the form

y(t)-y*(t) = cHq)F(qHt), (1.3)

where {y*{t)} is a given reference trajectory and £(q) is the time delay representation
considered. Note that the expression for this tracking error (equation 6.183) does not
depend on controller parameters.

For SISO systems £~ {q)

= q~ , therefore equation (1.3) reduces to equation (1.1) which

expresses the minimum achievable output variance for SISO systems.

Following from SISO assessment, one might be tempted to use the predicted performance
of MIMO minimum variance controller as an absolute lower bound against which current per-
formance can be assessed. A bound is indeed obtained when taking the variance of both sides
Chapter 1. Introduction 7

of equation (1.3). However, this lower bound will depend on the type of matrix time delay

representation used and so is not unique.

The MIMO time delay representation was first proposed by Elliott et al. [21], in 1982, who

showed that the notion of delay in the MIMO case is related to the system interactor matrix

£(g) introduced by Wolovich et al.[70], in 1976, which satisfies the following two properties for

a given system with the transfer function T:

1. l i m _ £ ( q ) T ( q ' ~ ) = K for any non singular matrix

g 00

2- £(<?) = H{q)dia,g{q , ...,q ) where H(q) is a unimodular matrix.

dl dn

The interactor matrix was introduced initially by Wolovich with no apparent justification other

than the resulting computational procedure for its calculation. It was Elliot and Wolovich [21]

who showed the usefulness of this entity and related it to time delay in the MIMO case.

The interactor proposed by Bittanti et al.[ll], in 1994, satisfies

S(q)Z(q- ) = i,
1 T

and also satisfies property (1) above. This interactor is called the spectral unitary interactor


As can be deduced for the same system one can calculate at least two inter actors.

The procedure for control loop performance assessment proposed by Huang[40] uses the

unitary interactor. In Harris et al. [36], the procedure is based on the interactor

- 7(9)^(9)

where £(q) is the lower triangular form as defined by Wolovich, and 7(g) is obtained by solving

the following spectral factorization equation

b W f Q i W r 1
) ] = m-TQiM*- )- ]
1 1

where Q\ is a diagonal matrix. In fact, it is easy to show that (1.5) is a more general form of

equation (1.4). Writing (1.5) as

£(9)Qi£VT = Qi
Chapter 1. Introduction 8

we let Q i = I then f ( g ) f ( g )
_1 T
= I. If Qi # J and |(g) satisfies (1.4) i.e. | ( g ) | ( g )
_1 T
= J,

then by writing Q i = QI QI the interactor matrix

£'(q) = Ql£{q)Qi h

is also a solution to (1.6). On the other hand if £'(g) satisfies (1.6) then the interactor £(g)

defined in (1.7) satisfies (1.4). Therefore (1.6) serves as a link between (1.4) and (1.6), showing

the equivalence of the inter actors.

Knowledge of the interactor matrix is a drawback in the approaches of Huang and Har-

ris. Though Huang et al.[43] showed that only a few Markov parameters are needed for its

determination. If the assessment is meant to be on-line the estimation of the first few Markov

parameters is not straightforward for the following reasons:

• Most processes that require monitoring are under feedback control.

• For most processes their linear model depends on the operating point which keeps chang-

ing therefore, the interactor matrix also does.

For these and other reasons many authors avoid use of the interactor matrix for adaptive

control (see for example Dugard et al.[19], Shah et al.[58], ...etc). However, the approach which

is proposed in chapter 6 is based on defining an absolute lower bound on the achievable value for

each output variance, thus avoiding the need to identify the interactor matrix. It also removes

the ambiguity in the lowest achievable performance.

1.2 Outline of this thesis

As mentioned before, this thesis is concerned with control loop performance monitoring based on

minimum variance control as a benchmark. The research accomplished will be presented in six

chapters. In the second chapter, the Harris approach for control loop performance monitoring

is described along with different techniques for its implementation for single-input single-output

systems. The Harris method requires knowledge of process time delay, therefore, in the third
Chapter 1. Introduction 9

chapter, an off-line extended least-squares method to identify the parameters of a linear system

under closed-loop conditions for which the acting disturbances are white noise (i.e. C{q~ ) = 1)

is proposed. An off-line time delay estimation method, as an application of the proposed

method, will also be presented . These results have been reported in [24].

For some applications the Harris performance index does not lead to a clear cut assessment.

In the fourth chapter, an analysis of process control loop performance based on Harris's per-

formance index is given. Good and poor performance will be defined and it will be shown that

poor performance may be obtained when some loops are cycling. A controller tuning procedure

is given that is based only partly on output variance. These results have been reported in [27].

The important result from this third chapter is that poor performance results mainly from the

fact that some loops are cycling. The fifth chapter, describes a procedure for localizing the os-

cillating loops in a cascade multiloop system. The procedure uses data collected under normal

operation and assumes knowledge of the different frequencies of the periodic component of the

output signal. An oscillation index is introduced to characterize the oscillating loops. These

results have been reported in [26]. The detection and removal of oscillations caused by non

linear effects is necessary if the linear methods of chapter 3 are to be used. For saturating gains

the system can be brought into the linear region and then identified by controller adjustment.

For more complex uncertainties it may not be possible to revert to linear operation.

In the sixth chapter, a unified method for assessing single and multivariable control loop

performance which does not require knowledge of the interactor matrix is presented. The

method uses knowledge of the delays between different input-output pairs of the process and

defines an absolute lower bound on the achievable output variance for each output. This bound

is then used to define a performance index associated with each output. The sum of these bounds

is used to characterize the overall control loop performance. The results are independent of

the matrix time delay representation, or interactor. The application of the proposed method

to an industrial process is presented in the seventh chapter, the proposed method is evaluated

by application to the loops controlling a lime kiln in a Kraft pulp mill. In the last chapter
Chapter 1. Introduction 10

conclusions and recommendations for future work will be given.

The chronological use of the results of this thesis in a procedure to to improve control loop

performance for a given system is as follows:

1. Oscillation detection: Investigate oscillating loops as a first step because oscillations

cause poor performance and may lead to an incorrect calculation of the performance

index. In the case of cascade loops, the results from chapter 5 are applied.

2. Performance indices calculation: Two cases are to be distinguished.

• SISO systems for which methods from chapter 2 and chapter 3 are applied

• MIMO systems for which results from chapter 6 are applied.

3. Interpretation of performance indices: For SISO systems, chapter 4 describes a

realistic interpretation of the performance index and a tuning method that are based on

the use of the performance index I po which can be estimated by the relay method.
Chapter 2

Control Loop Performance Monitoring: SISO case

The objective of this chapter is to describe the Harris single-input/single-output (SISO) ap-
proach for control loop performance monitoring and discuss the available methods for its on-line
implementation. As mentioned before this technique relays on the use of minimum variance
control as benchmark therefore the organization of this chapter is as follows. In the next sec-
tion a brief discussion of minimum variance control will be given followed in section 2 by the
definition of the performance index and how to determine it from operating data. The last
section deals with time delay estimation.

2.1 Minimum Variance Control ( M V C )

The concept of minimum variance control was initially developed by Astrom et al.[3] to reduce

process variability due to random disturbances. The derivation of M V C is outlined below.

Let us consider the basic process control shown in figure (2.1). The linear system with delay

is represented by the discrete time transfer function

^ = ^&)^ < 2 8

where A; is a positive integer, B and A\ are polynomials in q~ , the backward shift operator

(i.e q y ( i ) = y{t — 1)). The order UA of A\ is considered to be the same as or higher than n

that of B. The disturbance model represented by

^ > = -£fk
<->2 9

The operator A is defined as A = 1 - q~~ . The polynomials A^q )

l -1
and C(q~ ) are of order

p and q respectively, and are stable.

Chapter 2. Control Loop Performance Monitoring: SISO case 12

u(t) + -f-
Gp(q') o —

Figure 2.1: Process control.

The expression for the output is

- l ^ ^ w +
< 2
- 1 0 )

By long division ^^-IJA c a n

be expressed in the following form (leading to a Diophantine

ntn-i\ . . n(n~ \ l


where a unique solution is obtained if the polynomial F(q~ ) is monic and of order k — 1 1

(F(q~ ) = 1 + /i<Z +... + fk-iq~ ),

1 -1 k+1
and G(q~ ) is polynomial of order max[q — 1, p +rf— 1].

Now, by using equations (2.10) and (2.11), the following expression gives the output at time


y ( t + k ) =
(^^< ) t +
%V®) (
+Fe t + k
) (- )
2 12

= y(t + k) + Fe(t + k). (2.13)

At time t + k, the best estimate of y(t + k) is y(t + k) because the term Fe{t + k) represents

the information yet to come, as e is zero mean and e and y are uncorrelated.

If the control law

BA AFu(t)
2 + GAiy(t) = 0 (2.14)
Chapter 2. Control Loop Performance Monitoring: SISO case 13

is used, then, from (2.12),

y(t + k) = Fe{t + k)

i.e. y(t + k) is a linear combination of the future values of the white disturbance sequence. It is

not difficult to show that E[y (t + k)] is minimized in that case. The output variance is given


a'mv = E[y\t + k)} = (1 + ft + ... + fU)<- (2.15)

The control law defined by (2.14) represents the minimum variance control law.

In closed loop form (Figure 2.2), the transfer function between the white noise e and the

output y is given by

Figure 2.2: Process control.

y(t) (2.16)

i | r t(Bg«)(r')
= H{q~Mt). (2.17)

By using the same manipulation as before one can easily derive the following expression of the
Chapter 2. Control Loop Performance Monitoring: SISO case 14

output at time t

rw x / MG - BA FG A 2 C \ , ,

= H(q-i)e(t) - (219)

which shows that the first k Markov coefficients of H(q~ ) are feedback invariant. Then, it

follows that

ol > o .
mv (2.20)

Under (MVC) the variance of the output is minimized and it is given by

2 _ 2

which expresses the minimum output variance that can be achieved (limit of performance).
The limit is independent of controller parameters. It depends only on the process noise model
and the present system time delay. Therefore, the evaluation of a^ av gives insight into what
performance may be expected from the actual system structure. If the performance is not
satisfactory, then by referring to equation (2.15), change to the system structure can be made
by either reducing the time delay by re-locating the sensors or reducing the disturbance variance.
Equation (2.20) shows that minimum variance control is the best possible control in the
sense that no regulator can have a lower variance. The connection between M V C and other
strategies such as the PID controller and Dahlin's algorithm is discussed in Harris [37].
From equation (2.14) we can deduce that MVC control includes the inverse process model
in the controller. It follows that for a non minimum phase process such a controller will result in
an unstable control system. The problem can, however, be overcome by the technique discussed
in detail by Astrom et al.[4]. It should also be noted that it is often undesirable to use M V C due
to the excessive control action required. This matter will be discussed extensively in chapter 4.
Chapter 2. Control Loop Performance Monitoring: SISO case 15

2.2 Evaluation of performance

Even though the MVC cannot always be implemented, it still remains a convenient bound

on achievable performance against which other controllers can be assessed. An index can be

obtained by defining a performance index I based on the theoretical limit as


1 < Ip < oo.

Then the following comments can be made:

• I ~ 1 : the actual performance is close to the best achievable performance.


• Ip « oo : the actual performance is significantly worse than optimum.

To evaluate I one needs to identify the closed loop transfer function (equation 2.16) and

express it as a Diophantine equation to obtain the F(q~ ) required to determine the minimum

achievable output variance. I can then be computed [52]. An alternative to closed loop transfer

identification is to determine the transfer function between white noise and the output using

Laguerre network[52] or using time series analysis [18]. These two methods are summarized in

the following subsections.

2.2.1 Evaluation of I using time series


The procedure for evaluating the performance index I using time series analysis is detailed

in Desborough et al. [18]. This procesure is described below. It consists of fitting y(t) to an

autoregressive moving average (ARMA) time series of the form

y(t)-py = H{q- )e(t)-


where p is the average of y(t). From the first section it was established (equation (2.18) that

y(t)-py = H{q- )e(t)


Chapter 2. Control Loop Performance Monitoring: SISO case 16

= iPi{q- )e{t) + i}>2{q- )e(t - k)

l l


Equation (2.24) is also equivalent to

y(t) - ^ = e'(t) + oii(y(t - k - i + 1) - p ).


In practice, the infinite series is truncated after m terms

y(t) - p y = e'(t) + oti(y(t - k - i + 1) - p)

= m

and, using matrix notation

Y = Xa + e



y(n - 1)
Y = , a =

y(k + m) C*m

y(n — k) y(n — k — 1) y(n — k — m + 1)

y(n — k — 1) y(n — k — 2) y(n — k — m)

X =

y{m) y(m - 1) y(i)

An estimate for is given by the residual mean square error

Chapter 2. Control Loop Performance Monitoring: SISO case 17

By using the mean square error of y(t), an estimate of I is given by


-(n — k — m + 1). (2.25)
+ f4

If fiy is not known, it has to be estimated. For that, the closed loop model behaviour is modified

to include a constant term an. The parameter vector a is augmented by cio a n (

i the matrix

X is also augmented by a leading column of ones. These transformations give the following


Y = Xa + e (2.26)


y(n) OtQ

y(n - 1)
Y = , a= a.2

y(k + m)

1 y(n — k) y(n — k- 1 ) ... y(n- -k-m + l)

1 y{n — k —1) y(n - k - 2 ) ... y{n — k — m)


1 y(m) y(m - 1) y(i)

The method described above gives an estimate off-line of Ip. The on line estimate can be

obtained by using a recursive least squares algorithm to estimate the vector a in equation

(2.26) and the following recursive equations to estimate the minimum variance performance as

well as the moving mean square error of the output

Smv(t) = \S v(t-l)
m + (l-\)e\t)

S {t) =
y XS {t - 1) + (1 - A)y(t)
Chapter 2. Control Loop Performance Monitoring: SISO case 18

where A is a forgetting factor (0.98 < A < 1) and e(t) is the prediction error at time t.

An alternative method for evaluating I , to the one above is to use a Laguerre Network

Lynch and Dumont [52] as is summarized below.

2.2.2 Evaluation of I using Laguerre network


When using a state space representation of the relation between the white noise and the output

x(t +1) = Ax(t) + be(t) (2.27)

y(t) = Cx(t) + e(t), (2.28)

the minimum achievable output variance is expressed in terms of the Markov parameters of the
process Cb, CAb, CA b, 2
... as
-2 _ 2 l + ^ipA^b) 2
The same formula is still valid when using a Laguerre network instead of state space representa-
tion [52]. In this case, the system of equation (2.27)-(2.28) denotes the discrete Laguerre state
space representation of Gunarsson [33], where the elements of matrix A and those of b and C
are given by

a,ij = a i = 3
A = = 0 i < j

«u = (-«r (l-« ) i>3 j_1 2

bi = (-of-Vl-a 2
i = ltoN

C = [gi ... g \- N

The parameter a is the time scale, N is the number of Laguerre filters used (The optimal value

of N is derived by Fu et al.[29]) and gw represents the N th

Laguerre gain. The Nth
filter xj^{q) is given by

q-a \ q—aJ
Chapter 2. Control Loop Performance Monitoring: SISO case 19

In the above analysis it was assumed that the time delay was known, but in most cases it

is either unknown or time varying. The next section deals with the time delay's definition and


2.2.3 Time delay estimation

The estimation of time delay is a familiar problem in control system design, in acoustics,

and in radar remote control. Several good techniques have been developed for extracting

this quantity from measurements. Most of those methods are based on analyzing the cross

correlation function of u and y as the two signals of interest

Ru (k) = E[u(t - k)y(t)}

V (2.30)

where E[.] denotes the expectation over time t to determine the time delay between u and y

In some cases, when the signals are highly coloured, the cross-correlation function does

not provide the correct time delay. This problem can be overcome by whitening the signals

before performing the cross correlation Carter [14]. In Elnaggar et al. [22] the concept of

variable regression estimation (VRE) to estimate the time delay is used. It is shown that

this estimation can be added to any standard parameter estimation with minimal additional

computation, which means faster convergence of the identification procedure. The model used

to describe the process time delay is a first order given by

a = —e T

e-T sd bq- ~
k 1

< b= 1 - e "
l+TS 1 + aq- 1


y(t) = ay(t - 1) + bu(t - k - 1)

the prediction error e is defined as

e(t,k) = y{t)-y{t, k).

