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Deflection of Beams

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Deflection of Beams

Cantilever Beam

2021me3 7/24/22 Technical Writting

Muhammad Waqas Naseem Technical Writing 2021-ME-003

Analytical Results...................................................................................................................................11
Experimental Results.............................................................................................................................17
Numerical Results..................................................................................................................................18
Deflection of beams by using formulas.................................................................................................20
Rectangular Section Beam.....................................................................................................................21
Cee-Section Beam.................................................................................................................................21
Deflection of beam by using web base calculators................................................................................21

Muhammad Waqas Naseem Technical Writing 2021-ME-003

In this report first of all we performed an experiment to find the deflection of steel beam at different
loads. These loads will be changed from time to time to observe the effect of the loads on the Steel beam
. First of all the loads are applied one by one on the I-Beam and the deflection is measured due to these
loads is noted[1]. These loads are applied on a cantilever beam and at the end of the beam. Then we
applied different loads at the end of the Rectangular Beam. The deflection on the Rectangular beam is
noted. Then the the loads are applied at the end of the C-Beam. After performing the experiments the
values are drawn by analytical method. The values of the deflection of beam that is made of steel after
plotted on the graph shows that it is Linear at the start of the process but due to different errors it does
not remain linear throughout the process. While the graph for the analytical values shows that the graph
is linear throughout the process.

Figure 1 Deflection of the cantilever beam

After taking all data the percentage error is found. When the load is applied the steel beam will start
deflecting as shown in the Figure shown above.

A beam is said to be the deflected beam if it has a staright longitudinal axis and a load/force is applied
then it will deformed across its axis. Typically, the deflection of a beam from its initial, unloaded
position is used to describe its deformation. From the neutral surface of the beam's original
configuration to the neutral surface of the deformed beam, the deflection is measured. The elastic curve
of the beam is the shape that the deformed neutral surface assumes[2].
Because rigidity, rather than strength, is frequently what dictates how beams are designed. For instance,
deflection and stress restrictions are set by building codes. A beam's excessive deflection might harm

Muhammad Waqas Naseem Technical Writing 2021-ME-003

other components of the building in addition to being unsightly. Because of this, the maximum
deflection of a beam is constrained by building rules to around 1/360 of its spans. There are several
analytical techniques available for calculating beam deflections[3]. The differential equation that
connects the deflection to the bending moment serves as their shared foundation. The bending moment
is typically a discontinuous function, making the solution of this equation challenging because it
necessitates piecewise integration of the equations. The double-integration method's main benefit is that
it generates the equation for the deflection along the whole length of the beams. Moment-area approach
A semigraphic technique called the moment-area method makes use of the characteristics of the region
under the bending moment diagram. If the bending moment diagram has a basic shape, then it is the
quickest method to calculate the deflection at a certain position. the superposition technique, in which
the applied loads are represented as a succession of straightforward loads for which deflection formulas
are accessible. The desired deflection is then calculated by adding the component loads' contributions
(principle of superposition).
In this report we will compare the experiment results with the analytical results. Then we will find the
error that will produce in the experiment results due to different reasons. The error due to different
reasons include the error in the gauge that measure the deflection of The beam or the error of human
error due to the wrong reading. Moreever we would find the deflection of different beams,these beams
include rectangular beam,I beam and c shape beams Moreover material of the beam play an important
role in the deflection of the beams but we also compare the cost price of each beam. There are different
types of beams which simple spotted beam or one end beam or cantilever beam but our main purpose is
to find the deflection of beam of cantilever beam. Beams are also used in different type of industries. To
find the deflection of beam is an important work because by finding the deflection of beam it will be
known that at which time or at which load the beam will start deflecting or the amount of deflection that
is caused by load or force acting on the beams[4]. By finding the deflection of a beam it will be occur
that the destruction of building will be prevented. Many other damages that are caused by the diffraction
of being can also be prevented by finding the deflection of the beams.The formula to find the deflection
of the beam is:
P=Load applied at the free end of the cantilever beam
L=Length of the beam used
E=Elastic limit of the beam
I=Moment of inertia or the second area of the beam
In this context, building construction serves as an illustration of the usage of deflection. Beams may be
made of a broad variety of materials and shapes. For instance, a beam could be straight or bent. It might
be constant in cross-section or taper. It may be entirely constructed of one material (homogeneous) or
may be composed of a number of different materials (composite)[5]. Many engineering applications use

