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National Committee exchanges, dialogues, and conferences bring together and inform
policymakers, corporate leaders, nonprofit professionals, academics, military personnel, and
students from both sides of the Pacific. Through public outreach and educational events, the
National Committee promotes public discussion and the candid exchange of ideas. The four
categories below form the foundation of the National Committee’s work, with selected highlights in
the following pages. A complete index of 2020 programs and events begins on page 10.

Informing policy leaders on both sides of the Pacific

The National
Committee on Track II Dialogues
Fostering ongoing dialogue and cooperation around the

United States-China most sensitive issues facing the bilateral relationship

Relations Next Generation

Developing the capacity of future leaders
is a nonprofit educational organization that encourages understanding of
China and the United States among citizens of both countries. The Committee
focuses its exchange, educational, and policy activities on politics and security,
governance and civil society, economic cooperation, media, and transnational
issues, addressing these with respect to mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan.
The Committee’s programs draw strength from its members, who number more Public Education
than 700 Americans from all parts of the country, and nearly 60 corporations and
Providing balanced information that contributes to a more thoughtful,
professional firms. They represent many viewpoints, but share the belief that
nuanced discussion on Sino-American relations and Greater China
productive U.S.-China relations require ongoing public education, face-to-face
contact, and the forthright exchange of ideas.

National Committee on U.S.-China Relations | 1

Informing policy leaders on both sides of the Pacific

THE EDUCATION OF SENIOR POLICYMAKERS — including members of Congress and their staff,
business leaders, and military officers — about the nuances of Sino-American relations is central
to the National Committee’s mission. Delegations and programs in this area provide opportunities
to interact with key officials, learn firsthand about China’s successes and challenges, and develop
fruitful working relationships that promote informed decision-making.

The National Committee undertakes a range of subnational initiatives to engage and educate state-level officials working on China-related issues; on
December 7, four former governors (two of them former U.S. Ambassadors to China) joined a virtual briefing for subnational officials covering a range
of topics pertaining to state-level engagement with China.
(Clockwise from top left: NCUSCR President Stephen Orlins, moderator; former Ambassador to China Jon M. Huntsman, Jr. [UT]; Bob Holden [MO];
Rick Snyder [MI]; and former Ambassador to China Gary Locke [WA])

CONGRESSIONAL ENGAGEMENT PUBLICATION: CHINA ON U.S.-CHINA INVESTMENT strong and helped broaden the reach of these carefully
researched and data-driven reports.
Since 1976, the National Committee has conducted As an outgrowth of our Congressional initiatives, in 2020 The U.S.-China Investment Project is a multiyear
Congressional Member and staff delegations to China the National Committee launched a new weekly digital research initiative that aims to provide greater
to inform legislators about the complexities of the publication, China on the Hill, that lists introduced or transparency on capital flows (completed foreign direct
Sino-American relationship. The National Committee’s recently passed China-related legislation from either investment, venture capital investments, and portfolio
pre-Covid Congressional engagement was anchored chamber, hearings taking place on the Hill, statements investments) between China and the United States.
by Congressional Member delegations to China by Members of Congress and administration officials, and In each 12-month cycle, the National Committee and
approximately every 18 months, and two to three links to news articles covering all of these developments. Rhodium Group jointly publish one full report update
Congressional staff delegation visits per year. In 2020, the The publication also includes major statements by senior looking at investment data from the prior calendar
trips were replaced by well-received briefing series for Chinese officials and news coverage of them. year, and two mini-reports, examining narrower
Congressional staff (monthly) and Members (quarterly). topics. The 2020 releases included a study of two-way
The virtual format enables the National Committee to venture capital investments issued in January; an
bring a range of new voices and leading experts to inform update in May of the Two-Way Street report on bilateral
policy development. Educating Congressional staff investment flows from the previous year; and a mini- In May, the multiyear U.S.-China Investment Project, conducted
about China gives them a knowledge base to share with report in September detailing bilateral investment in partnership with Rhodium Group, issued its signature Two Way
Street report tracking bilateral investment flows between the
colleagues and Congressional Members, and connects trends during the first two quarters of 2020. Coverage United States and China.
them with the National Committee as an ongoing of the publications, in both U.S. and Chinese media, was

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Track II Dialogues
Fostering ongoing dialogue and cooperation around the
most sensitive issues facing the bilateral relationship

THE NATIONAL COMMITTEE IS A LEADER in the field of U.S.-China exchanges and dialogues,
delivering innovative programs that respond to emerging issues. Its ongoing Track II dialogues
convene American and Chinese political, business, academic, security, and policy leaders
for off-the-record discussions. Participants engage in lively debate while collaborating on a
consensus agreement, which is subsequently shared with both governments. Dialogues are often
accompanied by public events and leadership briefings that extend the impact of the discussions
and their outcomes. China International Capital Corporation Head of Research Liang Hong and Atlantic Council Nonresident Senior Fellow
Robert Dohner at the Track II Economic Dialogue, which was held in January at the Starr Foundation in New York City.

