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Introduction to Numerical Analysis

1.1 Numerical Analysis

Numerical analysis is the branch of mathematics that addresses solving math-
ematical problems with computers in a search for numerical answers, as op-
posed to symbolic answers. These numerical solutions provide answers suitable
for practical and real-world applications. In contrast, symbolic solutions are
exact, but may be difficult or impossible to find and offer more detail than
can practically be applied.
R was developed to provide a free implementation of the S programming
environment for statistics. Like S, R can provide solutions to statistical anal-
ysis similar to stata and sas. R also provides a comprehensive programming
environment and a number of tools for processing functions and matrices.
With these tools, R provides an environment for calculation and can be used
to solve numerical problems. This text will provide a guide for doing numerical
analysis in R.

1.1.1 The Goals of Numerical Analysis

Numerical analysis is an applied branch of mathematics. It seeks out solutions
to practical problems that can be put into practice. The practical aspect of
it leads to a desire for solutions that are “good enough.” But good enough
is harder to define. The value and suitability of numerical solutions are con-
strained by three concepts. First, we are concerned with the efficiency, or how
much work is necessary to reach a solution. Second, we are concerned with
the accuracy of our solution, or how close we are to the true value. Finally,
we are concerned with precision, or the level of detail in our solution. We
will examine each of these concepts in turn and learn how to apply them to
numerical analysis. But good enough is entirely dependent on the application
Numerical analysis underlies many fields which require numerical answers
to mathematical questions. From video games to climate science, and physics
to psychology, numerical analysis performs the calculations we use daily. En-
gineers need to know the tolerances for load bearing capacities for a building.
Financiers need to calculate the expected market return on an investment.

2 Computational Methods for Numerical Analysis with R

And medical professionals use numerical analysis to process advanced im-

agery. Numerical analysis supports almost any field when computers are used
to solve mathematical problems.
Numerical analysis is different from other branches of mathematics. In
calculus, we expend considerable effort to identify the exact value of equations,
even if they cannot be represented by a “number” such as 7, 21, or 98.6, because
the value is irrational or transcendental. Accordingly, numerical analysis is the
engine of applied mathematics.
For instance, we know a circle’s area is πr2 and the area of a circle that
is 20 meters across has a radius of 10 meters and is 100π square meters. But
for determining how much mulch is necessary for a 10-meter-across circular
garden, we really need an actual number of square meters. When it comes to
this sort of practical problem, knowing there are about 314 square meters is
probably good enough.
This distinction is what separates numerical analysis from symbolic com-
putation. Symbolic computation would result in the solution of 100π. There
are platforms for providing these symbolic computations. Both Mathemat-
ica by Wolfram Research and Maplesoft’s Maple packages provide symbolic
computation engines. Free alternatives in both Maxima and sage are also
available and all of these products are capable of providing numerical results,
as well.
But in a symbolic computation platform, expressions are first class objects,
like numbers are to R. Except for some minor cases around linear models, R
does not work well with symbolic computation on expressions. For instance,
adding x to x + y should yield 2x + y, a concept R cannot handle. However,
if x and y have values associated with them, R will dutifully find the sum of
2x and y. Despite this limitation, the D function family will symbolically find
derivatives of some mathematical expressions.
However, the constraints listed above affect the final results, especially
when the constraints work at cross purposes. Accordingly, numerical analysis
is not just the search for numerical solutions to mathematical problems. It is
also the search for usable estimates of those solutions. These usable estimates
might be bounded, so while we might know if they are correct, we might know
the error is no more than some limit. From there, we can evaluate how usable
our estimate is.
Applied mathematics is sometimes considered as distinct from pure math-
ematics. However, applications of mathematics are based on the underlying
pure mathematics. Often, numerical methods are straightforward implemen-
tations of the related pure mathematical solution for the problem. Because
of this relationship, some problems are better understood after applying pure
mathematics. Accordingly, when a function generates an error, it can some-
times be resolved through symbolic manipulation.
In addition to the three constraints, numerical analysis is subject to several
important limits. The most important is on size of the data. Modern computers
have vast amounts of memory. But for some problems, no amount of memory is
Introduction to Numerical Analysis 3

sufficient. And for others, no amount of computational time is sufficient. These

space and time limits are continually pushed back as computers grow faster
and larger. Today’s complex climate modelling was a dream ten years ago and
a fantasy ten years before that. But even straightforward problems, such as
the determinant of a matrix, using the traditional method of calculation, grow
unchecked, quickly.
Another limitation is the availability of good algorithms for solving nu-
merical problems. For instance, in Section 1.3.2, we will review three different
algorithms for evaluating polynomials. These have different qualities and dif-
ferent benefits. These limitations are baked into the process in a way the
constraints are not. We can relax a constraint. In fact, we can usually trade
one constraint for another. But the limitations are externally imposed. We
can build bigger and faster computers, but only so much and so quickly. Fur-
ther, we can evade some limitations through the use of parallel programming,
not addressed in this text. Parallel programming allows processes to be bro-
ken into multiple independent steps and executed, simultaneously, on different
computers with the final results aggregated at the end.

1.1.2 Numerical Analysis in R

R was developed based on the S programming language to provide a domain-
specific language for statistics. R, like S, grew out of the Unix environment
and provides a modular environment that is extensible and flexible. R has
developed a reputation for implementing new algorithms quickly, delivered
through a package management system that makes installation of new modules
R is also free software. Like many free software packages, R is developed
primarily by volunteers or those working for companies using the software.
Those volunteers are often the authors of new modules. This has led to a
strong support community through mailing lists and websites dedicated to R.
Even though R is geared toward and known primarily as a statistical anal-
ysis environment, the platform provides a complete programming language
with numerical primitives. Providing a complete programming environment,
along with attendant editors and other supporting applications, makes it pos-
sible to implement any algorithm in R. The language includes specific features
for using and managing datasets and numerical computation. Because of its
power and ready availability, R is a good environment for learning numerical
R’s rise as a statistical analysis platform has introduced the language and
its fundamentals to a wide audience. If you are already familiar with R from a
statistical perspective, you are familiar enough with the language for numerical
analysis. Many software packages exist to provide numerical analysis. However,
the large complete packages, especially matlab® , are very expensive and may
cost more than many students and independent learners can afford. Finally,
4 Computational Methods for Numerical Analysis with R

fibonacci <- function ( n ) {

if ( n == 0)
return (0)
if ( n == 1)
return (1)
return ( fibonacci ( n - 1) + fibonacci ( n - 2) )