Muhammad Waqas Naseem Technical Writing 2021-ME-003

less complicated situations, even if some of these features make analysis difficult. Construction beams
are structural elements of buildings that can support loads that are applied laterally to their axis. The
manner in which they are supported, the cross-sectional form, the length, the material, and the
equilibrium conditions may all be used to identify them. A foundation, wall, or column receives the
loads that are applied along the length of a beam's terminus. Bending is the primary means of beam
deflection. Vertical loads, bending moments, and shear forces can all be supported by beams.
A horizontal structural component known as a beam runs horizontally to support vertical loads coming
from the building frame. The beam accepts the weight, distributes it to the ends, and then passes it to the
posts, walls, and columns on either side. It can only bear loads that are applied laterally along the beam's
axis. Depending on the choice of the construction material, there are various types of beams. Reinforced
concrete, wood, steel, and fiber-reinforced polymeric materials are typical building materials. To boost a
structural member's tensile strength, steel bars are implanted throughout the length of the member to
create reinforced concrete beams. These are the most typical forms of beams[6].
Steel beams, on the other hand, are constructed from steel and are formed into various shapes. I-beams,
H-beams, W- and S-sections, rectangular hollow sections, plate girders, and circular hollow sections are
examples of common steel beams. Steel is a good material to use when building beams with great spans,
and we also use it to create composite beams made of steel and concrete. The oldest material still in use
for beam building is timber. Wooden structural elements are joined together to create timber beams. In
order to link two or more elements to create composite beams, we use fiber-reinforced polymeric
One of the most often utilised beams in steel constructions, a universal beam is also sometimes referred
to as an I-beam. This beam's vertical portion is the web, while its horizontal components are referred to
as flanges. The flanges resist bending moments, while the web resists shear stresses. Because universal
beams have a large moment of inertia, they can withstand bending and shearing forces. I-beams are
often made of steel, but occasionally we'll use aluminium instead. It is simple to choose the right beam
size when it comes to their design for structural purpose because tables from design codes are readily
available. We evaluate an I-strength beam's during the design process using its deflection, vibration,
bending failure, and shear A beam that is fastened at one end and free at the other is known as a
cantilever beam. To put it another way, Beam has one end that is fixed and the other end that is stretched
so it may hang freely in the air. When a beam of this sort is under load, the moment of force and shear
stress are transferred to the support. When a load is applied, the cantilever beam's free end can move;
however, the fixed end (the part that is embedded in concrete) cannot be rotated or translated[7].
This report has two objectives which are given as:
 Deflection of Beam for different sections (I-Section, Rectangular Section and C Channel)
 Comparison of Experimental, Analytical and Numerical Results

Muhammad Waqas Naseem Technical Writing 2021-ME-003

The amount that a structural element shifts under a load is referred to as deflection in structural
engineering (because it deforms). It could be alluding to a separation or an inclination. The deflection
distance of a member may be calculated by integrating the function that mathematically represents the
slope of the deflected form of the member under that load. Standard formulae are given for the
deflection of typical beam designs and load situations at certain locations. Virtual work, direct
integration, Castigliano's method, Macaulay's method, and the direct stiffness method are examples of
alternatives. While a beam element's deflection is often calculated using the Euler-Bernoulli beam
equation, a plate or shell element's deflection is frequently calculated using plate or shell theory.
to find the deflection of a cantilever beam to derive the formula and to know how it how it works and to
however you find the deflection of a cantilever beam alright so we are assuming here a cantilever beam
the fixed end of the beam is a cantilever and we suppose if the length of the beam is still represented by
L and there's a fixed support and this is the load is acting here on this free end of the beam is W and we
supposed to be find to find here is X distance from here from the right support so we are going to find a
small mature and we need this moment to find the deflection right so to start the deflection we know that
the moment at this distance from drive support X

