Deflection of Beam Report 1
Deflection of Beam Report 1
Deflection of Beam Report 1
2021-ME-43 ALI NAQI
Simple supported beam..............................................................................................................................................4
Cantilever beam..........................................................................................................................................................4
Beam deflection..........................................................................................................................................................4
Beam deflection formula............................................................................................................................................5
Deflection of Beam
Observations and calculations (aluminum)....................................................................................................................6
Experimental result.....................................................................................................................................................7
Analytical result..........................................................................................................................................................8
Numerical result..........................................................................................................................................................9
Error and Percentage Error.......................................................................................................................................10
Beam deflection calculator:......................................................................................................................................11
Beam deflection calculation:....................................................................................................................................12
2021-ME-43 ALI NAQI
The classical problem of the deflection of a cantilever beam made of
linearly elastic material under the action of an external vertical concentrated load at
the free end is analyzed. We present the differential equation that governs the
behavior of this physical system and show that this equation, although it appears
straightforward, is actually quite difficult to solve due to the presence of a
nonlinear term. In this sense, this system is similar to another known physical
system: the simple pendulum. An approximation of the behavior of the cantilever
beam for small deflections was obtained from the equation for large deflections,
and we present different numerical results for both cases. Finally, we compare the
theoretical results with the experimental results obtained in the laboratory.
The aim of this experiment was to measure the deflection of a cantilever
beam. Basically, a beam is the area of the structure where the load is placed. In this
experiment, the deflection of a cantilever beam was analyzed for different loads
that were applied at different locations along its length. Two beams made of
stainless steel and aluminum were used. The equation for beam deflection is also
given in the theoretical part. A deflection gauge was used to measure the deflection
values of the experiment. In order to verify the accuracy of the equation used for
deflection prediction, the theoretical and experimental results were compared and
the percentage error was also calculated. There were some problems while doing
this experiment, but with the help of some of my friends and the advice of the
teacher, I was able to overcome these problems.
In this experiment, the deflection of the cantilever beam was measured
different loads acting at different points along the length of the beam.
Two beams made of different materials, see It was aluminum and stainless steel
used. The equation for beam deflection is also mentioned in the theoretical part.
Experimental deflection values were measured using a deflection gauge.
Theoretical and experimental results were compared to check the accuracy of the
equations used for prediction the deviation and percentage error were also
calculated. Finally, there were graphs drawn between deflections and applied
2021-ME-43 ALI NAQI
1. Determination of beam deflection
2. Study and understand the different types of beam
The deflection of a spring beam depends on its length, its cross-sectional
shape, the material, where the deflecting force is applied, and how the beam is
supported. The equations given here are for homogenous, linearly elastic materials,
and where the rotations of a beam are small.
This report discusses beam deflection. First of all, the question comes to
mind, what is a ray and what is its meaning in our life. This section will cover the
beam, beam deflection, and the meaning of beam deflection, but we're mainly
focusing on cantilever beam deflection. Cantilever beams are often used in the
construction industry, especially in racks, balconies, cantilever cranes and bridges.
Cantilever beams used in cantilever bridges are often constructed in pairs, with
each pair supporting one end of the center section. A cantilever truss bridge is an
example as the fourth bridge in Scotland. The cantilever is also used in the
construction of fixed-wing aircraft. Therefore, cantilever beams are commonly
used in various life disciplines. Therefore, it is very important to calculate the
deflection of the beam subjected to the load and to calculate the endurance of the
beam in order to design them correctly. In this lab report we will talk about beams.
We will mainly focus on cantilever beam. A beam is a structure which is used to
support many loads. It is a rigid long body which is fixed on both ends. It works by
resisting the deflection produced by load. Beams are of many types. There are
simply supported beams, Cantilever beams, Over hanging beam, Double Over
hanging beam, Continuous beam, Fixed beam, Trussed beam. So there are many
types of beams which are used for all types of purposes all over the world. Then
there are also types in material and shape. There is aluminum beam, steel beam and
brass beam and many more[1]. We will mainly focus on Cantilever beam in this
report and its deflection. Deflection is defined as change in shape and dimension
due to strain on the body. The deflection of beam depends upon its shape and
material. In this report we will calculate deflection of cantilever beam. We will
take many values and then we will compare experimental, analytical and numerical
values and find results. A cantilever beam is beam which has one fixed end and
2021-ME-43 ALI NAQI
other end is free to vibrate when stress is applied on beam[2]. In this report we
have two objectives:
• Deflection of beam for different sections(I-section, Rectangular section and C-
• Comparison of Experimental, Analytical and Numerical data.
