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Review article
Article history: Tuberculosis (TB), which is caused by bacteria of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex,
Received 3 December 2018 is one of the oldest diseases known to affect humans and a major cause of death world-
Received in revised form wide. Tuberculosis continues to be a huge peril disease against the human population and
7 September 2019 according to WHO, tuberculosis is a major killer of the human population after HIV/AIDS.
Accepted 18 February 2020 Tuberculosis is highly prevalent among the low socioeconomic section of the population
Available online 28 February 2020 and marginalized sections of the community. In India, National strategic plan (2017e2025)
has a national goal of elimination of tuberculosis by 2025. It requires increased awareness
Keywords: and understanding of Tuberculosis. In this review article history, taxonomy, epidemiology,
Tuberculosis pathogenesis histology, immunology, pathogenesis and clinical features of both pulmonary tuberculosis
Immunology (PTB) and extra-pulmonary tuberculosis (EPTB) has been discussed. A great length of
Tuberculosis diagnosis detailed information regarding diagnostic modalities has been explained along with
Tuberculosis treatment diagnostic algorithm for PTB and EPTB. Treatment regimen for sensitive, drug resistant and
extensive drug resistant tuberculosis has been summarized along with newer drugs rec-
ommended for multi drug resistant tuberculosis. This review article has been written after
extensive literature study in view of better understanding and to increase awareness
regarding tuberculosis, as a sincere effort that will help eliminate tuberculosis off the face
of the earth in near future.
© 2020 Tuberculosis Association of India. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
“A dread disease in which the struggle between soul and body is Till date the words of Charles Dickens are true. Tubercu-
so gradual, quiet and solemn and the result so sure that day by losis; A scourge of the mankind from time immemorial, the
day and grain by grain, the mortal part wastes and withers dread disease was called consumption in Dickens time had a
away. A disease … which sometimes moves in giant strides and profound social and economical effect on human existence
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (S. Mali).
0019-5707/© 2020 Tuberculosis Association of India. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
296 i n d i a n j o u r n a l o f t u b e r c u l o s i s 6 7 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 2 9 5 e3 1 1
worldwide.1 Mankind has seen changing face of tuberculosis detection using PCR sequencing in a Neolithic infant and
(TB): from an incurable disease to the curable one. With the women from 9 thousand year old settlement in the Eastern
emergence of HIV/AIDS epidemic (1981); the cursed and Mediterranean is the oldest strong evidence available. Galen
deadly co-infection of HIV and TB resulted in a global resur- (131e201) first suspected that TB could be contagious. It took
gence of TB.2 In the early 1990's, a drug resistant TB strain many centuries until Girolamo Fracastorius (1483e1553)
caused an outbreak in New York, killing 80% of infected pa- showed that some diseases could be transmitted through
tients.3 The HIV and TB co-infection, and spread of drug ‘particles’ by direct or indirect contact between humans.
