BSNL Recruitment

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Government of India,
Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Telecommunications
(STG-III Section)
Room No.419, Sanchar Bhawan
20, Ashoka Road, New Delhi-1
^ . Dated, Sfr+^uly, 2013
(ij I he Chairman & Managing Director
Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd./
Mahanagar Telephones Nigam Ltd.

(For ITS Officers/ employees of DoT working in B S N I / M T N L )

(ii) Sr. DDG (TEC)/Sr. DDG (Term)

(For employees of DoT working under them)

Subject:- Recruitment from amongst Government officers to middle and senior

management posts in BSNL, on immediate absorption basis under Rule 37
of CCS Pension Rules, 1972 - calling of applications thereof.

on, a \ a m d 1 i r 6 C t e d t 0 e n c l ° S e 3 C °Py o f B S N L l e l t e r No.23-l/2013.Rectt(A) dated 19* Tune

2013 and further corrigendum dated 26* June, 2013 on the subject mentioned above and to
say that m view of tine vacancies at Sr. Management levels of GMs and CGMs at E9 level and
« c e J a f n C 1 f S a t m i d d k m a n a S e m e n ( - level of DGMs (spread between E5/E7/E9 levels)
BSNL has decided to draw talent from pool of officers under the Central Governments to
man these posts. Willing officers will be given an opportunity to join BSNL through
immediate absorption under the Rule 37 of CCS (Pension) Rules 1972. •

below T ° ^^ 6Xtent/ B S N L h a S iSSUGd t h e n ° t l C e f ° r r e c r u i t m e n t i n ^o lots as

R e ™ m t n t P1 ' OCeSS f ° r A P P ° i n t m e n t t o D G M ievel Posts under Telecom Operations

m dSNL through Immediate Absorption.
ii. Recruitment process for Appointment to Senior Managerial Posts of GM/CGM
under Telecom Operations in BSNL through Immediate Absorption.

3. Detailed terms and conditions w.r.t. each recruitment is enclosed.


I L r r
i n g ° f f i C f r S m a y 3 p p I y t h r O U S h P r ° P e r c h a n n e ] duly filled in prescribed
i U

^ , W r e q U 1 S i t C d 0 C U m e n t S ' t o t h e D i r e c t o r (Staff), DOT. The application

S r f ^ d S T T ? " ^ U n u ^ r ^ o n or before 1 9 . 0 7 . 2 0 1 3 i n D Q I . Applications"

received after the closing date or incomplete in any respect may be summarily rejected
and no communication in respect of the rejected application form shall be entertained.

EncI: a/a

Under Secretary to the Govt, of India
Tnnv f-n n ; w m f , ^ , Tele No. 23036226
<~opy to Dir (IT) for uploading the circular on website of DoT for wide publicity.
/uu cu x o J.'I.uo r /IA

Bharat Sanchar Niigam Limited

Recruitment Section
Room No.222, Eastern Court,

Janpath, New Deihi-110001

No. 23-1/2013-Rectt Dated 26th June, 2013

To,. -

All Heads of Telecom Circles, BSNL,

CGMs, Chennai / Koikata Telephones districts,
CGMs, All Telecom Regions/Telecom Project/Units/Training Centres/NETF


Subject:- Notification for recruitment process at DGM/GM/CGM level in BSNL

through immediate absorption L correction of errors and change

In partial modification of this office notifications No. 23-l/2013-Rectt(A) &

No. 23-l/2013-Rectt(B) dated 19th June, 2013-on the subject noted above, the Para 2.1
and Para 6 may be read as under:

1. Para 2.1: "All Central Government Group A officers working in Central

Government, or on deputiitioh, fu[filling the prescribed condition? shall be
eligible to apply".

2. Heading under Para 6r"Ins^(^|o|lis|pr filling application form "

Further, it has been decided to fix 01.01.2013 as the cut off date for
calculating the age of ap|Miqante as ^Oj^e time measure in the case of GM/CGM
and as well as DGMs.

This has the approval of the.competent authority.

ahiv Singh)
Assistant General Manager(DE-II)
Mob.No; 9866541254

Copy to: . . . :'-xv

1. CMD/ All functional Directors BSNL Board/EDs BSNL
2. Member (Services), DOT, Sanchar Bhavan, New Delhi; for kind information please. .
3. DDG(Estt.) DOT, Sanchar.Bhavan, New Delhi.; for Kind information and necessary
action please..: ,v . . „ ,
4. c v p , BSNL/CVO, DOT "
5.VsfT^M(l2ers.)/GM(Estt.) BSNL CO, New Delhi .
6. GM (CIT), BSNL C.O. for uploading to BSNL Website please.

\ y —\ " \ Government of India Enterprise

^ V v. ^a) \ Recruitment Branch _
W ^ j ^ S Y ^ IR Hall, Eastern Court, O ^ ^ ^ f
V^y^ Janpath, New Delhi-110001 \qVs- - c p ^ J l
v J ^ o . ^ 3 - 1 / 2 0 1 3 - Recti dated: June , 2013
l To, -
\ < - 0>J
The DDG(Establishment), ^
Deptt of Telecommunications,
New Delhi . ,- , r .
fV U^Kyr
ub:- Recruitment from amongst Government officers to middle and senior ^ ^ ^
management posts in BSNL on immediate absorption basis under
Rule 37 of CCS Pension Rules, 1972- calling of applications thereof.

