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International Journal of Thesis Projects and Dissertations (IJTPD)

Vol. 10, Issue 2, pp: (16-29), Month: April - June 2022, Available at: www.researchpublish.com

Effectiveness of Marketing Strategies in the

Midst of Pandemic in the Customers of Milk
tea Shops in Molino II of Bacoor City Cavite
Ma. Rhodora E. Velasco, 2Sarah Servano, 3Princess Joy A. Buenviaje, MSBA-HRM
Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management
Hotel & Restaurant Management Department
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6613808
Published Date: 04-June-2022

Abstract: The aim of the study is to know the effectiveness of marketing strategies in the midst of COVID - 19
pandemic in the customers of milktea shops in Molino II of Bacoor City, Cavite. The researchers chose Molino II
of Bacoor City in Cavite because it is the province's gateway to Manila, whereby lots of micro-businesses are
established, so it's an ideal location for the study. The paper adopted descriptive type of quantitative research
design and surveyed (100) one hundred selected participants that was willing to cooperate with this study using
google forms. Data collected were analyzed by using statistical methods which are; frequency and percentage,
measures of central tendency or mean and chi-square, it is to have a clear conclusion. The result of the survey will
reach the objectives of this study. The collected data analysis results including the 4ps; Product, Price, Place and
Promotions shows how effective the marketing strategies in the midst pandemic to the said businesses.
Keywords: Marketing Strategies - A strategy for promoting and selling a products or services COVID - 19 - It is an
acute respiratory illness in human, it is a virus that can be transmitted through an infected person.
Micro Businesses - A type of a small business 4 Ps - Marketing mix of 4 Ps; Product, Price, Promotion and Place,
these are the key factors in terms of marketing products or services.

The hospitality industry plays an essential role in the global economy. As the Covid-19 continuously spread worldwide,
the global economy began to fall causing financial losses. The restaurant industry is the worst affected sector caused by
the Covid-19 pandemic; thus, a lot of changes are needed to implement to avoid a high risk of spreading the said virus.
The SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19 viral RNA was reported to be detected last January 30, 2020. The said virus triggered the
area and began to spread swiftly. The government was alarmed which caused a lockdown in the Greater Manila Area and
neighbouring provinces. Many families were affected by the pandemic and results of the increased community quarantine;
businesses were forced to close temporarily; labor workforces were forced to stop more so resign because of the
uncertainty of the situation. Now that the government has eased the enforcement of quarantines, milk tea shops are back
in the business where they can accept dine-in customers.
Milk tea shops are a popular business to start nowadays. New build Milk tea shops are showing and it became popular in
the business industry. But suddenly the pandemic changed everything, not just the businesses but also the customers. Milk
tea shops face many challenges, such as decreased consumer demand, sales, and employees. A new strategy for marketing
to clients has arisen as a result of this major change and the term "new normal" comes a new way to market to customers.
According to Kappel (2020), The term ―new normal‖ is the current concept of life as well as strategies to guard against
the coronavirus, it includes the change of behavior due to fear of contagion of the virus. This means people are careful and

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Research Publish Journals
International Journal of Thesis Projects and Dissertations (IJTPD)
Vol. 10, Issue 2, pp: (16-29), Month: April - June 2022, Available at: www.researchpublish.com

protect themselves to avoid spreading the virus. Because of this, it affects the small business in the industry such as milk
tea shops.
As stated by Purwanto (2021), he reveals that the marketing strategy is a way to win a sustainable competitive advantage
for companies that sell goods or services. Customers can be drawn to a recovery marketing strategy during the Covid-19
pandemic if it is segmented, targeted, and positioned correctly. Other supporting elements for running a firm easily and
effectively include promotion through online media, collaborations, great service, and rewards.
According to the Department of Trade and Industry, dine-in restaurants and fast-food companies are authorized to operate
at 50% capacity in regions under modified general community quarantine (MGCQ), but only under strict conditions
(DTI). With the easing of restrictions and movement for areas under Modified General Community Quarantine (MGCQ)
status, the Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF) has approved a
minimum health protocol that dine-in restaurants and fast-food chains must implement and observe before their reopening
in two weeks. In this sense, Milk tea shops can operate and take dine-in orders for a limit of 50% capacity only and with
safety precautions.
The researchers conduct the study to evaluate the effectiveness of the marketing strategies of milk tea shops in the midst
of the pandemic. Thus, the goals of this study are to know what is the perception of the customers towards the marketing
strategies of the business, to determine which marketing strategies are effective to use, and to learn what the customers'
expectation will reach their satisfaction. This study can help those who are starting small businesses such as milk tea
shops to know furthermore about marketing strategies' effectiveness in the new normal. It highlights the change of
marketing strategies to fulfill customers’ needs and wants. Furthermore, it intends to make recommendations based on the
findings that can be used as a reference by the researchers in the future.
Background of the study
A market strategy is long-term planning for reaching the consumer's perspective which can turn them into the customer of
their products and services. It includes the set of goals and overall direction of the business marketing which will show the
specific actions you will construct to apply your marketing strategy. It also describes the process of how businesses can
comprehend their markets and methods of affecting profitable customer action.
Kanyan et. al (2016) said that foodservice outlets are establishments that provide meals and snacks for on-the-spot
consumption. Commercial foodservice facilities accounted for most food-away-from-home purchases. Full-service
restaurants, quick food restaurants, caterers, some cafeterias, and other businesses that prepare, serve and sell food to the
general public for profit fall under this category. There are various aspects of food service that distinguish it from other
types of product production. This distinction has an impact on manufacturing and service delivery decisions. The first trait
is that food demand is highest at mealtimes such as breakfast, lunch, and dinner. There are slack periods in between these
peak demand periods. Second, food consumption can fluctuate depending on the time of year and competitive events,
requiring production to be adjusted accordingly. Food production and service are labour-intensive industries that require
both expert and unskilled workers. Because food is perishable, it must be treated with care before, during, and after
preparation. Furthermore, menus may vary daily, causing production to fluctuate. These qualities make it difficult to
schedule people and production, which can lead to staffing issues as well as excessive labour and food expenditures.
"The Philippine Competition Act (PCA) or R.A. 10667 is the primary competition policy of the Philippines for promoting
and protecting the competitive market." It will secure customers' interests while still preserving the efficiency of the
marketplace's competitiveness. It is a game-changing piece of legislation that is projected to strengthen consumer
protection while also assisting in the acceleration of investment and job creation in the country, in line with the national
government's goal of more inclusive economic growth. This law's enforcement will help to ensure that markets are open
and free, addressing anticompetitive business practices while preserving a competitive environment where businesses may
compete on the quality of their work. A competitive market is one in which there are several buyers and sellers, lowering
market prices and providing consumers with more options. A highly competitive market stimulates efficiency and
innovation, as well as pushing enterprises to achieve their full potential.
The research is all about the effectiveness of market strategies in the midst of pandemics in the Customers of Milk tea
Shops in Molino II of Bacoor City Cavite and also covers the marketing mix which is the 4ps: product, price, place, and
promotion. Researchers chose Molino Bacoor City Cavite as their location in research because it is near the subdivisions
where there are customers that experienced the service quality of the selected Milk tea Shops. Researchers came up with

