English-11 q1 m4 Problem-Solution-And-Persuasion v1
English-11 q1 m4 Problem-Solution-And-Persuasion v1
English-11 q1 m4 Problem-Solution-And-Persuasion v1
Effects only
Describe the problem only in terms of its effects. Use examples.
Causes and effects
Outline the causes of the problem. Discuss solutions in terms of preventive
Extended example
After a topic sentence, illustrate the problem by using an extended example
(through a story or an anecdote from your introduction).
The solutions may be presented in various ways and you have to think
about which way would be the most appropriate for the particular problem
you are discussing.
Here are some ways to present solutions:
Preventive measures
Ways to prevent the problem from occurring in the first place.
For example: How to prevent Covid-19
A series of steps suggest the easiest and most obvious solution first, but I
that doesn’t work, try something else, etc. For example: if you have a
neighbor who does not wear mask nor practice social distancing, you might
first talk to him/her; if that doesn’t work, arrange for a mediator; etc. (a last
resort might be to call the police).
Give some advice and helpful hints. A choice of solutions Include solutions
that have already been tried, have been unsuccessful, and new solutions
which you are proposing.
The following transitional devices can also help you develop your text.
Introduction Middle Conclusion
Nowadays… For instance… To conclude…
It is a common trend Such as/like… In conclusion…
Society is becoming Namely… To sum up…
increasingly concerned
Read the essay below. Identify the problem/s and solution/s cited in
the passage by underlining the problem and encircling the solution.