R Function 1.1
The Fibonacci sequence

because R provides a complete programming environment, any algorithm can

be implemented in it.
In this text, implementations of algorithms are presented in set off boxes
and numbered. For instance, Function 1.1 includes an implementation of the
Fibonacci number generator. Examples of R input and output are given set
off within the text, lending the example to the narrative, like this,
> fibonacci(10)
[1] 55
> 3 + 8
[1] 11
showing the tenth member of the Fibonacci sequence and the results of three
plus eight. Input and output are shown as fixed-width text and input lines
begin with a bracket (>). The examples are directly run in R and added to
the LATEX source for this text using Sweave. Accordingly, they show the actual
output from R without cutting and pasting or other potential corruptions. The
version used is
> print(version$version.string)
[1] "R version 3.3.2 (2016-10-31)"
In developing this text, a few rules were adopted. First, a function must
be well formatted. This means functions have whitespace, usually empty lines,
to break up internal components. Lines must be short enough not to wrap,
either. However, control structures, like if statements or for loops are set
off through indentation, a common approach in formal coding. If a line from
a function becomes too long, the line would be rewritten or shortened to fit,
horizontally, across the page. This could involve using other approaches such
as splitting a complicated operation into more than one step. A final strategy
is that internal variable names are not always fully descriptive. For instance,
instead of a variable called upperBoundaryLimit or some other lengthy noun
phrase, something shorter such as upper or even u may be used. Variables
should be unambigious and easy to remember in context, regardless.
In addition, R code examples must be small enough to fit on a single
printed page in this text. Most are under half a page. This encourages the
Introduction to Numerical Analysis 5

reader to open the text and read functions. The small size is designed to
help example implementations fit in the head of the reader. As a result, error
handling and potential evaluation options are not included, unless convenient
or necessary. In some cases, smaller independent components were moved into
new functions. This provides additional flexibility to the implementation and
improves the readability of the functions.
The functions included in this book, and some others, are bundled into a
package called cmna, standing for Computational Methods for Numerical Anal-
ysis. This package provides the algorithms, implementations, documentation,
and testing. The package is available through standard distribution channels.

> library(cmna)
The call to library makes the library available for use. Despite bundling
these functions into a single package, the functions provided do not provide
a unified whole. That is, the functions provide a baseline for understanding
the imeplementation and are designed to provide a comprehensive solution for
numerical applications. Where possible, functions with similar applications are
given similar interfaces. This is not to say the functions were not designed.
But they are not designed to work together in any meaningful way.
Because of these design choices, it is also important to remember the func-
tions implemented here are not robust. That is, they do not perform basic
error handling and they are unlikely to fail gracefully when presented with
a problem. This is the tradeoff from the simple implementations given. They
explain the fundamental method from a numerical standpoint. Handling un-
usual circumstances or errors, should be a routine part of any program, but
because they are not included here, some implementations may not fail well.
As such, error handling is addressed when necessary, such as when a function
could silently return an incorrect answer, rather than simply terminate.
The functions in cmna are not robust and should not be used for actual ap-
plied numerical analysis. Applied numerical analysis, such as an architectural
model, relies on well-tested and well-understood numerical models that handle
errors. R includes robust and tested functions for numerical analysis. Because
the functions we develop are not robust enough for everyday use, when appro-
priate, these functions are described and demonstrated to show how to solve
actual numerical analysis problems in R. This allows you to move along and
actually use the demonstrated solution rather than fixing the cmna version to
meet more demanding requirements.

1.1.3 Efficiency
The first constraint we will look at is efficiency. Programmers generally work
very hard to make sure their computers do not have to. Every gain in effi-
ciency enables more interesting problems to be solved. Because programs for
numerical analysis are run so many times, increased efficiency decreases the
6 Computational Methods for Numerical Analysis with R

overall runtime, as well. Efficiency comprises two areas. The first is time com-
plexity, focusing on how long it takes for a program to execute. Programs that
require more steps for larger inputs are said to have higher time complexity.
The second is space complexity, measuring how much storage, even intermedi-
ate, is necessary to execute the program. Programs that require more memory
for larger inputs are said to have higher space complexity.1 We are going to
use less formal methods focusing on the count of operations a function must
perform to complete and return a value. For instance, examine this loop:
> count <- 0
> m <- 10
> for(i in 1:m)
+ count <- count + 1
> count
[1] 10
This is a fancy way to perform a loop 10 times. The function loops from 1 to
m times. This loop’s internals execute 10 times. To verify this, we increment
the count variable and print the value, which is m. Of course, we can also nest
loops, and this increases the number of times the loop’s internals, the parts
within the innermost loop, run:
> count <- 0
> m <- 10
> n <- 7
> for(i in 1:m)
+ for(j in 1:n)
+ count <- count + 1
> count
[1] 70
In this case, we have two loops. The outer loop runs from 1 to m and the
inner loop executes from 1 to n. The inner loop executes n times for each time
through the outer loop. Therefore, the loop’s innermost internals execute mn
times. These are straightforward examples. Slightly less straightforward is an
example where the outer loop executes from 1 to m. The inner loop executes
from 1 to i where i represents the iteration of the outer loop:
> count <- 0
> m <- 10
> for(i in 1:m)
+ for(j in 1:i)
+ count <- count + 1
> count
[1] 55
1 For a textbook treatment, I recommend Introduction to Algorithms by Cormen et al.

