Business Studies

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Tiếng anh thương mại

Unit 8: Production
- Inventory (hàng lưu kho) (AmE and BrE) or stock (đồ dự trữ) (BrE) is
a company’s reserves of raw materials, parts, works in process, and
finished products.
- A component (thành phần) is any of pieces or parts that make up a
product or machine.
- Capicity (công suất) is the (maximum) rate of output that can be achieved
from a production process.
- Plant is a collective word for all the buildings, machines, equipment, and
other facilities used in the production process.
- Location means the geographical situation of a factory or other facility.
- A supply chain (chuỗi cung ứng) is a network of organizations involved
in producing and delivering goods or a service.
- Outsourcing means buying products or processed materials from other
companies rather than manufacturing them.
- Economies of scale (quy mô kinh tế) are the cost savings arising from
(phát sinh từ) large-scale (quy mô lớn) production.
- Lead time is the time needed to perform an activity such as manufacturing
a product or delivering it to a customer.
Reading (vocabulary):
- Embedded (ôm lấy, bao lấy, gắn vào): firmly fixed (cố định chắc chắn)
in sth or part of sth
- Standard of living: the quality of people’s lives
- Founder: someone who establishes a company
- Risk premium (tiền thưởng rủi ro): the potential (tiềm năng) cost of
taking a chance
- Equity: the value of business activity
- Disruptive (gây rối): causing trouble(gây ra rắc rối) and stopping sth
from continuing as usual
- Exponentially (theo cấp số nhân): increasing or decreasing more and
more quickly as time passes
- Procurement (sự mua được, sự thu được): the obtaining of supplies
- Prosperity (thịnh vượng): the state of being successful and having a lot
of money
- Stability (sự ổn định, sự kiên định, kiên quyết): the situation when sth
is not likely to change
Unit 9: Logistics
- Accurate: correct, exact and without any mistakes
- Agile (=Quickly): able to move quickly and easily
- Estimate (n): a guess of(phán đoán) what the size or amount of something
might be
- Forecast (n-dự đoán): a statement of what is expected to happen in the
- Lean (adj): (of production) using small quantities and avoiding any waste
- Logistics: designing and managing the flow of goods, information and
other resources
- Manual (adj): done with the hands
- Replenish (bổ sung): to fill something up again
- Pull strateegies are based on current demand
- Pull systems only buy or produce things when are needed
- Kanban systems signal that items need to be replaced
- Push strateegies are based on estimated future demand
- Push strateegies often allow for safety stocks and lead times
Reading (vocabulary):
- Sales: The sales department identifies a need for a product, and tells the
marketing department about it
- Marketing: The marketing department researches the project, and
forwards a detailed business plan to the Business Unit Manager
- Business unit manager: The senior business managers make a decision
on the project
- Analysts: The plan is approved and passed to the analysts to prepare and
implement the manufacturing process / The analysts pass details of raw
materials and components to purchasing
- Purchasing / Logistics: The purchasing, logistics and transport
departments plan the purchase of materials and their delivery to the
manufacturing plant.
- Suppliers: Suppliers receive orders and despatch raw materials and
components to the manufacruring site on agreed dates
- Manufacturing / Assembly: The product is manufactured
- Warehouse: Finished goods are put into inventtory in a warehouse
awaiting orders, and the company computer system is updated
- Customers: Customers place orders through customer services
- Customer services: Customer services take orders and input them to the
computer system
- Computer system: The order is sent to the warehouse
- Transport: The transport company collects the consignment and delivers
it to the customer
- Re-order process: As stock has now been used the computer system
generates a request for new stock / The re-order process generates a
request to the purchasing department to place new orders with the
Unit 10: Quality
- Bountiful (rộng rãi, hào phóng): providing a large amount of good
- Headaches: things that cause difficulties
- Regulation (=Rules): official rules or the act of controlling something
- Reworking: changing or improving (cải tiến) a product or service
- Scrapping: official rules or the act of controlling something
- Service: to examine (kiểm tra) a machine and repair any faulty (lỗi) part
- Warranties (= guarantees: bảo hành): getting rid of (loại bỏ) things
which are no longer useful or wanted
Reading: Comprehension:
1. TQM is a Japanese management theory. → TQM was developed by an
American but was first taken up by the Japanese.
2. TQM guarantees “zero defect” production and no waste. → TQM aims at
(but doesn’t guarantee) “zero defects” production and no waste.
3. TQM stops when you have the perfect product. → TQM never stop
because products, services and processes change, everything is capable of being
improved all the time.
4. TQM concerns peoduction and customer service personel. → TQM
requires all staff to be involved in the search for continuously improving quality.
5. TQM involves maximizing output and reducing costs. → TQM considers
quality is more important than maximizing output or reducing costs.
Unit 11: Products
- Outlets (cửa hàng): places of business for selling goods to customers
(shops, stores, kiosks, ect.)
- Produc mix: all the different products, brands and items that a company
- Retailers: businesses that sell goods or merchandise to individual
- Logo: a graphic image and symbol specially created to identify (nhận
định, xác định) a company or a product
- Packaging: wrappers (giấy gói) and containers (hộp đựng) used to enclose
and protect a product
- Brand recognition (nhận diện thương hiệu): the extent (mức độ) to