Chapter 2. Control Loop Performance Monitoring: SISO case 20

where y(t, k) is the prediction of y given the estimate k. The argument k that minimizes

E[e(k) ] provides an estimate of time delay.


For b > 0 it is shown in [22] that this is equivalent to maximizing E\ given by

Ex = Ru {k) - aRuy(k - 1).


The choice of a = 1 gives unbiased estimation of delay. E\ becomes

E = E{{y{t +
1 l)-y(t))u{t-k)}.

The on-line delay estimation procedure uses the following algorithm:

• Ei(t, ki) = \Ei(t - 1, hi) + [y{t) - y(t - l)]u(t - ki) Vki e [k , min k ] max

• choose the delay that maximizes E\

Ei(t, ki) = max Ei(t, ki) Vfcj € [k

mini kmax\•
In practice this procedure gives good results in open loop [52, 30, 56]. Unfortunately this

technique has also some limitations [52]. In the next chapter a new method for time delay

estimation will be proposed.

Some methods for time delay estimation are based on Pade approximations which is often

convenient as the approximation of the time delay is given in term of a rational transfer function

instead of e~ TdS
. The approximation can be obtained from the following Pade approximation

of order n
- s
Td „ 2 - T s + (-T s) /2 + ( - r a ) / 3 ! + .. +
d d
(-T s) /n\

~ 2 + T s 4- {T sf/2 + (r a)3/3! + .. + {T s) /n\
d d d ' d

The reverse problem of the Pade approximation is to obtain the equivalent time delay of a

complex system described by

\ TA + «i« + a s + .. 2

G(s) = K —
—5 .

The equivalent time delay was derived by Matsubara [54] and is given by

D = b\ — a\

n m

i=l t=l
Chapter 2. Control Loop Performance Monitoring: SISO case 21

where pi and Zi are respectively poles and zeros of the transfer function G(s). This powerful

result was used by Isermann [44] to show that the following standard models

k ke~ TdS

G l ( s ) =
(TT7^ G 2 ( s )=
lTT7^ or

Gs(s) k

ES=i(i + ^ ) n

can be used for describing a wide range of different low-pass models.

These approximations or model reduction methods are useful for:

• improving delay estimation.

• Model reduction (reduction of parameter to be estimated).

In the following chapter, an alternative method for time delay estimation will be presented, as

an application of an off-line extended least-squares method.

Chapter 3

A n E x t e n d e d off-line Least-Squares M e t h o d a n d T i m e Delay E s t i m a t i o n

Most control loop performance assessment methods rely on some prior knowledge of the process
under investigation. This knowledge may be the process time delay or the complete process
model. Therefore, a major difficulty with these methods of assessment resides in the determina-
tion of the process model or the time delay. Because most performance assessment methods are
expected to work with normal operating data, it is not clear that it is possible to identify the
time delay in the absence of an external perturbation, e.g. setpoint change to ensure closed-loop
In this chapter, it will be developed a technique that guarantees closed-loop identifiability
of a process without using an external signal, as long as the process disturbance is assumed to
be white. The case of colored disturbances although briefly discussed will not be studied here,
this is reserved for future work.
The organization of this chapter is as follows. In the following section, an introduction
to closed loop parameter identification is given. In section 2, some existing variants of the
least squares method are presented and an A R M A model is discussed for a regulatory closed
loop system in section 3. In section 4, the proposed extended off-line least-squares method is
presented. In section 5, the proposed method is used to determine the parameters and time
delay of a system. Section 5 draws some conclusions.

3.1 Introduction

In order to predict the future response of a dynamic process or to manipulate its outputs to fol-
low desired trajectories, a mathematical model which describes the dynamics of the underlying

Chapter 3. An Extended off-line Least-Squares Method and Time Delay Estimation 23

process is necessary. In some cases this model can be obtained by analyzing the internal mech-

anism or physics of the system. In other cases the internal mechanism is not well understood

or is highly complex, and an identification experiment has to be carried out.

The model may be linear or non-linear though, in practice, linear models are more common

since they are simple to analyze for identification, prediction or control purposes. Much work

has been done in linear identification and control, and the theory is well known and documented.

The estimation of the system parameters or equivalent of the process model can be performed

in open-loop by many methods. A detailed description of these techniques is given, for example,

in Ljung [51], Soderstrom and Stoica [62]. Under certain assumptions these methods can also

be used to estimate the parameters of a process operating in closed-loop. If the process is open

loop unstable, or the controller is adaptive, then it is preferable that the process model be found

by closed-loop identification.

Furthermore, it is now known that if the purpose of modeling is to design a controller, then

it is advantageous to perform the identification in closed-loop[50].

For these reasons, closed-loop identification has become an important research area, and

many methods dedicated to closed-loop identification are now available [28].

Most methods of closed-loop identification use a sufficiently exciting external signal added to

the control signal or to the reference signal. In Van den Hof et al.[67], the sensitivity function

is estimated first, then the process transfer function is determined. A recursive method is

proposed by Landau and Karimi[50] using the sensitivity function and an external signal, but

requires perfect knowledge of the controller.

The use of an external signal to achieve identifiability under feedback conditions was pro-

posed by Gustavsson et al.[34]. An alternative to using an external signal is to switch between

different regulators as proposed by Soderstrom et al. [62].

The use of an excitation signal is the best known way to guarantee the estimation of the

process parameters. However, for performance assessment, the use of such signals is rarely

allowed. In that case, it will be shown in this chapter that in the case of a regulatory process
Chapter 3. An Extended off-line Least-Squares Method and Time Delay Estimation 24

where the acting disturbance can be described by white noise, it is possible to estimate the

process parameter without an external excitation signal.

In the following an overview of least squares methods is given.

3.2 Least squares parameter estimation

In the field of parameter estimation the least squares technique has reached a significant level of

popularity and perfection. This technique was first introduced by Karl Friedrich Gauss in 1795

who used it for astronomical computations. Some variants of the least-squares method will be

reviewed based on a survey article by Strejc[64]. More details and references are to be found

in that article. The objective of this section is to show the difference between the proposed

extended least-squares, which will be presented in the following section, and the existing least-

squares approaches.

3.2.1 Least-squares method

Consider the problem of estimating the polynomials A(q~ ) and B(q~ ) of the system described
1 l

by the following equation

A{q- )y(t)l
= B{q- )u{t)+e{t),


A(q~ ) l
= l + aiq- l
+ ...+a q- ,

Biq' )
= hq' 1
+ ... + b q-

y(t), u(t) and e(t) are respectively the process output, the process input and the process dis-

turbance which is assumed to be a sequence of independent and identically distributed random

variables with zero mean and variance a . Equation (3.31) is also equivalent to

y(t) = <p{t)0 + e(t) (3.34)

Chapter 3. An Extended off-line Least-Squares Method and Time Delay Estimation 25


ip{t) = [-y(t - 1)... - y(t - n ) u(t - l)...u(t - n )}

A B (3.35)

6 = [ai ... anA bi ... b ) .


Given the measurements y(l), y(t) and the estimates £(1), e(t) of e(l), e(t) the

least-squares estimate 9 of the vector 9 is determined by minimizing the following loss

V(9) = We\t) =ee T

where e(t) is the equation error defined by

e(t) = y(t) - v(t)9. (3.38)

The estimate 9 is given by

0 = {^NY^IYN (3.39)

if 4>%<J>N is invertible, which expresses the excitation condition (Astrom and Wittenmark[3]),


' y(i) ' V(l) '

YN = and (J>N = (3.40)

y(N) <p(N)

Some statistical properties of 9 are (Astrom and Wittenmark[3]):

E{9) = f5and (3.41)

cov(9) = <%{f <t> )-\ N N

Chapter 3. An Extended off-line Least-Squares Method and Time Delay Estimation 26

Recursive equations can be derived for the case when the observations are obtained

sequentially as follows. Let 9(N) denote the least-squares estimate based on 7Y measure-

ments, and assume that (<frJf(f>N) is a

non-singular matrix. The least-squares estimate 9

then satisfies the recursive equations [64]:

§(N + 1) = 9(N) + K [y(N N + l)-<p {N T

+ l)9(N)} (3.43)

K N = P <p{N + N + <p (N + l)P <p(N + 1)]"


PN+1 = [I-K <p {N N

+ l)]P . N (3.45)

This method is based on the assumption that e(t) is white noise.

3.2.2 Generalized least-squares

The procedure of the generalized least squares considers the case when the additive noise

is a colored noise i.e. the mathematical model of the process is described by

A(q-i)y(t) = B( -i)„(t)g + J ^ L (3.46)

- Biq-^uty + wit). (3.47)

where A(q~ ) and B(q~ ) are as before and

l l

Dig- )
= l + d - A...
+ d q- , nD

and w[t) = £>(g-i) is the colored noise. w(t) can also be expressed as:

w(t) = -diw{t - 1) - ... - d w{t - n ) + e(t). nD D (3.49)

Multiplying both sides of equation (3.46) by D(q~ ) yields 1

A(q- )y {t)
f = B{q- )u (t) l
f + e{t), (3.50)
Chapter 3. An Extended off-line Least-Squares Method and Time Delay Estimation 27


y (t)
f = Diq-^yit) and (3.51)

u (t)
f = D{q- )u(t).

If the autocorrelations of w(t) are known, then, define the covariance matrix W of

the colored noise w(t) as:

E[w(t)w(t)] E{w(t)w(t - n )} D

E[w(t)w(t - 1)] E[w(t - l)w(t - n )}


W =R W = (3.53)

E[w(t)w(t — n )\ D ... E[w(t — n )w{t — n ))


The inverse of this matrix can be expressed as

W~ = V V,
l T

where V being triangular matrix. The estimate 9 of the vector 9 is determined by-

minimizing the following loss function

V{8) = (Ve) (Ve).


In this case it can be shown [64] that

e= {{V(i> yv<t> )-\v<i> YVY .


• If the polynomial D(q~ ) is known then 9 can be determined using the least-squares

method based on filtered data yj and uj of equations (3.51)-(3.52) above.

• On the other hand when prior knowledge of the noise is lacking, the polynomial

D(q~ ) has to be estimated first.

Chapter 3. An Extended off-line Least-Squares Method and Time Delay Estimation 28

Clarke [15] suggested the following off line estimate D given by

D = -(E E)- E HT 1 T


e(N) = y'N)-(p(N)§ and (3.56)

S = [e(n + 1) e(n
D D + 2) ... e(N)} (3.57)


e(nc) ... e(l)

E (3.58)

e(N-l) ... e{n -N) D

The filtered sequences

yf(t) = y(t) + Y, iy( - ) d t i (3.59)

Uf(t) = u(t) + E diu(t — i) (3.60)

are used for calculation of the estimate

= [Myf> f)<l>N{yf,Uf)]
(f) (yf,u )
N f Y (y ,u )
N f f (3.61)

which can be considered as the first approximation of 6 in equation (3.56). This procedure

is repeated to improve the estimation of polynomials A, B and D. It is noted that the

calculation of 6 gives A and B while D is calculated separately. Therefore, the estimation

of D depends on that of A and B and vice-versa.

A recursive solution exists and can be found in [64].

Chapter 3. An Extended off-line Least-Squares Method and Time Delay Estimation 29

3.2.3 Extended least-squares

In the extended least-squares method the mathematical model considered is given by

A(q-')y(t) = B(q-i)u(t) +^^e(t). (3.62)

For simplicity we consider D(q~ ) = 1, therefore the model considered is


Aiq-^yit) = B{q- )u(t) + C{q- )e{t),

l l

where A, B and C are polynomials in the backward shift operator q~ . The estimation of x

9 can be done as before except the changes in the arrays 0and <p which are now expressed

as follows:

<p(t) = [—y(t — 1) ... — y(t — TIA) u(t — 1) ... u(t — n ) e(t — 1) ... e(t — n )] and
B c

9 = [ai ... a nA bi ... b ng c ...

t c ].

The calculation of the error estimate e(t) by means of past estimates of parameters 9

which is the same, by means of the following relation

e(t) = y(t) - <p(t)9. (3.64)

The recursive algorithm for this method is similar to that of a recursive least squares

except the calculation of the prediction error. It is given in the following.

§(N + 1) = 9(N) + K [y(n+l)-(p {N N

+ l)9{N)} (3.65)

K N = P ^ ( N + l)[l + (^ (A^+l)Piv¥'(^ + l ) ] "

T 1

P^ + 1 = [I-K <p (NN

+ l)]P N (3.67)

e(N) = y(N) - (p(N)9(N) (3.68)

The difference between these three methods resides in how the prediction error, which

is an estimate of the noise, is taken into account. In the following a modified version of

the extended least squares method for a regulatory closed loop system is proposed.
Chapter 3. An Extended off-line Least-Squares Method and Time Delay Estimation 30

3.3 A n A R M A model for a closed-loop system

In many cases, a regulatory closed-loop system can be described by an A R M A model.

Let us consider the plant model described by the following A R M A X model.

Aiq-^yit) = Biq-^uW + Ciq-^eit), (3.69)


Aiq' )
= l + a q- + ... + a q- *,

B{q~ ) l
= b^- 1
+ ... + b q~ nB
and (3.71)

Ciq' )
= l + c q- + ...-rC q- .

y(t), u(t) and e(t) are respectively the process output, the process input and the process

disturbance which is assumed to be a sequence of independent and identically distributed

random variables with zero mean and variance cr . e

The process is assumed closed-loop stable under the feedback control law given by

«(*) = -f^foW-r), (- )
3 73

where r is a constant reference.

Replacing u(t) in equation (3.69) by the expression given by equation (3.73) yields

y(t) =
A(q-i)S(q-i) + B(q-i)R(q-i)
Ciq-^Siq- )- 1

A(q-l)S(q-l) + B(q-l)R(q-l)


B(q^)R{q- ) 1

A(q-l)S(q-l) + B(q-l)R(q-l)
Chapter 3. An Extended off-line Least-Squares Method and Time Delay Estimation 31

This equation can be rewritten as

e(t) (3.74)
A( -i)S(q-i)
q + B(q-i)R( -i) q


where y(t) = y(t) — y(t). This equation shows that the closed-loop system described

by equations (3.69) and (3.73) can be represented by an autoregressive moving-average

model ( A R M A ) defined by equation (3.75).