(2009) or Algorithms by Sedgewick and Wayne (2011). For a less formal approach, an
Internet search for “time complexity,” “space complexity,” or “big-O notation” is sufficient.
Introduction to Numerical Analysis 7

isPrime <- function ( n ) {

if ( n == 2)
return ( TRUE )

for ( i in 2: sqrt ( n ) )
if ( n %% i == 0)
return ( FALSE )

return ( TRUE )

R Function 1.2
Test an integer for primality

The inner loop’s internals execute 1 time the first time through the outer loop,
2 times the second time, and so on up to m times the mth time Pmthrough the
loop. Accordingly, the inner loop executes k times where k = i=1 i.
Each of these grow at least as quickly as the input does. However, that
is not always the case for a function. Consider the function isPrime, listed
in Function 1.2. This function performs a basic primality test by testing the
input for division by a successive number of potential divisors.
When testing for primality, it is only necessary
√ to test the integers from
2 to the last integer less than or equal to n. This function still grows, but
at a much slower rate. Further, the relative
√ rate of increase decreases as n
increases. Also, in the case of isPrime, n is the maximum number of √ times
through the loop. If the number is not prime, an integer less than n will
successfully divide n and the loop will terminate early.
Of course, within a loop, it is possible for complex operations to be less
obvious. In this example,
> count <- 0
> m <- 10
> x <- 1:100
> y <- rep(1, 100)
> for(i in 1:m) {
+ y <- y * x
+ count <- count + 1
+ }
> count
[1] 10
the value of count is 10. However, many more multiplications happened within
the loop. The loop itself contains an element-wise multiplication. This is a
multiplication for each element of the vectors x and y. As each are 100 elements
long, this loop actually contains 1000 multiplications. Despite there being only
8 Computational Methods for Numerical Analysis with R

one for loop within the example as stated, it includes more operations than
the last example, with its explictly nested loops.
Understanding what is happening inside a loop is critical to estimating
how long it will take to execute. If the loop calls other external functions,
each of those will have their operations to perform. Likely, these functions are
opaque to us, and we will not necessarily know what they are doing and how
they do it.
Despite these speed analyses, R is not a fast programming language. Its
internal operations are fast enough for most purposes. If speed were the most
important consideration, we would use c or Fortan. As compiled languages,
they execute as machine code directly on the hardware. R programs, like
Python, matlab® , and other interpreted programming languages, do not run
directly on the hardware, but are instead translated and executed by the
language’s runtime engine.
But we use languages like R, matlab® , or Python for other reasons and
in the case of R, the reasons might be access to libraries created by other
programmers, the statistical facilities, or its accessibility. And understanding
how to estimate the number of operations necessary to complete a task is
language-neutral. So if one implemented
√ a c version of the prime tester in
Function 1.2, it would still require n tests.

1.2 Data Types in R

R provides a wide variety of data types both natively and through extensions.
These data types include atomic elements, which are elements that consist of
a single element of data. These are Boolean data types, those that are true
or false, and numbers. More complex datatypes exist that are treated as core
objects by R. This includes dates, strings, matrices, and arrays. Finally, R
supports a number of compound data types that include multiple elements
such as the results of a regression.
We will be focusing on a few data types that directly support numerical
analysis, either as the input or the output. These data types are the purely
numerical types, such as floating point numbers. These data types also include
aggregate types from linear algebra, vectors, and matrices. Finally, our discus-
sion will include data frames, a special type of matrix with named properties
that is optimized for use by many of the statistical functions in R. First, we
will begin with Boolean data types, which provide critical support to all of R.

1.2.1 Data Types

R presents a number of ways to store data. Many of these are variants on stor-
ing numbers. The fundamental data types are building blocks for compound
Introduction to Numerical Analysis 9

and aggregate data types. The first data type is for Boolean values. These
can take on two values, either TRUE or FALSE, are intended to represent their
logical counterparts. These values, returned from some functions, are often
passed to functions to set a flag that affects the operations of the function.
Like many programming languages, R can treat these Boolean values like they
are numbers. The Boolean value of TRUE is converted to 1 and the Boolean
value of FALSE is converted to 0:
> TRUE == -1; TRUE == 0; TRUE == 1; TRUE == 3.14
[1] TRUE
> FALSE == -1; FALSE == 0; FALSE == 1; FALSE == 3.14
[1] TRUE
This is different from many programming languages, however. With R, all
values other than 0 (FALSE) and 1 (TRUE) are not equal to either Boolean
value. In addition, TRUE and FALSE are ordered such that TRUE is greater than
[1] TRUE
In addition, these Boolean values can be operated on by many functions within
R. For instance, because TRUE can be treated as 1, you can use sum function to
count the number of TRUE values in a vector. Other functions work as expected,
too. For instance, the following example creates a vector of five Boolean values
of which three are true. In addition to the function sum, the function mean and
function length return the expected values:
> sum(x); mean(x); length(x)
[1] 3
[1] 0.6
[1] 5
In a similar way, we can use this to count the number of entries in an array
that are equal to a certain number:
> x <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 1, 3, 4, 3)
> sum(x == 3)
[1] 6
Or, extending the model, we can count how many entries are less than 3:
> sum(x < 3)
10 Computational Methods for Numerical Analysis with R

[1] 5
R provides two principal data types for storing numbers. The first of these are
integers. In R, integers are simple integer data types. These data types do not
provide for any decimal component of a number. They are whole numbers and
are treated as such. There are no numbers in between these integers and the
distance between each integer is 1 unit. The mechanics and implications of this
are further explored in Section 2.2.1. While having no fractional component to
a number may seem like an unnecessary hindrance, the data type is available
for use when special circumstances encourage it. For instance, we might use an
integer to represent the year, as the fractional component can be represented
separately, as a month and day count, which are also integers.
For those applications which require a fractional component to the number,
there is also the numeric data type. The numeric data type is the base data
type. It is the default data type when new numerical data is entered and most
computations return numeric types. It is stored as a floating point number
within the computer and the mechanics and implications of that are explored
in Section 2.2.2. Floating point numbers are used to represent any number
with a fractional component, such as a distance measurement or simply, 1/2.
R provides built-in functions we can use to test the type of a variable
and to convert among data types. We sometimes call the conversion process
coercion. First, the function is.numeric will return true if the argument given
is numeric and the function is.integer will return true if the argument is an
integer. Both functions return false, otherwise:
> x <- 3.14
> is.numeric(x)
[1] TRUE
> is.integer(x)
The is.numeric and is.integer functions test the internal data storage
type, not the actual data, so testing 3 for integer status will be false, as a raw
number, when entered, is numeric by default:
> is.integer(3)
Similar test functions exist for Boolean and many other data types within
R. Conversion is almost equally simple. The functions as.numeric and
as.integer will convert a number to the named data type. At the most
extreme, these conversion features will extract numerical data from strings.
Suppose the variable x is a string containing the “3.14” and we wish to treat
it as a number:
> x <- "3.14"
> as.numeric(x)
[1] 3.14
> as.integer(x)
Introduction to Numerical Analysis 11