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Research Publish Journals
International Journal of Thesis Projects and Dissertations (IJTPD)
Vol. 10, Issue 2, pp: (16-29), Month: April - June 2022, Available at: www.researchpublish.com

this research topic because they noticed that some were forced to close because of pandemic and their market strategy did
not work. On the other side, many Milk tea Shops opened because of their advantage in the middle of the pandemic that
makes their market strategy works.
It is all about positioning your company to meet the needs of your target market when it comes to marketing. When it
comes to promoting your products and services, there are four key aspects to consider. They are known as the marketing
four Ps. First is the "product" where you find the right product that will satisfy the needs of your customer. The second is
"price" which shows the product's right value. The third is the "place" which refers to the customers who may purchase
the right goods at the right price in the right location. The last one is the "promotion" which informing potential customers
about the product's availability, price, and location.
Theoretical Framework
Marketing Mix Theoretical Aspect proposed by Margarita Isoraite (June 2016), implies the idea that the marketing mix is
one of the key objectives of the marketing mix elements for creating objectives and marketing budget measures. The four
Ps of marketing is the most important aspects of selling a product or service. They are goods or services' product, pricing,
place, and promotion. Companies utilize the 4 Ps to figure out what their customers want from them, how their product or
service fulfils or fails to satisfy those demands, how their product or service is viewed in the world, how they differentiate
themselves from their competitors, and how they engage with their customers. There is a constant change of environment.
For marketers to continuously earn a profit, effective marketing mix management will allow marketers to produce a
combination of these 4Ps to achieve the desired goals.
Conceptual Framework
The research paradigm demonstrates a figure for a better understanding of the study. It identifies the input, process, and
output (IPO) of the relationship between variables.
The first box is the input. It shows the (1) demographic profile of the respondents in terms of: age, gender, civil status,
educational attainment, income/allowance, frequency of visit. (2) The perception in marketing strategies in the midst of
pandemic in terms of: product, price, place, and promotion.
The second box is the process that shows how the researchers will gather the data wherein the researchers will use survey
questionnaires via Google forms.
The third box is the output, which will be the proposed marketing mix strategies for the Milk tea Shops in the Midst of the
Research Paradigm

Figure 1: The Research Paradigm

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Research Publish Journals
International Journal of Thesis Projects and Dissertations (IJTPD)
Vol. 10, Issue 2, pp: (16-29), Month: April - June 2022, Available at: www.researchpublish.com

Statement of the Problem

This study will evaluate the Effectiveness of Marketing Strategies in the Midst of the Pandemic in Milk tea shops in
Molino Area of Bacoor City Cavite as perceived by the customer respondents.
Specifically, this will seek the answer to the following question:
1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:
1.1 age;
1.2 gender;
1.3 civil status;
1.4 educational attainment;
1.5 income /allowance;
1.6 Frequency of visit; and
2. What is the level of the perception of the customers on the marketing mix strategies components as to:
2.1 Product;
2.2 Price;
2.3 Place; and
2.4 Promotion
3. Is there a significant relationship between the demographic profile of the respondents and their perception of the
effectiveness of marketing strategies during Pandemic in Milk tea Shops in Molino Area of Bacoor City Cavite?
4. What effective marketing strategies can be recommended while in the midst of a pandemic to the Milk tea shops in
Molino area of Bacoor City Cavite?
Statement of Hypothesis
There is no significant relationship between the profile and the effects of marketing strategies in the midst of the
pandemic of the respondents.