Therefore it is then proposed to estimate the past noise sequence e(t) and use it as

available information to estimate the process parameters A and B. The estimate of the

past noise is obtained once the parameters of the A R M A model of equation (3.75) are

determined. In the ideal case

Ciq-^Siq' ) 1
and (3.76)

Aiq-^Siq-^ + Biq-^Riq- ). 1

A R M A models are widely used in the field of time series analysis because they are a

general representation of a linear, stationary, stochastic process. Their parameters can

be determined in a number of ways described in Box and Jenkins[13], Ljung[51] or in

Astrom and Soderstrom[5]. In this last reference, the maximum likehood method is used

to estimate the polynomials ct{q~ ) and P(q~ ) which are defined as follows:
l l

a(q~ ) l
= 1 + c^q- 1
+ ... + a q- na

Piq- )
= l+p q-
+ ...+P q- i>.

The cost function to be minimized is given by

Chapter 3. An Extended off-line Least-Squares Method and Time Delay Estimation 32

where the residual e(t) is a function of the observations y(l), y(2), y(t) defined by

a(? )e(*) = kQ~ )y(t)

_1 l


&{q~ )
= l + + ... + a q~ n&

•3{q- ) =1
l + jhq- 1
+ ... + Pn q- ».

d ( 9 ) and /?(g ) are assumed to be stable. Astrom and Soderstrom [5] showed that a,
_1 _1

/3 which minimize V(a,(3) satisfy

<% ) _1
aiq' ) 1



al = E{e {t))>E{e\t))
= ol (3.81)

where E(.) denotes the expectation function, given that

ria > n a and > rip. (3.82)

The equality o — o is obtained if n„ = n

2 2
a and rip = rip. It is also shown that the

residual e(t) is a good estimate of e(t) satisfying

E(e(t)e(t -k)) = 0 for k > 1. (3.83)

The estimation of e(t) can be very accurate. In the following, this accuracy is illustrated

by an example.

Example 3.3.1 ]52] The process considered is described by

_ 0.2q-'u{t) (l-0.5q-' + 0.6q- )e(t), 2

V { t ) _
(1 - 0.89") 1 +
(1 - 0.8(ri) 1
Chapter 3. An Extended off-line Least-Squares Method and Time Delay Estimation 33

where the process disturbance e(t) is a sequence of independent and identically distributed

random variables with zero mean and variance o~ = 1. The control law is given by

^ = ^ 6 - 0 ^ ( 3 g 5 )
0.2 - 0.2?- 1 v y K
" K 1

The estimated A R M A model for this process is given by ^ p r j where

a'q- )
= 1 - 1.3955g + 0.3835g~ + 0.4585?- - 0.7784?- + 0.4394g~ - 0.0997g~
-1 2 3 4 5 6

p(q-i) = l - 1.1387?- - 0.3336?- + 0.8466g" + 0.2867g- .

1 2 3 4

The residual e(t) which is an estimate of e(t) is obtained by

e(t) = - !)• (- )
3 86

The variance obtained for e(t) is of = 1.0186 which is very close to cr = 1. 2


•y tj* 5- <b © o o e> © o ©

Figure 3.3: Covariance of the residual.

autocorrelation is shown in figure (3.3). It can be seen that the condition of equation

(3.83) is satisfied. Figure (3.4) shows the near perfect match between the residual (dashed
Chapter 3. An Extended off-line Least-Squares Method and Time Delay Estimation 34

line) and the white noise (solid line). Clearly the estimate e(t) oie(t) can be very accurate,

which confirms what is already known from the references cited above. For these reasons,

in the following, an off-line extended least-squares method to estimate the parameters

of a process under closed-loop is proposed. The proposed technique is a batch method,

and is based upon the estimate e(t) of e{t) as a first step, followed by estimates of the

process parameters.

2 .O I 1 1 1 1 1 1 r

- 2 .S 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1

eoo eoo eio eio 020 e2S

eao eas 84o e-as eoo

Figure 3.4: White noise and its estimate.

3.4 An off-line extended least-squares method

As mentioned above, it is proposed to estimate first the past noise which is obtained

by estimating the residual e(t), and then to use it as prior knowledge to determine the

process parameters. This method is restricted to processes that can be described by the

following equations:

y® = f f e l T ^ ) + (3-87)
Chapter 3. An Extended off-line Least-Squares Method and Time Delay Estimation 35

<t) = -|^l(y(t)-r), (3.88)

where r is a constant reference (regulatory control), e(t) is a white noise and d is the

process time delay.

In the following it is first considered the case of d = 0 and r = 0. B y defining a

new variable yd(t) = y{t) — e(t) the following set of equations is deduced from the above


Vd{t) = fjjrry«(*) (3-89)

u{t) = -j^j(yd(t) + e(t)). (3.90)

These last two equations represent a closed loop system where the reference signal is

the white noise —e(t) and the output signal is yd(t). Because —e(t) is a white noise we

are guaranteed to satisfy the closed-loop identifiability condition for this loop. There

we can approximate yd(t) as y(t) — e(t), where e(i) is an approximation of e(t) obtained

above. Therefore, it appears that there is no need for an external signal to be applied to

determine the transfer function which relates the input u to the output y . In this case d

both processes represented by (3.87)-(3.88) and (3.89)-(3.90) have the same closed loop

transfer function. The estimation of the polynomials A(q~ ) and B(q~ ) is done as will l 1

be described in the following. Equation (3.89) is also equivalent to

y (t) - ip(t)d
d (3.91)


ip(t) = [-y (t-l)...-y (t-n )u(t-l)...u{t-n )}

d d A B (3.92)

9 = [ai ... a nA h ... b ) .

Chapter 3. An Extended off-line Least-Squares Method and Time Delay Estimation 36

Given the measurements y ( l ) , y(t) and the estimates e(l), e(t) of e(l), e(t) the

variable yd(t) is reconstructed from the measurements of y(t) and the estimates e(t) of

e(t) as:

y (t)=y(t)-e(t),
d (3.94)

then the extended least-squares estimate 9 of the vector 9 is determined by minimizing

the following loss function

i N

where e(t) is the equation error defined by

e(t) = y (t) - <p(t)9.

d (3.96)

The estimate 9 is given by

9= (^V)- ^ 1

if (j) (j) is invertible. This is an excitation condition see Astrom and Wittenmark[3], where


and (j) = (3.98)

Vd(N) ^(iV)

Some statistical properties of 9 are given by the following result.

Proposition 3.4.1 Consider the estimate 9 defined by equation (3.97). Assume that

e(t) is white noise and e is an estimate of e which satisfies equation (3.83) with zero

mean. Then the following properties hold:

1. 9 is the unique minimum point of V(9).

Chapter 3. An Extended off-line Least-Squares Method and Time Delay Estimation 37

2. E(§) = 9.

3. cov{6) = o-l_ {4?4>)-\


Proof: To prove this result, first write V{9) as

v{e) = hy -<t e] [Y -ct>e],

d )
d (3.99)

then setting the gradient of the loss function V{9) to zero yields

O = - ^ = - F / 0 + 0 (0 0), T T

therefore 9 is obtained as in equation (3.97) which is also equivalent to

§ = (<j> ft- <l> (<f>9 +
T 1 T

" e(l) ' ' e(l) '

e= and e = (3.102)

e(AQ e(N)


0 = 0 + f> 0)-V (e-e), T

T (3.103)

which implies that E(6) = 9, because E(e — e) = 0. Equation (3.103) shows that if e is a

good estimate of e then (f/> <^) 0 (e — e) —• 0 and 9^9.

T _1 T
Rearranging Equation (3.103)


9-9 = ((j) <f))- (t> (e - e)

T l T
Chapter 3. An Extended off-line Least-Squares Method and Time Delay Estimation 38

Then taking the expectation of both sides of the last equation yields

E[(6 - 6)(6 - 6) ] = ol_ {<t> <t>r .

T l

The estimate 6 depends on the nature of the matrix (<j) <f)). T

This matrix should

be positive definite [4, 28] which is not always the case specially for process that is

under linear feedback of sufficiently low order. For such processes there exist some linear

dependencies among the columns of the matrix (b which means that the parameters can

not be determined uniquely [4]. The problem with lack of identifiability due to feedback

disappears if a linear feedback of sufficiently high order is used. Then the columns of the

matrix (b are no longer linearly dependent [4]. This, however requires the knowledge of the

true plant order, a practical impossibility. Another possibility is to consider an external

input signal that is persistently exciting. In Forssell and Ljung[28] it is shown that this

method leads to (<b (b) being a positive definite matrix. Furthermore, according to the

same reference[28]:"the general condition for (4> 4>) to be positive definite is that there

should not be a linear, time-invariant, and noise-free relationship between u and y. With

an external reference signal this is automatically satisfied ". Therefore, for the process

described by equation (3.89)-(3.90) the resulting matrix {(b (b) is positive definite. In

deed, it can be viewed as a closed loop system where the reference signal is a white noise

and also because in the expression of u(t) = — g(g-i) A e(t)) there is e(t).

The following section uses the method introduced here to estimate the parameters of

a process with time delay.

Chapter 3. An Extended off-line Least-Squares Method and Time Delay Estimation 39

3.5 Off-line time delay estimation

The process considered is described by the following transfer function where the notations

and assumptions are those of the previous sections.

V(t) = | | ^ 9 - w ( t ) + e(t),

d is the process time delay for which a maximum and a minimum value are known i.e.

d g [d in dmax]. A(q~ ), B(q~ ) and yd(t) are as defined in the last section. The control
1 1

law is given in equation (3.73). Equation (3.106) is equivalent to

y (t)
d = tp(t, d)6


<p(t, d) = [-yd(t - 1) ... - yd(t - n ) u(t - d) ...u(t-d

A - n )}
B and

9 = [ai...a bi...b,

Assuming the same conditions as before except for the presence of d, the loss function is

V(e,d) = lJ2e (t), 2


where e(t) is the equation errors defined by

e(t) = y -<p(t,d)0.
d (3.108)

The estimates 9 and d are obtained from the following minimization problem

[9,d\= min V(9,d). (3.109)

This problem is solved in two stages. First solve equation (3.109) for a given d g

[d i d ax] to obtain an estimate 9 defined by

m n m d

9 = {<t> \d) j {d)y f{d)Yd

( )
Chapter 3. An Extended off-line Least-Squares Method and Time Delay Estimation 40

if (b (d)(b{d) is invertible, where Yd and (b(d) are defined by


VdiX) <p{l,d)

Y =
d and (b(d) (3.111)

y (N)
d <p{N,d)

then the estimates 9 and d are those which minimize V(9,d) for all d e [d i d \.
m n max

Proposition 3.5.1 Consider the estimated process time delay d and the estimated 6

defined by equation (3.110). Assume that e(t) is white noise and s(t) is an estimate of

e(t) which satisfies equation (3.83) with zero mean. Then [d, 9] is the unique minimum

point of V(9,d).

Proof: For a fixed d, it is shown in the previous section that 9d defined in equation

(3.110) is the unique minimum point of V(6d). d can only take values between d i and m n

dmax, therefore d which minimizes V(9 ) exists and is included in [d

d min d \. •

In the following, the results of this chapter are illustrated by the following example.

Example 3.5.1 [52] The process considered is described by

y(t) (3.112)

where the process disturbance e(rj) is white noise of zero mean and variance a = 1. The

control law is given by the following proportional controller:

u(t) = l-y(t). (3.113)

The first step consists in determining the closed loop A R M A model or the filter H(q ) :

which will be used to estimate the noise sequences. The estimated A R M A model for this
Chapter 3. An Extended off-line Least-Squares Method and Time Delay Estimation 41

process using A R M A X command of M A T L A B is given by H(q *) = ^ p r j where

a{q- )
= 1 + 0.0843?- - 0.24939
1 -2

fitq- )
= 1 + 0.1132?- - 0.2359g - 0.0504g- + 0.0208?-
1 -2 3 4

- 0 . 1 4 6 9 g - 0.1466g - 0.1179g .
-5 -6 -7

Figure 3.5: Estimation value of the coefficient a.

Using 500 different noise sequences, the estimates value of the parameters a and b

are shown respectively in Figure (3.5) and Figure (3.6). The estimated values of the

time delay are plotted in Figure (3.7). Figure (3.8) shows the values of the loss function

V(6,d). The average estimated model is given by:

y(t) = (3.114)

It can be seen from comparing this model to the one described by equation (3.112)

that the time delay is exactly identified and the process model reasonably approximated.
Chapter 3. An Extended off-line Least-Squares Method and Time Delay Estimation 42



0.165' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1
O SO IOO 1 SO 200 2SO 300 35a 400 -J50 SCO
N u m b e r o1 & l m u l a 1 i o r m

Figure 3.6: Estimation value of the coefficient b.

SB -
5JS -


a 5

.a -».B
4.4 -

O 50 IOO ISO 200 2SO 3 OO 350 400 4SO BOO

N u m b * r o1 & l m u l s ' lo n&

Figure 3.7: Estimation value of the time delay d.

Chapter 3. An Extended off-line Least-Squares Method and Time Delay Estimation 43

o.ozs —

0.0£4 -

0.023 -


N u m b e r o l » l m u l a l l o rm

Figure 3.8: Loss function V .

Applying ordinary least-squares to the example above, and by considering 500 differ-

ent noise sequences, the estimates value of the parameters a and b are shown respectively

in Figure (3.9) and Figure (3.10). T h estimated value of the parameter a is completly

wrong. The estimated values of the time delay are plotted in Figure (3.11). The average

estimated model is given by:

V(t) = ( f l ^ ^ ^ + e^), (3.115)

It can be seen from comparing this model to the one described by equation (3.112) that

the ordinary least-squares method has difficulty to approximate the process model. The

following table summarizes the obtained results from using the proposed method and

ordinary least-squares.

Real values a=-0.8 b=0.2 d=5

Parameters a 4 b oi d
Extended least-squares -0.775 3.85 IO" 5
0.1842 1.99 10~ 5
5 0
Ordinary least-squares -0.24 5.68 10~ &
0.1842 3.2 IO" 4
5 10.51
Table 3.1: Results.
Chapter 3. A n Extended off-line Least-Squares M e t h o d and Time Delay Estimation 44

- 0 . 2 2 \-

—0.2T7 ' " " ' 1 1 1 1 « I I

O SO IOO 1 SO ZOO 2SO 3QO 3SO 400 450 500
Number oi ilmuta'iorm

Figure 3.9: Estimation value of the coefficient a by ordinary least-squares.


0.24 \-

0.14' 1 1 1 1 " 1 — 1 1 1 1
O SO IOO 1 SO ZOO ZSO 300 350 400 A SO SCO
N u m b s r o l « i m u l s l l o rm

Figure 3.10: Estimation value of the coefficient b by ordinary least-squares.

Chapter 3. An Extended off-line Least-Squares Method and Time Delay Estimation 45

350 -*00 -*SO SCO

Figure 3.11: Estimation value of the delay d by ordinary least-squares.

