2017 AAS Program
2017 AAS Program
2017 AAS Program
Wyndham Grand
Clearwater Beach, Florida
November 1-4, 2017
Preliminary Program
Session 3: Multiple System Atrophy and Other Synucleinopathies Symposium
Sponsored by The MSA Coalition and Theravance Biopharma
Chairs: Horacio Kaufmann & Wolfgang Singer
Dunes I-III
9:15-9:30 AM Intrathecal administration of autologous mesenchymal stem cells in multiple
system atrophy – a Phase I/II dose-escalation trial
W. Singer, A.B. Dietz, A.D. Zeller, T.L. Gehrking, A.M. Schmeichel, J.D.
Schmelzer, D.M. Sletten, J.A. Gehrking, E.A. Coon, P. Sandroni, E.E. Benarroch,
R.D. Fealey, J.Y. Matsumoto, J.H. Bower, J.E. Ahlskog, A. Hassan, A. McKeon,
B.T. Klassen, P.A. Low
Rochester, MN, USA
9:30-9:45 AM Profound myocardial norepinephrine deficiency in Parkinson’s disease
D.S. Goldstein, P. Sullivan, Y. Sharabi
Bethesda, MD, USA
9:45-10:00 AM Loss of bulbospinal inhibitory neurons in the ventrolateral medulla in multiple
system atrophy
A.M. Schmeichel, E.A. Coon, J.E. Parisi, P.A. Low, E.E. Benarroch
Rochester, MN, USA
10:00-10:15 AM Don Summers Memorial Multiple System Atrophy Travel Award
Preliminary results of the Global Multiple System Atrophy Registry (GLOMSAR):
an internet-based patient-reported registry
J.A. Palma, A. Porciuncula, F. Krismer, W. Meissner, H. Kaufmann, L. Norcliffe-
New York, NY, USA
10:15-10:30 AM Alpha-synuclein deposition in a longitudinal study of Parkinson’s disease
C.H. Gibbons, N. Wang, J. Garcia, L. Shih, R. Freeman
Boston, MA, USA
10:30-10:45 AM Simultaneous assessment of alpha-synuclein deposition and catecholaminergic
innervation by immunofluorescence confocal microscopy in autonomic failure
R. Isonaka, P. Sullivan, C. Holmes, D.S. Goldstein
Bethesda, MD, USA
10:45-12:00 PM Genetics of Autonomic Disorders Symposium
Sponsored by Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, Dysautonomia Foundation and
PTC Therapeutics
Hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathies (HSAN)
Lucy Norcliffe-Kaufmann, Ph.D.
New York, NY, USA
Autonomic dysfunction in familial amyloidosis
Alejandra Gonzalez-Duarte, M.D.
Mexico City, Mexico
The genetics of multiple system atrophy
Lucia Schottlaender, M.D.
London, England
Chairs: Roy Freeman & Jose-Alberto Palma
12:00-12:30 PM Box Lunch
Dunes I-III
Session 4: Autonomic Contribution to Hypertension and Metabolism
Chairs: Qi Fu, Alfredo Gamboa & Jens Tank
Dunes I-III
12:30-12:45 PM Peripheral chemoreceptor modulation and the efficacy of baroreflex activation by
electrical carotid sinus stimulation in patients with therapy resistant arterial
K. Heusser, A. Thöne, A. Lipp, J. Menne, J. Beige, H. Reuter, F. Hoffmann, M.
Halbach, S. Eckert, M. Wallbach, M. Koziolek, H. Haarmann, M. Joyner, J.F.