[1] 3
The as.integer function converts any number to an integer. This is done by
truncating the fractional part, which is equivalent to rounding down. If the
argument to the function is, for instance, 3.9, the conversion to an integer will
still yield 3. Data type conversion is not the best method to use for rounding
fractional numbers R. There is a powerful round function that is designed to
address the place selection and other aspects of rounding rules.
Like the family of functions for data type testing, there is a family of
conversion functions that can convert among many different data types within
R. For instance, we can convert a numerical value to a string using the function
as.character, which converts a number to its decimal representation, suitable
for display.
Integer and numeric data can usually be freely mixed and matched. R will,
unless otherwise directed, convert the internal representations into whatever
form is most appropriate for the data being represented. This is almost always
going to be the numeric data type, and for almost any purpose, that is the
best option for us, as well. The numeric data type is versatile enough and
capable enough to handle our common data storage needs. In addition, as
R’s principal data type, any function we will want to use will understand it
In addition to these data types, R supports a number of nonnumerical
data types. Strings are shown in the last example. R supports two data types
called factors and ordered factors, which are simply label types. The labels can
be considered as categories which are explicitly unordered. The ordered data
types are factors with an inherent ordering. These are frequently used in R to
support statistical applications. R also supports a number of date formats and
other specialized aggregate types. Generally, these data types are not often
used in purely numerical problems, but may be the end result of an applied

1.2.2 Data Structures

Using its broad collection of numerical and nonnumerical data types as a base,
R is extended with a collection of compound and aggregate data structures.
These data structures support the variety of applications R has been put to
use for, such as times and dates for time series, or images for image processing.
However, two of these data structures will be useful throughout this text. The
vector and the matrix are simple homogenous aggregate data structures, in
one- and two-dimensional formats. These underlie many different applications
in numerical analysis.
The vector object represents a single dimensional ordered list of values.
This corresponds to the standard linear algebra notion of a vector, and we
will use them as such. Vectors can be created using the internal R function c,
which collects the values and orders them, like this,
12 Computational Methods for Numerical Analysis with R

> (x <- c(1, 0, 1, 0))

[1] 1 0 1 0
which creates a simple vector of alternating 1s and 0s. This is the same nota-
tion we used previously to create an array of Boolean values for an example.
We can use the c function to add additional values to the vector and to append
one vector to another:
> (y <- c(x, 2, 4, 6))
[1] 1 0 1 0 2 4 6
> (z <- c(x, y))
[1] 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 2 4 6
An individual element of the vector can be addressed using square brackets
(the brackets that look like [ ]) to enclose the element number:
> z[10]
[1] 4
> z[c(10, 9, 1)]
[1] 4 2 1
In the second example, a vector of values 10, 9, and 1 is the referenced address
of the object, z, to get the tenth, ninth, and first elements of the vector,
respectively. Importantly, the elements are returned in the order specified.
List data types are similar in appearance to vectors, but have different
applications in practice. Lists are created in a similar fashion, but using the
list function in R. Lists are more versatile. For instance, while all elements of
a vector must have the same data type, lists can aggregate different data types,
such as numbers and strings, into a single object. In addition, list items can
be named, making lists the aggregation container for complex data elements.
The following example creates a list called z1 with element a equal to 3 and
element b equal to 4 and a list called z2 with element s a string and nine
equal to 9.
> (z1 <- list(a = 3, b = 4))
[1] 3

[1] 4
> (z2 <- list(s = "test", nine = 9))
[1] "test"

[1] 9
In addition, lists are recursive. That is, we can embed one list within another,
whereas vectors concatenate.
Introduction to Numerical Analysis 13

> (z <- list(z1, z2))

[1] 3

[1] 4

[1] "test"

[1] 9
We will use lists for some return values, when it is important to return a result
in more than one part. But otherwise, we will not use lists for mathematical
The second important aggregate data type is the matrix. Matrices are the
heart of linear algebra, And because linear algebra underlies much of numerical
analysis, as we shall see, the matrix is the core data type we will use. Inside
of R and other numerical analysis platforms, very fast linear algebra routines
accomplish many of the calculations we rely on.
There are several ways to create a matrix in R. The first we will look at is
the matrix function.
> (A <- matrix(1:12, 3, 4))
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,] 1 4 7 10
[2,] 2 5 8 11
[3,] 3 6 9 12
The matrix function takes three principal options. The first is a list of data
elements to populate the matrix. The second is the number of rows and the
third is the number of columns. The number of elements should equal the
number of rows times the number of columns. If the number of columns is
omitted, the matrix function will assume a sensible value, if possible, such as
the total number elements divided by the number of rows given.
As shown in the display of matrix A above, each column and row is num-
bered. We can address individual rows and columns of a matrix using those
numbers. We can also address individual elements by specifying both the row
and column. The syntax is similar as for a vector:
> A[2,3]
[1] 8
> A[2,]
14 Computational Methods for Numerical Analysis with R

[1] 2 5 8 11
> A[,3]
[1] 7 8 9
Note the label for the row includes a number, a comma, and nothing else. In
contrast, to specify a column begins with a comma, and the column number. In
each case, there is an empty specification where the comma separates nothing
from the addressed row or column and the returned type for both is a vector.
This syntax also matches the column and row labels shown in the displayed
matrix A. Finally, specifying both the row and column yields a single element.
In addition to assembling a matrix using the matrix function, it is possible
to create a matrix from vectors. Two functions, rbind and cbind will append
vectors as rows and columns, respectively, to existing matrices. If the existing
matrix is instead another vector, the two vectors shall become a matrix:
> x1 <- 1:3
> x2 <- 4:6
> cbind(x1, x2)
x1 x2
[1,] 1 4
[2,] 2 5
[3,] 3 6
> rbind(x1, x2)
[,1] [,2] [,3]
x1 1 2 3
x2 4 5 6
Note in the cbind example, each column is named, and in the rbind example,
each row is named. In both cases, each is named after the source vector.
However, all can be addressed through numerical addressing.
Another important operation on matrices is transposition. Transposition
mirrors a matrix across the main diagonal. To transpose a matrix in R, use
the t function. Using the example of A above:
> (A)
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,] 1 4 7 10
[2,] 2 5 8 11
[3,] 3 6 9 12
> t(A)
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] 1 2 3
[2,] 4 5 6
[3,] 7 8 9
[4,] 10 11 12
Of course, we can use the t function on the output to return the original
Introduction to Numerical Analysis 15