TRACK II ECONOMIC DIALOGUE TRACK II DIALOGUE ON THE develop recommendations on how both countries
can collaborate to confront national and global health
Since 2010, the Economic Dialogue has brought together DIGITAL ECONOMY issues, while promoting relationships and cultivating MARITIME ISSUES &
leading American and Chinese economists, economic
Established in 2019 in partnership with the Guanchao understanding among healthcare leaders in both INTERNATIONAL LAW
thinkers, and business leaders for off-the-record countries. This year’s discussions focused on issues
Cyber Forum, a division of the Chinese Internet Security
discussions on critical issues in the bilateral economic The Dialogue on Maritime Issues & International Law
Conference, the Dialogue on the Digital Economy focuses raised by the ongoing pandemic, and the dialogue
relationship, trade and investment relations, and the was conducted virtually over two sessions in June and
on the challenges affecting corporations doing business provided participants for a virtual public panel discussion
global economic system. The talks seek to develop December. The productive talks among influential
globally and developing ways that American and Chinese on the global health crisis held on July 30.
collaborative pathways to build trust and improve U.S.- experts in international law and regional security focused
companies can cooperate to address these concerns.
China economic relations. The frank exchange serves as on the legal disputes and maritime claims among states
In December 2020, two dozen experts from academia,
a valuable channel of communication between the two in the South China Sea region and areas of cooperation
think tanks, and industry engaged in off-the-record
countries, and results in a consensus document that is that could reduce tensions. Built on the strong trust
discussions and developed a consensus agreement that
distributed to leading policymakers in both governments. that participants have developed over years of dialogue
was shared with members of Congress and the U.S.
meetings, the candid talks created a valuable channel
The dialogue again provided expert speakers and administration, as well as Chinese counterparts.
of communication between the two countries on key
panelists for the National Committee’s annual Forecast
issues and regional friction points. The sessions focused
of China’s Economy, a half-day forum held on January
9 at Citigroup, where a large audience of finance
TRACK II DIALOGUE ON on identifying practical measures to build cooperation
instead of confrontation in the region, including
professionals and journalists heard in-depth analysis and HEALTHCARE the use of conflict prevention mechanisms, and on
projections for the coming year. Twenty-nine American and Chinese experts from
Leading experts from the Track II Dialogue on Healthcare
fisheries and environmental issues. Mutually developed
academia, think tanks, and corporations in the healthcare participated in a July 30 virtual event examining U.S.-China recommendations were shared with both governments.
field participated in the 2020 Track II Dialogue on cooperation on the pandemic, including: George Gao, director-
general, Chinese CDC; Margaret Hamburg, former commissioner,
Healthcare, conducted virtually on July 13-14. Held U.S. FDA; Gordon Liu, professor, Peking University; Mark
annually since 2017, the dialogue offers a forum to McClellan, former commissioner, U.S. FDA; and Julia Spencer,
associate vice president, Merck.

4 | Annual Report 2020 National Committee on U.S.-China Relations | 5

Next Generation
Developing the capacity of future leaders

THE NATIONAL COMMITTEE’S LEADERSHIP development initiatives invest in the future by

educating the next generation of Americans and Chinese about each other and the other country.
These programs cultivate potential leaders early in their careers and help prepare them for
leadership roles in the bilateral relationship.

The Public Intellectuals Program visit to China in January included a meeting with Madame He
Liliang, a former diplomat and widow of former Vice Premier and Foreign Minister Huang Hua.

PUBLIC INTELLECTUALS Coast experts. The Seattle program also gave fellows years and open to the more than 240 past fellows,
an opportunity to interact with Sarah Beran, head of the which helps to sustain a rich and fruitful network. In
PROGRAM China Desk at the State Department. 2020, Young Leaders Forum held several virtual events
Since 2005, the Public Intellectuals Program has helped The more than 140 past and present Public Intellectuals and discussions for fellows, including a special virtual
build the capacity of next-generation China specialists fellows continued to engage with the National Committee gathering with Commander Chris Cassidy (YLF 2006)
and enhanced their engagement with the public, media, and one another through additional virtual events and joining from the International Space Station.
and policy communities. The two-year program helps briefings throughout the year.
each cohort of 20 fellows better understand the U.S. and
Chinese policymaking processes; establishes fruitful
professional relationships; and enhances fellows’ ability YOUNG LEADERS FORUM Through events and informal gatherings with China
to engage with and inform the public at national, regional, Since 2002, the Young Leaders Forum has brought experts, Young China Professionals engages China-
and local levels. together three dozen exceptional individuals, generally focused individuals between the ages of 25-45 to foster a
under the age of 40, from the United States and China to community of young professionals, generate conversation
In January 2020, 10 fellows joined an informative 12-
explore substantive issues, deepen their understanding and debate around key issues, and introduce them to the
day study tour to mainland China and Hong Kong that In 2020, the Young China Professionals program continued its
of each other’s country, and forge enduring relationships National Committee and its work. The gatherings and
included visits with policymakers and leaders in the regular gatherings in the virtual world, including a discussion
in a genial environment. Participants are drawn from a informative events enable these future leaders to engage on U.S. and Chinese journalism with Olivia Qi Zhang, chief
tech sector, and a range of figures in the Hong Kong U.S. correspondent for Caixin Media, and Amy Qin, China
variety of fields, and include government officials and both with leading experts as well as a diverse group of
government and society. The full cohort of 20 fellows correspondent for The New York Times, moderated by NCUSCR
politicians, authors, university leaders, entrepreneurs, peers from a range of professional sectors. Senior Program Officer Rosie Levine (top to bottom).
gathered in Seattle soon afterwards (February 27-March
1) to focus on the effects of Sino-American relations on musicians, and others. The Forum typically consists of a
the subnational level and to connect with leading West four-day retreat, conducted in each country in alternating

6 | Annual Report 2020 National Committee on U.S.-China Relations | 7

Public Education
Providing balanced information that contributes to a
more thoughtful, nuanced discussion on Sino-American
relations and Greater China

THROUGH PUBLIC EVENTS, roundtable discussions, conference calls, publications, videos, and
social media offerings, the National Committee provides its membership and the public with
timely, relevant information on issues affecting the bilateral relationship and Greater China.
National Committee programs feature a range of American and Chinese perspectives across the
political and functional spectrums.

The annual Forecast for China’s Economy, a public component of the Track II Economic
Dialogue, is conducted each January in New York City and features leading Chinese and
American economists and experts.