A beam is a horizontal structural element used to carry vertical loads, shear loads,
and sometimes horizontal loads, which is the main part of a building structure. It is
mainly used in the construction of bridges, trusses and other structures that carry
vertical loads, simply put, any structural element whose cross-section is much
smaller than its length is called a beam.
Classification of beam
1. Based on support
2. Based on geometry
3. Based on the principle of balance
Cantilever beam
A cantilever beam has a fixed end and its other side is unfixed. Examples of a
beam that has a fixed end that is wide and the other end that is loose or unfixed,
which is a narrow cantilever beam, is a covering over building entrances and a
hanging street sign. A nice illustration of a cantilever beam is a roof.
1. Continuous beam
This beam is very similar to a simply supported beam except that it uses more than
two supports, one end is supported by a hinged support and the other is a roller
support. One or more supports are used between these beams. It is used for long
concrete bridges where the length of the bridges is too great.
2. Fixed beam
Fixed beams are types of beams that have their two ends fixed. The reaction
moments that arise in a member under certain loading conditions with both fixed
ends are known as fixed end moments. A comparable simply supported beam will
deflect and experience fewer moments than a fully braced beam at midspan.
Beam deflection
The body bends or deflects when deflected. Any bend or deviation in the body is
known as beam deflection. Deflection is usually measured in millimeters and
inches. Consider a cantilever beam[4]. As I mentioned before, cantilever beams are
briefly introduced. One side of the cantilever beam is fixed while the other side is
free. Now put some weight on the free side of the cantilever beam. Due to the force
of gravity acting on it, it deflects. The beam then moved from its original location.
Beam deflection is this measurement at each point along the member. The image
below clarifies your idea about cantilever beam deflection.
2021-ME-43 ALI NAQI
D = beam deflection
W = force at one end
L= beam length
E = Young's modulus
I = moment of inertia
2021-ME-43 ALI NAQI
i. Measure the width and depth of the beam using a scale to determine the moment
of inertia of the beam.
ii. Set up the device and place the desired curtains in different places.
iii. Measure the distances of each hinge from the reference end.
iv. After installing the hinges, set the deflection gauge to zero.
v. Read the deflection after placing the loads in the hangers
vi. Repeat the procedure for different loads[5]
vii. Find the theoretical deflection and compare with the experimental values by
P = load
L = length
E= Modulus of elasticity
I = second moment of inertia
First, use a tape measure to measure the length of a cantilever beam of known
rod. Measure the width and thickness of the bar that is used as a beam using
caliper for determining the moment of inertia.
Mount the beam on the beam deflection device and adjust the device so that the
base of the dial gauge touches the beam at its free end. Set the dial gauge to zero
and load the free end using a hinge. Gradually increase the load and record the
corresponding beam deflection turning the dial.
Record the deflection first by gradually increasing the load, then decreasing it, and
then take the average. Calculate the theoretical strain according to the formulas
derived for the beam and note down difference in values.