Literature and studies that the researcher found related to the effectiveness of marketing strategies in the midst of
pandemic in the milk tea shops. This part contains facts and information on the research problem at hand, it also states
some explanations and logical connections within the previous research and present work.
During COVID-19 Pandemic, in terms of the Food Industry, defining your target market, working place, and prioritizing
health protocols are always the first factors to be considered. Talking about "New Protocols", it started when the COVID-
19 Pandemic arrived in the Philippines. "It is a research finding that shows the recovery marketing strategy during the
Covid-19 pandemic that can be done through segmenting, targeting, and positioning to attract consumers. In addition, the
supporting factors to run entrepreneurship efficiently and effectively include the use of promotions through online media,
partnerships, excellent service, and awards." Businesses have to recover and create new marketing strategies which
support the study Purwanto ( 2021).
Morgan et. al (2019) said in their article that, ―Marketing strategy lies at the conceptual heart of the strategic marketing
field. It is also central to marketing practice and the area within which many of the most pressing challenges for marketers
arise.‖ They use a new conceptualization of the domain of the marketing strategy as a lens and assess the current state of
the marketing strategy research. They uncover important challenges and new knowledge that may be highly relevant in
marketing strategy.
Proctor (2020) said that marketing is all about meeting the demands and needs of customers while also assisting in the
attainment of an organization's goals. Organizations are more likely to succeed if they pay attention to customer requests
and needs. To attain their goals in the marketplace organizations, of course, have to compete with one another, they must

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International Journal of Thesis Projects and Dissertations (IJTPD)
Vol. 10, Issue 2, pp: (16-29), Month: April - June 2022, Available at: www.researchpublish.com

also serve the needs of their clients. They must meet their customers' needs at least as well as their competition. Meeting
customers' wants and needs will make the business successful because it would be great feedback for the reputation of the
business especially for the micro-businesses that are starting to grow and making an image in the business industry.
Moorman, C., Kirby, L., McCarthy, T., And Shkil, B. (2020) states that COVID-19 has driven marketers to evaluate how
they will promote and interact with customers. And the marketing strategies that were formulated and implemented during
the COVID-19 will provide significant long-term opportunities for their business. To achieve the "long-term opportunities
for their business" the firm should know and prioritize customer satisfaction. The company should be aware of what the
customers want. This will have a great impact on business growth.
Most business entrepreneurs believe that Covid-19 is not a distraction when it comes to running a business, instead, it is a
challenge that will help them to create marketing strategies that are suited for the new normal situation. This supports the
study of Jeff Raymond, (April 2020) it tells that disruptors such as the coronavirus were not even considered when
marketing plans were created. However, marketers are well-suited to assist in dealing with the business issues that the
pandemic has created. When you choose to be a marketer, especially for those who are new to the business industry, they
should know that lots of things could happen in the flow of the business. This will test the marketers how well they handle
things accordingly that will result in a successful outcome. A conscious evaluation of the 4Ps of marketing is a useful tool
for ensuring that your marketing strategy stays on track. Effective marketing strategies would be a great help in this time
of the pandemic.
When the COVID-19 pandemic arose, some milk tea shops increased their sales. Which means it is beneficial for them to
run their business in the midst of a pandemic. These are the milk tea shops that still have dine-in options and online
deliveries. It supports the study of Nina Trentmann and Mark Maurer (2020), it states that Mr. Profumo said, ―Customers
want their meals wherever, whenever,‖. It is convenient to the customers because it is less effort to go outside and much
Arne Maas (May 2020) states in his study that it would be an understatement to say that COVID-19 has changed
consumer behaviour. But how much and for how long our habits have altered is unknown. When it comes to strategic
planning, marketers are left on uncertain ground. There has already been a global transition from reaction to recovery to
resilience. During this transformation, some businesses will succeed while others will struggle. Some businesses come up
with effective marketing strategies but some are not. It is all about how much effort you will exert for you to manage what
is the best for your business, what could be other solutions that make the business still profitable.
The best foundation for any new marketing mix is solid behavioural insights. Businesses should investigate how COVID-
19's severe change of context has resulted in a change in customer purchasing behaviours. Whether consciously or
unconsciously, they will rethink their actions. The current crisis has created a significant change in the environment, and
many of the traditional cues for making decisions have gone. For businesses, this opens up possibilities because
consumers are more open to possibilities right now, each of the 4Ps can assist direct them to your products. You can more
confidently adapt your 4Ps to a newly disruptive situation if you understand your customers' decisions. Here are some
points to consider about 4Ps:
Product - Many businesses have placed on hold long-term innovation ambitions to focus on "in-the-moment" projects that
address current customer requirements. It's important to think about possible innovation opportunities in response to
behavioural alterations as we prepare for a recovery period — and following the recession.
Place - The increase in online shopping and social media usage has sped up. However, producing a "forced trial" of new
online buying behaviour for particular categories, countries, and target customers.
Price - Portfolio pricing will certainly be affected by modern situations and behaviours. Long-held beliefs may be thrown
out the window. Begin by segmenting (new and loyal) customers, then consider how they buy now, how their situation
has changed, and what choices they're considering.
Promotion - Advertising may aim to reinforce customer loyalty by increasing social media involvement, depending on
where consumers are in their decision-making process. It may also be required to initiate an action, such as repeat or trial
purchases across multiple channels.
While some industries are struck worse than others, disruption provides an opportunity to adapt and respond to new
market opportunities. This study tells how to consider marketing strategies with the same rule of the marketing mix (4Ps)
during the pandemic.
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Research Publish Journals
International Journal of Thesis Projects and Dissertations (IJTPD)
Vol. 10, Issue 2, pp: (16-29), Month: April - June 2022, Available at: www.researchpublish.com

