Thonahexus 6
Thonahexus 6
Thonahexus 6
� ticles, not because of our own laziness, but thanks to a sud-
den influx of submissions. That’s why the Thonia articles
has been moved to issue seven—to make room for all the great stuff
we’ve received from our readers.
In this issue we also introduce two new permanent sections: The
Editors: Lucas Magnusson · Town Cryer and The Mangai Meeting. The Town Cryer is the marked
Justin Howe · territory of undeveloped ideas, bright insights and distilled threads
from the HârnForum. Feel free to submit your own nuggets of Hârnic
wisdom and inspiration.
The Mangai Meeting is a personal column written by—anyone. It’s
the place for strong opinions and heated discussions about everything
The Town Cryer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Hârnic: tell us about your best campaign, your take on a new reli-
gious system, the reason why you think that all characters should be
Godstones. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Gargun or just complain about the simulationists influence on the
The Company of the Cup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 setting. Evidently, The Mangai Meeting is lacking in this issue due to
What do you call a Knight? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 a number of circumstances, but we think the concept is so good that
Highways & Tolls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 it should be exploited in future issues. You have been warned.
Genheim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 ***
St Melik’s Broadsword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 THE HOLEGORE ARTICLE in this issue marks the end of our explora-
Holegore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 tion of Loala. Our goal was to create a place of adventure that focuses
on storytelling and we are very pleased with the result. Without
much extra work, a gamemaster can create a multi-levelled, long-last-
ing campaign that starts in Trepura, continues to Sonise, then moves
on to Ostelones and Imeruva before it ends in Holegore. And, as fu-
ture issues will reveal, it can even take you as far as Thonia …
We hope that others will continue to develop Loala, and in the
process be true to our intention to create an intertwined and consis-
tent web of intrigue, conflict and storytelling. m
© 2004, N. Robin Crossby ( and Columbia Games, Inc. ( The articles in Thonahexus are derivative works of copyrighted material published by Columbia Games Inc. and/or
N. Robin Crossby and released for free distribution and personal use with permission by N. Robin Crossby and Columbia Games, Inc. Hârn, HârnWorld, and HârnMaster are Trademarks of Columbia Games Inc. and N. Robin
Crossby. Use of these or other trademarks are not intended as a challenge to the status of said trademarks. The content of Thonahexus is not canon, unless otherwise stated.
ant people on the road that are very the gate, with app. 60–80% of the
interested in the small chest you carry. population slain in a big underground
Braving the footpads, bad weather, battle before order is restored.
and long roads, you’ll finally return to If the swarm gets away and a sem-
the family manor—but is your former blance of a pecking order is estab-
house still your home? Your knight’s lished, what do we have? An unfed
younger brother is now the lord. The horde on the move looking for a place
new lord is blunt in rejecting any obli- to live and the supplies needed to sur-
gations he might have had to his dead vive! The Swarm might actually find a
brother. You are flogged before being useable cave complex before reaching
escorted to the manor’s boundaries, civilized lands, but the still need sup-
the chest and your lord’s heart now plies, and many attacks will actually
thrown in the millpond. Do you turn be nothing more than basic raiding.
to the forest as outlaws or, mindful of The worst case, of course, is if a settle-
your oaths, do you take up arms and ment is the first thing such a swarm
revenge your lord? hits, with the people there defined as
part of the food chain!
Joe Adams uses this in his Knights of Kaldor
campaign. What can be done? Surprisingly
Thoughts from the HârnForum little, except for hiding in your manor’s
& beyond, edited by Joe Adams. a tower. You’re not going to take on the
hordes of hungry gargun in the open
with your brother, cousin, and the
Gargun Swarms family’s four retainers! As long as you
A swarm is the result of an overpopu- have walls around you, you’re reason-
Escort Service lation of gargun breaking away from ably safe. It’s the village and the coun-
A group of knights is detailed to es- an established hive and seeking to es- tryside that will bear the brunt of the
cort a young lady of their liege’s clan to tablish a new complex. Legendary for swarm’s attack and there’s not much
her wedding. The bride isn’t blushing the senseless, berserk violence that you can do about it.
and the characters have their hands surrounds the swarm as they escape And then what? The crops have
full defending virtues—theirs not with their princess as whatever else been trampled, the livestock killed or
hers. Things get even more compli- they can carry away. The violence of stolen, the bodies of peasants too slow
cated when her jilted lover tries to kid- the thing stems primarily from peck- or stupid to hide litter the village.
nap her to prevent the wedding. At ing orders or the lack thereof, and the Worse yet, you know have a hive of
the conclusion of this adventure, the need for a Queen. A swarm is a cha- gargun for neighbors! Most lords will
young Lady develops a crush (or per- otic place in the sense that it’s a huge want to strike before the hive estab-
haps full blown amour) for one of the bunch of gargun who’s thrown the lishes itself. Intelligence is very impor-
knights that have defended her honor. present command structure to the tant. Huntsmen will be needed to
winds, and are now competing to see track the swarm to its new lair. Your
Joe Adams uses this in his Knights of Kaldor
campaign. who gets to be top dog. liege can provide some help, but no
The initial violence comes from one is going to be enthusiastic about
a the seizing of a live princess in the old going into a gargun hive without some
complex who can be turned into a magical support. Once you’ve assem-
Bury me with my queen when a new is established. bled your force, it’s time to attack.
boots on … These princesses do not want the po- Good Luck!
sition and will fight desperately until
HârnForum: ‘The Swarm’ ( July 30th 2004).
Your liege has died in far off lands. His they are overpowered. And as prin-
last command to you is to return his cesses are generally stronger and
heart to his ancestral manor and bury fiercer than males, this is not as easy as
it beneath the altar stone in the family it sounds. And they will of course be
chapel. You bury his mortal remains helped by the gargun currently in
and begin the long journey home. power, and if the alarm goes off early
Money is tight and there are unpleas- enough, a ‘swarm’ might never get out
Chaotic, lethal, and the keys to Kelestia.
Text: Thomas S. Higgins
HE METICULOUS RESEARCH and attention to However, the presence of Barisi Points, as well as the
� detail that make Hârn so attractive can some-
times pose a bit of a challenge when the players
stumble across the island’s more fantastic elements. Game
wealth of ideas that surround their use, actually creates
difficulties for referees who wish to do something special
with the Earthmaster sites of Hârn. On the one hand,
creator N. Robin Crossby has stated repeatedly that he they seem rather redundant. Why would the Earthmas-
designed Kethira with as much realism as possible, given ters go to the time and trouble to create new interdimen-
the presence of magic and a pantheistic religious system. sional gates on a world where they occur naturally, in
In the years since Crossby created the world, players relatively large concentration? On the other hand, how
and designers of role-playing games have devoted a lot of can a thoughtful game ref give these artificial gates a dif-
thought to the impact of magic, monsters and non-hu- ferent feel from the natural Barisi Points, and use that
man intelligences on the development of a world. The difference to drive dramatic plots? Yet, at the same time,
overwhelming popularity of role-playing games devoted how does this careful game master limit Godstones in
to fantasy demonstrates that players want to play in such a way that prevents clever players from throwing the
worlds in which magic has a strong role. However, most world out of kilter?
