The Department of Social Welfare and Development envisions all Filipinos free
from hunger and poverty, have equal access to opportunities, enabled by a fair, just,
and peaceful society.
To lead in the formulation, implementation, and coordination of social welfare and
development policies and programs for and with the poor, vulnerable, and
DSWD has been leading disaster response for more than six decades yet the
demand to continually improve and live up to the expectations of the New Normal has
increased. The passage of Republic Act 10121 or the Philippine Disaster Risk
Reduction and Management (DRRM) Act of 2010 transformed Philippine disaster
management and created a system that allows effective and coordinated humanitarian
assistance and disaster response to save lives and protect the vulnerable groups. It
reconstituted the Council, renamed it National Disaster Risk Reduction Management
Council (NDRRMC) and designated the Department of Social Welfare and Development
(DSWD) as Vice Chair for Disaster Response.
The Philippines Disaster Response structure and mechanism are based on the
National Risk Reduction Management (NDRRM) Framework which served as basis in
the formulation of the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan. The
NDRRM Framework also served as the main guide in preparing plans corresponding to
the four thematic areas: 1. Disaster Prevention and Mitigation under the Department of
Science and Technology (DOST), 2. Disaster Preparedness under the Department of
the Interior and Local Government (DILG), 3. Disaster Response under the care of the
Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), and 4. Disaster Rehabilitation
and Recovery under the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA)
DSWD, the Vice-Chair for disaster response is in-charge of the following: 1.
Provision of F/NFI in affected LGUs in cases where prepositioned resources are used
during disaster period; 2. Ensuring the availability of safe, secure and accessible
evacuation centers for emergencies and disasters; 3. Protection for IDPs inside and
outside the evacuation centers are provided with humanitarian needs based on
accepted standard. The department has prepositioned humanitarian goods and
resources to the area before the occurrence of disasters.
DSWD disaster response will have different levels depending on the magnitude
of the effects of the disaster. While the DRRROO is the focal office tasked to deliver
disaster response activities, it is the jury duty of all DSWD employees to serve as
augmentation staff during disaster operations particularly when agency wide response
is activated.
In the DSWD Disaster Response Operational Structure, the Department’s Executive
Committee plays very important and crucial roles in ensuring that the humanitarian
response services are delivered immediately. Specifically, the following internal
cluster/groups shall have the specific responsibilities:
SO first before we go to the OSG, Let me discuss first the SECRETARY, so the
secretary have the authority and responsibility to exercise the mandate of the
department and the discharge of its power and functions, and thus exercises
supervision and control of the department.
1. The Office of the Secretary Group (OSG), under the direct command and control
of the Secretary of the Department shall provide the overall-all direction and
guidance in the implementation and delivery of disaster response programs and
services to the affected LGUs. The Secretary shall also play dual roles that of
leading the internal humanitarian operations of the Department at the same
time acts as a lead in the National Disaster Response Operations.
=their specific functions of the OSG:
a. Facilitate transfer of funds necessary for the procurement of food and non-
food items for affected families as well as other items to support the affected
areas. DSWD Quick Response Teams, Central and FOs staff and volunteers
engaged in disaster response operations.
b. Oversee the production of family food packs
c. Facilitate and monitor receipt, release and utilizations of donations
d. Deliver goods based on the guidance of the OPG to areas or regions affected
e. Ensures availability of warehouses and storage and provides technical
support on the management of these facilities
f. Conduct inventory of stockpile, fumigation and strict compliance to “First-in,
First-out policy” and other accepted modalities and procedures of stockpile
g. Supervise repackers, security and volunteers while in the production areas
h. Deliver and escort goods to destinations and
i. Ensure the welfare of volunteers and staff by providing a well- ventilated work
area, and essential services such as food and water.
4. The Undersecretary for Policy and Plans Group (PPG) shall lead the monitoring
of Disaster Response Operations data capture and reporting, as well as the
analysis of data and report generation utilizing the data generated by the
Information Management Unit.
-they are responsible for fulfilling the DSWD’s roles on policy and plans
development, implementation of programs and services to the poor,
vulnerable and marginalized sectors of society.
-In addition, they also establishes and promotes the adoption of a unified
targeting system to identify poor households who shall be prioritized by social
protection and welfare programs.
- One of the example of this during Oddete’s aftermath, the damages are
categories by two: full damages and partial damages
Full damages will be the first priority and will be given cash aid assistance in
rebuilding their households.
-The National Disaster Committee (NDC) is the decision making body of any
emergency or disaster matters of how the organization will run.
-The management committee is responsible for implementing the association's
rules and ensuring it meets its obligations under the Act. Committee members must
comply with the rules at all times and be familiar with the main provisions.
7. At the national level, disaster gathering, analysis and reporting at national level
shall be undertaken by the Disaster Response Operations Monitoring and
Information Center (DROMIC). At the regional level it is done by the Planning
Unit, though, data capture from municipality/city level, is done by the Municipal
Action Teams (MAT) and the Municipal Links (ML).