People spend a lot of time on social media sites. Through social networking sites, users can communicate and socialize
with one another. It is a chance for business owners to promote their company online to increase viral marketing and
brand awareness. In the midst of a pandemic, companies should prioritize everyone's health, which is a good marketing
strategy to consider.
With this, a firm must concentrate on planning good marketing strategies and making their customers satisfied
considering the whole situation in the midst of a pandemic. It is because they are the number one factor to consider in
running a business. Thinking about what's the best customer is the first step to know these marketing strategies. Success
in making this will be profitable in the side of the business as they gain the trust of their customers and will motivate their
customers to consume their products or services. In this time of pandemic thinking creatively, applying safety, and
coming up with some solution will let businesses grow and be successful.

This chapter presents the research design, setting of the study, subject of the study, data gathering procedures, and sources
of data.
Research Design
The researchers used the descriptive type of quantitative research design, where researchers made closed-ended questions.
It is to investigate the effectiveness of marketing strategies in different milk tea shops during a pandemic. Researchers
used purposive sampling, a type of Non-probability sampling design to select the respondents of the study. To achieve the
purpose of the study, a Descriptive research method will be used to gather all data that will be analysed, classify and
tabulate data, and describe the nature of the object that helps the study in the interpretation of its results.
Research Locale
The researcher’s study is to be conducted in the area of Molino, Bacoor City wherein different milk tea shops are
established. The selected milk tea shops to be covered in this study are Felicitea, Doodle Tea, and Teacarus that operate
for more than a year. It is a good place to conduct the study because Molino, Bacoor City is the province's gateway to
Manila. More residential communities are being built. This means lots of micro-businesses were put up, lots of people
will explore to experience the services of these businesses such as milk tea shops.
Participants of the study
With different Milk tea shops in Molino, Bacoor City, the participants of this study will be their selected 100 customers of
the said milk tea shops. Respondents will be asked to answer an online survey questionnaire. We decided to use the
Google forms in consideration of our situation where limited people are only allowed to go outside. Researchers will use
purposive sampling in selecting the participants. FORMULA was used to identify the number of participants. Purposive
sampling was chosen because researchers only want participants who will be able to provide us with the information we
require. These participants who experienced the products and services of the selected milk tea shops will contribute to
know the effectiveness of marketing mix strategies in the midst of the pandemic. Participants should be willing to
cooperate in achieving the purpose of our study.
Research Instrument
The researchers will use Likert and Nominal scale model survey questionnaires as data-gathering instruments. It is a type
of rating scale that is used to assess opinions. The Likert method is a type of psychometric scale that is commonly used
by researchers to learn about participants' behaviour regarding the study. For a clearer understanding, researchers used 5
point Likert scale: (5) Very Satisfied; (4) Somewhat Satisfied; (3) Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied; (2) Somewhat
Dissatisfied; (1) Very Dissatisfied to figure out the level of respondents' satisfaction to the said milk-tea shops. While
Nominal scale is a measurement system that is used to categorize events into discrete groups. This scale does not require
the use of numeric values; instead, each different category is labelled with a unique identity. Furthermore, it helps to
identify the effectiveness of marketing strategies. Researchers decided to use this method to assess the data that are
Data Gathering Procedures
Researchers’ data gathering will be concluded this year September 2021 by conducting this study among different Milk
tea shops in the area of Molino Bacoor City Cavite. Researchers did a pre-testing of surveys to approximately 21 people
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International Journal of Thesis Projects and Dissertations (IJTPD)
Vol. 10, Issue 2, pp: (16-29), Month: April - June 2022, Available at: www.researchpublish.com

to improve the research. These pre-testing surveys contributed to the research. The researchers had allotted vigorous time,
effort, and cooperation in developing their questionnaire to serve its intended respondents. Online surveys are safe and
secure to conduct. As there is no in-person interaction or any direct form of communication, they are quite useful in times
of the COVID-19 pandemic. The researchers decided to send the survey questionnaire to people who have access to the
internet and are qualified to the criteria set by the researchers where they should have experienced the product and
services, cooperative and able to provide the needed information. Researchers will post their survey questionnaires
through their social media. The survey was created by relating to the statement of the problem of the research and by the
support of individual questions formed by the researchers. In the questionnaire, Likert and nominal scale were used to
determine what kind of milk tea shops they like and to identify if the respondents agreed or disagreed with the statements.
After the questionnaire was formed, researchers consulted a statistician for advice for better data treatment and analysis.
After the professor approves the questionnaire, Google forms will be distributed to one (1) hundred selected participants
online. Researchers decided to have a bigger sampling size for the researchers to have a better statistical analysis. When
they are done answering, researchers will then thank them for participating in our study. Later, Responses will be
collected and will be analysed based on the data treatment and analysis of the study. The purpose of data treatment and
analysis of the study is to make broad conclusions regarding the chosen study that is conducted. As a response,
researchers will assess the data by weighing all of the information that has been gathered through online surveys.
Data Treatment and Analysis
The researchers will use quantitative research and descriptive statistics, this method helps to determine the general trend
in the study. The researchers used statistical tools which are to come to a clear conclusion on this study; frequency and
percentage, measures of central tendency, particularly the mean and chi-square are used to examine the data and
frequency tables.
Frequency and percentage, simply mean and chi-square was utilized to determine the effectiveness of marketing strategies
in the midst of a pandemic of the milk tea shops in the Molino area of Bacoor City Cavite.
Frequency and percentage is a display of data that shows the number of observations for a group of data points in
To find the frequency and percentage, divide the frequency by the total number of results and multiply by 100.

