Quarterly Lesson Plan 1
Quarterly Lesson Plan 1
Quarterly Lesson Plan 1
The students shall be able to develop a deeper understanding and a sense of gratitude on the contribution of the Church in the total development of a person.
The students shall be able to write a narrative report about the Church’s history, its beginning and struggles as an institution of faith formation and development.
Subject Matter:
Understanding the Mission of the Church
(title of the Book)
Main Topic:
The Community of the Church
(title of chapter 1)
Time Frame:
8 weeks/24 hours
(what core values/ part of the lesson will be integrated or enriched -depending on the topic/s)
1. The significant role(s) of the Church in the person’s spiritual formation and development will be integrated in the students’ daily personal activities and experiences.
2. A further discussion on the impact of the Seven Sacraments in the personal life and spiritual growth of the person will be included as part of the enrichment lesson of the
How the Integration and Enrichment will be Implemented: (how will you integrate?)
Each lesson provides the learners with synchronous discussions and asynchronous activities that allow the students express, analyze, and synthesize their ideas/thoughts. The
students’ output (s) will serve as their integrated requirement at the end of each grading period
N.B.: The subject teacher shall adopt the following phases of instruction guided and reviewed by the Principal and the Program Head of the Education Department.
The teacher captures the student's attention,
stimulates their thinking and helps them access prior
The teacher gives the students time to think, plan, investigate, and organize collected information
Students are now involved in an analysis of their exploration. Their understanding is clarified and modified as their teacher explains the new concept.
This the phase that gives students the opportunity to expand and solidify their understanding of the concept and/or apply it to a real world situation.
This is the phase that provides opportunity for students to assess themselves and for the teachers to evaluate their students.
The SACT sees its graduates to be a learner equipped with the necessary tools to make him a productive and morally upright citizen imbued with Christian values
and compassion for God and humanity; thus, he becomes an Anthonian who possesses the following attributes:
1. Responsible and Caring individuals (R-CI)
2. Life-long learners committed to serving others (L-CS)
3. Academically and globally competitive (A-GC)
4. Effective and peace-driven communicator inspired with global viewpoint (E-PC)
5. Empowered member of the society (E-MS)
The SACT Basic Education believes that every learner shall be given an opportunity and access to quality secondary education. It recognizes and adopts the Institutional
Learning Outcomes (ILO) that characterizes Anthonian Graduates who are equipped with knowledge and skills essential for total human development as its Program Learning
Outcomes (PLO)
1. Promote the value of education in exploring and acquiring intellectual, social, moral, and physical concepts, ideas, attitudes, and skills for the total development of a
2. Appreciative of their giftedness and that of others
3. Socially responsible and competent in responding to change
4. Advocate the value of intellectual, social, moral and physical concepts, ideas, attitudes, and skills in order to develop the whole human being.
5. Promote fairness, honesty, and integrity in all aspects of life
6. Become assets to the families and communities through emphasis of Filipino virtues and life praxis.
The course is designed to educate the students about the Church’s identity, nature, characteristics and its mission in today’s world. The course will also help the students to
reflect and realize that they are also called to participate and work in the fulfillment of the mission of the Church. At the end of the course, the learners should be able to:
1. Know and understand the challenge of evangelization as a powerful instrument and process of spreading the Word of God.
2. Explain the identity, mission, and impact of the Church in the lives of the Christian believers and followers.
3. Demonstrate a deeper understanding on the role of the witnesses and participants in the on-going mission of the Church.
4. Cultivate a profound knowledge on the impact of human experiences in the on-going mission of the Church.
5. Develop a sense of appreciation as bearers of the message of salvation to the world through the celebration of the Sacraments.
Lesson/ Subject Area Subject Matter Time Learning Learning Critical Thinking or Type of Assessment
Content Learning Learning Frame Materials and Activities/Inquiry Motivating Guide
Outcomes Outcomes Educational Questions
Lesson1: Collection of The learners are expected Motivation Formative
different photos to: (Quiz, Reflection Paper,
A. From the presented
The Scriptural PLO- 1, PLO- 2 SLO-2 (old and recent) Homework)
photos (old and recent),
Image of the PLO-3, PLO- 5 SLO-4 6 hours 1. Share their experience
Holy Bible cite your opinions by
Church SLO-5 (2 weeks) (s) on how they present
answering these
Catechism of the their selves to others and
1. Explain the Catholic Church the impact of the created
characteristics Catechism for image in establishing 1. Why do you take and
of the Church friendship or relationship keep photos of yourself?
Filipino Catholics
as a mystery, 2. Among the different
sacrament and PCP II 2. Discuss the nature and presented photos, which
as the People LED T.V. and characteristics of the captures your true self?
of God Laptop Church. Why?
3. Do your photos help
2. Translate the 3. Give and explain the you? In what way?
different various scriptural images of
images of the the Church
B. Read John 10:14-16
Church through
and give your
fellowship and 3. Illustrate the relationship
service of Jesus with the Church.
1. What images does
4. Explain the images of Jesus use to describe His
the Church based on relationship with His
Vatican Council II. disciples?
2. How does the image of
5. Appreciate the value of the Church as branch
respecting the dignity of the attached to the Vine speak
members of the People of of the relationship of
God. Christ and the Church?
6. Discuss the significance
of fostering unity at home, Clarifying and
in school and in the parish. Deepening
1. How do the three
Scriptural images of the
Church help you
understand and
appreciate the Church
2. How does diversity
among the members of
the Church contribute to
the unity of the People of
Clarifying and
1. Why is it necessary to
relate the mystery of the
2. How does the Church
manifest the communion
of the blessed Trinity?
3. How does the Church
journey towards the
kingdom of God?
Write a short essay on this
topic: “I Belong to Christ
through the Church”
5. Illustrate how the Church “salt of the earth and light
as sacrament of salvation of the world?
can respond to the
problems in our society. Clarifying and
6. Write a prayer for the
1. How does the Church
Church that it may become
manifest her being
authentic sign and
sacrament and
instrument of the union of
instruments of salvation?
Christ and humankind
2. Read the Prayer of St.
Francis of Assisi and write
your reflection on the
sacramentality of the
1. Give and explain the
message of the song “Salt
and Light” by Jani Smith.
2. Pray the Act of Love by
St. Francis of Assisi.
1. Read John 17:17-21
and share your reflection.
1. Write a short essay on
the topic “The Church’s
Essential Characteristics
Are Both Gifts and Tasks
to Do”