GIYA Teachers Classroom Visitation Tool G1 3

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

“GIYA Teachers” (Guides for Instructions Yielding Archetype Teachers)

Classroom Visitation Tool (Grades 1 – 3)

Teacher’s Name: _________________________________________ Date: _____________________________

School: ___________________________________________________ Division: _________________________
Instructions: Check the box that corresponds to your observation of the instructional behavior of the
teacher under observation following the given indicators.
Description: Y – Yes N – No N/O – Not Observed N/A – Not Applicable

 Indicators Y N N/O N/A Remarks

A. Classroom Preparation and Class Management
1. Ensures a child-friendly and conducive
learning environment (includes classroom
structuring with literacy and numeracy corner,
seating arrangement, light, and ventilation)
2. Organizes data bank of learning resources
(Primer Lessons in hard copy and electronic
book format, big and small books, other
audio-video materials-Kaalam, Kaaram, Katao,
etc.) in the classroom
3. Creates an enjoyable and engaging classroom
while maintaining discipline and order, if
4. Establishes systematic flow of the learners’
movement, including submission of outputs
5. Shows flexibility in time management
B. Teaching – Learning Preparations
1. Prepares a teaching-learning delivery plan (i.e.
Daily Lesson Log/Daily Lesson Plan or its
equivalent/alternative) stipulating the:
a) Preliminary activities (i.e. review,
literacy and numeracy practice/drill,
motivation, objective setting)
b) Discussion of lesson/topic (including for
remediation, reinforcement, and enrichment)
c) Differentiated learning activities and tasks
with resources
d) Assessments (formative and/or summative)

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Government Center, Candahug, Palo, Leyte
(053) 832-2997 |
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Department of Education Regional Office VIII (Eastern Visayas)

 Indicators Y N N/O N/A Remarks

e) Assignments / Agreements
2. Arranges the needed learning resources (such
as SLM/LAS, audio-video materials, and other
instructional materials) for use in lesson
C. Learning Delivery
1. Displays confidence during the instruction      
2. Articulates the lesson goals and objectives
3. Facilitates discussion of topic based on the
learning competencies and content and/or
performance standards
4. Models on the use of and allows the learners
to use the medium of instruction
5. Delivers instruction in differentiated, explicit      
and in other developmentally appropriate
teaching practices
6. Provides comprehensible inputs and explains
concepts and principles clearly, correctly, and
7. Asks questions (especially HOTS) to elicit
desired responses
8. Motivates learners to ask questions and      
responds to learners’ questions correctly and
9. Encourages learners’ lively participation in      
10. Provides appropriate analogies and/or real      
life situations and contextualized examples
to enable learners to understand the
11. Integrates appropriately the:      
a) positive values
b) education technology (e.g. use of ICT
applications and tools/gadgets)
c) ideas and information within and across
subject matters when necessary
D. Learners’ Understanding and Engagement
1. Sets rapport and employs appropriate
2. Establishes positive attitude goals in literacy
and numeracy
3. Connects present lesson to learners’ prior
knowledge, life experiences, and interests
4. Addresses learners’ misconception and      
common sources of learners’ difficulties in
understanding the topic
5. Caters to learners varied instructional needs

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Department of Education Regional Office VIII (Eastern Visayas)

 Indicators Y N N/O N/A Remarks

6. Considers learners’ abilities and skills,
strengths and weaknesses, inclusivity, and
other relevant circumstances
E. Instructional Strategies
1. Uses developmentally appropriate practices                 
(DAP) – learners’ age, preparedness, and
2. Utilizes appropriate, relevant, and or
indigenous instructional materials (concrete
objects, realia, pictures, or images)
3. Teaches subject matter, problem solving, and
critical thinking skills through contextualized
and meaningful learning activities
4. Develops, sequences, and modifies      
instructional activities and materials for
maximum learning
5. Promotes differentiated and individualized      
instructions in explicit teaching
6. Applies appropriate and diverse learners’      
activities or tasks
7. Provides needed scaffolding and      
opportunities for learners to work
independently and collaboratively
F. Learning Assessment
1. Ensures alignment of the MELCs/objectives,      
lesson delivered, and learning assessment
2. Utilizes variety of assessment to guide      
instruction and measure learners’
3. Provides immediate or timely feedback      

Other Observations/Remarks:


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Department of Education Regional Office VIII (Eastern Visayas)

Identified Teacher’s Needs and Challenges




Prepared by: Conforme:

 __________________________________ _______________________________
Guide / Visitor Teacher

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