Figure 2
M = -Wx
M = EI dy/dx2
-Wx = EI dy/dx2

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The moment will be with the M will be equal to D that's so clockwise it will be negative - and - W into
X into X right is the moment and as we know that the moment is given to us di and to dy disco-y into
DX so we will put this and in place of this so we will get that the DI into d square y and the DX squared
you could be - into W into X right so now we will integrate this so this accretion got to find the slope
and then we will integrate this rope equation to find the deflection right so first step is to integrate this
By integrating,
EI dy/dx = -Wx2/2+C1
right by integrating by activating we will get we get di and 2 dy / DX is equal to minus WX square
divided by 2 + 2 + C it's constant right so we are getting the constant and now if we will apply the
boundary condition to find this constant.
Boundary Conditions
X= L dy/dx = 0
EI*0 = -WL2/2+C1
C1 = WL2/2
EI dy/dx = -Wx2/2+ WL2/2
This equation is used to find the slope at any point
We will integrate this equation again to find the required equation due to which again there come a
unknown value of C2.
EI y = -Wx3/6+WL2x/2+C2
Again we will apply the boundary conditions to find the value of the other unknown that is C2
Here we wil apply as,
X=L y=0
C2 = -WL3/3
To obtain the maximum deflection the value of x is replaced by 0 so that the maximum deflection is
obtained. By replacing the values into the given equation and the final equation for the deflection of the
deflection of the cantilever beam is given as
EIy = -WL3/3
Y= -WL3/3EI
we can simplify it that the y is equal to the minus WL cube into 3 & 2 e I so this is the equation far to
find the deflection at the support in right this is the maximum deflection we can say y maximum is equal
to D minus WL cube into 3e I we can find the maximum deflection by this formula when the load is
concentrated in the in support so this formula I - this formula minus WL cube into 3i we can find the

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deflection here this maximum deflection which is talking at here while from this equation we can find
the deflection at any x value right but when X is equal to the 0 we will get the maximum deflection and
we can find it by this equation where W represents the load act amend our Constitution load acting on
the beam L is the length of the beam where these two are T is a moment of inertia where is the elasticity
of the material from which the beam is made right so this was all about how to find the deflection of a
cantilever beam and the maximum deflection of the cantilever beam.

Figure 3

Figure 4

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Figure 5

Figure 6

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Figure 7

Figure 8

Formula to find the maximum deflection of cantilever beam is given as,
δ = PL3/3EI
We perform calculations for different type of beams

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After performing the data it is known that that the maximum error for the experimental results of steel
is 40% while the minimum error is 0%.While the average percentage error is 20%[7]. All data that is
collected and the data that that is collected from the experiment show that the percentage error for
the rectangular beam is the higher while the percentage error for the C-Beam is the lower. Graph is
formed from data collected and by comparing the experimental and the numerical data which shows

Percentage Error
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

I-Beam Rectangular Beam C-Beam

Figure 9 Percentage Error Graph

Table of calculations is given as

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Table 1
Experimental Data Numerical Data
Load Deflection (mm) Deflection (mm)
(N) Rectangular Rectangular
I Section C Channel I Section C Channel
Section Section
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
50.00 0.37 0.40 0.45 0.34 0.29 0.34
100.00 0.86 0.72 0.88 0.67 0.57 0.67
150.00 1.10 1.21 1.33 1.01 0.86 1.01
200.00 1.45 1.39 1.46 1.34 1.14 1.34
250.00 2.16 1.80 2.23 1.68 1.43 1.68
300.00 2.10 1.83 2.17 2.01 1.72 2.01
350.00 2.67 2.69 2.90 2.35 2.00 2.35
400.00 3.42 2.68 3.58 2.69 2.29 2.69
450.00 3.52 3.58 3.71 3.02 2.57 3.02
500.00 4.55 2.96 4.04 3.36 2.86 3.36

Table 2

Error Percentage Error

Rectangular Rectangular
I Section C Channel I Section C Channel
Section Section
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.039 0.112 0.039 11.51361 39.20082 11.51361
0.187 0.152 0.187 27.88462 26.48423 27.88462
0.093 0.349 0.093 9.205987 40.62212 9.205987
0.112 0.243 0.112 8.325032 21.24478 8.325032
0.478 0.370 0.478 28.46565 25.84255 28.46565
0.084 0.117 0.084 4.18461 6.845915 4.18461
0.320 0.690 0.320 13.5995 34.45403 13.5995
0.737 0.395 0.737 27.45427 17.2595 27.45427
0.500 1.006 0.500 16.53564 39.08191 16.53564
1.188 0.095 1.188 35.40058 3.324331 35.40058

Analytical Results
To find the deflection of beam of different types of beams first of all we will collect data that will be
required to find the deflection of beams and then we will find the analytical values of the deflection of
the beam. For this purpose we must know the length ,breadth and the width of the beam[8].
First of all we will find the data for the I beam

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H b

Figure 10 I-Beam
L = Length of Beam= 3.3m
H = Overall depth of beam= 0.138m
B = Overall width of beam= 0.069m
t = Overall thickness of beam= 0.0138m
Inner face thickness= 0.1104m
Now we will find the Second moment of area of I-beam
I = H3b/12 + 2[h3B/12 + hB(H+h)2/4]
By using the given data the deflection find is given as

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Table 3

Load (N) I Section

0 0.000
50 0.335
100 0.671
150 1.007
200 1.343
250 1.678
300 2.014
350 2.350
400 2.685
450 3.021
500 3.357

Now we will find the analytical results for Rectangular Beams

H h

Figure 11 Rectangular-Beam

L = Length of Beam= 3.3m

H = Overall depth of beam= 0.138m

Muhammad Waqas Naseem Technical Writing 2021-ME-003

B = Overall width of beam= 0.069m

t = Overall thickness of beam= 0.0138m
Inner Height = 0.1104
Inner Width = 0.0414
I = BH3/12
Table 4

Load (N)

0 0.000
50 0.286
100 0.572
150 0.858
200 1.144
250 1.430
300 1.716
350 2.002
400 2.288
450 2.574
500 2.861

Now we will find the analytical results for C-Beam


Muhammad Waqas Naseem Technical Writing 2021-ME-003

Figure 12 C-Beam

L = Length of Beam= 3.3m
H = Overall depth of beam= 0.138m
B = Overall width of beam= 0.069m
t = Overall thickness of beam= 0.0138m
I = H3b/12 + 2[h3B/12 + hB(h+H)2/4]

By using the above data the deflection of C-Beam at different loads

Table 5

Load (N) C Section

0 0.000
50 0.335
100 0.671
150 1.007
200 1.343
250 1.678
300 2.014
350 2.350
400 2.685
450 3.021
500 3.357

Muhammad Waqas Naseem Technical Writing 2021-ME-003

Analytical data is different from the experimental data because analytical data is the exact data. By
comparing the experimental data and the analytical data we can draw graph and compare data. This data
also shows that as we increase the load or weight,the deflection increases. We applied loads at the ends
of the cantilever beams and due to this load the beam start deflection[9]. Here we take the steel beams
and the Elasticity of the steel is 200Gpa.
The Graph for the analytical values is shown below,





0 100 200 300 400 500 600

I-Beam Rectangular Beam C-Beam

Figure 13Graph of analytical data

The Graph is formed above by the values of analytical values shows a straight line graph which shows
that the deflection of beams is linear throughout the process of deflection.

Experimental Results
As the name implies, the primary goal of our experiment is to determine the bending stresses and
young's modulus for the given beam material. This is done by applying a load to the free end of a
cantilever beam, which has one end that is affected and the other end that is free. This will determine
how far the beam extends from the fixed support. We are going to measure with a vernier calliper, and
we can see that this is a cantilever beam, which is a beam with one hand fixed and the other end free.
The equipment needed for this experiment is a dial indicator with a two-scale. There are two scales: one
is greater, and the other is smaller[10]. The smaller scale travels to the first division when the bigger
scale completes one revolution, and the smaller pointer goes to the second division when the larger scale
completes two revolutions. In a similar manner, the larger pointer completes the same number of
revolutions as the smaller scale.
It is measurable Okay, the next piece of equipment for carrying out this experiment is a weight hanging,
and we have a set of weight. It can be seen in a little dial indication. Therefore, we are using various
loads. Finally, we are determining the deflection for the given load. To do this, a dial indicator with a
plunger is used. When the load is acting over the beam, a deflection results due to the load and the

Muhammad Waqas Naseem Technical Writing 2021-ME-003

deflection. When the deflection is present, what happens to this plunger is that the beam experiences a
deflection. This plunger travels downward, and when a plunger moves downhill, both the bigger and
smaller pointers will finish their revolutions, which is what we are doing in this instance before applying
a load[11].
the first passage read We are observing 0 before adding a load; in this case, the initial deflection is 0 at
this point. We can see the small scale, so if a small pointer is on 2, it means that the larger pointer has
finished the second revolution. Ah, after finishing the second revolution, the larger pointer is on the 18th
division, which indicates that it has finished the second revolution, and it is there on 20, which indicates
that it has finished the second two hundred divisions, so the larger pointer has moved to the second two
hundred division, so the same thing. This is a final deflection after applying a load, so what is under
deflection net reflection is what finite deflection is minus of initial deflection final deflection. We know
the least count of the given scale is 0.001, so now what we are doing is multiplying with this division so
0.01 least count we are multiplying with the number of divisions covered by the yeah so here. We have a
formula for determining the young's modulus and the bending stress, which allows us to compute the
bending moment.

Table 6
Experimental Data
Deflection (mm)
I Section C Channel
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
50.00 0.37 0.40 0.45
100.00 0.86 0.72 0.88
150.00 1.10 1.21 1.33
200.00 1.45 1.39 1.46
250.00 2.16 1.80 2.23
300.00 2.10 1.83 2.17
350.00 2.67 2.69 2.90
400.00 3.42 2.68 3.58
450.00 3.52 3.58 3.71
500.00 4.55 2.96 4.04

Muhammad Waqas Naseem Technical Writing 2021-ME-003

0 100 200 300 400 500 600

I-Section Rectangular Beam C-Beam

Figure 14 Graph of Experimental data

The Graph for the Experimental Data for the different types of beams of Steel shows that although the
graph at the start is linear but graph does not remain linear throughout the process. As it is a
experimental data so there is some error in this process due to different errors. Theses errors include the
Human error in reading the data from the measuring gauge as well there would be wrong direction of
reading measuring. This error will be lowered by taking different steps into consideration[12].

Numerical Results
Numerical results are obtained by using different web base calculators that show that C-beam has the
less deflection while Rectangular beam has the more deflection.
The table for different types of beams are given as follows that are obtained at different loads applied at
the end of the cantilever beam. One thing to note in these web base calculations is that the deflection for
cee-beam is lowest and hence has the most stable of all while Rectangular beam has the highest
deflection and hence has the less stability of all the beams. On the other hand the web base calculators
also show that rectangular beams has the more are.

Table 7
Experimental Data Numerical Data
Load Deflection (mm) Deflection (mm)
(N) Rectangular Rectangular
I Section C Channel I Section C Channel
Section Section
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
50.00 0.37 0.40 0.45 0.34 0.29 0.36
100.00 0.86 0.72 0.88 0.67 0.57 0.73
150.00 1.10 1.21 1.33 1.01 0.86 1.09
200.00 1.45 1.39 1.46 1.34 1.14 1.45

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250.00 2.16 1.80 2.23 1.68 1.43 1.82

300.00 2.10 1.83 2.17 2.01 1.72 2.18
350.00 2.67 2.69 2.90 2.35 2.00 2.54
400.00 3.42 2.68 3.58 2.69 2.29 2.91
450.00 3.52 3.58 3.71 3.02 2.57 3.27
500.00 4.55 2.96 4.04 3.36 2.86 3.63

Table 8

Error Percentage Error

Rectangular Rectangular
I Section C Channel I Section C Channel
Section Section
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.039 0.112 0.082 11.51361 39.20082 22.56687
0.187 0.152 0.157 27.88462 26.48423 21.62312
0.093 0.349 0.241 9.205987 40.62212 22.09761
0.112 0.243 0.009 8.325032 21.24478 0.612701
0.478 0.370 0.416 28.46565 25.84255 22.87221
0.084 0.117 -0.007 4.18461 6.845915 -0.3403
0.320 0.690 0.358 13.5995 34.45403 14.07548
0.737 0.395 0.676 27.45427 17.2595 23.25997
0.500 1.006 0.444 16.53564 39.08191 13.56569
1.188 0.095 0.403 35.40058 3.324331 11.09113

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0 100 200 300 400 500 600

Series2 Series4 Series6

Figure 15









1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Series1 Series2 Series3

Figure 16

Deflection of beams by using formulas
Area of I-Beam = 3427.92 mm2
= 3.42792*10-3 m2
Volume of I-Beam = 0.0113 m3