The R function t will also transpose a vector. That is, it will convert a
“horizontal” vector into a “vertical” vector and vice versa. However, the method
is not necessarily intuitive because a vertical vector is really stored as a single-
column matrix. Using the t on a vector will first return a matrix with 1 row
and a column for each element vector. Then a second call to the t function will
transpose the new matrix into a vertical vector: Using the example variable
x, from above:
> t(x)
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,] 1 0 1 0
> t(t(x))
[1,] 1
[2,] 0
[3,] 1
[4,] 0
It may be clear from these examples, but vectors and matrices, in R, are
closely related. In linear algebra, the vector is silently treated as a single-
dimensional matrix, in either orientation. This simplifies the rules for multi-
plying matrices by vectors and this is suitable for most applications. However,
in R, a vector is not a single-dimensional matrix. A vector is a distinct object
that can be coerced into a single-dimensional matrix. Frequently, however, a
vector can be treated as a single-dimensional matrix, provided element ad-
dressing is not used. If element addressing is being used on a vector, it can be
advantageous to convert it to a single-dimensional matrix for clarity.
In addition to vectors and matrices, there is another important aggregate
data type in R, the data frame. Usually, a matrix is expected to have the
same data type for each element. In our examples, every element has been
numeric. A data frame will usually have many different data types, such as
Boolean objects, timestamps, or even strings. Though implemented internally
as specialized lists, data frames are two-dimensional objects, like a matrix,
without the expectation of homogenous data types.
Like lists, we may use data frames to store return values conveniently,
but will not often use them otherwise. Data frames can be created with the
data.frame function, which works similarly to the matrix function. In addi-
tion, the cbind and rbind functions will work with data frames in the expected
Finally, aggregate data structures present a different question relating to
missing data. Data could be missing for a variety of reasons, such as an ob-
servation was not possible or was lost. In some cases, data may be removed
intentionally for different purposes. In the simplest case, we can simply declare
the data was not available.
R provides a special value, NA, that represents missing data. Testing the
value NA against any other value, including itself, yields a result of NA. Because
16 Computational Methods for Numerical Analysis with R

of this propagating NA, R provides a function to test for NA values, the is.na
> NA == NA
[1] NA
> NA == 1
[1] NA
> natest <- c(1, 2, NA, 4, 5)
> is.na(natest)
We might reasonably infer the missing value is 3, simply by guessing. How-
ever, R does not know what value belongs there and uses the missing value
Using vectors and matrices, R provides all of the tools necessary to im-
plement linear algebra. With linear algebra, R can also provide a full suite
for numerical analysis. As we move forward, we will introduce more concepts
about vectors and matrices as we need them. In particular, Section 3.1 will
provide much more information about working with vectors and matrices,
including basic linear algebra operations.

1.3 Elementary Problems

With this introduction in mind, we now move to some basic algorithms. These
are designed to illustrate the diversity of approaches we can use even with
the most elementary problems. For instance, we will present three different
algorithms to sum a vector of numbers. Each of these examples will also help
introduce basic concepts about error analysis and efficiency, as we formally
define the concepts.
In addition to summation, we will discuss methods for evaluating a polyno-
mial, and use that method later in the text. However, the polynomial methods
show how basic algebra can be used to create more efficient and better im-
plementations. Finally, we will show an iterative approach to solving the nth
root problem. Iterative approaches will be used throughout this text to solve
many different problems and for the nth root, we can see its distilled form.

1.3.1 Summation Algorithms

Computers are good at highly repetitive tasks. A basic task that we want to
perform often is summing a vector. Mathematically, this is the simple expres-
S= xi . (1.1)
Introduction to Numerical Analysis 17

naivesum <- function ( x ) {

s <- 0
n <- length ( x )

for ( i in 1: n )
s <- s + x [ i ]
return ( s )

R Function 1.3
The naı̈ve approach to summing a vector

But implementation may not be so simple. Equation 1.1 is critical in other

contexts, most notably in finding variable means and standard deviations.
Finding ways to ensure the correctness and efficiency of the vector sum is
important across many different applications.
The straightforward method for finding the vector sum, we call the naı̈ve
approach, cycles over each entry in the vector and adds it to a cumulative sum.
The cumulative sum is initialized to 0 and each value of the vector is added
in sequence. The naı̈ve approach executes one addition for each member of
the vector, as each value is added to the running sum. An R implementation
of the straightforward method, here called naivesum, is provided in Function
1.3. The function returns a numerical value of the total sum:
> x <- c(1, 2, 3, 4.5, -6)
> naivesum(x)
[1] 4.5
R’s looping is very slow compared to some other programming languages.
Among other reasons looping can be slow is the test to exit the loop. In this
implementation, the test is implied in the for-loop, when the code determines
if the index i has exceeded the maximum allowed value, n. In general, we will
discuss more abstract aspects of the implementation and their efficiency.
Of course, because addition for rational numbers obeys the associative
property, it does not matter what order the numbers are added in. For in-
stance, the sum could be calculated in reverse order. Or any order. We will
assume there is a function f () such that,

x1 : n = 1,
f (x1 , . . . , xn ) =
f (x1 , . . . , xn/2 ) + f (xn/2+1 , . . . , xn ) : otherwise.

