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MATAI International Journal of Language Education

Volume 1, Number 1. Pp. 22-36. Accepted in 16 November 2020

E-ISSN : 2774-6356
Using RAP (Read, Ask, Put) Strategy to Improve Students’ Ability in Reading
Comprehension at Class VIII2 of SMP Negeri 2 Dobo
Stella Rose Que*
Pattimura University, Indonesia
*Corresponding E-mail: stella.que@fkip.unpatti.ac.id
Vini Alvionita Wakim
Pattimura University, Indonesia
E-mail: wakimvini@gmail.com


This study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of the RAP Strategy in improving students'
reading comprehension at the second grade of SMP Negeri 2 Dobo and also to know students' responses
toward the implementation of the RAP Strategy into improving students' reading comprehension. This
study used Classroom Action Research (CAR). The procedure of the research consisted of four main
steps; planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting through cycles. This study was conducted in two
cycles. The instruments were a test, an observation checklist, and a questionnaire. The criteria of success
were set by a score >18. The implementation was successful if 75% of the students got a score > 18. The
findings showed that the students' scores in the reading comprehension test improved in cycle 2. The data
showed that the average score in the reading comprehension test improved from 8 students (32%) who got
a fair-excellent level to 25 students (100%) who got a fair-excellent level. From these findings, it can be
inferred that the RAP Strategy has proven to be able to improve students' reading comprehension. In
addition, students presented their positive attitude during the implementation of the RAP Strategy. This
could be seen in their responses to the questionnaire and observation checklist. Finally, it is suggested that
the teacher needs to use a RAP Strategy, especially in teaching reading comprehension. It is also
suggested that further researchers can use the result of this research as a reference.

Keywords RAP Strategy, Reading Comprehension, and Narrative text.

Introduction reading section throughout the lesson and

Reading is considered an important aspect of also they must use their background
the learning process. According to Healy knowledge and their own words to
(2002), Reading comprehension is the understand and comprehend the text that
understanding of the written word, the they read.
understanding of the content that is being The preliminary study was done by the
read, and the construction of meanings of researcher at SMP Negeri 2 Dobo,
the text. Students as the readers should not especially at class VIII-2. In order to get the
only know every word of the text that they data, the researcher used an interview and
read but also they need to understand the observation checklist and questionnaire.
text itself. The purpose of reading is to gain From the observation, the researcher found
information and comprehend it well. As that the problem faced by the students
mentioned by Pang (2003) Comprehension occurred in the area of reading
is not a passive process but it is an active comprehension. The researcher discovered
one. At this point, students as learners that students' reading comprehension was
should be good readers that are active in the poor. The most potential problem that

MATAI International Journal of Language Education
Volume 1, Number 1. Pp. 22-36. Accepted in 16 November 2020
E-ISSN : 2774-6356
students in a class have most of the students to communicate successfully; students need
faced difficulties in understanding and to have the ability to gain information and
answered the question of reading narrative meaning or receptive language skills.
text. This was caused by the use of the Students are not only interacting with the
strategy did not work effectively because the text, but they also practice to remember or
teacher did not provide a clear guideline to recall the information in their memory, think
help students in learning narrative text. actively, and monitor their own
Therefore, the writer proposes the RAP comprehension. These things help students
Strategy under this research, to find out the achieve a good reading comprehension,
usefulness of the RAP strategy in improving since they can interact with the text;
students' reading comprehension at class evaluating and identifying specific
VIII-3 of SMP Negeri 2 Dobo and to find information by questioning, recalling them,
out the students' responses toward the use of and monitoring their own comprehension.
RAP Strategy. This will fit with the purpose of reading
comprehension: to increase personal
Literature Review involvement in reading material,
A. Definition of Reading Comprehension understanding the content information in the
Reading has many definitions. According to text and to recall text information in
Healy (2002), Reading comprehension is the memory.
understanding of the written word, the Furthermore, according to Woolley (2010)
understanding of the content that is being Reading comprehension is the process of
read and the construction of meanings of the making meaning from text and it is to gain
text. Students as the readers not only know an overall understanding of what is
every word of the text that they read but also described in the text rather than to obtain
they have to understand the text itself. So it meaning from isolated words or sentences. It
means that reading is an activity of human means that every student who reads what the
eyes to know or to decode the symbols of text that they read should understand it well
alphabets found in the written text, extracted and also know about the content of the text
mainly to gain particular information. itself. According to Mikulecky (2008)
Reading is a complex activity that involves Reading is a conscious and unconscious
both perception and thought. Reading thinking process. The students must have
consists of two related processes: word any strategies to apply, in this point means
recognition and comprehension. Word that it can help them to reconstruct the
recognition refers to the process of meaning that the author assumed. The
perceiving how written symbols correspond students must compare the information in
to one’s spoken language. Comprehension is the text with their background knowledge
the process of making sense of words, and prior experience.
sentences and connected text. Readers
typically make use of background B. Types of Reading
knowledge, vocabulary, grammatical Koeak (2011) noted that there are the
knowledge, experience with text and other following types of reading and the
strategies to help them understand written corresponding types of activities to develop
text. the corresponding reading skills:
According to Khand (2004) Reading is a ● Skimming reading is reading to
receptive language process. It is the ability confirm expectations; reading for
to understand words and language. In order communicative tasks.