P= X 100

The mean is commonly used as an average for every category. This method also has the advantage of being simple and
quick to calculate.
To find the mean, add all of the numbers in a set, then divide the sum by the total count of numbers.
Sum of all values in the data set
Mean =
Total no. of values in the data set

The Chi-square test is commonly used for determining if two categorical variables are related. The Chi-Square test's null
hypothesis is that the categorical variables in the population have no connection; they are independent.
To determine the significant relationship between the profile and the variables of the respondents and their perception on
the effectiveness of marketing strategies in the midst of pandemic in milk tea shops in Molino Area of Bacoor City
Cavite, Chi-square formula was utilized:

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International Journal of Thesis Projects and Dissertations (IJTPD)
Vol. 10, Issue 2, pp: (16-29), Month: April - June 2022, Available at: www.researchpublish.com


= chi-squared
= observed value
= expected value
For the statistical analysis that they have gathered, the researchers tallied the number of times a certain variable appeared
in a category and calculated its percentage.
Using the formula and frequency table that is further elaborated, data are quantified throughout the results and discussion
for a clear understanding of how the study's quantitative information is presented.
The researchers will thoroughly quantify and analyse the information gathered. Researchers were confident that the study
would be successful if the right data analysis procedures were followed.


1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:
1.1 age;
Frequencies for 1.1 Age
1.1 Age Frequency Percent
1 - 16 years old – 20 years old 33 33
2 - 21 years old – 30 years old 48 48
3 - 31 years old - 40 years old 10 10
4 - 41 years old – 50 years old 7 7
5 - 51 years old – 59 years old 1 1
6 - 60 years old – and above 1 1
Total 100 100
The table shows that out of 100 respondents, most of them are age between 21-30 years old with a percentage of 48%.
There are also 33 respondents are 16-20 years old, 10 respondents are between 31-40 years old, and 7 respondents are
between 41-70 years old. There are only 1 respondent each who ages between 51-59 years old and 60 years old and
1.2 gender;
Frequencies for 1.2 Gender
1.2 Gender Frequency Percent
1 - Female 57 57
2 - Male 43 43
Total 100 100
As per table above, it shows that 57% of the respondents are female, and the remaining 43% with a frequency of 43 are
1.3 civil status;
Frequencies for 1.3 Civil Status
1.3 Civil Status Frequency Percent
1 - Single 81 81
2 - Married 19 19
Total 100 100
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International Journal of Thesis Projects and Dissertations (IJTPD)
Vol. 10, Issue 2, pp: (16-29), Month: April - June 2022, Available at: www.researchpublish.com

Out of 100 % of the respondents, the 81% with a frequency of 81 are single, and the rest 19% are married.
1.4 educational attainment;

Frequencies for 1.4 Educational Attainment

1.4 Educational Attainment Frequency Percent
1 - High school Graduate 36 36
2 - Vocational/Associate Degree 12 12
3 - College Graduate 35 35
4 - Post Graduate 17 17
Total 100 100
The table shows that the majority of the respondents are High school graduate, with a 36% out of 100% of the
respondents. While 35% are College graduate, 17% are Post graduate, and the remaining 12% of 100 respondents have a
Vocational/Associate Degree.
1.5 income /allowance;

Frequencies for 1.5 Income/Allowance

1.5 Income/Allowance Frequency Percent
1 - ₱1,000 – ₱3,000 39 39
2 - ₱3,001 – ₱ 5 ,000 9 9
3 - ₱5,001 – ₱ 10,000 11 11
4 - ₱10,001 - ₱ 20,000 20 20
5 - ₱20,001 – UP 21 21
Total 100 100
The data above shows that in 100 respondents there are 21 respondents have a monthly income of ₱20,001 – UP, 20
respondents have ₱10,001 - ₱ 20,000 monthly income/allowance, another 11 respondents have ₱5,001 – ₱ 10,000
income/allowance, and only 9 respondents have ₱3,001 – ₱ 5, 000. While majority of the respondents with a frequency of
39 have ₱1,000 – ₱3,000 monthly income/allowance.
1.6 frequency

Frequencies for Frequency eat in a Milk tea shop

Frequency eat in a Milk tea shop Frequency Percent
1 - Always 28 28
2 - Sometimes 44 44
3 - Seldom 28 28
Total 100 100
As per table above, it indicates how frequently the respondents visited the Milk tea shop, and it shows that out of 100
respondents, 28 respondents always eat in a Milk tea shop, and another 28 respondents eat in a Milk tea shop infrequently.
While, majority of the respondents, which is 44 of them answered they sometimes eat at Milk tea shop.
2. What is the perception of the customers on the marketing mix components as to:
2.1 Product;