3.6 Case of colored noise

The case where the disturbance is colored is more complex to solve, as knowledge of the

disturbance dynamics is required to compute yd = y — w. Consider the following process

= T7?^9~V*) + (- )
3 116


where r = 0 is a constant reference (regulatory control), w(t) is a colored noise i.e.

w(t) = H i (q~ )e(t)

no se
and d is the process time delay. Equation (3.116) and (3.117) are

also equivalent to

y (t)
d = y(t)-w(t) = ^^q- u(t) d

u{t) = -j^(y ,(t)-w(t)).

d (3.119)

These last two equations are similar to equation (3.89)-(3.90) except that w(t) is colored

noise. To apply the previous analysis, it is needed to estimate e(t) as described above

and determine the filter Hnm^q" ) then reconstruct the two signals:

w(t) = H (q- )e(t)

and (3.120)
Chapter 3. An Extended off-line Least-Squares Method and Time Delay Estimation 46

y (t)
d = y(t)-w(t). (3.121)

However, if no external signal is considered, the determination of the filter H (q~ )


can only be obtained if the process considered operates for a while in an open loop man-

ner. Therefore, the general case of non white disturbance is not solved by the proposed


3.7 Conclusion

The method presented here considered the case of a regulatory process where the poly-

nomial C(q~ ) = 1. For that special case it was shown that the process is identifiable

without an external output signal. The general case though briefly discussed was not


The following chapter addresses some problems related to the use of minimum variance

control as benchmark in assessing the performance of controllers.

Chapter 4

Realistic Performance Assessment in the SISO Case

4.1 Introduction

Harris's approach [35] for control loop performance assessment is simple and effective.

The method requires routine operating data and little prior knowledge of the process.

When using this method to assess control loop performance, problems may arise, some

of which are addressed in this chapter.

The organization of this chapter is as follows. In section 2, two existing performance

index definitions are used to illustrate some of the problems related to the use of this

method. In section 3, satisfactory versus unsatisfactory performance is investigated and

the transition between them is established as the point at which the process starts to

oscillate. In section 4, a tuning procedure to bring the output variance to an acceptable

level is described and shown to be a trade-off between other criteria of interest.

4.2 Problem formulation

The comparison of the output variance to the minimum output variance a^ v can be

carried out by using one of two performance index definitions encountered in the literature

[18, 35].

Here the performance index is defined as:

1 < I < oo r is the setpoint.
p (4.122)

Chapter 4. Realistic Performance Assessment in the SISO Case 48

When the actual performance is close to the best achievable performance, I fa 1. When

the actual performance is significantly worse than optimum, I p >> 1. To bound the

performance measure between zero and one, a performance index can also be defined as

In the definition used here, only the extreme situations are well defined: good variance

performance when the performance index is equal to one and poor performance when the

index is large. In practice, the index takes on values between these extremes, and it is

necessary to determine whether the actual controller performance is acceptable, accept-

able with a small tuning correction, or so unacceptable that redesign of the controller is


As discussed in the introduction, the minimum variance control strategy has some

limitations; therefore it is not always useful to implement. However, a good control

strategy is often obtained when compromising between output variance as a performance

criterion and other measures such as steady-state rejection of disturbances. To illustrate

this idea, consider the following example.

Example 4.2.1 The process is described by Figure 4.12 where the variance, cr , of the 2

white noise disturbance is equal to 0.36.

Figure 4.13 shows I and the steady state error S

p se ( defined as E[^f^} in % ) versus

the proportional controller gain K. It can be seen from that figure that for small gains

the output variance is relatively low but the steady state error is very high. For K > 1.5,

the output variance becomes high and the steady state error is reduced significantly. A

compromise between these two criteria may be needed if a proportional controller is the

only available design. Thus, although I has advantages as a performance index, a better

overall design is obtained when combining it with other performance criteria.

Chapter 4. Realistic Performance Assessment in the SISO Case 49

) k Controller
l-0.67q J

Figure 4.12: Process control.

Figure 4.13: I and steady state error versus P-gain.

Chapter 4. Realistic Performance Assessment in the SISO Case 50

Recognizing that minimum variance performance is not always desirable, the next sec-

tion discusses how good operating performance can be distinguished from unsatisfactory

operating performance.

4.3 Satisfactory and unsatisfactory performance

From the performance index definition, poor performance is obtained when the perfor-

mance index takes large values. This extreme situation corresponds to a nearly unstable

loop. In reality, poor performance will be obtained long before this extreme situation

occurs and, for a process with no integration, only a small range of values of I actuallyP

represents realistic performance alternatives. In practice, the control signal inside the

loop is bounded between u i m n and umax and will saturate if values outside this range are

called for. Now, consider the single loop system, without integration shown in Figure

4.14. The nonlinear component (N. L.) is a saturated amplifier with a linear gain equal

to 1 represented by its equivalent gain ^ y . The remainder of the process is modeled by

a linear component represented by KP(jui). The saturation characteristic is shown in

Figure(4.15). The equivalent gain is defined[17] as

Ni(e) = ——— = — / f(ecos(u)t))(cos(cot)+jsm(ut))d(ujt).

e ire Jo

The stability of such a system can be investigated in the Nyquist plane, Figure 4.16, by

using the Describing Function method. When no intersection between KP(ju) (curve

1) and - ^ y occurs, the loop is stable and the performance can be assessed by use of the

output variance criteria. Increasing the gain K, the curve KP(ju) moves to the left to

intersect - ^ y (curve 2) for the first time, causing the loop to oscillate at frequency and

amplitude (cJn, e ) determined by solving P(JUJ) = Increasing the gain K causes

the loop to oscillate at a constant frequency, but with increasing amplitude (curve 3).

The conclusions to draw here are:

Chapter 4. Realistic Performance Assessment in the SISO Case 51


lit) vlt)
N(E) p> KP(jffi)

Figure 4.14: A single nonlinear loop.

Figure 4.15: Saturation characteristic.

Chapter 4. Realistic Performance Assessment in the SISO Case

Figure 4.17: Partition of Ip curve.

Chapter 4. Realistic Performance Assessment in the SISO Case 53

1. in this case there are two situations which correspond to either an oscillating or a

non-oscillating loop,

2. the performance may or may not be considered acceptable up to the point I o, at p

which the loop starts to oscillate,

3. performance is definitely poor from Ipo up to IpUmit which is obtained when replacing

a saturated amplifier by a relayor k —• oo.

This analysis is not restricted to a saturated amplifier but can be extended to other types

of nonlinearity. These conclusions are summarized by Figure 4.17.

This approach provides a link between oscillation and performance. It recognizes

that whenever oscillation is present in a process, the output variance represents poor

performance. It is also noted that the beginning of unsatisfactory performance is obtained

at the latest for I = I o which is finite << co and corresponds to an oscillatory system.
p p

The loops causing these oscillations should be localized in order to remedy the problem.

In the following chapter the problem of localizing the oscillating loops will be addressed.

IpO plays a major role in some tuning methods because it defines a limit between

acceptable performance and unacceptable performance. The Ziegler-Nichols method, for

example, uses (indirectly) Ipo to determine the controller tuning parameters as functions

of the gain k and the period P .

u u The ultimate gain k and period P are obtained
u u

by setting integral and derivative control action to zero, and increasing the proportional

gain k until the measured variable oscillates at period P for a certain gain k (Shinskey
c u u


Figure 4.18 from Fu and Dumont [30], shows an oscillating loop. Tuning was per-

formed at t = 27 minute following which the oscillation disappeared and the performance

index dropped to a lower value.

Chapter 4. Realistic Performance Assessment in the SISO Case 54

Mill Trial Result:

A Dryer Pressure output

Controller Tuning was performed

based o n the evaluation performance

Figure 4.18: Performance analysis.

4.4 Control chart

The curve of figure (4.17) can be used for supervisory purposes. Given IpQ, determined

during the tuning procedure and the estimate cr^„ of the minimum achievable output

variance, it is proposed to rescale the calculated performance index as given in the fol-


I (%)
P ^-^100. (4.123)
I pO

This new performance index is expressed in percentage (% ). This establishes a new scale

for I , which can be interpreted as how far the actual controller performance is from that

of a minimum variance controller and how close it is to the worst performance. The

alarm should be given as soon as the performance reaches the range 85 ~ 100.

The performance index within the non-oscillatory region (figure 4.17) is satisfactory

only if it results from a useful trade-off between all criteria considered. In the next

section, a tuning procedure is presented.


Chapter 4. Realistic Performance Assessment in the SISO Case 55

4.5 Tuning procedure

Before compromising between the criteria it is necessary to estimate the useful portion

of I curve, corresponding to I G [1 Ipo], in terms of the controller parameters.

p p Note

that I o can be estimated by the relay method.


Although I itself may be estimated without knowledge of the process (except any

delay), the variation of I with controller parameters can only be predicted once process

dynamics have been estimated.

To estimate the I curve, a design method is proposed in which:


1. The process is approximated, Figure 4.19, by one of the following models

o-T s d

M ^ s ) = f ^ , M (s) = ~ 2 or M ( s ) = 9 6 T d S
1 + rs' s + as + b 2
s(s + as + b)' 2


•T s
ge d

s + as +b

ge- TdS

s(s ^as+b)
C ontroller Process

Figure 4.19: Process approximation.

This choice covers the most common process behaviours encountered in process

industries [44]. The model chosen is that minimizing the error between its output

and that of the process, i.e., minimizes the cost function:

1 il2
Chapter 4. Realistic Performance Assessment in the SISO Case 56

The models can be obtained using the method of chapter 3. They can also be

obtained by estimating the time delay and dynamics separately:

• the time delay Td is estimated by one of the two techniques described in

Elnaggar and Dumont [22] or in Zheng et al.[71].

• g, T, a and b are estimated for each model using a least squares method

assuming sufficient excitation.

2. a noise model is then estimated by one of the two following techniques: Time series

analysis[35] or Laguerre network[52].

3. the controller is adjusted in order to obtain the I curve and corresponding curves

for other performance criteria of interest.


l-O.CTcf 1

Figure 4.20: Process control.

In considering these curves one can:

• establish the compromise controller tuning parameters,

• be guided by these curves to define "satisfactory" performance, and

• decide the direction in which the controller should be adjusted.

Chapter 4. Realistic Performance Assessment in the SISO Case 57

The controller which results from this procedure is, therefore, a trade-off between all

criteria considered.

The following section illustrates this method by means of an example.

4.6 Simulation Example

The process considered is shown in Figure 4 . 2 1 . A proportional controller is taken in the

first test, and a proportional plus integral (P.I) in the second test. The estimation of the

I curve for the interval [1 7 ] is carried out following the approach described in section
p p o

4. The following model provides the closest representation:

0.232g- 4
, , 1 - 0.5339- 1
, .
y(t) = 1 - 0 . 6 2 3 4 ? " u(t)
T H — e(t). 7

y\ > 1 ncoo^ -i w -r 1 _ 0.62349- 1 w

Ref 0.33(1-0.6^^-*
A - (1-0.6q-)(\-0.2ci)
l l

Figure 4 . 2 1 : Process control.

F i r s t test: Cbntroller=P-gain i.e. proportional only. The two criteria, output variance

and steady state error S er are considered (S er is defined as E[ ' ^] r ef

in %). Figure 4 . 2 2

show the simulation results. The solid curves represent the true process, and dashed

curves are obtained using the method described above. It can be seen that the estima-

tion of I p curve and steady states error on the basis of the simplified process model is
Chapter 4. Realistic Performance Assessment in the SISO Case 58

very close to true values, especially at low gains. From these curves, the best choice of

tuning parameter can be determined as a compromise between steady state response and

disturbance rejection.

Figure 4.22: Comparison of true and approximate model.

Second test: Controller^ P i.e. Proportional plus Integral control. Interest is in

the process step response, and in output variance. I , tr (tr is defined as the time needed

for output y(t) to reach 90% of y(oo)) versus controller gains for the actual process, and

its approximation is shown in Figure 4.23 and Figure 4.24.

From these curves it can be seen that:

• The estimated curves are close to the true ones and in this case lead to satisfactory

controller design.

• Combining the curves Figure 4.23-4.24 one can establish the best compromise con-

troller tuning parameters. These curves also indicate the direction in which the
Chapter 4. Realistic Performance Assessment in the SISO Case 59

controller parameters should be changed to improve a certain performance crite-


• Similar curves may be obtained for any controller candidate with a small number

of adjustable parameters.

Figure 4.23: Estimated curves versus Controller parameters .

Remark: This technique uses the minimum variance o mv = (1 + ft + ... + fx -i)4

d to

normalize curves of the output variance. Note that although incorrect delay estimation

may lead to one or more terms, such as f^-i^l being added or missing in the estimation

of o ,
mv the effect is to move the I curve up or down. This estimation error, thus, need not

invalidate the method since the choice of the tuning parameters is always a compromise

among all the criteria considered, and the actual value of Ipo is usually less important

than its variability.

Chapter 4. Realistic Performance Assessment in the SISO Case 60

O O .3 1 1 -S 2 O O .3 1 1 .3 2

Figure 4.24: Estimated curves versus Controller parameters .

4.7 Conclusions

In this chapter it was linked oscillations to poor performance and shown that by broaden-

ing Harris's performance index as a measure of output variance to consider other criteria

a better overall assessment of control loop performance can be obtained. A n approach

to controller tuning based on a combination of performance criteria and output variance

was also proposed.

Because oscillations amputate the control loop performance, oscillating loops should

be localized and controllers should be tuned. In the following chapter the problem of

localizing the oscillating loops is investigated.

Chapter 5

Monitoring Oscillations in a Multiloop System

5.1 Introduction

Poor performance of process control in the pulp and paper industry may be attributed

to three causes:

1. The first one is due to nonlinear behavior of control valve and sensors [9]. For

example at the Mead Fine Paper mill in Chillicothe, O H , about one loop in five

cycles at steady state[23] because of nonlinearity in control valves.

2. The second cause is simply use of the control strategy or poor process design.

3. The third cause results from the fact that most mills have a great number of control

loops and a very limited staff of instrument technicians and maintain to check the

adequate functioning of each loop.

A cycling loop affects the performance of others as it spreads the oscillations to its sur-

rounding loops; therefore, it is critical for overall loop performance to detect and eliminate

oscillations. To illustrate this fact, consider a loop where the process is described by

(1 - 0.74 - )y(t) = 0.26q- u(t)

+ (1 - O.bq' + O.Qq~ )e(t)
1 2

and the control law is given by

0.5 - 0.37?- 1

u(t) = 7(r(t) - y(t)),

0.26-0.13?- - 0 . 1 3 g -
1 4 V y ) y y > h

Chapter 5. Monitoring Oscillations in a Multiloop System 62

where r = 5 is the setpoint or reference signal, y(t) is the process output variable and e(t)

is a white noise sequence (^(t) =

0-81) • Assume that this loop is oscillating at frequency

OJ = 0.314 rad/sec as result of its interaction with an oscillating loop. This situation

is simulated by adding a sine wave disturbance signal equal to 2.5sm(0.6287r£) at the

output of the loop. The output signal y(t) can be expressed as:

y(t) = y + % ) e ( £ ) + A sin{u t
_ 1
0 0 + <f> )
0 (5.124)

where ft(<? ) is the transfer function which relates e{t) to y(t). A n estimated A = 3.207

is obtained using equation (5.127)-(5.130). The minimum achievable output variance is

°~mv =
1-145. The actual output variance is o ^ 2
= 7.84. The performance index is

Ip{v{t)) =
6.877. Based on this value of I , the performance of the actual controller

may be judged poor. However, this loop is not generating the oscillation. Then, by

subtracting the contribution of the frequency u> to the output variance, which may be


estimated as -f = 5.1424, the estimated output variance without the frequency u would 0


_ 2 O _— r, n
°~(y(t)-oscillation) — y(t)
^~ --

Therefore, a more realistic performance index for this loop would be I i = 2.3, which is rea

significantly less than the one calculated before.

