Unit Plan

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U1 - Unit 1

Unit Name Number and Algebra, Functions

IPS Concept(s) Form, Connection


Big Ideas Understanding the behavior of functions is essential to modeling

real-life situations.

Transfer goals: List here one to three 1. Apply mathematical knowledge to analyze and model
big, overarching, long-term goals for mathematical relationships in the context of a situation in order
this unit. Transfer goals are the major to make decisions, draw conclusions, and solve problems.
goals that ask students to “transfer” or
apply their knowledge, skills, and
concepts at the end of the unit under 2. Express appropriate mathematical reasoning by
new/different circumstances, and on constructing viable arguments, critiquing the reasoning of
their own without scaffolding from others, and attending to precision when making mathematical
the teacher. (IBO) statements.
Source: Massachusetts Transfer Goal,

Enduring Understanding Compelling Questions TOK: Link

• A mathematical • What kinds of • Is mathematics a language?
relation is a relationships exist • How do mathematicians
relationship between between two quantities reconcile the fat that some
any two ordered pairs or variables? conclusions conflict with
and can be expressed • Can patterns be intuition?
as a mapping and explained
graph. mathematically? Learner Profile: Link
• Quantities can be • Can patterns be useful Inquirers: Students will explore
represented in many in real-life situations? different patterns and sequences
forms and the • If you take out a loan to and look for connections.
relationships between buy a car how can you
them are important. determine the actual Knowledgeable: Students must
• The characteristics of amount it will cost? remember the rules of
polynomial functions • Can shadows be transformations of functions.
and their modelled using
representations are functions? Communicators – Be able to
useful in solving real- • How far will a car drive represent functions graphically,
world problems on a tank of fuel? algebraically and in tabular form.

International mindedness: Link

• Do all societies view
investment and interest in
the same way?
• Although Pascal is credited
with bringing this triangle
to the Western world, it had
been known in China as
early as the 13th century.
What criteria should be
used to determine who
“invented” a mathematical

Learning Activities (Italicize and include details as appropriate)

• Lecture
• Socratic seminar
• Small group/pair work
• PowerPoint lecture/notes
• Individual presentations
• Group presentations
• Student lecture/leading
• Interdisciplinary learning
• Other/s:

Approaches to learning (ATL) (Italicize and include details as appropriate)

For more information on ATL, please see the guide.
• Thinking
• Social
• Communication
• Self-management
• Research

o Thinking: Students will think about the extent to which models realistically represent real life
situations.This will be done by thinking about the different models created for crates carrying
emergency supplies of different weights. (Linear and quadratic Function Modelling).
o Self-management: Students will work on finalising a rough draft for their internal assessment to be
submitted at the end of the trimester for peer editing purposes.

Approaches to teaching (ATL) (Italicize and include details as appropriate)

For more information on ATL, please see the guide.
• Teaching through inquiry
• Teaching through concepts
• Teaching developed in local and global contexts
• Teaching focused on effective teamwork and collaboration
• Teaching differentiated to meet the need of all learners
o Affirm identity—build self-esteem
o Value prior knowledge
o Scaffold learning
o Extend learning
• Teaching informed by assessment

o Teaching focused on effective teamwork and collaboration: Students will be paired with a peer to look
through Internal assessments and to give eachother constructive feedback.
o Teaching informed by assessment: The teacher will provide feedback on student’s misconceptions,
followed by corrective activities (where students are encouraged to explain solutions, guess answers
before computing them, and look back at their answers to determine if they make sense), this 'corrective-
feedback' strategy will help students overcome their misconceptions
IA: the students will guided for their mathematical exploration proposals

1. SL Analysis
• SL 1.6 Simple deductive proof, numerical and algebraic; how to lay out a left-hand side to right-hand side
proof; the symbols and notation for equality and identity.
• SL 1.7 Laws of exponents with rational exponents; laws of logarithms; change of base of a logarithm;
solving exponential equations, including using logarithms.
• SL 1.8 Sum of infinite convergent geometric sequences.
• SL 1.9 The binomial theorem; binomial expansions; use of Pascal’s triangle and nCr (compute using both
the formula and technology).
1. HL Analysis
• AHL 1.10 Counting principles, including permutations and combinations; extension of the binomial
theorem to fractional and negative indices.
• AHL 1.11 Partial fractions; maximum of two distinct linear terms in the denominator, with degree of
numerator less than the degree of the denominator.
• AHL 1.12 Complex numbers; Cartesian form
• z=a+bi ; the terms real part, imaginary part, conjugate, modulus and argument; the complex plane.
• AHL 1.13 Modulus–argument (polar) form z=r(cosθ+isinθ); Euler formz= ; sums, products and
quotients in Cartesian, polar or Euler forms and their geometric interpretation.
• AHL 1.14 Complex conjugate roots of quadratic and polynomial equations with real coefficients; De
Moivre’s theorem and its extension to rational exponents; powers and roots of complex numbers.
• AHL 1.15 Proof by mathematical induction; proof by contradiction; use of a counterexample to show that
a statement is not always true.
• AHL 1.16 Solutions of systems of linear equations (a maximum of three equations in three unknowns),
including cases where there is a unique solution, an infinite number of solutions or no solution.

Source: DP Mathematics Analysis and Approaches Guide (linked above)

ELL Modifications (Italicize and include details as appropriate) - Language policy

• Encourage students to participate in class
• Have high expectations of your students
• Give students more wait time: at least 15-20 seconds
• Teach to varied learning styles
• Use cooperative learning and put students in groups with English-speaking students
• Use lots of visuals, like graphic organizers and pictures
• Use physical activity: model, role-play, act out
• Repeat and rephrase often
• Give students an outline of the lesson that highlights the key concepts
• Use concrete language and questions
• Simplify complex questions
• Check understanding using “show me” techniques
• Other/s:

Source: Modification Tips and Techniques for ESL Students(n.d.): n. pag. http://www.scsk12.org/scs/subject-
areas/esl/pdfs/hurleys-esl-modifications.pdf. Web
• Formative assessments:
o Homework
o Internal Assessment Rough Draft
o Past Paper Practice
o Practice Exams
• Summative assessments:
o Chapter tests all IB based questions.

Resources (MLA citation)

• Internet sites (include name and link):
• InThinking: www.inthinking.org
• Teaching resources TES: www.tes.com
• Online graphing calculator: www.desmos.com
• IB Questionbank: https://questionbank.ibo.org/en
Other Resources:
• ISA results from prior year

• (2020-2021)Math AA Yearly Reflection
• (2021-2022)G12 Math Trimester Reflections AA+AI

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