MATAI International Journal of Language Education
Volume 1, Number 1. Pp. 22-36. Accepted in 16 November 2020
E-ISSN : 2774-6356
● General reading or scanning is different reading skills for mastery.
reading to extract specific information; However, in this research, the writer focused
reading for general understanding. only on narrative because it follows the
● Close reading or searching reading is school curriculum and will work with both
reading for complete understanding; the researchers to apply reading strategies to
reading for detailed comprehension improve students’ reading
(information; function and discourse). comprehension. Narrative text is a kind of
Skimming is the most rudimentary type of text that functions to amuse, entertain, and
reading. Its object is to familiarize you as to deal with actual or vicarious expression in
quickly as possible with the material to be different ways. (Pardiyono. 2003, as cited in
read. Mazna, nd) .The purpose of the text is to
Scanning is a skill that requires that you entertain or to amuse the readers or listeners
read quickly while looking for specific about the story. The generic structure of
information. To scan a reading text, you Narrative text usually has three components.
should start at the top of the page and then First is Orientation, this part is the opening
move your eyes quickly toward the bottom. paragraph where the characters of the story
Generally, scanning is a technique that is are introduced. Second is Complication,
helpful when you are looking for the answer this part is the problems in the story
to a known question. developed. Third is Resolution, this part
where the problems in the story are solved.
C. Text Material in Reading Class
D. The Importance of Teaching Reading
According to U.S Department (2010) when Comprehension
they selecting a text for teaching reading
comprehension there are many types of text Reading for comprehension is an important
commonly used by teachers; procedure, educational goal. For both children and
descriptive, recount, explanation, analytical adults, the ability to comprehend reading,
exposition, and narrative text at the second opens up new worlds and opportunities.
level of SMP, the text that is usually used is According to Khand (2004) Reading is
narrative, reports, descriptive, procedure. considered to be the indispensable channel
Choice of text can make students break or of communication in an ever widening
succeed in reading lessons. Because students world. Reading comprehension skills
have such different needs, there are no such increase the pleasure and effectiveness of
things as “one size fits all “ reading. Strong reading comprehension
Teacher should introduce students to a skills help in all other subjects and in the
variety of text that: personal and professional lives. Reading
● Are rich in idea and information, comprehension is what allows the reader to
● Have a level difficulty appropriate to interact with the text in a meaningful way.
the students word reading and It’s the bridge from passive reading to active
comprehension skill, and reading. Reading comprehension is the
● Support the purpose of the lesson. crucial link to effective reading; a strong
Many resources are available to the teacher factor in our educational and professional
as they for high quality text. The teacher lives. Furthermore, reading comprehension
also must choose text types, she should use is the ability to understand what you have
both narrative and informal text to teach read and is a crucial part of all students. So
reading comprehension, since they require it means that when the students have a good

