L'Aventure Secondary School Mathematics School Based Assessment (SBA)

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Name of Group Members: Melissa Sigobin

Makieba Hector

Cancea Barker

Grace George, Saboo Boodram

Centre Number: 090080

Name of Teacher: Miss Dorcel Farley

Year: 2022

Territory: Guyana


My gratitude and thanks to my teachers particularly miss Dorcel who guided, advised
and made this project understandable for me throughout all the stages of carrying out
this project. Special thanks to all my family members for assisting and providing the
necessary assistance.

I would love to thank God, for health, strength and for letting me through all the
difficulties. You are the one who let me finish my School Based Assessment (SBA). I
will keep on loving and trusting you for my future.

The researcher would like to determine the population change of students coming to
school in the pandemic.

1. To determine the mean amount of absence recorded for students of L’Aventure
Secondary School.

2. To determine the main factors responsible for the decline of students not attending


In this modern days society due to covid-19 (coronavirus) many persons are isolating
themselves from their jobs, loved ones, and even educational facilities. However, the
researcher had decided to determine the population change of students going to school
in the pandemic. And also to determine the mean amount of absence recorded for the
students of grade 10 in the year 2020. The researcher gathered data using the student’s
attendance register and also constructed a questionnaire that consisted of 20 questions.
It was distributed to students of L’Aventure Secondary School and members of the
Parfaite Harmonie community to determine the main factors that are responsible for the
decline of students not attending school.

The reason why the researcher was conducting this mathematical school based
assessment (SBA) was to write the Caribbean Secondary Education certificate program
(CSES) in the year 2022 for a better future.

The researcher used printed questionnaires as well as the student’s attendance register
to conduct this research. The questionnaire consisted of twenty (20) closed-ended
questions. The questionnaires were distributed to students and residents in the
community of Parfaite Harmonie. Thirty (30) copies were shared out on the thirteenth of
November and only twenty-six (26) of the questionnaires were returned when the
researcher went to collect them back on the fifteenth. The researcher used
questionnaires because it allows persons to choose their options with privacy; it reduces
interviewing persons and also reduces the risk of the researcher coming into contact
with covid-19 positive victims.



1. Gender: Male Female

2. Age: 13-14 15-16 17-18 18-Above

3. Ethnicity: African East Indian Others

Amerindian Chinese

4. Religion: Christian Hindu

Muslim Other

5. Family type: Nuclear house hold Sibling house hold

Extended family Other
Single parent
6. What are some causes that lead to school drop outs?

Lack of support from family
Peer pressure

Bad company/choices

Financial problems



Illness /mental disorders

7. What you think will reduce the rate of school drop outs?


More attention from parents

Provide career technical education

Encourage and engage students in learning institutions

8. How do you think students were affected during the pandemic?

Learning loss

Lack of finance

Loss of interest

With drawl from society


9. How do you think students feel when they drop out of school?

Happy Relieved

Betrayed Satisfied

Sad Other

10. What new ability do you think students gained due to the pandemic?

Clean hygiene

Eat healthy


Social distancing g

11. Do you have problems getting up in the morning to go school?

Yes No

12. Do you think that your classes are relevant in your life?




13. Do you want to further your studies?

Yes No

14. Do you think persons who drop out from school get to live comfortable as to
someone who completes and furthers their schooling?

Yes No

15. Do you think students become more creative during the pandemic?

Yes No

16. What are the effects of students dropping out of school?

Often get low paying jobs Parental issues

Pregnancy Other


17. Do you think student’s lost interest during the pandemic?

Yes No

18. How do you think learning has changed during the pandemic?

Students doing online learning

Students dropping out of school because of covid-19

Parents do not want to send their kids to school

Social crisis


19. What advice will you give to someone who has dropped out of school?

Further your studies

Go back to school

Figure out what you are passionate about

Read books and extend your knowledge

20. Do you think parents are doing enough to encourage students to stay in school?

Yes No


Figure 1: Table showing the number of respondent’s percentages who chose different
options as to the question “what are some causes that leads to school drop out?



Lack of support from |||| 5 19%

Peer pressure |||| || 7 27%

Bad company/choices ||| 3 11.5%

Financial problems |||| ||| 8 30.7%

Bullying 0 0 0

Pregnancy ||| 3 11.5%

Illness /mental 0 0 0
other 0 0 0

Fieldwork: 16/11/2021.

Figure 2: Bar graph showing the number of options the respondents had chosen as to
how they think students were affected during the pandemic?

Bar Graph
Withdrawl from society

Loss of interest


Lack of finances

Learning loss

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

No.of Respondents

Fieldwork: 16/11/2021

Figure3: Pie chart showing the percentages of respondents who had chosen different
options as to what are the effects of students dropping out of school?