This example shows how the variability of a non-oscillating loop is increased when

interacting with other oscillating loops. It also shows that not taking into account oscil-

lations may yield a wrong performance index calculation. Therefore, it is of interest to

localize oscillating loops and, using an appropriate controller tuning method, to reduce

the amplitudes or eliminate the oscillations completely. Knowledge of the presence of os-

cillations in loops may be obtained by techniques such as Discrete Fast Fourier Transform

( D F F T ) or Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)[47].

Chapter 5. Monitoring Oscillations in a Multiloop System 63

The issue of localizing the oscillating loops in a cascade multiloop system is addressed

in this chapter. The organization of this chapter is as follows. In section 2, background on

the concept of equivalent gain for nonlinear systems is given. In section 3, an oscillation

index to help localize the oscillating loops, in a cascade multi-loop system, is define. In

section 4, the accuracy of using the describing function method is discussed, followed by

a simulation example, and then a conclusion.

Note that the analysis in this chapter is performed in the continuous time domain.

5.2 Background

A n industrial process consists of a combination of linear and nonlinear components.

When it is possible to separate the process into a nonlinear gain and linear dynamics,

then such process can be represented by Figure (5.1) where e(t) is a white or colored

noise. The behavior of such systems has been extensively discussed in the literature
Chapter 5. Monitoring Oscillations in a Multiloop System 64

[17, 10].

This investigation discusses, for any loop with (or without) nonlinear components,

conditions under which oscillations are present and, if so, the form of their characteristics.

One method commonly used to address these questions, for systems of the form of Figure

5.1, is the describing function (DF)[17], introduced during the late 1940s. The D F is an

approximation procedure that recognizes, for the simple feedback loop of Figure 5.1, that

when limit cycles occur the input to the nonlinearity N is almost sinusoidal due to the

low pass filtering action of a typical control system plant, G(s). The nonlinearity can

therefore be approximated by an equivalent gain or describing function, N(e), defined as

the complex ratio of the fundamental of the output of the nonlinearity to the amplitude

of a sinusoidal input at that frequency [10]. Assuming that the nonlinearity input is

e(t) = ecos(cui), its output is thus approximated by u(t) ~ uiCOs(tvt) + U2sin(ut). If

u = f(e) represents the nonlinearity input/output relation, the equivalent gain is given


Ni(e) = = — / f (e cos(ut))(cos(ut) + jsm(ut))d(ut).

e ns Jo

For the autonomous case (r(t) = 0), the prediction of the limit cycle rests upon finding

a solution to the equation

l + N(e)G(s)\ „ J = 0, (5.125)

which is equivalent to a unit loop gain for the fundamental component of the signals e(t)

and y(t) denoted respectively

Ef(t) = efsm(ut + <fi )


Vfit) = yfsm(wt + <l)y ) f

where (f> — <f) = —180°, resulting in

yf ef

= -Vf(t)-
Chapter 5. Monitoring Oscillations in a Multiloop System 65

5.3 Monitoring the oscillations

The reverse problem, that of limit cycle prediction, involves recognizing which loop in a

multiloop system is causing oscillation at a particular frequency. For that, an oscillation

index is defined as follows:

Definition 5.3.1 For the linear feedback loop of Figure 5.2 where an oscillation of fre-

quency LU is detected, define the oscillation index, at frequency LU, by

/ 0 S C H = |1-||, (5.126)

where ^ is the gain of the considered loop at frequency LU. This gain is determined by

extracting the magnitude and the phase of the oscillation LU from both signals y(t) and

e(t) using the following set of equations:

y = y/yi+y*, (5.127)

y\ = j,J y{t) cos (ut)dt, (5.128)

2 [T

2/2 = j; J Q y(t) sin (Lut)dt, and (5.129)

<f> y = arctan(^). (5.130)

e is obtained from the following set of equations:

e = \Jel + sl (5.131)
2 fT
= — f (t) cos (ut)dt, (5.132)
T Jo
£ l £

2 r T

e = — / e(t)sm(ut)dt, and (5.133)

T Jo

<f> £ = arctan(—). (5.134)


For a cascade multiloop system, where loops are defined by sets of a closed paths according

to Mason's loop rule, the following result is proposed:

Chapter 5. Monitoring Oscillations in a Multiloop System 66


rL[5)t<\ f r M
IJ\5 }

Figure 5.2: Process control.

P r o p o s i t i o n 5.3.1 For oscillation at frequency to at the output of loop U in a multiloop

system, the loops associated with the oscillation u are those with /^ (cu) ~ 0. c

Proof: To prove this result, first consider the single loop of Figure 5.2. This loop is

oscillating at frequency u if ju> is a solution to the following characteristic equation

1 + C( )G( )U = 0.
5 S

This last equation is in fact a set of two equations which are

s=ju) — 1 gain equation, (5.136)

lC(s)G(s)\ ,s=JU = - 1 8 0 ° phase equation. (5.137)

The frequency UJ was detected at output of that loop; therefore, it remains to extract

the magnitude and the phase of that frequency from both signals e(t) and y(t) to find

out whether equations (5.136)-(5.137) are met. In fact this is what is done by equation

(5.126) and equations (5.127) to (5.134).

Chapter 5. Monitoring Oscillations in a Multiloop System 67

The equation (5.135) is a necessary and sufficient condition for any loop to generate

oscillations at frequency UJ; therefore, for the loop k taking from the considered multiloop

system, to generate oscillations at frequency UJ equation (5.135) should hold which implies

that Iii (UJ) ~ 0. •


The extension of these results to a nonlinear multiloop system is proposed by the

following result.

Proposition 5.3.2 For oscillation at frequency UJ at the output of a nonlinear cascade

multiloop system, the loops associated with the oscillation UJ are those with /o (cu) — 0.l

Proof: To prove this result, first consider the oscillating nonlinear feedback loop of

Figure 5.1, where the input r(t) = 0, and then consider the case of r(t) = RQ+RI sin(a;it).

The extension of these results to a multiloop system will be discussed in the following.

The autonomous case, r(t)=0

From the above, any limit cycle (UJ,O) satisfies Equation 5.125. To obtain the equiva-

lent gain for the nonlinear component, the D F approach of [10] is followed. Write the

approximation at the output of the nonlinear component as

U(t) Ui cos (cut) + « 2 sin (ujt) (5.138)

u sin (ut + (b ) u (5.139)



1 Jo
arctan (—) (5.142)
u 2
Chapter 5. Monitoring Oscillations in a Multiloop System 68

then, u is given by

u= y/ul + v%.

For the nonlinearity input a similar approximation gives

e(t) ~ £i cos(ut) + £ sm(cot) 2 (5.144)

= esm(ut +(j) ) £ (5.145)


£ l = —t £(t) cos(ut)dt (5.146)

T Jo

e 2 = | ; f e(t)sm{tot)dt
1 Jo
(j> = e arctg{—) (5.148)

and £ is given by

£ = yjel + el (5.149)

The estimated equivalent gain N for (cu, a) is given by

\N\= ^^1^, Z0 -0e-

u (5.150)

For the linear component, because it satisfies the superposition theorem, the gain at co

can be obtained by applying the same reasoning to the fundamental component:

y(t) = yi cos(ut) + y sm(ut) + terms 2 (5.151)

= ysm(cot + (j) ) + terms, y (5.152)

where y\ and y are obtained by the same technique as above, y is given by


y= \fyJ+?2- (5.153)
Chapter 5. Monitoring Oscillations in a Multiloop System 69

The estimated linear gain at u> is given by

\G(u)\ = ^ A L^-K. (5-154)

It should be noted that the integrations considered above are affected by the presence of

noise, n(t), introducing the following integral terms

/ n(t)cos(wt)dt, (5.155)
[ n(t) sm(wt)dt (5.156)

in the expressions above. To minimize the contribution of the band limited noise terms,

the integral in equation (5.155)-(5.156) should be taken over a number of periods, kT,

instead of one period.

Replacing G and ./V by their estimated value in equation (5.125) yields, for this simple


- = 1 (5.157)
I (u)
osc = | 1 - | | = 0. (5.158)

Equation (5.125) is a set of two equations: the magnitude equation which is used for

equation (5.157) and the phase equation:

</> -<f> = - 1 8 0 ° .
y e (5.159)

Equation (5.159) must be satisfied for a uniformly maintained oscillation OJ, both the

total gain must be equal to one, and there must be a total of 180° of dynamic phase lag

in the loop.

R e s u l t 1: If the oscillation to is generated inside the loop of Figure 5.1, then

Io8c{u) = 0.
Chapter 5. Monitoring Oscillations in a Multiloop System 70

The above analysis considered the case of an autonomous system. To generalize this

result, consider the cases of an external input, and of an external input, combined with


Forced system

The input into the system of Figure 5.1 is now assumed:

r(t) = R + Ri sm(wt).
0 (5.160)

The most obvious possibility is that all signals in the feedback loop can be approximated


e(t) ~ eo + eis'm(ut + (j) ), £ (5.161)

and y(t) by

y(t) ~ G(0)N e 0 0 + e i | G f » | W ( e i ) sm(wt + </>').


e{t) = r(t)-y(t),

it follows that

e(t) ~ £ + £isin(ut
0 + <j> ) = r(t) - y(t)
e (5.162)

~ R^ + R^m^-G^Noeo-exlGijLJ^Nie^smicot+ (/)') (5.163)

~ Ro - e G(0)No + yjR\ + [e^G^N{e^

0 sm(ut + 0,) (5.164)

and by equating coefficients results

R0 = e (l + G(0)N )
o o and (5.165)
R\ = (l-[|G0u;)|Ar( )] )4 £l
Chapter 5. Monitoring Oscillations in a Multiloop System 71

Since R\ ^ 0 implies [\G(JUJ)\N(EI)] 2

^ 1, the following result is established.

Result 2: If the oscillation UJ is not generated inside the loop then

The estimated total gain \G(JUJ)N(EI)\ is obtained from data by the procedure given


Now, consider the case of an external input r(t) at frequency UJ into the loop of Figure

5.1 combined with internal oscillation at frequency UJ . Then the input into the system C

of Figure 5.1 is

r(t) = R + 0 R sm(ujt).

The most obvious possibility is that all signals in the feedback loop can be approximated


e(t) ~ €Q + e\sin(ujt + <j>i) + E sin(uj t + (b ) c c c

and y(t) by

y(t) = G{0)N e +\G{juj )\N{e )e sm{ujt

0 o 1 1 1 + f> )
( 1

+\G(juj )\N(e )e sm(ujt

c c c + <f> ). c

Rearranging this equation and equating coefficients as before results in:

Ro = e (l o + G(0)N ) o (5.168)

R\ = ( l - O G W I ^ e O H e ? (5.169)

0 = (l-[\G(juj )\N(e )] )el

c c

Repeating the same analysis leads to the following conclusion:

I c(u)
OS ^ 0 and

Iosc(u ) c = 0.
Chapter 5. Monitoring Oscillations in a Multiloop System 72

Thus the evaluation of the oscillation index for each detected oscillation frequency at the

output of a loop will distinguish between oscillation generated inside the loop and that

coming from outside into the loop.

Now return to the multiloop system, the condition for limit cycles at frequency UJ and

amplitude a to occur in a loop (i) is that the fundamental component of the signals y (t) l

and e (t)

Ef(t) = efsm(ut + <f) )ef

y){t) = y}sm(ujt + <j) ) yf

where <pyf — (b£f verify

E){t) = -y}(t). (5.171)

The reasoning in the above analysis completes the proof of the proposition (5.3.2). •

The approximation considered here can be applied still to a signal containing more

than one frequency [17]. Note that when a loop is externally excited, auto-oscillation

may be hidden. This behavior does not cause trouble once the remaining detected fre-

quencies have been assigned to loops. B y tuning oscillating loops in sequence, the hidden

oscillations will appear and the tuning procedure may be repeated until all loops are


In the following section the effectiveness of the describing function method will be


5.4 Accuracy of the Describing Function Approach

The number of terms that should be included in the oscillatory signal component, xap(t)

can be determined using the normalized Mean Square (MS) error given by

2 E{\x(t) - x (t)\ }

- E{\x(tW} • ( 5
- 1 7 2 )
Chapter 5. Monitoring Oscillations in a Multiloop System 73

Taking e to have a value less than 0.05 implies that the approximation accounts for 95%

of normalized MS variation of x(t).

5.5 Some Limitations

The proposed method is limited to cascade loops. Note that a given loop may oscillate

at frequency LO either if ju> is solution to the equation (5.135) or as result of a periodic

disturbances at frequency LO acting on that loop. If periodic disturbances may be present

these two cases can not be distinguished directly with the present method.

5.6 Simulation example


i»,(t) mi)


Figure 5.3: Process control.

To illustrated the proposed method of oscillating loop detection it is considered in

the following two examples.

Example 5.6.1 Consider the cascade control system of Figure 5.3 where the distur-

bances are white noise (aj isturbances = 0.4),

G(s) = and (5.173)
s + 2s + 4s
Chapter 5. Monitoring Oscillations in a Multiloop System 74


The nonlinearity N . L . 1 is described by

5 if ini(t) > 5
outi(t) k ini(t) if - 5 < ini(t) < 5

-5 if ini(t) < - 5

while the nonlinearity N . L . 2 is described by

5 ifin (t)>5

out (t)
2 k in (t)
2 if - 5 < in (t) < 5

-5 ifin (t)<-5

The process considered here, is formed from two loops. Therefore, if an oscillation is de-

tected at the output y(t), and assuming that it is not resulting from an external periodic

disturbance, which is not handled in this study, then this could not happen unless at

least one of the two loops is oscillating. In such a case, and provided the scheme of the

two loops, the oscillation index of the outer loop at the detected oscillation frequency

will be equal to one and that of the inner loop at the same frequency will be equal to

one only if it is causing the oscillation. Therefore, only the oscillation index for the inner

loop at the detected frequency will be calculated in the following two test.

Test 1: First, set linear gain k = 4 and k = 10. This corresponds to an oscillation

frequency at to = 0.589 rad/sec and a period of T = 10.667 sec. The oscillation is caused

by the outer loop. The output of the outer loop is shown in Figure 5.4. The output

of the inner loop is shown in Figure 5.5. The output of the nonlinearities N . L . 1 and

N . L . 2 are shown in figure(5.6) and figure(5.7) respectively. From these figures it can

be seen that the oscillation drives the system into saturation regions for N . L . 1 and N . L . 2.

The estimated total gain from the input i n to the output y at oscillation to = 0.589 rad/sec,
2 2
Chapter 5. Monitoring Oscillations in a Multiloop System 75


total gain (0.589) = 0.67. (5.175)

Figure 5.4: The output y(t) of the outer loop, example(5.6.1)-test 1.

Therefore the oscillation index for the inner loop is

7 (0.589) = |1 - 0.67] = 0.33 f 0.

