Patho Phlash of Pathophysiology Flash Cards
Patho Phlash of Pathophysiology Flash Cards
Patho Phlash of Pathophysiology Flash Cards
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Patho Phlash!
Pathophysiology Flash Cards
Valerie I. Leek, MSN, RN, CMSRN
F. A. Davis Company As new scientific information becomes available through basic and clinical
1915 Arch Street research, recommended treatments and drug therapies undergo changes.
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Copyright © 2012 by F. A. Davis Company tents of the book. Any practice described in this book should be applied by
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To my husband, David, and my sons, Jeffrey and Zachary, thank you for your love and
To my family and friends, thank you for giving me latitude when I seemed glued to my computer
To my granddaughter, Cadence, just keep growing healthy and strong. Nona loves you.
In remembrance of my Uncle Tommy and my friends Reuel and Sharon.
Thank you to all my past and present students. It is such a privilege to teach. I learn
something new every day by the interesting inquiries from all of you that stimulate my
Thank you to all the wonderful people at F. A. Davis Company, including Tom, Meghan,
and Julie. You have the gift of making hard work seem pleasant!
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Joyce B. Ceresini, ADN, BSN
Anatomy/Med-Surg Instructor
Lebanon County Career & Technical School
Lebanon, Pennsylvania
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AAA abdominal aortic aneurysm AML acute myelogenous BCP birth control pills
ABG arterial blood gases (myeloblastic) leukemia BD Buerger’s disease
ABI ankle-brachial index ANA antinuclear antibody BHS beta-hemolytic streptococci
ac before meals ANP atrial natriuretic peptide bid two times a day
ACE angiotensin-converting enzyme anti-CCP anticyclic citrullinated BMI body mass index
AChE acetylcholinesterase peptide BMS bone marrow suppression
AChR acetylcholine receptor APAP acetaminophen BMT bone marrow transplant
ACLS advanced cardiac life support aPTT activated partial BNP brain natriuretic peptide
ACTH adrenocorticotropic hormone thromboplastin BP blood pressure
ADH antidiuretic hormone ARDS acute respiratory distress BPH benign prostatic hyperplasia
ADHD attention-deficit/hyperactivity syndrome bpm beats per minute
disorder AS aortic stenosis BRM biologic response modifier
ADLs activities of daily living ASA acetylsalicylic acid BROW barley, rye, oats, and wheat
AED antiepileptic drug ASC atypical squamous cells BSA body surface area
AF atrial fibrillation ASCA anti–Saccharomyces cerevisiae BSE breast self-examination
AFB acid-fast bacillus antibody BUN blood urea nitrogen
AGC atypical glandular cells ASC-US ASC of undetermined BUN blood urea nitrogen
AIDS acquired immunodeficiency significance BX biopsy
syndrome AST aspartate aminotransferase C&S culture and sensitivity
ALL acute lymphocytic leukemia AV atrioventricular CA coronary artery
ALP alkaline phosphatase AVM arteriovenous malformation Ca+ serum calcium
ALS amyotrophic lateral sclerosis AVP arginine vasopressin Ca++ calcium
ALT alanine aminotransferase BBB bundle branch block CABG cardiac artery bypass graft
AMI acute myocardial infarction BCG bacille Calmette-Guérin CAD coronary artery disease
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ECMO extracorporeal membrane F and E fluid and electrolyte GVHD graft-versus-host disease
oxygenation FAP familial adenomatous H&H hematocrit and hemoglobin
ECT electroconvulsive therapy polyposis H1N1 hemagglutinin type 1 and
EEG electroencephalogram FBS fasting blood sugar neuraminidase type 1
EENT eye, ear, nose, and throat FDA U.S. Food and Drug H2 histamine 2
EF ejection fraction Administration H5N1 hemagglutinin type 5 and
EGD esophagogastroduodenoscopy FFP fresh frozen plasma neuraminidase type 1
ELISA enzyme-linked immunosor- FHT fetal heart tone HAART highly active antiretroviral
bent assay FISH fluorescence in situ therapy
EMA-IgA immunoglobulin A hybridization HAV hepatitis A
antiendomysial G, g, gm gram HBV hepatitis B
EMG electromyography GABA gamma-aminobutyric acid HCP health-care professional
EMS emergency medical services GABAB gamma-aminobutyric acid Hct hematocrit
Endo endocrine type B HCV hepatitis C
EP extrapyramidal GABRB3 GABAA receptor gene HDL high-density lipoproteins
EPS extrapyramidal symptoms GB Guillain-Barré HDV hepatitis D
ER extended-release GERD gastroesophageal reflux HELLP hemolysis, elevated liver
ERCP endoscopic retrograde disease enzymes, low platelets
cholangiopancreatography GFR glomerular filtration rate HEPA high-efficiency particulate
ESR erythrocyte sedimentation GGT gamma-glutamyl transferase air
rate GH growth hormone HER2 human EGF (epidermal
ESRD end-stage renal disease GI gastrointestinal growth factor) receptor 2
ESWL extracorporeal shock wave GnRH gonadotropin-releasing HEV hepatitis E
lithotripsy hormone Hgb hemoglobin
ET-1 endothelin-1 GTT glucose tolerance test HGSIL high-grade squamous
ETOH ethal alcohol GU genitourinary intraepithelial lesion
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PaCO2 partial pressure of carbon PRBCs packed red blood cells SCI spinal cord injury
dioxide in alveolar gas PSA prostate-specific antigen SDAT senile dementia of the
PAD peripheral arterial disease PSV peak systolic velocity Alzheimer type
P-ANCA perinuclear antineutrophil PT prothrombin time SERM selective estrogen receptor
cytoplasmic antibody PUBS percutaneous umbilical modulator
PAO2 alveolar oxygen partial blood sampling SGA small-for-gestational-age
pressure PUVA psoralen ultraviolet A SIADH syndrome of inappropriate
Pap Papanicolaou PVC premature ventricular diuretic hormone
PCOS polycystic ovarian syndrome contraction SJS Stevens-Johnson syndrome
PCR polymerase chain reaction PVR peripheral vascular resistance SLE systemic lupus erythematosus
PD Parkinson’s disease QFT-G QuantiFERON-TB Gold SNS sympathetic nervous system
PD peritoneal dialysis R/O rule out SOB shortness of breath
PDA patent ductus arteriosus RA rheumatoid arthritis SPECT single-photon emission
PE pulmonary embolism RAIU radioactive iodine uptake computed tomography
PEEP positive end-expiratory RBC red blood cell SPF skin protection factor
pressure RD Raynaud’s disease SSRI selective serotonin reuptake
PET positron emission tomography RF rheumatoid factor inhibitor
PFT pulmonary function test RFT renal function tests STD sexually transmitted disease
pH potential of hydrogen RLQ right lower quadrant T3 triiodothyronine
PIH pregnancy-induced ROM range of motion T4 tetraiodothyronine
hypertension RSV respiratory syncytial virus T6 thoracic nerve pair 6
PIPIDA 99mTc-para-isopropylac- RUQ right upper quadrant TB tuberculosis
(scan) etanilido-iminodiacetic acid SA sinoatrial TEE transesophageal
(cholescintigraphy) SAD seasonal affective disorder echocardiogram
PND paroxysmal nocturnal SARS severe acute respiratory TEN toxic epidermal necrolysis
dyspnea syndrome TENS transcutaneous electrical
PP placenta previa SBP systolic blood pressure nerve stimulation
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Students who study alterations in health states interventions are listed in drug classes, ideally
must learn to link assessment data, laboratory used with Pharm Phlash Pharmacology Flash
and diagnostic studies, medical and surgical Cards. Using these cards gives the learner all
treatment, possible complications, client of the important information necessary to ade-
teaching, and important findings in order to quately prepare for care of any client.
develop a comprehensive understanding of Key memory aids are “Clue” boxes for self-
specific disease management. After many years assessment of knowledge and “Remember” or
of health instruction, watching learners mnemonics to help identify important assess-
attempt to synthesize and integrate client infor- ment or care information. Fifty NCLEX style
mation, I noticed that the novice learner in questions formatted self-tests on the DavisPlus
health care had difficulty connecting all the Web site are available for knowledge application
pieces of the puzzle. It is for this reason that I by students and assignments by faculty.
developed Patho Phlash. These cards make the The cards include body system icons to
connection between all the aspects of disease remind the learner which system is affected, and
management. a list of common abbreviations for easy refer-
Each card is a brief but comprehensive snap- ence. The front of each card has the name of
shot of an alteration in health. Pharmacological the disorder with its phonetic spelling along
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with a Clue box. On the back of each card you This learning system does not replace a com-
will find prehensive medical-surgical book or pharmacol-
1. Pathophysiology ogy text. It is a tool that integrates all aspects of
2. Assessment and Diagnostic Findings medical and nursing inquiry and treatment of
3. Complications disease states. Students who utilize these cards
4. Medical and Surgical Treatment with Pharm Phlash will have at their fingertips
5. Keep in Mind (includes information to be completely integrated information to deal with
taught to the client) diseases. Best of all, the cards can be easily
6. Make the Connection, which is crucial carried in their pocket! Best of luck to all!
information to remember about assess-
ment and treatment for that disorder
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Gastrointestinal Disorders 1
Celiac Disease
(se-le-ak di-zez)
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Gastrointestinal Disorders 1
Pathophysiology Complications
• Malabsorption disorder caused by antibody • Anemia due to B-vitamin and iron deficiency.
response to gluten or gliadin proteins in barley, • Osteoporosis and osteopenia (calcium
rye, oats (some), and wheat (BROW) affecting malabsorption).
up to 1% of U.S. population. • Hemorrhage (vitamin-K deficiency related to
• Damages small intestinal villi; prevents fat, iron, decreased B-vitamin activity in bowel).
calcium, and B-vitamin absorption. • Neuropathies and mental status changes
• Genetic link that is not well understood, but (Remember: B vitamins are for Brain/Blood).
human leukocyte antigen (HLA), of which the cell • Bowel cancers and autoimmune organ destruction.
surface receptor type protein human leukocyte Medical Care and Surgical Treatment
antigen (HLA-DQ) is one, is found in family • Antirheumatics and tumor necrosis factor inhibitors.
members with a high incidence of celiac disease; • Monoclonal antibodies.
pediatric and adult clients affected. • Corticosteroids and other immunosuppressants.
Assessment and Diagnostic Findings Keep in Mind
• Diarrhea, steatorrhea, cramps, hyperactive bowel • Awareness of BROW-containing foods, food
sounds, dermatitis herpetiformis (rash).
fillers, and pharmaceutical agents is important.
• Complete blood count (CBC) with differential,
vitamin and iron profile, and antibody tests
(immunoglobulin A antiendomysial [EMA-IgA], Make the Connection
IgA/IgG, antitransglutaminase antibodies [ATA]) • Monitor I&O, calories, and stools.
elevation. • Assess for development of vesicular rash on
• Screening with endoscopic biopsy, hydrogen knees, elbows, and buttocks.
breath test, and DEXA scan. • Monitor for SOB, pallor, poor pulse oximetry
(anemia), and bleeding tendencies (vitamin K).
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Gastrointestinal Disorders 2
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Gastrointestinal Disorders 2
Pathophysiology (Remember: B vitamins are for Brain/Blood),
• Gastric mucus forms a physical and chemical especially in the elderly.
barrier, protecting the epithelial cells lining the Medical Care and Surgical Treatment
stomach and trapping bicarbonate between the • Proton pump inhibitors, Pepto-Bismol, H2 block-
mucus and the cells. ers, and antibiotics.
• Hydrogen production outpaces bicarbonate pro- • Antacids, coating agents, prostaglandin-containing
duction during physiologic or psychological stress. agents may be utilized.
• Common gastric irritants include alcohol, stress, • PRBC cell infusion and vasopressin in cases of
tobacco, caffeine, NSAIDs, Helicobacter pylori hemorrhage.
(H. pylori) bacteria, and shock. • Perforation may require gastric reduction surgery.
Assessment and Diagnostic Findings
• Complaints of epigastric pain or burning, hyper- Keep in Mind
acidity of the stomach, eructation, pressure, nau- • Avoid gastric mucosal irritants.
sea and vomiting, or hematemesis in severe cases. • Avoid and channel psychological and physiologic
• CBC with differential to screen for pernicious
• Endoscopy with direct visualization of inflammation Make the Connection
with biopsy urease testing, urea breath test, and
IgG antibody test for H. pylori. • Assess intake/use of gastric irritants.
• Chemotherapy and radiation treatments over the
stomach are atypical causes of severe gastritis.
• Upper gastric bleeding, peptic ulcer disease with • Chronic use of over-the-counter medications for
possible perforation and peritonitis. gastritis may lead to alteration in absorption
• Mental status changes and pernicious anemia of other medications and nutrients (↑pH).
are common with vitamin-B12 deficiencies
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Gastrointestinal Disorders 3
Gastroesophageal Reflux
Disease (GERD)
(gas-tro-e-sof-a-je-al re-fluks di-zez)
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Gastrointestinal Disorders 3
Pathophysiology Medical Care and Surgical Treatment
• Meals that are large, high-fat, spicy, or consumed • Antacids, H2 blockers, proton pump inhibitors,
concurrently with alcohol cause relaxation of the coating agents, prostaglandins, antiemetics that
lower esophageal sphincter, allowing hydrochloric increase emptying.
acid and pepsin present in gastric contents to • Dilation of the esophagus if narrowing occurs.
reflux, or pass back, into the esophagus. • Nutritional and lifestyle changes.
• The esophagus is easily damaged by acidic gastric
Keep in Mind
contents, resulting in inflammation, edema, and
scarring over time. • Avoid large, fatty meals; alcohol use; and tobacco
Assessment and Diagnostic Findings
• Chest pain and burning within an hour of meals. • Clothing should be loose around the waist.
• Endoscopy with biopsy and pH measurement. • Sit upright for 2 hours after eating; don’t eat
within 3 hours of retiring; elevate the head of the
• Barium swallow. bed (HOB) 6–8 inches using shock blocks.
Complications • Consume liquids separately from meals to avoid
• Scarring of the esophageal tissue that can cause stomach distention.
narrowing of the esophagus and noncompliance
of the lower esophageal sphincter.
• Chronic irritation of the esophagus may lead to Make the Connection
Barrett’s esophagus (a dysplastic change of nor- • Assess lifestyle choices for clients with
mal squamous cells to columnar epithelial cells in GERD and teach accordingly.
areas of irritation), and esophageal CA. • Rule out cardiac problems that mimic GERD.
• Respiratory difficulties related to aspiration of • Monitor for signs of chemical pneumonia and
acidic gastric contents; pain with respiration. respiratory problems, especially in very young and
very old or debilitated clients.
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Gastrointestinal Disorders 4
Hiatal Hernia
(hi-a-tal her-ne-a)
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Gastrointestinal Disorders 4
Pathophysiology • Dilation of the esophagus if narrowing occurs.
• A weakness in the hiatus of the diaphragm • Fundoplication, a surgical procedure in which the
coupled with intra-abdominal pressure forcing fundus is wrapped around the lower esophagus,
protrusion of the stomach and esophagus stabilizes the upper stomach, preventing herniation.
upward through the hiatus.
• Nutritional counseling.
• Hiatal hernias include the “sliding” type and the
“rolling” type. Keep in Mind
Assessment and Diagnostic Findings • Clothing should be loose around the waist.
• Discomfort increases when lying down and decreases • Sit upright for 2 hours after eating; don’t eat
when standing or sitting upright after meals. within 3 hours of retiring; elevate the head of the
• Endoscopy; barium swallow with x-ray, fluo- bed (HOB) 6–8 inches using shock blocks.
roscopy, and swallowing studies can show the • Consume several small meals daily instead of
upward displacement of the stomach. three large meals.
Complications • Consume liquids separately from meals to avoid
stomach distention.
• Scarring and narrowing of the esophagus with
noncompliance of the lower esophageal sphincter.
• Chronic irritation of the esophagus may lead to Make the Connection
Barrett’s esophagus and esophageal CA. • Rule out cardiac problems that mimic
• Respiratory difficulties related to aspiration of hiatal hernia symptoms.
acidic gastric contents, pain with respiration. • Monitor for signs of chemical pneumonia and
Medical Care and Surgical Treatment respiratory problems, especially in very young and
• Antacids, H2 blockers, proton pump inhibitors, very old or debilitated clients.
coating agents, prostaglandins, antiemetics that
increase gastric motility and emptying.