Product Mean Verbal Interpretation

Q1.1 Menu 4.11 Somewhat Satisfied
Q1.2 Taste 4.38 Somewhat Satisfied
Q1.3 Food Variety 4.27 Somewhat Satisfied
Q1.4 Product Bundles 4.26 Somewhat Satisfied
Q1.5 Different flavours of Milk Tea 4.38 Somewhat Satisfied
Overall Perception on Product 4.28 High
The table above shows the mean and verbal interpretation of sub questions under Product. Q1.1 has the lowest mean with
4.11 and verbal interpretation of Somewhat Satisfied. Q1.2 and Q1.5 both have the highest mean with 4.38 and Somewhat
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International Journal of Thesis Projects and Dissertations (IJTPD)
Vol. 10, Issue 2, pp: (16-29), Month: April - June 2022, Available at: www.researchpublish.com

Satisfied verbal interpretation. While Q1.3 have 4.27 mean and also have verbal interpretation Somewhat Satisfied as well
as Q1.4 with 4.26 mean. Overall, the perception on Product has 4.28 mean and high verbal interpretation.
2.2 Price;

Price Mean Verbal Interpretation

q.2.1 Prices of the product when offering online
4.5 Very Satisfied
Q2.2 Delivery Fee 4.4 Somewhat Satisfied
Q2.3 Bundle Pricing 4.34 Somewhat Satisfied
Q2.4 Affordable Price 4.48 Somewhat Satisfied
Q2.5 Purchased Product with more Lower Value Price 4.19 Somewhat Satisfied
Overall Perception on Price 4.382 High
As shown in the table above are the mean and verbal interpretation of sub questions under Price. Q2.4 has 4.48 mean,
followed by Q2.2 with 4.4 mean, Q2.3 with 4.34 mean, and Q2.5 with a lowest mean of 4.19. All of these have Somewhat
Satisfied verbal interpretation. However, Q2.1 has Very Satisfied verbal interpretation with a highest mean of 4.5.
Overall, the perception on Price has High verbal interpretation with 4.382 mean.
2.3 Place;

Place Mean Verbal Interpretation

Q3.1 Ambiance 4.26 Somewhat Satisfied
Q3.2 Area Space 4.05 Somewhat Satisfied
Q3.3 Social Distancing Inside the Store 4.26 Somewhat Satisfied
Q3.4 Disinfect and Clean work spaces 4.32 Somewhat Satisfied
Q3.5 Change of Size in Recent Years 4.32 Somewhat Satisfied
Overall Perception on Place 4.242 High
As per table above, the perception on Place has High verbal interpretation with 4.242 mean. Q3.1 has 4.26 mean, Q3.2 has
4.05 mean, Q3.3 has 4.26 mean, and both Q3.4 and Q3, 5 has 4.32 mean. All sub questions have Somewhat Satisfied
verbal interpretation.
2.4 Promotion
Promotion Mean Interpretation
Q4.1 Online Ordering Application 4.32 Somewhat Satisfied
Q4.2 Good Customer Services 4.41 Somewhat Satisfied
Q4.3 Giving the clients the ability to Order, pay for and Collect their Beverages
without waiting in line 4.42 Somewhat Satisfied
Q4.4 Promos and Discount Coupons 4.33 Somewhat Satisfied
Q4.5 Free Delivery (If each minimum orders required) 4.34 Somewhat Satisfied
Overall Perception on promotion 4.364 High
As per table above, it shows the mean and verbal interpretation of sub questions under Promotion. Q4.1 has the lowest
mean with 4.32 and Somewhat Satisfied verbal interpretation, while Q4.3 has the highest mean with 4.42, and Somewhat
Satisfied verbal interpretation. Followed by Q4.2 with 4.41 mean, Q4.5 with 4.34 mean, and Q4.4 with 4.33 mean with
verbal interpretation of Somewhat Satisfied. Overall, the perception on Promotion has 4.364 mean with High verbal
3. Is there a significant relationship between the demographic profile of the respondents and their perception in the
effectiveness of marketing strategies during Pandemic in Fast Food Restaurants in Molino Area of Bacoor City Cavite?
Perception and Age Chi-Square Value p-Value Interpretation
Product 4.663 0.324 Not Significant
Price 2.223 0.695 Not Significant
Place 0.756 0.944 Not Significant
Promotion 2.921 0.571 Not Significant
Overall Perception 1.909 0.752 Not Significant
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Research Publish Journals
International Journal of Thesis Projects and Dissertations (IJTPD)
Vol. 10, Issue 2, pp: (16-29), Month: April - June 2022, Available at: www.researchpublish.com

There is no significant relationship between the respondents Age and their perception on the effectiveness of marketing
strategies during the pandemic in Milk tea shops in Molino II of Bacoor City, specifically, the perception on Product,
price, place and promotion, since the chi-square values of 4.663, 2.223, 0.756, and 2.921 have p-values greater than
0.05. The null hypothesis of no significant relationship was not rejected. This indicated that age does not affect the
perception on the effectiveness of marketing strategies during the pandemic in Milk tea shops in Molino II of Bacoor
City, in terms of Product, price, place and promotion.
Also. There is no significant relationship between the respondents Age and their overall perception on the effectiveness of
marketing strategies during the pandemic Milk tea shops in Molino II of Bacoor City, since the chi-square value of 1.909
has a p-value greater than 0.05. The null hypothesis of no significant relationship was not rejected. This indicated that
age does not affect the overall perception on the effectiveness of marketing strategies during the pandemic in Milk tea
shops in Molino II of Bacoor City.