The function f () is recursive, meaning it calls itself. The function works by

continuously splitting its input in half and reinvoking itself on each half sepa-
rately. If the function has reached the point where there is only one member of
the input vector, it simply returns the value of the single member. When the
result is returned to the previous iteration of the pairwise function, it will be
18 Computational Methods for Numerical Analysis with R

p1 + p2

p1 = x1 + x2 p2 = x3 + x4

x1 x2 x3 x4

Figure 1.1
Assembly of partial sums in piecewise addition

pwisesum <- function ( x ) {

n <- length ( x )

if ( n == 1)
return ( x )
m = floor ( n / 2)
return ( pwisesum ( x [1: m ]) + pwisesum ( x [( m + 1) : n ]) )

R Function 1.4
The pairwise summation algorithm

added to the result of another call to the pairwise function, creating a partial
sum. The partial sums filter up through the tree of recursive function calls
and the final result is the total of all these partial sums, each added as pairs.
This is shown in Figure 1.1.
We call this the piecewise summation algorithm. This function works be-
cause of the associate property of addition and the relative simplicity of the
overall operation. A complete implementation of a piecewise summation algo-
rithm is presented in Function 1.4. From the user’s viewpoint, the pwisesum
function acts just like the naivesum function. Assuming the value of x is un-
> pwisesum(x)
[1] 4.5
The actual implementation given in Function 1.4 makes some allowances for
the potential real-world implementation problems. Most importantly, it is un-
likely the number of elements in the vector x will be power of 2. As a result,
the division of labor between the two uses the floor function to establish the
integers below and above the one-half demarcation point for finding the split.
In practice, this has no effect on the implementation nor the execution.
Introduction to Numerical Analysis 19

kahansum <- function ( x ) {

comp <- s <- 0
n <- length ( x )

for ( i in 1: n ) {
y <- x [ i ] - comp
t <- x [ i ] + s
comp <- ( t - s ) - y
s <- t
return ( s )

R Function 1.5
The Kahan summation algorithm

The piecewise summation algorithm uses almost as many internal additions

to compute the final sum. In fact, where the naı̈ve approach resulted in n − 1
additions, the piecewise summation algorithm also uses n − 1 additions, in the
best case. We will assume we have a vector of eight numbers and we wish to
find the sum, S,
S=1+ 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8
3 + 9 + 11 + 15
12 + 16
Equation 1.2 shows the steps in a pairwise addition of eight numbers. For each
plus sign (+) shown on the four lines comprising S, there is an addition; this
example has seven. This is the same number necessary to add the numbers
sequentially using the naı̈ve approach.
Also interesting is the number of times the function is called. Normally, a
nonrecursive function will only be called once, for each instance. A recursive
function is called many times. In this case, there is a call for each addition in
the process. This is represented by the plus signs, above. Because of the way
the function is implemented, it is called once for each single member vector.
Other implementations may choose to add the elements of a vector, if there
are only two, and return that value. This is normally an implementation detail
left to the user creating the function.
We can also choose to process the vector in a completely different way. The
Kahan summation algorithm works in one such way. The function is given in
R as kahansum in Function 1.5. This function is developed as a method to
compensate for numerical error, a concept we will formally introduce in the
next chapter. Here, it is presented as another alternative approach to the
problem of summation.
The function captures a small piece of the total for later use. This value,
20 Computational Methods for Numerical Analysis with R

called the compensation (represented by the variable comp) is initially set

to 0, along with the running total, the variable s. After being set to 0, the
function begins looping over the elements in the input vector. For each element
of the loop, four steps are executed. First, a temporary variable, y, is the
difference between the current x element and the compensation. Then a second
temporary value, t, holds the sum of the current x element and s. At this point,
the compensation is recalculated and so is the running sum.
Mathematically, the running sum should be the actual running sum and
the compensation should always be 0 because the computer should execute the
sums perfectly. In practice, this may not be the case. Regardless, the kahansum
function finds the sum as expected:
> kahansum(x)
[1] 4.5
Each of these example functions demonstrates different approaches to calcu-
lating a vector sum. These approaches each have positives and negatives. If
the straightforward approach is sufficient to meet the operational goals, its
simplicity may well outweigh any other concerns about speed.
Because R is dominated by and created for statisticians, the needs of statis-
ticians come first. Statisticians use functions like the standard deviation and
mean. These require summation algorithms to implement. R includes the sum
function in the base platform. The sum function is robust and provides ad-
vantages over our homegrown solutions. For instance, the sum function has an
option to eliminate the values of NA from the summation:
> sum(c(1, 2, 3, 4, NA, 5))
[1] NA
> sum(c(1, 2, 3, 4, NA, 5), na.rm = TRUE)
[1] 15
Despite these niceties, sum itself is implemented using a sequential addition
algorithm, just like naivesum. However, the internal R function is implemented
in C and should be substantially faster than our pure R implementation.

1.3.2 Evaluating Polynomials

Like summation, polynomial evaluation is a problem which allows for multi-
ple solutions. Unlike summation, there are large differences in the evaluation
of the naı̈ve approach versus other solutions. We will begin by defining our
polynomial. Let f (x) be a polynomial such that,

f (x) = an xn + an−1 xx−1 + · · · + a1 x + a0 . (1.3)

Every polynomial has an identical form and structure. There is a collec-

tion of coefficients attached to a value of x with its exponent. There is little
difference, conceptually, between f (x) = x2 − 1 and f (x) = x9 − 3x2 + x − 99.
Introduction to Numerical Analysis 21

naivepoly <- function (x , coefs ) {

y <- rep (0 , length ( x ) )

for ( i in 1: length ( coefs ) ) {

y <- y + coefs [ i ] * ( x ^ ( i - 1) )

return ( y )

R Function 1.6
The algebraic approach to evaluating polynomials

Accordingly, a convenient form of representing polynomials can be useful. A

vector can be used to “store” a polynomial because it will contain all of the
information necessary to replicate that polynomial. This occurs in two ways.
First, each coefficient can be stored as a value in the vector. Second, degree
of the polynomial, which equals the total number of coefficients, is the length
of the vector. Provided we remember that the final coefficient, without an x
term and a0 in equation 1.3 is equivalent to ao x0 , this method works perfectly.
We will use the vector to store them and each coefficient will be an entry
in the vector, with the lowest order polynomials appearing first. That is, the
first entry in the vector is the coefficient a0 , the second is a1 , and so forth. For
the polynomial f (x) = x2 − 1, the vector is c(-1, 0, 1). Having developed
a convention for polynomial notation and storage, we will now show how to
evaluate them. For example, consider the polynomial,

f (x) = (x − 5)(x + 3)(x + 2)(x − 1)

= x4 + 3x3 − 15x2 − 19x + 30. (1.4)

