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Short Report On Information Technology

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Introduction To Computer Science




Introduction To Computer Science

Table of Contents
What is Information Technology?...............................................................................................................3
Why IT is important?...................................................................................................................................4
Uses of Information Technology.............................................................................................................5
 Business...........................................................................................................................................5
 Education.........................................................................................................................................5
 Finance............................................................................................................................................5
 Healthcare........................................................................................................................................6
 Security............................................................................................................................................6
 Communication...............................................................................................................................6
 Employment....................................................................................................................................6
Benefits of Information Technology....................................................................................................6
 Access to Information..................................................................................................................7
 New Jobs.....................................................................................................................................7
 Saves Time..................................................................................................................................7
 Entertainment..............................................................................................................................7
 Cost Efficient...............................................................................................................................7
 Disabled are Empowered.............................................................................................................8
 Globalization...............................................................................................................................8
 Improved Banking.......................................................................................................................8

Introduction To Computer Science

Figure 1.......................................................................................................................................................9
Figure 2.......................................................................................................................................................9

Introduction To Computer Science


Library is a growing organism, at the same time library or information center is a combination of
the trinity i.e. book/reading materials, users, and staff/personnel. But today library people noticed
that one of the components is missing and going to reduce day by day from libraries and the
component is nothing but the users. Why users are decreasing from libraries, this is obviously a
burning question today to each of the library professionals. A number study has been done and
still going on to find out the reason behind it. In most of studies study the findings reflect that
today users are going to highly depend on web. It is easily understandable that the incredible
development in the field of Information Communication Technology (ICT) since last ten years or
so, things and practice has been changed dramatically as the users are consulting internet rather
than the traditional library to meet their information need. Earlier users were used to come in a
library frequently to meet his/her variety of information need but today the scenario is
completely reverse. So, it is a great threat today to survive with the traditional library systems,
products and services. In this situation the things have been changed immensely these days that
library itself should reach to its users rather than wait for users to come in the library. By the way
the concept of library automation is being introduced and it prevails successfully these days.
Today each of the modern and well think positively developed libraries is reaching to its user’s
desk and latest ICT makes it so easy and simple. It is always good to cope with the latest
technology in every spare of our life. Similarly, the library professionals should think positively
and come forward to cope up with the recent trends in the field of library and information center.
So, this is the time to convert our traditional library systems, products and services into the
automated and digital environment. (Islam, 2010)

What is Information Technology?

Information technology (IT) is the use of any computers, storage, networking and other physical
devices, infrastructure and processes to create, process, store, secure and exchange all forms of
electronic data. Typically, IT is used in the context of business operations, as opposed to
technology used for personal or entertainment purposes. The commercial use of IT encompasses
both computer technology and telecommunications.

Introduction To Computer Science

The Harvard Business Review coined the term information technology to make a distinction
between purpose-built machines designed to perform a limited scope of functions, and general-
purpose computing machines that could be programmed for various tasks. As the IT industry
evolved from the mid-20th century, computing capability increased, while device cost and
energy consumption decreased, a cycle that continues today when new technologies emerge.
(Rich Castagna,Stephen J. Bigelow)

Why IT is important?
Information technology helps to build and grow the commerce and business sector and generate
the maximum possible output. The time taken by different sectors to generate business is now
minimized with advancements in Information technology. It provides electronic security,
storage, and efficient communication.

To conduct the work, Information technology needs computer applications. Computers connect
IT to the different organizations of the world. It helps the employees to maintain records of their
numerous clients of various companies. It helps patients to contact physicians’ online and take
advice regarding their health problems. Also, records of patients can be managed properly by the

To collect information, programming/coding, data conversion, data communications retrieval

and storage, and system analysis are used. Even the education sector has been dramatically
changed with the arrival of Information Technology. To run a business in the right way and
generate expected outcomes, computers, software, and the internet helps a lot.

Companies are now having virtual vaults which is a new form of storage system which allows
users to keep or withdraw their documents. The IT department is providing a strong
communication system to communicate effectively.

The use of computers and the internet increases the quality of education. The pedagogical
method of teaching and learning has been improving and IT contributes to improving school
systems, student activities, and teaching practices. Students are more open to learning with
modern technologies and focusing on online teaching more. Their learning methods are
depending on live interaction with the teachers and special classes for special children. Students
are not bound to use the same old traditional method of learning. And all this is made possible by

Introduction To Computer Science

the introduction of Information Technology in the education field and the importance of
technology can be seen.

The aura of Information technology can be seen in almost all fields including work, learning,
leisure, and health. From ministries to classrooms, every sector uses IT for the best results.

Physicians also use Information technology to check record entries, patient history, and their
prescribed dose to move accordingly. The use of Information technology can also be seen in
agriculture and to increase productivity. Satellites are connected with agriculture to predict
monsoons and smog. Through drone technology, mass data collection, land survey, use of
pesticides, seed planting, water irrigation, and use of fertilizers are possible. (Digital Class)

Uses of Information Technology

We can see the uses and role of information technology in our society in many fields:

 Business
Since the arrival of computers, the entire face of the business world has changed. To run the
different departments of business swiftly, the use of Information Technology is important and it
is possible with computers and software. The use of information technology can be seen in
departments such as finance, human resources, manufacturing, and security. The role of IT can’t
be ignored.

 Education
Technology enables teachers to be up to date with new techniques and help their students to be
updated with the latest technologies such as the use of tablets, mobile phones, computers, etc. in
education. Information technology not only helps students to learn new things but also helps
students of college dropouts.