Paton, A. Diedrich, H. Haller, J. Jordan, J. Tank
Hannover, Germany
12:45-1:00 PM Use of Mayer wave amplitudes to demonstrate aberrant cardiovascular autonomic
control following concussion
M.F. LaFountaine, A.J. Testa, J.P. Weir
South Orange, NJ, USA
1:00-1:15 PM Angiotensin-(1-7) does not acutely lower blood pressure in patients with essential
A.C. Arnold, J.E. Celedonio, S.Y. Paranjape, I. Biaggioni, A. Gamboa
Hershey, PA, USA
1:15-1:30 PM AAS-Lundbeck Travel Fellowship Award
The use of lidocaine lubricant in bowel management practices does not improve
autonomic dysreflexia in spinal cord injury: a randomized clinical trial
V.E.M. Lucci, M.S. McGrath, R. Willms, V.E. Claydon
Burnaby, BC, Canada
1:30-1:45 PM African Americans with CD36 partial deficiency have enhanced cardiovascular
parasympathetic tone
S.E. Mehr, J.E. Celedonio, A. Diedrich, N.N. Abumrad, C.R. Flynn, N.A. Abumrad,
C.A. Shibao
Nashville, TN, USA
1:45-2:00 PM Autonomic and metabolic dysregulation in a novel mouse model of metabolic
R. Sabharwal, L. Yang, M.W. Chapleau
Iowa City, IA, USA
2:00-7:00 PM Free Time
2:30-4:30 PM AAS Board Meeting
4:30-5:30 PM CAR Editorial Board Meeting
5:30-6:30 PM AAS Committee Meetings
7:00-10:00 PM Presidential Dinner
Pool Deck
8:30-9:15 AM POTS Symposium
Pediatric POTS: the blind men, the elephant, and the drone
Jeffrey R. Boris, M.D.
Philadelphia, PA, USA
Chair: Satish Raj
Dunes I-III
Session 5: Postural Tachycardia Syndrome and Autonomic Neuropathy Symposium
Sponsored by Dysautonomia International
Chairs: Amanda Peltier & Satish Raj
Dunes I-III
9:15-9:30 AM AAS-Lundbeck Travel Fellowship Award
Nitric oxide function in POTS during high and low sodium diets
J.E. Celedonio, V.C. Nwazue, S.Y. Paranjape, E.M. Garland, L.E. Okamoto, C.A.
Shibao, I. Biaggioni, S.R. Raj, A. Gamboa
Nashville, TN, USA
9:30-9:45 AM Postural tachycardia in hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos syndrome: symptom burden
and healthcare utilization
M.G. Miglis, B. Schultz, S. Jaradeh, S. Muppidi
Palo Alto, CA, USA
9:45-10:00 AM Microneurographic evidence of primary hyperadrenergic POTS
L.E. Okamoto, E.M. Garland, K. Sato, L. Diedrich, R. Furlan, G. Jacob, D.
Robertson, I. Biaggioni, A. Diedrich
Nashville, TN, USA
10:00-10:15 AM A double blind-placebo controlled trial of IVIG in the treatment of AAG: results,
implications and lessons learned
C.H. Gibbons, S. Rajan, J. Garcia, R. Freeman
Boston, MA, USA
10:15-10:45 AM Coffee Break
Dunes Foyer
Session 6: Pediatric Autonomic Disorders
Chairs: Gisela Chelimsky & Julian Stewart
Dunes I-III
10:45-11:00 AM Expanding the genetic and phenotypic spectrum of hereditary sensory and
autonomic neuropathies: role of whole exome sequencing
J.A. Palma, L. Norcliffe-Kaufmann, S.A. Slaugenhaupt, H. Kaufmann
New York, NY, USA
11:00-11:15 AM Percutaneous electrical nerve field stimulation (PENFS) increases vagal tone in
adolescent functional abdominal pain disorders (aFAPDs)
K. Kovacic, A. Miranda, T. Chelimsky, L. Zhang, P. Simpson, G. Chelimsky
Milwaukee, WI, USA
11:15-11:30 AM Mechanisms of vasovagal syncope in the young: reduced systemic vascular
resistance versus reduced cardiac output
M.S. Medow, R. Sutton, P. Visintainez, D.L. Jardine, W. Wieling, J.M. Stewart
Valhalla, NY, USA
11:30-11:45 AM Mechanisms of vasovagal syncope in the young
J.M. Stewart, M.S. Medow, R. Sutton, P. Visintainer, D.L. Jardine, W. Wieling
Valhalla, NY, USA
11:45-12:00 PM Baro-receptor sensitivity (BRS) in children and young adults: comparing normal
controls to POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome) and
neurocardiogenic syncope patients
M. Alnoor, H. Varner, I. Butler, M. Numan
Houston, TX, USA
12:00-12:30 PM AAS Business Meeting
Dunes I-III
William P. Cheshire, M.D.