We will represent this polynomial as a vector and use it for examples in this
> f <- c(30, -19, -15, 3, 1)
In the naı̈ve approach, we will evaluate the polynomial in roughly the same
manner as we would in a high school algebra class. We will substitute the value
of x into the function, exponentiate it as appropriate, and then multiply by
the coefficient. Each term is then summed and the value is returned. The naı̈ve
approach is implemented in the R in the function naivepoly, which is given
as Function 1.6.
The implementation opens by creating a vector, y, with the same length
as the length of the input value, x, and setting each element to 0. This allows
the naivepoly function to accept and return evaluations of a polynomial at
a vector of x locations.
Then the function loops over each element of the coefficient vector, from
22 Computational Methods for Numerical Analysis with R

betterpoly <- function (x , coefs ) {

y <- rep (0 , length ( x ) )
cached . x <- 1

for ( i in 1: length ( coefs ) ) {

y <- y + coefs [ i ] * cached . x
cached . x <- cached . x * x

return ( y )

R Function 1.7
A better algebraic approach to polynomial evaluation

the first to the nth, in that order. For each time through the loop, which is
the variable i in the function, the algorithm executes a single addition and i
multiplications. The i multiplications are composed of i − 1 multiplications
in the exponentiation and one more Pnfor the coefficient. For a polynomial of
degree n, that is n additions and i=0 i = (n2 + n)/2 multiplications. The
number of multiplications grows at the rate of the square of the degree of the
For the function f (x) constructed before, evaluation at a point x reveals
its simple use. Consider evaluating f (−1), f (0), and f (1) using the naivepoly
> x <- c(-1, 0, 1)
> naivepoly(x, f)
[1] 32 30 0
We can increase the efficiency of polynomial evaluation. For instance, each
time through the loop, we find the exponentiation of x. But for each coefficient,
ai , the associated value of the exponentiation, xi , is the product series,
xi = x. (1.5)

For xi , there are i instances of x multiplied together. But for xi−1 , there is
one fewer x and so on down to x0 = 1. We can use this by caching the value
of each multiplication and storing it for the next iteration.
Function 1.7, betterpoly, implements this. It uses a variable cached.x to
keep the running value of the product series available for the next iteration of
the loop. Compared to the function naivepoly, there are two multiplications
and a single addition for every time through the loop. For a polynomial of
degree n, there are 2n multiplications.
This is a substantial improvement over naivepoly. For a polynomial of
Introduction to Numerical Analysis 23

horner <- function (x , coefs ) {

y <- rep (0 , length ( x ) )

for ( i in length ( coefs ) :1)

y <- coefs [ i ] + x * y

return ( y )

R Function 1.8
Horner’s rule for polynomial evaluation

degree 10, naivepoly executes 55 multiplications and betterpoly executes

only 20 multiplications. The number of multiplications in naivepoly could
be reduced by one if the calculation of cached.x were eliminated for the final
execution of the loop.
There are other options for calculating polynomials. Starting with equation
1.3, we can rewrite a polynomial such that,

f (x) = an xn + an−1 xx−1 + · · · + a1 x + a0

= a0 + a1 x + · · · + an−1 xx−1 + an xn
= a0 + x(a1 + · · · + an−1 xx−2 + an xn−1 )
= a0 + x(a1 + · · · + x(an−1 + x(an )) · · · ). (1.6)

Equation 1.6 algebraically reduces a polynomial to n multiplications and n

additions. This is an increase in efficiency over betterpoly. For a polynomial
of degree 10, it is only 10 multiplications. This algorithm is called Horner’s
method and is named for William Horner, who discovered the methods in the
early 18th century.
An implementation of Horner’s method is given in Function 1.8, horner.
This implementation unwinds the summation of equation 1.6 and turns it
into an R loop. For each iteration of the loop, there is one addition and one
multiplication. Reducing the number of multiplications reduces the amount of
time necessary to evaluate a polynomial at a given value of x.
A modern computer is so fast that it will not matter if you only execute
the evaluation a few times. However, some applications, such as root finding
or numerical integration could execute a function thousands of times. Accord-
ingly, we benefit from faster execution times, even for a simple polynomial
function which otherwise seems trivial. Speed, in this instance, does not sacri-
fice the quality of the output. Both betterpoly and horner provide the same
result as the naı̈ve method:
> betterpoly(x, f)
[1] 32 30 0
> horner(x, f)
24 Computational Methods for Numerical Analysis with R

[1] 32 30 0
Like the implementation of betterpoly, horner includes an unnecessary step.
On the first iteration of the loop, x is multiplied by the partially complete
sum, which had been initialized to. But similar to other cases, the extra step
is permitted here to simplify the overall implementation. In addition, if a con-
ditional if-then test were included, it would be executed on every iteration of
the loop, likely at greater computational expense than the single unnecessary
These types of code simplification steps usually require some sort of anal-
ysis like this to determine if they improve the program’s execution and read-
ability. In some cases, the gains of readability may be far outweighed by any
speed gains that could be made that reduce simplicity. Many factors go into
these decisions including future code reuse and the business requirements of
the operating environment.
There is no built-in function or function set that provides polynomial eval-
uation. However, the polynom package includes functions for polynomials and
polynomial division. The polynom package includes dedicated objects for stor-
ing polynomials, including specialized access functions. The functions included
here do not create a class for managing internal data. Accordingly, the func-
tions in the polynom package are more robust than the implementation pro-
vided here.

1.3.3 The nth Root Algorithm

Finally, we look at the nth root algorithm. This algorithm is unlike the others
presented so far because it is iterative. That means the algorithm executes
a loop and after each iteration of the loop, the result becomes progressively
better. The loop can be terminated when the result is good enough for the
application. This process is known as convergence.
The algorithm works by setting the initial value, x0 , to some guess at the
value of the nth root of a. The successive values of x are,
1 a
xi+1 = xi (n − 1) + n−1 . (1.7)
n xi
This is a special case of Newton’s general root finding algorithm, which we
will discuss more in Section 6.1.2. For now it is best to assume the algorithm
is correct.
1 a
∆xi = xi+1 − xi = + x i (n − 1) − xi
n xn−1
1 a
= + nxi − xi − nxi
n xn−1
1 a
= − xi . (1.8)
n xn−1
Introduction to Numerical Analysis 25

nthroot <- function (a , n , tol = 1 / 1000) {

x <- 1
deltax <- tol * 10

while ( abs ( deltax ) > tol ) {

deltax <- (1 / n ) * ( a / x ^ ( n - 1) - x )
x <- x + deltax

return ( x )