A YEAR OF CHANGE CHINA TOWN HALL and culture, economics and trade, climate and health, than 200 audience members, with many subsequent
and a Chinese-language program. CHINA Town Hall online viewers. A number of media interviews were also
With the start of the pandemic in early 2020, the This year’s expanded CHINA Town Hall program had 83 partner organizations nationwide, including conducted by some of the more than 60 journalists who
National Committee dramatically transformed transformed from a one-day event at venues nationwide world affairs councils, world trade associations, and registered for the event.
its mode of work as traveling delegations and in- to a week-long series and post-event release that universities, in addition to selected content released in
person meetings were cancelled or shifted to the reached more than a half-million viewers. The five- China. There were more than 600,000 live and post-event
virtual environment. At the same time, the Covid-19 part event included a keynote with renowned investor, views of the program and some 17 million social media
pandemic introduced new frictions to the U.S.-China philanthropist, and author Ray Dalio, followed by impressions, giving unprecedented exposure to this
relationship, adding more urgency than ever to the segments on four subsequent evenings covering society unique event and the National Committee’s work.
National Committee’s longtime mission to educate and
provide timely and balanced information. In response,
the National Committee developed a host of new FORECAST FOR CHINA’S
programming that received more than two million ECONOMY 2020
views throughout the year. The list of public events
The eleventh annual Forecast for China’s Economy
below conveys the wide range of topics covered and
convened leading Chinese and American economic
the leading experts featured in them, as the National
thinkers — and participants in the NCUSCR’s annual
Committee continued to serve as a critical bridge that To increase public awareness of issues surrounding racism
Track II Economic Dialogue — for a half-day program against Asian Americans, the National Committee launched a
brings people from the two nations together.
to bring the latest data and firsthand expertise to the special resource page and an ongoing series of virtual public
events, including an August 5 conversation with Jerry Yang, Anla
U.S. financial community and media. Conducted in Cheng, Nancy Yao Maasbach, and Erika Lee (clockwise from top
The nationwide CHINA Town Hall virtual event featured renowned partnership with China Center for Economic Research, left) on current issues of anti-Asian racism and their influence on
Sino-American relations.
investor, philanthropist, and best-selling author Ray Dalio. the forecast was hosted at Citigroup headquarters in
New York City on January 9 and was attended by more

8 | Annual Report 2020 National Committee on U.S.-China Relations | 9

China Roundup with David Lampton POLICYMAKERS Perspectives on Recent Developments
and Maria Repnikova in Hong Kong with Tara Joseph, Jan Kiely,

2020 Program Index Schwarzman Scholars Alumni Series All activities were conducted virtually and Pierre Landry
Congressional Staff Briefings
Stephen A. Schwarzman
September 24 U.S. - China COVID-19 Crisis Briefs: June 26
Economic Impacts with Dan Rosen
Mapping the Future of U.S. China Policy Subnational Program Series Bilateral Breakdown: Views from our
NEXT GENERATION The View from Taiwan with Gardiner Panel on Hong Kong with Alison Friedman,
Bovingdon, Sara Friedman, Charles Laughton, Ann Huss, Jan Kiely, Pierre Landry, – CSIS Survey Presentation with Jude University of Michigan Lieberthal-Rogel Allies – Practicum Session
Professional Fellows Program: American Carl Minzner, and Johanna Ransmeier and Kellee Tsai Blanchette and Scott Kennedy Center for Chinese Studies, Michigan-China Subnational Program Series
Participants to China and Taiwan Public Intellectuals Program Public Intellectuals Program Public Intellectuals Program Innovation Center University of Michigan Lieberthal-Rogel
Carnegie Corporation of New York April 2 Center for Chinese Studies, Michigan-China
U.S. State Department’s Bureau of Carnegie Corporation of New York Carnegie Corporation of New York
Educational and Cultural Affairs April 23 June 18 October 22 Innovation Center
U.S. - China COVID-19 Crisis Briefs: July 16
China Global Philanthropy Institute, Hong
Insights from Inside China on Coping Engaging with the “Disengagers” in America Looking Back Home: American YLF Fellows Public Health Response in Greater China,
Kong-America Center, Chiang Ching-kuo
with COVID-19 with Thomas Christensen, Robert Daly, in Asia on the Coming U.S. Elections, South Korea, and Japan with Anthony State of the U.S. - China Relationship with
Schwarzman Scholars Alumni Series and Bonnie Glaser with Paul Haenle and Steve Okun Kuhn, Sheila Smith, and Elanah Uretsky Paul Haenle, Lyu Jinghua, and Tong Zhao
January 2-15; China, Taiwan
Public Intellectuals Program Young Leaders Forum Gatherings Subnational Program Series Congressional Staff Briefings