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Gastrointestinal Disorders 5
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Gastrointestinal Disorders 5
Pathophysiology Complications
• Eighty percent of all peptic ulcer disease is caused • Bleeding, anemia, perforation with peritonitis or
by Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection that causes pancreatitis (severe back pain) or obstruction
inflammation and erosion of the mucosal barrier (pyloric scarring), upper gastrointestinal (GI) bleed.
in the stomach. • Gastric cancer (chronic irritation and regeneration
• Gastric mucus provides a physical and chemical of cells).
barrier, protecting the epithelial cells lining the • Dumping syndrome after subtotal gastrectomy.
stomach and trapping bicarbonate between the Medical Care and Surgical Treatment
mucus and the cells.
• Antibiotics, proton pump inhibitors, H2 blockers,
• Hydrogen production outpaces bicarbonate coating agents, antacids.
production during physiologic or psychological
• Vagotomy.
• Subtotal gastrectomy.
• Common gastric irritants or contributors to
gastritis include alcohol, stress, tobacco, NSAIDs, Keep in Mind
H. pylori bacteria, and shock. • Avoid spicy foods, alcohol, tobacco, and caffeine;
Assessment and Diagnostic Findings manage stress; eat small, frequent bland meals.
• Duodenal ulcer: Midepigastric pain 2–4 hours
after meals, relieved with food intake.
Make the Connection
• Gastric ulcer: Left epigastric pain that increases
• Monitor CBC for anemia.
with food intake, especially 1–2 hours after
meals; hematemesis is more common than • Assess patterns of pain and weight loss.
melena. • Assess emesis for frank bleeding or coffee-ground
appearance; test stools for melena.
• Urea breath test, IgG antibody test for H. pylori,
• In the acute stage, the client will be NPO.
H. pylori culture, barium swallow with x-ray, EGD.
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Gastrointestinal Disorders 6
Gastric Cancer
(gas-trik kan-ser)
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Gastrointestinal Disorders 6
Pathophysiology Medical Care and Surgical Treatment
• Epithelial cells undergo mutation related to • Subtotal or total gastrectomy.
chronic irritation or exposure to carcinogens. • Dumping syndrome related to subtotal or total
Cells that are damaged must be replaced. The gastrectomy.
chance of a mutation occurring is proportional • Chemotherapy and radiation, biological therapies.
to the rate of new cell growth.
• Implicated causes are chronic or autoimmune Keep in Mind
gastritis; exposure to lead dust, grain dust, glycol • Manage stress.
ethers, or leaded gasoline; or a diet high in • Pain medication should be taken before the pain
smoked fish or meats. is severe.
Assessment and Diagnostic Findings • Teach pre- and postoperative therapies (nasogas-
tric [NG] tube will be in place after gastrectomy).
• Indigestion that responds to antacids. • Teach the side effects of chemotherapy and radia-
• Anorexia and weight loss, nausea and vomiting, tion and how to mitigate them.
gastric distention.
• Complete blood count (CBC) reveals anemia.
Stool is positive for occult blood. Make the Connection
• Barium swallow with x-ray, gastric fluid analysis • Monitor nutritional status with daily or
for cytology, serum gastrin levels. weekly weights and laboratory values like total
• Positive diagnosis is made by gastroscopy and biopsy. protein, CBC, and blood chemistries.
Complications • If client is on chemotherapy, monitor for
• Nutritional deficit. hyperuricemia.
• Metastasis. • Assess for excessive diarrhea or nausea, and cold
• Bleeding, perforation, and peritonitis. sweats (dumping syndrome).
• Death. • Assist with psychosocial needs.
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Gastrointestinal Disorders 7
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Gastrointestinal Disorders 7
Pathophysiology • Bariatric surgery:
• Behavioral, genetic, medication, or hormonal • Roux-en-Y.
• Gastric banding.
• Imbalance between food energy consumed and
energy expended. Keep in Mind
Assessment and Diagnostic Findings • Reduction of 500 kilocalories (kcal) per day
• Overweight is defined as a body mass index results in weight loss of 1–2 lb/wk.
(BMI) of 25 to <30 kg/m2. • Walking for 30–60 minutes daily is the safest
• Obesity is defined as a BMI of >30 kg/m2. method of exercise.
Complications • Prevention of obesity is the goal. Eat a variety of
colorful foods and exercise 35 minutes daily.
• Degenerative joint disease (DJD).
• Cardiovascular, renal, and neural damage related
to hypertriglyceridemia and hypercholesterolemia, Make the Connection
resulting in atherosclerosis. • Monitor I&O carefully following bariatric
• Enlargement and infiltration of the liver with fat. surgery. Once gastric leaking is ruled out, the
• Type 2 diabetes mellitus. client may begin taking 1–2 ounces of liquids
• Dumping syndrome related to bariatric surgery. per meal.
• Intertriginous skin breakdown. • Rupture of the gastric pouch after bariatric
• Dyspnea. surgery may occur with excessive food intake.
Medical Care and Surgical Treatment • Behavioral interventions must be coupled with
• Total hip, knee, and ankle replacement. surgical intervention.
• Angioplasty or coronary bypass surgery. • Monitor cardiac and respiratory status when an
• Oral antidiabetic agents or insulin therapy. approved diet and exercise regimen is prescribed.
• Dialysis.
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Gastrointestinal Disorders 8
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Gastrointestinal Disorders 8
Pathophysiology Medical Care and Surgical Treatment
• Inflammation of the liver caused by direct cellular • Avoid hepatotoxic medications like acetaminophen.
injury and secondary injury by the immune • Bedrest; avoid injections to prevent hemorrhage.
response; those with a lesser immune response • Small, frequent meals that contain high calories,
may become carriers rather than infected. high protein (titrate protein to ammonia levels),
• Hepatitis A (HAV): Spread by the oral-fecal route. low sodium, and moderate fluid intake.
• Hepatitis B (HBV; often coexistent with hepatitis D • Immunoglobulin therapy on exposure; hepatitis A
[HDV]): Spread by blood and body fluids. and B vaccination for prevention.
• Hepatitis C (HCV): Spread by contact with con-
Keep in Mind
taminated blood, IV drug use, unprotected sex.
• Hepatitis E (HEV): Spread by contaminated water. • Teach client dietary regimen, to rest, and avoid
hepatotoxic substances.
Assessment and Diagnostic Findings
• Preicteric phase: Weeks to months depending on • Report confusion, asterixis, abdominal disten-
tion, or edema of legs/feet.
type; characterized by malaise, lethargy, nausea,
• Icteric phase: Characterized by jaundice, pale Make the Connection
stools, dark tea-colored urine, and rashes. • Monitor ALT, AST, bilirubin, stool and
• ↑ ALT and AST, ↑ bilirubin, presence of virus- urine color, mental status, and presence of
specific antigen, prothrombin time >11.6 seconds, ascites.
↑ ESR, ↑ serum ammonia levels, abnormal
hepatocytes revealed through liver biopsy.
• Acute or chronic liver failure and encephalopathy.
• Hemorrhage; liver cancer.
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Gastrointestinal Disorders 9
Abdominal Hernias
(ab-dom-i-nal her-ne-a)
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Gastrointestinal Disorders 9
Pathophysiology resonance imaging (MRI), or direct
• A weakness in the abdominal wall allows the endoscopy.
bowel or omentum, along with peritoneal tissue, Complications
to herniate outward. Weakened areas include the • Incarcerated or strangulated hernia results in
umbilical area, along the linea alba, incisional necrosis of the bowel or omentum, which is a
areas, and areas that have not completely closed surgical emergency.
after birth (the inguinal rings).
Medical Care and Surgical Treatment
• Umbilical hernias are caused by incomplete
• Stool softeners or bulk laxatives to prevent strain-
closure of the umbilical orifice and commonly
ing at stool.
occur in children and obese clients.
• Ventral hernias are caused by weakness in the • Herniorrhaphy or hernioplasty (open or closed
surgical procedure).
linea alba and are aggravated by obesity.
• Inguinal hernias are caused in both males and Keep in Mind
females by incomplete closure of the inguinal rings.
• Incisional hernias occur after underlying muscle is
• Postsurgical care includes avoidance of coughing
or straining.
cut and scar tissue forms, weakening the area.
• Males need to use ice packs and elevate the
Assessment and Diagnostic Findings scrotum.
• May be reducible. • Avoid lifting, driving, and sexual activity as
• Straining causes the hernia to protrude. prescribed.
• Inguinal hernias may cause a dragging feeling or
occasional discomfort.
• May be present in newborn males with hydrocele. Make the Connection
• Diagnosed through physical examination, • Assess ventral hernias for bowel sounds.
computerized tomography (CT) scan, magnetic • Assess for pain that may be a sign of strangulation.
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Gastrointestinal Disorders 10
Laënnec’s Cirrhosis
(la-e-neks si-ro-sis)
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Gastrointestinal Disorders 10
Pathophysiology • Portal hypertension, ascites, edema.
• Chronic heavy consumption of alcohol causes • Hepatorenal syndrome.
inflammation of the cells of the liver.
• Hemorrhage, bleeding esophageal varices.
• Fatty infiltration of the liver occurs related to Medical Care and Surgical Treatment
decrease in fatty acid oxidation and increase in
gluconeogenesis. The liver enlarges first. • Nutritional assessment and dietary intervention:
• The stellate cells to produce fibrous connective • Small, frequent high-calorie, low-sodium meals.
tissue and becomes resistant to blood flow from • Protein is titrated according to the serum
the portal vein; portal HTN and ascites result. ammonia levels.
Assessment and Diagnostic Findings
• Lactulose for high ammonia levels; diuretics
and/or albumin for ascites.
• ↑ GGT and ALP, abnormalities in hepatocytes • Alcohol cessation program.
revealed by liver biopsy.
• Paracentesis to remove ascitic fluid if respiratory
• ↑ ALT, AST, and bilirubin levels. embarrassment occurs.
• Anorexia, nausea, vomiting, right upper quadrant • Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt.
discomfort, presence of ascites and lower extremity
edema, enlarged liver, pruritus. Keep in Mind
• Presence of alcohol withdrawal symptoms. • Teach client to avoid hepatotoxic substances.
• Pale stools, dark tea-colored urine, jaundice.
• History of alcohol abuse; starburst hemorrhages
Make the Connection
under the skin.
• B-vitamin deficiency, (Remember: B vitamins • MELD score indicates the likely survival of
are for Blood/Brain), as in wet beriberi. the client for 90 days (score ranges from 6 to 40).
Complications • Assess laboratory values, respiratory and mental
status; assess.
• Chronic liver failure, encephalopathy, and death.
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Gastrointestinal Disorders 11
Liver Cancer
(liv-er kan-ser)
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Gastrointestinal Disorders 11
Pathophysiology • Lactulose for high ammonia levels; diuretics
• Chronic irritation of hepatocytes or surrounding and/or albumin for ascites.
parenchyma causes mutation of cells.
• Alcohol cessation program.
• The liver is a common site of mastastasis. • Paracentesis to remove ascitic fluid, if respiratory
Assessment and Diagnostic Findings embarrassment occurs.
• ↑ ALT and AST, ↑ ALP and ↑ bilirubin level. • Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt.
• Anorexia, nausea, vomiting, right upper quadrant Keep in Mind
discomfort, presence of ascites and lower extremity
edema, enlarged liver, pruritus. • Avoid hepatotoxic substances as much as
• Presence of alcohol withdrawal symptoms. possible.
• Pale stools, dark tea-colored urine, jaundice. • Manage stress with counseling.
• Liver biopsy is positive for carcinoma. • Teach the side effects of chemotherapy and radia-
tion therapy.
• Chronic liver failure, encephalopathy, and death.
• Portal hypertension, ascites, edema. Make the Connection
• Hepatorenal syndrome. • Offer pain medication and antiemetics
• Hemorrhage; bleeding esophageal varices. around the clock or by patient-controlled system.
Medical Care and Surgical Treatment • Monitor laboratory values, respiratory ease, and
• Chemotherapy, radiation, biologic therapies, and, signs of bleeding.
rarely, liver transplantation. • Intra-arterial chemotherapy is shown to be less
• Nutritional assessment and dietary intervention: toxic to the body.
• Small, frequent high-calorie, low-sodium meals.
• Protein is titrated according to the serum
ammonia levels.
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Gastrointestinal Disorders 12
Esophageal Varices
(e-sof-a-je-al var-i-sez)
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Gastrointestinal Disorders 12
Pathophysiology • Transfusion of packed red blood cells (PRBCs),
• Dilation of the veins of the esophagus occurs related volume expanders (e.g., albumin), and fresh frozen
to portal hypertension from chronic liver disease. plasma (FFP) for clotting factors (if necessary).
• The walls of the veins become thin and can spon- • Sclerotherapy done with an esophagogastroduo-
taneously rupture and cause massive bleeding. denoscopy (EGD).
• Ingestion of fibrous or fried foods can scratch
and rupture the varices. Keep in Mind
Assessment and Diagnostic Findings • Avoid hard, fried, or fibrous foods if diagnosed
• Endoscopic examination for dilated areas of the with enlarged esophageal varices.
esophagus. • After sclerotherapy, chest pain may occur for
• Portal hypertension (resistance to blood flow 72 hours. Report worsening pain not responding
through the liver). to the prescribed analgesic.
• Hemorrhage. Make the Connection
• Fluid and electrolyte imbalance. • Monitor the airway carefully when using
Medical Care and Surgical Treatment tamponade. Be ready to quickly deflate or cut the
• Infusion of vasopressin to stop the hemorrhage. lumens of the esophageal balloon in cases of res-
• Tamponade (pressure) on the varices with a piratory distress.
Sengstaken-Blakemore tube, which has three • Assess the complete blood count (CBC), blood
lumens. One drains the stomach contents, another pressure, and pulse for hypovolemia and anemia.
inflates a balloon in the fundus of the stomach, • Start venous access.
and the last inflates a long balloon in the esopha- • Unrelieved pain after sclerotherapy could indicate
gus. The esophageal balloon pressure should be esophageal perforation.
maintained between 20 and 25 mm Hg.
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Gastrointestinal Disorders 13
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Gastrointestinal Disorders 13
Pathophysiology • Signs of hemorrhage: Turner’s sign (a purple
• The outlet of the pancreas may become blocked discoloration in the flanks) and Cullen’s sign
due to inflammation, mechanically (gallstones), (a purple discoloration around the umbilicus).
or by the digestive enzymes being prematurely
activated while they are still in the pancreas. Medical Care and Surgical Treatment
• Protease causes dilation and permeability of • IV infusion of fluids, volume expanders, and
the capillaries, allowing fluid to move from the PRBCs.
pancreas to the retroperitoneal space. If fluid • Oxygen, IV analgesics (meperidine rather than
loss is severe, shock may occur. morphine to lessen spasm of the sphincter of
Oddi), and antiemetics.
• Protease initiates a chain reaction of inflamma-
• NPO to avoid worsening autodigestion.
tion that results in conversion of prothrombin to
thrombin, causing DIC. Keep in Mind
Assessment and Diagnostic Findings • Chronic alcohol ingestion is a causative factor in
• ↑ ALT and AST, amylase, lipase, ALP, bilirubin, pancreatitis.
LDH, potassium, and glucose. • Cholelithiasis may cause mechanical obstruction.
• CT scan and US to show infiltrates in the
retroperitoneal and pleural spaces.
• Pain in the abdomen with guarding. Pain is less- Make the Connection
ened by drawing the knees up and worsened by • Monitor pain level and medicate as needed.
extension. • Assess vital signs for ↑ pulse and ↓ blood
• Low blood pressure and ↑ pulse indicate shock. pressure.
Complications • Monitor amylase and lipase levels and F and E
• Shock, respiratory distress. • Assess for Turner’s or Cullen’s sign.
• Renal failure.
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Gastrointestinal Disorders 14
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Gastrointestinal Disorders 14
Pathophysiology • Ultrasound of the gallbladder.
• Presence of gallstones causes mechanical • Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
obstruction of bile from the gallbladder. Stasis (ERCP) with contrast.
of bile attracts bacteria, which adds to the
inflammation. Complications
• Small gallstones enter the cystic duct and cause • Sepsis, gallbladder perforation, peritonitis.
severe colicky pain as the duct’s peristaltic waves • Adenocarcinoma of the gallbladder.
press on the stone. Medical Care and Surgical Treatment
• The gallbladder becomes fibrotic and does not • Low-fat diet, meperidine for pain, antispasmodics,
release bile effectively into the duodenum. antiemetics, oral gallstone dissolution medications.
• Pressure of gallstones on the gallbladder walls • Laparoscopic or classic cholecystectomy.
can cause necrosis. • Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL).
