CHN Long Quiz Rev 1
CHN Long Quiz Rev 1
CHN Long Quiz Rev 1
Population Group
A philosophy is defined as a system of beliefs that Milio’s Framework for Prevention by Nancy Milio
provides a basis for and guides action.
It provides the direction and describe
the whats, the whys and the hows of activities
within a profession.
Theories and Approaches (Community Health Nursing Application of Milio’s Framework in CHN
Application of Milio’s Framework in CHN
Pender’s Health Promotion Model The focus is the community as the unit of care.
The responsibility of the nurse is to the community
as a whole
In selecting appropriate activities, focus on primary Identification of community culture and resources
prevention. (key factor in HCDS)
Evaluate community health conditions, health risks
The strategies implemented are focused on and problems
achieving optimal health, prevent diseases and Plan and implementation of comprehensive
disability. community health interventions, care, services and
Promote a healthful physical and psychosocial Develop health policy at the local community level
School Nursing
health team should focus on designing strategies A specialized practice of professional nursing that
that focus on environmental determinants of advances the well-being, academic success, and lifelong
health such as education, socioeconomic status, achievement of students.
physical environment and social supports
School nurses facilitate positive student responses
Promote optimum use of resources to normal development, promote health and safety,
intervene with actual and potential health problems,
Effective usage of community resources for provide case management services and actively
strategies that will produce long term effects. collaborate with others to build student and family
capacity for adaptation, self-management, self-
Collaborate with others working in the community advocacy, and learning (National Association of School
The nurse has to work with a variety of sectors to
settle issues that affect health, which is considered
as a product of multiple health determinants
Features of Community Health Nursing School health services are governed by R.A. "An
Act to Provide for Medical Inspection of Children
Community Health Nursing Enrolled in Private Schools, Colleges and Universities in
the Philippines"
Basic Concepts
This law states that it is the duty of the school
heads of private schools with a total of enrollment
of 300 or more to provide for a part-time or full time
Prevention of
Evaluation of
physician for the annual medical examinations of pupils
Disease and
CHN health
care services or students.
Promotion of
Health Living CHN Research
AIMS: (Maglaya)
Emergency Care
Management of Acute and Chronic Conditions
School nursing is a specialty unto itself.
Appropriate Referrals
prepared to work with children of different
ages and under highly variable Regular Deworming
School nurse's practice is relatively D. Nutrition
independent and autonomous and is
comprised of many roles School-Based Feeding Program (SBFP)
The school setting is a perfect place to
conduct research and advocate for health
- aims to rehabilitate at least 70% of the identified
severely wasted school children to normal nutritional
status at the end of feeding days
Integrated School Health and Nutrition Program (ISHNP)
Tobacco use
- allows training of other school personnel on crisis
management especially in war-torn and calamity-
Substance Abuse stricken areas
H. Family and Community Involvement Mental Health Nursing - Keep it in Mind
CATEGORIES OF HEALTH AND SAFETY HAZARDS - Factors and situations encountered or associated with
the job or work environment that create stress,
1. Biological-infectious Hazards emotional strain or interpersonal problems
- Infectious-biological agents such as bacteria, viruses,
fungi or parasites that may be transmitted via contact
with infected clients or coworkers and contaminated CONTROL MEASURES FOR OCCUPATIONAL HAZARDS
1. Administrative Controls
2. Chemical Hazards
- refers to the development and implementation of
policies, standards, training, job design
2. Engineering