In view of the vacancies at Sr. Management levels of GMs and CGMs

at E9 level, BSNL has decided to draw talent from pool of officers under the
Central Governments to man these posts. Willing officers will be given an
opportunity to join BSNL through immediate absorption under the Rule 37
of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972.

Similarly, vacancies at middle management level of DGMs (spread

between E5/E7/E9 levels) are also proposed to be filled.

To this extent, BSNL h a s issued the notice for recruitment in two

s e p a r a t e lots a s below: •

i. Recruitment process for Appointment to DGM level Posts under

Telecom Operations in BSNL through Immediate Absorption.
ii. Recruitment process for Appointment to Senior Managerial Posts of
GM/CGM under Telecom Operations in BSNL through Immediate
Detailed terms and conditions w.r.t. each recruitment is enclosed.
Since it requires participation from Government servants, it is requested to
give wide publicity to these notifications eliciting response from all eligible
officers under DoT and other ministries. Also, it will facilitate the matter if
the notice for recruitment is uploaded on the NIC website.

This issues with the approval of Competent Authority.

Encl: As above
((P.crMeh^f^hl ^
Sr.GM(Rectt) v/
Copy t o ^
v j^Member(Services), DoT for kind information and necessary
instruction please.
2. CVO, DoT, New Delhi

3. Sr.GM(Pers)/GM(Estt)/ BSNL Corporate Office, New Delhi

U ^ R K J " / A ^. \ ^
No. 23-l/2013-Rectt(A)
Corporate Office
(Recruitment Section)

Recruitment of Sr. Management Posts (CGMs/GMs) for Telecom Operations in

BSNL through immediate absorption (under Rule 37 of CCS Pension Rules,


Applications are invited from eligible Officers of Central Government to fill up the
posts at the level of Chief General Manager( CGMs ) and General Managers (GMs)
of Telecom Operations Stream under the BSNL Management Services on immediate
absorption basis.

1. Scale of Pay and other benefits

1.1 Pay scale of GM level posts: E-9 in IDA pay scale with basic pay of Rs. 62000 -
Rs.80000. The officers appointed to GM grade will be considered for placement in NF
grade of Sr. GM as per norms under Schedule 1A of BSNL MSRR-2009.

1.2 Pay scale for CGM level post: E-9 in IDA pay scale with basic pay of Rs. 62000 —

1.3 Dearness Allowance (DA): over the basic pay shall be paid as per Industrial Dearness
Rates applicable from time to time.

1.4.Pay protection - Compensation and benefits will be based on the concept of

Pay protection to the successful candidates. The pay will be fixed in the manner, so
that the basic pay and DA, as admissible in BSNL IDA pay scale, is equal to the basic
pay plus grade pay, if any, plus DA being drawn in the present (previous)
organization/department. The basic pay under the methodology will not exceed the
maximum of the scale of the pay of the post to which recruitment/offer- of
appointment is made.

1.5 Employee Provident Fund & Group Insurance: Executives recruited through these
rules will be covered under BSNL EPF scheme & GSLI scheme.
1.6. Other perks and benefits: As per applicable BSNL rules in vogue from time to time.

1.7. House Rent Allowance: As per applicable BSNL rules in vogue from time to time.

1.8.Medical facilities: As per applicable BSNL rules (BSNL MRS) in vogue from time to

3. Age for GM/CGM level post: Upper age limit is 58 years as on the date of

beloT'0" PfOCedure: The mode o f recru
'tment will be in two stages as given

Stage I: In first stage of selection, the prospective candidates shall be shortlisted

based on age, length of experience in relevant field and qualifications possessed as
per eligibility condition subject to NO objection Certificate and Vigilance Clearance
from the parent Department.

Stage II: The candidates shortlisted during Stage I shall be called for personal
interview for final selection.

separately111' Ve
"Ue °f Interview wiH be
communicated to the eligible applicants

5. Seniority and Promotion:

' m u - T h e 0 f f i c e r s b e i n g a PP° i n t e d though immediate absorption (under Rule-37)
will be eligible for seniority in matters of Promotion under the BSNL MSRR-2009 Fo'r
this, their seniority in respective grades will be allotted in the manner as follows
7.2 The seniority of the officers being appointed in a grade/post under
immediate absorption (under Rule-37) will be fixed with respect to-

- The date of his appointment in the grade or post on immediate absorption

(under Rule-37),
- OR
- The date from he has been appointed on a reqular basis to the same or
equivalent grade in his parent department/organization,
Whichever is earlier.

Note:- The fixation of seniority of an appointee, under these conditions in

accordance with the above principle will not, however, affect any regular
promotions to the next higher grade made prior to the date of such absorption
The seniority, so defined, will be operative only in filling up of vacancies in
higher grade taking place after such immediate absorption (under Rule-37).

6. Application form for examination

i) The specimen of the application form is annexed.

ii) Duly filled application form is to be forwarded by the parent department with
following enclosures:-
(a) No objection certificate
(b) Vigilance clearance
(c) Attested copies of 5 years APAR (upto 2011-2012)
(d) Two passport size photos (self attest at the back)
iii) The candidates will submit the completed application form to AGM(DE) BSNL
Corporate Office, Room No. 222, Eastern Court, Janpath, New Delhi-110001,

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