OSC (5.176)

It can be concluded that the inner loop is not generating the oscillation at frequency

to = 0.589 rad/sec. It is generated by the outer loop.

Test 2: Now consider k = 10 and k = 0.5. This corresponds to an oscillation frequency


at LO = 2.47 rad/sec period of T = 2.53 sec. The oscillation is caused by the inner

loop. The output of the outer loop is shown in Figure 5.8. The output of the inner loop

is shown in Figure 5.9. The output of the nonlinearities N.L. 1 and N . L . 2 are shown

in figure(5.10) and figure(5.11) respectively. From these figures it can be seen that the
Chapter 5. Monitoring Oscillations in a Multiloop System 76

Figure 5.5: The output yi(t) of the inner loop, example(5.6.1)-test 1.

" nnnnn ~
• i i —— i —
.n n" "n r ~1

tOO 150 200 2SO 300 350 <00

Figure 5.6: The output outi(t), example(5.6.1)-test 1.

Chapter 5. Monitoring Oscillations in a Multiloop System 77

—r —r-
- - - -
- - - - — r

- _ - - _ _ - _ - - - - J - - -
61 1 1 1 i_1 I I
IOO 1 5 0 2 0 0 2 S O 3 0 0 3 5 0 I O O

Figure 5.7: The output out (t), example(5.6.1)-test 1. 2

oscillation drives the system into saturation regions for N . L . 2.

The estimated total gain from the input m to the output y 2 2 at frequency u =

2A7rad/sec, is The oscillation index for the inner loop is

I (2.47) = |1 - 1.0097| = 0.0003 ~ 0,

osc (5.177)

therefore, the oscillation is caused by the inner loop.

E x a m p l e 5.6.2 The process considered is defined in the example (5.6.1) where the non-

linearity N . L . I is as defined above where k p = 1 and the nonlinearity for N . L . 2 is

described by the following equation.

out (t) = sign(in (t))[|in (t)| + 3].

2 2 2 (5.178)

The discontinuity offset of 3 at zero models coulomb friction and the linear gain of one

models viscous friction.

Chapter 5. Monitoring Oscillations in a Multiloop System 78

Figure 5.9: The output yi(t) of the inner loop, example(5.6.1)-test 2.

Chapter 5. Monitoring Oscillations in a Multiloop System 79

0.2 -

0 ' " ' ' ' 1

100 1 SO 200 250 300 350 -400

Figure 5.10: The output outi(t), example(5.6.1)-test 2.

Chapter 5. Monitoring Oscillations in a Multiloop System 80

The simulation results of this new process showed an oscillation frequency at co =

2.25 rad/sec and a period of T = 2.78 sec. The output of the outer loop is shown in

Figure 5.12. The output of the inner loop is shown in Figure 5.13. The output of N . L . 1

and N . L , 2 are shown respectively in figure (5.14) and figure (5.15). Figure (5.16) shows

in2(t) versus out2(t) which indicates that the inner loop is driven to the non linear region

of its non linear component. The estimated total gain from the input i n to the output 2

3 -

2.5 -

_, I , . . , , 1
IOO ISO 200 250 300 3SO AOO

Figure 5.12: The output y(t) of the outer loop, example(5.6.2).

y2 at frequency LO = 2A7rad/sec, is

total gain = 1.039. (5.179)

The oscillation index for the inner loop is

7 (2.25) = |1 - 1.039| = 0.0039 ~ 0,

osc (5.180)

therefore, the oscillation is caused by the inner loop.

Chapter 5. Monitoring Oscillations in a Multiloop System 81

Figure 5.13: The output y\(t) of the inner loop, example(5.6.2).

Figure 5.14: The output outi(t), example(5.6.2).

Chapter 5. Monitoring Oscillations in a Multiloop System 82

Figure 5.16: The output out (t) versus in-2(t), example(5.6.2).

Chapter 5. Monitoring Oscillations in a Multiloop System 83

What can be learned from this study, is that oscillations are transmitted between

interacting loops, cause excess variability, and may yield wrong performance index cal-


5.7 Conclusion

In this chapter, it was shown that oscillations transmitted between interacting loops,

cause excess variability, and may yield wrong performance index calculation. Therefore,

for cascade loops a unified oscillation index that can be used for testing linear and

nonlinear loops to help localize any loops oscillating at a given frequency is introduced.

The procedure does not require knowledge of the transfer functions; however, it requires

knowledge of the frequencies involved.

Knowledge of the limit cycle conditions can be used to tune the controller (for example

using Ziegler and Nichols method [59]) and so eliminate oscillation and guarantee better


Up to now only SISO systems were considered; however, many processes are M I M O

systems. The assessment of process control of such multivariable systems will be pre-

sented in the next chapter.

Chapter 6

Control Loop Performance Monitoring in the M I M O case

This chapter is concerned with the extension of Harris's control loop performance assess-

ment technique for SISO systems to Multi-Input Multi-Output (MIMO) systems. This

extension was considered in Harris et al.[36] and in Huang et al.[40]. The approaches

developed in these two references are quite similar as both require the knowledge of the

interactor matrix to perform the assessment. This knowledge may be considered the main

drawback for these two techniques as the interactor is not unique and requires significant

knowledge of the system for its determination.

The approach presented in this chapter is based on defining an absolute lower bound

on the achievable value for each output variance, thus avoiding the need to identify the

interactor matrix.

The organization of this chapter is as follows. In the first section, strategies of control

loop performance assessment based on multi-input multi-output (MIMO) minimum vari-

ance control (MVC) are discussed. This is followed by the definition of ultimate output

variance bounds. These bounds are used in section 3 to define a performance index asso-

ciated with each process output. The accuracy of the proposed method is compared to

the existing ones and is investigated by means of an example. In section 4, a procedure

for estimating the performance index is given, followed by a simulation example, and,

finally, some conclusions are drawn.

Chapter 6. Control Loop Performance Monitoring in the MIMO case 85

6.1 Assessment strategies based on M I M O minimum variance control ( M V C )

In this section M I M O minimum variance control strategies are discussed together with

methods of assessing performance based on M I M O M V C . Consider a M I M O linear

discrete-time system described by the following transfer function

y(t) = T{q- )u(t)

+ Niq-^eit) (6.181)

where y(t), u(t) are m x l output and r x 1 input vectors, respectively. e(t) denotes the

m x 1 innovations white noise sequence. T(q~ ) and N(q~ ) are rational matrices in the
1 1

unit delay operator q" . 1

In recent years, many algorithms have been described for the adaptive control of linear

stochastic systems. For more discussion of these algorithms see, for instance, Goodwin et

al.[31] (1984). Early work on (MVC) by Astr6m[l] focused on Single-Input/Single-Output

(SISO) systems. Borisson [12] (1979) considered the Multi-Input/Multi-Output (MIMO)

M V C where a common delay was associated with all system outputs. In Goodwin et

al.[32], a different delay was associated with each output. A more complicated M I M O

time delay representation was proposed by Elliott et al. [21] (1982), who showed that

the notion of delay in the M I M O case is related to the system interactor matrix £(g)

introduced by Wolovich et al.[70] (1976) which satisfies the following two properties:

1. l i m ^ o o £(q)T(q~ )
= K for any non singular matrix.

2- = #(9)diag(<7 , ...,q ) where H(q) is a unimodular matrix.

Chapter 6. Control Loop Performance Monitoring in the MIMO case 86

where H(q) is a unimodular matrix of the form

1 0 0

h21 1 0
H(z) 0

— h m—l 1

and hij(q) is either divisible by q or is zero. B y considering the Markov parameters

representation and by explaining the meaning of property (2), Shah et al. [58] gave an

interesting interpretation of the interactor matrix as follows:

TV ) 1
= Y.Giq
= foq* + Ziq*- + ... + U-iq 1 1

where d is the order of f (q)

lim T(q)t(q) = £ G - i + ^G -
0 d d 2 + ••• + td-iG 0 = K.

K represents, then, the linear combination of the rows of the first d Markov parameters.

That means that the interactor matrix satisfies the following algebraic equations:

CoGo = 0

+ = 0

ioGd-i + £,iGd-2 + ... + £d-iG 0


Solving these equations gives another way of evaluating the interactor matrix. The first

method to evaluate £(q) is the one given originally by Wolovich and Falb [70] and used

in [31].
Chapter 6. Control Loop Performance Monitoring in the MIMO case 87

W i t h the above interactor, which is in lower triangular form, the first output variable

is decoupled from the other outputs.

The spectral unitary interactor matrix introduced by Bittanti et al.[ll] (1994)

is an interactor matrix preserving the spectral properties of the underlying system. It


t(q)Z{q- )
1 T
= i, (6-182)

and also satisfies property (1) above.

Regardless of the interactor matrix adopted, it can be shown that the minimum

achievable output variance, for a non minimum phase system, is a finite moving average

polynomial of the form

y(t)-y*(t)=C\q)F(q)e(t), (6.183)

where {y*(t)} is a given reference trajectory and £(q) is the time delay representation

considered. F(q) and R(q~ ) are obtained from the following equation

Z(q)N(q- )e(t) = F(q)e(t) + R(q- )e(t),


where F(q) = F q d
+ ... + F q and i ? ( g ) is a proper transfer function. The terms

F(q)e(t) and R(q~ )e(t) are respectively, future and past noise sequences.

Note that the expression for this tracking error (equation 6.183) does not depend on

controller parameters.

As for SISO assessment, one might be tempted to use the predicted performance of

a M I M O minimum variance controller as an absolute lower bound against which current

performance can be assessed. A bound is obtained when taking the variance of both sides

of equation (6.183). However, this lower bound will depend on the type of interactor used.

In the next section a new procedure for performance assessment without knowledge

of the interactor matrix is proposed.

Chapter 6. Control Loop Performance Monitoring in the MIMO case 88

6.2 Ultimate output variance bound

In the last section it was shown that the minimum achievable output variance depends

on the type of time delay matrix used. This non-uniqueness, together with the fact that

the structure of an "optimal" interactor matrix is not yet known, leads to the following

technique in which an absolute bound is independently established for each output.

Proposition 6.2.1 Consider a minimum phase system. The minimum achievable out-

put variance for output y.i(t) is given by:

K)L = EWCFjEf, (6.185)


where F l
is a vector containing the coefficients of the polynomial F (q) obtained from l

the following Diophantine equation

q d L n N ^ q - 1
) = F \ q ) + R ^ q ' 1
) , (6.186)

where d l
m i n ) N \ F l
and R l
are respectively, the minimum delay in row i, the i th
row of

N , the i th
row of F and that of R.

Proof: First consider the output ordering y(t) = {yi(t), y2(t), ...,y (t)) m and consider

the lower triangular interactor matrix as a M I M O time delay representation. Dugard

et al.[19] (1984) showed that an absolute bound or an unconditional minimum output

variance is achieved for the first component of the process output, i.e. for yi(t). For

the other components, the optimization is achieved subject to constraints. To determine

the lower bound achieved by output (yi(t) — y*(t)), return to the major steps in the

derivation of the M V C strategy.

• First note that the first row of the interactor matrix is

6(9) = ..,o),

where e ^ is the minimum delay in the first row of

in T ( q ~ 1
) .
Chapter 6. Control Loop Performance Monitoring in the MIMO case 89

• Then, the first row of equation (6.184) is

^ L n j V 1
^ - 1
) = F ^ q ) + R ^ q ' 1
) ,

where F 1
( q ) = q F \ + ... + q d l
m i n F i , N (q),
and R 1
^ 1
) are respectively the first

row of F ( q ) , the first row of N(q~ ) l

and that of R ( q ~ 1
) .

• Under the M V control and in steady state the tracking error is a finite moving

average polynomial given by equation (6.183). Therefore,

yi{t)-y{{t) = q - d l
^ F \ q ) e ( t ) ,

A n d the minimum achievable output variance (<r^) „ for output yi(t) m is

d . 1

E{(vi(t) - yKt)) } = E 2
F}Q(F}) - T

Now, for an arbitrary output yi(t), consider the following output ordering
yif) = (yt(t), y2(t),...,yi(t),.,y (t)), m

then replace the subscript 1 by the subscript i in the above equations to complete the

proof. •

It is shown in Dugard et al. (1984) [19] that the unconditional minimum output

variance ( C y . ) m v is achieved for all outputs if and only if the system is minimum phase

and the interactor matrix is diagonal. The test for a diagonal interactor is established

by the following result.

Proposition 6.2.2 Define d m i n = mini<j< dkj, i.e. the minimum delay on row i of the

matrix T ( q " 1
) . Define the matrix D ( q ~ 1
) as

D ^ 1
) = { k i j q - d
- }
Chapter 6. Control Loop Performance Monitoring in the MIMO case 90

D(q~ ) is the first non-zero Markov parameter of T(q ).

1 1
Define D associated with

D(q~ ) as D = {kijSij} where


6^ = lifd ij = dl nin (6.188)

= 0 if not. (6.189)

T(q~ ) has a diagonal interactor matrix


£(q) = diag(q ™™, ...,q ™™)

d d

if and only if the associated matrix D has full rank.

Proof: To prove this result let us express the transfer function as:

T(q~ ) = {hjq-^h^q- )},

l 1

where kij and dij are constant and delay between the input j and the output i.

, / -IA _ i +M - +- + M ~ 1 m

n i j [ q
>~ l + a^-1 + ... + M ^

is a transfer function without delay between the input j and the output i. £{q) =

diag(q ,q )
ai am
is an interactor for T(q~ ) if and only if

limefaOTfar ) 1
= Um {kijq'^^hijiq- )} 1
=D (6.192)

D is nonsingular only if a* = min, d^. Otherwise if cn, < min^ d^ then the i th
row of D

is a zero row therefore D is singular. If instead OJ; > min^ d^ then at least one infinite

zero is present in D; therefore, it is nonsingular. •

The next section deals with performance indices.

Chapter 6. Control Loop Performance Monitoring in the MIMO case 91

6.3 M I M O Performance Indices

Proposition 6.2.1 defines a unique absolute bound associated with the output yiit). If

the process is minimum phase then this bound is achievable by using the lower triangle

interactor and considering the output ordering (yi(t), ...,y (t)). n Furthermore, if the pro-

cess is minimum phase with a diagonal interactor matrix, all outputs can achieve their

lower bounds simultaneously. Therefore an absolute measure of controller performance

may be built based on these bounds by defining the performance index associated with

output yiit) as:


W ) ) = ( 2 ^ • (6.193)
y yi{t))mv

Where CT .^ is the actual output variance of the output yi(t), and (o- (t))
yi mv is the min-

imum achievable output variance bound defined by equation (6.185). Note that this

unique bound is achievable by at least one output. For an estimation of the overall per-

formance, it is proposed the following reference bound which is unique and can only be

achieved if and only if the interactor is diagonal.

(° y(t))ref = Y,K(t))rnv.
The M I M O performance index is defined as

W ) ) = J^l2 ? M(
• (6-195)

It is clear that the procedure of assessment will be mainly based on equation (6.193).

In many cases, not all outputs have the same importance, and it is thus useful to know

what would be the achievable limit for an individual output.

The benefits of the proposed performance indices over existing ones will be shown by

means of the following example.