President, American Autonomic Society
Dunes I-III
6:30-9:00 PM
Dunes IV-V
Poster #9* Patients with a history of mild traumatic brain injury have impaired autonomic
responses to unpleasant odorous stimuli
M. Liu, F. Ammon, J. Markus, R. Wang, K.M. Hösl, T. Hummel, M.J. Hilz
Erlangen, Germany
Poster #10 Blood pressure variability accurately quantifies the evolution of autonomic
cardiovascular control in acute spinal cord injury
V.E.M. Lucci, J.A. Inskip, O.A. Sandberg, S.S. Bajaj, I. Ruiz-Romero, M.S.
McGrath, B.K. Kwon, V.E. Claydon
Burnaby, BC, Canada
Cardiorespiratory Coupling, Dysautonomia in Schizophrenia
Poster #11 Paced breathing enhancements of cardiorespiratory coupling: a potential therapy
to schizophrenia dysautonomia
B. Goubran, L. Firulescu, A. Dumenigo, R. Aguirre, R.W. May, F.D. Fincham,
J.D. Oms, M.A. Sanchez-Gonzalez
South Miami, FL, USA
Cardiovascular Disease, Obesity & Aging: Human Studies
Poster #12* Autonomic symptoms in pre-bariatric surgery patients and at 3 months post
V.M. Ponnusamy, A.P. Owens, C.J. Mathias, H. Chahal, S. Purkayastha, V.
London, UK
Cerebral Blood Flow Regulation
Poster #13 The relationship between cardiovascular and cerebrovascular responses to
head-up tilt in patients with orthostatic intolerance
T.S. Ahern, K.M. Dickson, K.A. Lichtenstein, M.E. Parker, A. McGlamery, A.
Vaene, A. Kim, A. Cabral, M.A. Kalafut, J.R. Criado
La Jolla, CA, USA
Poster #14* Position-dependent changes of blood flow in carotid arteries assessed by
camera-based photoplethysmography
O.V. Mamontov, T.V. Krasnikova, M.A. Volynsky, E.V. Shlyakhto, A.A. Kamshilin
St. Petersburg, Russia
Poster #15 Differential perfusion between the cerebral hemispheres depicted by near-infra
red spectroscopy during head up tilt table test
H. Elfadeel, H. Varner, J. Lankford, I. Butler, M. Numan
Houston, TX, USA
Diabetic, Autoimmune & Other Autonomic Neuropathies
Poster #16 Toenail changes in autonomic neuropathy
G.A. Cook, Y. Ma
Portsmouth, VA, USA
Poster #17 A case of a patient with tonic pupil and hypohydrosis
H.N. Jeong, S.W. Kim
Seoul, South Korea
Poster #18 Clarification of hypoglycemic symptoms in patients with autonomic dysfunction
J.L. Gilden, B. Osmani, E. Ariano, E. Abousaad, A. Al-Khazaali, M. Siddiqui, A.
Moid, B.G. Theckedath
North Chicago, IL, USA
Gastrointestinal & Urogenital Systems, IBS, Cystitis
Poster #19* Effect of the autonomic nervous system on splanchnic circulation before and
after meals
F. Zreik, R. Meshulam, O. Shibolet, G. Jacob
Tel Aviv, Israel
Poster #20 Gastric myoelectrical and neurohormone changes associated with nausea during
tilt-induced syncope
G.L. Heyer, L.H. Boles, R.A. Harvey, M.J. Cismowski
Columbus, OH, USA
Poster #21 Inhibition of somatostatin release from enteric neurons of the guinea pig tenia
coli by neurohumoral peptides of the vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP)-secretin
J.R. Grider, K.S. Murthy, G.M. Makhlouf
Richmond, VA, USA
Poster #22 Impairment of mitochondrial bioenergetics in functional disorders does not
improve with clinical amelioration
J. de los Santos, E. Awe, D. Johannes, D. Bierer, L. Zhong, S. Komas, B.
Kalyanaraman, J. Banda, G. Chelimsky, T. Chelimsky
Milwaukee, WI, USA
Genetic Autonomic Disorders
Poster #23* Arterial stiffness: a possible link between orthostatic intolerance and Ehlers-
Danlos syndromes
A.J. Miller, J. Schubart, R. Bascom, C. Francomano, S. Mills, E. Schaefer, T.
