BSNL Recruitment
BSNL Recruitment
BSNL Recruitment
Government of India,
Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Telecommunications
(STG-III Section)
Room No.419, Sanchar Bhawan
20, Ashoka Road, New Delhi-1
^ . Dated, Sfr+^uly, 2013
(ij I he Chairman & Managing Director
Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd./
Mahanagar Telephones Nigam Ltd.
I L r r
i n g ° f f i C f r S m a y 3 p p I y t h r O U S h P r ° P e r c h a n n e ] duly filled in prescribed
i U
EncI: a/a
Under Secretary to the Govt, of India
Tnnv f-n n ; w m f , ^ , Tele No. 23036226
<~opy to Dir (IT) for uploading the circular on website of DoT for wide publicity.
/uu cu x o J.'I.uo r /IA
Further, it has been decided to fix 01.01.2013 as the cut off date for
calculating the age of ap|Miqante as ^Oj^e time measure in the case of GM/CGM
and as well as DGMs.
ahiv Singh)
Assistant General Manager(DE-II)
Mob.No; 9866541254
Encl: As above
((P.crMeh^f^hl ^
Sr.GM(Rectt) v/
Copy t o ^
v j^Member(Services), DoT for kind information and necessary
instruction please.
2. CVO, DoT, New Delhi
U ^ R K J " / A ^. \ ^
No. 23-l/2013-Rectt(A)
Corporate Office
(Recruitment Section)
Applications are invited from eligible Officers of Central Government to fill up the
posts at the level of Chief General Manager( CGMs ) and General Managers (GMs)
of Telecom Operations Stream under the BSNL Management Services on immediate
absorption basis.
1.1 Pay scale of GM level posts: E-9 in IDA pay scale with basic pay of Rs. 62000 -
Rs.80000. The officers appointed to GM grade will be considered for placement in NF
grade of Sr. GM as per norms under Schedule 1A of BSNL MSRR-2009.
1.2 Pay scale for CGM level post: E-9 in IDA pay scale with basic pay of Rs. 62000 —
1.3 Dearness Allowance (DA): over the basic pay shall be paid as per Industrial Dearness
Rates applicable from time to time.
1.5 Employee Provident Fund & Group Insurance: Executives recruited through these
rules will be covered under BSNL EPF scheme & GSLI scheme.
1.6. Other perks and benefits: As per applicable BSNL rules in vogue from time to time.
1.7. House Rent Allowance: As per applicable BSNL rules in vogue from time to time.
1.8.Medical facilities: As per applicable BSNL rules (BSNL MRS) in vogue from time to
3. Age for GM/CGM level post: Upper age limit is 58 years as on the date of
beloT'0" PfOCedure: The mode o f recru
'tment will be in two stages as given
Stage II: The candidates shortlisted during Stage I shall be called for personal
interview for final selection.
separately111' Ve
"Ue °f Interview wiH be
communicated to the eligible applicants
' m u - T h e 0 f f i c e r s b e i n g a PP° i n t e d though immediate absorption (under Rule-37)
will be eligible for seniority in matters of Promotion under the BSNL MSRR-2009 Fo'r
this, their seniority in respective grades will be allotted in the manner as follows
7.2 The seniority of the officers being appointed in a grade/post under
immediate absorption (under Rule-37) will be fixed with respect to-