RWN Independent and Dependent Clauses P 65 AK
RWN Independent and Dependent Clauses P 65 AK
RWN Independent and Dependent Clauses P 65 AK
8. Because they cooked with fire, the natives kept live coals.
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9. After food was prepared, they covered the embers with ashes.
10. While they slept through the night, the coals stayed warm.
11. The coals smoldered until morning came.
12. When the cook blew on the coals, they glowed brightly.
13. She fed wood to the coals so that the fire would catch again.
14. If her husband had caught fish that morning, they would eat well for breakfast.
Home Activity Your child learned about independent and dependent clauses. Ask your child to write a
sentence about Native Americans using an independent clause and a dependent clause and explain the
difference between the two.