Perception and Gender Chi-Square Value p-Value Interpretation

Product 2.170 0.338 Not Significant
Price 0.311 0.856 Not Significant
Place 0.799 0.671 Not Significant
Promotion 2.261 0.323 Not Significant
Overall Perception 3.606 0.165 Not Significant
There is no significant relationship between the respondents’ gender and their perception on the effectiveness of
marketing strategies during the pandemic in Milk tea shops in Molino II of Bacoor City, specifically, the perception on
Product, price, place and promotion, since the chi-square values of 2.170, 0.311, 0.799 and 2.261 have p-values greater
than 0.05. The null hypothesis of no significant relationship was not rejected. This indicated that gender does not affect
the perception on the effectiveness of marketing strategies during the pandemic in Milk tea shops in Molino II of Bacoor
City, in terms of Product, price, place and promotion.
Also. There is no significant relationship between the respondents’ gender and their overall perception on the
effectiveness of marketing strategies during the pandemic in Milk tea shops in Molino II of Bacoor City, since the chi-
square value of 3.606 has a p-value greater than 0.05. The null hypothesis of no significant relationship was not
rejected. This indicated that gender does not affect the overall perception on the effectiveness of marketing strategies
during the pandemic in Milk tea shops in Molino II of Bacoor City.

Perception and Civil Status Chi-Square Value p-Value Interpretation

Product 2.415 0.299 Not Significant
Price 1.472 0.479 Not Significant
Place 0.973 0.615 Not Significant
Promotion 3.842 0.146 Not Significant
Overall Perception 0.822 0.663 Not Significant
There is no significant relationship between the respondents’ civil status and their perception on the effectiveness of
marketing strategies during the pandemic in Milk tea shops in Molino II of Bacoor City, specifically, the perception on
Product, price, place and promotion, since the chi-square values of 2.415, 1.472, 0.973 and 3.843 have p-values greater
than 0.05. The null hypothesis of no significant relationship was not rejected. This indicated that civil status does not
affect the perception on the effectiveness of marketing strategies during the pandemic in Milk tea shops in Molino II of
Bacoor City, in terms of Product, price, place and promotion.
Also. There is no significant relationship between the respondents’ civil status and their overall perception on the
effectiveness of marketing strategies during the pandemic in Milk tea shops in Molino II of Bacoor City, since the chi-
square value of 0.822 has a p-value greater than 0.05. The null hypothesis of no significant relationship was not
rejected. This indicated that civil status does not affect the overall perception on the effectiveness of marketing strategies
during the pandemic in Milk tea shops in Molino II of Bacoor City.\
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Research Publish Journals
International Journal of Thesis Projects and Dissertations (IJTPD)
Vol. 10, Issue 2, pp: (16-29), Month: April - June 2022, Available at: www.researchpublish.com

Perception and Educational Attainment Chi-Square Value p-Value Interpretation

Product 4.485 0.611 Not Significant
Price 1.758 0.941 Not Significant
Place 7.023 0.319 Not Significant
Promotion 6.238 0.397 Not Significant
Overall Perception 3.236 0.779 Not Significant
There is no significant relationship between the respondents’ educational attainment and their perception on the
effectiveness of marketing strategies during the pandemic in Milk tea shops in Molino II of Bacoor City, specifically, the
perception on Product, price, place and promotion, since the chi-square values of 4.485, 1.758, 7.023 and 6.238 have p-
values greater than 0.05. The null hypothesis of no significant relationship was not rejected. This indicated that
educational attainment does not affect the perception on the effectiveness of marketing strategies during the pandemic
Milk tea shops in Molino II of Bacoor City, in terms of Product, price, place and promotion.
Also. There is no significant relationship between the respondents’ educational attainment and their overall perception on
the effectiveness of marketing strategies during the pandemic in Milk tea shops in Molino II of Bacoor City, since the chi-
square value of 3.236 has a p-value greater than 0.05. The null hypothesis of no significant relationship was not
rejected. This indicated that educational attainment does not affect the overall perception on the effectiveness of
marketing strategies during the pandemic Milk tea shops in Molino II of Bacoor City.
Perception and Income/Allowance Chi-Square Value p-Value Interpretation
Product 9.820 0.132 Not Significant
Price 9.306 0.157 Not Significant
Place 6.226 0.398 Not Significant
Promotion 5.957 0.428 Not Significant
Overall Perception 2.823 0.831 Not Significant
There is no significant relationship between the respondents’ income/allowance and their perception on the effectiveness
of marketing strategies during the pandemic in Milk tea shops in Molino II of Bacoor City, specifically, the perception on
Product, price, place and promotion, since the chi-square values of 9.820, 9.306, 6.226 and 5.957 have p-values greater
than 0.05. The null hypothesis of no significant relationship was not rejected. This indicated that income/allowance does
not affect the perception on the effectiveness of marketing strategies during the pandemic in Milk tea shops in Molino II
of Bacoor City, in terms of Product, price, place and promotion.
Also. There is no significant relationship between the respondents’ income/allowance and their overall perception on the
effectiveness of marketing strategies during the pandemic in Milk tea shops in Molino II of Bacoor City, since the chi-
square value of 2.823 has a p-value greater than 0.05. The null hypothesis of no significant relationship was not
rejected. This indicated that income/allowance does not affect the overall perception on the effectiveness of marketing
strategies during the pandemic in Milk tea shops in Molino II of Bacoor City.
Perception and Frequency of Visit/Eat Chi-Square Value p-Value Interpretation
Product 32.139 <0.001 Significant
Price 34.133 <0.001 Significant
Place 18.781 <0.001 Significant
Promotion 35.073 <0.001 Significant
Overall Perception 52.479 <0.001 Significant
There is a significant relationship between the respondents’ frequency of visit/eat and their perception on the effectiveness
of marketing strategies during the pandemic in Milk tea shops in Molino II of Bacoor City, specifically, the perception on
Product, price, place and promotion, since the chi-square values of 32.139, 34.133, 18.781 and 35.073 have p-values less
than 0.05. The null hypothesis of no significant relationship were rejected. This indicated that frequency of visit/eat
affect the perception on the effectiveness of marketing strategies during the pandemic in Milk tea shops in Molino II of
Bacoor City, in terms of Product, price, place and promotion; The higher the frequency of visit the lower will be the
perception and vice versa.
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Research Publish Journals
International Journal of Thesis Projects and Dissertations (IJTPD)
Vol. 10, Issue 2, pp: (16-29), Month: April - June 2022, Available at: www.researchpublish.com