Stephen A. Schwarzman
Public Intellectuals Program VI: China Trip October 14 University of Michigan Lieberthal-Rogel July 24
May 7 Carnegie Corporation of New York
Center for Chinese Studies, Michigan-China
Carnegie Corporation of New York July 2
U.S. Elections: A Primer with Lee Hartley Innovation Center NCUSCR Board Discussion with Deputy
China Foreign Affairs University Discussion of Documentary
Carter and Ma Ning April 16 Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian
January 3-15; Beijing, Shenzhen, Film American Factory U.S. - China Military Relations with Isaac
Guangzhou, Kaiping, Hong Kong Schwarzman Scholars Alumni Series Kardon and Gary Sampson Young Leaders Forum Gatherings & Pacific Affairs Jonathan Fritz
Public Intellectuals Program U.S. - China COVID-19 Crisis Briefs:
Stephen A. Schwarzman October 28 August 3
Political Implications in China and the U.S.
Chinese New Year’s Dinner for Young May 14 Carnegie Corporation of New York - China Relationship with Ryan Hass and
Leaders Forum Fellows July 16 Public Intellectuals Program VI: NCUSCR Board Discussion with Chinese
Jessica Chen Weiss
February 5; New York City China’s Domestic and International Second Washington, D.C. Workshop Subnational Program Series Ambassador to the United States Cui Tiankai
Narrative Regarding COVID-19 Internal “Open Floor” Discussion on Carnegie Corporation of New York August 6
University of Michigan Lieberthal-Rogel
Schwarzman Scholars and Alumni with Pu Xiaoyu and Maria Repnikova U.S. - China Relations November 5-7 Center for Chinese Studies, Michigan-China
Lantern Festival Celebration Public Intellectuals Program Public Intellectuals Program Bilateral Breakdown: Science and Education
Innovation Center
Carnegie Corporation of New York Carnegie Corporation of New York Behind the Scenes with the in the Crossfire – Practicum Session
Stephen A. Schwarzman April 30
February 8; New York City May 21 July 30 Black China Caucus Subnational Program Series
Public Intellectuals Program NCUSCR Board Discussion with University of Michigan Lieberthal-Rogel
Public Intellectuals Program U.S. - China Relations: Unpacking the The Politicization of International Carnegie Corporation of New York Ambassador Cui Tiankai Center for Chinese Studies, Michigan-China
West Coast Workshop Narrative(s) with Kate Kaup, Laura Silver, Education with Peggy Blumenthal, Brad November 12 Innovation Center
May 27
and Victor Yuan Farnsworth, and Jill Allen Murray August 13
Carnegie Corporation of New York
Schwarzman Scholars Alumni Series Public Intellectuals Program Cooperation, Competition, Conflict? What’s
February 27-March 1; Seattle U.S. - China Relations: Perspectives from
Stephen A. Schwarzman Carnegie Corporation of New York Next in Sino-American Relations, with Capitol Hill, with Representatives Rick A Feminist and Inclusive Approach to
All activities after March 19 were conducted May 28 August 13 Steve Orlins and Amb. Zhao Weiping Larsen and Darin LaHood Foreign Policy and Implications for the
virtually Young Leaders Forum Gatherings U.S. - China Relationship, with Stephenie
June 11 Foster, Sarah Kemp, and Wen Qiyu
Reflections on June 4 and Current Challenges Engaging with the “Disengagers” in Chinese People’s Institute of Foreign Affairs
COVID-19 Panel with Yanzhong Huang, in the China Field with David M. Lampton China with Paul Haenle, Elizabeth Knup, November 30
Congressional Staff Briefings
Public Intellectuals Program and Tong Zhao
NCUSCR Board Discussion with Deputy
Scott Moore, Joseph Tucker, September 18
Public Intellectuals Program Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian
and Elanah Uretsky Carnegie Corporation of New York Schwarzman Scholars Post-Election Panel & Pacific Affairs Jonathan Fritz
Public Intellectuals Program June 4 Carnegie Corporation of New York Schwarzman Scholars Alumni Series NCUSCR Board Discussion with
June 12 New York PRC Consul General
Carnegie Corporation of New York August 27 Stephen A. Schwarzman
March 26 Out of This World: A Conversation with December 9
Ambassador Huang Ping
International Space Station Commander Report from the International Bilateral Breakdown: Dynamics of
September 22
Chris Cassidy Space Station with Chris Cassidy Decoupling – Practicum Session
Coronavirus-related Issues in Higher Chinese Student Activism and Academic
Young Leaders Forum Gathering Young Leaders Forum Gathering Subnational Program Series
Education in China and the United States Freedom on U.S. Campuses with John Former Governors Roundtable
with Hong Yang and Min Ye Osberg and Elanah Uretsky University of Michigan Lieberthal-Rogel Subnational Program Series
June 7 September 17
Public Intellectuals Program Public Intellectuals Program Center for Chinese Studies, Michigan-China
Henry Luce Foundation
Innovation Center
Carnegie Corporation of New York Public Intellectuals Program VI Happy Hour Carnegie Corporation of New York September 24
June 25
April 15 Carnegie Corporation of New York December 17
September 24