Assessment and Diagnostic Findings Keep in Mind
• Severe right upper quadrant (RUQ) pain (biliary • Avoid high-fat meals preoperatively. Postoperatively,
colic) radiating to the right scapula, especially reintroduce fats into the diet gradually.
after a fatty meal, and lasting for 4–6 hours;
nausea and vomiting. • A T tube may be inserted temporarily after
cholecystectomy for drainage of bile if the cystic
• Murphy’s sign, in which the client is unable to duct was explored.
take a deep breath when the examiner places
pressure over the lower liver border.
• Low-grade temperature elevation, elevated WBC Make the Connection
count. • Assess pain patterns and medicate as needed;
• ↑ Serum amylase levels, ↑ bilirubin, jaundice. assess for Murphy’s sign.
• PIPIDA, DISIDA, or HIDA nuclear medicine scans. • Monitor laboratory values and vital signs.
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Gastrointestinal Disorders 15
Pancreatic Cancer
(pan-kre-at-ik kan-ser)
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Gastrointestinal Disorders 15
Pathophysiology • Postoperative infection, fistula formation,
• Mutation of cells in the pancreas occurs from peritonitis, paralytic ileus, malabsorption
genetic factors or chronic irritation. disorder.
• Tumors are most commonly found in the head of • Death: pancreatic cancer has a poor prognosis.
the pancreas and are large.
Medical Care and Surgical Treatment
• Metastasis by direct extension to the stomach, • Total or partial pancreatectomy when the tumor
gallbladder, liver, and duodenum occurs rapidly.
is located in the head of the pancreas.
• Tumors in the body of the pancreas metastasize • Whipple’s procedure, which involves removal of
rapidly via blood and lymph.
the head of the pancreas, the duodenum, and
Assessment and Diagnostic Findings parts of the stomach. Chemotherapy and/or
• ↑ ALP, glucose, and bilirubin. radiation.
• If the cancer causes obstruction, ↑ amylase and
lipase levels are seen. Keep in Mind
• Needle biopsy guided by ultrasound revealing • Manage pain and stress of illness.
cancer cells. • Monitor glucose level; report bruising.
• ERCP. • Take digestive enzymes as ordered.
• CT scan and MRI.
Complications Make the Connection
• DVT and CVA are commonly associated with • Monitor pain level and medicate as needed.
pancreatic cancer. The tumor secretes substances
similar to trypsin or protease that convert pro- • Assess laboratory values, electrolytes, albumin,
vital signs, weight and nutritional status.
thrombin to thrombin and increase clotting
factors in the blood.
• Diabetes mellitus.
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Gastrointestinal Disorders 16
Bowel Obstruction
(bow-el ob-struk-shun)
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Gastrointestinal Disorders 16
Pathophysiology • Mental status changes or cardiovascular abnor-
• Mechanical obstruction occurs when a tumor or malities related to electrolyte imbalance.
hard stool lodges in the intestine or when the
bowel twists (volvulus) or telescopes within itself Medical Care and Surgical Treatment
(intussusception). Pressure builds on the walls of • NPO.
the intestine, decreasing perfusion, which can • Decompression with an NGT.
lead to necrosis of the bowel. • Bowel resection.
• Adhesions from prior abdominal surgeries • F and E replacement.
cause scar tissue causing mechanical • Antibiotics, antiemetics, and analgesics.
obstruction. Keep in Mind
• Paralytic obstruction results from a temporary
• The NGT is used until the obstruction is resolved
cessation in nerve conduction. (self-resolution or with surgery).
Assessment and Diagnostic Findings • Report nausea immediately, because the NGT
• Abdominal pain, thirst, and malaise. may be occluded.
• Abdominal distention and visible loops of bowel.
• Intractable vomiting, eventually of fecal material; Make the Connection
no stools.
• F and E imbalance (dehydration). • Monitor all clients with past abdominal
• CT scan. surgeries for signs of bowel obstruction.
• ↑ WBC and H&H. • Bowel sounds are more active and high pitched
at the area of obstruction.
• Necrosis and perforation of the bowel. • Assess vital signs, pain level, and laboratory
values for infection; assess F and E status.
• Peritonitis.
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Gastrointestinal Disorders 17
Ulcerative Colitis
(ul-ser-a-tiv ko-li-tis)
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Gastrointestinal Disorders 17
Pathophysiology • Bowel perforation, peritonitis, and CA.
• Inflammation and hemorrhage in small areas of • Bowel cancer.
the mucosal layer of the colon cause abscesses to
form (crypt abscesses). The necrotic areas slough Medical Care and Surgical Treatment
off, causing ulcer formation that extends to the • Antirheumatics, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)
submucosal layer of the bowel. inhibitors, anti-inflammatory medications;
corticosteroids and immunosuppressants; bulk
• Blood in the colon causes hypertonicity of the
laxatives (gel the stool, ↓ diarrhea).
bowel contents and acts as a laxative.
• Pseudopolyps (ragged edges of the mucosal layer). • Partial bowel resection or colectomy.
• Incidence is greatest in the second, third, and • NPO during the acute phase; IV or TPN.
sixth decades of life, a genetic link exists; proba- Keep in Mind
ble autoimmune disease.
• Lesions begin in the rectum and spread proximally. • Avoid spicy foods and high-residue foods.
• Expect remissions and exacerbations; avoid stress.
Assessment and Diagnostic Findings • Avoid persons with infections while on anti-
• Weight loss, diarrhea with blood and mucus, inflammatories, antirheumatics, TNF inhibitors,
cramping and abdominal pain. or corticosteroids; teach care of ostomy.
• F and E imbalance. • Support groups for ulcerative colitis are helpful.
• CBC, colonoscopy with bowel biopsy, presence of
fissures, fistulas.
• Arthritis, skin lesions, inflammatory eye disorders, Make the Connection
altered liver function studies. • Monitor number and characteristics of
• P-ANCA, ASCA, OmpC testing. stools; assess laboratory values for anemia and
electrolyte imbalances.
• Anemia. • Assess vital signs and pain level frequently.
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Gastrointestinal Disorders 18
Colon Cancer
(ko-lon kan-ser)
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Gastrointestinal Disorders 18
Pathophysiology Medical Care and Surgical Treatment
• Mutation of epithelial cells of the colon from the • Bowel resection with or without ostomy creation.
chronic irritation of inflammatory bowel disease, • Chemotherapy and/or radiation.
familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP; early onset • Analgesics, antiemetics.
of polyps in the colon that become malignant),
removal of the gallbladder, increased fat in the Keep in Mind
diet, and ingestion of carcinogens. • Provide preoperative teaching concerning naso-
gastric tube (NGT), deep breathing, incentive
Assessment and Diagnostic Findings spirometer, exercise, use of antiemetics and anal-
• Change in bowel habits (constipation or diarrhea). gesics, and early ambulation.
• Change in shape of stool due to obstructing • Awareness of the side effects of chemotherapy
and/or radiation and their mitigation is important.
• Virtual colonoscopy by computed tomographic • Support groups for colon cancer are helpful;
(CT) scan, colonoscopy with biopsy, barium
teach ostomy care.
enema revealing polyps or tumors; stool for
occult blood is positive (polyps and tumors tend
to bleed). Make the Connection
Complications • Monitor laboratory tests for elevated liver
• Bleeding. enzymes to detect metastasis.
• Obstruction, necrosis, bowel perforation with • Assess vital signs and pain level.
peritonitis. • Teach ostomy care and assess ability of the client
• Metastasis to the lymph system and liver, result- for self-care.
ing in death. • Assess complete blood count (CBC) for immuno-
• After bowel resection, anastomotic leak, and suppression related to chemotherapy or radiation.
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Gastrointestinal Disorders 19
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Gastrointestinal Disorders 19
Pathophysiology • Diverticulitis (acute phase): Nothing by mouth
• Small herniations of the sigmoid and descending (NPO); rest the gut; intravenous fluids.
colon that occur when pressure within the bowel
and abdomen is high.
• Diverticulitis (surgical intervention): Bowel resection.
• Diverticulitis (convalescent phase): Increase to a
• Related to poor bowel habits, constipation, and soft, low-fiber, low-residue diet and avoid all
straining at stool. foods with nondigestible seeds or shells; once
• When diverticula become inflamed by seeds or healed, slowly resume normal diet, adding fiber.
other residue entering them, diverticulitis results.
Assessment and Diagnostic Findings Keep in Mind
• Diverticulosis is asymptomatic. • When the signal comes for a bowel movement,
• Barium enema or computed tomographic (CT) do not ignore it because doing so causes water
scan shows multiple small pouches, usually on loss from the stool and promotes constipation.
the sigmoid colon. • Use bulk laxatives; eat raw vegetables and fruits,
• Diverticulitis presents with pain in the left lower fiber-containing grain; increase fluid intake and
quadrant (LLQ); bleeding may be present and exercise for healthy bowel habits.
necessitate transfusion with packed red blood • Do not strain at stool.
cells (PRBCs) or surgery (bowel resection).
• Stool for occult blood may be positive.
Make the Connection
Complications • Assess for rebound tenderness at the LLQ
• Infection, colon perforation with peritonitis. if diverticulitis is suspected.
Medical Care and Surgical Treatment • Monitor complete blood count (CBC); monitor
• Diverticulosis: High-fiber diet; adequate fluid and stool for occult blood.
exercise to encourage healthy bowel habits. • Teach proper dietary habits for the presenting
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Gastrointestinal Disorders 20
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Gastrointestinal Disorders 20
Pathophysiology Keep in Mind
• Inflammation of the appendix by obstruction, • A nasogastric tube (NGT) may be in place briefly
usually by fecalith. The small stones may enter, until bowel function returns to prevent nausea
causing more inflammation by exerting pressure and vomiting; diet is increased once bowel
and abrasiveness on the walls of the appendix. function returns to normal.
Assessment and Diagnostic Findings • Pain medication should be taken only after diag-
Temperature elevation, ↑ white blood count (WBC). nosis; no enemas should be used prior to coming
• to the emergency department.
• Guarding, limping on ambulation, rebound ten-
derness at McBurney point (midpoint between • Take nothing by mouth (NPO).
the umbilicus and the right iliac crest). • Lying in side-lying or semi-Fowler’s position will
decrease pain.
• Computed tomographic (CT) scan and ultra-
sound show enlargement of the appendix.
• Rectal examination reveals enlarged appendix. Make the Connection
• If appendix has ruptured, abdominal rigidity is
• Monitor complete blood count (CBC) for
evident; if appendix is abscessed, no bowel WBC elevation.
sounds are heard over the right lower quadrant
(RLQ), and pain increases. • Assess pain patterns, including rebound tender-
ness at McBurney point.
Complications • Watch for any increase in pain and decreased
• Rupture and peritonitis. bowel sounds in the RLQ.
• Abscess.
Medical Care and Surgical Treatment
• Laparoscopic resection.
• Drainage of abscess.
• Antibiotics, analgesics.
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Gastrointestinal Disorders 21
Crohn’s Disease
(kronz di-zez)
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Gastrointestinal Disorders 21
Pathophysiology Medical Care and Surgical Treatment
• Inflammatory bowel disease affecting mostly • Antirheumatics and TNF inhibitors,
women from adolescence to the third decade corticosteroids, immunosuppressants,
of life. anti-inflammatories.
• Cobblestone appearance of the bowel wall related • Ileostomy or bowel resection. Surgery is not a
to interspersed areas of inflammation and healthy cure; the enteritis will spread.
tissue; also called regional enteritis. • Dietary intervention with folate, calcium,
• Inflammation occurs mainly in the small intestine flaxseed, and fish oil.
above the cecum and spreads proximally.
• Affects the submucosa, causing strictures, Keep in Mind
scarring, fissures, and fistulas. • Avoid spicy foods and high-residue foods.
• Disease involves both genetic and autoimmune • Expect remissions and exacerbations; avoid stress.
factors. • Avoid persons with infections.
• Crohn’s disease affects the entire bowel wall. • Support groups for Crohn’s disease are helpful.
Assessment and Diagnostic Findings
• Cramps and diarrhea that occur with food intake. Make the Connection
• Remissions and exacerbations. • Monitor I&O, calories, and characteristics
• F and E imbalance. and number of stools.
• CBC, bowel biopsy, presence of fissures, fistulas. • Assess laboratory values for anemia and inflam-
• P-ANCA, ASCA, OmpC testing. matory markers.
• Anemia and malnutrition.
• Fissures, fistulas, stricture/obstruction, bowel per-
foration with peritonitis.
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Gastrointestinal Disorders 22
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Gastrointestinal Disorders 22
Pathophysiology • Intravenous antibiotics, analgesics.
• Inflammation of the sterile peritoneal cavity by • Organ repair if caused by a perforation; place-
introduction of bacteria via invasive procedures, ment of a nasogastric tube (NGT) if bowel is
open bowel surgeries, or perforation of intra- perforated.
abdominal organs whose normal flora contain
bacteria. Keep in Mind
Assessment and Diagnostic Findings • Teach pre- and postoperative care and expecta-
• Generalized abdominal pain and rigidity. tions (early ambulation, deep breathing, leg
• If perforation is the cause, pain localizes to the exercises).
area of the perforation and leak. • Explain the illness and the use of antibiotic
• ↑ White blood count (WBC), temperature therapy.
increase, tachycardia.
• Absence of bowel sounds (peristalsis) over the Make the Connection
affected area.
• Assess for return of bowel sounds.
• Monitor CBC for normalization of WBC levels.
• Septicemia. • Assess function of all organ systems.
• Hypovolemia with fluid shifts into the • Support cardiorespiratory functions as needed.
• Shock and death.
Medical Care and Surgical Treatment
• Nothing by mouth (NPO).
• Exploratory surgery; abscess drainage and infiltra-
tion with antibiotic solution.
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Gastrointestinal Disorders 23
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Gastrointestinal Disorders 23
Pathophysiology Medical Care and Surgical Treatment
• Varicosities of the veins of the anus related to • Prevent straining at stool and constipation.
increased intra-abdominal pressure. • Nutritional consultation.
• Occur during pregnancy as the weight of the • Anti-inflammatory topical medication, analgesics.
fetus compresses the inferior vena cava, causing • Sitz baths, side-lying positions, ice packs.
congestion of the veins in the anus (as well as • Sclerotherapy.
the legs). • Rubber-band ligation.
• Poor bowel habits and constipation contribute to • Laser, cryotherapy, or surgical removal.
the etiology.
• Internal hemorrhoids occur above the internal Keep in Mind
sphincter; external hemorrhoids occur below the • Avoid constipation by eating adequate fiber-rich
external sphincter. foods; increase fluids and exercise.
Assessment and Diagnostic Findings • Encourage good hygiene.
• Frank red blood on stools.
• External hemorrhoids are visible. When inflamed, Make the Connection
they are large and red and usually encircle the • Monitor affected site for improvement.
anus. Careful examination should be done of • Sitz baths can lower blood pressure and cause
these lesions to determine whether they are blue, syncope, so monitor the client carefully.
light-colored, or black, which could indicate • Assess stools for bright red blood.
ischemia or necrosis of the overlying skin. • Assess hemorrhoids for color.
Complications • Postoperatively, monitor for bleeding, infection,
• Pain, bleeding, and infarction of the skin above and pain.
the lesions.
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Endocrine Disorders 24
Endocrine Disorders 24
Pathophysiology • Enlarged feet and hands, deep voice, arthritis,
• Hyperfunction of the pituitary is almost insulin resistance, headache, sleep apnea.
always caused by an adenoma.
• CT scan and MRI to detect pituitary tumor.
• GH, from the anterior pituitary, is secreted in Complications
large amounts, resulting in gigantism in children
and acromegaly in the adult. • MI, CHF, DM.
• Acromegaly is characterized by growth of bone, • Sleep apnea, dysphagia.
connective, and soft tissue. • Arthritis, osteoporosis, and chronic bone pain.
• Hands and feet become enlarged; larynx • Cancer from GH.
enlarges; vertebral growth often results in Medical Care and Surgical Treatment
kyphosis; teeth become displaced; enlargement • Dopamine agonists, GH inhibitors (somatostatin).
and erosion of the sella turcica causes visual • Radiation therapy or hypophysectomy.
changes and headache.
Keep in Mind
• Metabolic alteration causes fats to become
• Monitor the glucose level, report excessive
the initial energy burned, resulting in ketosis.
GH–induced insulin resistance, along with snoring, and report difficulty swallowing.
glycogen release by the liver, causes DM.
