Development of The Project Highway Development of The Project Highway
Development of The Project Highway Development of The Project Highway
Development of The Project Highway Development of The Project Highway
(See Clause 2.1)
2-laning of Bhitarwar - Karera Road from design Ch. 0.000 to Ch. 10.759 in the State of Madhya Pradesh
Annex - I
1.1 The Project Highway is an existing single/ intermediate lane/ two lane road and is to
be developed to two lane/ two lane with paved shoulder from T-Junction Harsi –
Dabra – Bhitarwar Junction (L/s Harsi, R/s Bhitarwar) in Gwalior District and
terminates at T-Junction at District Boundary of Gwalior – Shivpuri district in
Gwalior District Karera in the State of Madhya Pradesh.
(Project Design Length – 10.759 Km).
1.2 The Project Highway shall follow the existing alignment unless otherwise specified
by the Authority and shown in the alignment plans specified in Para 2.4 of Schedule-
B. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement or
Manual, the proposed profile of the project highway as indicated in the Para 2.4
of Schedule-B shall be deemed to be part of this Schedule-B and shall be followed
the Contractor with minimum FRL as indicated in the alignment plan. Based on
site/design requirement, the Contractor may, however, improve/upgrade upon
the alignment plans and profiles as indicated in Annexure – III of Schedule A
and raise the finished roadway level (FRL) with approval from the Authority’s
Engineer within the available Right of Way (ROW). Geometric deficiencies, if
any, in the existing horizontal and vertical profiles shall be corrected as per the
prescribed standards for plain/ hilly terrain to the extent land is available.
1.3 Except as otherwise specified by Authority and shown in the alignment plan specified
in Para 2.4 of Schedule-B. Geometric deficiencies, if any, in the existing horizontal
& vertical profiles shall be corrected as per the prescribed standards of Schedule-D to
the extent land is available.
1.4 Width of Carriageway
1.4.1 Two lane with Earthen & Hard Shoulder:- Two lane of Flexible Pavement with
hard/earthen shoulder shall be constructed as per Fig-2.2 (Modified) of the Manual
in the following locations:-
Proposed Ch. (Km)
Remarks Reference TCS
From To Length (Km)
Fig: 2.2 (Modified) of
0.440 1.300 0.860 Strengthening & Widening
Fig: 2.2 (Modified) of
2.150 3.800 1.650 Strengthening & Widening
Fig: 2.2 (Modified) of
4.700 10.759 6.059 Strengthening & Widening
Total (Km) 8.569
2-laning of Bhitarwar - Karera Road from design Ch. 0.000 to Ch. 10.759 in the State of Madhya Pradesh
1.4.3 Four lane with paver block:- Four lane road of rigid pavement with paver block
shall be constructed in built-ups as per Fig-2.19 of Schedule ‘D’ in the following
Proposed Ch. (Km)
Length Remarks Reference TCS
From To
0.000 0.440 0.440 Overlay & Widening Fig: 2. 19 of Schedule D
Total 0.440
1.4.4 In Toll Plaza Location:- Toll Plaza shall be proposed at the following locations-
Sl. No. Design Chainage (Km) Figure (As per IRC-SP-73-2018)
2.1 General
Geometric design and general features of the Project Highway shall be in accordance
with Section 2 of the Manual.
2-laning of Bhitarwar - Karera Road from design Ch. 0.000 to Ch. 10.759 in the State of Madhya Pradesh
(a) In built-up areas, paved shoulders of 2.5 m width shall be provided with 2-lane
carriageway as per Fig-2.11 of Schedule ‘D’ in the following locations:-
Proposed Ch. (Km) Built-up
Remarks Reference TCS
From To Length (Km) area
2.5m paved shoulder on
1.300 2.150 0.850 Fig: 2.11 of Schedule-D Village
either side of carriageway
2.5m paved shoulder on Gohinda
3.800 4.700 0.900 Fig: 2.11 of Schedule-D
either side of carriageway Village
Total 1.750
(b) In built-up areas, no paved/unpaved shoulders shall be provided with 4-lane divided
carriageway with raised median as per Fig-2.19 of Schedule ‘D’ in the following
Proposed Ch. (Km)
Remarks Reference TCS Built-up
From To Length (Km)
1.5m paver block on Bhitarwar
0.000 0.440 0.440 either side of Fig: 2.19 of Schedule-D Village
2-laning of Bhitarwar - Karera Road from design Ch. 0.000 to Ch. 10.759 in the State of Madhya Pradesh
Note: Paver block flooring (M-35 grade concrete) of 100mm thick on 50m thick
compacted sand bedding shall be provided on the available space between the edge of
carriageways & building line / RoW as per MoRT&H specification & as per
instruction of Independent Engineer.
(c) In open areas/forest areas, Earthen/Hard shoulders of 2.5 m width shall be provided
with 2-lane carriageway Fig-2.2 Modified of the Manual of Schedule ‘D’ in the
following locations:-
Note: Design and specifications of earthen shoulders shall conform to the requirements
specified in the Manual. Top 150mm of earthen shoulders shall be well graded, and morrum,
gravel crushed stone or combination thereof, conforming to clause 401 of MoRT&H
Specifications and having soaked CBR not less than 12%.