Sheehan, A. Dimmock, L.I. Sinoway
Hershey, PA, USA
Poster #24* Incidence and prevalence of cancer and neoplasia in familial dysautonomia
C.R. de Carmargo, J.A. Palma, L. Norcliffe-Kaufmann, H. Kaufmann
New York, NY, USA
Microneurography & Cardiovascular Reflexes in Humans
Poster #25 Muscle sympathetic nerve activity peaks in the first trimester in healthy
pregnancy: a longitudinal case study
S.L. Hissen, K. El Sayed, V.G. Macefield, R. Brown, C.E. Taylor
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Poster #26* Effect of chronic anxiety on sympathetic vasoconstrictor and cardiac
responsiveness in humans
S.W. Holwerda, R.E. Luehrs, L.E. DuBose, N.A. Wooldridge, J.G. Fiedorowicz,
F.M. Abboud, G.L. Pierce
Iowa City, IA, USA
Novel Therapies & Clinical Trials
Poster #27* Can intermittent calf compression improve orthostatic tolerance?
B.C.D. Hockin, L.J. Rietchel, V.E. Claydon
Burnaby, BC, Canada
Poster #28 Intranasal dexmedetomidine for adrenergic crisis in familial dysautonomia
C.L. Spalink, E. Barnes, J.A. Palma, L. Norcliffe-Kaufmann, H. Kaufmann
New York, NY, USA
Poster #29* The effect of dipeptidyl peptidase IV inhibition on norepinephrine release in the
setting of neuropeptide Y infusion
S.A. Hubers, J.R. Wilson, C.A. Shibao, N.J. Brown
Nashville, TN, USA
Poster #30 Stimulation of the dorsal root ganglion (DRG) for medicine refractory chronic
neuropathic pain: is there sympathetic involvement?
Y.B. Sverrisdóttir, J. Fitzgerald, A. Kent, J. Kramer, A.L. Green
Oxford, UK
Orthostatic Hypotension and Syncope
Poster #31* Orthostatic heart rate-blood pressure relationship identifies neurogenic
orthostatic hypotension
A. Velasco, L.E. Okamoto, E.M. Garland, Y. Chang, I. Biaggioni
Birmingham, AL, USA
Poster #32* Validity and reliability of orthostatic and non-orthostatic symptoms scores derived
from the Orthostatic Discriminant and Severity Scale – a new instrument to
discriminate orthostatic from non-orthostatic symptoms
J. Baker, J. Paturel, K. Kimpinski
London, ON, Canada
Poster #33* Recent syncopal burden, but not prior syncope burden, predicts quality of life
J. Ng, R.S. Sheldon, D. Ritchie, V. Raj, S.R. Raj
Calgary, AB, Canada
Poster #34* Quality of life improves in vasovagal syncope patients regardless of fainting in
follow-up: role of syncope expert?
J. Ng, R.S. Sheldon, C. Maxey, D. Ritchie, S.R. Raj
Calgary, AB, Canada
Poster #35* Initial cardiovascular response to head-up tilt (HUT) in vasovagal syncope (VVS)
S. Balegh, J. Benoît, B. Ditto, R. Schondorf
Montréal, QC, Canada
Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS)
Poster #36 Symptom relief from median arcuate ligament syndrome corrective surgery in
patients with postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome and median arcuate
ligament syndrome
A. Abouelnasr, S. Alam, Z. Rehman, H. Mistry, K. Munez, R. Abu-Jajeh, M.A.
Nasri, M. Khan, A. Chandralekha, A. Suleman, R. Overberg
McKinney, TX, USA
Poster #37 Effectiveness of droxidopa in children with postural orthostatic tachycardia
B. Kakavand, K. Pires
Orlando, FL, USA
Poster #38 Prospective screening for intracranial aneurysms in patients with Ehlers-Danlos
syndrome presenting with POTS
D.S. Saperstein
Phoenix, AZ, USA
Poster #39* Employment and economic impacts of postural tachycardia syndrome: insights
from a cross-sectional community-based survey
K. Bourne, J. Ng, L. Stiles, B.H. Shaw, E.A. Green, C.A. Shibao, L.E. Okamoto,
E.M. Garland, A. Gamboa, A. Peltier, A. Diedrich, I. Biaggioni, D. Robertson,
S.R. Raj
Calgary, AB, Canada
Poster #40 Educational and social impacts of postural tachycardia syndrome: insights from a
cross-sectional community-based survey
L. Stiles, J. Ng, B.H. Shaw, E.A. Green, C.A. Shibao, L.E. Okamoto, E.M.
Garland, A. Gamboa, A. Peltier, A. Diedrich, I. Biaggioni, D. Robertson, S.R. Raj
East Moriches, NY, USA
Poster #41* Coagulopathies in postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome
K. Munez, H. Mistry, N. Joy, S. Alam, M.A. Nasri, W. Almardini, Z. Rehman, E.
Algabre, A. Suleman
McKinney, TX, USA
Poster #42 Effects of Ivabradine on autonomic parameters in postural orthostatic
tachycardia syndrome (POTS) patients
M.A. Nasri, S. Alam, K. Kommera, H. Mistry, K. Munez, N. Joy, E. Algabre, R.