Chapter 6. Control Loop Performance Monitoring in the MIMO case 92

Example 6.3.1 [19] (Dugard et al. (1984)) The process considered is described by

yi(t) 0 Ui(t) 1 + Cl q~ l
0 ei(t)
- 2q -2 .-3
u (t)
0 1 e (t)

where £[ei(*) ei(*)] = of and E[e {t) e {t)}

2 = o\.

In the following, three different minimum variance control strategies, MVCi, MVC 2

and MVC$, obtained for three different interactor matrices, are considered. MVC\ and

MVC 2 are obtained respectively when considering the lower triangular interactor matrix

with the output order (yi(t), y2(t)) and (y2(t), yi(t)). MVC 3 is obtained when a unitary

interactor matrix is considered.

MVC\'. For the output ordering y(t) = (yi(t) y2(t)), the interactor is

q 0

-q + 2q

Based on this interactor matrix, the output variances are

E{bn(t)-ym?} = oi,
E{[ (t)-y* (t)} }
y2 2
= (l + ^l)al + o 2

and E{[y(t) - y*(t)] [y(t) - y*(t)]} = (2 + 5cj)a + o\.


2 If instead y(t) = (y (t) Vi(t)), then the interactor matrix is

q 0
6(?) =
+ 2q )
-(q 3
q 3

Based on this interactor matrix the output variances are

E{[yi(t)-yKt)} } 2
= (i + cl)o , 2

Emt) - y* (t)?} = 4 2

and E{[y(t) - y*(t)f[y(t) - y*(t)}} = (1 + c\)a\ + o\.

Chapter 6. Control Loop Performance Monitoring in the MIMO case 93

MVCz' The unitary interactor is determined as

[ 0.35? + 0.35? - 0.35q

2 3
0.35q + 0.35g

-0.35q - 0.35<? 3
-0.35g + 0.35g + 0.35g
2 3

The M V C based on this interactor matrix (equation 6.183) leads to

E{[yi(t)-ym} } = (l + l4)ol 2

and E{[y(t) - y*(t)] [y(t) - y*(t)}} = (1 + \c\)ol T
+ cx .

As can be seen, this control strategy achieves better overall performance than M V C l and

M V C 2 . However, it does not provide an absolute minimum output variance for any of

the individual outputs. Further, the unconditional minimum variance control is achieved

for (t)
Vl by M V C l and for y {t) by M V C 2 .

This example shows that the results of the M V C strategies differ depending on the

type of interactor matrix considered. Now, consider them as three different controllers

and compare them using the performance index as introduced in this chapter and also

that proposed in [40, 36] (Huang (1997); Harris et al. (1996)). If these controllers ( M V C l ,

M V C 2 and M V C 3 ) were implemented on the process considered, the output variances

would be those determined above. Therefore, according to the proposed approach these

output variances should be compared to the following performance reference bounds:

(°~yi )ref =
°\ f ° output yi and

{vyzYref =
2 f o r
output y. 2

The overall performance will be compared to (o~ (t))f f = o~\ + o~\. y e

The control performance of M V C l is first analyzed. Using the previous performance

Chapter 6. Control Loop Performance Monitoring in the MIMO case 94

index definition, the following results are obtained:


h\W)) = 7 = 2 f O T
\ y2)ref
(2 + 5c )a + o\ (2 + 5c?)<r + a\
WW = ,
2 2 2

W r e /
- a„2 , J
°2 l+
for an overall performance assessment.

When applying the approach described in [36, 40], the reference output variances are

those obtained when M V C 3 is implemented which are:

(°yi)ref = (! + g i > i c
for output y i ,

= ^ i°"i+ 2
c a
for output y . . 2

The overall performance is then compared to (cr (t))f f y e

(1 + f i ) ° " i + °2- Based on that

the performance indices would be

cr 2
^P(?/I(*)) = 7—T2~ = 1
+ QCI > 1 for
output yu

\ yi)ref

r^ w\ a
v2 (1 + 5c )a + a\ 2 2

IpW)) = , \ 2 = — i 2 o , o — for output 2/2,

r ( aw a
v (2 + 5c )a + <r 2 2 2

The same analysis is carried out for the two remaining controllers (MVC2 and M V C 3 ) .

Results are shown in Tables 6.2, where the notation used is:

• U . I.: the performance indices based on the use of unitary interactor.

• U . B . : the performance indices as defined in equation 6.193 and 6.195.

Note that in Table (6.2) the values of I are expected to be greater or equal to one, but

in column 2 and 4 of this table, I (yi(t)) p and I (y2(t)) show values less than one. This
Chapter 6. Control Loop Performance Monitoring in the MIMO case 95

Ip i (yi(t))
ipMt)) i (y(t))

MVd 0.66 1 5.5 6 2.7 3.5

MVC 2 1.2 1.8 0.9 1 1.07 1.4
MVC 3 1 1.5 1 1.1 1 1.3
Approach U . I. U. B. U . I. U. B. U . I. U. B.

Table 6.2: d = 0.9 o = \ a = 1 x 2

occurs because the M V C reference used is based on a unitary interactor which is not

optimal when applied to individual outputs. The overall performance of MVC3 is better

than that of MVC\ and MVC 2 and is very close to the proposed performance references

(compare column 6 with column 7). This example shows that assessment based on the

bounds defined in Section 3 is accurate. In the next section the steps for estimating the

control loop performance based on previous bounds are given.

6.4 Estimation of the lower bounds

Proposition 6.4.1 The bounds defined by equation (6.185) are feedback invariant.

They can be estimated from routine closed-loop operating data.

Proof: Express T(q~ ) as T(q~ ) = [2 ...T ...T ] and i V f a ) = [Wi.../y ..JV ] where
1 x
1 i m
i m

Ti and Ni are the i th

row respectively of T and N. Define y(t) = (yi(t), ...,y (t)) m and

y(t) = (yi(t),y (t),

2 ...,y (i)).
m It is easy to see that y(t) = My(t) where the (1, i)

component of M is equal to one (i.e M\ = 1), M ^ i = 1 and ti

0 0 0 .. 1 0

0 1 0 .. 0 0

0 0 0 .. 0 ..

then let the feedback control law be u(t) = —Ky(t). Substituting this equation into
Chapter 6. Control Loop Performance Monitoring in the MIMO case 96

equation 6.181 yields

y(t) = ((/ + TKy'NYq-^eit). (6.196)

Multiplying equation (6.181) by M yields

y(t) = My(t) = MTiq-^uit) + MN^q-^eit). (6.197)

The new output ordering is y(t) = (yi(t), y2(t), ...,y (t)). m The new transfer function is

MT{q~ ) l
= [T ...T ...T ]
i 1 m and the new noise term is MN^ ) 1
= [N ...N ...N ].
i 1 m The

lower triangular interactor matrix £ (q) is determined for the new transfer function MT.

Multiplying equation (6.197) by £ (q) yields m

U{q)My{t) = U(.q)MT(q- )u(t) l

+ U(q)MN{q- )e(t)- l

The noise term is expressed as

U(Q)MN(a- ) 1
= F(q) + R(q- ). 1

Substituting equation (6.196) and equation (6.199) into equation (6.198) yields

U{q)My{t) = [R- UMTK{I + T K ) " i V ] ( g - ) ( t ) + F(q)e(t).

1 1
e (6.200)

Because the matrix H(q~ ) = (R-£ MTK(I x

m + TK)- N)(q~ )1 1
is proper, the first term

on the right hand side of equation (6.200), which depends on the controller, contains

only present and past values of e(t). The second term, which does not depend on the

controller, contains only future values of e(t). Therefore, the two terms are independent.

The first row of equation (6.200) is given by

qdl .(t)
iny = [R- UMTK(I + TKy'NUq-^eit) + F (q)e(t),

where [R- £ MTK(Im + T K ) ' ^ is the first row of the matrix H = R - £ MTK(I
m +

TK)~ N
and F = F (q) is defined in equation 6.186. Equation 6.201 is equivalent to
1 l

yi{t) = (F* + ... + Fk . <THe(t) + (a di . q~<^

+1 + ....) (t). e (6.202)
mm mm
Chapter 6. Control Loop Performance Monitoring in the MIMO case 97

From the right hand side of equation (6.202) the first term, which is the i th
process output

under minimum variance control, is not affected by any feedback control. Therefore,

modelling the process output y(t) by a multivariate M A process

y(t) = $ a(t) + $ q- a(t-l)

1 2
+... = # ( g _ 1
K (6.203)

where a(t) is zero mean white noise, the i th

process output is

Vi(t) = ((ft)* + - + . )*q- ^)a(t)

+ . + 1 ) <--
+ ...)a(t). (6.204)
mm min

Thus, the first terms on the right hand side of equation (6.204) can be estimated as

(<j>iy = E[y (t)al }Q- ,

i j

where Q = E[a a[], then the lower bound can be determined as


«( u = (tiro-mr+...+(4.
' mtn
rr (6.205)

Based on this, the procedure of control loop performance assessment consists of the

following steps.

Algorithm for M I M O conrol loop assessment:

1. Determine the delays between process inputs and outputs.

2. Determine the process output M A or A R model to obtain the estimated sequence

a(t). (equation (6.203))

3. Determine the estimated lower output variance bounds of different outputs by use

of equation (6.205).

4. Determine the performance indices associated with different outputs (equations

(6.193) and (6.195)).

Chapter 6. Control Loop Performance Monitoring in the MIMO case 98

To know whether those bounds are all achievable it is necessary to determine the matrix

D and determine whether the interactor is diagonal. A l l steps in this procedure can be

performed on line with a small amount of computation. In the following, two simulation

examples are considered.

6.5 Simulation examples

6.5.1 First example

This first example is from Harris et al.[36]. The process considered is a catalytic packed-

bed reactor having the following transfer function

5.158<r -6.643<r +1.8<r

5 4 3
l+0.3412 - -1.04g- 2 1
l+0.5203g- -1.262q-2 1

G{q- ) =

-3 0.1143<7- +0.1592<?-
6 5

-1.012?- - 3.398?- - 0.7498g"

5 4

1-0.6143?- 1

The disturbance process N(t) is a multivariable Integrated-Moving Average process of

order (1,1):
1 + 0.126?- 1
-0.1249?- 1
1 - q'1
N(t) = e(t),
0.212?- 1
1 + 0.126?- 1
0 1 - q- 1

where e(t) is a Gaussian noise sequence with covariance matrix given by:

0.134 0.043
0.043 0.2

Though this process is nonminimum phase, the assessment described above can still

be used for comparison purposes [36]. The objective of this example is to compare the

bounds obtained when the unitary interactor matrix is used to those obtained when using

equation (6.185).
Chapter 6. Control Loop Performance Monitoring in the MIMO case 99

The unitary interactor associated with this process is given by:

1 0.355 - 0.355 q~ l
q 3

-0.4166 0.8521 + 0.1479 q' 1

0.4167 q 4
q 4

0.852071 q + 0.147928 q 3 4
-0.355 q + 0.355 q 3 4

-0.35497 q + 0.35507 q 3 4
0.1479 q + 0.8521 q 3 4

then F(q), i?(<? ) defined in equation 6.184 and ( £ F ) ( < 7 ) defined in equation 6.183
_1 -1 -1

are given by

1.126g + 1.126<7 + 1.093q + 0.148<? -0.125q - 0.125q - 0.157q + 0.355q

2 3 4

F(q) =
0.211 q + 0.211 q + 0.225 q + 0.355 q
2 3 4
0.609 q + 0.609 q + 0.62 q + 0.852 q 2 3 4

1.1265 + ^ -0.1249 0.1249

' (-1+9)
RiQ- ) =

0.2113+ 0.6096 + (-1+9)


1 + 0.241 q~ + 1.126 g
- 2
+ 1.126g" 1
0.197q~ - 0.124q~ - 0.125?-
3 2

0.58 q~ + 0.211 q~ + 0.211 q-

3 2 1
1 + 0.475 q~ + 0.609 q~ + 0.6099-3 2

Therefore, the output covariance matrix is

0.551 0.127
E{[y(t)-y*(t)}[y(t)- *(t)] } y

0.232 0.420

Based on this strategy the output variances to take as references against which the control

loop performance will be compared are:

KUf = E{( (t) yi - yl(t)) } 2


= 0.551, (6.207)
Chapter 6. Control Loop Performance Monitoring in the MIMO case 100

« W = E{(y (t)2 - y* (t)f)


0.420 (6.209)


= E{[y{t)-y*{t)) [y{t)-y\t))}
T (6.210)

= 0.551 + 0.420 (6.211)

= 0.971. (6.212)

When applying the approach introduced above to determine the output variance refer-

ences, the minimum delay in each row is three; therefore, equation 6.186 for each output


q'N^q) = 0.211 0.211

q + 1.126? + 1.126? -0.125? - 0.125? +
2 2
1-g- 1
1-g - 1

q N (q) = 0.211 0.6096

0.212? + 0.212? ? + 0.6096? + 0.6096? +
3 2 3 2

l-q- 1

Therefore the lower output variance bound for yi(t) is

K)ref = E{( (t)

Vl - y{(t)) } 2 (6.213)

= 0.4558, (6.214)

and, for y (t) 2

(<4W = E{(y (t)2 -y* (t)) }

2 (6.215)

= 0.3827. (6.216)

The overall output variance bound would be

= E{(y(t)-y*(t))*} (6.217)

= 0.8385. (6.218)
Chapter 6. Control Loop Performance Monitoring in the MIMO case 101

The results of this example are summarized in Table 6.3. It can be seen that the references

given in equation (6.207)-(6.209) are bigger than those established in equation (6.214)-

(6.216). That is because the M V C based on the unitary interactor does not achieve an

ultimate minimum variance for the individual output. Note, also that these results are

very close to those obtained using the approach introduced here where the knowledge of

the interactor matrix was not used.

Table 6.3: Reference values for example 2.

references for yi(t) references for y (t) references for y(t) 2

0.551 0.4558 0.420 0.3827 0.971 0.8385

Unitary Int. U . bound Unitary Int. U . bound Unitary Int. U . bound

6.5.2 Second example

For this example the process considered is described by

i -0.12( -
—yj.J-t.il 0.06(7- 3
1 2

+0.12g- +0.2g- 2
l-0.86(j- -|-0.12q- +0.2g-
1 2 3 ui(t)

l-0.86g- +0.12 - +0.2g-

2 3
l-0.86(j- -f0.12q- +0.2(j-
1 2 3
J u {t)

1-0.369- 1

l-0.86q- +0.12g- +0.2(j-

1 2 3 u ei(t)
+ 1-OAq- 1

0 l-0.86g- +0.12 - +0.2 -



ei(t) 0.42 0
E ei(t) e (t)
2 )\=Q =
0 0.38

By choosing the output ordering (yi(t), y (t)), the interactor matrix is


q 0

-2.5g - 0.5? 3 2
Chapter 6. Control Loop Performance Monitoring in the MIMO case 102

The M V C based on this interactor leads to the output tracking error

yi(t)-yl(t) 1 0
, (6.219)
y2(t)- my -1.250- + 1.02g"
1 2
1 + 0.469- + 0.27g- 1 2

and the output variances are

E{[yi(t)-yl(t)} } 2
= 0.42 and

E{\jfy(t) - y»(t)?} = 1-59-

To apply the proposed control loop performance assessment procedure, it is needed to

know the minimum delay for each output and a M A or A R model for process outputs.