Pie chart

Often get low paying jobs

Parental issues

Fieldwork: 16/11/2021

The number of students who had dropped out of school of L’Aventure Secondary
School in grade 10 from the year 2020 is shown in the table below.

Session Absent Students(f) Students mid- ( F𝑥)
point (𝑥)

0-10 32 5 160
11-20 25 15.5 387.5
21-30 25 25.5 637.5
31-40 15 35.5 532.4
41-50 39 45.5 1774.5
51-60 32 55.5 1776
61-70 39 65.5 2554.5
71-80 25 75.5 1887.5
81-90 14 85.5 1197
91-100 19 95.5 1814.5
111-120 20 115.5 2310

Total: £f =285 £f𝑥=13257

Grouped frequency table Fieldwork: 16/11/2021

£f x
The mean students, 𝑥 =



Hence, the mean numbers of sessions absent by a student is 46.5 sessions.

The researcher has recognized that the highest number of respondents (46.1%)
indicated that students dropping out of school are often caused by financial problems,
followed by seven (7) respondents (27%) who believed that peer pressure is another
main cause of students dropping out of school. However, five (5) respondents (19%)
indicated a lack of support from family causes students to drop out. While three (3)
respondents (11.5%) highlighted bad company/choices another three (3) respondents
(11.5%) said pregnancies also lead to school dropouts.

The research revealed that most respondents (46.1%) believed that students lost
learning during the pandemic. While six (6) respondents (23%) indicated that students
were affected by the loss of interest during the pandemic. However, four (4)
respondents (15.3%) said that students were affected by the drawl from society. Three
(3) respondents (11.5%) highlighted that students were also affected during the
pandemic by financial problems.

Additionally, twelve (12) of the respondents (46.1%) said that students who had
dropped out of school often get low-paying jobs. Although five (5) respondents (19%)
believed pregnancy is another effect of students dropping out of school. Whereas two
(2) respondents (7.6%) had chosen depression as an effect, three (3) respondents
(11.5%) highlighted parental issues as an effect of students dropping out of school.
While another three (3) respondents (11.5%) had chosen others.

The research also revealed that during the year 2020 there has been a decline in
performance among the grade 10 students being absent from L’Aventure Secondary
School, this was reflected by a mean of 46.5 students. This means that students have
been absent from school for at least one month at a time.

The statements of findings are:

1. The main reasons why students are dropping out of school are the high levels of
financial problems that twelve (12) respondents (46.1%) indicated which is then
followed by peer pressure which reflects (27%) and also the lack of support from family

2. The main factor that affected students during the pandemic is the high level of
learning loss (30.7%) also a drawl from society (15.3%) and loss of interest (23%).

3. The research also showed that when students drop out of school they often face
difficulties such as getting low-paying jobs (46%), pregnancy (19%), and also
depression (7.6%).

It can be concluded that at L’Aventure Secondary School, the mean number of
absenteeism was 46.5 among students of grade 10. The research has proven that the
main factor that is responsible for absenteeism among grade 10 students is financial
problems followed by peer pressure and a lack of support from family.

Additionally, the greatest impact of the pandemic had resulted in not only absences but
learning the loss of students and lack of interest in learning.

The researcher would therefore like to recommend the following:

1. More moral and financial support from family and friends.

2. Extended learning beyond the classroom and engaging students within the

By implementing the given recommendations it would be able to ease some of the

burdens and struggles faced and make learning more accessible and manageable for

Project Descriptors Mark
K C R Total
Project Title 1
 Title is clear and concise and relates to a real-world problem 1
Introduction 3
 Objectives are clearly stated and relate to title 1
 Comprehensive description of the project 2
 Limited description of the project
 Detailed contents pages with page numbers

Method of Data Collection 2

 Data collection method is clearly described, appropriate and 2
without flaws, where the data is genuinely obtained.
 Data collection method is stated

Presentation of Data 5
 Data, which is genuinely obtained, is accurate and well 2
 Data, which is genuinely obtained, is presented but is not well
 Tables/graphs/diagrams/formuals/proofs included, correctly 2
labelled, clearly and logically stated, used appropriately and
reflect the data collected.
 Tables/graphs/diagrams/formulas/proofs included and reflect the
data collected
 Accurate use of mathematical concepts 1

Analysis of Data 2
 Detailed analysis of findings done, which is coherent and reflects 2
the data collected and presented.
 Limited analysis of findings that reflects the data collected and

Discussion of findings 2
 Statement of findings clearly stated 1
 Statement of findings follows from data collected 1

Conclusion 2
 Conclusion was based on findings and related to the purpose of 2
the project
 Conclusion related to the purpose of the project

Overall Presentation 2
 Information was communicated logically using correct grammar 2
 Information was poorly organized or difficult to understand at

Maximum for each profile 5 8 6 19


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