recognize that to maintain the suspension of disbelief, all These questions often prove so intractable that many
power must have limits and worlds must possess internal game masters simply skip the Earthmasters. If they exist
consistency. at all, the sites may host a minor labyrinth which contains
The presence of a guilded chantry system for magic odd artifacts that really don’t amount to much. Quite a
users, and carefully designed religious institutions, help few others excise them from the world, completely. While
game masters control the impact of the fantastic and su- understandable, these unfortunate decisions deny refer-
pernatural in Kethira, the world that contains the misty ees wonderful tools to inject chaos and danger in ways
isle of Hârn. However, Crossby also included wild cards that add to the depth and richness of Hârn.
in the world design, namely, the Barisi Points that some- The ideas presented here use GURPS rules, published
times allow travel from one plane to another, as well as the by Steve Jackson Games. However, the themes at the core
mysterious, long-abandoned sites of the Earthmasters. do not rely on any particular game system. With minor
The Barisi Points pose little in the way of new chal- effort, a game master can adapt them to any system. In
lenges to game masters. The myths of Europe contain fact, some of the ideas derive from the concepts of magi-
many stories about mysterious events that reportedly oc- cal nodes that appear in many different games, including
cur near menhirs, dolmen and henges. Ruled, in some Rolemaster by Iron Crown Enterprises. This article also
way, by the cycle of the seasons and the positions of the incorporates notions from science fiction and fantasy,
stars, the places of mystery in our world provide excellent particularly the “Morgaine Saga” by C.J. Cherryh. This
models for the Barisi Points of Kethira. Those who have article offers a more mystical model than that offered by
read the Welsh myths of the Mabinogion, the multitude Dave Baldwin in his excellent article, “Godstones: An
of stories from Irish folklore, or even the Arthurian Ro- Operational Analysis,” but a good game master could use
mances, have an idea how to approach the Hârn’s “soft ideas from both.
points.” More recently, the tales of Charles De Lint, Neil The nature of Barisi Points provides the first clue to
Gaiman and others provide examples of the mystery that the use of Earthmaster sites. If they follow the model of
surrounds places of ancient power. places of mystery in our world, they seem to operate ac-
cording to more or less inscrutable patterns. Tied to the and one of the most desirable pieces of real estate in all
cycle of Kelestia, the Cosmic All, the soft places open in- the known worlds. However, the presence of so many ar-
frequently, close quickly, and generally remain immune to tificial gates punched through the fabric of Kethira’s
efforts to control them. Systems that include Gate Magic, space-time has made the dimension a rather fragile place.
such as GURPS, can provide a little too much control, so Despite that, all went well and the Earthmaster civiliza-
it’s best to make Barisi Points highly resistant to such tion prospered, until they met a group of aggressive ene-
tampering, or entirely eliminate those spells. Sages may mies that drew them into a terrible war. The conflict raged
gain insight into what governs the soft points, and even across the dimensions in the distant past, until the Ag-
learn to predict with some accuracy when they will open gressors started to gain the upper hand.
and to where, but remain unable to use them at will. Forced to flee, and knowing they had neither the time
The Earthmasters, who had a far greater understand- nor the ability to destroy the Godstone network without
ing of space and time, attempted to sidestep this problem. destroying Kethira, the Earthmasters acted in despera-
Rather than use the pre-existing, uncontrollable Barisi tion. They went back in time to try to change the past.
Points, they created a network of gates that would allow That created a paradox that destroyed both civilizations,
them to travel at will, anywhere they wished to go. At its threw Kelestia into chaos and scrambled the Godstones
height, the Earthmaster civilization did not just extend irreparably.
across Kethira, but also had outposts for trade and explo- Now, the Godstones open randomly, to different
ration throughout the Kelestian family of worlds. At the worlds throughout Kelestia. Whatever happens to be
core of that civilization lay the island of Hârn, the nexus near them can stumble through, or deliberately enter, the
of cross-dimensional traffic; now a soggy, misty backwa- opened gate and pass through to Harn. That means the
ter of a rather backward little world. region around the Earthmaster sites abounds with all
Hârn canon suggests a number of reasons for the dis- manner of odd plants and animals that appear nowhere
appearance of the Earthmaster civilization. The destruc- else—and sometimes appallingly dangerous creatures or
tion of that civilization in a cross-dimensional conflict, beings. Also, a gate may open unexpectedly on a
and the consequences of that conflagration, provides remnant of the Aggressors, who have left behind
the greatest opportunity game masters who wish to in- scattered esoteric artifacts of terrifying potency.
corporate Earthmaster sites in a campaign. Worst of all, sometimes intelligent beings en-
ter Kethira, bent on conquest.
The Earthmasters created the God-
Hearts of Darkness
stones as an efficient, responsive, Given those circumstances, within a few
highly controlled network of inter- day’s travel of an Earthmaster site, a canny
dimensional travel. Kethira thus be- woodsy-type (ranger, elf, whatever) may
came a nexus for all of Kelestia, stumble across the skeleton or other remains
of an animal of a type they’ve never seen before—or even Intelligent beings particularly attuned to magic, or
heard about. These will be the remains of beasts that have who incorporate into their physiology, may experience
stumbled into Hârn from a radically different environ- odd effects. Elves, attuned strongly to natural environ-
ment. For instance, a tropical animal or something from a ments, may feel so ill that their capabilities suffer. Either
world with life based on the wrong amino acids gets the creation of the Godstones, or the lingering effects of
drawn through a malfunctioning Godstone. It will have the conflict that destroyed the Earthmaster civilization,
died of illness, nutritional deficiencies or unexpected violated the fabric of reality in the general vicinity.
predators. Some sites, or certain locations nearby, will have mana
Also about then, naturalists will notice a slowly in- of a particular flavor, or “aspect.” For instance, the Place of
creasing incidence of plants not found anywhere else. Bones at Tesien has a strong Death aspect, and that bleeds
Flowers, shrubs or trees that spread via wind-borne seeds into the rest of the region, as well. That death mana, com-
will appear, as well as plants such as thistles and burrs bined with the visions of the Skorus Pool, makes this an
that spread seeds by hitching rides on furry animals. awful place, especially after nightfall. The bandits there
Plants that spread via seeds passing through the intestinal do not go out after sunset, and never open the doors be-
tracts of animals will also appear. Those plants may ap- tween dusk and dawn. However, they usually don’t have
pear near the decomposed (or decomposing) cadavers of to worry about trespassers for very long, either.
some of the beasts above. However, experts in the Great As noted in canon, the ruins themselves remain in
Outdoors will see no unusual creepers or other plants alarmingly good condition, generally speaking. Partly this
that spread by covering the ground and sending down is due to the presence of pseudostone. The Earthmaster
new roots. Only native varieties of those plants will ap- building material will have no scratches, mars, chips,
pear. cracks or any other signs of age. It cannot be moved, al-
As they draw near the site itself, mages will notice that tered, destroyed or in any way affected by magic. Mud
the mana level jumps from GURPS “Normal” (only mages thrown against a wall will dry and then flake off cleanly.
can cast spells, but may do so normally) to GURPS “High” Dirt on the floor will mysteriously vanish after awhile.