Experimental result
Experimental Data
Load(N) Deflection (mm)
I Section Rectangular Section C Channel
0 0 0 0
50 0.373570588 0.398114355 0.445457682
100 0.858527806 0.723624795 0.884055419
150 1.099704291 1.206762987 1.331256564
200 1.454480208 1.387299091 1.462669356
250 2.156039054 1.799884247 2.232837005
300 2.09827804 1.833818074 2.173222457
350 2.669588288 2.692272008 2.902175756
400 3.422147263 2.683398004 3.583813441
450 3.520541618 3.58063653 3.714693673
500 4.545397568 2.955627353 4.037501876
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Chart Title
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Analytical result
Analytical Data
Loa Deflection (mm)
d I C
(N) Rectangula
Sectio Channe
r Section
n l
0 0.000 0.000 0.000
50 0.335 0.286 0.363
100 0.671 0.572 0.727
150 1.007 0.858 1.090
200 1.343 1.144 1.454
250 1.678 1.430 1.817
300 2.014 1.716 2.181
350 2.350 2.002 2.544
400 2.685 2.288 2.908
450 3.021 2.574 3.271
500 3.357 2.861 3.634
2021-ME-43 ALI NAQI
Chart Title
Numerical Data Deflection (mm) I Section
Numerical Data Deflection (mm) Rectangular Section
Numerical Data Deflection (mm) C Channel
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Numerical result
Numerical Data
Loa Deflection (mm)
d I C
(N) Rectangula
Sectio Channe
r Section
n l
0 0.000 0.000 0.000
50 0.335 0.286 0.363
100 0.671 0.572 0.727
150 1.007 0.858 1.090
200 1.343 1.144 1.454
250 1.678 1.430 1.817
300 2.014 1.716 2.181
350 2.350 2.002 2.544
400 2.685 2.288 2.908
450 3.021 2.574 3.271
500 3.357 2.861 3.634
2021-ME-43 ALI NAQI
Chart Title
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Rectangul I Rectangul
Sectio Chann Channe
ar Section Section ar Section
n el l
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
11.513 22.566
0.039 0.112 0.082 61 39.20082 87
27.884 21.623
0.187 0.152 0.157 62 26.48423 12
9.2059 22.097
0.093 0.349 0.241 87 40.62212 61
8.3250 0.6127
0.112 0.243 0.009 32 21.24478 01
28.465 22.872
0.478 0.370 0.416 65 25.84255 21
0.084 0.117 -0.007 1 6.845915 -0.3403
13.599 14.075
0.320 0.690 0.358 5 34.45403 48
0.737 0.395 0.676 27.454 17.2595 23.259
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27 97
16.535 13.565
0.500 1.006 0.444 64 39.08191 69
35.400 11.091
1.188 0.095 0.403 58 3.324331 13
In this experiment, our goal was to determine the deflection of two cantilever
beams. It can be seen from the results that calculated the readings are different, but
the readings are perfect mutual agreement, i.e. there is a trend in deviation. The
high percentage of errors may be due to some kind of systematic error in the
deflection gauge. There are other sources of error, e.g. discussed below:
A. In deriving the formula for deflection we assume that the beam is linearly
flexible, prismatic, etc. which is the ideal case. Such assumptions do not apply in
actual practice.
B. The load in the hanger was not properly placed when it was in the theory states
that the load is concentrated, which it is not in accordance with our case. In
addition, we do not place load exactly at the tip of the beam.
C. The error may be personal, i.e., an error in recording the reading from deflection
gauge and Vernier calipers. The defect in the case of the aluminum beam is greater
than the inward deflection Stainless steel beam. This is because steel has a higher
Young's modulus value than aluminum.
Despite the errors, the overall results and graphs show that the goal of the goal was
2021-ME-43 ALI NAQI
Beams are very useful in our daily life. They play an important role in
strengthening our buildings and other things. We found out the price of all profiles
and the answer indicates that the price of I-profile and C-profile is the same and
they are cheaper than Rectangular profile and therefore more suitable to use.
Calculations on the deflection of the cantilever beam were performed and are
presented in the results section. It was found that the deflection of the I-profile and
the C-profile is equal to and greater than the rectangular cross-section. So in terms
of deflection, the rectangular cross-section is better than the other two.
2021-ME-43 ALI NAQI
1. Le, N.T., et al., A new method for locating and quantifying damage in beams from static deflection
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2. Mirambell, E. and E. Real, On the calculation of deflections in structural stainless steel beams: an
experimental and numerical investigation. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2000. 54(1): p. 109-
3. Zofkie, R. Design aids for determining deflection of beams reinforced along part of their length. in
Structures Congress 2012. 2012.
4. Lesley, E., et al., The Influence of the Form of a Wooden Beam on Its Stiffness and Strength: Deflection of
beams with special reference to shear deformations. I. 1923: US Government Printing Office.
5. Choi, W.-C. and H.-D. Yun, Long-term deflection and flexural behavior of reinforced concrete beams with
recycled aggregate. Materials & Design, 2013. 51: p. 742-750.