Module 1
Module 1
Module 1
You will watch a video entitled “God Comes to Meet Man: Sacred
Scripture”. While watching, take note of some salient point to
Video Title: “God Comes to Meet Man: Sacred Scripture”
Video Link:
Big Idea: “God reveals Himself through Sacred Scripture.” How this
did happen? For further explanation, please read the
explain part of this module.
Please access and read the PPT on The Introduction to Sacred Scripture.
After watching video and reading the learning materials, please
answer the following questions:
Activity 1: Essay
Instructions: Read the citation from the following saints. Briefly explain the given
“Ignorance of the Scripture is ignorance of Christ”- St. Jerome
“The Holy Scriptures were not given to us that we should enclose them in books, but that we
should engrave them upon our hearts” – St. John Chrysostom
We need not only read Sacred Scripture, but learn it as well and grow up in
it. Realize that nothing is written in Scripture unnecessary. Thus, not to read
the Sacred Scripture is a great evil.”—St. Basil
Saint Peter’s College of Ormoc, Inc.
Office of the Director of Student Affairs & Services; (053) 255-7597
A member of the Association of Benedictine Schools
AY 2022-2023
Activity 2: Classification
Note to the students: In this part of the module, please use classification of the
Old Testament found in the learning material.
Instructions: Read the classification of the different books found in the Old
Testament. Then, classify them accordingly. Number one is provided for you as an
____________1. Proverbs
____________2. Malachi
____________3. Esther
____________4. Numbers
____________5. Job
____________6. Jeremiah
____________7. Judges
____________8. Daniel
____________9. Ecclesiates
____________10. Samuel
____________11. Leviticus
____________12. Lamentations
____________13. Ruth
____________14. Hosea
____________15. Tobit
Instructions: Summarize the whole topic using the given format.