10 | Annual Report 2020 National Committee on U.S.-China Relations | 11

Tech Competition with China: U.S. Policy U.S.-China Track II Economic Dialogue Corporate program with Ni Pin Coronavirus Crisis: Prospects for U.S- China Bilateral Breakdown: Dynamics of Book talk with Mara Hvistendahl and
Options, with Erica Fuchs, Jimmy Goodrich, Chubb, VanEck; National School of Conference Call Economic and Trade Relations, with Barry Decoupling, with Anna Ashton, Nelson Dong –The Scientist and the Spy:
and Adam Segal Naughton, Dan Rosen, Tu Xinquan, and Xu Gao Scott Kennedy, and Damien Ma A True Story of China, the FBI,
Development, Peking University February 24
Congressional Members Briefings Economic Dialogue Series and Industrial Espionage
July 20-21 University of Michigan Lieberthal-Rogel
September 25 South China Sea Issues with Isaac Kardon Chubb, VanEck; NSD, PKU Center for Chinese Studies, Michigan-China July 30
U.S.-China Track II Dialogue Young China Professionals May 13 Innovation Center
What’s Next for U.S. - China Relations, on the Digital Economy
February 25; New York City
June 18 Lessons Learned Amid a Pandemic: How the
with Robert Daly and Yun Sun American Views on China: Results from United States and China can Collaborate
Intel Corporation; Guanchao Cyber Forum
Congressional Staff Briefings a Recent Pew Research Center Survey, High Stakes for Higher Education: The on Global Health Crises, with George Gao,
December 2-3 All events after March 19 were conducted virtually
with Laura Silver Impact of COVID-19 on College Campuses Margaret Hamburg, Gordon Liu, Mark
November 13
and U.S-China Educational Exchange, McClellan, and Julia Spencer
Economic Track II Dialogue Book Talk with Frank Langfitt — The Age May 14
with Frank Wu
U.S.-China Roundtable - discussion with Chubb, VanEck; National School of of Mutual Disillusionment July 30
NCUSCR Board Members and Chinese Annual Members Program: “Responsible Foreign Policy Colloquium Series
Development, Peking University March 24
Counterparts December 9-10 Stakeholder” 15 Years Later, Tishman Speyer Properties, Perfect World The Hong Kong National Security Law
with Robert Zoellick Entertainment, Inc. One Month Out, with Jamie Horsley and
Center for International Security and Strategy Rising to the China Challenge, with Ely Ratner
at Tsinghua University (CISS), China Institute Track II Dialogue on Maritime Issues May 19
June 18 Christine Loh (closed and off the record)
March 31
of South China Sea Studies and International Law August 3
November 18 December 15-16 Coronavirus Crisis: Prospects for U.S. - Book Program with Yingyi Ma - Ambitious
COVID-19 and the U.S. - China and Anxious: How Chinese College Students
Relationship: Collision or Collaboration? China Cooperation in Combating the Global Anti-Asian Racism in the United States:
America’s China Policy: Thoughts Economic Downturn, with Nick Lardy, Succeed and Struggle in American Current Issues and Sino-U.S. Relations
With Yuen Yuen Ang, Amy Celico, Higher Education
for the 117th Congress Lu Feng, Bob Rubin, and Yao Yang with Anla Chang, Erica Lee, Nancy Yao
PUBLIC EDUCATION and Elizabeth Knup
Congressional Members Briefing COVID Series Economic Dialogue Series June 23 Maasbach, and Jerry Yang
December 9 Forecast of China’s Economy for 2020 Chubb, VanEck; National School of August 5
April 14 China, Africa, and American Policy: What
Xcoal Energy & Resources, Chubb, VanEck; Development, Peking University
Board of Directors discussion with Chinese May 27 We Need to Do, with Deborah Bräutigam Bilateral Breakdown: Science and
Citigroup; National School of Development, In War Against Coronavirus: Is China Foe – and Jendayi Frazer
Ambassador to the United States Cui Tiankai Peking University or Friend? With Graham Allison
Education in the Crossfire, with Philip
December 21 January 9; New York City Upheaval in Hong Kong: Implications for June 24 Bucksbaum and Brad Farnsworth
April 22 the Future of Hong Kong and U.S. Policy
University of Michigan Lieberthal-Rogel
toward Hong Kong and China, A Conversation with Gary Liu: South China
Taiwan Elections with Shelley Rigger Center for Chinese Studies, Michigan-China
Navigating China’s Technological Rise: with Fu Hualing and Christine Loh Morning Post’s Global Impact and Hong
DIALOGUES Conference Call Innovation Center
Charting a Course from Competition to Kong’s Future (off the record)
May 28 August 6
January 13 Collaboration, with Dennis Blair (closed
U.S. - China Track II Economic Dialogue June 25
and off the record)
U.S. - China Investment Project: Corporate Member Series Two Sessions, Two Directions, Many Book Talk with Paul Pickowicz – A
Chubb, VanEck; National School for Challenges, with Jude Blanchette Bilateral Breakdown: Views from our Sensational Encounter with High
Development, Peking University Mini-Report Launch Event April 23 and Sun Yun Allies, with Andrew Chubb, Gordon Socialist China
January 7-11; New York City, Washington, D.C. Chubb, Wanxiang America, Carmen Chang, Houlden, and Daniela Stockman
May 29 August 11
Steven and Roberta Denning, William COVID-19 and the U.S. - China Relationship:
University of Michigan Lieberthal-Rogel
All activities after March 19 were conducted Draper, Mac McQuown, Gary Rieschel, Lessons for Future Collaboration, with Joan
virtually Jack Wadsworth; Rhodium Group Kaufman, Peggy Hamburg, and Winnie Yip The Coronavirus, Anti-Asian Racism in the Center for Chinese Studies, Michigan-China Tiktok, WeChat, and U.S. - China
January 15; New York City COVID Series United States, and Sino-American Relations, Innovation Center Decoupling: An Explanation and Analysis,
with Jennifer Ho and John Pomfret July 9 with Gary Rieschel and Melissa Hathaway
Digital Economy Dialogue: A Conversation
April 28
with other Cyber-Related Organizations China’s “Reverse Migration” Strategies June 2 August 13
under Attack with David Zweig
Behind the Byline: A Cross Roads for U.S.
Intel Corporation Navigating China’s Technological Rise: - China Journalism with Amy Qin and Olivia
April 20 January 27; New York City Critical Technology Regulation and its The U.S. Department of Justice’s How Can Diplomacy Avert a New
China Initiative: A Conversation, Qi Zhang Cold War with China? With Bea Camp
Industry Impact, with Anja Manuel and Young China Professionals Series
with Margaret Lewis and Susan Thornton
U.S. - China Economic Policies: The Impact Coronavirus with Huang Yanzhong Paul Triolo
of COVID-19 with Gao Shanwen, Huang Conference Call July 16
Corporate Member Series June 9 August 17
Yiping, Catherine Mann, and Mark Zandi January 28 May 8 Perspectives from Rural China,
Economic Dialogue Series Navigating China’s Technological Rise: Book Talk with Thomas Fingar and Jean Oi –
with Matt Chitwood and Mei Lan
Chubb, VanEck; NSD, PKU Taiwan Election Recap with Maggie Lewis 2020 Two-Way Street Report Launch, Investing in Innovation, with Bill Ford Fateful Decisions: Choices that Will Shape
April 29 Young China Professionals with Rebecca Fannin, Ker Gibbs,
Corporate Member Series July 23 China’s Future