MATAI International Journal of Language Education
Volume 1, Number 1. Pp. 22-36. Accepted in 16 November 2020
E-ISSN : 2774-6356
reading comprehension, it can bring a good the information or messages and they can
impact for the students’ performance in tell back in their own words.
class. (Hedge 2003 as cited in Suleiman According to Khand (2004) He stated that
2005) states that any reading component of by teaching reading through interactive
an English language course may include a approach students may be able to achieve
set of learning goals for: the following objectives:
● Can develop meaningful communication
● The ability to read a wide range of texts ● Can be and an active role for students in
in English. decision making process
● Building a knowledge of language which ● The students can interact with each
will facilitate reading ability other, help and evaluate themselves in
● Building schematic knowledge pairs/group work.
● The ability to adapt the reading style
according to reading purpose (i.e. E. Problems in Teaching Reading
skimming and scanning) Comprehension
● Developing an awareness of the
structure of written text in English According to Gagen (2007) Students have
● Taking a critical stance to the contents of problems reading because they lack specific
the text. skills necessary for proficient reading. The
problem that find in students when teaching
It is an important ability that should be reading comprehension:
possessed by the students in order to achieve
success in academics. This also means that ● Not Paying Attention to Detail: The
reading comprehension will give a good student needs to carefully process all the
impact for the students’ academic letters in words. Problems with attention
performance. Otherwise, students who lack to detail include missing sounds, adding
reading comprehension are lazy and nervous sounds that are not present, missing
when they are faced with any kind of text. endings and other details. Accuracy is
They also have a poor performance in critical. Help the student learn to process
reading class, when doing the tasks given words carefully and pay attention to
based on the text; they also have lower detail. Stopping students when they miss
scores in test, quiz, or examination because a word and having them re-read it helps
of their poor reading comprehension. The teach careful attention to detail.
importance of teaching reading is to enchain
students as the reader to be competent in McNamara (2009) stated that Reading
reading. The purpose which can influence problems stem from several sources. First,
the reader when they are in reading classes, the student may not be able to read the
like in real life, varies from text to text. That words themselves. Indeed, word decoding
is, students should be more active in development and deficits are the concern of
reading. Understanding what students read is many researchers and educators, particularly
the key to reading. They must use their for the students has sometimes led to the
knowledge and thoughts to read and neglect of the counterpart of word decoding:
comprehend written text. Reading sentence comprehension. Numerous
comprehension is the goal of reading itself. problems can occur for the reader at the
After reading the text, students can absorb comprehension level. Understanding how
the words come together in each sentence

MATAI International Journal of Language Education
Volume 1, Number 1. Pp. 22-36. Accepted in 16 November 2020
E-ISSN : 2774-6356
can be a challenge. Or, the student may The teacher says, “As you read, be sure to
understand each word and even each think about what the words mean.”
sentence, but fail to understand the Step 2: Ask yourself the following question:
relationships between the sentences and the What were the main ideas and details of this
meaning of the text as a whole. Further, the paragraph?
stumbling block may not be sufficient The teacher defines the main idea (the
reading ability to understand more familiar general subject covered in the paragraph).
genres of text, but rather, the student may The teacher defines the details (bits or
only falter when faced with challenging, pieces of information related to the main
knowledge demanding text. The reader may idea). The teacher describes how to locate
lack the requisite knowledge. More the main idea. He/she says, “To locate the
importantly, the student may lack the main idea, you will need to ask yourself
reading strategies necessary to overcome some questions and look through the
such challenges. paragraph. The first question you should ask
yourself is: What is this paragraph about?”
F. RAP Strategy The teacher says, “You should answer this
In the teaching and learning process, the question with this statement: This paragraph
teacher must use an effective strategy as a is about.” The teacher describes how to
way for students to be more active. locate the details. He/she says, “The details
According to Welan (2003) Strategy is a are what is left in the paragraph after you’ve
way to give learning material and also to named the main idea. They are the facts you
achieve one or more goal. The writer choose think you will need to remember for a
RAP as a strategy to overcome the reading discussion in class or for a test.”
problem because RAP strategy is a simple
strategy that is easily incorporated into Step 3: Put the main idea and details in your
existing curriculum without taking time own words.
away from critical content instruction. RAP The teacher says, “When you put the
Stand for, “Read a paragraph, Ask yourself information into your own words, you are
what were the main ideas and details in making the information your own. You are
paragraph and Put the main idea and details changing it so that it makes sense to you.
into your own words. (Schumaker et al., This helps you to remember it. To put the
1984 as cited in Hagaman et al., 2010). information into your own words, look away
from the paragraph and then make one
Reading comprehension is an important part statement about the main idea of the
for some students, it makes many reading paragraph. Next, tell about all the details
experts try to create a lot of ways or you can remember. Make sure you include
strategies to make students understand it. at least two details related to the main idea.
One alternative strategy to improve students'
reading comprehension is to use a Rap G. Previous Studies
strategy. According to (Schumaker et al., RAP Strategy is designed to enable
1984 as cited in Hagaman et al., 2010) to students to gain information from textbooks.
apply RAP strategy in the classroom, there This strategy can help students in improving
are some steps the teacher need to follow, their reading comprehension, RAP Stand
these are: for, “Read a paragraph, Ask yourself what
are the main ideas and details in a paragraph
Step 1: Read a paragraph silently and Put the main idea and details into your