(anyone who has studied a spell skill can cast it there,
magic items recharge more quickly, mages recover strength
more easily). If the party has the ability to make such
Centers of Power
measurements, they will discover that the effect has a pre- Those with magical perceptions will note that pseudos-
cisely circular pattern. A one-mile radius works fairly well tone radiates power. It also has a shadowy presence in the
for those who use imperial units, but the ref can pick any ethereal or astral planes, and spirits and other inhabitants
size that fits the campaign. The larger the radius, the more of those plans will find them impervious. That means
radical the effect the Godstones have on the world. anyone or anything that wants into the site must use a
At this point, the environment goes from “generally door. Moreover, once inside a pseudostone structure, the
more hazardous than usual” to “substantially risky, espe- doors provide the only egress—unless one uses the God-
cially at certain times of year.” The abundance of mana stone portals. Mages who go inside will realize that the
available attracts beasts and beings that rely on or benefit mana level rises from “High” to “Very High.” Magic be-
from the stuff of magic. These can range from magical comes even more potent, but all missed spell rolls result
plants such as healing grass or strangler vines, to oddly in uncontrolled critical failures, and critically failed rolls
mutated varieties of local animals and insects, to the wreak mad havoc.
(rare) unique predator. The Earthmaster doors have no handles, and usually
The party may also stumble into a slime or an ooze, or open only to properly structured mental commands.
even get stalked by something appalling. On a slightly less With that in mind, my campaign includes two house-rule
grotesquely evil (but still amazingly dangerous) note, GURPS Mental Very Hard skills. Earthmaster Lore covers
Earthmaster sites may have a population of faeries (asiri, general knowledge about the sites, and Artefact Control
elmithri or even genuine lords and ladies of the fae; read allows characters to try to operate site doors, Godstones,
the Brothers Grimm for inspiration), spirits or elemen- and esoteric items. The hidden doors require a roll against
tals of one type or another. However, spirits, elementals Artefact Control, usually at a significant minus. The skill
and the fae will more often cluster near Barisi Points, defaults to IQ –8, though psionic abilities, if they exist,
as do such creatures as unicorns, hippogriffs or other may add bonuses.
magickal beasts. Still, some of the darkest of the fae or The pseudostone blocks that house the portals (the
most brutal of the beasts will occasionally lurk near an ‘Godstones’ themselves) are usually quiescent, but that
Earthmaster site. can change rapidly. The Godstones seem ‘sensitive’ in
some way to nearby activities, especially if said activities normally takes the caster to the nearest Godstone cham-
include the use of spells or other forms of power con- ber, activates the portal and opens a gate to somewhere
trolled by sapient minds. Use of such powers inside the that’s usually unpleasant.
Earthmaster structure will activate the Godstone. At that A critical failure sends the traveler through the nearest
point, if anything crosses the plane of the portal, a gate Godstone. Period. It will usually pull everyone else along
will open to another dimension, and whatever crossed for the ride, and the group will generally take some sort of
will go through automatically. injury due to the chaotic nature of the trip. They may or
The selection of the dimension only seems random. may not all arrive in the same place, the portal will close
The nature of the power used, and the circumstances of behind them, and back on Hârn all the doors to the
its use, will determine the destination of the portal. Use Earthmaster site will slam shut. For the next month, rolls
of hostile magic in a dangerous situation by beings intent to open them will have an additional penalty of –5 to
upon harming one another is a Bad Thing. A failed spell open them.
cast in a Godstone chamber is much worse, and a criti- The only “safe” way to travel quickly around Hârn is to
cally failed spell is Genuinely Appalling for everyone in use the Godstones themselves. A sufficiently skilled op-
the general vicinity. It usually pulls something lethal erator who has visited multiple Earthmaster sites can cre-
through to Hârn. ate a link between them. At that point, the mage can step
Even more dangerous, however, is the use of Teleport into one and instantaneously emerge from the other.
or Gate spells. The presence of Barisi Points means the However, a failed roll causes problems similar to those
“fabric” of Kethira has always been loosely woven. When above.
the Earthmasters punched through their gates, they tat- Most of the items listed in HÂRNMASTER’s Treasure
tered the weave of reality. All teleport or gate spells (even Tables are teaching tools, or items of general utility. For
the defense spell, Blink), get cast at –5, because they work instance, the small crystals of various shapes respond to
entirely too well. properly structured mental commands. They may float,
Any teleport or gate spell that fails due to the –5 to orbit the person who commanded them, or form geomet-
skill causes the mage to go to a random Barisi Point, gen- ric shapes. If a mage or psionic concentrates properly,
erally along the line of travel from where he is to where he crystals used to form the points of a three-dimensional
wants to be. The trip may also go long or short, at the image will emit strands of light that connect the crystals,
game master’s discretion. Any roll that would have failed and show the image imagined. Additional concentration
may allow the one commanding them to fill in the planes gency, the pair might ask the researcher to keep an eye on
and create a holographic image. These tools provide the things. However, most times they’ll arrange to visit the
mental training necessary to put points in the Artefact researcher during the solstices, just in case.
Control skill. Given the danger posed by Earthmaster sites, most lo-
Most explorers find pseudo-stone slabs in groups of cal Shek P’var get pretty upset if a batch of amateurs
six. They’re quite heavy but, as with the crystals, will obey starts poking around. Also, if a White Hand team gets
mental commands to move by someone adept enough really cranky, they may draft an itinerant journeyman
with the Artefact Control skill. They will never move Shek P’var, and his or her companions, to help stake out
more than three feet (one hex) per second. However, most a site during one of the solstices. If that happens often
eerily, once commanded to stay in one spot, they’ll stay enough, said Shek P’var and cronies eventually get a
there forever, even in mid-air! They will maintain their unique learning opportunity, presuming they survive the
position relative to the center of the planet until told to lesson.
move again. An adept can also form them into a plane,
and cause the grooves between the blocks to disappear,
and thus create a large platform or wall.
Keys To Mystery
An adept can also command the seams to disappear if However, a cautious exploration of the Earthmaster sites
he or she forms the slabs into a box. A party can then use can result in meaningful insight into the nature of Keles-
them to store the amazingly dangerous, otherwise uncon- tia, and the cultural development of Kethira. The Earth-
trollable, Earthmaster or Aggressor artefacts that turn up masters created the transportation network while at the
from time to time. apex of their culture. In addition to the Godstones them-
selves, examination of the sites reveals that they also acted
as centers of science and technology. Each may have had
Points of Conflict a different purpose, or specialty.
As noted, the Godstone portals usually remain quiescent, For instance, if Tesien once served as the center of
and the doors to the Earthmaster structures most often Earthmaster astronomical study of the various dimen-
remain closed. However, that changes on the summer and sions, successful exploration of the site could uncover tre-
winter solstices. Twice per year, on those two days, the mendous knowledge about the Nolomar system, and per-
portals open to random dimensions and the doors to the haps others nearby. However, it also means the activities
Earthmaster structures yawn wide. Seeds, breezes and of Workol and the Adepts of the Sable Eye gain new sig-
scents pour forth. Animals, monsters and inhabitants of nificance. Did they know, somehow, to put their observa-
other dimensions may stumble through to Hârn to die, to tory in the midst of the swamp? If so, how? Did they
live or to kill. Some may bring great gifts or curses. Some make the decision subconsciously, under some sort of in-
may just bring knowledge or raw power for use by those fluence from Tesien, itself?
who can control them. Perhaps a terrible atrocity took place near Tesien dur-
For this reason, Earthmaster sites hold a strong allure ing the Earthmaster conflict with the Aggressors. That
to overconfident mages, especially those with renegade may have stained the mana there with death and horror.
predilections. Lothrim the Foulspawner built his capitol If so, did the evil that stains Tesien help drive the adepts
at Elkall Anuz, a locus of magical energy. Other rene- of the Sable Eye into madness? To gain the knowledge
gades, even those who do not yet suffer from megaloma- found there, must investigators overcome the enmity of
nia, find themselves drawn to the sites, as well. the restless, powerful, dead? Or of Tesien itself?