 Finance
Information Technology opens the doors for traders and common people to do online purchases.
Banks keep records of all the transactions and accounts through computers. Unlike before, now
transactions and other deals have become faster and easier.

Introduction To Computer Science

 Healthcare
With Information Technology, the field of medicine and health has been seeing tremendous
improvements. For doctors, sending and receiving information, checking patients, and discussing
with other experts have become very convenient. Also, it reduces the time taken in paperwork.

 Security
Online transactions and keeping records of all online transactions are now safer than in earlier
times. Only proper management and a person responsible for the system can access the data
online. It prohibits any random person from checking the details. All these have been made
possible by keeping the system passwords proof. Only permissible authorities can access your

 Communication
With improvements in information technology, globalization has increased. The world is brought
closer, and the world’s economy is quickly becoming a single interdependent system.
Information can be shared quickly and easily from all over the globe, and barriers of linguistic
and geographic boundaries can be torn down as people share ideas and information with each

 Employment
With Information Technology, new jobs have been introduced. It creates new jobs for
programmers, hardware and software developers, systems analyzers, web designers, and many
others. Information Technology has opened entirely new fields and thousands of jobs for IT
professionals. (Digital Class)

Benefits of Information Technology

We wonder how our lives have changed with information technology. But we know in our
subconscious that everything will come to a standstill without it. Not only businesses, but
individuals, students, patients and each of us make our lives easier and more convenient using
their applications. You can now shop online or send e-mails, check for jobs or review research
projects with a single click of a button; the list of all the things to do is long. In fact, information
technology helps us advance rapidly towards greater efficiency and performance.

Introduction To Computer Science

 Access to Information
Abbreviated as www, the World Wide Web has turned the world into a social village. That is
because, all kinds of information are available on the internet widely from around the globe.
Although much of the news you get to see on social media is simply factual, images for specific
news can also be seen. Not only is there more news available, but access to all these information
is also straightforward.

 New Jobs
The increasing demand of IT professionals around industries generates new opportunities every
day. Several emerging economies around the world are setting new records now by enhancing
their competence in this field. A greater number of people are now interested in jobs such as
computer programming, system analysis, testing, developing software and hardware, and
designing web applications.

 Saves Time
Ever faced navigation issues in an unfamiliar city? Sure, as we move to a new location, we’ve all
faced these issues. If it’s a business trip or a holiday; the new technology helps you to enjoy your
trips by helping you navigate anywhere easily. One can search for a specific place, and then even
identify its particular route. The program does rest itself. It won’t even allow you to miss a single
turn and it also shows you the traffic situation on your route.

 Entertainment
Widespread internet use on laptops, tablets, smartphones, iPods, and other devices has provided
us unrestricted access to diverse entertainment channels. Remember the days when people had to
wait on television for the Friday night broadcast or special telecast! Now you can easily and
conveniently download and buy music, movies, TV shows, and games.

 Cost Efficient
Some of the technology’s key objectives is making it more affordable and cheaper for people.
Thanks to technology, people are seeing cost-efficiency these days. The equipment of such value
is available at so much lower price we can’t imagine. Most frequently, there is competition
between two or more industries which leads to even lower prices.

Introduction To Computer Science

 Disabled are Empowered

Nowadays modern science and technology has made almost everything possible. Recently, brails
were discovered that operate on the electronic pulses. Artificial foot, smart sticks, and what not.
Handicapped people are no longer disabled. They are certainly alongside the normal ones in the
long run of success.

 Globalization
Digital technology has eliminated the physical barriers between nations through their mutual
ideas and opportunities. The rise of social media has encouraged communication, and the use of
Facebook, Twitter and many other social networking platforms has allowed culturally diverse
people to connect with each other. Users on the social media are now becoming ‘global ‘people.

 Improved Banking
No one ever imagined, less than a decade ago, that they would pay in bitcoins rather than dollars.
Thanks to its usefulness, Cryptocurrency has recently become viral. Now no one will have to
wait in a long line only to pay their utility bills. (Digital Class)

Today we are living in the virtual society. So, in everywhere we have to think widely and
globally. We the library professionals are competing globally not locally. So, our effort and
thinking should be advance and updated one. There is no ending of development and decoration.
Similarly, today in the field of library and information center, the professionals should well
aware about the recent trends, development of ICT and its advent. Since modern ICT is
developing at a high speed so we need to be well alert and technologically sound enough so that
we can adopt all the recent trends of modern ICT in the libraries. Today there is no scope for the
library professionals to survive without the IT knowledge and the adaptation power of ICT in the
profession. So, if we want to survive smartly in the society, we need to combine each of the LIS
and ICT knowledge together. Hopefully the library professionals of the South Asian region will
be highly benefited through this training to survive in their respective position and will be
honored by themselves. At the same time, we will be able to compete globally in the field of
library and information management. In this training we have had a nice combination between
practical and theory on each of the issues which gave us a lot of confidence to handle and
manage the library work in a digital and virtual environment. (Islam, 2010)

Introduction To Computer Science

Figure 1

Figure 2

Introduction To Computer Science

Digital Class. (n.d.). Retrieved from Importance of information technology in today’s world:

Islam, S. (2010). Attachment Training on Information Technologyfor Information Management: A Report.

Retrieved from

Rich Castagna,Stephen J. Bigelow. (n.d.). Retrieved from



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