– the introduction of a catheter into a body cavity or organ to inject or remove fluid. The most common
procedure is the insertion of catheter into the bladder through the urethra for the relief of urinary retention
or emptying bladder before the surgery.
1. Do medical handwashing
Comatose patient
Amputated patients
Patient who will undergo surgery
1. Verify the doctor’s order. Identify the patient and explain - To avoid any complications during the procedure.
the procedure. - To reduce the anxiety of the patient and to gain its
2. Get the tray, wash your hands, and then check the tray - Placement of equipment near the work site increases
for the needed articles. Open the tray using the aseptic efficiency. Sterile technique protects the patient and
technique. prevents the spread of microorganisms.
5. Provide privacy. Place the rubber sheet and draw sheet - Ensuring privacy can promote more effective
under the patient’s buttocks. communication between physician and patient
6. Place the patient in dorsal recumbent position. Do the - Patient should be comfortable, with perineum or penis
diagonal draping. For the female patient, check if she exposed, for ease and safety in completing procedure.
needs preliminary care.
Give the bedpan and do perineal care/flushing
Remove the bedpan.
13. Place the kidney basin or bowl near the the patient’s - Urine specimen may be required for analysis. Collect as
buttocks. per agency policy.
14. Lubricate the catheter about 2 inches from the tip for the - Lubrication minimizes urethral trauma and discomfort
female patient, about 6-10 inches for the male patient. during procedure.
15. Place the end part of the catheter inside the bowl before
inserting the tip into the meatus. - To catch the urine
19. Turn off the light. Undrape the patient. Remove the rubber
sheet and remake the top sheet.
20. Remove the screen and open the windows. Bring all the
equipment to the utility room.