With that in mind, monitoring Earthmaster sites lies If they fail, will they open themselves to possession by
just below control of renegades on the priority list of local those angry spirits, suffer the curse of Elos, walk Kethira
Shek P’var, and especially to agents of the White Hand. for a time as “hollow skins of men,” and wreak havoc until
In my Hârn, the Guild of Arcane Lore assigns a teamed the White Hand can bring them down?
pair of White Hand agents to each kingdom. While nor- The ‘Book of Common Knowledge’ in HÂRNPLAYER,
mally charged with backing up the local Shek P’var who as well as the vignettes published in the sites themselves,
experience problems with renegades, those in kingdoms contain a multitude of story ideas. However, to integrate
with Earthmaster sites will make a point to visit them them into a Hârn campaign, a ref must devote some time
during the solstices. and thought about the nature of the Earthmaster sites. To
About the only time the team wouldn’t show is if a do so will enhance the richness of any Hârn campaign,
known Shek P’var of good reputation has decided to most of which already have a depth and sensibility unlike
study the site. If a White Hand team has another emer- any other. m
T H E C O M PANY OF THE CUP 1 Adventure Seed
� a house on Kabe Street claim to hear spirits
on the third floor. Some years they claim to
hear things far worse. Since it only happens on that night,
the tenants consider it best to be away from home and ask
no questions. They ignore the flickering candlelight they
see in the window beneath the eaves and the shuffling
footsteps on the back stair. Occasionally, some coura-
geous (or foolhardy) soul claims to have broken into the
room or at least glimpsed its interior. But all they say is it
holds a long oaken table and a row of highbacked chairs.
Adventure Seed THE COMPANY OF THE CU P 2
That night while the group waited, a wounded knight Denweevo Votip, the Agitator
wandered too close to the mill. His companions and he It was Denweevo that wore the knight’s armor that saved
had become separated from their column and hoped to the company’s life all those years ago. Even now, he still
spend the night at the mill before continuing on in the keeps the shield as a trophy. Denweevo is a member of the
morning. The fight that followed was savage and desper- Copper Hook and a frequent visitor to Golotha, where he
ate. The mutineers spared none of the party and exacted looks for new recruits among the audiences of Arena-
a bloody revenge on those they felt most deserved it. After town. He makes it a point to find Chita and keep the
it all, the priest commanded the men renew their vows to crippled man in wine money. He has less respect for the
Morgath, this time with a blasphemous touch. He or- other members of the company who he thinks of as cow-
dered that they should eat the flesh of the fallen knight. ards and worse. Of all the members he is the most physi-
They obeyed and became forever more the Company of cally fit and rugged, with a shaved head and drooping
the Cup, repeating their blasphemy each year. moustache.
R A BARON or an Earl, for that matter. And how Thaly. Within towns there are of course also Alder-
� do they address each other? The protocol for
correctly addressing another person can be
confusing, especially in a feudal society. Tıtles are used to
men and in many cases Mayors.
The Nobility
convey a person’s status and it’s generally true that the
higher the rank, the more the person will insist on the The nobility like titles, the more the better:
proper forms being used. Assuming that you’re not using ó Landless knights, such as Sir Lluwyn of Haber, are re-
Harnic titles, the following rules have been borrowed ferred to as Sir Lluwyn (never as Sir Haber). His wife
from English history. Walking through the class ladder would be called Lady Frida. If a lady becomes a knight,
from the bottom up: she is called Dame in the same way a man is called Sir.
ó Landed Knights, such as Sir Aspin of Martaryne should
properly be referred to as Lord Rudwyn (Rudwyn be-
The Common Classes ing the manor he holds). Social inferiors would call
ó The unfree have no titles (as befits their status). him milord, equals can choose to use Lord Rudwyn or
ó Freeman Braeburn, for a farmer or other unguilded Sir Aspin. A superior might also use these, but could
freeman, or Yeoman Kilgour, for a yeoman. simply call him Aspin. This is a bit of an insult, but
ó Guildsmen are referred to by Guild rank, so a master they’re entitled (in the literal sense of that word) to do
miller would be referred to as Master Miller or Master it. As with landless knights, the spouse of the mano-
HE CONCEPT OF paying a toll to use a road is an have been long established within all Hârnic nations.
� idea alien to most fantasy role-playing games.
Players new to Hârn, when faced with a toll
will probably react in one of three ways:
These routes are, in the common law, highways, and are
defined as ‘routes and ways over which persons, vehicles
and beasts have the right to pass and re-pass.’ Part of the
duty of the sheriffs, and the hundred bailiffs, is to ensure
. We’ll go around, and avoid the toll.
that the highways are free and secure. Maintaining the
2. We’ll attack the people collecting the toll.
highways, is not, however, their responsibility.
3. We’ll pay, how much is it?
Most highways on Hârn are unpaved. These highways
The third response is, of course, the correct one. In fact, receive little maintenance. Locals, or travellers, fill in the
under most circumstances the problems, delays and ex- deepest ruts and holes with any locally available materi-
pense caused by the first two responses are likely to make als. Maintenance is inevitably the reaction to a problem,
the third response the cheapest option too. So, why do not an action to prevent a problem. Paved highways are
tolls exist, and why should people pay them? maintained by the Exchequer, through a Master mason.
The right to pass is along highways is just that, a right
of movement. There is no legal right to stop. If you are
The Basics stationary on the highway you may be causing an obstruc-
All land in the feudal kingdoms of Hârn has an ‘owner’ tion. If you are moving unreasonably slowly you are loi-
and, ultimately, that owner is the crown. Any rights that tering. In many nations both obstruction and loitering are
anyone has to build on, cultivate or use in any other way criminal offences. Of course, travellers stopping to rest
are laid down in the common law. In Tharda a similar halfway along the road between Kolorn and Jedes are un-
system applies, but ‘the state’ replaces ‘the crown’ likely to be charged with obstruction.
The crown grants lands to others. Nobles and churches In large urban areas, however, the authorities will usu-
are the main landholders. The land grants are the subject ally act fairly quickly to move people on, or prosecute.
of feudal dues, with the grantor being required to provide This means that when a merchant caravan stops at a set-
the grantee with military aid, or cash in lieu (scutage). tlement, the merchants must find somewhere to stop,
The crown, however, retains much of the land for itself trade and rest. This may involve negotiation with a land-
and for appointed officers of the crown, the sheriffs, bai- owner, although in most major Hârnic settlements the
liffs of hundreds etc. guild of the Mangai have negotiated ‘market’ areas that
allow trade to take place. Market areas are separate, but
usually adjacent, to highways and are the subject of sepa-
The Highway and Highway Laws rate laws. Most parts of Hârn have market and highway
As stated above, all land belongs to the crown. If this is laws to control trade. An example from Kaldor states:
the case then in theory, no-one has any right to pass over No man, regardless of status, may himself or by depu-
any land. Travelling over land owned by a third party is ties lay in wait at watergates, highways, or entryways into
trespass, a crime punishable by a fine. However, routes any town in order to forestall or buy corn, grain or other
between, and within, settlements predate the rights of the victuals before they reach the market for sale, upon pain
crown. Put simply: people lived in, and travelled through, of confiscation of victuals thus purchased and imprison-
Kaldor long before there was a Kaldor. Most trade routes ment.
Any butcher killing an animal on the highway shall and dropping even the cheapest of daggers would be more
pay 4d fine, for each animal killed; the fine is to be levied costly than paying any toll.
by the manor, hundred, or shire officer. Road tolls are, in most cases, easier to avoid than
bridge tolls. However, toll booths are not always obvious.