• Other anterior pituitary hormones are inhibited. Make the Connection
• Fatty acid metabolism is altered causing
• Remember: Following transsphenoidal
atherosclerosis. hypophysectomy, assess all drainage for glucose,
• Excess soft tissue of the soft palate cause sleep indicating CSF leak.
Assessment and Diagnostic Findings
• ↑ GH, ↑ LDL. Uploaded by MEDBOOKSVN.ORG
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Endocrine Disorders 25
Endocrine Disorders 25
Pathophysiology Medical Care and Surgical Treatment
• Growth hormone (somatropin) is deficient • Somatropin.
related to an ablative pituitary tumor or failure • Hypophysectomy.
of the gland to develop. • Hypoglycemia treated with dietary intervention.
• Dwarfism, in the child, and mental slowness.
Keep in Mind
• In adults, decreased GH leads to central accumu-
lation of body fat and related problems with • Report any bone pain or limping after starting
cardiovascular health. somatropin therapy.
Assessment and Diagnostic Findings • Growth is possible as long as the epiphyseal disks
are not closed.
• Growth of a child well below the 25th • Adults should be under the care of a health pro-
fessional if GH or secretagogues are used.
• Developmental delay.
• Weakness, hypoglycemia, “apple fat,” and skin
changes in adults. Make the Connection
• GH levels, GH stimulation test in response to • Monitor glucose levels, growth patterns,
induced hypoglycemia. sexual organ development, and thyroid function
• MRI and CT scan to detect presence of pituitary tests.
tumor. • Measure long-bone growth bilaterally; note any
Complications change in gait, which may be a sign of a slipped
• Cardiovascular disease in adults and untreated epiphyseal disk, in which growth is occurring only
in one area of the disk.
• Short stature, mental retardation.
• Headache and visual changes in cases of pituitary
tumor. Uploaded by MEDBOOKSVN.ORG
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Endocrine Disorders 26
Diabetes Insipidus
(di-a-be-tez in-si-pi-dus)
Endocrine Disorders 26
Pathophysiology Complications
• ADH or AVP is secreted by the posterior pitu- • Hypovolemic shock.
itary gland and is responsible for reabsorption • Electrolyte imbalances.
of water by the kidney. • Enlarged bladder.
• DI is caused by a deficiency of ADH and excess Medical Care and Surgical Treatment
loss of water through urination. Urinary output
can be in excess of 5–15 L daily.
• Hypophysectomy in presence of pituitary tumor.
• Replacement of ADH.
• DI can be caused by drugs like lithium; surgical
• Hypotonic fluid replacement (0.45% sodium
removal of the pituitary; and nephrogenic DI. chloride solution).
• Psychogenic DI (not true DI) is caused by a desire
• Sulfonylureas that increase sensitivity to ADH
to drink large amounts of fluids (water intoxica- and thiazide diuretics (slow urine output in the
tion); alcohol ingestion causes a temporary DI absence of ADH).
resulting in dehydration.
Assessment and Diagnostic Findings Keep in Mind
• Polyuria, nocturia, excessive thirst, poor skin turgor. • Monitor daily weight (report an increase of
• Hypovolemia, dehydration, and electrolyte greater than 2 lb in 1 day), and keep a diary of
imbalance. intake and output (I&O) after start of therapy.
• Specific gravity of urine of <1.005; ↓ urine • Take extra fluids if thirst occurs.
osmolality. • Comply with medication regimen.
• ↓ ADH levels following administration of hyper-
tonic saline solution or fluid restriction (should ↑).
Make the Connection
• Water deprivation test.
• Monitor vital signs, I&O, urine specific
• CT scan and MRI to detect presence of a
gravity, and serum electrolytes.
pituitary tumor.
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Endocrine Disorders 27
Syndrome of Inappropriate
Antidiuretic Hormone
(sin-drom uv in-a-pro-pree-et
an-ti-di-u-ret-ik hor-mon)
Endocrine Disorders 27
Pathophysiology • Seizures, coma, cerebral and pulmonary edema,
• SIADH occurs when ADH does not decrease in and death.
response to a low serum osmolality, leading to
fluid overload. Medical Care and Surgical Treatment
• Frequently, SIADH is associated with cancers of • Oral salt, hypertonic solutions, loop diuretics,
the lung, pancreas, and Hodgkin’s disease. and fluid restriction (1,000 mL/24 hr).
• ADH may hypersecrete in the presence of head • Demeclocycline.
trauma or tumor or as a complication of diabetes • Treatment of underlying cancer.
insipidus treatment. Keep in Mind
Assessment and Diagnostic Findings • Monitor fluid restriction adherence, monitor daily
• Weight gain, bounding pulse, increased blood weight (report gain of >2 lb/24 hr), encourage
pressure, crackles. fluids high in sodium (ice chips may satisfy thirst
• Dilutional hyponatremia with signs and symp- without adding to fluid intake), maintain diary
toms of headache, personality changes, nausea, of I&O.
diarrhea, seizure, and coma (cerebral edema).
• Serum osmolality <275 mOsm/kg; serum ADH ↑.
• Lethargy, muscle cramps and weakness. Make the Connection
• History of cancer, especially oat cell cancer of the • Monitor for change in mental status
lung. (Glasgow Coma Scale may be used in severe
• Water load test. cases).
Complications • Monitor serum osmolality, urine output, daily
weight, and urine specific gravity.
• Mental status changes, weakness, lethargy, muscle • Monitor serum electrolytes (135–145 mEq/L).
cramps related to dilution of electrolytes.
• Auscultate lungs for crackles or diminished
breath sounds in the bases.
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Endocrine Disorders 28
Cushing’s Syndrome
(koosh-ingz sin-drom)
Endocrine Disorders 28
Pathophysiology Medical Care and Surgical Treatment
• Hormones secreted by the adrenal cortex are • Hypophysectomy or adrenalectomy if indicated.
the body’s stress hormones (glucocorticoids and • Treatment for secondary diabetes and insulin
mineral corticoids). resistance.
• Cushing’s disease is caused by excess cortisol • Exogenous cortisol dosage change or given every
secretion related to excess ACTH secretion, while other day.
Cushing’s “syndrome” is related to consumption
of exogenous cortisol. Keep in Mind
• May be caused by secreting tumor of the lungs or • Teach client to monitor blood glucose; modify
adrenal glands. dietary intake to low calorie, high protein,
high K+, and low Na+.
Assessment and Diagnostic Findings
• Weight gain, moon face, buffalo hump, truncal • Report any signs of infection (e.g., sore throat).
obesity, osteoporosis, glucose intolerance and
secondary diabetes, slow wound healing, striae, Make the Connection
bruising, bone marrow suppression and hyper- • Monitor cardiac rhythm strip, serum
pigmentation of the skin. potassium, and serum sodium.
• ↑ Serum sodium and ↓ serum potassium. • Monitor daily weights and I&O; administer potas-
• Plasma and urine cortisol and plasma ACTH are sium supplements, if ordered.
elevated. • Encourage weight-bearing exercise.
Complications • Monitor CBC and for any signs of infection.
• Masked infection, WBC activity, ↓ platelets. • Monitor wound healing.
• Cardiac arrhythmias; atherosclerosis.
• Pathologic bone fracture.
• Diabetes mellitus. Uploaded by MEDBOOKSVN.ORG
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Endocrine Disorders 29
Addison’s Disease
(ad-i-sonz di-zez)
Endocrine Disorders 29
Pathophysiology Medical Care and Surgical Treatment
• The adrenal cortex secretes hormones necessary • Replacement of corticosteroids and aldosterone
to react to stress (physical or psychological). given daily in divided doses in times of stress.
They include glucocorticoids, aldosterone, and
sex hormones (sugar, salt, and sex). Keep in Mind
• In primary hypofunction of the adrenal gland, • Teach compliance with medication regimen;
the adrenal hormones are not secreted in ade- as needed; and high-calorie, moderate-Na , and
quate amounts; in secondary hypofunction of ↓K+ diet.
the adrenal glands, insufficient pituitary secretion • Client must learn to assess his or her BP.
of ACTH occurs. • Wear a MedicAlert bracelet.
• Primary Addison’s disease may be autoimmune.
• Adrenalectomy may cause Addison’s.
Make the Connection
Assessment and Diagnostic Findings •+ Monitor BP, blood glucose, serum Na+,
• Hyperpigmentation of the skin, ↓ BP, ↓ serum and K levels; weight, Addisonian crisis.
Na+, ↑ K+, ↓ serum glucose levels. • Monitor cardiac rhythm strip data.
• Anorexia, weight loss, confusion, psychosis.
• Low urine sodium and cortisol levels; ↑ pituitary
output of serum ACTH (primary); ↑ blood urea
nitrogen (BUN) related to dehydration.
• Inability to respond to stress; Addisonian crisis.
• Arrhythmias.
• Coma and death from hypoglycemia.
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Endocrine Disorders 30
Endocrine Disorders 30
Pathophysiology pressure, restlessness, decreased mental acuity,
• The thyroid gland hormones are responsible for and delirium.
carbohydrate, protein, and fat metabolism • Goiter (enlargement of the thyroid gland).
required by the body cells and for calcium regula- • Hypothyroidism after treatment.
tion (in tandem with the parathyroid glands). • Visual changes related to exophthalmos.
• Primary hyperthyroidism (Graves’ disease) is Medical Care and Surgical Treatment
caused by excess thyroid hormone secretion • Subtotal thyroidectomy.
(T3 and T4). • Radioactive iodine treatment.
• Secondary hyperthyroidism is caused by hyper- • Thyroid-suppressing medications.
secretion of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)
by the pituitary gland. Keep in Mind
• A thyroid tumor may also cause hypersecretion of • Report temperature increase, increased blood
thyroid hormones or TSH. pressure, or change in mental status; manage
• Exposure to radiation is another causative factor. stress, maintain nutritional status, and take rest
Assessment and Diagnostic Findings breaks.
• Weight loss despite increased appetite, heat intol-
erance, irritability, nervousness, tremor, tachycar- Make the Connection
dia, palpitations, inability to sit still or rest.
• ↓ Serum TSH, ↑ serum T3 and T4. • Monitor vital signs, serum TSH, and
cardiac rhythm strip data.
• Thickening of the skin on the anterior legs.
• Assess for nodules palpated on the thyroid.
• Exophthalmos.
• In the case of radioactive iodine treatment,
Complications remind the client he or she will have to be in
• Thyrotoxic crisis (thyroid storm) characterized by isolation.
very high temperature, tachycardia, high blood
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Endocrine Disorders 31
Endocrine Disorders 31
Pathophysiology temperature, decreased respiration, decreased
• The thyroid gland is responsible for metabolism cardiac output, renal failure, nonpitting edema
of carbohydrates, fats, and protein according to of extremities, death from respiratory failure.
body requirements. Medical Care and Surgical Treatment
• Primary hypothyroidism (myxedema) occurs when • Synthetic thyroid hormone replacement therapy.
the thyroid gland does not secrete adequate
thyroid hormone. Keep in Mind
• Secondary hypothyroidism is related to hypose- • Teach that full effects of the hormone
cretion of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) replacement may take from days to a week.
by the pituitary gland or overtreatment of • Report palpitations or shortness of breath after
hyperthyroidism. hormone replacement therapy.
• Low levels of thyroid hormone decrease metabo-
lism in the body.
• Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is an autoimmune Make the Connection
disorder that destroys thyroid tissue. • Monitor TSH level.
Assessment and Diagnostic Findings • Assess cardiac rhythm strip data when beginning
synthetic hormone replacement.
• Fatigue; weight gain; lethargy; mental slowness; • Teach client to report signs and symptoms of
bradycardia and heart failure; dry skin; coarse, hyperthyroidism or myxedema.
dry hair; feeling cold all the time; menorrhagia in
women; shortness of breath; decreased sweating.
• ↑ TSH and ↓ T3 and T4 in primary disease.
• Myxedema coma triggered by physical or psy-
chological stress and resulting Uploaded
in subnormal by MEDBOOKSVN.ORG
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Endocrine Disorders 32
Endocrine Disorders 32
Pathophysiology • Synthetic or animal-derived insulin given
• The pancreas secretes insulin from the beta cells subcutaneously.
(islets of Langerhans) in response to elevated
blood glucose levels.
• Treatment of DKA with intravenous hypotonic
saline solution with regular insulin added. Once
• In primary diabetes mellitus type 1, the beta cells the glucose begins to normalize, potassium
are destroyed by an autoimmune reaction. replacement is necessary.
• In secondary diabetes mellitus type 1, the beta
• Pancreas transplant; transplantation of beta cells
cells are damaged by cancer of the pancreas or into the liver via the portal vein.
other diseases like pancreatitis and cystic fibrosis.
Assessment and Diagnostic Findings Keep in Mind
• Elevated fasting blood glucose levels, elevated • Monitor glucose level before meals and at bed-
postprandial glucose levels. time. Report hypoglycemia in the middle of the
• Weight loss, polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia. night (Somogyi effect) or increase in the morning
• Elevated glycohemoglobin levels, acetone breath (dawn phenomenon).
(smells like alcohol/fermented fruit). • Encourage client to carry a simple sugar or glu-
Complications cose at all times, wear a MedicAlert bracelet,
• Neuropathy, nephropathy, retinopathy. examine his or her feet for lesions, and report
• Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). visual problems or pain in arms/legs.
• Hypoglycemia (the most common complication
after treatment with insulin is begun).
Make the Connection
• Infertility related to sexual dysfunction. • Teach the client to rotate sites for insulin
Medical Care and Surgical Treatment administration and to follow dietary regimen.
• Carbohydrate counting; dietary regimen should • Monitor glycosylated hemoglobin and serum
be similar day to day with increase in calories if glucose levels; monitor for complications.
physical activity is increased. Uploaded by MEDBOOKSVN.ORG
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Endocrine Disorders 33
Endocrine Disorders 33
Pathophysiology increases in the blood glucose level without
• Type 2 diabetes increases in incidence with ketosis.
obesity, poor diet, and sedentary lifestyle as • Death.
the cells of the body become resistant to Medical Care and Surgical Treatment
insulin. • Oral hypoglycemic agents and drugs to lower
• Genetic link (10 new gene variants that affect insulin resistance; insulin may be required if these
blood glucose and insulin levels have been medications are ineffective or if the client is ill
identified); type 2 diabetes is affecting more (increases glucose levels).
children related to poor diet and obesity. • Nutritional consult and exercise regimen.
Assessment and Diagnostic Findings • Assessment of cardiac status with stress testing,
• Elevated fasting blood glucose levels, elevated lipid profile, cardiac rhythm strip.
postprandial glucose levels. • Renal tests.
• Weight loss, polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia. Keep in Mind
• Elevated glycohemoglobin levels.
Complications • Monitor blood glucose level ac and hs. Learn the
symptoms of low blood glucose and report if it
• Neuropathy, nephropathy, retinopathy. occurs.
• Metabolic syndrome (syndrome X), character- • Follow dietary, exercise, and medication regimen.
ized by elevated waist circumference (apple
fat), reduced high-density lipoprotein levels, • Check feet for sores.
elevated blood pressure, fasting glucose levels • Report sensation or vision changes.
of >100 mg/dL. This syndrome is related to
atherosclerosis and cardiac events. Make the Connection
• Hyperosmolar nonketotic syndrome, in • Monitor HgbA1c and serum glucose levels;
which stress from illness causes extreme
Uploaded monitor for complications.
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Urologic Disorders 34
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Urologic Disorders 34
Pathophysiology • Residual urine of >50 mL immediately after
• Occurs more frequently in women because of voiding (bladder scans).
anatomy and age-related structural changes.
• Voiding cystourethrogram or KUB x-ray showing
• UTIs can also occur as a result of obstructive dis- obstruction.
ease, invasive therapies, and incontinence issues.
• Most UTIs (95%) are caused by contamination • Ascending infection.
and ascension in the urethra by normal flora
from the rectum. • Urosepsis.
• Causative agents are Escherichia coli; Staphylococcus Medical Care and Surgical Treatment
saprophyticus; and to a lesser extent Klebsiella • Antibiotics and urinary analgesics.
species, Proteus mirabilis, Staphylococcus aureus, and • Transurethral resection of the prostate or lithec-
Pseudomonas aeruginosa. tomy for obstructions.
• The normal mucin-surface glycosaminoglycans • Complementary ingestion of cranberry capsules,
are overwhelmed and bacteria become adherent which are shown to prevent adherence of
to bladder surfaces. bacteria.
• Soap in bathwater causes UTIs in children.