MATAI International Journal of Language Education
Volume 1, Number 1. Pp. 22-36. Accepted in 16 November 2020
E-ISSN : 2774-6356
own words. (Schumaker et al ., 1984 as cited high school that consist of 30 students and it
in Hagaman et al.,2010 ) the researcher was an experimental research. The reading
choose RAP as a strategy to overcome the text was narrative text and used an essay test
reading problem because RAP strategy is a to measure the student's achievement. The
simple strategy that is easily and effective result from that research showed that RAP
for improving reading comprehension and Strategy is effective for teaching narrative
this strategy can be used for elementary, text in reading comprehension, the students
middle , and high school students across showed good response , comprehend the
many different content areas. In their content of the passage and be more active in
research, they found that the explicit doing reading activities when they applied
instruction of this strategy used to the strategy. So she suggested the RAP
comprehend the text. This strategy included Strategy to help the students in improving
summarizing the main idea and putting their reading comprehension.
events or information to which text leading, There are differences between these studies
drawing inference and monitoring for and the research that the researcher will
misunderstanding. Based on the teacher conduct are, some of them using
experience when using this strategy, it is experimental research and did their studies
good for the students because it help them to and it is success, different with the research
understand the text when they paraphrase, that the researcher conducted is using
they read the text, and ask their self of classroom action research. The material
what's the main idea of the text and they put using in their studies is narrative text, same
what they find in the text, so it can make with the writer will use narrative text as a
easy for them to understand and answer the text to teach the students reading
text. comprehension
Another investigation by Hughes
(2011) in his article said that using RAP Methodology
strategy as an example , the strategy is A. Research Design
presented as a way to help them learn to The researcher used “Classroom action
comprehend more independently and Research (CAR) as a method to apply Rap
remember reading content by transforming it strategy. Action Research is one of research
in ways that are personalized. (Lee & Von method that many teachers and inductors are
Colln, 2003 in Halterman 2013 ) have familiar with at present development of
shown that the RAP Strategy can be utilized educational sectors. It is a reflective process,
to increase the reading-comprehension skills a collaborative activity among colleagues
of elementary-level, general-education who are searching for solutions to everyday,
students. Other research (Karbalaei & Amol, real problems experienced in the classroom,
2010; Munro, 2005 in Halterman 2013) have or looking for ways to improve instruction
demonstrated that the RAP Paraphrasing and increase students’ achievement.
Strategy can be used to improve the reading- (Manuputty and Souisa 2012, p. 1)
comprehension skills of elementary and In this research, the researcher used two
post-secondary ELs, respectively. cycles and it is applied in one month. There
are three meetings in each cycle when
The investigation by Rinjani et al applying the strategy. The time that the
(2010) is about the effectiveness of using researcher used is 2x45 minutes. In the first
RAP Strategy in improving students reading meeting the researcher introduced the
comprehension at second grade of Junior strategy to the students. The researcher gave

MATAI International Journal of Language Education
Volume 1, Number 1. Pp. 22-36. Accepted in 16 November 2020
E-ISSN : 2774-6356
the test for the students at the end of each The research is considered successful and
cycle. Result of the test is used by the can be stopped if the subjects have fulfilled
teacher and researcher to evaluate the certain criteria. The criteria are:
student's progress. In the last meeting the 1. The students’ reading comprehension
researcher gave the questionnaire to find out improved.
students' perception about RAP Strategy. The improvement is proved by the students'
The teaching process is conducted by the test result. The students are considered
researcher and using RAP Strategy. The successful, if they get the ‘good’ and
teacher observed the researcher and the ‘excellent’ level with a total score 70-100.
students in the classroom by using an 2. The students’ opinion toward the Rap
observation sheet. strategy.
It can be said success if the students give
B. Setting and Subject of Research positive opinion through students
The research is held in SMP Negeri 2 Dobo. participation in class activities when the
The research takes place in Eighth Grade researcher applies the strategy and their
(VIII2) in the first semester of 2015/2016. attitude when the implementation of the
The objects of the research are 28 students, strategy itself.
who did not comprehend the text in reading
comprehension. And the test used by the Action
researcher is an essay test that consists of 10 In this part, the researcher is collaborated
questions. with the classroom teacher when applied
RAP strategy. The teacher will observe the
C. Classroom Action Research Procedure. researcher and students’ activities in class by
Planning using an observation checklist. After each
Planning contains the activities that the meeting the teacher and the researcher
researcher prepared before implementing the evaluate and discuss the students test result
strategy. These involved preparing the and their response toward the
lesson plan and teaching materials. implementation of the Rap strategy.
● Preparing the Lesson Plan
The teacher and the researcher Evaluating
collaborated to prepare the lesson plan The evaluation is done at the end of each
containing the materials for students. lesson and the end of the cycle. It is used to
The researcher used Rap strategy in measure students’ improvement in reading
teaching to develop students’ Reading comprehension. The purpose of evaluation is
comprehension. to assess students’ performance as well as
● Teaching Materials determining if the researcher should
The teaching materials are from continue to the next cycle. The researcher
Erlangga for eighth grade, semester 2. decided whether the action achieved the
● Research Schedule indicator of success or not. If not, the
In this research, the researcher spent a researcher will move to the next cycle by
month conducting this study. The time improving and revising the next plan. In this
consists of 8 meetings, including test stage, the researcher collaborates with the
and questionnaire. teacher to evaluate students’ progress from
● The Criteria of Success the data.