January 30; New York City Thilo Hanemann, and Dan Rosen June 15 August 20
U.S.-China Track II Dialogue on Healthcare Two-Way Street Event A Republican and Democratic Dialogue on
Book Program with James Carter – China, with Adam Bramwell and Bryan Lanza
Amgen, Sanofi U.S., Merck; National School Implementing Grand Strategy toward China Steven and Roberta Denning, Mac
of Development, Peking University with Amb. Robert Blackwill McQuown, Gary Rieschel, Jack Wadsworth; Champions Day: The End of Old Shanghai July 28
July 13-14 Rhodium Group June 16
Dorsey & Whitney
February 13; New York City May 11
12 | Annual Report 2020 National Committee on U.S.-China Relations | 13
Book Talk with Michael Schuman — U.S. - China Maritime Conflict and Dispute China Town Hall: Economics and Trade,
Superpower Interrupted: The Chinese Management in the South China Sea, with with Amy Celico, Huang Yiping,
History of the World Peter Dutton, M. Taylor Fravel, Tabitha
Mallory, Wu Shicun, and Zhu Feng
and Andy Rothman
2020 Donors
September 10 The Starr Foundation, The Henry Luce
October 20 Foundation
Book Talk with Robert Zoellick: November 17
America in the World What Lies Ahead? The Fifth Plenum
of the 19th Communist Party Congress, China Town Hall: Health and Climate,
September 15 The work of the National Committee is made possible through the support of American foundations,
with Ling Chen with Margaret Hamburg, Ryan Hass,
and Angel Hsu
corporate sponsors, the U.S. Department of State, members, and friends. The National Committee is
Pandemic and Politics: U.S. - China October 21
Investment in 1H 2020, with Thilo The Starr Foundation, The Henry Luce
grateful to all those who made financial contributions in 2020, and is indebted to the many individuals and
Hanemann, and Adam Lysenko Book Talk with Don Emmerson and Ann Foundation institutions who gave their time, creativity, and in-kind assistance. Financial and in-kind contributions
Two-Way Street Event Marie Murphy – The Deer and The Dragon: November 18 made in calendar year 2020 are listed below and on succeeding pages.
Rhodium Group Southeast Asia and China in the 21st Century
September 17 October 22 Black and Asian-American Communities:
A Conversation on Solidarity, with Mycal
Book Talk with Dori Jones Yang — When Book Talk with Eric Heikkila — China from Ford, Eileen Huang, and Dolly Li
the Red Gates Opened: A Memoir of a U.S. Policy Perspective
Young China Professionals
China’s Reawakening October 26 November 23
September 23 Founder Level ($1,000,000 & above) Merck Joshua Cooper Ramo
Tech Competition with China: U.S. Policy Book program with South China Morning Sheldon Pang Wall Street Investment Group, Inc.
Post Editors (closed and off the record) The Starr Foundation
Book Talk with Ang Yuen Yuen — China’s Options to Expand Global Leadership and PayPal Holdings, Inc.
Gilded Age: The Paradox of Economic Boom Catalyze Innovation with Erica Fuchs, Jimmy November 23 Qualcomm Incorporated Sponsor Level ($1,000 - $14,999)
Cornerstone Level ($250,000 - $999,999)
and Vast Corruption Goodrich, and Adam Segal The Walt Disney Company Jan C. K. & Robert Steven Anderson
September 30 Congressional Staff Briefings Book Talk with David Shambaugh – Where Chubb TSMC Anonymous
October 26 Great Powers Meet: America and China in Dalio Philanthropies
Southeast Asia VanEck Jonathan Auerbach
Book talk with Kishore Mahbubani — Has Henry Luce Foundation, Inc John S. Wadsworth Jr. Michael & Lorina Barbalas
China Won? The Chinese Challenge to American Officials Visit Taiwan, with December 1 Stephen A. Schwarzman
American Primacy Margaret Lewis & Shelley Rigger Walmart, Inc. Lisa Barry
October 5 October 27 Views from Former Governors: U.S.-China Marilyn Beach
Chair Level ($100,000 - $249,999)
Subnational Relations, with Bob Holden, Jon Benefactor Level ($25,000 - $49,999) Admiral Dennis C. Blair
Dialogue with Former U.S. Ambassadors to Book Talk with Scott Rozelle — Invisible Huntsman, Jr., Gary Locke, and Rick Snyder BlackRock, Inc. Steven A. Denning William H. Bohnett
China Max Baucus, Gary Locke, Winston China: How the Urban-Rural Divide December 7 Carnegie Corporation of New York Facebook Olivier Brandicourt
Lord, Joseph Prueher, Clark Randt, Threatens China’s Rise Citadel Securities LLC Fuyao Glass America Inc. Amy P. Celico
and J. Stapleton Roy China’s Fintech Explosion: Disruption, Mastercard Incorporated
November 2 Ken Miller & Lybess Sweezy Carmen Chang
Annual Campaign Event Innovation, and Survival, with Sara Hsu
Perfect World Co., Ltd. Gary Rieschel James Chiu
October 6 China Town Hall: Keynote with Ray Dalio December 9 PX Global Advisors LLC Molly Coye
The Starr Foundation, The Henry Luce Teng Yue Partners, LP Patron Level ($15,000 - $24,999) Daniel Cruise
Tensions in the Himalayas: A Conversation Foundation U.S.-China Military Relations: Current
Wanxiang America Corporation Deloitte
with Arunab Ghosh, Nirupama Rao, State & Policy Recommendations for
November 10 Jerry Yang Edelman
and Shen Dingli Future Engagement Nelson G. Dong
Benjamin D. Harburg
October 9 China Town Hall: Society and Culture, with Congressional Staff Briefings Elizabeth C. Economy
Leader Level ($50,000 - $99,999)
Hills & Company International
Raymond Chang, Lucas Sin, and Janet Yang December 10 Barbara H. Franklin
Book Talk with Chris Fenton — Feeding The Starr Foundation, The Henry Luce BlackBerry Ltd M. Taylor Fravel
the Dragon: Hollywood, the NBA, Recent Developments in Hong Kong, Hudson Resources Investment Inc.
Foundation China-U.S. SkyClub Kamsky Associates, Inc. Joel N. Glassman
and American Business with Christine Loh and Kurt Tong
November 12 Citi Paul T. Haenle
October 13 December 17
Charles R. Kaye
Freepoint Commodities LLC Elizabeth D. Knup Harry Harding
China Town Hall: U.S. Perspectives in
General Atlantic Service Company, L.P. LevelN4XT Yanzhong Huang
Book Talk with David M. Lampton — Rivers Chinese, with Robert Daly, June Mei, Book talk with Michael McDevitt – China
of Iron: Railroads and Chinese Power in and Matt Sheehan as a Twenty-First Century Naval Power:
Intel Corporation Matthews Asia Michael K. Ipson
Southeast Asia Theory, Practice, and Implications Mac McQuown Microsoft Corporation
The Starr Foundation, The Henry Luce
October 14 Foundation December 22
November 16