Keep in Mind
Assessment and Diagnostic Findings
• Chills, temperature elevation, dysuria, frequency, • Increase fluid intake when on treatment, and com-
plete all antibiotics as ordered.
urgency, frank blood in urine, urethral spasm,
and pyuria or strong ammonia smell of urine.
• Urine culture showing bacterial count of Make the Connection
>100,000/mL indicates infection. The presence • Recurrent infections or those caused by
of RBCs, WBCs, hyaline casts, and positive leuko- unusual organisms must be investigated.
cyte esterase and nitrite in urinalysis.
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Urologic Disorders 35
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Urologic Disorders 35
Pathophysiology Complications
• More common in men but can occur in women; • Infertility.
also characterized by inflammation and coloniza- • Diffuse infection that spreads to joints, heart
tion of the urethra by Escherichia coli, Neisseria valves, and meninges.
gonorrhoeae, Chlamydia trachomatis, herpes simplex, • Spread to other sexual partners.
or cytomegalovirus. Medical Care and Surgical Treatment
• Infectious agents may ascend and affect the
• Ceftriaxone, azithromycin, or penicillin.
prostate and infiltrate the lymph nodes in the
groin area. In women, these agents can ascend
• Sexual counseling and reporting to public health
department as indicated.
to infect the pelvic area and may be a cause of
• Urinary analgesics.
Assessment and Diagnostic Findings Keep in Mind
• Culture and sensitivity and treatment with anti- • Men may not become symptomatic for 1 month
infective to which the organism is sensitive. after contact with infectious agents.
• In males, symptoms are dysuria, blood or pus in
urine and semen, swollen lymph nodes in the
groin area, swollen testicles, purulent discharge
Make the Connection
from the penis, sore throat, and fever. • It is important to diagnose this condition
early to prevent systemic infection and infertility.
• In women, symptoms include dysuria, dyspareunia,
vaginal discharge, pelvic pain, sore throat, and
• Cervical cultures, rectal culture, penile cultures,
joint fluid culture, Gram stain, and throat
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Urologic Disorders 36
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Urologic Disorders 36
Pathophysiology Keep in Mind
• Usually an ascending urinary tract infection (UTI) • Recognize signs and symptoms of UTI so that
caused by a failure of the “washout” mechanism spread to the kidneys may be avoided.
of urine and protective mucin gel. Causative • Use complementary agents, like cranberry juice or
agents are usually Escherichia coli and, to a lesser capsules, to prevent adherence of bacteria to
extent, Staphylococcus aureus. bladder area (trigone is most easily breached).
• Kidney pelvis structures may be damaged by • Take entire antibiotic prescription as directed.
ongoing infection, leading to nephron damage • Ensure that urine culture is collected properly
and renal failure. (midstream).
Assessment and Diagnostic Findings
• Pyuria. Make the Connection
• Urinalysis and culture findings showing white • Monitor for dysuria.
blood cells singly, in clumps, or in casts.
• Bacteria count of >100,000/mL of urine. • Assess costovertebral angle for tenderness.
• Low specific gravity and osmolarity. • Assess urinalysis and urine culture.
• Slightly alkaline urine pH. • Identify risk factors for UTI.
• Proteinuria, glycosuria, and ketonuria. • Remember: The kidneys are inextricably linked to
the bloodstream, so infections in the kidney may
Complications quickly become overwhelming infections of the
• Chronic renal failure. blood, and the reverse is also true.
Medical Care and Surgical Treatment
• Antibiotics (e.g., sulfonamides, fluoroquinolones,
nitrofurantoin, penicillins) and urinary analgesics.
If drugs are given intravenously (IV), hospitaliza-
tion is required.
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Urologic Disorders 37
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Urologic Disorders 37
Pathophysiology • High BUN, creatinine, and creatinine/BUN ratio
• The glomerulus is formed from tufts of arteriolar (>20:1); elevated antistreptolysin O titer.
capillaries fed by an afferent arteriole and drained
by an efferent arteriole that have thin basement
• US of the kidney, renal biopsy, or CT scan.
membrane composed of a proteinous matrix Complications
and a layer of epithelial cells with footlike out- • Renal failure.
pouches. Blood plasma is forced through these Medical Care and Surgical Treatment
thin structures by a pressure gradient into • Steroidal and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
Bowman’s capsule and the renal tubule. agents; antibiotics, if indicated.
• A number of toxins, diseases, and organisms • Sodium and fluid restriction, antihypertensive
can cause inflammation and damage to this agents, and diuretics.
basement membrane. • Dialysis may be necessary; bedrest.
• In poststreptococcal infection, antigens are
Keep in Mind
deposited in the basement membrane of the
glomerulus. When antigen/antibody complexes • All suspected streptococcal infections require cul-
form, the immune system destroys them, setting ture specimen analysis, completion of treatment,
up large areas of inflammation and damage to and verification of negative culture.
surrounding structures.
Assessment and Diagnostic Findings Make the Connection
• Hypertension; smoky, frothy urine from RBCs and • Monitor laboratory values, pulse oximetry,
protein; oliguria; edema; periorbital edema tender- BP urinalysis results; serum chemistry for worsen-
ness over the costovertebral angle; and flank pain. ing azotemia.
• Adventitious lung sounds or absent lung sounds • Monitor level of consciousness and daily weights;
and generalized edema. maintain strict I&O measurements.
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Urologic Disorders 38
Nephrotic Syndrome
(ne-frot-ik sin-drom)
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Urologic Disorders 38
Pathophysiology • Generalized edema, CHF, pleural effusion, and
• Nephrotic syndrome is an umbrella term encom- HTN.
passing disorders that result from glomerular
damage. Damage to the basement membrane
• Atherosclerosis.
results in loss of blood components that would
• Renal failure.
otherwise remain in circulation.
• Infections from loss of immunoglobulins.
Medical Care and Surgical Treatment
• Large amounts of protein and immunoglobulins
• Antihypertensive agents, lipid-lowering drugs,
are lost in the urine. Hyperlipidemia and hyper-
triglyceridemia occur as the liver responds to the diuretics.
low protein levels. Triglycerides and LDL are also • Anticoagulant therapy, corticosteroids.
lost in the urine, to some extent adding to the • Sodium and water restrictions; protein is titrated
frothy appearance. based on serum nitrogenous wastes and estimate of
protein loss in the urine (low to moderate amount).
• Protein loss causes loss of intravascular fluid
• Dialysis.
into the interstitial spaces, but low glomerular
filtration rate still results in hypertension. Keep in Mind
Assessment and Diagnostic Findings • Report sudden weight gain or change in mental
• Hypertension, hyperlipidemia, hypertriglyc- or urinary status.
eridemia, loss of antibodies (immunoglobulins).
• Foamy urine. Make the Connection
• Azotemia (increased nitrogenous wastes).
• Hypercoagulability. • Monitor I&O, daily weights, abdominal
circumference, and vital signs.
• Thrombosis and embolism. • Monitor laboratory values for worsening
azotemia and complications of thrombosis.
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Urologic Disorders 39
Polycystic Kidney
(pol-e-sis-tik kid-ne di-zez)
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Urologic Disorders 39
Pathophysiology • Aneurysm in the brain.
• Hereditary disorder causing cystic formation in • Diverticulosis in the colon.
the cortex or medulla of the kidney.
• Cyst formation in other organs.
• Cysts may develop from pressure buildup in the Medical Care and Surgical Treatment
tubules and can progress to the entire kidney.
• Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) decreases. • Antibiotic therapy and antihypertensives.
• Stasis of fluid in the cysts predisposes to repeated • Dialysis or renal transplant.
urinary tract infection (UTI). Keep in Mind
• Persons with this hereditary disease are at high • Report signs and symptoms of UTI (frequency,
risk for aneurysms in the brain and diverticulosis urgency, pyuria, and hematuria).
related to body system formation during the
embryonic period. • Report change in mental status and prolonged,
severe headache.
Assessment and Diagnostic Findings
• Elevated blood pressure, UTIs and hematuria. Make the Connection
• Ultrasound revealing cysts in the kidney.
• Subjective findings of discomfort in the flank and • Remember: Decrease in GFR will result in
lower back. hypertension.
Complications • Because this disease is associated with brain
aneurysm, it is important to keep hypertension
• Urosepsis. under control.
• Hypertension.
• Renal failure.
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Urologic Disorders 40
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Urologic Disorders 40
Pathophysiology removal of tumor, lithectomy, dilation of stric-
• Unilateral or bilateral swelling of the renal cap- tures, careful monitoring of urinary output during
sule from regurgitant urine related to outflow CBI or when an indwelling Foley catheter is in
obstruction. Because the renal capsule is fibrous, place).
internal functional structures (nephrons) are • Nephrostomy tubes and/or stent placement.
destroyed. • Nephrectomy, if necessary.
• Causes may include renal system lithiasis; tumors • Antibiotics for repeated UTI.
of the kidneys, ureters, or bladder; enlargement
of the prostate; or stricture of the urethra. Keep in Mind
• May occur with continuous bladder irrigation • Report repeated UTI symptoms to the health-care
(CBI) if a clot obstructs outflow of irrigant and professional.
urine or with an obstructed Foley catheter. • Report flank pain, especially if post-TURP.
Assessment and Diagnostic Findings
• Flank and back pain. Make the Connection
• If insidious onset, urinary tract infections (UTIs) • Remember: Monitor intake and output
begin to occur because of urine stasis. carefully during CBI.
Complications • As they grow, renal system cancers can physically
• Renal failure. obstruct kidney outflow at any point from the
• Urosepsis. hilus of the kidney to the urethra.
Medical Care and Surgical Treatment
• Removal or mitigation of the obstruction
(transurethral resection of the prostate [TURP],
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Urologic Disorders 41
Renal Calculus
(re-nal kal-ku-lus)
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Urologic Disorders 41
Pathophysiology • Hydronephrosis and hydroureter.
• Men are affected more than women, and stone • Renal failure with repeated stone formation.
formation is usually unilateral. Once stones have
formed, repeated formation is likely. Medical Care and Surgical Treatment
• Irritation of the epithelial cells that line the tubules. • Nephrolithotomy, pyelolithotomy, lithotripsy,
chemolysis, and nephrostomy tubes.
• Dehydration causes more solute to be present
• Pain medication.
in the urine.
• Persons prone to stone formation may lack • Dietary changes: increase fluid intake. Acid-ash
inhibitor proteins and stones may recur. diet for calcium, struvite, and calcium oxalate
stones. Calcium added to the diet binds with
• Small stones (<5 mm) usually are passed in the
oxalates and is eliminated in the stool. Struvite
stones are formed in the presence of infections
Assessment and Diagnostic Findings and an alkaline environment. Alkaline-ash diet for
• Repeated urinary tract infection (UTI), hematuria uric acid stones.
from stasis of urine.
• Calculi, hydronephrosis, and hydroureter can be Keep in Mind
diagnosed by KUB x-ray, retrograde pyelography, • Stone formation seems to be hereditary. Alter diet
or ultrasound (US). as necessary and force fluids.
• Renal colic, genital pain, nausea, vomiting, and
• 24-hour urine for creatinine clearance. Make the Connection
• Urinalysis and urine pH. • Monitor for characteristic pain,
hematuria, and repeated UTI.
• Hemorrhage and hypovolemic shock.
• Urosepsis.
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Urologic Disorders 42
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Urologic Disorders 42
Pathophysiology with hydration, loop and osmotic diuretics are
• Results from crush injuries (compartment syn- prescribed to promote diuresis.
drome), the toxic effect of drugs or chemicals on • Dialysis may be needed if renal failure develops.
skeletal muscle, extremes of exertion, sepsis, • Urinary alkalinization with sodium bicarbonate
shock, electric shock, and severe hyponatremia. increases myoglobin solubility in the urine and
• Lipid-lowering drugs (e.g., statins, niacin, and/or assists its elimination from the body. The patient
fibrates) are among the commonly prescribed with rhabdomyolysis should also be monitored
drugs that cause damage to skeletal muscle fibers closely for electrolyte disturbances (hypocal-
that are released into the bloodstream and accu- cemia, hyperkalemia) and dysrhythmias, with
mulate in renal tubules. corrections being made as quickly as possible.
Assessment and Diagnostic Findings • Bedrest throughout the acute illness phase.
• Elevated levels of serum or urine myoglobin or Keep in Mind
creatine kinase (CK).
• Hematuria, elevated potassium levels, low • Report any muscle tenderness immediately if tak-
ing a cholesterol-lowering drug.
calcium levels, and metabolic acidosis.
• Arrhythmias related to altered electrolyte levels.
• Azotemia and decreased glomerular filtration rate Make the Connection
(GFR). • Monitor closely for electrolyte disturbances
Complications (hypocalcemia, hyperkalemia) and dysrhythmias.
• Renal failure and death. • Remember: Crush injuries may cause renal
Medical Care and Surgical Treatment
• Hydrate to achieve urine output of between 200
and 300 mL/hr. If urine output does not increase
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Urologic Disorders 43
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Urologic Disorders 43
Pathophysiology Complications
• Acute damage to nephrons associated with severe • Azotemic encephalopathy; acute renal failure
hypotension, use of contrast dyes, or damage to becomes chronic renal failure.
skeletal muscle fibers that accumulate in the • Hypertension, CHF, anemia, osteomalacia or
nephron tubules. osteoporosis with spontaneous fracture, and pul-
• Three stages: The oliguric stage (less than 400 mL/ monary edema.
24 hr), lasting 2 weeks (better prognosis) to several Medical Care and Surgical Treatment
months (poor prognosis).
The diuretic phase, characterized by a normal
• Bedrest; treatment of the underlying cause.
output of low-quality urine lasting up to a
• Restriction of protein intake, fluid, sodium,
potassium, and phosphorus while in renal
month. The recovery phase, which may last up to failure.
1 year. The quality of urine in this phase
improves, but full recovery is not guaranteed.
• Erythropoietin injections, antihypertensives,
diuretics, vitamin D supplementation, and
• Prerenal conditions are those that decrease per- calcium supplements with meals.
fusion of the kidneys. Intrarenal failure includes
incidents that damage the nephrons.
• Dialysis or transplant.
Urologic Disorders 44
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Urologic Disorders 44
Pathophysiology frost, sexual dysfunction, and accumulation of
• Gradual destruction of the nephrons and reduc- drugs in the body.
tion of GFR. Acute renal failure, diabetic Medical Care and Surgical Treatment
nephropathy, and hypertension are the most • Diet+ high in calories+and ++low in phosphorus,
common causes, but abnormalities of the kidney, Na , protein, and K ; Ca supplements (PhosLo)
autoimmune disorders, and chronic infection or with meals, vitamin D; fluid restriction (titrated).
cancer are also causes. • Hemodialysis or PD-insertion of peritoneal
Assessment and Diagnostic Findings catheter.
• Hypertension, worsening azotemia, change in • Erythropoietin injections, iron supplements.
LOC, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, anemia, elec- • Antihypertensives and diuretics.
trolyte imbalances, and abnormal DEXA scan. • Kidney transplant.
• Low urine sodium level (<10 mEq/L).
Keep in Mind
• CBC showing anemia and platelet dysfunction,
azotemic pericarditis, and acidosis. • It is important to know the blood glucose level
and blood pressure to avoid renal complications.
• Increasing azotemia, ESRD, uremic
encephalopathy, and sites for hemodialysis Make the Connection
becoming exhausted. • Monitor laboratory results; monitor for
• Infection from peritoneal dialysis (PD) from peritonitis (cloudy peritoneal return). Check graft
peritoneal catheter access (peritonitis). for bruit/thrill.
• Infected or clotted hemodialysis shunt or
• HTN, arrhythmias, azotemic pericarditis, peptic
ulcers, change in LOC/coma, pruritus, uremic
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Urologic Disorders 45
Overactive Bladder
(o-ver-ak-tiv blad-der)
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Urologic Disorders 45
Pathophysiology Medical Care and Surgical Treatment
• Overactive bladder is thought to be caused by • Anticholinergics to block parasympathetic
excessive parasympathetic impulses to the detru- impulses.
sor muscle of the bladder, initiating the micturi- • Behavioral modification exercises for bladder
tion response. retraining and Kegel exercises.
• Also, structural anomalies resulting from pelvic • Dietary changes to reduce fluids that cause
relaxation syndrome decrease the angle of the diuresis; decreased fluid intake prior to bed.
bladder, causing undue pressure on the neck of the
bladder and abnormal stretch of the transitional Keep in Mind
cells, which again triggers the micturition response. • Anticholinergic medications may cause drowsi-
• Neurogenic causes may include chronic neurologic ness; dry mouth; warm, flushed skin; changes in
illnesses (e.g., multiple sclerosis) that unintention- vision; and, in some clients, changes in mental
ally stimulate motor function and the micturition status. Troublesome side effects should be
reflex arc, making the bladder more active. reported.