MATAI International Journal of Language Education
Volume 1, Number 1. Pp. 22-36. Accepted in 16 November 2020
E-ISSN : 2774-6356
The researcher and the teacher discussed and 70-100. To assess the students reading
shared the result or the things that had been comprehension test, the researcher use the
done in the implementation, it is impactful following formula:
for the students, evaluating their success rate
based on the application of the strategy. G Scor Categ Description
How far it helps students’ improve their ra e ory
reading comprehension. The researcher and de
the English teacher also will discuss A 70 - Good ⮚ Students are able
students' opinion especially to see how far an 100 & to answer (7-10)
the students reading comprehension d Excell including literal,
improvement and as a determiner to B ent inferential and
continue to the next cycle. critical questions.
⮚ The answer are
D. Research Instrument and Technique of complete, students
Data Collection. are able to answer
The researcher used some instruments to based on the text
collect the data; these are tests, observation with and
checklist and questionnaire. collaborated with
their background
Test knowledge
The researcher gave a written test for the ⮚ There are few
students to find out the students capability in grammar and
reading comprehension. The model of the spelling errors in
test is an essay test, it consists of 10 the students'
questions that are divided into 7 literal answers.
questions, 2 inferential questions, and 1 C 55- Enoug ⮚ Students are able
critical question. The test is used to measure 69 h to answer (5-6)
the students’ reading comprehension literal, inferential
development. Regarding the criteria of and critical
success the researcher formulated a rubric question
assessment for measuring the student’s ⮚ A few number of
achievement in reading comprehension answer are
which is identified into certain criteria. The incorrect
basic criteria in this research are: First, ⮚ The answers are
students reading comprehension improved. not complete.
The improvement is based on students' test There are a few
results in which they could reach ‘good’ and grammar and
‘excellent’ level. Second, students give spelling errors in
positive responses toward the students' answers.
implementation of this strategy. The positive D < 55 Poor ⮚ Students are able
responses can be described from the to answer (0-4)
observation checklist and questionnaire literal, inferential
result. Students reading comprehension and critical
categorize to be improved if 22 of 28 question
students (78%) in the class reach the ‘good’ ⮚ The answer are no
and ‘excellent’ level with total score among complete all

MATAI International Journal of Language Education
Volume 1, Number 1. Pp. 22-36. Accepted in 16 November 2020
E-ISSN : 2774-6356
necessary are not implementation of the strategy. It is about
support the pre activities, whilst activities and post
information in the activities. The Observation checklist is used
text to monitor the students’ activity in the class
⮚ There are many or in the learning process. In this section, the
grammar and researcher could observe and monitor the
spelling error in teaching learning process by the result of the
students answer observation checklist. In every meeting, the
⮚ The answers are researcher observed the student’s attitude
incorrect, and student’s performance to find out the
confusing and not progress or the teaching and learning
relevant. process during the implementation of the
Table1. Rubric Assessment for Reading strategy.
(adapted from Pennsylvania Department of Questionnaire
Education Bureau of Assessment and Questionnaire as an instrument is written in
Accountability 2006–2007). a list of questions that have to be answered
by the students. The instrument will be
The researcher use three formulas in given to all students in the class in order to
analyzing the students test result and they get information about their opinion about the
were: 1. The numbers of correct answer of implementation of Rap strategy. To analyze
the students result of the test are counting by the result of the questionnaire, the researcher
using the formula; used a formula based on Sudjana (1989).
The formula is:
The number Score of Point P = x 100
of questions each
6 Literal 8 6 x 8 = 48 Note:
3 Inferential 9 3 x 9 = 27 P : Percentage
1Analytical/Cr 25 1 x 25 = 25 F : Frequency
itical N : Number of Respondent
Total 100 100% : Constant Number