14 | Annual Report 2020 National Committee on U.S.-China Relations | 15

Merit E. Janow Anonymous Ryan Frazier Ping and Tim Liang Anthony Spires MATCHING CONTRIBUTIONS
Kenneth Jarrett APCO Worldwide Noah Friedman Benjamin L. Liebman Leslie Stone
Thomas H. Kean Arcis Capital Partners LLC Alton Frye Abe Lillard Sycamore Strategies Medtronic, Inc.
Stacy Kenworthy William Armbruster Kelly & Kevin Gallagher Lei (Alex) Liu Timothy P. Stratford Noah Friedman
Helena Kolenda David M. Bachman Qin Gao Admiral Samuel J. Locklear III Ying Sun
KPMG LLP George Baeder Norman Paul Givant Winston and Bette Lord Supply Chain Solutions UBS Asset Management
Robert Lawrence Kuhn Joseph J Battat Martin B. Gold Jing Lu Robert G. Sutter Darryll Hendricks
Geraldine S. Kunstadter Mark G Bayuk Thomas B. Gold Stephen Mackinnon Travis Tanner
David M. Lampton Richard Belsky Robert Goldberg & Sally Werner John Major Stephen C. Thomas Warburg Pincus LLC
Nicholas and Barbara Lardy Suzanne Reynolds Bennison Gloria Gonzalez-Micklin Tabitha Grace Mallory-Stone Anne F. Thurston Charles Kaye
Cheng Li Gail & Richard Bohr Thomas Gorman Rear Admiral Michael A. McDevitt, Frederick S. Tipson
Ling Li Nicholas Borst Leslie Griffin USN (Ret.) Lorraine Toly Ford Foundation
Natalie G. Lichtenstein Kay Boulware-Miller David L. Grossman W. Clark McFadden II Peter Tsu Elizabeth Knup
Kenneth G. Lieberthal Lt. Cm James Boyle A. Tom Grunfeld Daniel M. McNamara James Peter Tunkey
Timothy and Joy Light Deborah A. Bräutigam Patricia Haas-Cleveland McNeil Global Law LLC Nicole Wang-Trexler Henry Luce Foundation, Inc
David Parkinson Loevinger Sophia Luk Brenner Karen Harris June Mei Anita C. Welch Ling Li
Anja Manuel J. Alan Brewster Ruth G. Hinerfeld Tobie Meyer-Fong Susan H. Whiting Helena Kolenda
Bruce McGuire Mary Brown Bullock Denise Yuet-Shu Ho Michael M. Mihm Sarah Miles Williams
Evan S. Medeiros John P. Burns Morton Holbrook David E. Miller Richard Wilson
Nicole Mones Martha and Richard Bush Frederick W. Hong S. Alice Mong Lani Wong
Satoru Murase Janet A. Cady Richard Hong Benjamin B. Moore Wong Wong & Associates, P.C.
Christian Murck Kathryn Casale Sara Hsu Jim Morris Sharon Woodcock
Douglas H. Ogden Sewell Chan Perry Hu Daniel Murphy Xi Xie
Wendy O’Neill Brian Chang Brigadier General Matthew C. Isler Jonathan S. Noble Xuan Jie (Janet)
Douglas H. Paal Daniel Kung-Hua Chao David Janes Kevin Joseph O’Brien Chenchen Yan
A. Robert Pietrzak Howard and Dana Chao Connie Jeremiah Diane Obenchain Dori Jones Yang
Nicholas Platt Yonnie Chen Sarah Jessup Dwight H. Perkins Henry Wei Yao
Joseph W. Prueher Emile C. Chi Johnston Consulting Marcia E. and Ciro R. Perozo Xiao-huang Yin
Clark T. Randt, Jr. Evelyn D. Chow Robert A. Kapp David Pietz David Youtz
Jason Rekate Thomas J. Christensen Dennis Karney Pistis.io Inc Diane Yowell
Daniel H. Rosen Gaye Christoffersen Katherine Palmer Kaup Eric Priest Yuwei Zhang
Gene Rostov Katharine Collins Robert L. Keatley Felicia Pullam Zhong Lun Law Firm
Stanley O. Roth Dalton Conley Elizabeth E. Keck Julie Reinganum Zhuo Qun
J. Stapleton Roy Jill M. Considine James Kelly Edward J. M. Rhoads Jane Zovak
Susan L. Shirk Ethan Cramer-Flood Sabina Knight Randy Rick
Paul and Renee Speltz William Patrick Cranley Robert Knopes Madelyn C. Ross
Matthew J. Stover Robert Daly Arthur Kroeber RSP, Inc
Elanah Uretsky Niraj Das Mercy A. Kuo John Schuyler
Donald S. Zagoria Gene Detroyer Ruth A. Kurzbauer Deborah J. Seligsohn
Michael DeYoe Sarah Lande Roy C. Sheldon
Supporter Level (up to $999) John Du Terry & Ellen Lautz Mark Sidel
Joel Epstein Irving Lee SinoConnect, LLC
Timothy Alch
Lin Fan Herbert Levin Carl Spector
Amazon Smile
Matthew G & Karen S. Ferchen Ke Li William M. Speidel
Reginald Anadio
Nicholas J. Finnell Yan Li Douglas Nancy Spelman
Andrew Andreasen

16 | Annual Report 2020 National Committee on U.S.-China Relations | 17

Statement of Financial Position Governance and Membership

Condensed Statement of Financial Position January 1 - December 31, 2020 The 54th Annual Meeting of the Members was held on May 19, 2020. Members present, or by proxy, elected the board class of 2023
as follows:
ASSETS December 31, 2020 December 31, 2019
Cash and cash equivalents $1,159,807 $889,034 Olivier Brandicourt Jacob J. Lew Rob Speyer
Grants and contributions receivable (net) 4,495,590 6,020,622 Peter M. Cleveland Yvonne Pei I. Peter Wolff
Investments 13,026,821 11,614,380 Carla A. Hills Joshua C. Ramo Jerry Yang
Prepaid expenses and other assets 60,632 92,727 Merit E. Janow William R. Rhodes
Property and equipment (net) 77,821 95,651 Henry A. Kissinger Daniel H. Rosen
Total assets $18,820,671 $18,712,414