Why Tolls? Strangers will probably be approached by an official be-
Highways are essential for the free passage of goods to fore they even realise they are approaching an official toll
and from markets and to allow communication between point. Knowledge of the location of tolls may help, but
a King and his vassals. Unfortunately, as a by-product, what is the alternative?
they also allow rogues and ne-er do wells to wander Travelling across cropland or pasture is trespass. Fields
around making mischief. Highways (especially bridges) are often busy places, strangers trampling across them are
require often expensive, maintenance. The simple solu- likely to be challenged and the beadle, yeomen, or even
tion is to make the user pay. Of course, the payments col- the Lord may be summoned. The local Lord will deal
lected simply go to the exchequer and become simply with a ‘lucky’ trespasser under manor law. This is likely to
‘royal income,’ so a busy bridge collecting a lot of cash result in a fine for trespass, plus an additional fine to com-
through tolls may not, in fact, be well maintained. It may pensate for damage to crops. The culprits would then be
simply be regarded as a good revenue generator for the released at the toll site and be expected to pay the toll to
government. continue on their way. Troublemakers refusing to pay the
toll would be transferred to the hundred (or shire) court
Avoiding Tolls and charged with that offence.
Avoiding tolls is not, in fact easy. Tolls are usually col- If violence starts, all is probably lost for the travellers.
lected in places where it is difficult, or impossible to avoid If anyone, other than one of the travellers, dies the entire
payment. Bridges, especially major bridges are favourite group are likely to be summarily executed if apprehended.
locations for this reason. When entering or leaving Tashal Killing the men operating the toll is, of course, murder.
on the Salt Route what is the alternative? Swimming the Worse, it is murder of a Royal official. The dead men may
Kald in full armour could result in death by drowning, be lowly toll collectors, but they are Royal officials, and
A settlement in Orbaal.
Text & Maps: Jonathan Nicholas
Location: Kingdom of Orbaal Weinam was succeeded by Davin, Klein’s son, who
Holder: Valhakar of Clan Jalp lost the dicing to determine which of the clan would re-
Tribute: Clan Baelinsen of Pjagel main in Genheim to tend to the clan’s holding. Since that
Population: Ivinian 63, Jarin 30 time, Davin has maintained his holding, but still yearns
for adventure and the sea.
ENHEIM IS THE main settlement on Jalpon Bay He has commissioned the building of a warboat by
� between Pjagel to the northeast and Arathel to
the southwest. Almost all travel to and from
Genheim is by sea, but a trail does connect Genheim to
Vesli, the local shipwright, but Davin’s desire for perfec-
tion combined with Vesli’s limited skills have slowed
progress to a crawl.
both Pjagel and Wethhom by land. In addition, Davin maintains three Huscarls and a
Two nearby Jarin villages, Shypie to the northwest and priest of Sarajin for religious duties. This can only be
Stamyto to the southeast owe tribute to Genheim. Gen- maintained, of course, through heavy taxes on the local
heim, in turn, owes tribute to clan Baelinsen of Pjagel. Jarin populace.
History Economics
The area near Genheim was first settled in the 5th century The Ivinian rule of Genheim is typical of conquered vil-
TR by Jarin fleeing gargun incursions. Known by the Jarin lages. The two populations live in seperate enclaves. In
as Maryn, the rocky beach proved to be a good place to Genheim, the Ivinians either live near the thran atop a hill
land fishing boats and a small fishing community grew up. or in a small fishing village near the shore.
Maryn was conquered by Ivinians in 676 led by Gen As with other Orbaalese settlements, the inner/outer
of Jalp, a member of a small religious clan from Menglana. field system of land use is practiced. Barley, oats and hay
The settlement was renamed Genheim and the bay came are grown in the fields, while most of the pastures are
to be known as Jalpon bay by Ivinian sailors, who have used to graze cattle and a few sheep. In addition, Jarin
always found clan Jalp to be generous with food and may forage and hunt in the woods, but fishing is an exclu-
drink, if a bit long on sermon. sively Ivinian activity. Clan Jalp maintains a Nivik and
Gen died of natural causes in 698 and was succeeded three Pindas for fishing and transport.
by his son Klein. The Jarin rebellion of 70 had little effect
in Genheim as the local leaders were largely incompetent
and quickly dispatched by Klein and his huscarls.
Genheim Village
In 705, clan Jalp participated in the Rape of Thay. The 1. Valhakar’s Longhouse (Davin of Jalp)
raid was highly profitable, but Klein was killed in the ini- This traditional Ivinian longhouse is the residence of the
tial assault (see Ode to Klein below). Klein was succeeded valhakar and his immediate family. Davin has three wives,
by his brother Weinam, who enthusiastically gathered his four daughters, three sons. His eldest daughter Heathla is
clansmen in 707 for another attmept at Thay. Sadly, none a comely 7 year old likely to draw a fine brideprice. In
that left for Thay that spring returned. addition, the priest of Sarajin, Danial, resides in the at-
tached shrine.
GM Local Map GENHEI M 2
Ivinian Thran GENHEI M 6
Ivinian Thran
1. Mead Hall 2. Davin’s Chamber
This long hall is where most community activities take Davin keeps a rather spartan chamber, preferring to re-
place. Feasts and clan moots are held here, and any guests strict his ale drinking and other boisterous activity to the
would stay in the mead hall. A large traditional firepit oc- mead hall. Davin is a proud, pious man of 35 with a sharp
cupies the center of the room and several shields and mind. He bargains carefully for important matters, but
battle trophies are hung on the walls. Prominently dis- leaves most lesser matters to his thrall Sushil.
played on the north wall are the sword and shield of Sir Davin is building a war boat in hopes that another
Melik of Chawla, the knight that faced Klein at the Rape raid will be made to the south. While Thay does not ap-
of Thay (see the Ode to Klein sidebar). The small cur- pear to be an option, Davin is hoping opportunity may
tained alcoves are the sleeping areas of Davin’s immediate arise in Rethem, as he has heard war is brewing and Ivin-
family. ian mercenaries are being hired.
Klein’s last surviving wife, Lydia, and Davin’s mother The room contains Davin’s most valued possessions,
in law, Krysta, aged 6 and 63 respectively sleep in the including his arms and armor as well as a locked chest
northwest alcove. Both are Jarin by birth. Krysta is the containing a sizeable quantity of notes, silver coins and
mother of two of Davin’s wives, Martya and Robyn. other valuables.
Davin’s senior wife, Martya and her four children sleep
in the southwest alcove. The oldest is Heathla at 7, fol- 3. Shrine To Sarajin
lowed by Rena at 4. Durgil, at 3, is Davin’s oldest son. This is a shrine to Sarajin built by Davin’s grandfather
Last is the newborn girl Sola. Heathla is a comely young Gen. Davin, while not a priest like his father and grand-
woman, but not at all thrilled with becoming a wife to an father, is a pious man and has hired Danial of Beldesa to
Ivinian, being quite infected with Aruth’s rose tinted tales tend to the shrine and give monthly sermons on the
of her youth. Ljarl.
Durgil spends as much time as possible hunting in the Danial is a member of clan Beldesa of Eldeskaal in
nearby woods. He has become a fair shot with a bow, but Ivinia and was hired when Davin made his pilgrimage to
is not paying as much attention to the martial and sea- Mt. Ilbengaad seven years ago. He has since become Da-
manship skills as his father would like. vin’s most trusted advisor.