Assessment and Diagnostic Findings • Side effects may diminish with time.
• Ultrasound (US) examination of the bladder for • Behavioral modification exercises and Kegel
exercises are very effective for this condition.
residual urine.
• Endoscopic examination of the bladder.
• Subjective history of stress incontinence, frequency, Make the Connection
and urgency. • Monitor frequency and urgency.
Complications • Monitor for side effects of anticholinergic
• Incontinence and social inhibition. medications (blind as a bat, mad as a hatter,
• Urinary tract infections, especially if the bladder dry as a bone, red as a beet, and hot as a hen).
is at an abnormal angle due to pelvic relaxation.
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Urologic Disorders 46
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Urologic Disorders 46
Pathophysiology Medical Care and Surgical Treatment
• Hypertension occurs when the renal artery • Renal artery angioplasty.
becomes narrowed and incapable of transmitting • Medications, especially angiotensin-converting
blood to the kidney. The response is activation of enzyme (ACE) inhibitors.
the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone mechanism to
increase vasoconstriction, further increasing the Keep in Mind
blood pressure. • Report headache or changes in vision immediately.
• Young women usually develop renal stenosis from • Have blood pressure assessed at every health-care
fibromuscular dysplasia; older adults develop it visit.
from chronic atherosclerotic disease.
Assessment and Diagnostic Findings Make the Connection
• Computed tomography (CT) scan or magnetic • Structural anomalies must be ruled out
resonance imaging (MRI) of the kidney with before standard treatment with antihypertensive
contrast. agents is begun.
• Duplex ultrasound of the kidney.
• Renal artery angiography.
• Cerebrovascular accident (CVA), retinopathy,
heart disease, vascular disease, and nephropathy
of the uninvolved kidney (if unilateral).
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Urologic Disorders 47
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Urologic Disorders 47
Pathophysiology Complications
• Infection and inflammation of the epididymis, the • Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) may persist
tube along the back side of the testes in which and cause infertility and abnormalities in other
sperm mature and are stored, can be the result of organ systems (valvular disease, neurologic deficits).
several events. Medical Care and Surgical Treatment
• In older men, regurgitation of urine from exces-
• Antibiotic therapy.
sive bladder pressure when trying to urinate in
the presence of an enlarged prostate can force
• Bedrest, scrotal elevation, and ice pack application.
urine into the vas deferens to the epididymis,
• Oral analgesics and antipyretics.
causing infections with bacteria such as
• Sexual counseling.
Escherichia coli. Keep in Mind
• Infections with sexually transmitted organisms occur • Appropriate protection from STD must be used
with frequency in young, sexually active males. (condoms).
• Congenital structural abnormalities in young chil- • Difficulty urinating must be reported to the
dren predispose them to infection. health-care provider.
• Trauma results from excessive pressure exerted on • Scrotal protection should be worn when strenuous
the epididymis. activity resulting in scrotal pressure is planned.
Assessment and Diagnostic Findings
• Scrotum is painful to touch; usually unilateral Make the Connection
involvement. Ambulation is difficult.
• Urinalysis, Gram stain, and urine culture showing • Assess laboratory results.
infection. • Maintain bedrest in the acute phase, with scrotal
elevation and intermittent use of ice packs.
• Possible pyuria and penile discharge. • Counsel the person with an STD that the sexual
partner must be treated as well.
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Urologic Disorders 48
Benign Prostatic
(be-nin pros-tat-ik hi-per-pla-ze-a)
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Urologic Disorders 48
Pathophysiology Medical Care and Surgical Treatment
• Enlargement of glandular tissue in the periurethral • Alpha-adrenergic antagonists.
area of the prostate under the influence of testos- • DHT- and testosterone-blocking medications.
terone, particularly DHT. • Herbals like saw palmetto.
• Estrogen is also implicated, as it makes the gland • TUMA.
more susceptible to DHT. • Prostatic balloon dilation.
• The prostatic urethra narrows as the prostate • Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP).
gland enlarges, causing partial, or eventually total,
obstruction of urine outflow from the bladder. Keep in Mind
Assessment and Diagnostic Findings • Report difficulty passing urine to the health-care
• Decrease in urinary stream, difficulty starting the • Medications used for benign prostatic hyperplasia
flow of urine, frequency and urgency, incomplete
emptying of the bladder, dribbling of urine, (BPH) can cause significant side effects like ↓ BP
overflow incontinence, and nocturia. or feminization (DHT blockers).
• Urinary tract infections from urine stasis; epi-
didymitis from pressure in the bladder forcing Make the Connection
urine into the ejaculatory ducts.
• Digital rectal examination for assessment of • If untreated, prostatic enlargement can
cause hydronephrosis and renal failure.
enlargement, urinalysis, prostate-specific antigen
(PSA), and serum creatinine level to determine • The PSA test is done serially from age 40.
the level of obstruction. • If a TURP is done, monitor I&O from the CBI
carefully to prevent postoperative hydronephrosis;
Complications output should exceed instillation amount.
• Hydronephrosis, hydroureter, and diverticular
lesions of the bladder from pressure of attempted
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Urologic Disorders 49
Bladder Cancer
(blad-der kan-ser)
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Urologic Disorders 49
Pathophysiology • Metastasis and death.
• More common in middle-aged males than in females. Medical Care and Surgical Treatment
• Strong association with cigarette smoking. • Surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, bacille
• Exposure to industrial pollutants (e.g., aniline dyes). Calmette-Guérin (BCG) bladder instillations to
• The tumor-node-metastasis (TNM) method of stag- prevent return of cancer cells.
ing the cancer determines prognosis and treatment.
• Over time, dysplastic changes occur in the • Surgeries after cystectomy include incontinent uri-
urothelium. With chronic irritation, these areas nary diversion, continent urinary diversion using a
of dysplasia are replaced by malignant cells. The Kock pouch, or formation of a neobladder (or
cells may form small cancers that remain in the new bladder) using a part of the intestines.
urothelium or may become invasive and metasta- Keep in Mind
tic to the liver, lungs, and bones.
• Report blood in the urine immediately.
Assessment and Diagnostic Findings • If surgery for bladder cancer has been performed
• Urine for cytology; urine culture. and a urinary diversion is done, care for area
• Intravenous pyelogram (IVP) to assess invasion of aseptically.
other urinary structures.
• Cystoscopy with biopsy is the only definitive diag- Make the Connection
nostic method.
Complications • Monitor laboratory and urinalysis results
for infections and nitrogenous waste levels.
• Hydronephrosis, hydroureter, renal failure, and • Teach client how to care for urinary diversions.
• Removal of the bladder with urinary diversion • Explain that incontinence is sometimes a problem
with orthotopic or neobladder formation.
may result in urinary tract infection or sepsis if
not cared for properly.
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Urologic Disorders 50
Prostate Cancer
(pros-tat kan-ser)
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Urologic Disorders 50
Pathophysiology • Metastatic disease.
• Prostatic glandular cells mutate and grow under • Tumors that obstruct urinary outflow and may
the influence of testosterone and DHT. result in hydronephrosis and renal failure.
• Prostate cancer late in life is usually slow Medical Care and Surgical Treatment
growing (↓ testosterone levels).
• Metastatic spread into other urinary and repro- • Testosterone-suppressing medications.
ductive structures is through lymph and blood • Radiation therapy (external beam or implanted
vessels. radioactive seeds) and/or chemotherapy.
• The TNM system is used to grade the cancer and • Radical prostatectomy; TURP.
make a prognosis. • Orchiectomy to decrease testosterone levels.
Assessment and Diagnostic Findings Keep in Mind
• Symptoms are usually late in the disease, so PSA • Early detection is key.
and DRE should be done in males older than 40. • Medications and surgeries may cause feminiza-
• Elevated prostatic acid phosphatase. tion and permanent erectile dysfunction.
• Late symptoms include hematuria, signs of
urinary obstruction, weight loss, anemia, and
pain in the boney structures of the pelvic girdle. Make the Connection
• Definitive diagnosis is made by a transrectal • Monitor I&O, calorie count, and stool
ultrasound-guided prostatic biopsy. characteristics.
Complications • Assess for development of vesicular rash on
knees, elbows, and buttocks.
• Complications of chemotherapy include nausea, • Monitor for anemia and bleeding tendencies.
vomiting, alopecia, hyperuricemia, and bone
marrow suppression; radiation causes burns, skin
breakdown, and scarring of internal tissue.
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Immune Disorders 51
Immune Disorders 51
Pathophysiology Medical Care and Surgical Treatment
• Severe type I hypersensitivity reaction in which • Emergency care includes use of an EpiPen.
IgG antibodies attached to mast cells, previously • IV fluids, IV vasopressors, corticosteroids,
sensitized to an antigen, are reactivated. The epinephrine, antihistamines, and histamine 1
most common antigenic material is derived from (H1)-receptor and H2-receptor blockers.
foods or insect stings. • Supplemental oxygen will be needed and airway
• Chemical mediators are released, the most support.
common of which are histamine, proteases, • Electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoring.
chemotactic factors, leukotrienes, prostaglandin D,
cytokines, and interleukins 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6). These Keep in Mind
mediators cause vasodilation and fluid shift from • Teach that severe allergy an occur at any time after
the intravascular to the interstitium. first occurance.
Assessment and Diagnostic Findings • Families with a member who has food or other
allergies should have an EpiPen on hand.
• Erythema, angioedema, urticaria (hives),
stridor, wheezing, decrease in BP, and
increase in pulse. Make the Connection
• Change in level of consciousness, drowsiness. • Anaphylaxis causes shock. Remember:
Complications shock = ↓ BP, ↑ pulse.
• Shock, respiratory and cardiac failure. • Remember: ↓ HOB, ↑ legs. Keep client warm.
• Renal ischemia. • Start an IV for fluid and drug administration.
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Immune Disorders 52
Immune Disorders 52
Pathophysiology Complications
• An autoimmune disease. • CREST syndrome: calcinosis (calcium deposits),
• Women are affected more often than men; Raynaud’s phenomenon, esophageal immotility,
disorder often has periods of exacerbation and sclerodactyly, and telangiectasia.
remission. • Dysphagia and aspiration risk; pneumonia and
• The skin, connective tissue, and internal organs desaturation of blood from lung noncompliance;
are affected. Insoluble collagen is overproduced arrhythmias; and necrosis of fingertips, toes, and
and deposited in the skin and other organs, caus- nose from Raynaud’s vasculitis.
ing inflammation. Inelastic rather than supple Medical Care and Surgical Treatment
edema results. A common finding is “stone face,” • Immunosuppressants.
which is the result of this hardening of the skin. • Vasodilating agents.
• There is a strong association (95%) with • Careful and consistent physical therapy and
Raynaud’s phenomenon. occupational therapy.
Assessment and Diagnostic Findings • Extremities must be kept warm.
• Pitting edema of the upper extremities followed Keep in Mind
by tightening of the tissue.
• The face will have no wrinkles. • Report any signs of illness (e.g., sore throat) immediately.
• Arthritis and decreased range of motion occur. • Physical activity helps to keep the body supple. Be as
independent as possible.
• The kidneys, lungs, heart, and gastrointestinal
tract are also affected.
• Skin biopsies and ELISA testing for anti-Scl-70 Make the Connection
and anticentromere antibodies. • Scleroderma presents a body image
• Kidney function tests, pulmonary function tests, problem, so psychological counseling is essential.
electrocardiogram, and x-ray studies.
Uploaded by • Monitor lung, renal, and cardiac function.
• Passive and active ROM.
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Immune Disorders 53
Systemic Lupus
(sis-tem-ik lu-pus er-i-the-ma-to-sis)
Immune Disorders 53
Pathophysiology • Peritonitis from chronic inflammation and scar-
• Immune system antibodies attack “self.” Females ring of abdominal and intestinal vasculature.
are affected more than males. A hereditary pre-
disposition exists.
• Visual changes or blindness.
• Severe arthritic changes.
• Discoid lupus causes skin plaques that tend to
Medical Care and Surgical Treatment
occur on the face, ears, and hair. Wherever they
appear, the area is inflamed and becomes scarred. • Antirheumatics and tumor necrosis factor
Alopecia results in affected areas in the hair. inhibitors.
• Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) causes • Corticosteroids and other immunosuppressants.
changes in the dermatologic, cardiovascular, Keep in Mind
musculoskeletal, hematologic, gastrointestinal,
renal, and ophthalmologic systems—all related to • Teach signs of heart disease, like SOB.
inflammation from overreaction of the immune • Teach signs of kidney inflammation.
system. • Eat a healthy diet, stay active, get adequate rest,
and wear a MedicAlert bracelet.
Assessment and Diagnostic Findings
• ELISA for SLE-specific antibodies; antinuclear Make the Connection
antibody (ANA); and nonspecific inflammatory
studies, like complete blood count with differen- • Monitor laboratory results and clinical
tial (CBC with diff), erythrocyte sedimentation condition. Refer to a rheumatologist if butterfly
rate, and kidney function tests. rash and arthritis occur.
Complications • Immunosuppressant therapy puts the client at
risk for infection and pseudodiabetes.
• Myocarditis, myocardial infarction, and pericarditis.
• Renal failure.
• Thrombocytopenia, anemia. Uploaded by MEDBOOKSVN.ORG
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Immune Disorders 54
Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis
(ha-she-mo-toz thi-royd-i-tis)
Immune Disorders 54
Pathophysiology • Fatigue, depressive illness, and mental dullness.
• Usually a disease of older women with a history • Anorexia, constipation, facial puffiness, and
of autoimmune disease. dry skin.
• Autoantibodies are produced to fight TSH. TSH Medical Care and Surgical Treatment
is not destroyed and instead binds with its recep-
tors in the thyroid gland, causing symptoms of • Evidence shows that low-dose thyroid hormone
hyperthyroidism. therapy may reduce destruction of the thyroid
• As the thyroid gland becomes infiltrated with
lymphoid tissue and plasma cells it enlarges and Keep in Mind
hypothyroidism occurs.
• Episodic hyperthyroidism can occur, so symp- • Report any signs of chest pain when therapy
begins. It takes a few weeks for the drug to
toms may swing back and forth from hyperthy- reduce symptoms.
roidism to hypothyroidism.
• Report any thoughts of suicide.
Assessment and Diagnostic Findings • Stay active and follow a low saturated-fat diet.
• Elevated levels of serum TG antibodies and TPO
using immunofluorescent assay. TSH may be
elevated or normal. T3 and T4 levels ↓. Make the Connection
• Needle biopsy of the thyroid. • Remember: Starting thyroid replacement
• ↑ RAIU. hormones with a sluggish heart can precipitate an
• Visible goiter or enlarged thyroid gland on US. angina attack or myocardial infarction. Monitor
the client’s electrocardiogram.
• Atherosclerosis, bradycardia, hypotension, and • Adjust dietary regimen as condition changes.
chest pain.
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Immune Disorders 55
Sjögren’s Syndrome
(sho-grenz sin-drom)
Immune Disorders 55
Pathophysiology Complications
• Autoimmune illness in which the lacrimal and • Corneal abrasion, choking, pneumonia,
salivary glands are attacked by autoantibodies anorexia, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, dyspareu-
and T lymphocytes. nia, tachycardia, and primary biliary cirrhosis.
• Can occur alone or with other autoimmune Medical Care and Surgical Treatment
• Artificial tears, cyclosporine eye drops, effective
• Occurrence is mainly seen in older women. and thorough mouth care, sugarless gum or
• Sjögren’s syndrome is associated with a 40%–60% candies, sips of water, a cholinergic preparation
increase in the chance of developing non-Hodgkin’s to induce salivation, and artificial saliva.
• Antimalarials and immunosuppressants.
Assessment and Diagnostic Findings
• Blurred vision, burning and itching of the eyes, Keep in Mind
Schirmer’s test (ability to wet a test strip placed • Report xerostomia, dysphagia, and chronic
under the eyelid). dry eye.
• Decreased sense of taste; thick secretions; dys-
phagia; dry, cracked oral mucous membranes;
enlarged parotid glands; lower lip salivary
Make the Connection
biopsy. • Observe ability to swallow.
• Dry nasal membranes, thick secretions in the • Protect eyes from excessive dryness to prevent
corneal abrasion.
bronchi and lungs.