R Function 1.9
The nth root algorithm

The algorithm, implemented as nthroot and presented in Function 1.9,

begins by setting the value of x to an initial guess at the root. For this im-
plementation, we set the initial guess to 1, regardless of the value of a or n.
Unless a itself is 1, an initial guess of 1 is guaranteed to be incorrect. However,
almost any guess will do, except for 0, since that will cause division by zero
in Equation 1.8.
The value of deltax, representing ∆x, is initially set to 10 times the value
of tol, the maximum tolerance in the solution. In the main loop, deltax is
calculated and added to x, once for each pass through the loop. The loop
continues until such time as deltax is smaller than the tol. At that point,
the value of x will be no further from the true value of x than tol. Formally,
assuming the true value of the nth root is x∗ , then |x − x∗ | ≤ t , where t is the
tolerance. Following the loop, the returned value of x includes the estimate:
> nthroot(100, 2)
[1] 10
> nthroot(65536, 4)
[1] 16
> nthroot(1000, 3)
[1] 10
> nthroot(pi, 2)
[1] 1.772454
The algorithm converges rapidly. However, R includes a built-in solution for
finding the nth root that is more reliable, but it is not a function. The ^
√ for 1exponentiation accepts
√ decimal exponents. Recall from algebra
that x = x 2 and, generally, n x = x n . Therefore, the standard approach for
finding the nth root of a number in R is to take the number to power of 1/n:
> 100^(1/2)
[1] 10
26 Computational Methods for Numerical Analysis with R

> 65536^(1/4)
[1] 16
> 1000^(1/3)
[1] 10
> pi^(.5)
[1] 1.772454
Accessing the objects as a primitive operator provides a substantial benefit to
a tolerance-limited solution encouraged by the nth root algorithm.

From here, we have established some basic information and introduced numer-
ical analysis. We have distinguished what we do in numerical analysis from
symbolic computing, the realm of both computer algebra systems and pen and
paper. And we have also introduced the basic data types and structure that
provide R with the power and elegance necessary to do numerical analysis.
With a basic toolkit, we finally took a look at a number of algorithms to solve
common problems in mathematics.
Using these tools, we are going to explore a number of problems that arise
in applied mathematics across fields. Before we get to more algorithms, we
need to talk about error and what it means for the computer to be wrong.
The computer can be wrong for a lot of reasons, and some of them we can
limit. In other cases, there is little we can do other than recognize the problem
and brace ourselves.
The algorithms for division and summation range from straightforward
to very complex, and for good reason. Each has a place and an application.
Sometimes an algorithm for a numerical problem will be very fast, but only
apply in a subset of cases. Or it may produce a result that is not as accurate.
Numerical analysis then moves from mathematics to an art, as we select the
algorithms and tools necessary to meet our needs for the least amount of
computing effort. Sometimes meeting this requirement, however, requires more
human and programming effort.
For instance, review the isPrime function in Function 1.2.√ In this function,
given a number n, we test every integer between 2 and n inclusive in the
search for divisors. However, this process is painfully more intense than need
be. For instance, after only a moment of thinking, we realize that if 2 is not a
divisor of n, then no multiple of 2 will be a divisor n, either. Accordingly, we
should probably not check any event number except 2. And while that alone
would halve the number of tests to complete the evaluation, it is only a partial
help. After all, the same logic extends that if 3 is not a divisor, neither is any
multiple of 3, and with 5, and 7, and so on. A better algorithm than presented
would remove unnecessary and repetitive evaluations.
Introduction to Numerical Analysis 27

These sorts of analysis are the core of numerical analysis. We want to find
the best possible algorithm to suit the task at hand, but the task goes beyond
the problem as stated. It includes how fast a solution must be calculated, how
accurate it must be, and how much time we have to implement a solution. All
of these come together as our constraints when solving numerical problems
and each has a different aspect. Project managers often say you can have a
solution fast, cheap, or correct, provided you pick only two. The same sort of
constraints play out here.
The rest of this text will develop an understanding of error analysis, and
the meaning of both precision and accuracy. Then we will develop a set of
tools for performing tasks in linear algebra, followed by a suite of tools for
interpolation, of various types. Then we will move into calculus and discuss
algorithms for both differentiation and integration, optimization, and finally
a review of methods for differential equations.

1. What is the circumference of a 10-meter-diameter circle symboli-
cally? What is that to 3 decimal places? Which one is correct?
2. Describe an application for which a numerical solution were prefer-
able to a symbolic solution. Describe an application where symbolic
solutions are preferable to numerical.
3. If an unsigned variable were stored using 16 bits, what is the largest
number it could hold?
4. Using R’s internal trigonometric functions, implement a secant func-
5. Using the exponentiation operator, create a function that finds the
nth root of any number.
6. Function 1.1 provides a recursive implementation of the Fibonacci
sequence. Rewrite the function to provide a result without recursion.
What are the relative strengths and weaknesses of each implemen-
7. Implement a product function in R without using recursion.
8. Implement a product function in R using recursion.
9. Find the Horner polynomial expansion of the Fibonacci polynomial,
F6 (x) =5 +4x3 + 3x.
10. Reimplement Function 1.7 to eliminate the calculation of cached.x
on the final iteration of the loop.
28 Computational Methods for Numerical Analysis with R

11. The Horner polynomial evaluation method in Function 1.8 is imple-

mented as an iterative loop over the coefficient terms. Reimplement
the Horner method as a recursive function. List the advantages and
disadvantages of this method.
12. Reimplement Function 2.3 or 2.4 to allow for negative dividends
and divisors.
13. Using equation 1.8, find the fifth root of 16807.
14. When painting a large room, determine the degree of precision nec-
essary for how much paint to purchase.
15. Evaluate each of the polynomial function calculators and determine
the best use case for each.
16. Both data frames and lists support named elements. Describe a case
to use a compound data type and whether it is better stored as a
list or a data frame.
17. Use R to determine if TRUE and FALSE are ordered. What implica-
tions does this have?
18. Reimplement the piecewise summation algorithm without using re-
cursion. Does this implementation have any specific applications?
19. Develop a new algorithm for testing primality that does not test
multiples of already checked divisors.

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