2. In analyzing the test result, the writer
The researcher did the research in two
will use formula.
cycles. Every cycle consisted of six
The formulas by Masnur Muclish (2009). It
meetings which include the test at the end of
is used to find out the total score of students’
each cycle. The type of test is an essay test
correct answers.
which consisted of ten comprehensive
= questions.
× 100 A. Result of First Cycle
On May 10rd, 13th, 17th and 21th 2016 the
Observation Checklist Researcher conducted the first cycle at class
The researcher prepared the list of questions VIII2 of SMP Negeri 2 Dobo and were
to observe the classroom situation and find participated by 28 students. In the first
out the details of activities during the

MATAI International Journal of Language Education
Volume 1, Number 1. Pp. 22-36. Accepted in 16 November 2020
E-ISSN : 2774-6356
meeting, the researcher brainstormed qualified in “poor” level. Having analyzed
students by asking them, what they knew, the students’ test result, the researcher found
about narrative text. After that, the that there were problems in this cycle. Based
researcher explained about what are on the result of the first cycle, it can be
narrative text purposes, language features concluded that the application of RAP
and generic structure of the text. Moreover strategy had not worked effectively because
the researcher introduced RAP strategy and the result of students’ achievement had not
the application for the students. RAP reached the indicator of success.
strategy consists of Read, Ask, and Put. In
the part of Read point, the researcher asked B. Result of Second Cycle
students to read the text carefully and find Based on the first cycle result which showed
out unfamiliar words in the text. Then, in that the implementation of the strategy was
Ask point, the researcher asked students to not working effectively yet because most of
make questions in their mind just like a the students were not indicating their
prediction question about the text related improvement in reading comprehension. It is
with who, where, when, what and how. The proved in their test result that most of them
last, input point, the researcher asked were standing at a poor level. So, the
students to find the detailed information by researcher decided to do the second cycle.
themselves because it will help them to find The second cycle was held on August
the answer of the questions. After the 29th,31th, 1th , and 10th September 2016. The
researcher explained about the steps of the improvement of students' tests was done
strategy, the researcher gave them text to based on revision that the classroom teacher
practice, then ask them to find the unfamiliar and researcher made. After making the
words and its meaning, and teach them how revision the test result showed good
they can make the prediction question improvement of students’ achievement
related with who, where, when, what and compared to the test result of the previous
how questions. When they practiced the cycle. The classification level of students’
steps of RAP strategy, the researcher gave achievement is still the same, such as;
them questions of the text to check so far excellent, good, enough and poor.
they comprehend the text. After they There were twelve students who reached
finished their task, the researcher discussed score 85-100 counting for 42,85% and
the answers with the students. In the second standing in ‘excellent’ level. They got
and the third meeting, she re-explained excellent level, because they comprehend
about the strategy and gave a worksheet to the text then they could answer (8-10)
the students while in the end of the learning including, literal, inferential and analytical
process she evaluated the material with the questions. The students' answers are
students. In the last meeting, she conducted complete and their answers collaborate with
a test of the first cycle. their background knowledge, then there is
Students’ achievement in the first cycle no spelling error in the students answer.
explains the result of students’ tests, shows There were ten students who stood in ‘good’
that 17,85% of the students /5 students level because they could score 70-84
standing in “excellent” level, while 25% of counting for 39.28%. The students could get
the students/7 students placed in “good” good grades because they are able to answer
level, 14,28 % of the students /4 students (7-8) including, literal, inferential and
predicated in “enough” level, while the rest analytical questions. Their answers are
42,85% of the students /12 students complete with the detailed information of