2.6.1 Lateral and vertical clearances at underpasses and provision of guardrails/ crash
barriers shall be as per paragraphs 2.10 of the manual.
2-laning of Bhitarwar - Karera Road from design Ch. 0.000 to Ch. 10.759 in the State of Madhya Pradesh
All intersections and grade separators shall be as per Section 3 of the Manual. Existing
intersections which are deficient shall be improved to the prescribed standards.
Properly designed intersections shall be provided at the locations and of the types and
features given in the tables below:
All intersections and grade separators shall be as per Section 3 of the Manual (IRC:SP
73:2018). Existing intersections which are deficient shall be improved to the prescribed
Properly designed intersections shall be provided at the locations and of the types and
features given in the tables below:
It is clarified that if any other deficient junctions with cross BT roads in addition to above list
are identified during construction, such junctions shall be improved as per standard set forth
2-laning of Bhitarwar - Karera Road from design Ch. 0.000 to Ch. 10.759 in the State of Madhya Pradesh
in schedule ‘D’
4.1 Strengthening and widening in open country and reconstruction and widening in builtup
section of the existing road embankment/cuttings and construction of new road
embankment/ cuttings shall conform to the Specifications and Standards given in
section 4 of the Manual and the specified cross sectional details. Deficiencies in the
plan and profile of the existing road shall be corrected.
4.2 Raising of the existing road:-The raising of road shall be as per cross-sections
presented in Schedule-D. Attached in Annx-III of schedule’A’.
5.1 Pavement design shall be carried out in accordance with Section 5 of the Manual.
Flexible pavement shall be constructed for new pavements and reconstruction of the
existing road. Flexible pavement shall be designed for a minimum design period of 15
years. Minimum C.B.R. of sub-grade should be 7%.
1. Main Carriageway:-
(a) Main carriageway section from Km 0.000 to Km 10.759 of the project highway.
5.2.1 Rigid Pavement: - Rigid Pavement shall be constructed in 2.190 Km of Built-up area
of the Road with subgrade having CBR > 8%.
Minimum Crust Composition of
SI. No. Description
Rigid Pavement (mm)
1 PQC 280
2 DLC 150
3 GSB 150
4 Sub grade 500
2-laning of Bhitarwar - Karera Road from design Ch. 0.000 to Ch. 10.759 in the State of Madhya Pradesh
The following stretches of the existing road shall be strengthened and reconstructed
by dismantling the existing carriageway upto sub-grade level and laying fresh
pavement starting from sub-grade level. These shall be designed as new pavement.
5.3.1 Strengthening in rural, open country and Isolated Built up area: -.
(a) The length of 8.569 Km in existing single lane shall be strengthened & widened to
two lane with earthen shoulders as per cross-sections Fig. 2.2 (Modified) of Manual.
(b) The length of 1.750 Km in existing single lane shall be reconstructed & widened to
two lane paved shoulders as per cross-sections Fig. 2.11 of Manual & schedule-D.
(c) The length of 0.440 Km in existing four lane shall be overlayed & widened to four
lane as per cross-sections Fig. 2.19 of Manual & schedule-D.
5.3.2 Reconstruction widening with Service Road: Nil
Drainage system including surface and subsurface drains for the Project Highway shall
be provided as per Section 6 of the Manual. RCC covered drain shall be provided in both
side of road in Built-Up areas as per typical cross-section Fig. 2.11 and Fig. 2.19 of
schedule-D in the following built-up area:-
PCC open drain shall be constructed at built-up sections at the following locations-
2-laning of Bhitarwar - Karera Road from design Ch. 0.000 to Ch. 10.759 in the State of Madhya Pradesh
7.1 General
7.1.1 All bridges, culverts and structures shall be designed and constructed in accordance
with section 7 of the Manual and shall conform to the cross-sectional features and
other details specified therein.
A) Major Bridges
Note:- The existing bridges and structures to be repaired / strengthen/rehabilitated as per manual
requirement. Repair shall include but not limited to general cleaning of bridge and area
around bridge, restoration of slopes and protective works, removal and relaying of existing
bearing coat, repair and replacement of drainage spouts, construction of new crash barrier in
place of old railing, providing of new expansion joints and bearing in place of old ones
wherever required and repair & rehabilitation of damaged concrete if any etc. to the complete
satisfaction of Authority’s Engineer. All the repair and rehabilitation works shall be carried
out as per standards and manuals.
B) Minor Bridges
a) Repair, Strengthening and Widening of Existing Minor Bridge.
(i) Repair & Strengthening of Existing Minor Bridge (Nil)
2-laning of Bhitarwar - Karera Road from design Ch. 0.000 to Ch. 10.759 in the State of Madhya Pradesh
Note:- The existing bridges and structures to be repaired / strengthen/rehabilitated as per manual
requirement. Repair shall include but not limited to general cleaning of bridge and area
around bridge, restoration of slopes and protective works, removal and relaying of existing
bearing coat, repair and replacement of drainage spouts, construction of new crash barrier in
place of old railing, providing of new expansion joints and bearing in place of old ones
wherever required and repair & rehabilitation of damaged concrete if any etc. to the complete
satisfaction of Authority’s Engineer. All the repair and rehabilitation works shall be carried
out as per standards and manuals. The provision of retaining wall in 5.0 meter both sides shall
be proposed at Minor Bridge on Km. 5+972.