Accounts payable and accrued expenses $257,927 $231,074
Deferred revenue – 4,605
Grant payable, net 52,465 62,465 The term of service for the following directors ended as of May 19, 2020:
Total liabilities $310,392 $298,144 Kurt M. Campbell Andrew N. Liveris Anthony J. Saich

Richard L. Gelfond Gary Locke Ernie L. Thrasher
Without donor restrictions $11,790,939 $10,661,099
With donor restrictions
Purpose and time restrictions 6,719,340 7,753,171
Total net assets $18,510,279 $18,414,270
The 95th Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors was held in New York City on May 20, 2020. Directors elected the following
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS $18,820,671 $18,712,414 officers of the Committee:

Chair: Executive Vice Chairs: President:

Carla A. Hills Maurice R. Greenberg Stephen A. Orlins
Treasurer: Henry A. Kissinger Vice Presidents:
Condensed Statement of Activities for Year Ended December 31, 2020
Keith W. Abell Jan Carol Berris
Without Donor With Donor December 31, December 31, Vice Chairs: Meredithe Mastrella
SUPPORT AND REVENUE Restriction Restriction 2020 Total 2019 Total Secretary: Evan G. Greenberg
U.S. government grants
I. Peter Wolff Thomas H. Kean
– $583,059 $583,059 $544,531
Contributions 181,221 2,004,025 2,185,246 5,866,957 Nicholas R. Lardy
Special events (net) 1,917,949 – 1,917,949 2,137,940 William R. Rhodes
Investment income and other 385,356 – 385,356 281,222
J. Stapleton Roy
Net assets released from restrictions 3,620,915 (3,620,915) – –
Total support and revenue $6,105,441 $(1,033,831) $5,071,610 $8,830,650

Program services $2,730,200 – $2,730,200 $3,531,736 At-large board members Dennis C. Blair, Amy P. Celico, Nelson G. Dong, David M. Lampton, Kenneth G. Lieberthal, Evan
Management and administration 1,923,007 – 1,923,007 1,520,756
S. Medeiros, Ken Miller, Douglas H. Paal, and A. Robert Pietrzak, joined officers to comprise the executive committee.
Fundraising 322,394 – 322,394 438,516
Total expenses $4,975,601 – $4,975,601 $5,491,008
Keith W. Abell was appointed chair of the audit & budget committee; Carla A. Hills, chair of the compensation committee;
CHANGE IN NET ASSETS $1,129,840 $(1,033,831) $96,009 $3,339,642 Ernie L. Thrasher, chair of the development committee; David M. Lampton, chair of the management committee; and I.
Net assets beginning of year 10,661,099 7,753,171 18,414,270 15,074,628 Peter Wolff, chair of the nominating committee and external communications committee, and Amy P. Celico and Evan S.
Net assets end of year $11,790,939 $6,719,340 $18,510,279 $18,414,270 Medeiros, co-chairs of the program committee.

The above information is extracted from the audited financial statements, which are available upon request

18 | Annual Report 2020 National Committee on U.S.-China Relations | 19

2020 Staff Board of Directors

Stephen A. Orlins Carly Biondi Carla A. Hills Jonathan Auerbach Jacob J. Lew
Reginald Anadio Ajay Banga Cheng Li
Jan Carol Berris Alexander Guido Shenyi Chua Maurice R. Greenberg Olivier Brandicourt Samuel J. Locklear III
Meredithe Mastrella Johanna Costigan
Henry A. Kissinger Deborah Bräutigam Anja Manuel
Dan Bryant Evan S. Medeiros
DEPUTY VICE PRESIDENTS Christopher Sperrazza Carson Mulligan
VICE CHAIRS Amy P. Celico Ken Miller
Margot E. Landman PROGRAM ASSOCIATES Benjamin Renton Evan G. Greenberg John S. Chen Howard P. Milstein
Jonathan G. Lowet Sarah Bruley Christopher Smith-Burks Thomas H. Kean Peter M. Cleveland Douglas H. Paal
Hope Marshall Trey Sprouse Nicholas R. Lardy Daniel Cruise Sheldon Pang
SENIOR DIRECTOR Steven Wagner Tianyi ‘Dennis’ Wang William R. Rhodes Robert L. Daly Yvonne Pei
FOR DEVELOPMENT Yujing Zhang J. Stapleton Roy Nelson G. Dong A. Robert Pietrzak
Yong Lu OPERATIONS ASSOCIATE Yifan ‘Bruce’ Zou Elizabeth C. Economy Joshua C. Ramo
Alanna Markowitz TREASURER Richard Edelman Clark T. Randt, Jr.
DIRECTORS Keith W. Abell William E. Ford Daniel H. Rosen
Communications PROGRAM ASSISTANTS Barbara H. Franklin James R. Sasser
Joseph J. Weed Jason Togut SECRETARY M. Taylor Fravel Rob Speyer
Bernice Xu
External Relations I. Peter Wolff Paul T. Haenle Susan A. Thornton
Wei Xia Benjamin D. Harburg Jan F. van Eck
Merit E. Janow Robert H. Xiao
Bridget Donovan Katherine P. Kaup Jerry Yang
Jessica L. Bissett
Xinyi Willow Wei Elizabeth D. Knup
Daya Martin
Track II Dialogues Noah Truwit
Haini Guo
for Development Morgan Alderman
Shuwo Nicky Zhou

Madeline Bauer
Clarinda Blais
Nitai Deitel
Rosie Levine
Erica Quach


Lauren Kyger

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6 East 43rd Street, 24th Floor  212.645.9677
New York, NY 10017 info@ncuscr.org







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