In this case the minimum delay for both outputs is one, and equation (6.219) is the

M A model needed. Therefore, according to equation (6.185), the minimum achievable

output variances for outputs y\ and y are 2

d . 1


E{(m(t) - yl(t)) } = 2
J2 jQ( j) F F T
= 0-4229 and
d? .
E{(y (t)
2 - y* (t)) }
= £" F Q(F ) 2 2 T
= 0.3802.


Therefore, the performance index for y\ is I (yi(t)) p = 1 and that of y is I (y (t))2 p 2 = 4.19.

If instead y(t) = (y (t)

2 yi(t)) then, the interactor matrix is
-0.40? + 0.080g 3 2

The M V C based on this interactor leads to the output tracking error

1 + O.bq' + O.Slq- 1 2
-0.18Q- + 0.07q-
1 2

y2(t)-y* (t)
2 0 1 e (*)
Chapter 6. Control Loop Performance Monitoring in the MIMO case 103

and the output variances are

E{[yi(t) - y*M } 2
= 0.5838 and

E{[y2(t)-y* (t)?} 2 = 0.3802.

In this case the minimum delay for both outputs is still one and equation (6.220) is the

M A model to be used in the same way as before to obtain that the minimum achievable

output variances for outputs yi and y are 2

d . 1


E{( (t) yi - yl(t)) } 2

= £ F}Q(F}) T
= 0.4229 and

d . 2

E{(y2(t) - y* (t)) } 2
= 2:^(^ = 0.3802.

Therefore, the performance index for y\ is I (yi(t)) p = 1.39 and that of y is I (y (t)) 2 p 2 = 1.

The process described above is now simulated with the following controller.

" k 0.04a~ 2
-0,0344q~ 3
+0.0048Q~ 4
4-0.0080a~ 5
fc - 0 . 0 6 O ~ 2
+ 0 . 0 5 1 6 Q ~ 3
- 0 0 0 7 2 q - 4
- 0 . 0 1 2 q ~ 5

, 1
(0.02+0.019<l-2)(l_q-l) 1
(0.02+0.019q-2 ) ( 1 - q - 1 )
C(q 1
) =
. 0.5 — O . O a q - 1
-0.284q~ +0.148q~
+O.Q8q~ 4
. —0 . 2 + 0 . 0 5 2 q ~ 1
+0.0792q~ 2
— 0 . 0 5 4 4 q - 3
- 0 . 0 2 4 q ~ 4

(0.02+0.019q-2)(l-q-l) 2
(0.02+0.019q-^ ) ( l - q - l ) -

The design of this controller was done in two stages. The first stage dealt with decoupling;

then a proportional plus integral controller was designed for each loop.

The simulation results are obtained when applying the procedure of assessment given

above. Delays are considered known. The A R filter is determined using "arx" command

of Matlab. Once the parameters of the filter are known, its recurrent form is used to

obtain the residuals on line then updating the minimum output variances and output

variances are updated considering a forgetting factor in the range of [0.9 0.99]. These

simulation results are shown in Figure 6.17.

It can be seen from combining all the results obtained above with different control

strategies applied to the considered process that at least one output can achieve a per-

formance index of one (first two controllers). The performance index for all outputs can
Chapter 6. Control Loop Performance Monitoring in the MIMO case 104

be close to one for a good controller such as the above last one. The proposed procedure

is able to track on-line the control loop performance.

-i i 1 i r -
~I 1 ! 1

_l I 1_ I I I
200 300 4oo eoo eoo

Figure 6.17: On line performance index estimation kl=0.08 and k2=0.05.

6.6 Conclusions

It was shown that the proposed multivariable procedure for control loop performance as-

sessment is an improvement over existing techniques. No prior knowledge of the interactor

matrix is needed, and only knowledge of the minimum delay for each output is needed.

The method is then a natural extension of SISO control loop performance assessment

to M I M O control loop performance assessment. This procedure can be used to identify

the loops showing a large output variance and so in need of special attention, from those

having an output variance close to the M V C benchmark. A significant advantage of the

bounds derived here is that they are independent of the interactor matrix.

In the following chapter the proposed method is evaluated by application to the loops
Chapter 6. Control Loop Performance Monitoring in the MIMO case 105

controlling a lime kiln in a Kraft pulp mill.

Chapter 7

Performance Assessment of Control Loops on a Lime Kiln

In this chapter, the method proposed in the last chapter is evaluated by application to the

loops controlling a lime kiln in a Kraft pulp mill. The data was obtained in collaboration

with engineering staff at Canfor, Prince George and P A P R I C A N , Vancouver Laboratory.

The organization of this chapter is as follows. In the first section the lime cycle is

described. This is followed by the development of a dynamic model of the lime kiln. The

results of the assessment procedure are then given in section 4, followed by a conclusion

in the last section.

7.1 Process description

The lime cycle is an important part of the kraft recovery and recausticizing system in a

pulp mill. The purpose of the cycle is to regenerate the alkaline white liquor from the

spent green liquor recovered from the pulping process, see Figure (7.18) from Dumont

[20]. The white liquor, which is a solution of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and sodium

sulfate (Na2S), is used to break down the lignin in the wood. The green liquor is a

solution of sodium carbonate (Na2COz), sodium hydroxide (NaOH), and sodium sulfite

(Na S).

The first step in the lime cycle is to add lime (CaO) to the green liquor where it reacts

with water in solution to produce calcium hydroxide. This reaction is called slaking and

Chapter 7. Performance Assessment of Control Loops on a Lime Kiln 107

C A U 5 T I C I Z CR



Figure 7.18: Lime cycle.

can be written as:

CaO + H 0 2 — • Ca(OH) 2 + heat.

The calcium hydroxide then reacts with the sodium carbonate in the green liquor to

produce sodium hydroxide and calcium carbonate. This reaction is called causticizing

and can be written as

Na C0
2 3 + Ca(OH) 2 — • 2NaOH + CaC0 . 3

The white liquor (NaOH) is separated from the calcium carbonate (lime mud) by passing

the solution through a clarifier, where the calcium carbonate settles out as an insoluble

mud. To complete the cycle, the calcium carbonate or lime mud is washed and filtered,

then dried and heated in large rotary kilns. The heat causes the calcium carbonate to

break down, giving off carbon dioxide gas and calcium oxide or lime. This reaction can

be written as

CaC0 3 + heat —• CaO + C0 2 T.

Chapter 7. Performance Assessment of Control Loops on a Lime Kiln 108

The lime produced is then used in slaking. From the above, it is evident that the lime

kiln is a crucial element of the lime cycle.

7.2 Lime kiln process



Figure 7.19: Lime Kiln.

The lime kiln, depicted in Figure (7.19), is a long rotating cylinder, sloping typically

at four centimetres per meter, and rotating at one revolution per minute. The lower end

of the kiln is referred to as the hot end or the feed end. The fuel and air for combustion

enter at this end. The lime mud enters into the kiln at the feed end or the cold end. It

is then dried and converted into hot lime as it flows down the kiln toward the hot end,

which is maintained at a temperature of about 1000°C. Detailed descriptions of the lime

kiln can be found in [61].

Clearly, lime kilns are multivariable distributed systems. The objective of a lime

kiln control system is to produce lime of good reactivity while minimizing the energy
Chapter 7. Performance Assessment of Control Loops on a Lime Kiln 109

consumption. Underburned or overburned lime from an ineffectively controlled kiln can

be very costly in terms of reduced pulping efficiency and increased energy costs. A review

of the principles and current practice of lime kiln control is given in Dumont [20].

The manipulated variables may include mud flow rate, fuel rate, rotational speed of

the kiln, primary air flow (FD Fan), and draft (ID Fan). However, setting of the mud

flow rate depends on the availability of stored mud and the desired lime production rate

and so may not be adjustable for control purposes. Typically, the controlled variables

include the feed end and the back end temperatures. The quality of the lime produced

depends upon the temperature profile in the longitudinal direction of the kiln. Another

control concern is the oxygen content of the fume gasses, which indicates how efficiently

fuel has been burned.

For the K i l n under consideration, the controlled variables (outputs) are: feed end

temperature (FET), hot end temperature (HET), and the excess of oxygen (XS 02)-The

rotational speed of the kiln is adjusted according to the load. The manipulated variables

(inputs) are the fuel rate and air flow (ID fan). The lime kiln is considered here as a

multivariable system with two inputs and three outputs. The models are assumed to be

first-order with time delay determined from the two bump tests shown i n figure (7.20)

and figure (7.21). The resulting transfer function model is shown below:

0.52e- 67s
-0.002e- 12s

HET 87s+l lOs+1

= 0.062e- 0.228e- - (7.221)
13s 5 7s

FET 10.52s+l 23s+l

-0.0088e-°- 67s
0.018e-° 1 7 s

Xs0 2
2.5s+l 1.75s+l

where all time constants and delays are expressed in minutes. Dynamic operating re-

sponse data were collected and compared to the response of the model determined above.

The model delays show that the excess of oxygen can be adjusted with less than a minute

of delay. However, a delay of at least 12 minutes from input to any change in the hot end

temperature output and 5.7 minutes for the feed end temperature. In Figure (7.22), the
Chapter 7. Performance Assessment of Control Loops on a Lime Kiln 110


< 10 20 30 40
Tim e ( m n )

Figure 7.20: First bump test.

Chapter 7. Performance Assessment of Control Loops on a Lime Kiln 111

LL 150 200
1000 —1
< 960

Tim e (mn)

Figure 7.21: Second bump test.

Chapter 7. Performance Assessment of Control Loops on a Lime Kiln 112

true response curves from mill data in solid line, while those obtained from the model are
in dashed line. It can be seen that the model provides a reasonably good approximation
of the kiln's response curves.
In the next section the control performance of this process is investigated.

1 100

III \ / ~*

500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000

380 - i i i i



300 i i i i I 1

500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000

Tim e ( m n )

Figure 7.22: Validation of the model.

7.3 Loop performance assessment for the lime kiln

The control loops of this process are assessed using the approach described in the last
chapter. It consists of the following steps:

1. Determine the delays between process inputs and outputs (from the model above).
Chapter 7. Performance Assessment of Control Loops on a Lime Kiln 113

2. Determine the multivariate M A time series model for the process outputs

(y - y)(t) = $ ( t ) + ^q^ait - 1) + ... =

lfl H(q- )a ,

where a(t) is a zero mean white noise disturbance, q is the unit delay operator and

y is the mean of y. The i th

process output is

(lU ~ Vi)(t) = ((<!>{)* + ... + (tit . Tq- ^)a(t) + ((cb .

di + 1 ) q - « - - » + ...)a(fi).222)
m i n min '

3. Determine the estimated lower output variance bounds of different outputs by use

of the following equation

("J-*)™ = WG[($)T + +
3 1 W l
m mm
. -i)*QW i. -,Y) ,

where Q = E[a(t)a(tY] the covariance matrix of the filtered data and ((b))* can be

estimated by

((b)Y = E[(y -y ) al }Q-\i i t j

4. Determine the performance indices associated with different outputs using

W ) ) = jH r , (7-224)

where 1 < I with higher value indicating poor control.


These steps can easily be performed on-line. Neither the nature of the control strategy

nor the process model is needed, but the delays between different input output pairs of

the process are required. In this case these delays, expressed in minutes, are obtained

from the model above. The delays required by the assessment procedure are the smallest

ones from each row of the above model. The on-line output variance is computed using

the following equation

K)N = A(tT )jv_i

+ (i - x)( (N)
Vl - m)?,
Chapter 7. Performance Assessment of Control Loops on a Lime Kiln 114

where A e [0.98 1] is the forgetting factor. The resulting on-line performance index for

each output is shown in figure (7.23). This preliminary study shows that the performance

41 1 1 1 1 r

I i i i i i
1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000

30 I 1 1 1 1 1—

I 1 I I I I I
1 5 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 5 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 5 0 0 4 0 0 0
Tim e (m n)

Figure 7.23: On-line performance indices.

index of the hot end temperature is in the range of [1.8 3.2] , that of the feed end

temperature is within [4 8] and that of excess of 0 2 is within [10 20].

The conclusion to draw at this point is that the hot end and the feed end temper-

atures are relatively well controlled while the control of the excess of oxygen may not

be. Note however that there will be a contribution to the performance index arising

from the frequent setpoint change. Based on this study it was decided to design a new

controller based on MPC (model predictive controller) to replace the one in place which

is a combination of PI and Smith predictor.

Chapter 7. Performance Assessment of Control Loops on a Lime Kiln 115

7.4 Conclusion

The application of control loop performance monitoring presented here shows the impor-

tant role that the monitoring tools can play in maintaining high process performance.

By comparing the minimum variance level that each output can achieve with the actual

variance, a decision can be made to accept, retune, or replace the control algorithm. The

assessment was performed using routine operating data and little prior knowledge of the

process. The approach proposed in [25] follows the spirit of control loop performance

assessment initiated by Harris [35] for single-input single-output systems.

Chapter 8


8.1 Contributions of this thesis

The purpose of this thesis is to develop tools and techniques for monitoring and diagnosing

the performance of control loops based primarily on operating data. The contributions

of this thesis to this topic are:

• In chapter 3, the development of a Least-Squares method for parameter identifi-

cation and time delay estimation for processes where the acting disturbances are

white noise, is presented in an attempt to overcome the difficulties of the existing

method for time delay estimation.

• In chapter 4, Harris's performance index was broadened as a measure of output vari-

ance to consider other criteria, so obtaining a better overall assessment of control

loop performance. It was shown that oscillations result in poor performance and

proposed an approach to controller tuning based on a combination of performance

criteria and output variance.

• In chapter 5, a unified oscillation index is proposed that can be used for linear

and nonlinear cascade loops to help localize the loops causing oscillation at a given

frequency. The procedure does not require knowledge of the transfer functions

involved. Analysis of responses is used to determine the set of frequencies at which

further invistigation is needed.

Chapter 8. Summary 117

• In chapter 6, a multivariable procedure for control loop performance assessment is

proposed. This method leads to good results. No prior knowledge of the interactor

matrix is needed and only knowledge of the minimum delay for each output is


8.2 Recommendation for future work

The issues addressed in this thesis can be viewed as background for several interesting

research directions. In chapter 3, the closed-loop method developed needs further study

specially when the acting disturbances are described by colored noise. In chapter 4,

by considering the presence of a nonlinear element in a given loop, it was possible to

narrow the useful range for the performance index and to show that the performance

index under normal operation is finite. The need to develop a framework for nonlinear

systems is still an open problem. In Chapter 5, an oscillation index was introduced for

SISO systems (cascade loops only); therefore, an extension of that study to multivariable

systems is needed. In chapter 6, the M I M O case was addressed, but there remains a need

to investigate the weight assigned to each performance index for practical use.

The topic of control loop performance monitoring is relatively new and is an active

area of research. Some other areas for future work would be to study the effect of the

sampling rate on the estimation of the minimum achievable output variance, and to

develop a confidence interval for performance index in both cases SISO and M I M O . This

is needed for on-line performance assessment to compensate for varying time delay or

parameter uncertainties and therefore, for robustness.

Another area of special interest to paper industry is the machine cross directional

control and it would interesting to extend the M I M O performance index defined in this

thesis to cover such processes as well.


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