which consumers are aware of (nhận thức về) a brand, and know its name
- Shelves (kệ): surfaces in a store on which goods are displayed
- Markets share (thị phần): the sales of a company expressed (đc biểu thị)
as a percentage of total sales in a given market (thị trg nhất định)
- Brand switchers (ng chuyển đổi thương hiệu): consumers who buy
various competing products rather than being loyal to particular
- A product is anything that can be offered to a market that might satisfy a
want or need.
- Product lines is a groups of closely related products, sold to the same
customer groups and marketed through the same outlets.
- Product mix is all the different products, brands and items that a company
- A brand is a name, or a symbol, or a logo that distingguishes products and
services from competing offerings, and make consumers remember the
company, product or service.
Why do companies have to brand their products? → Because they want to
distinguish (phân biệt) their products from competitor’s products.
What is the key objective of branding? → The key objective of branding is to
create a relationship of trust.
What ways do companies apply for branding? → By way of extensive ad,
companies can achieve brand recognition among the general public, including
millions of people who aren’t even interested in product.
Why is brand important to business? → Because brand shows that the worth
of a brand can be much greater than a company’s physical assets.
Why do companies’ product mixes regularly change? → Because both
customers’ needs and the market change, and because the company’s products
are at different stages of their life cycles, including some in the decline stage.
What is the difference between corporate branding and individual
→ Corporate branding means including the company’s name in all its products.
→ Individual branding means giving each product its own brand name.
Why do big soap powdẻ producers have a multi-brand strategy? → Because
this allows them to occupy more space on supermarket shelves, and in this way
get more sales and a bigger market share.
Why can the market value of companies be much higher than the value of
their tangible assets? → Because of the value of their brands, and the future
sales these brands will bring.
Unit 12: Marketing
- Distribution channel (kênh phân phối): all the companies or individuals
(‘middlemen’) (ng trung gian) involved in moving goods or services from
producers to cusumers
- Wholesaler (ng bán sỉ): an intermediary that stocks manufacturer’s goods
or merchandise, and sells it to retailers and professional buyers
- Market segmenttation (phân khúc thị trường): dividing a market into
distinct groups of buyers who have different requirements or buying habits
- Product differntiation (sự khác biệt của sản phẩm): making a product (
appear to be) different from similar products offered by other sellers, by
product differences, advertising, packaging, etc
- Market opportunities (cơ hội thị trường): possibilities of filling
unsatisfied needs in sectors in which a company can profitably produce
goods or services
- Market skimming (chiến lượt hớt ván): setting a high price for a new
product, to make maximum revenue before competing products appear on
the market
- Sales representative (đại diện bán hàng): someone who contacts
existing and potential customers, and tries to persuade them to buy goods
or services
- Product features (tính năng sản phẩm): the attributes or characteristics
of a product, such as size, shape, quality, price, reliability, etc.
- Price elasticity (độ linh hoạt của giá cả): the extent to which supply or
demand (the quantity produced or bought) of a product responds to
changes of price
- Market penetration (thâm nhập thị trường): the strategy of setting a
low price to try to sell a large volume and increase market share
4 stages the product life cycle (vòng đời sản phẩm): introduction stage,
growth stage, maturity stage, decline stage
Unit 13: Advertising
- Advertising agencies (cơ quan quảng cáo): companies that design
advertising for clients
- Advertising campaign (chiến dịch quảng cáo): the advertising of a
particular product or service during a particular period of time
- Brief (ngắn, vắt tắt, bản tóm tắt): the statement (tuyên bố) of objectives
(mục tiêu) that a client works out with an advertising agency
- Target customers (khách hàng mục tiêu): a defiried set of customers (1
nhóm khách hàng xác định) whose needs a company plans to satisfy
- Budget (ngân sách): the amount of money a company plans to spend in
developing its advertising and buying media time or space
- Media plan (kế hoạc truyền thông): the choice of where to advertise in
order to reach the right people
- Comperative parity method (phương pháp cạnh trang ngang bằng):
choosing to spend the same amount on advertising as one's competitors
- Sample (hàng mẫu): a small amount of a product given to customers to
encourage them to try it
- Word of mouth advertising (quảng cáo truyền mệng): free advertising,
when satisfied customers recommend products to their friends
- Viral marketing (tiếp thị truyền thông): trying to get consumers to
forward an online marketing message to other people
What are the two functions of advertising? → Advertisinginfoforms
consumers about products and services, and to persuade them to buy them.
What is the role of advertising agencies? → To creates advertisements and
develops a media plan.
What 3 methods of determining advertising spending are mentioned?
→ Spending a fixed percentage of current sales revenue, spending as much as
their competitors, and increasing current spending in order to increase sales.
What does the text describe as disadvantages of traditional advertising?
→ It’s expensive, it doesn’t always reach the target customers, and it isn’t
always welcome as it interupts people when they are trying to do something else.

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