MATAI International Journal of Language Education
Volume 1, Number 1. Pp. 22-36. Accepted in 16 November 2020
E-ISSN : 2774-6356
the text so there is no spelling error in the that they understood well what they will do
students' answers. in using RAP strategy. Furthermore, 28
There were also three students who stood in students (100%) stated that they felt easy
‘enough’ level with scores 55-69 counting when following the RAP strategy. Next, 25
for 10, 71%. The reason why they get students (100%) stated that RAP strategy
enough level is because they are able to could help them and made them active in the
answer (5-6) including, literal, inferential learning process. Then, 25 students
and analytical questions. There are a few (92,85%) agreed that they were happy
answers that are incorrect, because answers because RAP strategy helped them in
are not complete, there are a few grammar increasing their reading comprehension and
and spelling errors in students' answers. 3 students (10,71%) agreed that they were
In ‘poor’ level, there were also two students unhappy because RAP strategy could not
who only reached a score less than 55 help them in increasing their reading
counting for 7.14%. They got poor because comprehension. Moreover, 28 students
they just answered 1-4 including, literal, (100%) agreed that this made them happy
inferential and analytical questions. Then when applied in the learning process. In
their answers are not completed and not addition, 25 students (100%) wished that
supported with the content of the text. Then RAP strategy could be used again in the
there are many grammar and spelling errors learning process in order to help them to
in their answer. Then the answers are understand reading material. The result
incorrect, confusing and not relevant with showed that almost all questions got positive
the text. responses from the students. It also showed
that students’ reading comprehension
C. The Result of Questionnaire improved by using this method.
The questionnaire was designed by the
researcher to gain the data, especially about D. The Result of Observation Checklist
students’ responses after implementation of In collecting the data in this research, the
RAP strategy. This instrument consists of 10 researcher also used an observation checklist
questions which are divided into some as one of the instruments. Observation
general questions related to reading and also checklist was used to see the implementation
some particular questions related to RAP of the strategy in the teaching learning
strategy. The type of questionnaire was a process in every meeting of each cycle.
close and open question in which there is To fill the observation checklist, the
‘yes no’ The result of the questionnaire researcher discussed with English classroom
showed that there were 25 students (100%) teacher, and both researcher and teacher
liked English lesson using the RAP strategy. decided that the teacher played as the
Next, 28 students (100%) agreed that RAP observer to observe the researcher during the
strategy is a new strategy for them.. teaching learning process.
Afterward, 26 students (92,85%) responded Based on the observation checklist filled by
that the steps of RAP strategy were easy to English classroom teacher showed that the
follow, while 2 students (7,15%) stated that steps or passes in implementing the strategy
the steps of RAP could not help them in was done well by the researcher. The
comprehending the text. Moreover, 28 teaching learning process was done step by
students (100%) stated that this strategy step and it began from pre until post activity.
helps them to be more active in the learning The students also had a good response in the
process. Besides, 28 students (100%) told teaching learning process, it showed by their

MATAI International Journal of Language Education
Volume 1, Number 1. Pp. 22-36. Accepted in 16 November 2020
E-ISSN : 2774-6356
attitude toward the implementation of the The teacher says, “You should
strategy which they were active, enthusiastic answer this question with this statement:
and enjoyed in doing the steps of the This paragraph is about.” The teacher
strategy. describes how to locate the details. He/she
says, “The details are what’s left in the
Discussion paragraph after you’ve named the main idea.
Based on the result of this research and the They are the facts you think you’ll need to
data collected, showed that the students had remember for a discussion in class or for a
good improvement in comprehend the text, test.”
in case answering comprehension questions.
It can be seen from the benefit of The last step is Put the main idea and details
implementing RAP strategy in teaching in your own words. The teacher says,
reading comprehension. “When you put the information into your
own words, you are making the information
A. The Benefit of Implementing RAP your own. You are changing it so that it
Strategy in Teaching Reading makes sense to you. This helps you to
RAP strategy is one of strategy that helps remember it. To put the information into
students in reading comprehension, your own words, look away from the
particularly in answering questions related paragraph and then make one statement
to the text. RAP strategy has many benefits about the main idea of the paragraph. Next,
for both teachers and students. This strategy tell about all the details you can remember.
helps students to gain the information from Make sure you include at least two details
the text. related to the main idea.
RAP strategy also helps students to On the other side, RAP strategy is also
understand a whole text, because this efficient for teachers. This strategy helped
strategy has some steps or passes which the the teacher in teaching reading which the
students should take through the step or pass teacher can teach students with a new
to understand a whole text. It made the strategy in the classroom. This strategy can
students easy to understand the text, because be applied in a whole class even in a small
they had to learn the text step by step. group. It will create a good atmosphere
The first step is Read a paragraph silently. during the activity in the classroom.
The teacher says, “As you read, be sure to
think about what the words mean.” B. Students’ Improvement after
The second step is Ask yourself the Implementing RAP Strategy.
following question: What were the main In the teaching reading process, the
ideas and details of this paragraph? researcher found that some students had
The teacher defines the main idea (the difficulty in reading, particularly in
general subject covered in the paragraph). comprehending the text. They could read the
The teacher defines the details (bits or text, merely sound the words in the text
pieces of information related to the main without understand well about the text or
idea). The teacher describes how to locate can be conclude that they had not
the main idea. He/she says, “To locate the comprehend the text, and it means that they
main idea, you will need to ask yourself reading for nothing, because they did not
some questions and look through the understand about what is the text about, then
paragraph. The first question you should ask they could not answer the question correctly
yourself is: What is this paragraph about?” based on the text.

