Class 8 Crop Production and Management Notes - BrainIgniter
Class 8 Crop Production and Management Notes - BrainIgniter
Class 8 Crop Production and Management Notes - BrainIgniter
Crop Production and Management Notes
When plants of the same kind are grown and cultivated at one place on a large scale, it is called a crop.
Types of crops:-
Kharif Crops:- The crops which are sown in the rainy season are called kharif crops.
Their time period is generally from June to September.
Ex:- Paddy, maize, soyabean, groundnut, cotton etc.
Rabi crops:- The crops grown in the winter season are called rabi crops.
Their time period is generally from October to March.
Ex :- Wheat, gram, pea, mustard, linseed etc.
Agricultural practices:-
Cultivation of crops involves several activities undertaken by farmers over a period of time. These
activities are referred as agricultural practices.
Preparation of soil:-
Preparation of soil involves loosening and turning of soil.
Loosening of soil helps the roots of the plants to penetrate deep into the soil.
It allows the roots to breathe easily.
The loosened soil helps in the growth of earthworms and friendly microbes present in the soil.
These organisms also help to loosen the soil and add humus to it.
Tilling / Ploughing:- The process of loosening and turning
of the soil is called tilling or ploughing.
The main tools used for this are plough, hoe and cultivator.
The process of planting the seeds in the soil is called sowing.
Good quality of seeds (clean and healthy seeds) are selected before sowing.
The main tools used for sowing seeds are traditional tool and seed drill.
Advantages of manure:-
The organic manure is considered better than fertilisers because it
Fertiliser Manure
A fertiliser is an inorganic salt.
Manure is a natural substance obtained by the
Ex:- urea, ammonium sulphate, super phosphate,
decomposition of cattle dung,
potash, NPK
human waste and plant residues.
(Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium)
A fertiliser is prepared in factories. Manure can be prepared in the fields.
A fertiliser does not provide any humus to the soil. Manure provides a lot of humus to the soil.
Fertilisers are very rich in plant nutrients like
Manure is relatively less rich in plant nutrients.
nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.
The supply of water to crops at different intervals is called irrigation.
Sources of irrigation:-
The sources of irrigation are— wells, tubewells, ponds, lakes, rivers, dams and canals.
moat (pulley-system)
chain pump
dhekli, and
rahat (Lever system)
Sprinkler System:- In this system, water passes through a network of pipes which then escapes
from rotating nozzles and gets sprinkled on the crop as if it is raining.
This system is more useful on the uneven land where sufficient water is not available and
for sandy soil.
Drip system:- In this system, the water falls drop by drop just at the position of the roots. So it is
called drip system.
Weeds can be removed or controlled by tiling before sowing, manual removal using khurpi or by
using certain chemicals, weedicides.
The cutting of crop after it is mature is called harvesting.
Threshing:- The process of separation of grain seeds from chaff is called threshing.
Winnowing:- The process of separation of grain and chaff with the help of air current is called
Before storing, the grains are properly dried in the sun to reduce the moisture in them. This
prevents the attack by insect pests, bacteria and fungi.
Large scale storage of grains is done in silos and granaries to protect them from pests like rats
and insects.
Dried neem leaves are used for storing food grains at home.
Animal husbandry-
Animal husbandry is the branch of agriculture that deals with rearing of animals for food, fibre and
other products.