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Session 4 ECCD in CEPC (Sept 2021)

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Session 4
At the end of the session, the participants shall be able to:
1. gain knowledge on CEPC and its components as the framework for
implementing ECCDiE program in the country,
2. identify ECCD interventions that can be used in emergencies aligned with
the components of CEPC, and
3. identify stakeholders responsible for ECCD programs and services to be
delivered even in times of emergencies.
Comprehensive Emergency
Program for Children
Children’s Emergency Relief and Protection Act

• RA 10821 – protect the fundamental rights of children before, during,

and after disasters and other emergency situations when children are
gravely threatened or endangered by circumstances that affect their
survival and normal development
• Mandates the formulation of Comprehensive Emergency Program for
Children (CEPC)
Comprehensive Emergency Program for Children

• Basis for handling disasters and other emergency situations to protect

children, pregnant women and lactating mothers in the country and to
support their immediate recovery
• Eight components and outcomes
• Strategic action points
Comprehensive Emergency Program for Children

Component Outcomes
1) Establishment of Evacuation Established evacuation centers are
Centers safe, inclusive, child-friendly,
gender-sensitive, and responsive
2) Establishment of Child and Established transitional shelters
Women-Friendly Transitional prioritized vulnerable groups such
Shelters, and a Referral Mechanism as orphaned, separated, or
for Orphaned, Unaccompanied, and unaccompanied children; pregnant
Separated Children women and lactating women;
including survivors of neglect and
Comprehensive Emergency Program for Children

Component Outcomes
3) Assurance for Immediate Delivery Basic necessities and services
of Basic necessities and Services required by affected children are
ensured and delivered

4) Stronger Measures to Ensure Children in areas under state of

Safety and Security of Affected calamity are safe and secure
Comprehensive Emergency Program for Children
Component Outcomes
5) Delivery of Health, Medical, Health, medical, nutritional, and
Nutritional, and WASH Services water, sanitation and hygiene
(WASH) needs of newborns, infants
and young children, adolescents,
pregnant women and lactating
women, and other women with
children in areas under state of
calamity provided
6) Plan of Action for Prompt Quality educational services for
Resumption of Educational Services learners resumed promptly after
for Children disasters and emergencies
Comprehensive Emergency Program for Children

Component Outcomes
7) Establishment of Child-Friendly Child-friendly spaces are
Spaces in Evacuation Centers and established to protect children and
Transitional Sites to build their resilience against the
harmful effects of disasters,
calamities, and other emergencies
8) Promotion of Children’s Rights Children’s rights are upheld,
respected, and protected during
disaster events and emergency
Comprehensive Emergency Program for Children

Video on CEPC

Thematic Areas of Emergency

and Mitigation

and Recovery
Thematic Areas of Emergency

Disaster Prevention and Mitigation

– avoid hazards and mitigate their
potential impacts by reducing
vulnerabilities and exposure and
enhancing capacities of
Thematic Areas of Emergency

Disaster Preparedness – establish and

strengthen capacities of communities
to anticipate, cope and recover from
the negative impacts of emergency
occurrences and disasters
Thematic Areas of Emergency

Disaster Response – provide life

preservation and meet the basic
subsistence needs or affected
population based on acceptable
standards during or immediately
after a disaster
Thematic Areas of Emergency

Disaster Rehabilitation and Recovery –

restore and improve facilities,
livelihood and living conditions and
organizational capacities or affected
communities, and reduced disaster
risks in accordance with the “building
back better” principle

1. Divide the participants into eight groups representing each

CEPC component.
2. Distribute a copy of the handout on CEPC Components (Annex
G)for reference.
3. Groups will categorize the activities in each component under
the four thematic areas of emergency (prevention & mitigation,
preparedness, response, recovery & rehabilitation).
4. After 5 minutes, each group’s rapporteur will have to share their
group’s output.

1. Group the participants according to their respective LGUs.

2. Each group will be given a link to the google sheet with CEPC Components,
outputs and activities as reference for the activity on the four thematic areas of
emergency (prevention & mitigation, preparedness, response, recovery &

3. Members of the group will categorize the activities in each component under
the four thematic areas of emergency.
4. After the activity, each group’s rapporteur will have to share their group’s
ECCD in Emergencies
Early Childhood Care and Development
• As defined in RA 10410, refers to the full range of health, nutrition, early
education and social services development programs that provide for the
basic holistic needs of young children from ages 0 to 4, and to promote
their optimum growth and development
• Involves a multifaceted process of development: physical, cognitive,
emotional, social and spiritual, covering the period from pregnancy
through the transition from home or ECCD programs into primary school
ECCD in Emergencies

• Address the vulnerability of 0-4-year-old children, pregnant women, and

lactating mothers in the event of emergencies, particularly on thematic
• Aid stakeholders in identifying the specific interventions for 0-4-year-old
children, pregnant women, and lactating mothers in creating/modifying
their LDRRMP

1. Using the Activity 1 output, each group will integrate ECCD

intervention activities per CEPC component.
2. Focus on one strategic action (priority) under each thematic area
wherein you will think of intervention activities to address
different target groups (0-2 y.o. children, 3-4 y.o. children,
pregnant women, and lactating mothers).

3. The ECCDiE Table of Interventions is the annex of the training

module. You may also add interventions not found in the table.
4. After the activity, each group will present their output and discuss
how the specific interventions are incorporated.
Create a word cloud that best represents
your understanding of ECCD in CEPC.

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