Iqbal, R.D. Dada, A. Suleman
McKinney, TX, USA
Poster #43 Pseudobulbar affect in postural tachycardia syndrome
R.K. Khurana
Baltimore, MD, USA
Cognitive Dysfunction in Autonomic Disorders
Poster #44* Autonomic contributions to psychological symptomatology in clinical disorders of
autonomic hyperarousal
A.P. Owens, D.A. Low, V. Iodice, H.D. Critchley, C.J. Mathias
London, UK
Pupillary Autonomic Modulation
Poster #45* Disease duration and severity correlate with reduced pupillary modulation in
patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis
M.J. Hilz, R. Wang, S. Roy, M. Liu, C. de Rojas Leal, K. Hösl, D.H. Lee, R.A.
Erlangen, Germany
Sleep Dysfunction in Autonomic Disorders
Poster #46* Sleep and autonomic impairment in Ehlers-Danlos syndrome: a case series
B. Schultz, C. Guilleminault, S. Jaradeh, M.G. Miglis
Palo Alto, CA, USA
Sympathovagal Balance, Spectral Analysis
Poster #47* The equivalency of non-invasive measures of vagal baroreflex sensitivity and
their relationship to orthostatic cardiac responses
M.G. Lloyd, M. Koehle, R.J. Drapala, V.E. Claydon
Burnaby, BC, Canada
Poster #48* Fingolimod discontinuation restores cardiovagal gain in patients with relapsing-
remitting multiple sclerosis
S. Roy, R. Wang, M. Liu, C. de Rojas Leal, K. Hösl, D.H. Lee, R.A. Linker, M.J.
Erlangen, Germany
Poster #49* Effects of cigarette smoking on blood pressure and heart rate variability in
habitual smokers
E.V. Saperova, D.A. Dimitriev
Cheboksary, Russia
The Science of Clinical Practice
Poster #50 Autonomic lifestyles and Fitbit pitfalls: how personal biosensors are changing
medical practice
W.P. Cheshire
Jacksonville, FL, USA
12:30-2:30 PM
Dunes IV-V
Poster #60 Positive GAD-65 antibodies in patients with autonomic dysfunction
L. Vlahovic, L. Kipp, L. Nguyen, J. Dunn, S. Jaradeh
Stanford, CA, USA
Poster #61 A randomized, blinded, parallel group lifestyle intervention study improves the
expiration:inspiration ratio in subjects with diabetic neuropathy
L. Zilliox, M. Morado, P. Kumar, K. Fleishmann, J.W. Russell
Baltimore, MD, USA
Epidemiology of Autonomic Disorders
Poster #62 Prevalence and incidence rates of autonomic disorders among U.S. Military
Healthcare System beneficiaries never diagnosed with diabetes
G.A. Cook, C.A. Shibley, E. Williams IV
Portsmouth, VA, USA
Exercise, Temperature Regulation & Hypoxia
Poster #63 PEARL™: Parkinson Exercise Autonomic Response Level — a bedside rating
scale to estimate exercise capabilities in Parkinson diseases
B. Weinstock
Brooklyn, NY, USA
Poster #64 Can resting heart rate influence heart rate recovery after submaximal exercise
G.L. Garcia, K.E. Fontana, C.J.G. Cruz, E.M.K.V.K. Soares, L.G.G. Porto, L.F.