MATAI International Journal of Language Education
Volume 1, Number 1. Pp. 22-36. Accepted in 16 November 2020
E-ISSN : 2774-6356
In implementing RAP strategy, the prediction questions to find unfamiliar
researcher tried to help students to read and words in the text and its meanings. The
comprehend the text. In the first meeting of researcher also provided more time for
the first cycle, the researcher introduced the practice and gave only short narrative text.
strategy for students and showed how it The students’ achievement in the second
works. Then, in the second until third cycle showed the improvement. It is proven
meeting, the researcher allows the students in their score of the test. Most of them could
to work with the strategy. The researcher reach high scores, with 42,85% students in
gave the different text in each meeting for ‘excellent’ level and 39,28% students
students and directed them to do some steps standing in ‘good’ level, 10,71% ‘enough’
of RAP strategy, such as read the text, ask and ‘poor’ level counting for 714% students
themselves what were the prediction who only reach low scores.
questions based on the text, put or rewrite The students’ score in the second cycle
their prediction questions and answer. showed that students’ achievement had
In each meeting of the first cycle, the improved from cycle to cycle. It means that
students practiced to comprehend the text by the strategy had proof that helped the
implementing an RAP strategy, and then students to comprehend the text. The steps
answer some questions related to the text. of this strategy are also easy to implement.
When the test was first cycle, the researcher The strategy made students more active in
gave a little long narrative text and asked classroom activity, because through this
students individually to answer the question strategy, they could share their ideas in
related to the text. Unfortunately, the group, practiced to make questions and also
students’ achievement was not satisfactory, learn about unfamiliar words and its
because only 17,85% of students who reach meanings, they were motivated to read more
high score, but most of them, about 39,28% English text, and most important is they
could not reach high score, they just got low could answer the comprehension questions.
score. All of these, made the students could
Then, the researcher was done with the improve their reading comprehension, and it
reflection to find the problem in the first was described in students’ responses toward
cycle that influences students’ achievement. the implementation of RAP strategy
In fact, the problem was the students could according to questionnaire that was given by
not understand well about the second pass of the researcher, and also observation
the strategy, especially in making prediction checklist that was filled by the teacher
questions and in finding unfamiliar words in which showed the students had good
the text. It was hard to find the meaning of responses during the teaching learning
unfamiliar words, because there were too process.
many unfamiliar words that they had found 4.2.3 The Responses of Students after the
in the text. The other cause was about the Application of Reciprocal Teaching Method.
text. After applying RAP strategy, the researcher
In practice, the researcher gave short then gave the questionnaire for the students.
narrative text, but in the first cycle, the The questionnaire is used to know the
researcher tried to give a little long text, and students’ responses towards the
it made the students confused to understand implementation of the strategy. Furthermore,
the text. Then, the researcher decides to the result of the questionnaire showed the
continue to the second cycle, which focused students’ positive responses towards the
the students on practicing them in making implementation of this strategy. Based on

MATAI International Journal of Language Education
Volume 1, Number 1. Pp. 22-36. Accepted in 16 November 2020
E-ISSN : 2774-6356
their comments on the questionnaire, all of As a result, all the students can work
them liked to use RAP strategy in learning cooperatively and it can help them to
reading because it was an interesting way to comprehend the text.
work cooperatively and to help them in
understanding reading materials. They stated This research can be a reference for the
that this strategy can help them to involve future researcher who wants to do the
actively in the discussion process. research in the same or different field. The
Moreover, they also hoped that this strategy future researchers can apply this strategy in
can be used again in order to help them in different levels of students either elementary
understanding the text. school, junior high school or senior high
school. Moreover, the future researcher can
Conclusion try by using other text like report text,
After conducting the research within two descriptive text, hortatory text, expository,
months, the use of the RAP strategy, in fact, etc.
can increase students’ reading
comprehension. By implementing it, the REFERENCES
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