resistant TB has worsened the scenario to an extent that, TB Thomas Willis (1621e1675) first described miliary TB. Calm-
has been declared a global emergency in 1993 by WHO.2 The ette extracted a protein (tuberculin) from large cultures of the
tuberculosis has varied presentation and it is divided into bacillus and first used for therapy known as ‘tuber-
Pulmonary TB (PTB) and extrapulmonary TB (EPTB) based on culinisation’, which failed as treatment for TB. The Tuberculin
clinical manifestation.4 EPTB is defined as TB involving organs was also used for intradermal skin test which was described
other than the lungs (e.g. pleura, lymph nodes, abdomen, by Charles Mantoux & used in the diagnosis of TB. Later this
genitourinary tract, skin, joints and bones, or meninges). If a intradermal skin test was named after Charles Mantoux and
patient with EPTB also has tubercular lesion in lung paren- is known as Mantoux test.15 Benjamin Marten (1690e1752)
chyma, then the patient is categorized as pulmonary TB (e.g. hypothesized that TB is caused by ‘wonderfully minute
military TB).2 If the patient suffers from intra-thoracic medi- living creatures’ in his theory of ‘contagious living fluid’. It
astinal and/or hilar lymph node TB or TB pleural effusion was Jean Antoine Villemin (1827e1892), a French army
without radiographic abnormalities in the lung is categorized doctor who successfully demonstrated the transmission of
as EPTB.5 WHO estimates shows that globally there were 10.4 TB from humans to animals and from animals to animals. In
million cases of TB, in 2017, of which two thirds were in eight 1834, Johann Lukas Schonlein proposed the name ‘Tuber-
countries: India (27%), China (9%), Indonesia (8%), the culosis’ which is derived from Latin word ‘tubercula’
Philippines (6%), Pakistan (5%), Nigeria (4%), Bangladesh (4%) meaning ‘a small lump’ seen in all forms of the disease.15 On
and South Africa (3%).6 EPTB constitutes about 15e20% of all 24th March 1882, Robert Koch announced in the meeting of
TB cases. With HIV pandemic, the EPTB scenario is further the Berlin Society of Physiology that he had discovered
complicated, as EPTB constitutes more than 50% of all cases of causative agent responsible for pulmonary TB and named it
TB in HIV positive patients.7 Due to its variety of presentation as ‘tuberkel virus’ in his paper published 2 weeks later. First
EPTB often poses a great difficulty in early diagnosis. It may innovative decision of staining tuberculosis bacilli and
present with constitutional symptoms such as fever, second innovative decision of culturing it on solidified cow
anorexia, weight loss, malaise and fatigue.8 In India, the only or sheep serum gave Robert Koch the Nobel prize of medi-
presentation may be fever of unknown origin due to its remote cine in 1905. Leon Charles Albert Calmette (1863e1933) and
infection site.9 Camille Guerin (1872e1961) developed vaccine against TB by
Among the available modalities tuberculin skin test (TST), sub-culturing Mycobacterium bovis for more than 200 times in
interferon gamma release assay (IGRA) and serological tests the Guinea pig model between 1908e1921.2,15 Arvid Wallg-
are not recommended in diagnosis of TB or initiation of Anti ren, a professor from Royal Caroline medical institute,
Tuberculosis Treatment (ATT).10 Smear examination with Sweden described clinical manifestations of tuberculous
sensitivity ranging from 10 to 37% and culture on Lowenstein infection in an article titled ‘The timetable of Tuberculosis’
Jensen (LJ) media with variable sensitivity ranging from 12 to which helped in better understanding course of TB illness.16
80% in different body fluids, also requiring 8 weeks of incu- The effective treatment for TB became a reality after the
bation for maximum sensitivity adversely affects the treat- discovery of antitubercular drugs like Streptomycin, Para-
ment plan by delaying it or subjecting patients to amino salicylic acid (PAS) and isoniazid by the mid-1940s.
inappropriate empiric therapy.11e14 This review article covers By late 1970 it was believed that TB may no longer be a
history, taxonomy, epidemiology, immunology, pathogenesis, public health problem in the developed world. But the
clinical features of pulmonary TB and EPTB, all available emergence of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
diagnostic modalities followed by diagnostic algorithm and (AIDS) in the early 1980s has ended this optimism and led to
treatment to help understand tuberculosis. the resurgence of TB worldwide.2
Fig. 1 e Shows an estimated number of incident TB cases and TB deaths (in millions) from 2000 to 2017.6
298 i n d i a n j o u r n a l o f t u b e r c u l o s i s 6 7 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 2 9 5 e3 1 1
rupture into surrounding tissue or through skin forming si- esophagus, sigmoid colon and rectum. Hepatobiliary, splenic
nuses. Mediastinal lymphadenitis can compress major blood and pancreatic TB are rare and associated with miliary
vessels, phrenic nerve or recurrent laryngeal nerve or cause tuberculosis; often diagnosed in immunocompromised pa-
erosion of bronchus which is commonly seen in children. tients. MTB bacilli gain entry to abdominal organs by two
Peripheral tuberculosis of lymph nodes is classified by routes and cause disease due to reactivation of dormant focus.
Jones and Campbell into- As a result of hematogenous spread from primary lung
infection in children and as a part of miliary TB. Through
STAGE I:-Enlarged, firm, motile discrete nodes. ingestion of contaminated food and milk which infect Peyer's
STAGE II:-Large rubbery nodes fixed to surrounding tissue. patches and are transported to mesenteric lymph node, where
STAGE III:-Central softening due to abscess formation. they remain dormant.27,28
STAGE IV:-Collar stud abscess formation.
STAGE V:-Sinus tract formation.24 d. Central Nervous System (CNS) TB
may heal spontaneously/due to treatment, enlarge and from host's cell mediated immunity. These tubercles are
rupture into nephrons or remain dormant for many years. microscopic to begin with and coalesce to become macro-
Usually the spread of infection is descending from kidney to scopically visible granulomas. The granulomas contain MTB
other genito-urinary organs. It develops between 2nd and 4th bacilli within macrophages, fibrin rich alveolar exudate,
decades of life; usually 5e25 years of inactivity after primary lymphocytes and multinucleated giant cells which are
lung infection.31 enclosed within fibroblastic rim. These granulomas formed
are both caseating and non-caseating granulomas33 (Fig. 2A,B
g. Miliary TB and C).
Fig. 2 e (A) Caseous necrosis. (B) Granuloma surrounded by lymphocytes. (C) Multinucleated giant cells & lymphocytes in
tubercular granuloma.
300 i n d i a n j o u r n a l o f t u b e r c u l o s i s 6 7 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 2 9 5 e3 1 1
that a combination of phenotypic and molecular assay are Acid alcohol-add 3ml of concentrated HCL slowly to 97ml
used for the rapid identification of mycobacteria, particularly of 90e95% ethanol.
for the identification of M. tuberculosis.37 Accurate diagnosis of Methylene blue counterstain-dissolve 0.3g of methylene
EPTB depends on the detection of mycobacteria by using blue chloride in 100ml of distilled water.
direct and indirect approaches.7 The tests used in the diag- Examine with 100 oil-immersion objective. Mycobacteria
nosis of tuberculosis are listed in Table 2. are stained red and the background light blue.
The heating process during staining helps to penetrate
9.1. Microscopy carbol fuchsin into the MTB bacilli. The smear is decolorized
using 20% H2SO4 and counter stained with methylene blue.
Mycobacteria are recovered from variety of pulmonary and MTB bacilli resist decolourisations by 20% H2SO4 hence are
extrapulmonary samples. At least 10 000 AFB should be known as AFB.37
present per ml of sample for them to be readily demon- Ziehl-Neelsen staining is reliable, reproducible and cost
strable in direct smears.38 Microscopy is reliable, repro- effective and also useful in monitoring response to anti TB
ducible, inexpensive, an indicator of infectiousness, a treatment. Smear microscopy has low and variable sensitivity
comprehensive tool for diagnosis/monitoring progress/ values (0e40%) and could not differentiate between Mycobac-
defining cure and even feasible in the remote or tribal terium tuberculosis and nontuberculous mycobacteria.40e42
WHO evaluation showed that the diagnostic accuracy of 2. Kinyoun (cold stain):-
light e emitting diode (LED) microscopy is comparable to that
of conventional fluorescence microscopy with much less The reagents and dyes used are-
expense.7 RNTCP has provided light emitting diode based Carbol fuchsin-dissolve 4g of basic fuchsin in 20ml of
fluorescent microscope services in 200 medical colleges across 90e95% ethanol and then add 100ml of 9% aqueous solution of
India as a pilot study.39 phenol (9g of phenol dissolved in 100ml of distilled water)
Acid alcohol-add 3ml of concentrated HCL slowly to 97ml
9.1.1. Acid fast staining of 90e95% ethanol.
The cell wall of mycobacteria, because of their high lipid con- Methylene blue counterstain-dissolve 0.3g methylene blue
tent, have the unique capability of binding the Fuchsin dye so chloride in 100ml of distilled water.
that it is not removed (destained) by acid alcohol. The presence Examine with 100 oil immersion objective.
of acid fast bacilli (AFB) in the smear, combined with history of Mycobacteria are stained red and the background light
weight loss, fever, night sweats and radiological evidence of old blue. This technique is cold stain technique because increased
pulmonary lesion helps in early diagnosis. Acid fast smears are phenol concentration replaces heating step and helps in
also useful in monitoring response to treatment. penetration of carbol fuchsin.37
Types of acid-fast stains used are:
3. Auramine Fluorochrome:-
i. Carbol fuchsin stains: a mixture of fuchsin with phenol
(carbolic acid)Ziehl-Neelsen (hot stain)Kinyoun (cold stain) The reagents and dyes used are-
ii. Fluorochrome stain: Auramine O, with or without a second Phenolic Auramine-dissolve 0.1g of Auramine O in 10ml of
fluorochrome, rhodamine.37 90e95% ethanol and then add to a solution of 3g of phenol in
1. Ziehl-Neelsen (hot stain):- 87ml of distilled water. Store the stain in a brown bottle.
Acid-alcohol- add 0.5ml of concentrated HCL to 100ml of
The reagents and dyes used are- 79% alcohol.
Carbol fuchsin-dissolve 3g of fuchsin in 10ml of 90e95% Potassium permanganate-dissolve 0.5g potassium per-
ethanol. Add 90ml of 5% aqueous solution of phenol. manganate in 100ml of distilled water.
Examine with 25 objective for scanning. The 40 objec- 9.2.2. Liquid media
tive is used to confirm any suspicious forms. Mycobacteria are Broth media can be used for early isolation of mycobacteria
stained yellow-orange against a dark background in fluores- and also for subsequent subculturing. Middlebrook 7H9,
cent microscope. BACTEC 12B and Dubos Tween albumin broth are commonly
The fluorochrome stain offers the advantage of greater used liquid media. 7H9 broth is used as a basal media and
sensitivity compared with the ZN stain, since a significantly Tween 80 acts as a surfactant which disperses clumps of
larger area of the smear can be scanned thus reducing the mycobacteria resulting in homogenous growth. The liquid
time needed. Fluorescent microscopy increases sensitivity by media are currently used in semi-automated and automated
10% over ZN staining.37 like BACTEC 460TB system, BACTEC MGIT 960 system, BAC-
RNTCP has supplied light emitting diode based fluorescent TEC 9000MB, ESP culture system 2 and MB/BacT ALERT 3D
microscope (LEDFM) in 200 medical colleges across India to system, BACTEC MYCO/F lytic blood culture bottle.
reduce the burden on laboratory technicians in high work load
settings (>25 slides per day).39 1. Mycobacteria Growth Indicator Tube (MGIT):-
The addition of antimicrobial agents may be helpful in The BACTEC 9000 MB system uses fluorescence-
eliminating growth of contaminating organisms. If a selective quenching-based oxygen sensor same as the MGIT system to
medium is used for a particular specimen, it should not detect growth. In ESP Culture System 2, growth is detected by
be used alone but in conjunction with a non-selective agar monitoring pressure changes in the headspace above the
or egg-based medium. LJ media is made selective by broth medium in a sealed bottle resulting from gas production
adding penicillin and nalidixic acid, this is called Gruft by microorganisms. The MB/BacT ALERT 3D system employs a
modification or it can be made selective with cycloheximide, colorimetric CO2 sensor in each bottle and reflected light to
lincomycin, and nalidixic acid. Mitchison selective 7H11 me- monitor the presence and production of CO2 dissolved in the
dium contains carbenicillin, polymyxin B, trimethoprim and culture media. As the microorganism grow, CO2 is generated
amphotericin B.18 which diffuses through membrane to sensor and dissolves in
i n d i a n j o u r n a l o f t u b e r c u l o s i s 6 7 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 2 9 5 e3 1 1 303
water present in the sensor causing accumulation of 9.3. Identification using conventional methods37
hydrogen ions.
i. Rates of Growth
CO2 þ H2O 4 H2CO3 4 Hþ þ HCO3
A rate of growth, the time of recovery varies from media to
The amount of CO2 produced is proportional to the growth media-the average time of recovery of mycobacteria on egg
of microorganism in the media, as the CO2 levels increase, the based media is about 21 days, but ranges from as short as 3e5
concentration of hydrogen ions increases, thus reducing the days to as long as 60 days depending on the species. The growth
pH of sensor causing color change from dark green to light of micro colonies on 7H10 agar is detectable from 3 to 12 days.
green or yellow. In a study the average time to detection of micro colonies of
A light emitting diode system projects light on the sensor MTB was 11 days on middlebrook 7H11 agar, 16 days with MB/
and the reflected light is measured by photodetector. The BacT bottles and 19.5 days with LJ media. Some mycobacterial
color change of sensor increases reflectance units which is species belonging to rapid grower group grows within 7 days on
monitored and recorded by the instrument to determine the LJ media.
positive or negative result.18
BacT ALERT 3D system has been evaluated in many studies ii. Pigment production
for rapid detection of growth and also for DST. A study by
Carricajo A et al. reported mean detection time of M TB Mycobacterium species have capability of producing col-
complex from pulmonary and different extrapulmonary ony pigmentation in the dark (scotochromogen) or only after
samples were 22.8 days with LJ medium and 16.2 days with the exposure to light (photochromogen) doesn't finalize species
BacT ALERT 3D system.47 In study by Piersimoni et al. Mean identification but narrows possibilities. Even after exposure to
detection time of M TB complex in smear positive samples by light MTB fails produce pigment, beyond a light buff color.
BacT ALERT 3D, B460 and LJ media was 11.5, 8.3 and 20.6 days Non tuberculous mycobacteria
respectively whereas in smear negative samples it was 19.9, Non tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) has been classified on
16.8 and 32.1 days respectively.49 the basis of pigment production and rate of growth by Runyon-
These studies have reported that mean detection time
taken by BacT ALERT 3D system was 16e18 days compared to GROUP I- Photochromogens
22e32 days by using LJ media for M TB complex. Thus BacT GROUP II- Scotochromogens
ALERT 3D system reduces detection time by 25%.48e50 In GROUP III- Nonchromogens
another study by Moore WAJ et al. the median time to culture GROUP IV- Rapid growers
positive was 7 days, 13 days and 26 days for microscopic iii. Niacin accumulation test
observation drug susceptibility culture, automated culture
and LJ culture respectively.51 All mycobacteria produce niacin, but only MTB and M.
The BACTEC MYCO/F LYTIC culture bottle has lytic agent to simiae lack the enzyme required to further convert the niacin
release mycobacteria phagocytosed by white blood cells. The to niacin ribonucleotide. Reagent impregnated filter paper
incubation and monitoring is similar to other BACTEC blood strips incubated in test medium produces yellow color which
culture bottles. It can also be used to culture other bacteria is indicative of niacin accumulation.
and fungi present in blood stream.37
iv. Nitrate reduction test
9.2.3. Gas-liquid and high-performance liquid
chromatography (HPLC) MTB produces nitroreductase which catalyzes the reduc-
Analysis of fatty acids by gaseliquid chromatography is a tion of nitrate to nitrite. Production of red color after adding
rapid and reliable method for the culture confirmation sulfanilic acid and N-naphthyl ethylenediamine to an extract
mycobacteria and also identification of the species. The of the unknown culture is indicative of the presence of nitrite
method is based on development of profiles of mycolic acids, and a positive test.
which vary from one species to another. This technology to
speciate mycobacteria is available only in few reference v. Tween 80 Hydrolysis
Denaturing HPLC is an alternative for other methods which This test is useful in identifying mycobacteria which
utilizes a molecular probes like DNA sequence analysis (which possess lipase that splits Tween 80 into oleic acid and sorbitol.
is regarded as the gold standard for mutation detection), M. kansasii and M. gordonae hydrolyze Tween 80.
reverse line hybridization, single-strand conformation poly-
morphism, DNA macroarrays and real-time PCR. This tech- vi. Catalase test
nique is relatively inexpensive, same-day results can be
obtained, potentially any mutation in the amplified fragment The enzyme catalase splits H2O2 to release O2 which is
can be detected and it can be applied on a universal basis. indicated by the presence of effervescence. The catalase ac-
Other studies have shown this method can be useful for tivity after heating the culture at 68 C for 20 min (heat stable
detecting mutations on rpoB (RMP), katG (INH), pncA (pyr- catalase) is not seen in most strains of MTB. Semi-quantitative
azinamide), rspL (streptomycin) and embB (ethambutol) assessment of catalase activity is by measuring the height
gene.52 achieved by the column of bubbles produced when H2O2 is
304 i n d i a n j o u r n a l o f t u b e r c u l o s i s 6 7 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 2 9 5 e3 1 1
added to tube culture. A column higher than 45mm is 1. Nucleic acid probes
considered a positive test.
This is a first nucleic acid based technology used to identify
vii. Arylsulfatase activity mycobacteria in positive cultures with very high accuracy,
sensitivity and specificity. In this technique ribosomal RNA
The enzyme arylsulfatase in mycobacteria breaks tripo- (rRNA) present in the cells and in culture in high quantities acts
tassium phenolphthalein sulphate to release phenolphtha- as genetic target. The radiolabeled (acridine ester) single
lein. This free phenolphthalein turns the media pink in the stranded DNA probes hybridizes with rRNA forming stable DNA-
presence of sodium bicarbonate. This test differentiates RNA complex. After the inactivation of unhybridized probe, light
rapidly growing mycobacteria (positive) from group III non- generated is recorded by an instrument which is proportional to
photochromogenic mycobacteria (negative). the amount of probe present. A predetermined threshold is used
to determine positivity. This technique requires two hours.
viii. Urease activity
2. In situ hybridization
The presence of urease activity is used to differentiate M.
scrofulaceum (positive) from M. gordonae (negative). This technology uses an oligonucleotide probe labeled with
fluorescein and the interpretation is made by direct observa-
ix. Pyrazinamidase tion using fluorescence microscopy. It is popularly known as
fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). If the detection of
The enzyme pyrazinamidase deaminates pyrazinamide hybridized group is done by secondary reaction and color, the
to form pyrazinoic acid which produce a red band in the reaction is known as chromogenic in situ hybridization (CISH).
culture media. This test is useful in distinguishing MTB, M. FISH has been used to detect MTB in cultures and in direct
bovis, M. kansasii and M. marinum from other species of respiratory samples that contain AFB.
3. Nucleic acid amplification (NAA) methods
x. Iron uptake
In late 1990's FDA approved amplicor M. tuberculosis PCR
M. fortuitum and M. smegmatis take up soluble iron salts assay (Roche diagnostics) and amplified M. tuberculosis direct
from culture media to produce rusty brown appearance on test (AMTD) for respiratory specimens. These assays perform
addition of 20% ferric ammonium citrate. Other mycobacteria well on smear positive specimens but sub optimally on smear
species lack this property. negative respiratory specimens, when compared with culture.
Lately many in-house PCR and more recently real-time PCR
xi. Growth on MacConckey assays have been developed and tested.
A study by Laraque F et al. tested performance of NAA on
MacConckey supports the growth of rapidly growing respiratory samples (N ¼ 4642) and found that NAA had a
mycobacteria. However, most other mycobacterium species sensitivity of 96% and specificity of 95.3% in specimen tested
cannot grow on this media. positive for AFB on smear.53 In another study by Guerra RL
et al. the effect of NAA results in clinical care of Pulmonary TB
xii. Growth in 5% sodium chloride was evaluated. A total of 638 cases were included of which 270
were positive for MTB on culture. NAA had a sensitivity of
M. triviale and some strains of M. falvescens, M. fortuitum 92.3% and specificity of 99.8%. NAA had decreased length of
and M. abscessus can grow on egg based culture media con- unnecessary therapy from 31 days to 6 days.54
taining 5% NaCl when incubated at 28 C. Polymerase Chain Reaction:
PCR technique is now widely used in the research and diag-
9.4. Molecular methods nostic fields. This technique is based on amplification of specific
DNA sequence to a large number of copies that can be detected
There is a movement in clinical laboratories away from the by separation on gel electrophoresis. The amplification is ach-
conventional time consuming and tedious test for species ieved by using synthetic oligonucleotide primers complementary
identification of Mycobacteria recovered in culture e.g. nucleic to specific DNA sequence. This process leads to a million fold
acid probes have been produced to identify MTB, Mycobacte- amplification of target DNA through multiple cycles of:
rium avium intracellulare, M. kansasii and M. gordonae. There
are 4 major applications used in clinical laboratories: i. Denaturation
ii. Annealing
1. Use of DNA probes for culture confirmation of isolates iii. Extension
recovered from clinical specimens.
2. Use of DNA sequencing for identification of mycobacteria. This results in an exponential increase in the number of
3. Use of nucleic acid amplification tests (NAAT) for direct copies of the target. A number of target genes of mycobacterial
detection of MTB from clinical specimens. DNA have been evaluated for diagnosis by PCR and various other
4. DNA finger printing and strain typing of mycobacterium genotypic methods. The different DNA amplification targets used
species. are e IS6110, devR, rpoB, IS986 and genes encoding MPB-64
i n d i a n j o u r n a l o f t u b e r c u l o s i s 6 7 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 2 9 5 e3 1 1 305
(mpb64), 38kDa (pstS1), 65kDa (hsp65), 30kDa (fbpB), ESAT-6 The amplicons are applied to the strip. Line or dots are formed
(esat6), and CFP-10 (cfp 10) proteins. Any stretch of nucleic acid at the site of amplicon-probe hybridization. The pattern
can be amplified by using DNA polymerase, provided that the formed at the end of reaction is then compared with standard
specific sequence data are known to allow the designing of key to interpret the results of that particular reaction. This
appropriate primers. The target most frequently amplified is the technology is reverse of Southern blot technique with
IS 6110 repetitive element which is present in multiple copies (up advantage of numerous probes can be tested simultaneously.
to 20) in most strains of M. tuberculosis. Species specific and genus Radioisotopes are not used which is another advantage of this
specific PCR methods are being used with various targets and technology over Southern blot. These assays are relatively
modifications of PCR.55 Different studies by Abe et al.,56 Clarridge simple when compare to DNA sequencing with simpler post-
et al.,57 Beige et al.,58 Nol te et al.59 and Cheng et al.60 have shown analytic analysis. It is used for species identification as well as
sensitivity of PCR to be 84%,86%,98%,91% and 72% respectively. detection of mutations that lead to drug resistance.37
1. Most sensitive and rapid method of detection, can even detect TMA amplifies rRNA via DNA intermediate, producing billions
when the bacilli number is as less than 10 {1e10 AFB/ml} of copies of RNA within an hour followed by detection using
2. Determine rapidly whether AFB identified by microscopic acridinium ester labeled DNA probes. Results are read in a
examination in clinical specimens are M. tuberculosis or luminometer in terms of Relative Light Units (RLU). Samples with
atypical mycobacteria. values of 30 000 RLU are considered positive. TMA is sensitive
3. Identify the presence of genetic modifications known to be enough to detect as little as 2.5 femptogram(fg) of RNA in clinical
associated with drug resistance. samples. Since there are 3e5fg of rRNA per M. tuberculosis cell,
this assay is capable of detecting the rRNA contained in a single
Disadvantages of PCR: cell and is useful in conditions where culture is not feasible due
to considerable time requirement or in paucibacillary.61
1. False positive reactions-due to carry over contamination
2. False negative reactions-due to presence of inhibitors that 6. DNA sequencing:
interfere with the PCR
3. High cost This technology is very useful in the identification of slow
4. Amplification of DNA from both live and dead bacilli. So it growing organisms like mycobacteria. It is a complicated
cannot be used for monitoring therapy response. technique than simple probe hybridization and requires
5. Inhibition of amplification and reproducibility of the assay experience in sequence alignment, editing software and ge-
netic data basis. In this technique, hypervariable A region of
The effectiveness of PCR for tuberculosis depends on the 16S gene complex is most commonly targeted for rapid
experience and accuracy of the personnel conducting the and accurate identification of mycobacteria. MicroSeq
assay. In many studies sensitivity of PCR has been compared (Applied Biosystems, Inc, foster city, CA) has made this tech-
with microscopy and culture results. nology commercially available. The rpoB gene was popularly
The disadvantages of PCR were addressed in a multi- used as sequencing target because it provides identification
laboratory study conducted by Noordhoek and coauthors. information as well as information about the susceptibility to
They had sent 200 sputum, saliva and water samples con- Rifampin.37
taining known numbers of M bovis BCG along with negative
controls to 7 laboratories. Each laboratory used IS6110 inser- 7. Spoligotyping:
tion sequence as the target and their own protocol for PCR.
High levels of false positive results ranging from 3% to 20% This technique is used for studying genetic diversity and
were reported. This was due to lack of monitoring of each step epidemiologic study of M TB strain circulating in a particular re-
of the procedure. To overcome these problems there is a ne- gion. In this technology, DNA polymorphism is detected at direct
cessity of careful quality control during every step of assay. repeat locus (DR locus) of M TB genome by hybridization assay
Real time PCR is a technique that reduces the detection which is then used for phylogenetic analysis. The predominant
time and also quantifies the amount of M TB present in the spoligopatterns reported from Indian studies are CAS, EAI, Beijing,
clinical sample. The whole process of amplification and manu. The technique further characterizes MTB strain and its
detection takes place in single reaction vessel in a closed importance in determining clinical manifestation.62
system. Thus it reduces risk of amplicon contamination of
laboratory. Since this technique is completely automated 8. DNA microarray analysis:
there is no need of post amplification processing and elec-
trophoresis for detection of amplicons.37 High density oligonucleotide arrays (DNA microarrays)
offer the possibility of rapid examination of large amounts of
4. Line probe assay DNA sequences with a single hybridization step. This
approach has recently been applied to simultaneous species
It is a reverse-hybridization technology made available identification and detection of mutations that confer drug
commercially by Innogenetics and Roche diagnostics. It uses resistance in mycobacterium. The DNA microarray is very
nitrocellulose strip on which multiple probes are immobilized. promising method for the future because of following
306 i n d i a n j o u r n a l o f t u b e r c u l o s i s 6 7 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 2 9 5 e3 1 1
Fig. 3 e Diagnostic algorithm for pulmonary TB.68 PLHIV- People Living with HIV, CXR- Chest X-Ray, CBNAAT-Cartridge
Based Nucleic Acid Amplification Test, LPA- Line Probe Assay.
i n d i a n j o u r n a l o f t u b e r c u l o s i s 6 7 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 2 9 5 e3 1 1 307
Table 4 e Drug regimen for drug resistant TB (prefix to the drugs stands for number of months) modification of treatment*-
All MDR-TB isolates should be treated with modification in treatment following liquid culture drug sensitivity testing for
Kanamycin and Levofloxacin.
Type of TB cases Intensive Phase(IP) Continuation Phase(CP)
Rifampicin resistant þ Isoniazide sensitive or unknown (6e9)Km Lfx Eto Cs Z E H (18)Lfx EtoCs E H
MDR TB (6e9)Km Lfx Eto Cs Z E (modification of treatment*) (18) Lfx Eto Cs E
Table 5 e Drug regimen for XDR TB (prefix to the drugs stands for number of months).
Type of TB cases Intensive Phase(IP) Continuation Phase(CP)
XDR (6e12) Cm Mfx PAS High dose I Cfz Lzd Amx/clv (18) Mfx PAS High dose I Cfz Lzd Amx/clv
Fig. 5 e Drug resistant TB cases and treatment initiation from 2007 to 2017.69
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5. DST guided regimen to cover all variety of DR TB including week) þ optimized background regimen (OBR);
Isoniazide mono-poly DR TB Week 3e24: Bdq 200 mg (2 tablets of 100 mg) 3 times per
6. Use of newer drugs like Bedaquiline week (with at least 48 hours between doses) for a total dose
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