C) Culverts:-
(a) Details of reconstruction as Hume Pipe Culverts (Total 09 Nos.):-
2-laning of Bhitarwar - Karera Road from design Ch. 0.000 to Ch. 10.759 in the State of Madhya Pradesh
2-laning of Bhitarwar - Karera Road from design Ch. 0.000 to Ch. 10.759 in the State of Madhya Pradesh
(j) In addition Pipe culverts shall be constructed for junction locations as mentioned below
Providing and laying of utility pipe at 500m distance in rural area except forest & hill
reach and 250m distance in built-up area across the road (new construction) extending
from drain to drain in cuts and toe of slope to toe of slope in fills constructing head
walls at both ends providing a minimum full of granular material over top and sides
of RCC Pipe as per IRC: 98-1997 , bedded on a 0.3 m thick layer of granular material
free of Rock pieces outer to Outer distance of pipe at least half day of five subject to
minimum 450 mm in case of double and triple row ducts, joints to be made leak proof
invert level of duct to be above higher than ground level to prevent entry of water and
2-laning of Bhitarwar - Karera Road from design Ch. 0.000 to Ch. 10.759 in the State of Madhya Pradesh
duct all as per IRC 98-1997 and approved drawings. Utility Pipe shall be constructed
at 25 locations.
7.1.3 The railings of all existing bridges shall be replaced by crash barrier as per manual.
7.1.4 Repair/replacement of railing / parapets, bearing, expansion joints of the existing bridge
shall be undertaken as per manual.
7.1.5 Drainage system for bridge decks: An effective drainage system for bridge decks shall be
provided as specified in paragraph 7.20 of the manual.
New Rail over bridge (R.O.B.) at the following location on the Project Highway shall
be constructed. Approved GAD from Railway department for this R.O.B. is attached
in the drawings folder.
8.1 Traffic control devices and road safety works shall be provided in accordance with
Section 9 of the Manual.
8.2 Specifications of the reflective sheeting. [Refer to paragraph 9.3 of the Manual and
9.1 Roadside furniture shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of Section 9 of
the Manual.
2-laning of Bhitarwar - Karera Road from design Ch. 0.000 to Ch. 10.759 in the State of Madhya Pradesh
Bhitarwar village
Project end at Karera
2 10.759 Overhead Gantry
Note: All Traffic Signs for Road Users would be provided as per Manual. However the
Contractor Shall be provided minimum numbers of Cautionary, Mandatory, Warning
and Informatory Traffic Sign Boards as mentioned below:
No. of
Location Remarks
At Junctions 58 Triangular 90cm + 90cm High Octagle
At Curves 233 Triangular 90cm + 60x45 Rectangular
At Overhead Elec. Crossing 0 Triangular 90cm
Informatory Sign 9 Square 60x60 cm
Bus Stop 12 Rectangle 80 x 60
At Village Portions 36 Triangular 90cm + Triangular 60cm + 60cm Circle
School 4 Triangular 90cm
Govt Buildings 8 Rectangle 80 x 60
Place & Direction 12 0.9 Sqm Sign Boards
Structures 200 Rectangular Hazard Marker + Road Delineators
Boundary Pillar 766
Road Stud with 110
Compulsory afforestation shall be done with minimum 1290 no. of trees along the right
of way or at place identified by the Independent Engineer / Authority. The
Concessionaire shall plant Neem, Shesham, Pipal, Bargad, Imli, Kabeet, Jacaranda,
Palash, Kadamb, Amaltas, Mahua, Mango, Gulmohar, Karanj, Jamun of average height
3.0m and average girth 0.125 m. The Concessionaire shall also be responsible for
maintenance, safety (Fencing, Tree Guard, Watch & ward etc.), replacement and survival
of the planted trees during the concession period.
The safety barriers shall be provided at the hazardous locations as per Clause 7.17 of the
Manual. W-Beam metal crash barriers shall be provided on curves, bridges approaches,
high embankment in approximately length of 0.890 Km. RCC Toe wall with/ without
crash barriers shall have to be provided at least for a length of 0.30 Km at all hazardous
locations in consultation with the Independent Engineer.
Special requirement for hill roads in accordance with the provisions of section 13 of the
manual shall be provided in the following locations:-
Retaining Wall / Breast wall / other protection measures shall be provided along the main
carriageway / service road in the cutting portion or high embankment more than 3 m
consultation with the Independent Engineer as per manual. For this stretch, suitable
2-laning of Bhitarwar - Karera Road from design Ch. 0.000 to Ch. 10.759 in the State of Madhya Pradesh
drainage system shall also be designed and constructed in consultation with Independent
2-laning of Bhitarwar - Karera Road from design Ch. 0.000 to Ch. 10.759 in the State of Madhya Pradesh