• Synovitis, vaginal dryness with frequent Candida
infection, and vasculitis.
• Anemia, leukopenia, and elevated ESR.
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Immune Disorders 56
Immunodeficiency Disease
(a-kwird im-u-no-de-fish-en-se di-zez)
Immune Disorders 56
Pathophysiology Complications
• Macrophages process foreign antigens and pres- • Kaposi’s sarcoma and lymphomas, AIDS
ent antigenic material to the T-helper cells (CD4). dementia, fungal meningitis, and tuberculosis.
• The CD4 transfer this information to the T and • Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, Mycobacterium
B lymphocytes. In HIV, a retroviral particle avium complex, and other pneumonias.
(RNA strand) wrapped in a glycoprotein coat • Septicemia, toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus
(gp120 receptor) with p24 viral protein invades retinitis, cervical cancer and Candida infections,
the CD4 cell. The CD4 cell and macrophage are GI infections, and wasting.
the immune cells affected and destroyed. Medical Care and Surgical Treatment
• Once the CD4 cell count drops below
• HAART, fusion inhibitors (injectable only), and
200 cells/mm3, the client is diagnosed with integrase inhibitors. Monotherapy with a nucleo-
AIDS. Other diagnostic criteria include the side transcriptase inhibitor is administered only
presence of an opportunistic infection. during pregnancy and the neonatal period.
Assessment and Diagnostic Findings • Once an opportunistic infection occurs, prophylac-
• CD4 and CD8 counts, CD4/CD8 ratio abnormality, tic treatment is added to the daily medical regimen.
and viral load.
• GI wasting through opportunistic diarrheal Keep in Mind
infection and by alterations in enteral epithelial • Avoid smoking, unprotected sex, and organic
function by the viral particles. foods, and take medications as ordered.
• AIDS dementia complex.
• Opportunistic disease; ELISA is repeated after one
Make the Connection
positive result and confirmed by Western blot
analysis. • Monitor CD4/CD8 ratios, viral load, and
presence of opportunistic infection.
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Immune Disorders 57
Kaposi’s Sarcoma
(kap-o-sez sar-ko-ma)
Immune Disorders 57
Pathophysiology Medical Care and Surgical Treatment
• A rare lymphatic malignancy of the endothelial, • Chemotherapy and radiation treatment, biotherapy
rather than connective, tissue characterized by (interferon alfa-2b), cryotherapy, and hormone
red-to-purple macules, papules, or nodules. therapy.
• Lesions are first seen on the skin or mucous • Treatment with HAART.
membranes but may involve the internal
organs. Keep in Mind
• A rare cancer commonly related to AIDS. • Do not have unprotected sex, as this cancer may
• In patients with AIDS, KS is believed to be be spread in this way and there are many strains of
sexually acquired by infection with the human human immunodeficiency virus that can be spread.
herpesvirus 8. • Do not smoke, as many infective organisms can
be present in cigarette paper.
Assessment and Diagnostic Findings
• Classic form is found on the lower extremities
and dorsal area of the feet. The type associated Make the Connection
with AIDS is found on the upper extremities and • Monitor complete blood cell count and
on the mucous membranes. uric acid level during chemotherapy to assess for
• Biopsy provides the only definitive diagnosis. bone marrow suppression and hyperuricemia.
Complications • Assess the skin (portal of entry and portal of exit)
• Damage to organ systems by metastasis. during radiation therapy.
• Overgrowth and blockage of lymph, blood • Provide reverse isolation if leukopenic; avoid fresh
vessels, gastrointestinal and accessory tract, flowers and organic foods.
and organ exocrine function. • Counseling.
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Musculoskeletal Disorders 58
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Musculoskeletal Disorders 58
Pathophysiology • Heberden’s and Bouchard’s nodes, which are
• The matrix of cartilage is composed of chondro- painful nodes in the fingers.
cytes imbedded in proteoglycan molecules, which
are large and osmotic, drawing fresh synovial
• Vertebral osteoarthritis can result in muscle
spasm and pressure on nerves.
fluid into the joint.
Medical Care and Surgical Treatment
• With excess wear and tear, the chondrocytes
• Anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressants like
become inflamed and release inflammatory medi-
ators (cytokines), causing a cascade of events that DMARDs and TNF-I.
includes formation of protease, which break down • Muscle relaxants and application of cold and
the proteoglycan molecules. Eventually, the carti- heat therapy.
lage becomes worn and misshaped. Streaks and • Joint replacement surgery, if necessary.
dents in the cartilage become cracks. Synovial Keep in Mind
fluid leaks into the underlying bone, causing cysts.
The underlying layer of the cartilage can no longer • Walking and swimming can replace high-impact
exercise. Weight loss is necessary if obese.
be an effective shock absorber. Bone spurs form.
• Take anti-inflammatory agents with food, and
Assessment and Diagnostic Findings report any signs of infection immediately.
• Pain with or following activity that subsides with
rest. More likely to occur after age 40.
• CT scan or MRI scan are diagnostic. Make the Connection
• Arthroscopy may be done to both diagnose and • Inactivity should never be advocated.
treat articular and bony malformations. Clients should know that if you don’t use it, you
lose it.
• Ankylosis of joints, with resulting immobility and
chronic pain.
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Musculoskeletal Disorders 59
Gouty Arthritis
(gowt-e ar-thri-tis)
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Musculoskeletal Disorders 59
Pathophysiology • Soft nontender tophi can occur on the extremities
• In gouty arthritis, uric acid crystals are deposited near joints. These may become open sores (ulcers)
in the joints and other connective tissues. The if the skin is not cared for properly.
concentration in synovial fluid is higher than in
plasma, so the crystals cause excessive inflamma-
• Possible uric acid kidney stone formation.
tion in the joint. Joints affected are usually those Medical Care and Surgical Treatment
at the distal area of the body, as uric acid crystals • Anti-inflammatory agents, uricosuric agents,
are affected by gravity. Called “the rich man’s dis- and probenecid; increasing daily fluid intake to
ease” because many of the foods that contain 2,000–3,000 mL.
purines are considered those consumed by the Keep in Mind
• Avoid aspirin and diuretics as well as high-purine
Assessment and Diagnostic Findings foods.
• Hyperuricemia, high-purine diet, painful joints, • Consume alcohol in small amounts, if at all.
and possible gouty lesions near joints. • Find healthy outlets for stress.
• Attacks of gout precipitated by excessive alcohol
ingestion, dehydration, illness/stress, and medica-
tions like diuretics, aspirins, cyclosporine, lev- Make the Connection
odopa, aminophylline, niacin, and antibiotics • Remember: Gouty arthritis is very painful. Give
used to treat tuberculosis. anti-inflammatory drugs, such as colchicine.
• Arthroscopy with joint fluid aspiration for uric • Force fluids, and teach the client the importance
acid crystals and white blood cells. of remaining hydrated.
Complications • Monitor uric acid levels, and assist the client in
choosing low-purine foods and drugs.
• Pain and immobility during acute attacks.
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Musculoskeletal Disorders 60
Rheumatoid Arthritis
(roo-ma-toyd ar-thri-tis)
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Musculoskeletal Disorders 60
Pathophysiology Complications
• Rheumatoid arthritis is a systemic disease known • Pain, joint deformity, ankylosis, and immobility.
to be genetic and autoimmune in nature. Women • Vasculitis, scleritis, pulmonary and cardiac
are affected more than men. inflammation, and leukopenia.
• Rheumatoid factor (RF) antibodies react with Medical Care and Surgical Treatment
IgG, forming immune complexes in the body
and in the synovial joints.
• Salicylates, NSAIDs, gold salts, TNF inhibitors,
DMARDs, and corticosteroids.
• Granulocytes phagocytize the immune complexes
• Surgery for joint replacement.
and release toxins into the tissue and into the
• Physical and occupational therapy to maintain
• Synovitis occurs as well as increased formation of
blood vessels in the synovial walls, which con- Keep in Mind
tributes to production of vascular pannus. • Take all anti-inflammatory agents with food.
• The area of inflammation is “walled off” in an Report any signs of infection immediately.
attempt to heal injured tissue causing more
immobility and destruction.
Assessment and Diagnostic Findings Make the Connection
• Presence of RF, anti-CCP antibodies, • Monitor CBC for signs of infection while
on anti-inflammatory agents.
WBC elevation, and ↑ ESR.
• Synovial fluid examination reveals a significant • Assist with ROM exercises to maintain function.
number of neutrophils.
• Low-grade temperature, flu-like symptoms,
bilateral joint inflammation, joint deformities
like swan neck deformity, and nodal formation.
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Musculoskeletal Disorders 61
Musculoskeletal Disorders 61
Pathophysiology and prolonged immobility.
• Healthy bone is living tissue that is dynamic in • DEXA scan of the hip, spine, and first four verte-
nature. Osteoclasts resorb bone, while osteoblasts brae; serial heights; US of bone; and CT scan.
lay down new bone. In this way, healthy bone is Complications
always remodeled. Bone remodeling occurs under • Falls resulting in hip fracture.
the influence of hormones and from normal body • Pathologic fractures.
movement and weight-bearing activities.
Medical Care and Surgical Treatment
• At menopause, estrogen withdrawal causes
• SERMs, biphosphonates, calcitonin hormone,
inflammatory mediators and immune cells that
and recombinant human parathyroid hormone.
encourage the differentiation of osteoclasts and
increase their life span. Osteoblasts, or bone • HRT Weight-bearing exercise.
creators, are less active. • Calcium and vitamin D supplements.
• As osteoporosis progresses, this trabecular frame- Keep in Mind
work is diminished and may be totally resorbed.
Bone density decreases.
• The client with confirmed osteoporosis should
wear well-fitting shoes (no slip-ons) and clear all
Assessment and Diagnostic Findings clutter (e.g., throw rugs) from walking areas.
• Risk factors include Caucasian or Asian ancestry, • Assistive devices (e.g., walkers) may decrease the
postmenopausal status, weight of less than 140 lb chance of falls and fractures.
at menopause, sedentary lifestyle, history of
rheumatoid arthritis, low calcium and vitamin D
• Teach importance of DEXA scan.
Musculoskeletal Disorders 62
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Musculoskeletal Disorders 62
Pathophysiology Medical Care and Surgical Treatment
• Bone mineralization is diminished because of lack • Treatment of the underlying condition.
of calcium or vitamin D. • Biliary disease may require that pancreatic
• Vitamin D absorbed by exposure of the skin to enzymes be given to absorb vitamin D and
sunlight must be activated by two organs, first calcium from the diet.
the liver and then the kidney. Any disorders of • In renal disease, supplemental calcium, phos-
these organs decreases vitamin D availability. phate binders, and vitamin D supplements are
• The disease is more prevalent in women because used.
of their increased need for calcium.
• Osteomalacia is seen more frequently in persons Keep in Mind
with low sun exposure. • Moderate exposure to the sun with skin SPF 15
Assessment and Diagnostic Findings
• X-ray (sometimes showing transverse pseudo- • Dietary intake of supplemented foods, like dairy
products and dark green leafy vegetables. Visit
fractures believed to be stress fractures that
have not been remodeled), laboratory tests for
serum calcium and phosphorus, bone scan, and
bone biopsy. Make the Connection
Complications • Monitor laboratory values; do serial
• Deformity of bone and teeth. height and gait assessment.
• Change or closure of the epiphyseal growth plate • Bracing of upper and lower extremities may be
in children, resulting in stunted growth. necessary in severe cases.
• Muscle weakness. • Monitor for scoliosis and other vertebral
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Musculoskeletal Disorders 63
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Musculoskeletal Disorders 63
Pathophysiology Complications
• Bone infection with microorganisms that can • Amputation of the affected limb to decrease the
occur in compound fracture as well as in surgical chance of death from septic shock.
intervention (direct inoculation), spread from • Repeated surgical procedures to remove diseased
surrounding tissue (e.g., cellulitis [contiguous bone (sequestrectomy).
spread]), and infection of the bone from sepsis Medical Care and Surgical Treatment
• IV and oral antibiotic therapy for long periods of
• When the bone becomes infected, the inflamed time.
area forms an abscess that impairs blood flow to
the intramedullary area. Bone death occurs, the
• Sterile wound dressing changes.
periosteum peels away from the ostium, and
• Sequestrectomy.
dead bone (sequestrum) forms. The sequestrum Keep in Mind
can fall from the bone, causing more pressure
and decreased blood flow to other boney areas.
• Avoid osteomyelitis by carefully controlling blood
glucose levels and checking the feet each evening
• Sinuses commonly form that allow pus and for pressure areas.
debris to escape from the bone to the outer skin. • Report any sore areas where a soft tissue injury
Assessment and Diagnostic Findings has occurred.
• History and physical, x-ray, complete blood count
(CBC), elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate
(ESR), positive bone biopsy for infection, positive
Make the Connection
blood culture, magnetic resonance imaging • Teach clients the importance of tight
glycemic control and to check for ill-fitting shoes,
(MRI), and computed tomography (CT) scan.
dentures, and other prosthetics.
• A history of diabetic foot ulcers and cellulitis is
• Assess sites of infection carefully; monitor CBC
considered a risk factor.
and ESR.
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Musculoskeletal Disorders 64
Paget’s Disease
(paj-ets di-zez)
Musculoskeletal Disorders 64
Pathophysiology • Nerve palsies.
• A disease of older adults in which osteoclastic • Calcified aortic stenosis.
activity is followed by an exaggerated response by
osteoblasts resulting in enlargement of bone.
• Decreased rib cage compliance and
• There are three phases: (1) the active phase
Medical Care and Surgical Treatment
(reabsorption); (2) the mixed phase (osteoblast
activity); and (3) the inactive phase, in which the • Calcitonin, biphosphonates, and
osteoblastic phase has exceeded the osteoclastic anticancer/antibiotic agents (e.g., plicamycin) to
activity. suppress osteoclasts and osteoblasts.
• Increased vasculature around the bones. • Anti-inflammatory agents.
• The femur, skull, vertebrae, and pelvis are most • Analgesics.
often affected. Keep in Mind
Assessment and Diagnostic Findings • Report pain level on a 0–10 scale and any
• X-ray showing enlargement and deformity of dizziness or dyspnea.
bone. • Report any bleeding of the gums or from any ori-
• Nuclear bone scans showing “hot spots” of fice while under treatment.
abnormally rapid bone cell turnover that appear
overgrown or have a mosaic pattern; increased
ALP. Pyrilinks and Osteomark urine tests, which Make the Connection
measure markers of bone resorption, are elevated • Monitor CBC for low platelet level with
in Paget’s disease. plicamycin therapy.
Complications • Titrate analgesic levels to keep pain level <3.
• ↓ cardiac output related to vasodilation. • Monitor serum and urine studies to assess
effectiveness of therapy.
• Pain and deformities.
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Musculoskeletal Disorders 65
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Musculoskeletal Disorders 65
Pathophysiology extremity by using an ACE wrap, cast, or brace;
• The ligaments, the strong connective tissue bands and elevate the extremity to decrease tissue
that secure bone to bone, are affected. The most edema.
likely joint is the ankle. • Assistive devices are necessary for mobility.
• The ligaments may be slightly torn or completely • Muscle relaxants or anti-inflammatory agents may
torn with disconnection from and a piece of the be used.
bone attached to the torn ligament.
Keep in Mind
Assessment and Diagnostic Findings
• Rapid swelling and pain of the joint. • Keep the injured area elevated as much as
possible and avoid weight bearing.
• Limited ability to function. • Allow time for adequate repair.
• X-ray, necessary to differentiate a sprain from a
fracture, is done usually after the extremity
swelling has diminished. Make the Connection
Complications • Sprains have to be assessed for a fracture
• Poor healing with change in range of motion. being present.
Medical Care and Surgical Treatment • Remember: Ligaments hold bone to bone;
tendons hold muscle to bone (more involved
• RICE method: rest the extremity; apply ice to in strains).
decrease swelling; confine or compress the
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Musculoskeletal Disorders 66
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Musculoskeletal Disorders 66
Pathophysiology • Infection, neurologic damage, compartment
• Healthy bone is living tissue that is dynamic in syndrome, and thrombophlebitis.
nature. Osteoclasts resorb bone, while osteoblasts
lay down new bone. In this way, healthy bone is Medical Care and Surgical Treatment
always remodeled. • Analgesics, skin traction using balanced traction
or an external fixator.
• A fracture is a disruption in the bone structure
caused by trauma or pathology.
• Closed fractures do not disrupt the integrity of the • Closed reduction.
skin; open fractures are called compound because • Electrical stimulation and bone grafting in cases
they break through the skin as well as disrupt the in which the bone does not mend.
integrity of the bone. Keep in Mind
• Fracture types are comminuted, impacted, green-
• If a fall involves the hip, report deep groin pain in
stick, oblique, longitudinal, and transverse. the absence of x-ray data (a positive sign).
• Fractures heal by forming a blood clot at the site and
• Report any unusual smells from a cast; do not
attracting cells to the site. The fracture site is known scratch under the cast.
as a callus at week 1, and by week 6, osteoclasts have
resorbed dead bone and osteoblasts have remodeled
the site. Complete healing is usually in 1 year. Make the Connection
Assessment and Diagnostic Findings • Monitor vital signs for signs of infection,
• X-ray, CT scan, and MRI. petechial hemorrhage, or dyspnea.
• CBC++ to assess blood loss internally or externally. • Watch for color, motion, and sensitivity and
• CA and ESR to assess tissue damage. “palm” cast.
Complications • Encourage mobility exercises for the unaffected
side to combat thromboembolism.
• Fat embolism.
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Musculoskeletal Disorders 67
Compartment Syndrome
(com-part-ment sin-drom)
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Musculoskeletal Disorders 67
Pathophysiology • Rhabdomyolysis and renal failure.
• In a traumatic injury (e.g., fractures caused by • Infection.
automobile accident or crush injury), soft tissue
swelling occurs. The soft tissue in this case is the Medical Care and Surgical Treatment
muscle. Every muscle compartment is surrounded • Restoring blood flow by performing a fasciotomy.
by connective tissue called fascia. Once pressure is relieved and the swelling goes
down, the fascia and skin are closed. Skin graft-
• Fascia compresses the swelling tissue, causing
ing may be required.
loss of vascularity to tissue and nerves. The mus-
cle tissue is essentially being strangled in its own Keep in Mind
• Less problematic compartment syndrome is seen • Report excessive pain after any sports injury.
in exertional compartment syndrome and stress • Report skin that is cool to the touch distal to any
wrap or cast.
Assessment and Diagnostic Findings
• Neurovascular assessment of injured area, usually Make the Connection
by crush injury or fracture, includes severe pain, • Time is muscle. Is it important to
pallor, pulselessness, paresthesia, paralysis, and recognize compartment syndrome to prevent
coolness to the touch. complications and deformity.
• Excessive pain is the first clue. • Remember: When muscle fibers are injured, they
may gain access to the bloodstream and filter
Complications into the nephrons, causing renal failure.
• Necrosis of the affected tissue. • Watch for signs of infection in the area of the
• Paralysis of the extremity. fasciotomy or graft.
• Volkmann’s contracture.
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Musculoskeletal Disorders 68
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Musculoskeletal Disorders 68
Pathophysiology • Sepsis in the joint or blood.
• Persons with problems like chronic osteoarthritis • Skin breakdown.
pain, avascular necrosis of the femoral head, or
systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) cannot per-
• Hemorrhage.
form activities of daily living (ADLs) and require Medical Care and Surgical Treatment
the joint be replaced by prosthetic devices. • Prophylactic antibiotics.
Assessment and Diagnostic Findings
• Blood transfusion if necessary (autologous
replacement if possible).
• Preoperatively, the client exhibits severe decrease • Analgesia.
in range of motion and increased pain with ADLs.
• Assessment of neurovascular status.
• Baseline neurovascular assessment is performed. • Assessment of neurologic status in the elder adult.
• Postoperatively, the complete blood count (CBC) • Flowtron boots or compression stockings; early
is monitored for blood loss and infection; neu- ambulation (non–weight-bearing).
rovascular assessments are done every 4 hours.
• Total hip replacement (THR) clients have legs Keep in Mind
abducted and may not sit with hips flexed at • Teach THR clients to not cross their legs or sit at
greater than a 90-degree angle. Total knee greater than a 90-degree angle.
replacement (TKR) clients have the affected leg • Report pain or chills immediately.
(legs) in continuous passive motion (CPM)
machines, which move the knee to greater angles
as directed by the orthopedist. Make the Connection
Complications • Monitor CBC for hemorrhage and infection.
• Thrombophlebitis and embolism. • Monitor and report the neurovascular status of
the affected leg distal to the surgery.
• Infection. • Remember that orthopedic surgery is very bloody,
• Hip or knee dislocation. so the need for transfusion exists.
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Musculoskeletal Disorders 69
Herniated Nucleus
(her-ne-at-ed nu-kle-us pul-po-sis)
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Musculoskeletal Disorders 69
Pathophysiology • Infection after surgery.
• The vertebrae have cushions or intervertebral Medical Care and Surgical Treatment
disks between them to absorb shock and to keep
the nerve roots away from the boney areas. • Analgesics, muscle relaxants, physical therapy,
minimally invasive balloon vertebroplasty, TENS
• Disks can herniate out of the normal position,
unit, skin traction, and corticosteroid injections
and the annulus fibrosus tears. The inner portion
(nucleus pulposus) pushes outward and places directly into the disk area.
pressure on a nerve root. • Surgical laminectomy (frontal approach for
cervical, posterior approach for lumbar).
• The most common sites are the cervical and
lumbar areas. Keep in Mind
Assessment and Diagnostic Findings • Report any numbness or problems with mobility
• Cervical disk herniation causes numbness and tin- after surgery.
gling in the affected arm, neck spasm, pain, and • Report chills or other signs of infection.
(in some cases) migraine headache. • Spinal fusions will limit range of motion.
• Lumbar disk herniation causes numbness, pain,
and tingling in the affected leg. Muscle spasm is
common. Heel-toe walking is not possible Make the Connection
because of discomfort. Severe herniation is the • Monitor neurovascular status of the
only type that would cause incontinence. arms (cervical surgery) or of the legs, bladder,
• MRI, with and without contrast, will show and bowel (lumbar surgery).
herniation of the disk. • Log-roll the client after surgery.
Complications • Monitor CBC and ability to perform ADLs
without pain.
• Hemorrhage, nerve root damage, and rehernia-
tion, and altered mobility after surgery.
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2693_Tab06_Card_70-95.qxd 7/13/11 12:07 PM Page 70
Skull Fracture
(skul frak-chur)
Huntington’s Disease
(se-le-ak di-zez)
Autonomic Dysreflexia
(aw-to-nom-ik dis-re-flek-se-a)
Spinal Shock
(spi-nal shok)
Cerebral Aneurysm
(ser-a-bril an-u-rizm)
Tonic-Clonic Seizures
(ton-ik klon-ik se-zhurz)
Absence Seizures
(ab-sens se-zhurz)
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Myoclonic Seizures
(mi-o-klon-ik se-zhurz)
Atonic Seizures
(a-ton-ik se-zhurz)
(ser-e-bro-vas-ku-lar ak-si-dent)
Multiple Sclerosis
(mul-ti-pl skle-ro-sis)
Myasthenia Gravis
(mi-as-the-ne-a gra-vis)
Trigeminal Neuralgia
(tri-jem-in-al nu-ral-je-a)
Parkinson’s Disease
(par-kin-sonz di-zez)
Alzheimer’s Disease
(alts-hi-merz di-zez)
Bell’s Palsy
(bellz pawl-ze)
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Amyotrophic Lateral
(a-mi-o-tro-fik lat-er-al skle-ro-sis)
Guillain-Barré Syndrome
(ge-yan ba-ra sin-drom)
Malignant Hyperthermia
(ma-lig-nant hi-per-ther-me-a)
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Angina Pectoris
(an-ji-na pek-tor-is)
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Myocardial Infarction
(mi-o-kar-de-al in-fark-shun)
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Cardiogenic Shock
(kar-de-o-jen-ik shok)
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Atrial Fibrillation
(a-tre-al fi-bril-a-shun)
Ventricular Tachycardia
(ven-trik-u-lar tak-e-kar-de-a)
Ventricular Fibrillation
(ven-trik-u-lar fi-bril-a-shun)
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Rheumatic Endocarditis
(roo-mat-ik en-do-kar-di-tis)
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Aortic Stenosis
(a-or-tik ste-no-sis)
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Varicose Veins
(var-i-kos vanz)
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Peripheral Arterial
(per-if-er-al ar-te-re-al di-zez)
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Buerger’s Disease
(burg-erz di-zez)
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Raynaud’s Disease
(re-noz di-zez)
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Aortic Aneurysm
(a-or-tik an-u-rizm)
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Multiple Myeloma
(mul-ti-pl mi-e-lo-ma)
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(graft vur-sus host di-zez)
Metabolic Acidosis
(met-a-bol-ik as-i-do-sis)
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Metabolic Alkalosis
(met-a-bol-ik al-ka-lo-sis)
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Respiratory Acidosis
(res-pir-a-to-re as-i-do-sis)
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Respiratory Alkalosis
(res-pir-a-to-re al-ka-lo-sis)
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2693_Tab08_Card_124-141.qxd 7/13/11 12:15 PM Page 124
Chronic Bronchitis
(kron-ik brong-ki-tis)
Cystic Fibrosis
(sis-tik fi-bro-sis)
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Pulmonary Embolism
(pul-mo-ne-re em-bo-lizm)
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Pleural Effusion
(ploo-ral e-fu-zhun)
Legionnaires’ Disease
(le-ju-nerz di-zez)
Lung Cancer
(lung kan-ser)
Tuberculosis (TB)
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Acute Angle-Closure
(a-kut ang-gl klo-shur glaw-ko-ma)
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Primary Open-Angle
(pri-ma-re o-pen ang-gl glaw-ko-ma)
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Retinal Detachment
(ret-i-nal de-tach-ment)
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Macular Degeneration
(mak-yoo-ler de-jen-er-a-shun)
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Diabetic Retinopathy
(di-a-bet-ik ret-in-op-a-the)
Conductive and
Hearing Loss
(kon-duk-tiv and sen-so-re-nu-ral her-ing los)
Otitis Media
(o-ti-tis me-de-a)
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Otitis Externa
(o-ti-tis eks-tur-na)
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Ménière’s Disease
(man-e-arz di-zez)
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Acoustic Neuroma
(a-koos-tik nu-ro-ma)
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2693_Tab10_Card_156-173.qxd 7/14/11 7:30 PM Page 156
Skin Cancer
(skin kan-ser)
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Contact Dermatitis
(kon-takt der-ma-ti-tis)
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Herpes Zoster
(her-pez zos-ter)
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Herpes Simplex
(her-pez sim-plex)
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• A run-around infection of the nail.
• Loss of the nail.
Medical Care and Surgical Treatment
• Warm soaks; a drain if necessary; antibiotics or
antiviral medications orally or topically.
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Pediculosis Capitis
(pe-dik-u-lo-sis ka-pi-tis)
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Acne Vulgaris
(ak-ne vul-ga-ris)
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Syndrome and Toxic
Epidermal Necrolysis
(ste-venz-jon-son sin-drom;
toks-ik ep-i-der-mal ne-krol-i-sis)
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Superficial and
Partial-Thickness Burns
(soo-per-fish-al and par-shal thik-nes birns)
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Full-Thickness Burns
(ful thik-nes birns)
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Generalized Anxiety
(jen-er-al-ized ang-zi-e-te dis-or-der)
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Posttraumatic Stress
(post-traw-mat-ik stres dis-or-der)
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Panic Disorder
(pan-ik dis-or-der)
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(ob-sess-iv kom-pul-siv dis-or-der)
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Conversion Disorder
(kon-ver-zhun dis-or-der)
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Dissociative Amnesia
(dis-o-shi-a-tiv am-ne-ze-a)
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Bipolar Disorder
(bi-pol-ar dis-or-der)
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Disorder (ADHD)
(a-ten-shun def-i-sit hi-per-ak-tiv-i-te dis-or-der)
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Borderline Personality
(bor-der-lin per-sun-al-i-te dis-or-der)
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2693_Tab12_Card_188-200.qxd 7/14/11 7:32 PM Page 188
Cervical Cancer
(ser-vi-kal kan-ser)
Polycystic Ovarian
(pol-e-sis-tik o-va-re-an sin-drom)
Breast Cancer
(brest kan-ser)
(preg-nan-se in-dusd hi-per-ten-shun)
Placenta Previa
(pla-sen-ta pre-ve-a)
Placenta Abruption
(pla-sen-ta a-brup-shun)
Persistent Fetal
(per-sis-tint fe-tal sir-ku-la-shun)
Neonatal Sepsis
(ne-o-na-tal sep-sis)
2693_Tab12_Card_188-200.qxd 7/14/11 7:32 PM Page 198
Rh Incompatibility
(r-h in-kom-pa-ti-bil-i-te)
Meconium Aspiration
(me-ko-ne-um as-pi-ra-shun sin-drom)
Leek_Ref_201-204.qxd 7/14/11 2:17 PM Page 201
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2693_Index_205-207.qxd 7/14/11 2:16 PM Page 206
Hiatal hernia, 4 Meconium aspiration P Primary open-angle
Histoplasmosis, 138 syndrome, 200 Paget’s disease, 64 glaucoma, 144
Huntington’s disease, 74 Ménière’s disease, 154 Pain disorder, 176 Prostate cancer, 50
Hydronephrosis, 40 Meningitis, 70 Pancreatic cancer, 15 Psoriasis, 160
Hyperpituitarism, 24 Mesothelioma, 140 Pancreatitis, 13 Pulmonary embolism, 132
Hypertension, 116 Metabolic acidosis, 120 Parkinson’s disease, 89 Pyelonephritis, 36
Hyperthyroidism, 30 Metabolic alkalosis, 121 Paronychia, 163
Hypopituitarism, 25 Multiple myeloma, 118 Partial-thickness burns, 171
Raynaud’s disease, 114
Hypothyroidism, 31 Multiple sclerosis, 86 Patent ductus arteriosus, 196
Renal artery stenosis, 46
Myasthenia gravis, 87 Pediculosis capitis, 166
I Renal calculus, 41
Myocardial infarction, 98 Peptic ulcer disease, 5
Impetigo, 164 Respiratory acidosis, 122
Myocarditis, 105 Pericarditis, 104
Influenza, 135 Respiratory alkalosis, 123
Myoclonic seizures, 81 Peripheral arterial disease, 112
Retinal detachment, 145
K Peritonitis, 22
N Rh incompatibility, 199
Kaposi’s sarcoma, 57 Persistent fetal circulation,
Neonatal sepsis, 197 Rhabdomyolysis, 42
L Nephrotic syndrome, 38 Rheumatoid arthritis, 60
Phobias, 177
Labyrinthitis, 153 Rheumatoid endocarditis,
O Placenta abruption, 194
Laënnec’s cirrhosis, 10 106
Obesity, 7 Placenta previa, 193
Legionnaires’ disease, 136 Rosacea, 173
Obsessive-compulsive Pleural effusion, 134
Leiomyomas, 188
disorder, 178 Pneumonia, 133 S
Leukemia, 117
Osteoarthritis, 58 Pneumothorax, 128 Sarcoidosis, 139
Liver cancer, 11
Osteomalacia, 62 Polycystic kidney disease, 39 Scabies, 165
Lung cancer, 137
Osteomyelitis, 63 Polycystic ovarian syndrome, Schizophrenia, 184
M Osteoporosis, 61 190 Scleroderma, 52
Macular degeneration, 146 Otitis externa, 150 Posttraumatic stress disorder, Sensorineural hearing loss,
Malignant hyperthermia, 95 Otitis media, 149 175 148
Mania, 181 Otosclerosis, 152 Pregnancy-induced Severe acute respiratory
Mastoiditis, 151 Overactive bladder, 45 hypertension, 192 syndrome (SARS), 131
2693_Index_205-207.qxd 7/14/11 2:16 PM Page 207
Simple partial seizures, 83 Superficial burns, 171 Toxic epidermal necrolysis, V
Sjögren’s syndrome, 55 Syndrome of inappropriate 168 Varicose veins, 111
Skin cancer, 156 antidiuretic hormone, 27 Trigeminal neuralgia, 88 Venous stasis ulcer, 110
Skull fracture, 72 Systemic lupus Tuberculosis (TB), 141 Ventricular fibrillation, 103
Spinal cord injury, 75 erythematosus, 53 Ventricular tachycardia, 102
Spinal shock, 77 Verruca, 170
T Ulcerative colitis, 17
Sprain, 65
Tinea, 169 Urethritis, 35
Stevens-Johnson syndrome,
Tonic-clonic seizures, 79 Urinary tract infection, 34
Total joint replacement, 68
Subdural hematoma, 73