Reaction Paper Vision and Leadership

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Subject: EDM 608 – Administrative Leadership


One of the requirements in this subject is to make a reaction paper on the given
topics. I choose the topic Vision and Leadership. I will be going to explain and discuss
my personal viewpoints, opinions, perceptions, and understanding of this topic.

I consider vision a mental picture of the future. It is an idea of what the future
can hold but has not yet happened. It gives us a sense of purpose. Further, it embodies
our hopes, dreams, and ideals.

Why vision is important to leadership? For me, vision is an important ingredient

to make leadership more “palatable”. It is one of the main ingredients to lead a group,
an organization, an institution, or a school effectively and successfully. Hence, as a
leader, it is important to be visionary and not just be a “leader” in the classic sense of
the word. A leader with a clear goal and vision is very crucial for leading an organization
or institution such as a school. You are the most responsible to provide a clear picture
to your co-teachers and staff of where you are going and encourage them to advance,
explore and take risks in achieving that goal or vision. A leader without goals or vision
or sense of purpose for his people and for the organization, in general, is like a captain
of a ship wandering in a vast sea without a clear destination.

Another importance of vision for me is that it motivates us and inspires us to

keep going and helps us move through challenges and obstacles. When you have a goal
or a vision, you do what it takes to reach such a goal or to realize such a vision. We
keep in mind the end result and that fuels us to continue. Personally speaking, I have
also set a vision, a dream, and a set of goals for myself and my professional career. At
first, I was full of enthusiasm that I will be able to reach all of them. However, there
was a time when I felt that they seem unattainable and far-fetched, that the burning
desire within me slowly fades away. I have realized that I am not doing this for myself
anymore for I am seeking for approval and validation of other people. Suddenly, I lost
the motivation to continue. And from there, I decided to take a rest, to take a pause.
After three to five months of contemplating and thinking about what I really want, I am
now ready to continue my journey toward realizing the vision, the dream that I have set
for myself. Padayon lang. A Hiligaynon word which means to continue, to move on. It
connotes “keep going” despite unendurable pain, struggles, and hardships. That is how
important and powerful vision is. It leads and propels you forward, wakes you up in the
morning, and gives you a sense of purpose.

To wrap everything up, vision cannot be separated from leadership. It is a very

important ingredient, part, or mechanism for effective leadership. A leader without
vision is just like a captain of a ship in a vast sea without a clear destination. If a
leader has a strong vision, little setbacks and obstacles will seem small and or
insignificant. This will propel him to persevere to the end. Vision helps leaders to
persevere. Furthermore, as a leader, vision will help you to see the result of all your
efforts. It will give you your “why” and the reason that you are doing what you do.

Let me end with this quote from Ralph Lauren, “A leader has the vision and
conviction that a dream can be achieved. He inspires the power and energy to get it

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