The northeast alcove is occupied by Davin’s middle The room contains a cot for Danial and a trunk for his
wife Aruth, a 35 year old war bride from the Rape of Thay personal possessions. It is decorated with axes and the
and her five year old daughter Rian. Aruth was a young windows remain open except in the harshest weather in
peasant woman and is resigned to her fate. The worst tribute to the Lord of the Icy Wind. m
household jobs usually fall to Aruth.
The southeast alcove is occupied by Robyn and her
two sons Rober (0) and Nels (8). Robyn is Davin’s young-
est wife at 32.
St Melik’s Broadsword
An adventure in the cold land of Orbaal. Special thanks to Ian Anderson for inspiration.
Text: Jonathan Nicholas. · Playtesters: Tom Hamilton, Carol Nicholas, Eugene Reynolds, Paul Harmaty, Rick Lighthiser.
IR MELIK OF CHAWLA was a pious knight of La- Last fall, a fur trader out of Thay, Bertram of Werster,
� rani who died valiantly in the at the beginning
of the Rape of Thay. His valor and skill at arms
that day would make him a saint. Alas, his broadsword
reported having seen a shield bearing the heraldry of Sir
Melik hanging in the hall of an Ivinian lord, in the small
village of Genheim, off Jalpon Bay between Pjagel and
and shield were taken by the Ivinian raiders. Arathel.
Now, word has come that the broadsword and shield
are residing in Orbaal at Genheim. A mission has been
dispatched to recover these holy items and return them to
The Negotiations
their rightful place. The church of Larani was, of course, quite excited by this
find. It was quickly proposed that an abbey be built at the
site of Karnal manor, honoring Saint Melik, the only
Introduction problem was getting the sword and shield.
Sir Melik was the lord of Karnal manor, on the northern Unfortunately, one enthusiastic cleric let slip the whole
shore of the Horka Estuary, east of Thay (most north- plan to Lady Kalpana, who was outraged that her son be
eastern ruin on Melderyn map). Local legend tells how denied his birthright. The sword and shield could not
Sir Melik saw the Ivinian fleet coming and lit a warning rightfully be denied to Sir Melik’s widow and heir. Nor
fire (normally a hazard beacon) to alert the city of Thay. could the church be certain of obtaining the grant of land
Ivinians landed and Sir Melik died defending his fief from from the king if the widow and heir of such a hero were
the raiders. to submit a competing petition.
What is common knowledge is best summed up in the A deal was carefully negotiated between the church of
following sermon (see sidebar) delivered by the bishop of Larani and Sir Melik’s family, represented by Sir Leon of
Larani on the 0th anniversary of the Rape of Thay. Enhargen. In short, the deal was that the church got ev-
erything they wanted in exchange for Alnu receiving lord-
ship of Recha manor upon his majority (subject to his
Aftermath majesty’s approval, of course).
After the Rape of Thay, a small tomb was built to honor Alas, there was one little sticking point. Alnu, with his
Sir Melik at Karnal, but the settlement itself was aban- mother’s backing, insisted on being permitted to travel to
doned. The Church of Larani has begun the process of Orbaal and see the sword and shield himself before finally
having Sir Melik officially designated a saint, but without agreeing to the deal. The bishop personally met with Alnu,
the arms and armor of Sir Melik, the objects of prove- and, after an hour’s deliberation, agreed to the terms.
nance, the petition has been tabled ‘for consideration‘. The fur merchant, Bertram, was contracted to trans-
Sir Melik’s wife, Lady Kalpana, gave birth to his only port a church scholar, a church knight, Sir Leon and Alnu
child and heir, Alnu, nearly nine months later and has to Genheim and back and facilitate any negotiations that
raised him at her father’s manor at Nyrith. Alnu has might take place. The church has also agreed to pay Ber-
proven to be a bright, talented lad and has begun to squire tram a finder’s fee of 240d if the sword and shield are
with his uncle, Sir Leon of Enhargen. In looks, Alnu takes authentic. Finally, the church has arranged that Bertram
more after his mother, but his quick skill with a blade is should provide any credit needed by the expedition to be
reminiscent of his father. reimbursed upon return to Thay.
Hear ye, for I would tell you a tale. A tale of The Ballad of Saint Melik
foresight, courage, skill, sorrow and salva-
tion. I speak of none other than the tale of I See A Dark Sail
Saint Melik. As we all know, Saint Melik On The Horizon
was the lord of Karnal manor. Karnal Set Under A Black Cloud
manor was an isolated manor on the north That Hides The Sun
shore of Genin Bay, surrounded by an un-
tamed wilderness including fierce gargun Bring Me My Broadsword
and other beasts that would make even the And Clear Understanding
strong among us quail in fear. And yet, un- Bring Me My Shield of Old
der Saint Melik’s guidance and protection, And Strength of Hand
Karnal manor did flourish and prosper.
That is, until the fateful day that we all re- Light Up The Beacon
member too well. On The Cliff Top Standing
It is told by his servants, that Saint Take Women and Children
Melik arose early that morning from a And Get Them Out
troubled dream. Dreams of fire, plunder
and fierce battles. And so Saint Melik did Bring Me My Broadsword
arise and go forth to the top of his strong- And Clear Understanding
hold to look out to the east and the rising Bring Me My Shield of Old
sun. The sun his behind low clouds that They were truly inspired by Larani And Strength of Hand
early morning, and as Saint Melik peered that day, but sadly, they fell. Saint Melik
to the east, he saw a sail that chilled his was the last to fall beneath the axes of his Advance With A Strong Heart
soul. He ordered his servants to prepare foes, but by this time, the fire atop the cliff All Those Who Stand With Me
his arms, though his lookout had seen was a conflagration sending smoke high Bless Our Women and Children
naught to be wary of. As this was done, into the sky. And the city of Thay looked to Keep Safe Our Clans
Saint Melik continued to look to the east, the east and saw their peril in time to raise
and as he did, he perceived more sails, the militia and close the gates of the city. Bring Me My Broadsword
making the peril clear. Such was Saint Melik’s courage, that And Clear Understanding
Saint Melik ordered the militia be even the barbarians of the north did Bring Me My Shield of Old
raised and a fire be set on the cliff top honor it. Not defiling the dead with flame And Strength of Hand
overlooking the bay. He ordered all others as is their wont. He was buried with
of his tenants to flee with such of their honor and his spirit, to this day, guards Put Our Backs To The North Wind
goods as they could take with them. Soon the entrance to the bay, so that we may Hold Fast By The Shore Line
the raiders did land on the shore of Kar- live in peace and safety. Remember Our Families
nal manor, and Saint Melik with his mi- So, go now forth. May you live in We Save Their Lives
litia bravely drove them back towards the peace. But if peril, in whatever form, be it
sea. As they did, many of their number man or beast, threaten you, your family, Bring Me My Broadsword
fell, and more raiders came up from the your village, may you find the courage of And Clear Understanding
ship. Saint Melik and his men were Saint Melik in your heart. Protect the Bring Me My Shield of Old
forced to retreat, giving ground slowly, to weak among you and send warning to And Strength of Hand
give the fire time to grow, to warn all to those in need, lest they be swept up by the
the west, the fair city of Thay itself, as to coming storm.
the coming peril.