Junqueira Jr., G.E. Molina
Brasília, Brazil
Genetic Autonomic Disorders
Poster #65 Autonomic neuropathy in Wolfram syndrome
W.P. Cheshire, C.E. D’Souza, R.J. Uitti
Jacksonville, FL, USA
Poster #66 Allgrove syndrome (triple A syndrome): two cases and the fourth “A”
A.B. Murphy, J.A. Palma, H. Kaufmann
New York, NY, USA
Microneurography & Cardiovascular Reflexes in Humans
Poster #67 Role of corin in blood pressure regulation during pregnancy in humans
Q. Fu, S. Park, J.K. Yoo, M. Hieda, Y. Okada, S.S. Jarvis, A.S. Stickford, S.A.
Best, B.D. Levine
Dallas, TX, USA
Poster #68 Interindividual differences in sympathetic baroreflex sensitivity and vascular
S.L. Hissen, V.G. Macefield, R. Brown, C.E. Taylor
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Poster #69 The effect of 6 weeks of high-intense training on MSNA levels in hypertensive
T.S. Ehlers, T.P. Gunnarsson, M. Fiorenza, M.P. Nyberg, J. Bangsbo, Y.B.
Copenhagen, Denmark
Music and the Autonomic Nervous System
Poster #70 Effect of tempo and harmony on the autonomic nervous system
K.R. Chémali, K. McNeeley, D. Russell
Norfolk, VA, USA
Neuroimaging in Brain & Heart
Poster #71 Comparison of 3T and 7T MRI imaging of the periaqueductal gray region (PAG)
C. Ustine, L. Zhong, L.T. Muftler, S.J. Li, G. Chen, E. Awe, C. Dean-Bernhoft, S.
Rand, G. Chelimsky, T. Chelimsky
Milwaukee, WI, USA
Poster #72 Correlation of autonomic dysfunction with the atrophy of central autonomic brain
areas in SCA patients
D. Tamuli, M. Kaur, S.S. Kumaran, A.K. Jaryal, A.K. Srivastava, K.K. Deepak
New Delhi, India
Poster #73 Neuroimaging biomarkers of putamen and cardiac catecholamine deficiency
identify early Parkinson’s disease
D.S. Goldstein, C. Holmes, G.J. Lopez, R. Isonaka, R.T. Vontell, T. Wu, Y.
Bethesda, MD, USA
Orthostatic Hypotension and Syncope
Poster #74 Syncopedia: filling the physician’s knowledge gap on transient loss of
J.S.Y. de Jong, W. Wieling, F.J. de Lange, on behalf of the Syncopedia Editorial
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Poster #75 Topical diagnostics of arterial baroreflex dysfunction in patients with orthostatic
O.V. Mamontov, A.V. Kozlenoc, E.V. Shlyakhto
St. Petersburg, Russia
Poster #76 Implications of initial orthostatic hypotension seen during tilt table testing
A. Barboi, V. Patel, S. Pocica, S. Moffat, M. Plonka
Evanston, IL, USA
Poster #77 Role of potential confounders in affecting hospital admission because of syncope
F. Barbic, L. Canziani, R. Menè, M. Minonzio, A.G. Bottaccioli, D. Alhon-Shiffer,
F. Dipaola, E. Brunetta, M. Solbiati, L. Furlan, V. Bozzano, A. Galli, C. Conca, G.
Costantino, R.S. Sheldon, R. Furlan
Rozzano, Italy
Poster #78 Is hospital admission useful for syncope patients? Preliminary results of a
propensity analysis
F. Dipaola, E. Pivetta, G. Costantino, J. Quinn, A. Ungar, M. Solbiati, F. Barbic,
M. Gatti, R. Furlan
Milan, Italy
Poster #79 Neurogenic orthostatic hypotension burden of illness patient and caregiver
survey: impact of symptoms
D.O. Claassen, C.H. Adler, C.H. Gibbons, L.A. Hewitt
Nashville, TN, USA
Poster #80 Orthostatic responses to lunar and Martian gravity loads
U. Limper, P. Beck, P. Gauger, L. Beck, J. Tank, J. Jordan
Cologne, Germany
Migraine & Sleep
Poster #81 Sleep induction following cranial nerve modulation in migraine subjects
R.M. Harper, M.R. White, R.K. Harper, D. Snodgrass, F. Yan-Go, J. Jen, A.
Taghizadeh, E.K. Sauerland
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Pediatric Autonomic Disorders
Poster #82 Vagal modulation in pediatric Functional Pain and Autonomic Disorders (pFPAD)
improves as disability improves: preliminary report
G. Chelimsky, L. Zhong, E. Awe, D. Johannes, K. Kovacic, T. Chelimsky
Milwaukee, WI, USA
Poster #83 Afferent baroreflex failure in children and young adults
J.A. Palma, L. Norcliffe-Kaufmann, H. Kaufmann
New York, NY, USA
Poster #84 How long to tilt in pediatrics? 10 minutes is not enough!