Also. There is a significant relationship between the respondents’ frequency of visit/eat and their overall perception on the
effectiveness of marketing strategies during the pandemic in Milk tea shops in Molino II of Bacoor City, since the chi-
square value 52.479 has a p-value less than 0.05. The null hypothesis of no significant relationship was rejected. This
indicated that frequency of visit/eat affect the overall perception on the effectiveness of marketing strategies during the
pandemic in Milk tea shops in Molino II of Bacoor City,; The higher the frequency of visit the lower will be the overall
perception and vice versa.

The study is about the Effectiveness of Marketing Strategies in the Midst of Pandemic in the Customers of Milk Tea
Shops in Molino II of Bacoor City Cavite. The researchers conducted the study to assess the effectiveness of the
marketing strategies of milk tea shops in the midst of the pandemic. Thus, to determine the significant relationship among
the variables. With the use of the chi-square formula, researchers measured the perception of the effectiveness of
marketing strategies in the midst of pandemic in the customers of milk tea shops in Molino II of Bacoor City Cavite.
In synthesizing the results of the study, the survey has a total of 100 respondents. We have a demographic profile divided
into categories which are age, gender, civil status, educational attainment, monthly income/allowance and frequency of
visit. In terms of age, the results show that the highest percentage was at the ages of 21–30 years old with a total
percentage of 48% out of 100 participants. Researchers concluded that 21-30 years of age are mostly the customers who
usually go to milk tea shops. On gender, the majority of the respondents who took the survey are female with a total of 57
participants out of 100 equivalent to 57%. In terms of civil status, most of the respondents are single with a total of 81%.
Most of the respondents are high school graduates with 36% and college graduates with 35%. Most of their monthly
income ranges from 1,000 to 3,000 pesos. The frequency of visits to milk tea shops is sometimes, with a total percentage
of 44%. In this part of the study, researchers concluded that most of the participants are all in middle age. The data
gathered are very helpful, especially to those people who are planning to go outside and eat at milk tea shops in this time
of the pandemic. Moreover, the researchers conclude that the overall perception of the customers on the marketing mix
components as per Product, Place, Promotion and Price are all high.
Furthermore, based on the findings the researchers conclude that the demographic profiles of the respondents in terms of
age, gender, civil status, educational attainment and income/allowance has no significant relationship with their overall
perceptions on the effectiveness of marketing strategies in the midst of pandemic in the customers of milk tea shops in
Molino II of Bacoor City Cavite. Hence, the null hypothesis of no significant relationship was not rejected. This indicated
that the demographic profile of respondents does not affect the overall perception on the effectiveness of marketing
strategies in the midst of pandemic in the customers of milk tea shops. However, the demographic profile in terms of
frequency of visit has a significant relationship with their overall perception on the effectiveness of marketing strategies in
the midst of pandemic in the customers of milk tea shops. This indicates that frequency of visit/eat affects the overall
perception in the marketing strategies of milk tea shops and is favourable to the customers as it fulfils their satisfaction.
Customer satisfaction will lead to a strong relationship between the company and customers, and it will also increase the
customer loyalty to the company, with this, it will create a positive public image which contributes to good brand equity
and aids in business growth.
Overall, marketing is essential in the business world, and customers are the most important part of it. Now, in the midst of
a pandemic, there are different marketing strategies that are really effective. These strategies will help the company
continue to increase sales and secure the safety of customers while providing service. This study can help those who are
about to start small businesses such as milk tea shops to know furthermore about marketing strategies' effectiveness in the
new normal. It highlights the change of marketing strategies to fulfil customers’ needs and wants.

For the recommendations of the study, this part will tackle all the possible suggestions to improve the Effectiveness of
Marketing Strategies in the Midst of Pandemic in the Customers of Milk Tea Shops in Molino II of Bacoor City Cavite.
• In promoting the product and company of the business while in the midst of a pandemic, a good marketing strategy is to
enter e-commerce in promoting the product. This will serve as a great help to improve the marketing strategies since some
people are afraid to go outside due to the continuous spreading of viruses.
• The use of social media has a significant influence on how goods and services are advertised online.

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Research Publish Journals
International Journal of Thesis Projects and Dissertations (IJTPD)
Vol. 10, Issue 2, pp: (16-29), Month: April - June 2022, Available at: www.researchpublish.com

• The consumer's purchase decision is influenced by pricing. Consumers are increasingly concerned with price
considering the need to save money, and they are equally concerned with product quality to guarantee that their money is
not wasted.
• It is also necessary to have more space for a larger table that can accommodate a group of people.
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