The Journey
The voyage from Thay to Genheim will be, for the most On Nolus 5, Bertram will complete a deal in Tandir
part, uneventful. A month for the journey, including mis- and the players will need to decide how they wish to ap-
cellaneous stops as Bertram conducts his various deals, is proach Genheim. Stormy weather will persist on the 5th,
appropriate. If desired, encounters can be arranged to but the winds will receed on the morning of Nolus 6. If
show the society of Orbaal and give the players a better the players sail directly to Genheim, they will arrive on
idea of what they might see when they arrive in Genheim. the morning of Nolus 7.
The gate to Loala—a riverside town filled with intrigue and thievery.
Text: Justin Howe & Lucas Magnusson · Maps: Lucas Magnusson · Illustrations: Lucas Magnusson & Eun Jin Lee
Location: Malnoren of Loala, Kingdom of Shorkyne year 527. And, it was to Holegore that he returned after
Status: Seat of Malnir Emane Hethara his defeat at Norlay castle.
Population: ,824 Holegore was spared much of the physical degrada-
tions that followed over the next century. Not until after
HE CASTLE TOWN of Holegore stands approxi- the Second Karetan War did the town start to suffer from
� mately 3 leagues west of Demath Bay on the
north bank of the Quantere River, between the
city of Sagora, the second largest port in Shorkyne, and
its isolation. By then the interior of the Malnoren had
become depopulated enough to provide safe haven for
former mercenaries turned brigands. Clan Hethara found
Quarelin, home of the Shorkyni Parliament. It is a small it self isolated in its southern fortress and in 658, Almar
settlement often overlooked by individuals traveling to Hethara (affectionately referred to as Almar the Coward)
the more important destinations along the river. The cas- rebuilt Holegore Castle with what little wealth the family
tle sits atop a steep hill and affords a commanding view of had left.
the surrounding region. Holegore also serves as the easi- His plan was to build a secure and defensible castle for
est entry point into the Malnoren of Loala and is the seat as little money as possible. An ambition to which many
of Clan Hethara. would say he succeeded. Others might compare the forti-
fications to a mouse that wished it were a lion. While the
rest of Loala slipped into despair, Holegore always re-
History mained linked (if at times just barely) to the rest of
The region around Holegore lay beyond the range of the Shorkyne by the benefit of its location on the river.
Henge Culture that blossomed to the northwest. Not un- After Almar’s death, his son Rammes Hethara be-
til Pharic tribes started to settle along the river did the came clan head in 67. Rammes lacked his father’s passive
region see any fixed population. For years, these people nature and openly courted the bandit chiefs in the region.
lived in relative peace until their overwhelming numbers Holegore gained some prominence at this time as a haven
forced some tribes to seek homes across the water. The
crude remains of their settlements can still be found in THE BLOODY MONK
the remote regions of the Malpynia Marshes to the south
and east. 5 The specter of a murdered monk
haunts the basement of Holegore castle.
When the Azeryani Expedition under Hlarakor ar-
His body lies interred behind the wall of
rived in 325, they found the natives to be a quarrelsome
the northern chamber of the
and unpleasant bunch. However, a small trading post was wine cellar. Rammes Hethara
established and the tribes slowly brought under submis- sealed the monk alive as a
sion. punishment for disobedience.
Over the next century and a half the region prospered The monk lingered on for
and was influenced by the southern civilization. Increased weeks until his voice grew
Viking raids in the north prompted clan Hethara to build faint and quiet. His spirit
now manifests as a scraping
a strong fortification away from the coast to serve as a safe
sound from the other side of
haven in case of emergency. It was from Holegore that
the wall.
Whyth Hethara rode forth to face clan Byrelsen in the
mostly in kidnapped children and those too helpless to
protect themselves whether found in the Malnoren’s inte-
rior or captured along the river. After Rammes’s death in
687, Sagath Hethara coordinated several assaults on the
slavers until they were defeated and driven from the
Malnoren. He granted land to those individuals brave
enough to stand with him and many Nalori trace their
land grants to Sagath’s reign. It is considered impolite to
mention that before this time most of the Nalori
were little more than bandit chiefs.
In the past two decades Holgore has seen a rise
in its fortunes along with the rest of Loala. Most
of this is due to the legacy of Sagath Hethara and
the continuing wisdom of Emane Hethara.
9. Mercantyler
Holegore Map Key SIZE: 3 QUALITY: ★★★★ PRICES: High
1. Castle Holegore Serran of Tandrim is famous for the small stone idols that
Holegore castle is often overlooked by travelers on the depict Larani, Peoni, Halea and Save K’nor. The idols are
Quantere River, especially when compared with the ar- supplied by Tados Hernan in Ostelones [24].
chitectural marvel upriver at Chires. Unbeknownst to
few outside of the office of the Lord Privy Seal, Emane 10. Litigant
Hethara has overseen the training of two centads of light SIZE: 2 QUALITY: ★★★ PRICES: Moderate
crossbowmen and expects to deploy them on the Karetan
Plains when tensions inevitably flare up again. 11. Mercantyler
2. Jeweller
SIZE: 2 QUALITY: ★★★ PRICES: Moderate 12. Mercantyler
3. Baker
SIZE: 3 QUALITY: ★★★ PRICES: Moderate 13. The Weaving House
SIZE: 6 QUALITY: ★★★ PRICES: Moderate
4. Metalsmith A textile mill partially designed by Alath Hethara and
SIZE: 3 QUALITY: ★★★★ PRICES: High run by Nialle a prominent member of the guild council.
Nialle imports and processes wool from Sonise and the
5. Mage’s Workshop interior of Shorkyne.
A fyvrian mage lives on the top floor of this building. She 14. Temple of Save-K’nor
works across the street in the Chandler’s shop as a jour- A relatively shabby temple of Save-K’nor maintained by
neywoman candle maker. She specializes in crafting can- three priests and a handful of junior acolytes. The archives
dles and incenses that attract and repel animals. So far contain some information on Imeruva as well as avian and
she has perfected an essence that drives away rodents, and aquatic life of the marsh. One of the priests, Ritan, is very
currently, she hopes to finish a similar scent to repel ca- interested in engineering and spends much of his time at
nines. Unfortunately, her efforts have been the cause of the Weaving house.
many sleepless nights for her neighbors, as the local dogs
are agitated and howl throughout the night. 15. Baker
6. Apothecary Danell Tremontana and his wife Laara run the most pop-
SIZE: 2 QUALITY: ★★★ PRICES: Moderate ular bakery in town. Much of their success is a result of
their use of Trierzi olive oil in the bread.
7. Mercantyler
SIZE: 3 QUALITY: ★★★★ PRICES: High 16. The Crimson Sturgeon
SIZE: 6 QUALITY: ★★★★★ PRICES: Low–High
8. Toymaker A retired pair of actors run the Sturgeon and it is consid-
SIZE: QUALITY: ★★★★★+ PRICES: High+ ered the best inn in Holegore. The taproom is large and
Raz Elneravi, a Gothmirian of indeterminable age, is an has a separate room with a curtained stage in one section.
enigma to the townspeople of Holegore. All they know is The nightly entertainment is normally the best in town
that he creates fantastic, almost magical, toys that capture and rooms range from the cheap to the very expensive.
the minds and imagination of both children and adults.
Raz prefers to keep to himself and only venture out to buy 17. Shipwright
food and material. SIZE: 6 QUALITY: ★★★ PRICES: Moderate
In the dark hours of the night Raz occasionally re- Bron of Bran specializes in river barges and talbars. He
ceives strangely dressed people at his house: foreigners refuses to cater to the Quanteri, even if they offer him a
that disappear before the break of dawn. generous pay.
Player Local Map HOLEGOR E 4
Local scale (feet)
Local scale (feet)
0 50 00 200
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
5 37
GM Local Map
24. The Three Planks Tavern 35. The Silver Bell Inn
A tavern operated by the Doane family (see ‘Criminals, The owner of this mediocre establishment, Gunderam of
Transients and Vagabonds’ below) The Three Planks Tav- Ytterborn, is in fact an agent of the Rydequelyn Order.
ern, takes its name from the simple unpainted sign above He regularly exchanges written reports with Vadone
the door. The tavern’s clientele are barge workers and Drelsam in Ostelones [6]. He currently pays close atten-
other unsavory characters. Dogfights are sometimes held tion to the actions of Raz Elneravi, the toymaker [8].
in the basement of the building.
36. Physiscian
25. Litigant / Userer SIZE: QUALITY: ★★★ PRICES: Moderate
37. Fort On The Hill Inn
26. Mason SIZE: 5 QUALITY: ★★★ PRICES: Moderate
SIZE: 4 QUALITY: ★★★ PRICES: Moderate
38. Temple of Peoni
27. Tentmaker A small church tended by five members of the Irreproach-
SIZE: 4 QUALITY: ★★★★ PRICES: High able Order. They are closely linked to the church in Ostel-
lones and members travel between the two settlements.
Beggars are common around the chapel doors and the Technically, Gerns is only a half brother, the child of their
priests maintain a crude hostel for the infirm including mother’s dalliance with a barge captain. He is still in his
lepers awaiting the Dark Parade to Sonise. twenties and possesses crude if handsome good looks. He
owns a talbar, crewed by his nephews’ friends, and travels
39. The Marker up and down the river carrying messages for his brothers.
A stone marker from the Azeryan expedition to the re-
gion 300 and some odd years ago. It is inscribed with the Ludrin Vetch the Minstrel
year and name of the legion that set it. Vetch is a friend of Lars and Gerns and travels along the
river with the younger brother. He is an older man and
Criminals, Transients the son of a poor miller from Malpynia. He always had a
and Vagabonds gift for music and dreamed of becoming a great minstrel
one day. His father disapproved and he fled from his
As befits its location on a heavily trafficked waterway, home taking along his young bride. Faced with hard times
Holegore plays host to a large number of transients, most the couple resorted to petty thievery to get by until Vetch
of whom are engaged in honest trade. There are however caught his wife with another man. He killed the two of
a number of less than honest individuals that call Holegore them and since then has left behind a string of unsolved
home or have interests in the community. The individuals murders along the river. Vetch plays a vielle and sings
detailed below offer adventure hooks for the gamemaster. with a deep raspy voice full of passion that his listeners
find haunting. He suffers from nightmares and is afraid of
The Doane Family being alone in the dark.
Four brothers, Pol, Lars, Ebrin, and Gerns, with Lia Kavair Recently, Gerns and Ludrin have returned from a trip
connections that operate out of the family tavern, The upriver to the Malnoren of Dumala somewhat richer as
Three Planks, owned by their mother, Hedda.The brothers exhibited by a silver ring Gerns has taken to wearing
look to Pol, the eldest, for leadership and he is the only one around his little finger. (See ‘Galfigi the Hunter’.)
that is married. His wife, Marte, is an alcoholic shrew while
his two sons, Tarkin and Jorn, are members of the gang. Tarkain and Jorn
Pol Doane stands close to six feet tall and has a full Pol’s two sons are twenty-two and nineteen respectively
beard that has gone mostly to gray. His left eye is cloudy and oversee a gang of associates involved in petty crime
and he walks with a slight limp. His brother Lars is a and breaking and entry. They obey their father out of fear
common feature behind the bar of the tavern and appears and bully those members of their gang weaker than them-
to be a younger version of his brother. Both men are ex- selves. Tarkain spends most of his time with his uncle
perienced brawlers and knife fighters. Ebrin is smaller Gerns.
than his two brothers standing just over five feet tall. He
is a simpleton and has a tendency to cackle to himself Rachmab the Quanteri
between incoherent mumbles. His elder brothers are pro- Rachmab fits the stereotype of the average Quanteri (see
tective of him and will not tolerate anyone who makes fun p. 33): He is flamboyant, handsome, and ruthless. His
of him or retaliates for one of his morbid practical jokes. ship, the Eel, is a normal sized Talbar and his crew con-
sists of an assortment of outcasts from the Quanteri com-
munity. They make their living, selling children to various
clients and Rachmab himself comes from a long line of
“body-snatchers” dating back to the era of Rammes Het-
hara. His family once specialized in providing “amuse-
ments” and “sports” to the decadent courts of the region.
While the gang controls much of the petty theft in the
town, the Doane’s greatest source of income is their in-
volvement in the slave trade through Rachmab. They prey
almost entirely upon children and runaway serfs. A crude
sub-basement to the Three Planks serves as a holding
area for victims until Rachmab arrives and then they are
moved to his talbar under cover of night. Lars Doane is
Quanteri life gives every appearance of being patriar- Quanteri speak Shorka for the most part mixed with
chal and extremely chauvinistic. Families share complex a patois of Emela, Quarph, and Triezi words. For the
lineages and are grouped in ill defined clans bound to most part illiterate, the Quanteri have developed a trail
each other in a complex web of allegiance and vendetta. language of close to two hundred symbols, they can
Women for the most part are expected to tend to the chil- broadcast with colored cloth tied to their sails. These
dren and maintain the family talbar. If the woman has any messages range from warnings, invitations, to informa-
extra time on her hands she might take in work from one tion on local fishing. m
of the townspeople. However, it is not abnormal for some
families to be headed by a matriarch or for a woman to
gain a position of respect among the community. In most
cases it is normally attributable to some unique quality in
the woman, a sharp tongue, a quick knife, or an obscure
knowledge of the marshes.
It could be said that what the Quanteri respect above
all else are dynamic individuals with colorful personali-
ties. Their folk heroes exemplify this trait, normally facing
unbeatable odds and triumphing by their wits and a mod-
icum of subterfuge.
Both men and women are known to be quick tem-
pered and flamboyant, their voices rising in laughter, song,
and arguments. The women favor long skirts and colorful
blouses that they decorate with intricate needlework in
the shape of birds and flowers. Men wear similar blouses
and simple pants held up by a colored length of cord.
Upon closer observation, all the decoration is present to
cover up the fact that most clothing is patchwork and
made from scraps. The Quanteri wear little metal jewelry
but are known for their handcrafted bracelets they make
out of knotted thread, rope strands, and bits of glass.
The greatest possession a Quanteri owns is his family’s
talbar. Upon reaching a marriageable age a Quanteri male
either inherits a talbar or pays to have one built. This boat
for all extents in purposes becomes his kingdom and the
kingdom of his family. The primary quality in its con-
struction is comfort with compromises being made to its
overall mobility.
Most of the barges have been in their respective fami-
lies for years and like the Quanteri themselves give off a
patchwork appearance. Modifications, decorations,
scratches, and scars all have their place in the woodwork
and the elders of the community could probably give an
account of the cause of each one.
The Quanteri normally roam the rivers from the
spring to the fall of each year, returning to their “home”
towns for the winter months. During these months while
they remain close to the community, tensions between
the townspeople and Quanteri run high. Most authorities
look upon the barge people as little more than refuse be-
neath the lowest serf, but superstitions and stories of dark