M. Witzlib, T. Chelimsky, G. Chelimsky
Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin and Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee,
Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS)
Poster #85 Utilization of medications to reduce the symptoms in pediatric patients with
postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome
J.R. Boris, T. Bernadzikowski
Philadelphia, PA, USA
Poster #86 The diagnostic journey and costs in postural tachycardia syndrome: insights from
a cross-sectional community-based patient survey.
L. Stiles, B.H. Shaw, E.A. Green, C.A. Shibao, L.E. Okamoto, E.M. Garland, A.
Gamboa, A. Peltier, A. Diedrich, I. Biaggioni, D. Robertson, S.R. Raj
East Moriches, NY, USA
Poster #87 Case report of May-Thurner syndrome surgery in postural orthostatic tachycardia
K. Munez, H. Mistry, E. Algabre, N. Joy, M.A. Nasri, S. Alam, R.D. Dada, A.
McKinney, TX, USA
Poster #88 POTS after an acute viral infection: role of reversed A:G ratio in clinical diagnosis
P. Kumar, S. Gupta, S. Raghavan
New Delhi, India
Poster #89 Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) - its impact on school and
work participation
T.S. Ahern
La Jolla, CA, USA
Poster #90 Irritable heart syndrome without orthostatic tachycardia
H.J. Snapper
Atlanta, GA, USA
Poster #91 Droxidopa management in postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS)
N. Joy, E. Algabre, H. Mistry, K. Munez, M.A. Nasri, S. Alam, R. Jajunda, K.
Kommera, Z. Rehman, A. Suleman
McKinney, TX, USA
Poster #92 Median arcuate ligament surgery in postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome
(POTS) – is post operative celiac artery velocity (POCAV) a success marker?
R.D. Dada, M.A. Nasri, H. Mistry, K. Kommera, N. Joy, K. Munez, S. Alam, E.
Algabre, R. Iqbal, A. Suleman
McKinney, TX, USA
Poster #93 Autonomic parameters in postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome patients
before and after median arcuate ligament syndrome surgery
S. Alam, K. Kommera, H. Mistry, K. Munez, E. Algabre, M.A. Nasri, N. Joy, R.D.
Dada, A. Suleman
McKinney, TX, USA
Poster #94 Vitamin D deficiency study in postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS)
K. Kommera, Z. Rehman, C. Ashanagri, A. Suleman
McKinney, TX, USA
Serious Mental Illness and Autonomic Dysfunction
Poster #95 Time course of improvement in autonomic function and attention in acute
psychosis: a case report
R.R. Aguirre, M. Zirio Mustafa, A. Dumenigo, S. Schulz, A. Voss, R. Dumenigo,
M.A. Sanchez-Gonzalez
South Miami, FL, USA
Supine Hypertension and Neurogenic Orthostatic Hypotension
Poster #96 Assessment of autonomic function during ictal and interictal period of migraine
S. Bansal, A.K. Srivastava
New Delhi, India
Sympathovagal Balance, Spectral Analysis
Poster #97 Correlation of autonomic and cognitive impairment in patients with a history of
traumatic brain injury
M.J. Hilz, K. Hösl, C. de Rojas Leal, S. Roy, M. Liu, R. Wang
Erlangen, Germany
Poster #98 Cardiovascular autonomic control during paced-respiration hypnosis
E. Brunetta, M. Minonzio, F. Barbic, D. Lopane, C. Poggio, F. Dipaola, C.
Margotti, P.R. Tomasin, R. Furlan
Rozzano, Italy
Poster #99 Optical imaging of baseline and stimulus-induced changes in facial perfusion
M. Cortez, N. Rea, J. Theriot, K.C. Brennan
Salt Lake City, UT, USA
Poster #100 Sympathetic cardiovascular modulation increases after three years of Fingolimod
R. Wang, S. Roy, M. Liu, C. de Rojas Leal, K. Hösl, D.H. Lee, R.A. Linker, M.J.
Erlangen, Germany
ACCME Accreditation Statement:
This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the accreditation requirements
and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education through the joint
providership of The Medical College of Wisconsin and American Autonomic Society. The Medical
College of Wisconsin is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for
The American Autonomic Society would like to thank the following
for their support of this meeting: