6th Body Systems Packet WORKSHEETS
6th Body Systems Packet WORKSHEETS
6th Body Systems Packet WORKSHEETS
Name __________________________________________________
6th Grade Body Systems Student Edition 2
Lesso Topic
1 Intro and Integumentary System 1
2 Nervous System 1
3 Skeletal System 1
4 Muscular System 1
5 Circulatory System 1
6 Respiratory System 1
7 Digestive System 1
8 Urinary System 1
9 Endocrine System 1
10 Review and Assessment 1
6th Grade Body Systems Student Edition 3
Life Skill:
I will care for my body systems.
Body System
Nervous System
Circulatory System
Respiratory System
6th Grade Body Systems Student Edition 4
Your body is made up of cells, tissues and What You Should Know About Organs
organs. Together they form body systems.
An organ is a group of tissues that work
All the body systems work together to keep
together. There are many organs in the
you healthy and alive.
body that perform specific tasks. Your heart
is an organ that pumps blood to body cells.
Your brain is an organ that directs body
What You Should Know About Cells
activities. Your ears are organs that enable
A cell is the smallest living part of the body. you to hear.
There are many different kinds of cells in
your body. Your muscles are made of
muscle cells. Bones are made of bone cells. What You Should Know About Body
Different kinds of cells have different
shapes and perform different tasks. All cells A body system is a group of organs that
have three parts to their structure. The cell work together to perform certain tasks.
membrane is the thin outer covering of the Each body system performs tasks no other
cell that holds it together. The cell body system does. Some organs belong to
membrane allows water and nutrients more than one body system. All the body
inside the cell. It keeps out anything which systems work together to keep you healthy
might harm the cell, such as germs. The and alive.
nucleus (NOO∙klee∙uhs) is the part of the
cell that controls its activities. The nucleus
tells the cell what to do. The cytoplasm
(SY∙tuh∙pla∙zum) is the inside material
where cell actions take place.
6th Grade Body Systems Student Edition 5
Name: _____________________________________________________________________
6th Grade Body Systems Student Edition 6
6th Grade Body Systems Student Edition 7
The skin is the largest organ in the body. It has many important functions. The skin protects
body parts against injury. It serves as a protective layer that keeps microorganisms from
entering the body. Sweat glands are glands in skin that help maintain healthful body
temperature. Sweat glands in the skin produce perspiration when you body is warm. Your body
is cooled as the water in sweat evaporates from the skin.
The skin contains melanin. Melanin (MEL∙uh∙nin) is a substance that protects skin and gives it
color. The greater the amount of melanin in skin, the darker your skin color. Melanin protects
the skin from the ultraviolet rays of the sun. These rays are harmful because they can cause skin
Hair is another part of this body system. Hair is hardened dead cells. Hair protects your skin
from the ultraviolet rays of the sun. Hair also helps maintain body temperature. Nails are part
of this body system and are made of dead cells.
6th Grade Body Systems Student Edition 8
Name: _____________________________________________________________________
5. Melanin is a _____________________________________________________________.
Melanin protects the skin from the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun.
6th Grade Body Systems Student Edition 9
The brain is an organ that is the control center for the body. The
cerebrum (suh∙REE∙bruhm) is the part of the brain where
thinking takes place. The cerebellum (ser∙uh∙BEL∙uhm) is the
part of the brain that helps muscles work together. The brain
stem is the lowest part of the brain through which messages
moving between your brain and body pass. The brain stem
controls the functions of inner organs. Critical life functions,
such as maintaining heartbeat, take place in the brain stem.
The spinal cord connects the brain with nerves throughout the body. Nerves send messages to
the brain by way of the spinal cord. Sometimes, the spinal cord works without the help of the
brain. A reflex action is a quick movement that is not directed by the brain. For example, you
may remove your hand quickly from a hot object.
6th Grade Body Systems Student Edition 10
Name: _____________________________________________________________________
2. A neuron is ______________________________________________________________.
4. The cerebrum is the part of the brain where _________________________ takes place.
6th Grade Body Systems Student Edition 11
Name: _____________________________________________________________________
6th Grade Body Systems Student Edition 12
Name: _____________________________________________________________________
6th Grade Body Systems Student Edition 13
6th Grade Body Systems Student Edition 14
Name: _____________________________________________________________________
4. A joint is a ______________________________________________________________.
6. Cartilage is ______________________________________________________________.
6th Grade Body Systems Student Edition 15
Name: _____________________________________________________________________
6th Grade Body Systems Student Edition 16
6th Grade Body Systems Student Edition 17
Name: _____________________________________________________________________
6th Grade Body Systems Student Edition 18
Name: _____________________________________________________________________
6th Grade Body Systems Student Edition 19
You have about one gallon of blood in your body. Plasma is the liquid part of the blood.
Three main kinds of cells are found in plasma. Red blood cells are blood cells that carry
oxygen to body cells and carbon dioxide away from body cells. White blood cells are
blood cells that fight germs
that cause infection and illness.
Platelets are blood cells that
help blood clot. A scab is a
dried clot.
6th Grade Body Systems Student Edition 20
6th Grade Body Systems Student Edition 21
Name: _____________________________________________________________________
7. An artery is a blood vessel that carries blood _______________ from the heart.
6th Grade Body Systems Student Edition 22
6th Grade Body Systems Student Edition 23
Name: _____________________________________________________________________
6th Grade Body Systems Student Edition 24
The trachea (TRAY∙kee∙uh) is the windpipe through which air travels to the lungs. The trachea
divides into two bronchial tubes. The bronchial (BRAN∙kee∙uhl) tubes are two short tubes
through which air enters the lungs. Inside the lung, these tubes branch into smaller tubes. The
alveoli (al∙vee∙OH∙ly) are small air sacs through which oxygen enters the capillaries. Then red
blood cells carry oxygen to the body cells and pick up carbon dioxide.
The quality of the air you breathe is important. The hairs in your nose trap particles from the
air. Mucus in your nasal passages trap germs and particles. Cilia (SI∙lee∙uh) are tiny hairs that
line the air passages.
6th Grade Body Systems Student Edition 25
Name: _____________________________________________________________________
2. The trachea is the ___________________ through which air travels to the lungs.
5. Which type of blood cell carries the oxygen to the body cells and picks up carbon
dioxide? ____________________
6th Grade Body Systems Student Edition 26
Name: _____________________________________________________________________
6th Grade Body Systems Student Edition 27
Digestion begins in the mouth. The salivary (SA∙luh∙vehr∙ee) glands are two glands that produce
saliva. Saliva is a liquid that softens food. The action
of chewing combined with saliva moistens food and
breaks it into smaller pieces.
6th Grade Body Systems Student Edition 28
Name: _____________________________________________________________________
2. Food provides your body with nutrients that help with ___________________ and
___________________ of cells, help with body processes and give you energy.
3. Saliva is a _______________________________________________________________.
4. The esophagus is a _______________ that passes food from your mouth to your
____________________. The stomach is the organ that ____________________
digestive juices to break down food.
5. Next, the food travels to the __________________ , where most of the digestion takes
6th Grade Body Systems Student Edition 29
Name: _____________________________________________________________________
6th Grade Body Systems Student Edition 30
Urine is the liquid waste that collects in the urinary bladder. When the bladder is full with urine,
nerve signals are sent to the brain. A message from the brain indicates that it is time for the
bladder to be emptied. The urethra (yu∙REE∙thruh) is the tube through which urine leaves the
body during urination.
You can replace water lost through urination in many ways. You can drink at least six to eight
glasses of water a day. Water can be replaced by drinking fruit juices or eating fresh fruits.
Vegetables, such as celery and lettuce, also are a source of water.
6th Grade Body Systems Student Edition 31
Name: _____________________________________________________________________
2. As body cells use nutrients, they produced __________________ into the blood.
5. When the bladder is full, nerve signals are sent to the _____________________. A
message from the brain indicates that it is time for the bladder to be emptied.
6th Grade Body Systems Student Edition 32
Name: _____________________________________________________________________
6th Grade Body Systems Student Edition 33
6th Grade Body Systems Student Edition 34
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6th Grade Body Systems Student Edition 39