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= 11312.136 cm3
Density of steel = 7.8 g/ cm3
Mass of I-Beam = 88.24kg
Cost price of I-Beam = 22060 Rs
Rectangular Section Beam
Area of Rectangular-Beam = 4951.44 mm2
= 0.00495 m2
Volume of Rectangular Beam = 0.016 m3
= 16339.752 cm3
Density of steel = 7.8 g/ cm3
Mass of Rectangular-Beam = 127.45kg
Cost price of I-Beam = 31862 Rs
Cee-Section Beam
Area of Cee Section-Beam = 3249 mm2
= 3.24*10-3 m2
Volume of Cee Section-Beam = 0.01069 m3
= 10692 cm3
Density of steel = 7.8 g/ cm3
Mass of Cee Section-Beam = 83.39kg
Cost price of Cee Section-Beam = 20849.25 Rs
Deflection of beam by using web base calculators
Web base calculators help us to calculate the deflection of beams as well as they also help us to calculate
the area of the beams that help us to find the cost price of each beam. Although some of the calculators
are paid but most of them are free to use. They are very helpful in calculating different values related to
beams and they also help in making the structure of the beams. They help in making the 3d structure of
the beam which is very helpful in practical using of these beams in daily life construction buildings as
well as bridges.
By calculating different data from the I-beam, Rectangular-Beam and Cee-Section-Beam. Area is
calculated of each beam. All the above data shows that Cee-section beam has the smallest area due to
which it has the lowest volume and the rectangular beam has the highest area and hence has the highest

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volume. The cost price of 1 kg of steel beam is 250 Rs. Hence mass of each beam is calculated. Cee
beam has the lowest mass while rectangular beam has the highest mass[13].








0 100 200 300 400 500 600

I-Beam Rectangular beam Cee beam

Figure 17
This graph shows that Cee beam has the highest stability because it has lowest deflection while
Rectangular beam has the Lowest stability and hence has the highest deflection. It measn from
construction point of view C-beam made of Steel is more stable and take more time for deflection and
protect from deflection.
This is the graph for percentage of cost price of different beams

C o s t p r ic e


20000 GULAR
15000 BEAM

1 2 3

Figure 18

Muhammad Waqas Naseem Technical Writing 2021-ME-003

Cost Percentage
60 Rectangular




1 2 3
Figure 19
All the above data and the graphs show that these beam has less deflection and has most stability. On the
other hand other beams has more deflection then Cee beam while Cee beam also has low cost therefore
cee beam will be a good choice for making different beams of bridges in the construction. Moreover the
shape and the structure of the cee beam is according to a complete structure that it can adhere more load
than the other beams. The cost price for C-Beam is 20849 while the cost price for I been is 22060 and
the cost price of rectangular section beam is 31862 which is the highest cost. On the other hand from the
graph that plotted above also shows that rectangular beam has more deflection has it cannot prevent
construction area or building from collapsing easily[14]. Beams play an important role in the
construction because they are used to form Bridges and many other construction buildings. They are also
used in the balconys of homes and other buildings. However the strength of the beam depend upon the
material of the beam but they are different factors on which the strength of a beam depends. These
factors include the position of the beam in which beam is placed weather the direction of the beam or the
axis of the beam is horizontal or vertical.

Deflection of beams play an important role in the construction industry. So the study of the deflection of
beams must important. Hence we study the deflection of the cantilever beam. Firstly experiment is
performed and data about the deflection of beam is very important in the analysis of the information. By
comparing the deflection and cost price of the beams it is concluded that the C and the I beams are
suitable for construction purposes because they are stable and have low cost that help in maintaining
balance. Analytical results shows that C-beam is better while numerical values show that both C and I
beam are suitable for construction purposes.
The numerical result for the beams is same while analytical result for I and C beams are same. Both of
the beams show an equal deflection at the different loads. Deflection is crucial for calculating a
structure's weight and how it impacts the supporting beams. A beam is required to guarantee the

Muhammad Waqas Naseem Technical Writing 2021-ME-003

structural integrity of a building's floors, and excessive movement might compromise the building's
overall structural stability.It's crucial to regularly calculate the deflection rates since Deflection isn't
always Visible. Professionals may use this to preserve the integrity and security of buildings and
bridges. Minimum deflection ratings may also exist in some states or counties[15].

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